The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 25, 1898, Image 7

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THE MAN WE HAVE SENT TO TAKE PORTO RICO. Gen. Milos, Who It Txlay a! the Gate* of the Wand and Who Will Command the Fori 0* Selected to Storm and Occupy the Principal Stronghold* of tha Island*. MAJOR GENERAL NELSON A MILES, Uajor General Nslacn A. Mi Ice ia a heroic and an tuten sting figure. At the age of 2fi h< commanded the Second army onrp.i Never before or aldhe ba» an Atawctu uflin rat that age comauialcd ao large a lady of soldiers. Hi I waa C(«<ipiru"u* for hi* perwauil bravery in every great battle of the Virginia and Maryland campaigns. In the word oS his former great emnmauder, Ganrrai Winfield & Hancock, the present military chieftain is 1 a bora tighter, dis I •ipltowian an<l tactician. ” WOMAN IN THE MEDICAL FIELD. THE PROPRIETY OR IMPROPRIETY- fomp ohm hail corrietly laid that tv •ry true reform Is n re'•warily charac terised by throe dlstipct period*. First, that of opposition; second. (hat of rid icule, and, third, that < f victorious -triumph. Within the taat half cen tury woman in the medical profession haa pawed through (he 'Struggle* of fierce oppoaition and severe ridlcitl* and ia now in the. dawn of final tri umph. In the earlier ages, when the practice of medicine waa free, and the asstm tLg of auoh responsibilities left to the natural tastes of the Individual, wo man waa a redOglilitcd and qualifies! factor la this Important fi(,jd, blit when medical hooka were written, col leige/t and unlvcraltlea*(’Stabl!fhed and a higher standard of qualification' re quired, weraan waa, for a time, almost an unknown quantity, “Tlif first I m poire- toward the medi cal cduratlrm of women in this country ran have been excited by the erntf roent Of propriety, frr It appears to been a reaction aga nst what Mr. Gregory contemptuously styled niau mldwifery that led to the formation in Boston of the society Incorporeal d un der the name of the Female Medical Education Society, in order evidently that the female Obstetrician, demand-' ed by dellcary, might acquire the edu cation demanded by science.” The Invasion of the medical profes sion by women In Europe was opposed by the profession from a conviction of Intellectual incapacity of women, but In America the mass of the profes sion did not urge the point, but based their objection on the tetaly different contention of impropriety. “Many good and conscientious per sons can sec a perfect propriety—nay, a necessity—for doctors in the evangelization of heathen lands, who ccn see neith r, rather a manifest Im propriety in their suggestion for civil lized countries. To und./.-stand the need there is for women doctors out of India let us hear what a clergyman's wife has to say about It: "What occu pation more seemly than that of healer to an afflicted sisterhood? The clevetf eat (male) doctor cannot understand I all the sensations of a female set of I iiirves There ere strings In the In strument that he cenont learn shout. | It.' ran bet touch them according to blind preccdent,and Set him touch them j i ver so gently the jar. A fellow feel ling makes us wondrous kind. Have our | medical faculty any Idea of the num tor of young girls who become chronic Invalids or even sink Into early graves rather than put Ihcmaelves under med ical advice? Remonstrate with them and the reply Is: ‘I hsd rather ho torn In pirces.’ In the name of that shrink ing delicacy that we ail admire In our I young girl* and Hint we should guard | as » > would the white petals of a lily, f let us give them physicians of thdr own sex." Doubtless every woman doctor can testify to the truth cf this statement: "A young physician in Edinboro, busily canvi sing against Dr. Jcx make, was rather Indignant at the refusal of on old practitioner to Join In ‘he at tempt to annihilate her. ''Surely," said he, "you would not want a wo man doctor to attend you.” "No; I should not. and for that Very reason I object, to forcing men doctors upon women.” ' Oh, who is this who casts her rose of youth . Beneath the feet of praise, nor fan , rirth The lifc of her ladyhood in sooth Too white to bloom beside the couch of death? It is the woman healer, here who stands With tender touch upon the cruel knife: With thought-engraven brow and skill ed hands And yearning heart, to save the house of life. Bless her, 0 woman, for it was your call — The agonizing cry of your distress That urged her outward from the clois ter To make the burden her misery Jess.’’ . , , , . TTIW AUGUSTA HFRAI.t) fir. Camp, of Campion Mr. J. Ray Caron, postmaster, station eg.tit. merchant and practical farmer, has returned homo after ; spending several days with his niece, ! Mrs. If. V. Johnson, of this city. Mr. Camp is one of the largest and most succeasful farmers of Walton count / and when the J. G. A 8. railroad came by hla place aud made no provision for a A'pot or station he built a depot and donated It to the road and then se cured a postoftice and named the place Campion. When asked the secret of his phe nomenal success us a farmer he replbd that he, first of all, lived at home; that he never bought a pound of meat, a bushel of corn or anything cl*e he | could produce on the farm for hla own j use. On land he could not. cultivate he | raised colts, cattle snd hogs. Next full he will bavo several colts about grown, some rattle awl the product of a cot iton crop which covers the face of 500 ! acres cf land to puL on the miwkat as | a surging. For fils c«vn uso he will \ have pork io the smokehouse, sorn In | the ert'i, and wisent in the granary. He started poor, aud is now an old man. and eays that the secret of suc cessful farming lies in raising every thing ono needs in the way of food stuffs at home, and then produce as much for the market as one has ground and time to cultivate. —Galuaeville Eegle. Hon. C. B. Bush, president of the Gilmer County (W. V.) Court, says that he has had three cases of flux to his family, during the past summer, which he cured In less than a week with Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Bush also states that in some instances there were twenty hemorrehges a day.— Glcnvllle, W. V., Pathfinder. This rem edy has been u:-,d In nine epidemics of flux and one of cholera, with perfect success. It can always he depended up on for bowel complaint, even in its most severe forms. Every family should keep it at hand. The 25 and 60 cent bot tles for sale by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. B. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. AN OFFICE DREAM. Ice in a glass methought I hoard, Oh, it brought to my soul a breeze! But it was only a red-hot clerk Foolishly jingling a bunch of keys. . _ TMC Cvwvl AUGUSTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Arrangement With the New York Journal and Published Simulta neously In The Herald and the . New York Journal. “The News While It Is News” % ••The War News Abend of Other Papers In Oeorgia and south Carolina." *%. - B ii{ Brightest, Cheapest Paper Pehlished Ten Cents a Week Forty-Five Cents a Month $1.25 For Three Months $2.50 For Six Months $5 00 a Year. It i* impossible for Herald solicitors to seo personally every one that wishes to take the f>aper. Fill out the subscription coupon below or the time you want the paper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will ba sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ for which please send The H*»ra!d to the following ad dress for the time paid for. ■£: ’ Jr * Name Street and Number 'i Postoffice- State 10 CENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK DON’T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD STREET, i And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 days Bicycles Enameled for $2.00 —High Grade Work. Limest prices ill town on Repairing. Second nund Blcyclea bought and sold on cni»y pay meni*. AI*L WORK GUARANTEED CIM REPAIRS M i 818 SAWS. RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, tfeo., KOH ANY MAKK OK GIN. ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for lame. Hhaftlnff, PtllofS, Bolting, InJ«*<rtor», Pipes, Valves and FlUluk»- LOMBARD IK WORKS k SUPPLT CD, AUGUSTA, GA. FOB SALE. The J. I. Scott place, three quarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. (Healthful. Price. $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate, 832 Broad Street. T®\ l j Some few women discredit this a*. Hertton, but those who have tried a Ga* Range could pot In' Induced to adopt the old-fashioned method again. You see it la 80 easy to regulate the Gas Range. If you want one vegetable to cook more slowly than another, you have but to turn the thumb screw and you can reduce the heat to any de gree you desire. The same with your roast: If it is doing too quickly, you don't treed to throw open the oven door and run the risk of chilling It. You eon regulate your range to suit your meat. Tie Gas Hilt Co. of Aapsta, 622 BROAD ST. CMlflren’s Hair Cut while the weather is warm HICKEY’S BARBERSHOP Also use HICKEY'S MAGIC HAIKARINE for the HAIK. For Sale By All Druggists. Not Too Late to Buy a SUMnFR’S SUIT! Half the season is yet to come* ami beside* you will find many warm days In tha Fa* when a Summer's Suit would not he uncomfortable. There It one meat advanta*e In tmyine a suit now; you can *et a very fine Suit for lit tle money compared to what Its value would briny el the be«tnnin* of the season. Reason teach e« economy. You save money by buyin* your ctolhin* from us. I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA • • » * r POMe. 1A Augusta Brag Co’s GENUINE jyjALT [XTRACT row on the market. CALL IOS IT. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumber AMD Builder.*’ Hardware. Ccors, sash. Blinds, —— rcultlings. Laths, * 51 ingles, \\ cod & Coal. lttl 57PIET. NEAR FLICIRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE cr uiuxiii r«. » i aiocitl o*. Tivoli Brewery. IHt UAKCtST BREWERY J»TH^ SOUIU' •” pootners'beer FOR BADE EVERYWHERE IN AVGUSTA—ASK FOR IT. E. SHEEHAN, Agent J Special Low Prices Augusta China House, 704 Broad Street, For Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Refrigerators and Ice Chests. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 2191. Summerville Plumbing Company PI limbing. Sewering and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Specially. Given on All Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. J NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Slade Only By HOWARD 6 WXDUETT DRUG CO,