The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 26, 1898, Image 8

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TUtftOAV LJirhi-u i iy it Clothing. CKHHinf ma*rttmr» <tmw • km* Cow *> whkh ilim now tnoy ComCff whim Irytrur M) 4NH>*Yt J««* rt '»• wMtm wo*nn* tim* hot k*m to rwn. chart W# mull# « lon* iwmi>fi by bmHw» tno itymmir force of Sltli price on «n# oxO*- Lilt* tfiM. 20 per coot d»«ertw*»t ©« oor iffitif* Mrw M#o*« Urmn Soil*, ttocye Coffc *ml Dmc* Trou •99% • • • * • 1 * OUTf 2) Ms cool dHcwiflt on our enllre Hno Men's. Youth* and ChHcfron'* Suits In fancy cho viola, ceaalmoras and worsted* . l *"* on *5,00 tor «nmc« of our un# Mam's odd Trou •in, worth 17.60 and 66.00 • Choice *8 *I.OO for choice of aM our Children's waah mhi« Sailor Suits, worth up to §5.00. Choice • • • • • •' 00 per cent discount on our entire •toHi nf Men's Straw Mats, new yoods. MALf PRICi HI IS Off 1!) SMUIIGO. CdL Djr» DarWn is Mai» IS Tris 11, titf 1 M S IO Trs** Tb>» ak*f«w>B OS. A S DfM m M t » ; tku «R*»»aea k* *** »tr* tn * wbtrh gwtat b# eMI **a»rk probably Mir<4 •«*««*>• *«•*■ that AMShfir*Ml rttJN ItofttifcH* - * <6# Cultfk TS» patty VMS • hCM !*»**■ t* pin l» iwßk 0 * 4 *• #f ite Xartti Aaiftrs* Tnm w*t»»r «‘ ,fc Olhrr ppaffitae*! N*w York bualo*** me- atwl eapHal*** ami tb# «b)«rt as tb* trip to ta look ®**r »*»• •"*» for lavMte#*’ «b!rb »l «b» prf*.>®l writing offers apparent 1} nuwttal and Mmurttin rrturn* Tfc«ao gcotl# •m m taking time bjr ih# ftefhwlt. , n | || tg |n,ijr pnaalhl# M The H'i •M atatad yeetorttoy. that Onl. I)f»f M l |k ,| |«Mi requested h remain •I gome polal to cub* •• tb# repre ■BNtMivn of lb# tir(# tatereate to b* MiUbkrit Th# Colonel waa ■ very hu»» msn <hi< aaralii to making preparation* for lb# IH|» and C»»to »W*<7' but tittle time to tb» rnpdrkor. .Reffitodlng tb» l#nr h of hie a«Jfc‘ h« tow if* know him *'f hot in ntt.jiHiaMbir »i# win b# back to August* *4 s HK»n?h A iptrlillr chartered arekmer w'll lb# pfcrty from Naw York a*r##t to lb# •noth canal nfCnbA AuKU from ba*ln#** lit# ||rlmsrv nb )#<« of lb# trl*. tb» roWtoto anticipate# • rerv t>l#n*nnt Jourpey Ho to going w dt, sultobto rloth’ng »n.l will prob ably not suffer fr yn lb# b#«t any more than to Augusta th ibo month of Aun- { oat. The Colonel nil not mnh.-> bln 4#< to ton about «olnx until thto mornlnx. but one# determined he went about hto preparntlona with rhar»ri#rtoile* oner-. •y and a npeedy return. Aueusta Trunk Factory. Troika repaired by expert Trunk maker*. *« llroad H. 'Phone till. SnAl-L. t*OX HtriANCI:. A Peculinr and Pathetic AuguaM Nar rative. In connection with the recent Hmu'.l pox acart to told quite an interwtlng and romantic little atory of a young Arena.n woman who rontnuTed thto malady elsewhere and was brought here for treatment. Tho young tolly In question received a tetter from her Aanqe, who had gone j to war. that/he had a furlough and would soer.d U with her and his fam ily ]n hto eagerness to economise hia time ho naked her to m et him at hto mother'* homo In Mldvlllc. Thto she did, bat before ho left the train he discovered and wrote them that he had broken out with wbat ho thought was measlca and that' probably he had best not come homo. They, however, wore not at all nfrald of catching measles and told him to come on Immediately Thto ho did and it wa* discovered that be bad a genuine ease of smallpox and two of tho family and hto sweetheart contracted the disease from him. Tho elate of hto feelings can bo imagined when this tody without knowing h#r malady was sent here for treat moat and was at once taken to the [rest house. Her case was very light, nnd after an Illness of four weeks she was ytwterdav dismissed, her clothing thor oughly fumigated and Is again quite we'l. The awewthearte are, If possi ble, even more fond of each other than heretofore from the fact of their hav ing passed through the same dread ex perience at the same time. Temporary Only The round cloth hats worn by the colored privates es the Tenth regiment ere but temporary affairs, it seems, a ntpply of new lials. leggings and other military apparel having been received by express. New equipments are expected every day and H has been stated thai should the occasion demand it tho regiment would be in a position to break camp and move away in about a fortnight. 10 IIO'JOR ON SUNDAY .T*o C«mb That EmH Jtip !U\irr » AttoitiM TMaj. Vo’Wlom that Wmtm Pusisbsd to tb# low Court Two r*#*# twmrrnitog lb# rtart' of Mttlnx Ufw oi tb# It'bslk were, ; brun«b‘. b#f« r* Jndg* Itastrr Ml'* | tout bib#. | Mn Mary Hn«na and Hto* Mary A Rotary were «karx#d wilb Ib# •km oCrtwr. A Horary hiqwti r#p [ rearm led Mrs F- nr rckml wlin#a««a for lb# city appeared left rv tb# bar . Tb#y . hr## l lll# Itcbt «8 lb# ailbalMM. firry , tbal all bad •<*«■.;- < t!t>oa of t <b ink pvrbaps laa or wore drtaha. < a tba yorttrular Habbatb raferrrd to. u|» . h wmi <S*y iifftiff ffM rdar Aft #r a M Jutg* Haxter (ltd manag# to get. by a dlat of leaal latcrrocaMag, enough to shr.w tb# roust that .he burdea of I «.dens.- waa agaiaat tbs drfeadaato Allontf Piequett mad# an able ar gument for bit client, bat la tb# end th# recorder levied a fin# ea both par -1 ilea. It waa tJf* apiece P»:RSONAI_ Coming aaJ (tolar of Your f riends sad Acquaintances. Mr Porter Carswell has returned to Munnerito- Mr. Walter Heson ftos returned from a visit to itleon Kprtnxa. Mis. Ulllf Mtanfnrd leaves today on a visit to Mrs, Charles Oreene at Klko, fl. C, bupertriender.t Tb#o. T». Kline, of the Central railroad, to In Augusta today. He arrived In hto private car this mor ning The xlrto of tb# younger set are pre paring to give a german at the arsenal arm. ry some night this waek. probably Friday. | Misses Marian and n#rtha Walgle re turned home yesterday evening from Atlanta, where they have been visiting I for one week, Mrs. J. h. Hrsrey snd her sister, Mrs Kr. Turpin, left yesterday for Uretstvllle. 8. C.. where they will re main during the summer. Mrs. .1 F Aldrvd and family have returned from a nve weeks visit to her parents In Atlanta. She to accompa nied by her slater. Miss Carry Adkins. Mr. Albert Huase’l, a promlent young attorney of Augusts and a so of •x-ConKn > 6amin Rusmll of Btln bridge, arrived at 11*‘ Pulaski today.— Savannah Pres*. Miss Georgia Ashley of Tcmton.who has been spending a week on Sulli van* Island, ha* returned to th# city and will leave today for her Carolina home, oceompnnled by her sister, Mrs. ltiincati Jones. The friends of Mrs. J J■ I-unler. who was bitten about a w.eek ago by a dog, and taken to the hospital for treatment. I will learn w ith pleasure that she has recovered from her wounds and return ed yesterday to her home ot Martlnes. I * Mr Albert L. Boyle, of August™, who has been Visiting friends In Savannah, ! returned home Sunday flight- Me Boyle, while In Savannah, has mad. I many friends. He to talented and handsome.--Savannah Press , Mrs M. M. o«id her ilaughteis, i Mrs. Harry Cook nnd Mrs- Cook s ! handsome little daughter. Miss (day ,eek. left Sunday on the 9:JO ttaln for !„ visit of two months in North Cut-o- Ilina. Mrs. Cook and daughter go to i '/drnonla, while her mother goes on to ; Uateigh to visit her two sons. Mr. -. La. Campbell and Mr. George W. Long. > who reside in that city. I ,Mr. Paul It. Sledge of Augusta was 'at the Do Soto last night on hto return I home from Tampa, where he visited hto I son. who Is with the second Georgia regiment. He says there Is not much sickness among the soldiers, hut that the boys arc restless and anxious to get atv ay from Tatqpa and are willing to go anywhere rather than remain in that dirty city.—Savannah Press. Remembered ihe herald. Mr. Charles J. Skinner, ti well known farmer on the Washington road, pre sented The Herald with some fine poaches from BercktuWns’ favorite Al berta nnd Krevis trees. The fruit was as delicious to the palate as it was beautiful to the eye and The Herald re turns its most, cordial thanks to Mr. Skinner for remembering them. ION HIM IN N HU j 11 tfbfitM* Until* 14*4* It l#« i, J, Uitbf Lim Nyflt. | tl# #|i#* M# a bm** fc|*4*rf t iMti UNI h* l**N* INbt# Hf iHnf ss*+4, Ml **~rt Mil# 1 I IyoMI t*k*[ ttmt «*# & 6*MM* • ftf’m .* <*. *"(# ttf Imm Mi 6in* omm ms in •w**iNWi** I Tibi- *K#lw*VMi **f »lb* ft*** ww' lißi* 6HN*- J *l*64MH2*. *m| wmNN INHHTf ••fb f ** |MM •Hi it* tvmMvm If* %•* iMHf lif m m ink mi mm ib» yb#4 to bed *•* *m bpned tmegto* «toa m ««W «*Nto Ibia egkbkwy'. Ms Mead j Ab iMbbUkb fdwbi lb»< Mr I M**d #M ekset lit tb* gtota Me was •tody tot# btorato* ta*»» •• »be ***F I M*iN*i It ir-rr fwai •%#« to* be ltoto#4 |«b*t Ms M- «d |m4 INM b*4 tM hfWlff **4 «kli Ml* mrmm4 H M# tonmtnn* hm* ite j (fe*» •»*|' 6#MM# i** •■**••• Ml 84-YW CWAItS AMO »MlflWf\ He* ease* Sto FiMi C*to* C mm t* CliH. A f#*i #' f %m 4 ffiMi *6*4 *,if ***• itb*i i«4 i«*4 li*4f UMi plm*+ Ul • **ri*u< MrwN !• Ml •**** M«r i*ri *4 ti# Klfc* Clwi li* €•»*• of * iuhm* tMMMI ioriMMl ftfortttM M M i cm ill *iM r otnm* Tit rMNt • i t»l*- HM of ti# ioMri of Notti «m!?•»•»#, Mr Kd Bait toported tb* »•»>** •«< a tot* arae *Mi*e against to# Hab. I "to tb* alley * public of private am*T" askel bto bobr>f Mr Cavaaaagb, of Ct* Ribs' flab, did aot know, orltber mild Mr Halt (blow aby light a* (be aabjert. Il»«* n r. Mr. Hat! *H of the oplaloo that tt an a public »ae vk'lk If an threw [(be paiHy part of tb# baaipeee oa (be Icily scavenger, wb*. M w»ai, did sol reotove tha «kc' atari rtbha aad o(b»r sea bab Hto decided tbal the rate ; I gainst the rlnb shou'd he dtsialaeed | and the blatter brought before Ihe | e#avenf*e aad that he he asked aa to the time the garbage waa removed. Mr Monihan the rlty aravmger, will farntah the sequel to the atory. City Knglneer David eon to of the rpinion that the alley to a publle one and goto hy Ihe name of Kerr'a alley, FLAOMAN INJURED. George Wtoeman. Colored, Mad Foot flashed fly Fnginr George Wisemab. colored, met with a painful accident about 10:SO (hto m< ruing while performing a flagman's duty near the Junction or Railroad av enue and Gwinnett at reel. Wtoeman waa aubatltullng th# regu lar flagman for Capt. Twiggs' engine and In some way stumbled nnd fall, the engine mashing his left foot quite severely. He was taken to the l.amar hospital and medical attention given him. While tho Injury to quite a painful one It to not thought to be of a very aerlcus na ture. COLORED MILITIA. Augusta Light Infantry Holda a fleet ing Friday. The enlistment of eo many of the colored citizens of Auguata has not broken up the colored local militia, al though the ranks of the lattfc have be-n a bit depleted since the Tenth went into camp. Capt John Lark of the Augusta Light Infantry, Informs The Herald today that the loss from hto command was about thirty men through the neeruillnn office, but more have Joined the ranks and the Augus ta Light Infantry to far from being "non eyt.” A meeting will he held on Friday night, when reorganization will take place. THE CHIEF BACK. Capt. Frank Roulette Home, Looking Hale and Hearty. Chief of the Fire Deportment Rou lett, who has been n 111 health for some time and who has boon away at the resorts In quest of strength and Improvement, returned to tho city last night nnd to on duty today. The chief is looking splendidly and says that he to in trim once more. /TORE GOOD DETECTIVE WORK Another Burglary and the Stolen Qoods Recovered in Pait. Tho police have In keeping for trial by Richmond superior court Zeke Brown. The evidence is at hand that he entered a house and stole therefrom slls. Tho police department having been notified the burglar was taken tmd $1,1.60 of the stolen money recover ed to the rightful owner. Meeting Called. A meeting o, the jury commissioners has been calleu for August 1 for the purpose of revising the Jury list. Some new commissioners will be ap pointed In a few days to take tho place of the two who go out TUB AUOtJBTA HERALD. a it i mi mill tfct X** ftrnm tmk Am*** TIRM. ' tl* OHMS* Rename* «b** (lM Ab toast tb hs***** : cm# tj * * 'pr f - ##*: ■ l ‘T Hi M# A* j ig in* h|a t-r |j ttf'i mm*'* j. ••ol n mm fmtm l m ■Rt w t *'->!.« % f t tt %t m tfft. * 4 * i Mmn 11 t* < •;,- t «Rh*> •% ■*-•• **t t|N* I"* l ** 1 j ltf I mmm** **»4 omm m i«*<*# imill! ax# Umimi *4 * |to t|ailiitt inllMi At l •#*•*••* j *4 t .? 66 tfif 111 #► j rkAmS t» furrT *»*9 H* * j fam* mm «*» 4 *#4 • tm* j u j. astowA hy §«m«% i tni»4 Hr Aflff til# If •* fn^rs#* 4 H'# ffT• | cm, *f># «f Un inT -7 p, M »r with Rilt na* >S( bnal’y Mr Jd*h trm4*4 i MaStkMi «H»t I* ew4 f ar ||m dt|it 1*» (MnU »*4 «fe*«M* fc# f* #'l4l HNn* am aft ofttrlslii of tlw **4l r** j trmt#4 (• T 24 Mi tllf*# Montbi li*** ?wto* 9mt m * m "" * n, l Tralwhag Her Mae* MV Jones kepi peeg-k* '» ,fc *| tfaislag of lb* bone sad Anally ta tan 1 brr for a asrtob of race# at \al* *tola. Ga On tbe IrM day of tbr aa-w. two' ytors ago. »b- wa* toierto to tbe Ml rtoaa and won tbe rare lb three straight beats. On (be second day she started In the t:M class sad axata won In three straight beat* Oa the thtrd day ah» started In tbe S:M rtoaa and dis tanced her held in the second heat. This was three days hard raring, es pecial!** for a foqr-jtoT-old horse who had been a cripple only a abort time before. Mr. J< n#e after thto exhibition of brth speed and gatneneae, concluded that he wa* the ewaer of a race horse, incite M. then went ahead and awn the j free for all trot at Waycraaa. Go. heating the famous Odd Bocks. She then won rare* at Charleston, Savan nah. Augusta. Columbia and Washing ten. N. C- coming ba h to Augusta from the latter place. While cam paigning In Souihweat Georgia a very rich turpentine man saw and admired the horse. He asked Mr. Jones to put a price upon her. but he refused. The tntpcntlne man insisted, and as Mr. Jcncs stated, he did not want to scare him to death, so he merely toplled th*! be had refused an offer of $2,000. made by a Thomasvllle horseman. On the first of May thto year the horse wai shipped to the trainer, Thay i #r, at 1-exlnglon. Ky.. and It ha* been from thto point that the marveloua and i phcncmlnal report* of the horte's trsai* i have come. About a month ago It • was wired all over the country that th# ' Lpxington track record had been broken bv the mare, the time being 3014 seernd*. I.ater ahe trotted the full mile In 2:11*4- Froni lyexingtca the horse w*» sent to Canada, winning the first race this year at Windsor, a purse of SBOO. in the 2:17 class. Belle M. starts thto week at Cleve land, Ohio, in the 2:23 class, the purse being $2,500. From Cleveland the hor*o will be taken through the Grand Circuit by Thayer, ending the season at Lexlng tfrrt In October. Confident cf Her. Mr. Jonc* is very sanguine that be fore the summer is over the horse will have covered herself with glory and swelled Mr. Jones' hank account. Thto to quite reasonable in view of j 'vbnt the horse has done and her age, | only six years old, when it to retnem -1 tiered that Goldsmith Maid was 14 1 years old. Maud S. R years nnd Sunol | 8 years old when they made their re : spectlve records. ! Belle M's sire is Kankakee, he by 1 Mambrino, whose dam was Strath ! more. Her dam is unknown, but sho | was 20 years old when Belle M. was ] foaled. She is a rich colored chestnut, j with one white hind foot. She has a | high head, with very long mane and tail, and her stride, when in action, to 22 feet. She is nervous nnd high strung, like all well bred racers, but she is very intelligent and sensible. | Mr. Jones is likely to have some very large offers for bis horse if she fulfils | his expeevations. Mr. Jones states that I the mare, years ago. when a colt on the Kansas ranges in company with a large number of other an!amis, could ensity keep at'the head of the herd by troiting. wtrtle all the other ! horses were running We Have Made War j And slaughtered nricas on Trunks. ! Trunks made by eXKfrt Trunk-makers. ! Sold at Mar.ufaoturiU' prices. Trunk Factory, 8(3 Broad,)3feU ’Phon* 2181. mum mm. T 6» Tfiit lUtMMR ON *4 Us* itoual*** i**4»s. A*«Kbe* Me}-* Ms* (R* |»«*-*#**([ jNI it# *B7 A## B ##* t •%* l| f*« rim --fc* ».*-** A filiiiMßb ** 6 #‘4*B; <-«w Wj.fcto-4 *4 to tto*t-Bf6N*t#Y 900 m j YlN* % I* 68 «#iBM*iMMl i r a* ,u - L | emm** i. ****** C*mmnt 8 ******* Hnm ||*#li* *t»*> It to W*iiiiißt"<i I [6BHI mm i l»t Inn#* H * *r##B 4*f# teiss.'fjsirc tli# AatvMi innifitny vitt firry (•# j | Cards tb Mae key es C.mpaav Dj leave* tetop for a visit to Rubtanoi j V *Coareyt. Will he give. £*•#•£ nnno at ramp a* aooa aa tfc* haa4 to l • WEATHER. Augoata Ga.. Jaly It. '*M | Inr vsu fer M boars, end.tig $ p as., j | Jaly tt in*: For Ceorgs swl Reutb OlNllai — Fair, e-erpt showers la aottofi por tun (>aght WedneaAay genera' ly Iml foreeaae for Augoata and vl c mly - B bowers toalgbt and Med nee ds: Mav mum teasperatnre W Tb# river at (a. m araa IS 5 feel, a fall of 21 feet la past 2 hours. bralttitd showers fell over tbe en l ire rotten Iwlt la tbe past 24 hours. *>'n heavy ta'to ocrastcaally In tb# Attoa'x and Memphis districts: a heavy rain alHi fell at Tampa to tbe (great of 3 inches, while general shower* pre vailed t boat the lower lakes, aver the Ohio and Central M.saisslppl valley*. Trrnp ru'urca have fallen over the Orest liikea, thence soalhweatward to th# Kocklea. and have risen, as a rule, ove.r the rest of the i ountrv The ato pressure Is hig'est imr Florida and lowest In Ihe far north west. D. FIBHBR. Observer. CABTORIA. Usd Jou Hia aUtffZziu Just a Small Stick Just a little stieg. That wa* the weapon used by Mr. George Allen, and Mr. John Sims’ head received the blow. They were fighting—that I*, so far as hitting another with a small, a very smell and very llgn stick to cone.:rn ed,«l. And so It wa* they came before the recorder and there were no hard feelings at all. for It was a very small stick, yet a fine of $1.50 was imposed on each by Judge Baxter today. With the Recorder Small cases at th* recorder's court this morning were as follows: Cauley Williams, eighteenth section, fined $2.60. to Ed Cummings, eighteenth section, $3.50. R. Murphey and Harmon Eve. eigh tronth section, $7.50 apiece. Sura Gtibert and Lucy Pendleton, eighteenth section, $3.50 apiece. •Mary Bell .eighteenth section. Mike McCoy, cightenth section, $1.50. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WILL RENT OR SELL—ANT OLD way—a ctoslruble 4-room cottage at Turpin Hill. J. LaToste, care Stan dard Manufacturing Co.. Augusta, Ga. July 28 WANTED—A GOOD, RELIABLE white woman for housekeeper. Apply at # the Virginia House, 602 Brood St. July 27. TO RENT FROM OCT. I—A DESIRA BLE brick residence of nine rooms. Stables and garden. Also other houses to rant. Apply 344 Greene street. Augl wanted—a position as nurse or housegirl. Con furnish best of ref erences. Apply 1023 Telfair street. July 27 FOR RENT—THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE store No. 744 Broad street. Under Masonic halt. Apply to W. C. Jones, 705 Broad street. Aug 1 WANTED—AN UPRIGHT PIANO OX rental. Address S, care Herald. July 26 .... i VOU OWE IT lo ypufaail to find out *0 you ctfi •t)Oul Ouf ROCKS*. YVs* fUtifft tti qt h toF Ihbftt Thpy fif* wofli'y. W* gftk you to i«v*Rtl#t»tß, This ta Rn ms» to*iH#»pmrtod con# In IN) vanguard with (H*f m#thmta, w« hava Advatund itMfltty imwßvinf our Rood* to attain th« ratwKi you ou«ht to hava and witi ktrttinly «*t in an yous pwfcKatM h»ra. Your inur*«<s ant oura» tvwry dollar you ipfffid with UR will N simply an ttehanfa for aar vßt and Rood* worth a full out hun drad cant*, tt’a mutual. ViikiiihlfiSuiiiScrlo HMfd. *m*. r*m* to «na4Na <rc% m m M*4« emu™ m silt' Hi« i« Mali# ill GntNl «f Tfc*r#«M*rav ▲ Matter thb WFI Re Take* Op Rvfqfw Lotto bp tb* Onp The quest a** faet at f*me*l Mpiat-j lag the* es thus# who have b#*» 1 •ret red ap hy the vfft-vas of (’* aim a-, •lower Wtagbei* and Ike Ovk league.. to a realiaaitaa of the paaalhii dm as j •18*tnM it**il#4 t»of' %t*B« at il ifef »#■ * ot Am mrm, i« «M (4 m-, !|NC.f , '®B Olff** *MBL | Thera to probablp not a ritj ta the; eatue unti» that can tnaat a more j [ aatarnUy beaaUfat sireet (ban Aa-, I gam#'* (avorß* reskdebaa at ran. Wa [as# U»# word as'oral advtordly. for art! [baa dcae bttle or ant blag to improve that to which Nature baa # »#n the [ tew latent ant great*#! eaterpet**# | do uatmportaat have tors tba vffAta, put fnfiit by tb# city iuthof.i«w [make th* moat of pnaaibtlltiev offered] by tbe street, that 11 was a maturarifi | universal comment and »urpr »e. when a body <>f men were aeon, on# morning not long ago. clear ng tb# awed* from { tbe grass In tbe green. I Tb* authorities hare done much j [within tbe pa*i year to beautify the city—notably ta the case of laying n?w j pavement*, beginn a# with the north and south street*, from which they will go cm to the street* lying east and west but Greene street still remain* a charming wilderness A number of suggestions have been made for vast Improvement*. To re surface with ravel or broken s'onr the driveway on either of the green will be to make It possible for a drive down thto moat lovely of street* to be at leait endurable. Jn*t now the mud hole* and uneven place* cause the*# on pleasure bent to direct th#ir horses’ h#ad* to any place In prefer ence to thto which would most natur ally be selected. Beauty a* well as utility would be served by sodding the green on either *lde. and curbing It with a terrace effect. Down the centre should be a bard gravel path for cyclists and pe destrians First of all. though, the posts down the centre of the green must be moved. Not only are they un sightly In the extreme, but they are exceedingly dangerous to cyclists, and have caused more than one really ser ious tumble. It has been estimated by those who are In a position to understand these things that SIO,OOO or $15,000 will be required to make these much needed improvements. There is a movement on foqt to make an appropriation for this purgkis* next year, and it is prob able that it will be done, and (hat lower Broad will be included in the improvement. TODAY’S MARKETS. Wheat Tumbles 3 Cents, While Cot ton Declines a Point or Two. Wheat has taken a tumble, opening at 73H. the quotation at 2 o'clock being 701*—a drop of nearly three cents. Corn held its own, after the reports of possible failure of the Kansas crop yesterday. New York cotton has declined a point or so. while several New York stocks have advanced considerably. The weather In the northwest t* good for maturing spring wehat. In stocks yesterday 20 active stocks advanced 27 per cent, half industrials 46 per cent, the shorts being forced to cover at several points, especially in Sugar and the Coalers. In Sugar operations the bull pool made the advance. The presidents of the anthracite coa roads meet today *0 discuss the coal tiade. but there is no expectation of any immediate result. Definite Information that the trans continental rate war had not been set tled brought a setback in Pacific sto< s. It was hoped that the companies would reach on agreement, but now there Is apparently no reason to believe that the war will be settled in the near future. The.following quotations, the closing prices taken at 2 niclock, arc over- the special wires of Paine, Murphy & Co.: Jlltv ffr 10cm m\m mbiurs. If Ml It flaltx w «Hk (M Kc rftitllf Olrffl Capt. Tbcmaa maata Oooka— Dw tachmaat (toe Tampa. Cxrparal Ooorp* Oar. a. Frteauw William Ua Rod Crocker aa* Waihcr Hmith. of Capt fleeveae < mpaay that t* at Camp North**, arrive* her* thto They h*.e been mat hark to raltoi a tha a< waaary quota havtag aot yet The boys are alt look leg well and took aa If tamp life agreed with them to -a T. They will go t» work at aar* Mr* rilling tb* narcaarrr number of anl dtrrs which arc about tea. It wa* leertia* this more mg that the g -con* Georgia aoldtara. <Hw were at Tampa and who wrr* vuppoaeg te bn oa the way at preseat to Fernandln* are yet at the camp, the orders to move them having been revok'd at th* la»t auawi. Last night a detachment of sixteen men left her* under th# remand of Private Heyward May*, for Tampa. They are with Capt. Renkl'a company. One hundred and eight mnn have now been on I tried by Capt. Rcnkl (lace he strived here and opeoed hto recruiting •tatloa. Thto la a remarkably tee rec ord. conald#rlng th* number of recruit ing officer*, who have opened up shop In thto burg. Another dataehmcmt wifi tto seat forward In a few day* aa4 soon after, Capt. Renkl will Limtaß fff bark to Tampa. Capt. Bailey Them** wa* paid a call thto morning In hto recruiting office la th# Dyer building. When a*k«l what wa* the latest ru-mrs wltwhlm In a recruiting way. he replied that on Monday be expected to dispatch twenty-five men to Jefferaon barracks. Missouri. A Dumber of the men are being #x amin-d today and the captain feel* that all will pass the test. In fact, Capt. Thomas doe* not enroll any man for examination unless feels sure ha will pass the physical toet Tho captain wants half a down cooks for the regiment. These eooks will rank as corporals anvl receive $24 per month. In the engineering regiments all cooks rank as corporal* and wear tho riripn of that office. They will have to pass the regular examination that the other enlisted men do. Only first class cooks ara wanted. Lieut. Jones, of the artillery regu lars. who Brrtv.vd a f'tv days ago. was soon thto morning. Ho to doing /airly well, but la not enlisting thorn as fast as the volunteer officers aro doing. CHICAGO PROVISIONS, ’ WHEAT— Open. Cloae. July 73% 70% September 6674 €5% December 66% 85% CORN— July 34% 34% September 3474 34% December 33% 35 OATS— September 20% 20% PORK— • September 9.05 9.70 LARD — September 5.60 5.53 October 5.65 5.53 RIBS— September 5.67 5.55 October 5.67 5.60 NEW YORK COTTON. January 5.92 5.94 March 6.01 6.00 May 6.08 August 5.76 5 78 September .. .. 5.82 . 5.81 October > .. 5782 6.85 Novemebr 5.87 ■ December 5.90 5.91 Tcae—Steady. Middling—6 1-16. Xl-VW YORK STOCKS. Metropolitan 151% 151% B. R. T 54% 65% r. S. L 67% 68 B. & O 13 13% Sugar •• 136% 137% Tobacco 120% 121% A M S .11%. 12% C. B. Q 105% 106%