The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 27, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY 4 THE AUGUST* HERALD a •§ Ml W *■»»»’ «*"** ■KM*** *' ; a | H U 2S wSHP , »*»»**r w*-»** ******* ; 1,1, rIT aM j ..mi.mi —*a **• Aw* "* mitAii* two*** rs *#• »• ,21— MM. «M»IM «*“ l»# *#**__ WILL I'lW> THE lIMAU) fn Atlsa**-" 11 MX** A»»J ** *** ><««i J>) |% , aammm mi ta (law f*>» aw» mi ruth A**##* *•*•* fartMA •ESJ^JjTaaUJ to** __ WATCH VIHI* 1-AHELS. TW teM# *#»•*** r— tobal »»»<«4 >—l !!_ tM # ytfptto* •TfWW Tai.AM— —* - .>_?■» , Tl taw* Water# tW# Art# ni#»». a# y«w (trr . »M It# •* 1 *llv. trwwM# -A «#•*« >•» pap*#* Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. . Th* Hctaii th* r* mr * ltirr ' , wfM of t«r “»* *■* Iriitn Im» * l> Aotrrt ■ad Rammer Rss«*»t "•’*’**• fet ter* must t» Kublfeh.d under „ wwn de plums. * f, * r ,h * rants** Imm rli»»4 lb" «h*4* **- ?!*• win bs submitted to a c«m rrtent and impartial if« 1 11 #*• for rt»e mirdlnf »* pctass. The real urn' “« «•" writer. as well as »b» n«m d« piTsm*. ruuwt *<*<*fmi*>*r»y e»« n |#u#r •*«« in fur publication. f»»f ihn purpoM of Identificn* tioti. , , Osiiestant# must confine their letter* to a reasonable length Cn*it**taf»ti* cm write •* fn»n) letter* *• they wish tor the I rise. but on* contestant ' win only one of tltr prtie*. . . . The Herald wsnts live, spright ly. gossipy letter*. *od the prise* WtU he »Worded for the fcsat. in net Interesting and moat readable letter* of Bummer Re sort News. Contest Opens June I 5. Contest Closes Oct. 1. ron THK DEBT LETTER !*»•*• iron the sd best lkttf.r.... t* 00 rots THE *L> BERT LETTER.... 5.00 THE HERALD IS DELIVERED IN Graniteville.S. C. Every Afternoon at to Cents a Week. Drop a Postal to W. H. Murphey, Agt.. Oranltcvllle, S. C. The indication* are that It will bo Senator Bill ClUton. Hobann. they say. ha* been best man at twenty wedding*. ' Capt Eulete la feeling better and ha* ordered a dress suit. And still we hear of no Important as signment for Fltzhugh Lee. American volunteers are no longer called "a mob with muskets.” The first exportation of Spanish prisoners will be sent home tomorrow. A silent type-writer Is the latest, but It la the mechanical and not the shirt waist kind. The Covington Star pays a beautiful tribute to the* dead editor of Its con temporary. The teachers Institutes ars a great success. What's the matter with the farmers' institutes? For the first time in five years there Is a boom in the furniture manufactur ing business. Perhaps the matrlnc - nlal ma.kct shows a eorroepondins in crease. _ t ,. «** •MR 4W*f BffffW •* «»H j Ran •a» tea#** *•» #<W te tete **x ite> tew <te» •*# ftMfe Awa te# «a«i. at Hat **#«#• mm«W#«wn ** *w#>-v rv iiimm -i it *» ••••## mus fit M *•»•#«• **#**• •*# *#• »te*w gpbpadww***#a TW* •*##» wo# «m* ta» MMttote #• *i* *ff u ” j at aant at te p*a### #*••#* #t I teate wtittpg# aM #•#*•** teMtet **a> »W- _ w m (tete te#aa te# IMM* «r#t* »w* •##»*• MW—*W owd | waxing WM*M at IW# #aM#** tfMM w* fa# Hate tetag • • p»m#m»b» .autr-n twaas at iW# teaMk a*# 1 grx»ma wafc twa*w*»M»# «•*•* ty I* raatei waAw oa» »*■ j •aw aa»*wawA- R •*** * *— j wan Ik* te«a» laapwwp * **• ***" tea PMMMfaMartag #teaWtiaA(a*w»a W* : I a* latatwt taw #tea rxvow.ptedwrtpa area Hata aw ifca tt— *a«taa# waiaa TW# »•* teiate *M» taw# « **•"** * as# ter »*• #a#te#a teUi# te J»a#rtr waW te# a#wte#» •*• «te »»*w «# te m>« a#4 it*# «a*ta# at tr#tete» aa te# ••w aan»na» TW# wwi# la te«#te Canriiaa ##4 Ctearr-# R**# tw# mm» •aruaar aa iWm» » »Ua#af#a*#w» aa4 RWote tetaaA aa4 *W«* la aa «f --iarna# w te. «ww-#arr at iW# a#- *-«ii*m Inn tenaa «t lA# *"*lfc#»a aatto aarW fWM»w. aa4 *W#» caa at ter# te Aa aa. TW# cate at .Uteaa • at mm aaa-IWItA Waa ter ik# Ate Irtm aftea## teaa it W ter tw# Caa atettratt o#wratlw Iteat. fate aa# rtetbtac rate tete ai »w# teatA «W«» at IW# NartW atete »W# rttteatr #a#W!«# tW# tearWawa ta It## «* *»■* catelr r««>-t *n ter tfc# #«aiW«a atill a#»a#r •Wa# a«4 te#a k#wa#»»A •>A teWtn troabl## aa* tetter# tfcat Aa## awtty rata#4 lA# eteloa aaw»ranarni« ba#l •aa ;a #rn* part# at tb# rate. TA# aa*la< of ik* tote ot irmntporl lac tb* raa ratio# from tb* Bta to tb# anil Aa# §!*## tA# #outb*ra pro dtarrr a «rr#t aAraatap a##r Al# aor tbrra tei#la»## rl#al, ter that #al*ap la a fair profit of liaalf. TArr# Aa* bo n a aotrarW al tAr *a»t to Aar | ccafrraa iwpwa*rttl aliA lAr ripAt to di A oar# of labor atlA a *ira lo r*t ! ulatin# tb* natural dlffairor** that rt ' iat brtawa lb* two arrUoaa of ihr 'roumry bat, th*#r a4vßßia#r# caoa..t I Im> artterd from the anuth t-r l**t«la tlr# raanmrnt. aad tbr oolr thin* for i tbr raat to do la lo adapt liarlf to tho | rtiaagrd tradition of trad* and busi ; nrw, a* K Aa* door brfor*. tn lb* catly AUtorjr of tb* rountrjr. thr eaitrrn atatra fa-.ored frrr trade, and the «omh ad»oeat*d a protrciive tariff. Tb* aoutb auw-w-ded and New Knglaod #old her veaael# and went In to tnaoufaeturln*. The cotton roanu fatiurlnK induatry haa *one to tb# aentb to may. The eastern operator mutt follow It there or go out of the business. OEOKOIANS TO THE FRONT. At last It eeeen* definitely settled I that the Second Georgia regiment, whtrh Include* the Augusta hoys, who have been restlrasly waiting at Tampa so long, will bo sent to Porto Rico, where they will sco service under Gen. Mites. It has been a long time since the Au gusta boys were given a hearty Ood spei-d by thousand# of enthusiastic elt lsens as they marched away to serve their country wherever they might be sent. In the meantime they have been under the severe discipline of war. They have become seasoned soldiers. They had the courage and daring be fore. There was no need tp develop that. They have been ready and anx ious at all times to enter the thick of the tight and uphold the glory of Am erican arms, the greyer glory of Southern manhood. The opportunity has now come. One campaign has closed and with it has closed one of the most brilliants chap ters in the martial history of any peo ple. It was dearly bought, for many brave boys who charged the tranches around Santiago will never come home, But they did not tight and fall in vain, for they helped to make that new Am erica which is now the admiration and the wonder of the world. Another campaign now open# before us. The foolish pride of Spain has not been sufficiently humbled and the last of her possessions must fall. The men who were to do the work were care fully inspected and the best were se lected. Among them were the Geor gia boys. It is conceded that th.? first campaign taught, the authorities many lessons I which will prove of inestimable value l in the feoeond. There will be better | equipment and more strategic plans of ' moiww as (tea aaM#W'#a (Matte Ml CteteA >Wa pmaaai ■•»«< M • wtd w# mlm te» <•» w W# *<au # MB tete* IB *v.a Wa Waa teotw IW* ttdW. i# aa*##- ! te elite* wa ###» (Mid .-»•**#*##»*# *«M> TW# pfaM#*** *"f #%*Mdi te Rate** Btte diarw te# »#»•# *•#» •#*>* wt* *» [ #a*te«d tattw te# d*aawt ••*#•##> aa# , teat*## to Antwata «* •«* A# Mwte .# by a perawta* «WM#«M ab*te tea* | lacWteM te te# A#w»tea»s rwMteafW OeaPBW Aar# War! tietete#*#— UAo a ; tbaateaWnw aaatete te# ted aad i rteaN Mil tad Ate# teMtehe ta *».« U will Ae BMW lA#* ttety ara wad# id i tW# aata* «tad a# tW#M «***#oa taiWw# . b*das# te*w TW#r tarty "a tawAaC* .. ' bad#* M *W#ir AaapaarAr" aad M •#» A# teat AoMWate a Anya wttt wwdd M. W* wtte tb*## aU tba A*teom as aa* aad a #ate w«r« *« oat ta aoaaa It la all a#*t wt*A lb*#M aaw. TW# Ho# law## R Honaa.aWo he aa»d ; ta Aa rwaftiaa ter Ota «ah#eaatnftel eWatr. <w tW# PwpatMt ttrbw #ad a# tw# rsaedl at a easabwattoa of Mitaw .toar*« mm wWitb b# bad ao ooatrel. waa aot la iwwilarat daw m* of W#ta# i.allad froae te# traawdimty aad Wte ; at# as Wla #oaaty twai. ana aater IW# I moot awapkkM# rimißteiateraa Rat am MW all a*. •### mmw«W. Tteaysna said of CWrSatMte« | Nurtb * crltli leaii T foralt# tba blam# Air ChrlaMpW#*. 1 I cmlda't fort*'* tb* p*mla* * Mo w# bat that Mr ll«##n baa rt ‘ r*i»*d Al# political BftA rib nab turn [aa ot*r-**#lo«a frlcad. H* raa t eur rite tbr praise Thai friewd ha# b**a ladlsereet mouab to drop lato poetry Aa awoaytaou* aealo# who b*d bee# bldint bl# light under a half-perk up In Lincoln county, aa« blmarlf down, pen In band, (be other day. to drop a tew linen. Among tb* tit nun bara j been tb# ptnw line, which be roald not i vwy w#lt bold In on.-* hand whiia be wret# lambic# with the other. Tbl# 1# the Moult of hi* canra* of the state and toenl political atatua: "Just wait until October's Id** roll around ! Ton will *<*<■ tb* democrat* paw up the gruunl. And oix bow w e popullata wilt atng ottd ■Wont, For we will then turn the fraudocrats oat.** The plan la commcndfib’.e enough. In •peta. We all propote to ‘‘turn the frcndocrata out." There la to be no more political alright-of-hand 'a thla *or t lon of the moral vineyard If arotiaed public sentiment enn prevent It. Hut we fancy that the songs and shouts of our Populist brethren will be conspicuously unsung and unshouted. But to continue thla toothsome bonne bouchc, (which, by the way, found lodgment in the Llncolnton Home Journal): "We will rush Candler town the polit ical toboggn By electing as governor Hon. James R. Hogan, We will do them up nnd do It very quick, In spite of Augusta's contemptible dick." Now, what will the large and Influ ential house of Hogan, honored and re spected wherever the memory of Erin is kept green, think of the unlicensed liberty of the poet who pronounce* the name as if. horrensco referent! it rhymed with "toboggan?" And, then, what U an Augusta "click?” The Man on the Monument must have cocked hla gun. Was that what the soaring son of song from the Dark Corner heard? Wo can assure the apprehensive lyrist, of Lincoln that the stalwart aoldlor will neither, like Davy, shoot, nor. like the coon, come down. Ha is above the love of office and the unseemly scramble therefor. And them the final flourish: "So rally around your leader, boys, ral ly strong, And be determined to right the wrong By burying tc-se old played-out political duffers. And putting to route the ballot-box stutters." Hlnc lilac lyehryma*! which Is to say, excuse these tears. The man who becomes unsteady and drops into poetry may expect to get shaken up. But he has no right to crush the innocent like this, and Mr. Hogan has our sympathy, for it’s all over now. The Spanish prisoners, it Is said, so far have made only one complaint and that is that the water is too cold to I bathe in. ... . i ...... - THH ATTGTTST-A. HICH AT.D IB «|t«fwa twrsaiA**** Aw te'sMssc-wa wan tefww •* j ■ was wa«s« a swM far • mm*#wa #*j | wWwW «##w*»wtaii#a wihi tmm •#• erp am <4 ##f <ba w ate 1 # (war *w*te awd dterw*# Ma AateNdb B#at#T tteate I tea la*<4 mam* BW I i*d *#••■*wiA , pmfwaa a*#a a *as#ttwd »* wwAaatetete . »y. aad fun imiaawwdad wadas tw#" j Fwfteltei -Huteia »rite*asi tta te*nWMar«w» ( : swap Wa at taaaam #»###•, TWM It* teVteMW toA#f sd flwj i fate#** awnwtd ks aiW»»** teas ♦#*; I darts* Rwte' #*#• (W# ran *Tt tematte 1 1* vWsTtnsMP tW# (•<■*• MStaml roan id i »«#(!*• wf war alii*## #wd tam# tWwadb* 1 M MMte At MHP ttetewa *wts r#wte##w*w *» W# inatyiami* at w#w stew aR pan# at tw# smaairp. a*h*s wan* .tw party tA.mmu tM trtwapmt.sw wf wbatimr tbsy ara fwr wr aaateM a primp at t#mi«rtai «awawt*wa. a#4 www j atenrn, aad vWarwnx rwtHir tWMr apt#*.#* ta (Wr napwtfwi r«#MM*‘ta»iwa of ib# paepta* Oh* rradmna* bar** pa mm* awap. TW* wM laa daw** a* am #*«#• flww ; pmMrfw* raaftnwt tta W* arm* te* , «4»MiN w!«»ote at tb# wbwtr twtteirr j An dtrart tb# *Mp of *Mi# for (A# wawt f*w wnuwtha It M pawfci* that t« tw#* A# f»##P*l Wee* and pnulM lAwl pal- ' I* «r* »r» indeed aad n (rath Xttwtwat ed (A# world will mad a wuimm •*> tw te# twtr# at lA# cmw Lapp. TW# tend aaatdt.Mw# rtfAmwa IW enter, j prtwttwß awAm#*#a bp Aa Aatwrtcaa ( magi at a* la tba teprodwciUm wf right fuil-ptte# dextiga* by Hmary MeCartx rrWirb arcowraay S. ft Mania' wob ’ poem "Tb# tm la Hia." ia tb# Aagwet ttrribn -r TW* way la wblrb tb# teal lag of rotor ta attained I# necbaaleatty lagmtowa aad artlrllcalty Mgeetlv#. It ia a aovrlty ta color print tag. sraw for rgprrta. flea. Wheeler, who ban annougerd hi* candidacy for rpefextaa ta Cam grraa. Am two strowg opponent*. Suie -1; the old KtaAth ia wot going to dis grace Itself and tee Plate by defeating bite. Rev. John Jasper I# null preaching his celebrated sermon. *Tb# sun do move.” If It would Just move off a Mt ! tie a sweltering world would bo under 1 obligations. The Texas behaved h'rt ls aa long as there was say danger, but the re action has come and the old hoodoo has begun to break down again. The "living flag" of pretty girls which Macon Is arranging as a carnival feature ia airacting a great deal of at tention. Long may it wave. There are still several of the wound ed who have not written out their col umn Interview on how it feet* to be struck by a Mauser. A Western editor think* there will he many years of good stealing In Hawaii. There Is probably a newspaper plant for sale out there. "Brann’s Iconoclast" has been sold for SI.OO0 —that Is to say the plant, for it didn't have any good will to of. The Cubans had better turn their at tention towards feeding one another instead of quibbling with Shatter. What a pity that Hobson's ovation should be cut off in Its youth. It turns out that be Is engaged. • Sweet Phyllis. Sweet Phyllis, one bright summer day, Upon a rose a kls* impressed; ! A butterfly which rhanced that way I In turn tho blushing bud caressed. ( It stole the kiss and straightway flew Oh, fickle heart! Into a glade. And there, upon a violet blue. In ecstacy the kiss it laid. The zephyr, sighing through the trees, The flowert's tender fragrance sips; The kiss is wafted on the breeze, And finds a home upon my lips. —Boston Traveler. Dinner Table Crystal. The newest dinner tabte crystal is delightfully artistic. When climing cere moniously one may expect the cham pagne. hook, claret, creme do menthe and liqueur glasses to have delicately tinted Bohemian bowls, set on ex tremely tall white cut glass stems, the champagnes leading off In height. Each bowl is tinted in a pale single color, ruby rose, yellow or green, with exqui site gold applications. Creme do menthe glasses fiare at the top like those for champagne,, to make room for the shaved ice. It Is lucky for some people that all collectors are not *s troublesome with their bills as mosquitoes are. CASTOTIIA. Bears the Kind ' foi! Ha,e AI * flVS BollsM 6ien r lUOALNOTIOB r ”" 1 " AaMPHfRMrtk | fPH m iiiwiMWil h**» ; !•»’ |IM*4 «ite te Mh# 4*4 I* j < Jwdi - Hf «lM 44N4**t 1 op a** *** «a*»t i• ii teats* t #*4 I at nmterw *at ar*wd» A ♦*•* to*' twapb I te aateWw M d aaM **»] t#» «|j» t * piprljpif «# i ! «$f i4n ' *^ii | i inf*# #<Nk : rtsanfWi tw tW# nmrtete it te# WAoti dio*# * ItwMtel I. «A* tt m**M iff tW» «*##• (eat »«#■*>## 01 0m Mt#'* te «** »#mJ • «*d is t# w##x*a mwtedte *o •* *■ -«* ■te «w* ms* twn parwate * n * «# «*• i<tMg I te ar«a>w> s te *W tv*#g«o*a .r tW*r so#** tm aoasmdN* a* tWW* «W» j !mmm# Mate mad a# ftemv '•*•#» « ■ -tw* rarrrrr.r* te rW* t uswi owd «a*s liMN4444«4if 4 Wltttlf t>P «*«■***■& '•t.-Wse* ewttttte te mute tw a*#*#* 'te CW# O.***.#4 Asssmter #1 Mw> *>nte** J xx« •< te* g» w»»»i ■#**#*'# p*te ter set a# #>»#«* #»'#! x s-'wMtwg *N *• i ■ *•* » ttey* raamiedtv* i««te» p#m !#*•*«. *W#» te# saw*##**#* te# Wt Ws*« >«u. ww#a# *»■«#* *«as«s *• x te x ite an# dxr te Jaaaary. MW. aWw» te 'wxml bp i»* <t«#«*wi AmoMt at sra ***** te* tiMi fp# tw# teß tsxa te tea# ysani * | te I Wt te**s*a# amsrted by tW* loxWontp mcxowM TWat pa*wa*s|b t «r awntmt t at ant*** a ■# it* #>#»*•*#- ' ttea te tiwa Ptod# a* wwmwdte so i**i ***** nxaarap* abatt ewte aa r-4»*mrw I# «. a *Tte* t#rsna m* tte h*d#** ta te xsxte awdx tb# • mat.<*»*■* i#a**x ‘ u at) v#*#a*d*mt sterfl tegtw «*W <te gr*t <A-v nf Aaawacr after ttetr rdxttte. rv#*v tossey orvfpaswad Ay #*•)*» 1 <*«4gimtmw on >tt t swtMaa *te*r #• MA4 Ay apt «t#ta»*ni« te IW# ft- ***•■# Mill tte* (tea* d#» *d Jaw war# after tte |#s«s*M *4s*it* a tet * weal afte* tb* *a .pdraimw te thirty «ti-ra fnaw tte ft#** swrh sMcaaey #e#wrw. X wWteit Mset'i*ai [tt 'f t&f te »*»i|#»4 t#rm ] •teU •- *4**ted * , Pec. 1, Me ft futtWer saacted Ay the aaOtertty af-cehsid. T».t paragraph I te asrttoa It «f ante I# S te tte ttedl* late** as tbte XX*. te amended am that ite aatwe strati read aa faMxva, te>wn: Tbepc stall te a aoMeHor general ter each fade tat ctrext. whna* sdMat t*tm • isteepi m nil a vacancy» stern te tear pamta Tte *#eee*sxn te pcasnt and j ittetwM lac umbewla sNaM te eteetsdj tty tte eiertor* of tte whole XX# ##WI IM tn vet# for twennbera te tte (!*** irsl Assembly, at tte g*«**ral steUoa] I held nest pr. edtWa tte pwral *h*ctl*W j ' i heir tigsetlw terms. Brity vacarcy I rruriirnr-* by death te»tgnation m teb ft mis- shall ha ailed by npo-'IB Invent nf the d«v*tn»r uaifl tte amt day te January after the general etreiiow held iteat after tte r*plration of thtrtv day* fr. m tte time such vacancy •«■<-***, at whl- h eleettoa a *U'-c*a*or f*»r th# »»-«• otrrd term ebatl te teeetrd: provided, th-,; the tiKTtittnri for alt Incumtenia atKWe term* eiplre c*n mr ti-fore tte ftrat day te January. 1«*B. shad be elec ted by th* rtenetwl Aexmhiy at tta a##* stem for l**a. for tte full term of four years." j per, «. Be It ftwtter enacted by *u fttiorHr aforesaid. That whenever th* I above iwupwaad amendment* to tte C nstliuMon rtortl te ngc—d to by t* >- third* of th- member* cle* ted to each ‘of the two house** of tte Honors! A»- ‘ scmbly. tte flover*rr abatt. an<l te ta I hereby authorised and Instructed to yiiuh. Mid amendment* to be publlahtd hi at Nit two newspaper* 1“ each rnn gres*tonal district in this Hlt.te for the •KM at two month* n*«t precctlng the time for holding tfl* nett general (•lection. tb*c 5. Be It further enacted by the I authority aforessld.That the above pro- | pored amendmmts shall be substituted f„ r ratification or rejection of the elec tors of this State at the next gqaerat j election to be held after publication. i» provided for In the fourth section of this Act, In the several districts of the State, at which election e\ ry peris tt sha.l be qualified to vote who Is enti tled to vote for members of the Gene ral Assembly. All persons voting at said election In favor of adopting the] proposed amendments, or either of them, to the Constitution of this State, shall have written or printed on their | ballots the words: "For ratification of the amendment of paragraph i of sec tion 3, article 6 of the Const!tution" (for election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people), "For ratification of amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3 of article 8 of the Constitution” (for election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people), "For ratification of amendment of paragraph 1 of section 11 of article a of the Constitution” (for I election of Solicitors General by the people). And all persons opposed to adoption of said amendments, or cither of them, shall have written or printed ou their ballots the words: "Against the ratification of paragraph 2 of sec tion 3 of article 6 or the Constitution' (ngohjst election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people). "Against ratifi cation of the amendment of paragraph '3 of section 3 of article 8 of the Consti tution" (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people) "Ag ainst ratification or omar.dment of par agraph 1 of section 11 of article 6 of the Constitution” (against the election of Solicitors General by the people). Sec. 6. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the Governor be, and he is. hereby author ized and directed to provide for the submission of the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constltutim of this State to a vote of the people as requir ed by the Constitution of tb/s State in paragraph 1 of section 1 of article 13. and by this Act: and if either be rat j isled, the Governor shall, when h? as- j certains such ratification from the Sec. ! rotary of State, to whom the returns steal! be referred In the same manner as In case of elections for members of i the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result. Issue his proclama tion. for one insertion, in one of the daily papers of this State, announcing j such result and declaring the amed- Iment or amendments ratified. : Sec. 7. Be it further enacted by tile authority aforesaid. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the Act be. and the same are, hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1597. Now, therefore, 1. William Y. Atkin son, Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the |a NEW LINE or_^ Straw Hats fthipo«<l by and must b« wold at one*. YOURS AT—^ Half'Price DORR’S “Good TaMe Apparel.' 718 BROADWAY. Jm %- f +- 'A If You Feel Languid i If>d thfWouf hlr | , uu It ahu* * yont felt*** to «fe*B •«* *"»l* ** j •vtihto at* (U of yew b«*rt »itl- Tofet Durooa'i BoisortMiil*~« wttl portly* mnrli and yottf oHnn iinl put joor *feoto iultiit in a hfaltbv cooilitloo. ooijr 11.00 a tout*. Food For Invalids and bsbiss can bs bad as as, fresh .rani aisnufsctutsfs. Msit *d Milk just In- Care for your Teeth Prstty whits tseth, round gum. sod frsgrsnt brestli by using uur Orisotal Tooth Wash, *5 edits bottle. Turnip Seed. Cabbage Seed, Beans and all other Heeds for plant rg now. Our Catalogue free. Send for it ileiamler Drti&Seed Cl. 706 BROAD OT. AUGUST A, GEORGIA. The Whitely / Sv s*/1 Exerciser. A practical, simple and X efficient Home Exerciser, y-ja * [ A one specially adapted for 1 (ip jrJ ladies and children, but \ f\\ at the same time can be jTfmA Y t profitably used by th* /7*y{L\y strcnce*t athlete. / |t 39i \L PRICES: f it T', (A* 75c., *I.OO, *1.50. I J W BICYCLES -CL EVE- I ' \ LANDS. S4O up; VIK-l 1 1 INGB. *35 up; - \| URONS. *lB up; THOM-1 ~i_J AS, SSO tin. t all and see -r* them. Every one gusr- \I I anteed. J 1 [ Richards & shaver ABSOLUTE DIVORCES ; (90 days; Dakotaefficial »nd (attorney; Burke, Eastern (office, N. Y. Life Building, X. Y. Legality insured; (consultation Free. Write. Constitution is hereby submitted for ratification or rejection to the legal vo ters of the Stqte at the, general elec tion to be held Wednesday, October 5, 1898. w. Y. ATKINSON, Governor. By the Governor: F. E. Callaway, Private Secretary. _ « JULY 27 SEISIaT H*mm a tan tmlh al how#. L«rpt# ba#w 2ic. ft#* wait mi irtvaluab# ir lh# nur> mty, TL'RN'IP SEED. I hava th# n#w crop o# Turnip B##d. Improved Vwtfnw Ruta Baaa. tarty Flat Dutch and Earty R«d Top* If Iha MHNf ar# trua to nam# th#y mak# th# mod datirabi# for pr#w#nt plant in#. L. A. CJARDELLE, ival nwd tewa. a ill Brand ft. Tbe Aipsia Herald Lnpit, Eriiktttl ni tit Ba 3 Stiipapir Prtlßid it j. Tin StCiiL jrrrKEAT TTLEOK M’H N'F.WR| THE NEWS OP THE MOULD I WHELK IT IS NEW*. 12 TO IA BOOM AHKAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND i bOt'TH CAROLINA jt PAPERS. A--I TBit WHL CONVINCE TOff BANE. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7111 St., August*. G*. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects m •ifht, grlndi propor |lbmm *a l WAS* KA*T'* then- I jm*e* cut into your *rrm* while you wati. FREE OF CHARGE, SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again haw the boys who wear th# blue whipped the Spaniards and plant, ed tl*e Htsrs sod Stripes on foreign soil, and again ha* F. O. Mcrtina de feated high prices. Look at this: 25c, Neckties 10c. 75c. and $1 Shirts 50c. 50c. Suspenders 25c. Jft. 00 Trousers *5.00 A full line of celluloid collars and cuff* just received. F. G. Mertins, 924 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. COUMIf-BION MERCHANTS. 803 Reyaolds stMeleplioiieis&.ir J livate Leased W ire* Foiect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wires tor Cotton. Stocks. Bonds. Grain and Pro. vision* for c*»h or on margin*. Local securities bought and sold. References —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. im to loan. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleianHer&Jobnson Agenls Scottish Amerltan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. ”7