The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 27, 1898, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY “WHEN SPAIN HAS ANYTHING TO OFFER WE’LL CONSIDER IT!” Major McKinley Blunt and Frank, the Spanish Envoy Subtle and Diplomatic—The United States is Willing to Have Peace Whenever Spain Shows Her \\ illingness to End war. J»tr it - «K» 114 m m 4 iml «n that •«* Mu WMMI •!! kw MMi! r*Ml**» »*•- romi «» t« ►»**»•«**• •** ** a kaiiaa • mtp *• 1V« Mk k*t* *»l* RMU'I’U f*S*St**r *!«*<• W <*■ atari? if •» m*mm— ik* *»»•* *f • fipiri r rarMuf. w 4 ka*. a* I •tr*4 r<w fW*rt*» ftw*at"4 I* Ik* prmU'r* of tk* tu**m a (til* MfcMtt |H|-*“-- rtdaMlnf b? Ik* rrmtft »l M» I*** **la* »knk k# mM |* •*• of hM *4«w »» Wk a •pata da* *a?tki*« *• «*** •• •*« MMUkr IL" Jal*t Catabaa. Ik* rraa'k •«»>•«* dos, tob*. **• **** Madrid Says Manila Has Surrendered to Dewey. SPECIAL TO THE AUOUSTA HERALD. _ * _ _ M _.f tjlijii mm i||— inwa K§> |• !,.>«*h»f AthA Ky WfILfVS&Ma . - f y .. HifTfiiAwl to ||«# Aiß'Hftl* Tl# ftioa ion at MiMta la ravdrff twf •«*»*«* TB# 9 Jtr* T»HI li»r Jt -A ***** r»W* *tm n, July «** tmM # . r , . . uux t« nr xtrihrltm ei|wrt*4 to • tmmA h n(m xmrritmmM aid st.M» rttaH Ctpitta <l l naval Anfiasti hm* »M» E*r*9—a mAdimn, mnd w»»rta#»* Bo m wr*y ®r and ifeat it waa toarßff»Bil> au#< a<o * ,n ** ‘ __ • f a * ■ i r*»n*i«ter th** ittffrrtan *»f tli* inhiMtAlti. In wi raoo tt la ho will iurmwir ivwijf. pfolaßifA roaiataSoo, wMa* taoH of l*t* n ****** •a* * ,ew “ * ' . , . n-iaiiß *• rfl j nn t y fumnikr-<l to th* venatil atd a4* tk , . mnm that Msnßa hat stiff- ftlm4 to Iwwe?. and l. Boa or.aided hy ihe Amerlrnn troops. A**u»U made '• A copyrighted Joore.l A Madrid dispatch any* tbe gnvarßmrm U< rece./ea • . ~i,in-1 ,1,1 ar ,| ( i, p| B the attack. Th*r r are no detail*. 1 rwnnot «*4 coßltrmatten from Hon* K«>**. Ktmnehai or K«nga|*>ra. ■orat. tmmh tua •**«»*» _ ■■ ■ —■ 1 «.aaiiiai..imain 1 —» __ in - - - "■ r 1 PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! 12 Pounds . . * • Sc 25 ** . * * • • lOc 60 *1 .a * • • 20c 100 * ' * . • • 30c A discount of 10 per cent on above is made to purchasers of Coupon Docks. We guarantee & prompt and reliable service. mas 5'.:.,, E CO»SU»E«S' ICE OELUfEI CO. FRANCE ON THE DECMNE Z»!a Says (be Republic will Run Wilh Blnol. [Spwial so The licvaii].] Hamburg. Ju!y 27.—Emile Zola ha» arrived here from London, lit tr’. d to Interview Bismarck. II v/sat to Berlin to sc: Hohenlohe. To mo he •aid: "Pocr France; she will soon l» running with Hood. 3liß U going In to drcllr.e. hut there 'a always a turn ing pain and thnt point will mark the springing np of rivers of blood.” Regarding (he Dreyfy3 rare, he said: "The forgers nre now triumphant, but In l.'ss than a fornight they will be un masked," LOST HIS TE/TPES. Tli;n Schley Told the spanjart.'s a Few Things Gunnrnoamo Bay. July 11.— When i Adm ral Carvers and the other otn rt of the fact of Spain were about to sail on the St. Louis ns prisoners of w»: It was cltcovered by Flng Lieut. James IT. Sears (hat the officers of the C’H j bal Colon had their leg books them. He report ‘d the fact to Coin* mrdor.f Schley, who at once ordered them selrcd. The second In command, Ado'phue Cc'i'irrs, Capltaine de Frigate, ora: aboard Itie Brooklyn anti naked *.l:at they be returned, as they were the only records saved. Commodore Seh'.cv said: "I will turn them over to my gov ern men: for information.” Contrcroß stormed and pleaded, and finally Commodore Schley lost his tem per. as natch os ho ever docs and that 1b lltt'e —aud said: “I do not so that you arc entltlH !o any consideration at all. Yon emtk yjur st-'ps after you hnj surrendered You rulnde your guns and did every thing that a dishonorable enemv can think 0.. I shall hold your log.” The story told by the log book is an interesting one. The minute details as funs'ated by Lieutenant Beniatrdn W.-lle, jr., from the daily record, con stitute a complete story of the move ments of Admiral Cervera’s fleet from the ume it left Spatn. fmrfut ik a ’**M4f*t'' lak*. mm tmm'm mmtnmm M* mm* w wataaiM kp k»* 9nt tmmmrnt. *• Tk «k*»H. mb— ka twll*4 M Ik* »kl»* kMM* atattlf krfar* ik** *"M**k **4 t*M Mm* Ik* MnkHtaM Apata • •*** hurclMMUr M H? h* <4*l*4 «k*l •pa «• trM p»>pt *u»«* N Ik* 41a* of imw will k* fanaalir **• Jarir* kr *k* a*rt**arp as *•!*. t«*Mr Tk* »ik*»i*4*f« % «•*». AmtaMMukof OM*k.« •!«* *WI Mk* H««n*M«4 kr l*S*Tk«**. pr.«**i>4 !» Ik* r»**l4**ii ki* *r*4*a ltala. • tlbSrtr, at Ik* ttjwiUk •;«lat*T of Iw.u •»•»** r*4*-*i»aa M I'aatkuti in SPAIN IS PROTESTING. !Objects to Ihe landing of Miles In Torlo Rico. [Special lo The Herald.] Madrid, July 27.—The Spanish gov j eminent claim* to have excellent 'ground ior a protest to the powers tn eonr.-rtton with the American landing 'el Porto Rico. Accordingly lh'> Span- Ish representatlvo» In the European capitals have been Instructed to make j such protest. It will be haped upon I the fact that Milos’ army Invaded the Island after Spain, through Ambassa dor Cumhon. had made prepositions of p-neu This action by thi> United ' (states, Spain rlnlms, was ccnirary to International law and usage. London. July 27. —A special dispatch received here this morning from Mad rid stat.-e tha! King Alfonso is suffer ing from a severe attack of measles. The news of the King's Illness is sup press' I at Madrid. It might create trouble. London, July 27.—A special dispatch from Unu says the Carllsts may rise at | any moment. A manifesto Is expected today. Carlos hud all the loaders have arrived. Ship Has Been Out 19J Hays. Baltimore, July 26.—The ship Ken nebec, Captain Lewis, which sailed from this pan January 11 last with a I cargo of nearly 3,000 tons of coal for San Francisco, has In all probability found a resting place with her luckless crew at the bottom of the ocean. She is out 133 days today, and there are but faint hopes that she will ever be heard from again. She was built In Bath, Me., in ISS3. end made many voyages aroung Cape Horn to the Gold en Gate. Tbe crew shipped at this port, and numbered about thlrly men. VAIN INQUIRY. “Who was that, fellow that wanted to trade his kingdom for a horse?" "That’s a whorl I never heard of.” "What,, is?” “The Kingdom.”—Pall Mall Gazete. THE ■A.TCTGTTST.A. HBTF * TX) ttata* la t*'t— «» mwm pmpmk M*a* apata wgki ►* »«p4M4 W awk* M **»*«»’**«■ l* Ik* mr tk* Huik ii*ilnii »T~ *»*nul »•** 41* r*p»M* t* **k«M *fc*l »k* »*'***•' **«M •*? If Npa«a *k***4 aak *r aa •natal** Tk* r**M*at *l.«kMr ktMM** tk** Ik* rn»k aiak*i**4*>r, **l4 ifcat IT k* *******4 f*r Ik* P*‘ IM *I **kl*C «• apato* k*k*w. k»f a* anaMUr*. U mrm\4 *M fc* *f»***4 *k«n*i hu Or**"4. rv»U* *klft*4 kl* ff***4 r*pt4l; **4 **fc*4 I Ik* t’alt*4 Ma-.n aw* ant *1 taaat "»»I‘MI «» a*» potlair for f**r* Weahl Ik* l’*»H Mat** k* **l4. k* allllaa le b*«ta ft Hallo** allk if* a *<«k * »*•» t*» jt- KICK Baking POWDER* 15 THE BEST. £ •.•-o-VKKfc-w-.w • - Highest of All In Leaven ing Power. A WUHAN’S WORK. Her Bravery vu Shown q£ an Op. portune Time. Marietta, Ga.. July 26—What came near being a serious tragedy was pre vented by the bravery and presence of mind of a woman Saturday night. Al«>ut half past six o’clock in tlw> af ternoon Constable C. N. Barrett, who was temporary Jailer, wont Inside the bars to look after the prisoners. It became necessary to oprn some of live Inner cell doors behind which the pris oners were confined. Before he knew it a largo neßro named Frank Reynolds throw his arm around his neck and hts hand over his mouth and choked him until he fell on tlw> floor, with three large negroes on top of him. Th»y had a blanket already fixed and wore rap idly putting It around his head to pre vent any screaming being heard out side. Mrs. Bishop, the wife of the sheriff, was tn the story beneath where the struggle was going on. She heard the muffled screams of Mr. Barrett and tvttrd the keys ratle when they w’ers trying to wrest them from Barrett’s hand. She rushed up from the Inside stair way Just as one of the negroes was trying to open tbe door to the outer stairway, and seeing shc> had not a mo ment to lose, sold: "What are you doing up here? If you don’t get off of him at once I will shoot you.” This had the effect of releasing Bar rett front bis desperate predicament. Mrs. Bishop did not have a pistol with her at the time, but rapidly rushed back to her room In the quiet that en sued after her first threat and secured two large pistols that she kept for such emergencies. The 11 seeing these aud her look of determination, crept hack into their cells, and Barrett then locked them In their cells. Had she not appeared in the nick of time the prisoners would have escaped and left Barrett badly if not fatally wounded. M*r.CIAL lO THEAMMfTA |M.*«l*« *fca*t Tk* IM***4*»l 't*#j:-4 i«t*l m Ik* *k*t»»* 4***u*k k* ’ *«rM MMNwr Tk* l**k*4 «!*•*• >• *lUi*4 k» k**» ***** ******** «f»* ****** • *««kiß**** i* m 4 tk* •a* ■* Tk** rtanrttac ka Ik* »4«4» ****k>»« .4 Ik * ***kim. Ik* rn**4«*i (*w tk*i «••*• wi«ki a*** *0 *»4»ta«»a4 th*t lU* I *il*k it*M* ***l4 •*<*» •• ««lkkllM tk*l If 4t* * 4a*W* p— •k* *V**l4 *»kfN itrwUf. fk*i M •rw *<U« «t ****•!lna «4 kwatilttlM wn*!4 k* *r»ni»4 Mr Ik* pmrpm* «f t*lh!«c .tatr tk* HiraUna - •«»•#- ta4 i*r*w. »k»l ipaia *«*l ***** k*r itrir* *«ml If *rw*l*kl'. •• arwtatM* will k* grants. a»4 ik*i If *k* •***»»• RAILROAD BOHRDtNLia Charleston & W Carolina aibtni A 4*nniin »*«*• Ll** f rkMlnl* m Vt** Jon* **^b-_ Ik I«*m •£» ••**- *r ill.-#!® ■ "" '• Atxienon * * «,Iran li-riiip.... •••■ : ” * Start inbuilt —*•— ..SlH>® 10.J0«B •• M0d*........■•••••••• * -**p« * JiettdorMMivlll*... L.gtp® •....... * Asheville......«— •—••! —.*■*" I.v Aefceviifr * t-i«rtenbur« ll.Wua| S.Oftpm t.lrrin i-pnug* * Oreeaville. l* 1 *" "Oieenwood l.JOpm •******• As Aueaete 4.Nipm lOJOpm l.v Green wood.. V.44|'iu|........ Ar ]12.20«id ” Norfolk 7.80*BB; “ I'eter.eiir* fi.3oem ....... * R1efam0na........««*••! 7JP»a»|........ Lv Auguete I Ar Allendele | 3.00 pm " Felrfex. ••••**•• «.l-*pm “ Ynrisve ».«R*m «'.Opm ’• I’ort Royal lU)6enii TJftpm "Pevanneh \ ‘■•B6pm '• ('b » rle»ton, I - 1 IQP® T!v” t herimton I 6 4o*m •* b»»onn»li..*...- I 7n«eEn - Pert ltoyel l.Wpm ASOam ''Brauiort I.Bftpm; s.4'»m Yemaesoe S.OSptn A4Jura * Fairfax 10.61 am “ Allendale U Often) Ar Anginta.,.., I l.lOfm j :4f p (n lirin frrm Aucnite makee clo« cprrrellcn atCelbcun Fell* tor all point on S. A. L. t Ire* rennrctloa* at Greenwcod for ab rein’* in P. A. L rid t. AG. railway* endPrarlanbnrg with f-ouibirn Railway For any Information relative to tickete ratr*. rehedule*. do., addreee W. J. URAIO, Gen. Fae. Art. t. M. NOXTK. bolicitln* Agt. X. 14. KM ERbON. ’I raffle Manager. Augueta. Ua. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H. C. BEATTIE, Receiver. Eastbound. Weetbourd. r*r»t Sec’d o First Sec’d Claws Class F. Class Class Mix’d s Mix’d Dly. Dly. 5 Station. Dly. Dly. , N 0.12 N 0.6 No.ll N 0.5 |aM.|FM.| |Arrlve. Leave.|PM.]AM. [ 10:35| 3:00! 0|... Anderson. ..s| 3;20|11:00 112:isj 2:361 ?j.... Denver 3:41(11:23 :10:07| 2:26 10| Autun f| 3:50(11:33 9:5S| 5:16j13j... Pendleton ...s| 3:58|11:43 9:49! 2:06!16| Chr rry Cross's f| 4:0811:53 9-421 2:0018, Adam's Cross’s f| 4:14J1.59 9:251 1:35|24|... 'JENACA ...«j 4:29(12:25 j 9:15| I I I 4;39 j S:4s| j 32j. West! Ttnion .s| 5:09| 8:35| |34j... WolhaU* ...s| 5:17| AM.|PM.| (Leave Arrive|PM.|PM. N 0.13 N 0.6 No.ll N 0.5 S. Regular Station. F. Flag Station. All regular trains from Anderson to Walhalla have right to track over trains of the same clgas moving in op posßb direction, unless otherwise spec ified by train orders. Will also stop at following stations to take on or let off passengers: Phin r.ey’s, James and Sandy Springs. No. 12 connects with Southern rail way No. 12 at Anderson. Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Southern railway Nos. 12 and 3? at Senaca. j. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent. mm Ktaa |**t* ***** M> I'WWf**. Ma IWH ■—Ik trap rmi4MM M*Kl«t#r I* 4*«*t»ik*4 tk*t m 4i»4p—UHk I*»|I »kall ratrk k>«* M* k*a k«n itrti ks Ms k*a* m*«4* i*4 *4.»**t» ikM ik* MU mh «» Ik* «f*l«ir> 4*f>4* Tk* tt*-A m «f r*ka P*r«a H•« f t tk* r**» 4 it*.**. • ***al kaar ia Ik* CV •arm far tk* l a t«4 *mm, • k«i» (MOiMf 1 IfPUSWUkf rrrwiip^f takaa »k:* at** Tk* fWfKMMtek. k»*w**a. kakui Ik* •rat fenatl eaa re»ia4 f*a» pwttkai Ik* ralMMt *f Ik* raMact. *a4 ikM ik* prtaM*at 414. IMrmarttw Ti*t>. Altar Ml l*tw« trtaapilr tw *po*4*<t RAILROAD BOHRDPLR**. S. C. I G. RAILWAY GO ISk CtklUITMi ll*» fCHFUri.R. Jana 12th, im-Tkk Mfri<*Utn Timm Kart Duly. Vs nr Dailt. Ev~Au*o*4s. AMwb T v l tion'ua). 7 (*'»m Ar iuianibulO.hton l.v i f ,un li* ‘ Ousm Ar ' hMiooll '«»i. At Augusts..l>AlM Eat P»ttT. W «rt H*t:y. Lv Aagufis.-iblopn.' la H»i'ini..hj^fs! Ar Cvlb*ibislc.lOpm l.v Coiumhls S (Xu® Ar Chss'lon. NOOpn-j_Ar AmS'l* ,10.46 pm Niikva. tl'sliy Fie*p» eu»<lsy. 1 Hos ts j Lv kingviiM.lU Z&woii I v C*roden....i 4A«rn Ar t «mdrn..U.Mam Ar Klnevillc.lOiimai l.v Kiogvills. 4.00 pm l-v Ctria*n...?.UO!iai : Ar < SI mien . ..H-QU|ini| Ar Klii»«tiU*.3 »'»pm | aikkn accommodation. (Dally F.xc-ept Bundsy.) -1 Lv Atignrta.. Jt 40pm Lv Aiken 4.llipn> Ar Alkan... ..TJOpmlAr Ainnmia...aWpm NORTH AND frOIITH VIA DENMARK Tbrot.yh Fl»»|rr to aid trom N«wr York Lv August*. ..2..»i|an|Lv New York.k.OOsui Ar Alkan S.' '»pni Lv Wash'ton.U.9opm Ar Denß>arl..4.l'.'pnr l.v Denmark. .6 !7am Ar Rirbm'd...S.4eam Lv Richm'd. .7.11 pm Ar W*»h'too .7.oo*ni Ar Aiken 7 lUsni Ar New: Yorkl.lßpin|Ar Augusts...T..Vjsm GEORGIA DIVISION. Daily Except Snn.tsy Sunday. Only Leave A ngrvta... | * »in .MTpni| Ulften, I. .111e...| I.2<lpni| f.Jfipn)' i.SSpm Arrive 'iennUle..[ I.3ftpm| ’J.fTpra I.4opra Arrive 4 4ftpn-, 4.Mam Arrive Dublin.,..! 6.20 pm Datir Leave Dublin [ [ll,ooam Lesvt- Macon '2.B*am Iliftspin Leave T5nni11e......... .' 4.00 am , 3.10 pm Leave Sandersville... ....| 4.20 nm 323 pm Arrivp Aneusis o,u>»n. | 7.30 pm Connectiona at Cliarhaton with New York rtfsmers, also with Meamcra so: Jacksonville. Fls., on railing dates Angnata w ith tbe Georgia road to and Imm all points Wert and Mouth. J. H. SANDS. J. A. FkIERSON. General Manager. Traffic Manager. F. R. Slsdoe, Gen. Agt., Augusta,Ga. 1 GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleepers betweeo Macon an! New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St, Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:05am1 3:2opmllo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| s:ooam Ar Macon ....!ll:lsam| I 6:45um Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7:3opm| Ar Gaine»vitle|*3:4spm| I Ar White Pl s|*l:oopm! I Ar Mill’gWTe .|lo:loan>| | 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|lo:l9am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevillo at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:15 a. iru, 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:25 p. rn. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A, * «al*r« sa* A* Ik* rtMMt <■•>*** bfl tk* • kit* * - - **■ —-*■ -—— —*« t ai Mnkkahrt - |P*iHB4Pt •*!* w* ** ■ • aa ik* piakikli ***w»r as ik* PiaM 4*t ia ik* k**«Mli la 4 aauna *f • «*- •It* M lath. Tkff atf* art tattak as rr<aa ik* «*«-t*t *»**««*• •att*. k***»**. aa ia**»t*t ia 4r*aitfc kaa4* aaa‘4 k*«* f*tt>.4 Utlla «*aa- Ittl inrurr !**-« Ik* ft* «a Maaa ik* «kn* fc****. ••• **fc*4 41 tk* *► 4***l far inm •*** «rtt*Hr ia*rtn>4 •*4 If f*at* aa* iMMr. rryll*4’ ■'Tfc*r* rtt. kT****r. k* a* ***** tk* vtaw es «SM*fc alii art k* **a*4*i-al "ttk tk* koatr »*4 4ig*it? of Ik* I*allr4 Ptatm. “ 1 aarrmiT nf 8i»l» Oar »al4 k# «m»I4 RAILROAD SOSBPUIRS * SOUTHERN RAILWAY." "§R*~ i Cvelrwl Time MawafaiwataMi Awrk aaavtltr. t*a*ra tl«» *•! Ca (•fnM«k »U ralslA. j% Ajr <» IIW ■ “ . ’ am n«» al XuithboMd. Bully. : E7j-v«ir.F«’»pi»r 11 SS ( •• Mavsaaab I 'ImS llt Columbia - I 4 lAp 4 91s !Lv a»r*t«a.«OA<MUt JW a »»p Ar <\»lomhiAe» *LrP j Ar Fpartanbarg, So My* .- f ; “ lar a*hev)tls. .. j 8 * I *9 Lv August*, ihe By *•••( | JSS iJiiE i •• Mraaiterilla **«h }• *»£ I “ Treat)®- *SP, !Ar f.lumMa 1 0 dep t. I jjl 1 * JJ* Lv mn-m Hiaixl * « j ata p, 834 a I ** Wjmit'boro- 1 *» w* p oaß » " i hr-trr .1 •JJ P * * “ H«« k HM I • A Ar < ‘harlott« ‘ I to S K iS if I ja? urw'rsboro 12 p Lt. tiwnaboro j jAr Norfolk * |■ so * I |H' ft 'P| »«P I Ar Ri.-hmoad j * * a P Ar Washington | *® * ,??? p •* Palltin.ireßa. R.B J® » '1S P - Muadelphiu Jh>“ “ New York.. “"P • a » gautbbownA l*fuu*' I liaily. Dally. l.v New Vnrk.Pa K.R. ... 4Mp 12 Hint ** Fhiladi‘U>liiu j (Up 3&oa ** Holfiroorr 020 p «ol • Lv. Wa»h'ton. So. Ry 10 43p 11 15 a Lv. Richmond I II lOnt 12 01m I.r. l»»nvilJ« j 550 n 6 16p Lv Norfolk I oCsp’ i Ar. tired:*boro .. j 645 a Lv Cireonßb»>ro 705 a 782 p “ Charlotte 9 lib a 10 20 p - HGt’k Hill 10 K>a 11 0«p M C’hester . 10 55 a 11 S 7 p " ' Winnsbrro. 11 41 a 12 2ft* Ar Col’hia Hland'K 12 45nn. 1 37 a Lv. Columbia Un.uep’t. 116 p 4Ou a “ Johnstons. 2 BBp OOJa “ Trenton 3W»p tt2sa ** tiranitoville 353 p 707 a Ar. Auifusta.. 4 15pi &^a Lv. Asheville i 8 20a; 3 Qsp Lv. Spartanourg | 11 40 a, 615 p Lv. CoI'M.-i, .S.C.*G.Ky.~ .. 300 pi 700 a Ar. Charleston 6 40 p[ 11 00 a Lv Col-bia, F.C.&P.Rv . 11 55 a 12 47 a “ Sava:mah 1 447 p 508 a |Ar. Jacksonville. ... . 1925 pi 9 Ift a DLEKPINO "CAB SERVICE. Excellent daily pa.-isenKer aervi<*e between Florida and New York. Nob. VT t andßN—Washington andSonthweelern Limited. Solid Veatibuled train with dining can* and first elaas coaches north of Charlotte. Pullman drawingroom sleeping cars between Tampa. Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. . Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars be tween (irconsboro and Norfolk. Close connec tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there In time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between i Charleston and Asheville, j Nor. 35 and :«—U. 8. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping cars be tween JacksopviUo and New York and Pull man sleeping cars between Augusta nnd Char lotto. Pullman sleeping cars between Jack sonville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK 8. GANNON. J.M.I'ULP, Third VP. it Gen. Mgr. T. M., Washington. W A. TURK. S. H. HARDWK ls, G. i . A.. Washington. L G. P. A.. Atlanta. It’s a brave actor that can face the enemy when loaded egg-shells are fly ing thick and fast. It is lucky for some people that all collectors are not as troublesome with their bills as mosquitoes are. JULY 27 i *44 *«***»« i* *k*i fuuart t*w4 M 4 o#m*4 -| —mmt* ia4Mat* *k*« ink* awa«* *f Pis ikiai M*ftiM*r • ta pir -41 k* - itrri iatf At*** mm a*k*4 If Ik* pw j k*»al f»r paar* ***»t4 M** Ik* mm m—rnmimm If* **M ik*t ikM *a*t4 lot k* *rr— uatll Ik* taatkw k*4 k**a fait? *u**i4»r*4. kttaata Al 4*r a*4 Ijo*4 *MI r*M*4*Mß* t* CV»- tnmiNMi Atkatra) IkMkfrt*. ami frt«4 tfc»* as ik* mm t *ta as atair* *a4 |H!4*4 tk<* la await fankrr ia- I'aatHwttoaakl? ***** I* mmrm m a rasa!! rs tkta* .t« mopm—u. A* aa *nc*M« of ipata’* ***h-*la«. fw boa'* ttait ia Ik* a kit* kom* la aio %m—L RAILROAD BOHRPUMH*. ATLANTIC COAST LINE., 4lt Oft TTY t AW 4JVHKKKT KOCT* TO (HR I APT AND NORTH SHommnr and quickest hofth TU THE EAST AND NORTH. 1 S Hfm Lv..Auguata. G«..Ar I 7 Sia* ■ S-fopm Lv.... Alkva, Ar | 7:l»am j 4:l7pm Lv.. f>enmark —Ar j « 17pm 4.50 pm Lv.. .Orangb’g... Ar | s:4oam i 4:o4pm Lv..Bumter. 8. C... Ar i titem t:2Spm Lv.... Floronov ... Ar 3 25a:n Ift-Mprr.: Lv... Fayetteville... Ar | 1 14piv> i 1.21 am Ar.l*eter*l>urg.V«.Lv I 12pm 4-Ouam Ar RlchmonA ...Lv 1 I 11pm 7:4lam| Ar..Washington..Lv | 3 44pm 9:01am: Ar... . Baltimore. ...Lv I 2 25pm 1 1125 am Ar.. Philadelphia Lv I2:t3pra I 2.02 pm Ar.... New Tork.,..Lv ; 9 2Cam | Pullman palace huff-t aleeplng cars from Macon and Auguita to New York | v. It brut change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 723 Broad ft.. Auguata, Ga. T If. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, 11. M EMERSON. Oe*. Paa* Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTH WEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March * I*M. Eastern Time Standarxl. Leave Augun’a, Southern ny.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Chester. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Len-ilr, C. & N. W. Ry 1:14 p m. ‘ Lenoir, Stage j- : ®° P-m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7 30 p.m. ! ■ |G. w. HARPER. c. F. HARPER, President. O* Rare Chances At Grovetown. three mlnut-s’ walk from station, 40 acres good land, new house and outhouses, good water, lot, and garden fenced: nice pasture, or* chard, grapes, peaches, etc. Fine crop oo land. All necessary, farming Imple ments. Wagon, horse, cow and calf, turkeys, chickens and hogs. Party going North at once. To a quick buyer 51,200. Dwelling of 8 rooms, all out-houses, 1 acre land—desirable place for summer —home at Harlem—sl,ooo. A bargain on Reynolds street big lot, good 4-room house —bring 56.00 per month— always rented—s4so. Leonard F.'Yerftery Rea! Estate Agent, 8 Library Row. JOHN F. M’CARTHY, £ Solo-Violinist. Late of Royal Conservatory, at Leipzig, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. | For terms, dates ,etc., address 512 Ninth St., Augusta, Ga.