The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 28, 1898, Image 1

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TttK • * ***** At OtffTAj £ savings mw •A**. ISS/SCr; ••I w* r*w ** iww*** THE ANSWER TO SPAIN NOT YET AGREED ON Many Thing* Which Thl* Country W.ll Not Do Decided. X« AmSHr* TUI Sfila Arm hi Ntc* Tue i Kb !•*** o»« tit Plintrtm. X# YmmU* ooq.ow M «# R# rttmH m CUB; Kb Nn« *** BuiMlwl Xi A4f«»nr* II *«< wm T«* ftp*. <H •• T%* I kaao.agto* Mr » - Mt*»rr Par aa4 ll* PwM«rt •***• Wo omr ll* (MU *»H «4 *k* •• ••n to «*•)• afctok •«» »** naM«Mli*4 la tto (MUM tt tka wmr WIM waawcrrw tad i»4t* Mml | tt tk» tor* m »h*r ritlt ito arhiig fcww** 4ar* tat tk* to* ft tt H*wi totot.**«» ky • to tator 1» Ito rato*'* •*»< III* tw* i to* r*iauag to uw fkUtt***** •* to* **« Mto*4 W to to to gntorito# vain •**'• kat a*rW. g*w •fall* to ito pm*' fcrtiil Ito t'«iW to**** Tto Pratiirat mIU to* ***• »*at ta a Jrial arawrtoral# at aar Wa4 ovar Ito rhilipbtae* H* will >tooJ to aciiiaa at tto m*ai*k toa4*. M «T« ta’irt •taa tM taa to fattened na Cato No tor* «* *l** Tto*® »•*■•• HU la to to g«*iaMa*4 Tto t’nli#4 Attic* CAMP THOMAS. (Men that arr Briag <*•>•* Thar* TNi* After aaoa. fhieksmanga. July tl —Tk« IWth Indian* ll(Wr) broke nmp II M ty bpor today and vaivh*4 to Roo* vllto. aW the rtouthrrn wtlwif train* were board'd for Newport S. w*. Thu rtfiwml fltx* to Newport New*, ttircee to Porte Rleo. *• place of Fifth Illlaoto. which *»> ordered back to roup after they had holf flnHlvd loading for thrtr departure The First South Camilla will l*wr* .during the west twenty-four hour* for Jarkaon ▼Hl? to join Gen Ut't mto mind No other command haa brew ordersl to wore The Sixth past mo* !>.lted State* rotuntrera. will teach Camp Thorn* firm Knoxville, Teon.. during tht next few day#. t Clear wuwtbcr prevalla today and rrg rlar work la maintained by all ihe reg tmen»a except thnae preparing to mov Gen. Boynton, chairmen cf the Chtek nmaupa-Ohattanooga Park omnmUili n, la having an nnayUt* prepared of the water uaed from all aouri w at Camp Theme* and la having surface spring* in the park, which are llablr to be e me contaminated by frequ-ot us>. fll’.-d. The entire tt* importation facil ities of tlte ThltflSrUvlalon. Flrat rorpa. ■nrlfilng the imbu.anrea. will a#*em blc for Inapcction on Friday afternoon. The train# of each regiment will be In rhnrge of their i ’speetive quartermas tarr Tbla prcmlae# to b? one of the j most atrikltig exhibition* r?« "Itnesa rd nt Camp Thorn:**. There will b" a total cf 243 wage ns and mute tennis in ri/cie-ar. besides the ambulances. P ISONERS’ HAIL. It Looks Like It Will be Sent on to Spain. Wrshingt in. July 28 -A atop taken by the pcstofllce department indicates t<-st th Spanish prise ner# at Annnpo 11* pceelbly mar be permitted to com municate with Spain, batters deposit ed by ina prisoners at Annapolla at rent to the dead leter office, but an In quiry a* to what was done finally with them was referr°d to the navy depart ment. The official* of that department expressed the dealre that they be sub mi tte,d to an Order to be censored and an order beg been issued to tbe ri-art letter directing that ihe letter! be tent to the bureau of navigation for that purpose. What further action will be taken is not ye* clear and the orrior looking to transmittals of tbe letters to Spain has not yet been issued. SOLDIER DEAD. A North Carolinian Passes Away In Savannah. Savannah. Ga„ July 28. Private Henry A. Taylor. Co. A, Second North Carolina volunteers, died this morning in tbe Savannah hospital of typhoid fe ver. The company is stationed at Ty bee. Taylor lived at Fayetteville, N. C. The remains will be shipped home. Makes a Statement. Chicago. July 28. Forest Fuison of tbe National Linseed Oil company, said today: Theie is nothing at this time in the affairs of the financial condition of the company to warrant the reports which have been circulated that the company is going into the bands cf a receiver. The company has no past due paper and its losses on the seed market have been largelny ex aggerated. At this date and at pres ent market prices its quick assets are sufficient to pay its liabilities. HERALD WANT ADS ENJOY THE LA ROE SI CIRCULATION IN GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. Vt* CIHtA A *m Till? AIXiUSTA HEItALI). AttttM* IA aa4 tto'* •'» "**»a# to Mtraatage. a« *at WH ta Ita trad* «Ml «* former « w ttitan *attt»«h. -Tktvt. ' taw a K*lMt ariaw-r > s «a tow at (to itot«t itot at lateai W ta to. At M* ito tktaaa »to to*- MMWI alll Wtotl to Itoi (t. a* pi rttiMr »a ito toato «t tto Tto itoi tto wmarr at •«»•.* WaliH 'a Mr m - wr Hat Ml Ito vfcl-t fcwata aP*t a rtow •tik ito DMtoi at Ito aVlark H* n-vt- ibta ea'cMwar apt** tot tab m'ttei ao aMHwaal grobv't oa*. M« admurd ikt* tto artaWraf* aaaver ••til to la tto attart at ta aluataium. Hr trill latttl tka* «to‘» or*** *'*• 11-sty to ito *ugg«wUn«* rs Ito Tallto Malta with tk* ali'raattt* at Ihr at* ta an forward mot* vigaroatiy ttaa war. PLACIMJ 1 hi: blame. The Result of the Inquiry lota tbe BorgofMr Accident. Hsl'fr x Joly Jt. —Tl** derision of lIM I court of laflulr; gives here today ex j oners tea Captain Hetetersca and ihe I the rffirer* of th ' ship Cmmartyahlra i from all kits# la the sailer of tbe ■Hu * e woe arrld* nt. Tbe report la mad* ;by Ca ptala Unit! of Ihe British Koyal navy rwrm. with whom were aaeorla tiki la (hi latent Igatioa Binomtloul : Itougloaa and Captain I*'wi# Anderson. I nautical assessor*. | The report says la rlnalng: "It ap -1 perr* to me. that the llurgnirne. as a 'mail at. .mar. atartlng from New York, wax not In position, nt the time of (ha j collision aa Indicated by the steam lraea on tfc> pl'ot chart of the North Atlantic. It also appears that It la highly desirable that tbe mien follow - i ing steam lane* should be more blnd- I ing cn all steamer* navigating the i North Atlantic r»hen plying bat* -t) New York tud European porta. Ila<l Captain Delonele of the Burgogne adopted the rules laid down. the vessel could not have been in the position In dicated by the disaster." LIEUT. SNEAD. Hl* Body Received With Honor* In New Orlean'. New Orlean*. La., July 28. —The body of Lieut. G. L. Hncad. of the First Ltcotsana, who died at Miami of ty phoid fever, reached here this morn ing and Was mat at the train by a large body of citizens and member* of the press. Sneed was assistant city ed itor of th"» Tinics-Dc/ioerat and one of the best newspaper men in (his sec tion. The b**.ly was escorted by local artillery, now In tbeFederal service, to the city hall, where It will lie in state. Tcn'ght the remains will be taken to Kosciusko, the birthplace of the dead' officer. ON TO PORTO RICO. (ien. Brooke Has Sailed For the . Island. Washington, July 28.—Tho ivar de partment this morning received a dis patch fiom Gen. Brooke, at Newport News, dat'd last night, stating tiiat he was ebeard a transport and wou.d sail for Porto Rico early this morning. Nothing further has been heard by the departiront either from Gen, Brook - or tho commanding officer at Newport News. ’ Wortiington, July 28.—Word was re ceived at the war department this merning that the Second an I Sixty ninth New York regiments have arri ved at Fernandina from Tampa,' whence they were ordered several days ago. Cape Haytien, July 28. —The Mont gomery, the monitors Amphitrite end Puritan, and the tug Leyton passed south yesterday bound for Porto Rico. POWDER EXPLOSION. The Owner of the /Till at Troy, Pa, Killed Today. • Elmira, N. Y„ July 28.—The powder j mill of E. T. Johnson, of Troy, Pa„ was blown up today, and the cvntr, who is also paying teller of the Pom eroy & Mitchell bank, was killed. Taking the average depth of the ocean to be three aide:-:, there would ho a layer of salt '230 feet deep if the wa ter should evaporate. , FIFTH ILLINOIS IN MOUNT. Men Refuse to Respond to Assembly Call. Cooks Refuse to Cook, Captains Resign and Colonel Charged With Cowardice, Because the Regi ment Was Not Allowed to Oo to the Front. rkMmaa* lair m m n»« at tto taw aMM«. ••• tr tot «• wtatta at toa* •fc*tt tto Itofc la taa* i W Mt pm* tor fwta ttwo »at tot attttknl K.aki» «m «a urn n»i» uit»*w *• tto wawaWr <«M tfcit twwawk Tto to* **► . tmm 4 to to* Mrttfaw tol and At •*a rrfm>*d ta to t***d to*r Maa? THINK THE PEACE TERmS ARE ACCEPTF" MMlt.4 lair » Tto arvwtoft km wwtetor *to« tto pv* »waw aiu toto4 to towtoat *Moia. •itl to a**klt to *a»*t THE HUGEST OF SWINDLES. Hor a Miahter Hit Made a Big llaal (gpeclal to Th* Herald ) Nvw York. July at—Tbe moat rw rtoir iifTiUvc of tinman <tf4nll»y an 4 e ver jinyy rtsw# tlm cxpci## of tUfr# fanout “KUrtrir flngnr Hfintry Ijrtlr M#r»n# lUUi wnpuy. to liiv. • full mililoo. Tic row* paay was organized by Rev. P. F. Jrracrgan. a Baptist minister, who read la *n encyclopedia that sea water r n'aln l g< Id and sliver. A c<HH »»ny wa* floated la Maine with a tea mll- Hoa dollar < s pitot la dollar share, 'he ptoplr subscribed to it all over. Jer nergan was elected rice president and A Secret Process. The work* were at I-übee. Me. It being a secret prrr •*», Jrrnergan only kn.-w what the work* of the building contained. The head ofllrc at Boston received from time to time gold and silver brick* "mad*” (rum dlatilled aea water, Subscription* flowed In. I-a*t week a atrnng. r. Frank Thompson, ar rived at Newark. Ha went to W»j|, street with a valise full of five hun idred dollar bills. He bough, govern. I meat bonds and paid cash on deUvoty. He bought a hundred and flfty ihous >,, n ,p The brokers and banker* wora suspicion*. Many drafls on New Eng land bank* were cashed. The detective* were told by the banks *o watch the men who dropped a* from the clouds carrying thousands of ca#h and buy ing readily negotiable bonds. They did so. The man was suspected. 11c Oct* Away. He disappeared after taking passage for Louis Sinclair and wife, on the Navarre, for Kurop*. The address glv*n la a vacant lot. The Navarra with Sinclair and wife sailed Saturday. ! Sinclair proved to be Jern rgan. Bos- I ic-n banks nnd stockholders are In j town looking for Jernergan. The man who bought the bonds Is Marcus Jer-j n igan of Providence, R. L, his bro-j thvr. Besides big wads of bonds, Jer ticrgan lakes to Europe (estimated by the I nks) *223,000 drawn In the last! | few days and possibly more secured while making goal silver brlelis by the I secret process. DISHONEST SOLDIER. I The Serious Statement Made by the Arrested Man. San Francisco, July 28.—Quartet mas ter Sergeant Young, of th. luontleth Kansas regiment, has been ordered un der arr. st by Col. Funston, charged with embezzling government property. It Is alleged that he sold stores issued as food for the regiment. Sergt. Young admits his guilt and gives th.? excuse that he was doing what every other commissary of Camp Merritt has be«i doing all along. BISMARCK BETTER. Eating Ham and Eggs and Drinking Beer and Wine, Hamburg, July 28. Bismarck Is rem: what Improved sine.? yesterday. His condition might be described as fairly good. The Prince's diet yester day included ham, caviar, eggs, beat end champagne. The Skinner Peach Thief. County Officer Sherlock wont out in to the country yesterday and arrested It.? thief who hod been robfbng the Skinner peach farm. The man is in jail. » % t«H tto faaw Tto* ><M*tr Itovvot dill i * <fe r» KM! a*. * a tartatoaa tto *«*•*•** •*» «k#» *«n r**laa Cat*** ••»* »to *to«to ••* •aato tto aaOnato wwat nitoktaatoa iwr •» -* tk* «t««k ‘■temp* m tto tMMtora <*«•*• vill to uiW* to r*ra|a*tM* * toNk <aw> u to to ««t»i tto«t m AUtmim. THE SICKNESS. fls*lH*|lN k •rvied o*et III* lif|f Hlstm lathe Arsay. Waaktagron July 2*. Tk# report jrf General Matter ahowiag that theta ' Itr A |<jMM of Ittf 4MMNI Clf •tflU 'l# tft ibt Afmy Culm In*# si### tin? olfs \ rtsii of ill# #>*r depart iwsi cooooifro' j 010 bat !be rtpm** I oi-lp f 1)01 III# JPfilfl t f**V#f «*OOCO 07# of 0 01114 ly pN* ft# wm< lb# bop# tbot rb# «botb rot# oil) l» «moli Tht* torg# of lotff rot## f#poii#4, 20? 4 »h> ai i hot out only *-|lo» frrw but (fpboM on 4 oCb#t kind# or# on*! •Kitmi. OirrorctD (kaml Sl#rob#ro ittfi |( to tb# llttotv cf • #ikm f#r#r I tbof )t o|>r#o4« il l bn in* core* t’orfrd so tb# mcnf» it It aurt to iaf *d ! moo# «oW cr* cf otb?r fa* a rra hr said tbot i -t only in Citbo, Hut to tb# romp# of tb# I'tiltud StaW# tb’*r# ; hov# hr :i many (i#i. and ;t ara# tb# i hit lory of oil nt# artnlva t hat ft*##ra. I * r fK* ‘lolly ts pbo’4, bream# »n --|m in Thia to d»»* to cbani:# nf r!t ! mat# and mod# if I f# of th# i* # #»!• Idtrra. Bvrn #rh##a 4Ha «at#r wo* pur* roa#a ar-uld oria#. fScddlt## Hottobt and o<# man# thing* not fnrn thod by th# c^mmi##ary «u* h as milk and oth #r thing* p*'ddl#d *l>oil! th# rmop- Often thia food has ratiwd al#kn#*s. , APOtb#r fraitr# b n mentioned moa th# Indifferent rare which arm# give them- SPAIN CLAIMS A VICTORY. * No Report of the Battle Received In I America. [Special to The Herald.) Madrid. July 28. Captalu Ocnvnl 1 Marhina, of Porto Rico, haa nent a dia putch to the minister of wer ei ugrat utating Spain on the victory «von. Hu ; says a battle which laated all night Tuesday was fought mar Yauco. Col. Pulg, commanding the Spanish forcra of regu'ara and volunteers opposed (lie j American foices. The fighting began I Tuesday evening and lasted UJI dawn } Wednesday. The Americans were ' forced to retreat and Wednasday morn i ing found them at the old positions at iOutnlca. Marhias give* no details. ! He also eablca that (bo Spanish (cot I Americans) sunk a vessel at the on | franco of San Juan harbor, effectually ! dosing the channel. Washington, July 28. No nows of any battle at Yauco Is received hone, i Yauco is four miles from (Juanlca .in i rout? to Ponce. It is aJI marshy land Ixtwcen (Juenica and Yauco, and would be hrifal traveling, especially for the artillery. Naval officers acknowl edge that It was good strategy foil th” Spanish to cior.o the harbor of San jnan with a sunken vessel, but says it will not affect us much. It. bottles up the Spanish gunboats, etes., in the harbor. THE BOY K NO. The Attack of Measles Just Like Any Other lad’s Attack. Madrid, July 28. — I The King’s attack of measles is taking the normal course and there arc no complications. She (joes to New York Washington, July 28. The Leona, which arrived at Newport News yes terday, is now cn her way to New York. She had on hoard 53 sick and wounded soldiers, including General Corbin's eon. The health auihorities at Newport Nerve did not want any more sick landed at ihal point, and tbe Washington authorities consented to send the -vessel north. d'Jew York Futures. New Ycrk, July 28.—Futures opened steady. 'July 5.83, August 5.86, Sep tember 5.90, October 5.94, November 5.95, December 5.99, January 6.04, February 6.08, March 6.12, April 6.14, May 6.17.5 K C twtot a»ta trt rkarawa kw»* OMa to Alatt tat tMttatrv tor tto M*> ftwaa ©a « tioatn It It a tot ikti <to Mt- ta4 (ka f*w» a»« at tto ir*m m mtm *m nm* ito traiv f«* tMHtott j ovrl* ltooth tto tw<N<*«Wrt to* o»-4 Mr ••••<■ rlWMt* tr* ttoiat'4 ta ttoi Mr. SHAFTER'S ARMY ORDERED HOME. 1 It Will Rf Krmotrd Kieht A«at lo Moaliuk I’oibl Hpreial to The Herald. Wathingtoa. D. C.. July J*. (ton. Alger gave or J >r* thl* afternoon for the rotaoval of Bhnft*r'a array aa t oa aa rottlble In Moniauh P-tlal. L. 1. IBy A»*cclai*d Prr*a | Waab.ngtoa. July M. (tea. Alger has given order* for the removal of |Khaft*r'a army m tem a* the men. in :tb» dianati.a of the e Mama id mg offt Ictr. ran to safely brought buck, to i an>[i on Mnnlauk Point. L. f. IN FAVOR OF SHIPPERS. Ruling iNadr By Judge Tulcy in Chicago Toda*.. Chicago, 111., July 28.—Judge Tulcy ! in the rlrrut court today ruled in fa ! lor cf the shippers in the lest rare | bri right by the llllnola Manufacturer* Association, granting a writ of man ! dnmua rrmpelllng tbe I'niied States I Epi rus company to accept for trana ipnrtatlnn packages for shipment wilh !out the payment of 1 In oxetss of the regular rate. The case will be ap pealed. Runaway This Afternoon. At three o’clock this afternoon the i muie attached to an empty markot | wagvn b sme fright) in d and dashed 'down flroad street, turning Imo Campbell at I); ks Brothers' stoie. The massive telegraph pole at th'." corner enughi 'he wheels of the wagon as It, | spun around and Ihe mule shot on to- j s wards the river. The c agon was ap— , j parentiy uninjured and as it had no rccupant no damage wa3 done beyond- breaking rs tbe harness. The mole, when last seen, evidently had it in his mind to lake u plunge in the Sa vannah. The Lutheran Seminary. Charleston, S. 0., July 28.—A tele gram from Columbia, received IsH night, c oveys the welcome tidings that the board of directors of the Theo logical Seminary of the United Luth eran Synod of the South uus accepted in preference to all other proposals that were offered the bid presented by th. United Lutherans of Charleston and of Mount Pleasant ,and that ttm In stitution will henceforta and forever be located at Mount 1-teasant. WEATHER. forecast for 36 hours ending 8 p. m., July 29, 1898. Washington forecast for South Car olina! Showers and thunderstorms to night and probably Friday. Washington forecase for Georgia: Fair, except showers in northern por tion tonight; Friday, occasional show ers. I .oca! forecast for Augusta and vi rility Showers tonight and Friday. Maximum temperature, 87. The river at 8 a. m. was 10.4 ieet, a fall of 2.8 feet In the past 24 hours. The proportion of foreigners to En glish in England is about one to two hundred and fifty. The flower trade in London exceeds in vaTue over ten million dollars an nually. mi IOUANI A Yt A» lIMNiKAT. Alt *# .toa SOMEBODY HAS LIED, OR SAGASTA IS A FOOL The Charge of Underhand Work Against Us Without Slightest Foundation. Tint *•< X« • N«i* Prtftoiiwi tt lit Kik4 Yliorm. Fresi Nktto Sbairtrf. Till r«lM 0» ifcr I'rrwtoai llkr Oflff IMJ—Ir Tim IU4 Bt*b Tim W«» Xi SriMß w Hill tbr MillUn OfrriUwiv tra*vtaa*wt. O, C.. tm»r l* M*W aa tto tattowir *t ito nwi* «ai tto r»maa tawaao No. t tot I tor* a*r» a* «w*lrto ta : tototf «i *tmm to tot«* •* to ito iv Imho* ml to*it!*lt«» aatu ito rnvt* 'emtmmmM MW T»*4»» •ft.tvw. w - ii*tM a aw* *• ito IktaMtkt TM*« «i*ta*M la to mi IWI kaoatola* W * Mttrwtowa ttoitw* aM watt to a*- IW to MMM W Ik* f-OMtoi ml to Itotiot a*ai<* Ttol *(•*•. all lato •toai twi rank ttova to mrnr ****♦•* .imai la iitownaa tto Coho Rtrwa WMto |.*i«a iartaa tto MW to tor* It atow , im.lj « m Motti f.tortoitoa tai war |aw»**a«MOMt to* 4me awttota ttot *a* •mhpret It to tHlMwai «m «h»* to»r ta ‘adiitM* t* r*|a*artoaii**» W tto Tat |W Utatto *«vM»«»vr»i. Kt»>n< qwall- Ito t« ttwak for tto pwirtoi of H|*i« m «fc» A»»airr «»wto .*totir a •tmtl.r .t*l.m.m »»<t tto wll*«*i e'mf f tot faitt •«•«*•• tto Tito Malta atlfttoWti iw toat.u tt* 4*** j < n jiir ! a* invantina* 4**l«n*4 t« pr*J- I vat, • ito av»* ■•••'til pMHPtoa of Ik. |,r< pmmre mo».»rttH It *oaW a*,t i* nmtrntaiaW for a mum Oil ttot •"» m*t* i rrrotutl .i. ton*. of vlo«» bo ;t*.rra r*t»oa la lt»l"l* mwM to to a* 1 atrttoi a* aa orrrturr for P»* r *. aai. althi ueM ttor* mar bar* tora anv of thl* "barli door *o*#*n." It oaa ***•■ to ibtl th«* IV-1 I'd 4Ul** *«v ' to. n«rt t»*n a part* *° ** Amtoaaad-tr Caaihoa mad* ao o**r jtoro. dliort cr Indlrwl. "41 rial or ua . fP, ml. rriatlac to poar* or to anr ptiaw (4 pram, prtor to 3 "V loch Tmot doy nfi*rß<-««. Bvrn *upp«Miln* Iti-r* bad lw*n prom ovrrturea. »hlrh ttot* had not Morn, tto mtlltar* authorltl** nnrl Ha«a*ta * all*a*d atatrmmt that pear* ovrrtutva oorrat* to aloy tto <<>urao or military oo'railoßa aa Itttl* B'ort of a mating and dtr*» lly contrary, not only to tto mllitarp law* of th- IVHwd Hint**. Ituf to tto whole rocog ata*’t prtnctfdaa of Interaatlonal law • In general, Internal law writer* a*r»w that military ..prrailona afop only when ( SAYS HE WAS BURNED. Something Which Has Caused ln veatigation at the Hoe, Bal Mr. John H. Nelbilng. the well known magistrate, who has been at the hrspllal for treatment, has returned to hia home. nnd. U l» understood, says he rerelt" d burn* while at the hospital. Mr. Nelbilng. we are informed, says that while nt the hoarltal hi* back was mild severely burned with carbolic at id. How this could have occurred is a mystery to both superintendent and nurses. M:es Hays, who is most vigilant, was asked about the matter today nod sa d that she had investigat'd the matter thoroughly and could in no way ex plain how any burns were received ex cept that hi> might possibly hove gotten them from the bath tub; that carbolic acid was sometimes used It in it and that a few drops might have adhered to the Mm and 'n this way the burns might have occurred. WHO SHOULD FIX IT? A Broken Place in the Sidewalk Which Has Attracted Attention. There Is possibly hardly a person In town who has passed over the pave ment or the government building but has noticed tbs unpaved section on tho extreme corner of Greene and Camp boil streets. Many have remarked on it others have noticed it. and passed , n but all have doubtless wondered why one of the finest pavements in the ell-—and government property at that —should have been left for so long in that unfinished condition, borne have advanced the suggestion that it was left unpaved so that the corner curb might be laid more easily, and others th«t it was necessarry to leave it so to put in tho connecting sewer to the sand trap. This latter Is perhaps the correct solution, but upon the arrival of a government inspector who is ex pected in a few days the matter >vil! he put before him and the much talked of problem solved. STORE ENTERED. N Mr. Radford Loses Some Soap and Candles. Mr. Henry Radford’s store on Wilde street was entered by unknown parties last night and a few bars of soap and some candles taken. The police have been .notified and will In their usual way soon apprehend the thief. Per haps this is another chisel thief; who knows? runris tMCSK iOANAkt) ,^-vw*. f AVISOS ‘MWblkh I?vv e«ww» PASS ••• r.*2S# **t lt*t*tw a •»#•* at aa tnaviuw « .triwakr **»• <ia4ML atri **a* twa anawHM MH a* Ik oi'twM t*M»# ikaa avt* iwritaM aw.y atwrtdlt* toward a «ta, ’at »a of MnatiMMe* a** M fygwtdai a# an* ; warrant t»r .roppa,g ito war, Tto atneawM la Madtag aa mNtiarir rwataatnierw amly Irwra (to I Mae tto* tom. a.laa* Mia ft H. la ito it. r*ab« |w tto forwati and toM »»• M leeniorf aa ttor "'•at* la *M ptemvt earn Ito araMMMr* m*«bi Ito I lade or etriade Ito PMHpfla** a* Poem itin>. a* ta* law p*r««*t mwfct agree tot. aaitl ito) a*r** ibo* •« to ao . Migatom I* a tot* tto mltnarr operalMn* ta any held at opveattoaa After tto Mtoimg of Ito wrmtMir*. a pretlmlwary t<> a atalu* **■> la e*tabttaßed. and all military oporalioaa roam to a halt at prdat* le*tgaal*4 aad at point, awl de*igaat*4 tto auto p-ratl- n. pror**4. In tto premmt raae. If ito truce mi ''general. • tone rat Mb* lie* aai < toner*! Mile* and Admiral Itewey would *>»- Ily rrmin tto poaltkdtai they now o*- ca*r. ** 4 the moral ohligalhra would to Impuord But to atrengttow tto*e pw> 'attl. n» or mato a*er*t prwparatt. a* for more elf eel in* rontinuan** of war h*iw • ner Mtlltarr aullnwltlaa agree that the oaiy duaMAeation for ltd* rale la i ttol relnf..f ea»«*it» mar be aeat for w aid. and that defen.lre, but not at ,n i- ' ratten* trav to ontlnuod. I‘nder »u«h rut*. Mpaln would tomlMiuo her oreearatlon hw 'V-fendlng lhe rail ,of Minin, even aMer the of hoatlltttoa. and at the name lime ih# tv.lied Hi.tea could *ead forward re in fr.ement* to Oenerat llttoa and Ad miral Itower, *‘Ut alt offenalv* r.pera tt'-na would cea*e. Wllh ihe*c w*U de nned tutor, mtlltarr op-tailon* pweed. Ilf auepted by all natton*. the aaaertlon attrlhuiad to Premier Hago*ta that mere overturwa for the leatattm rs htolliulea rhould, la Ifaelf. *top h~*- iHit|*a. II ta reg.idwl aa unaccounla- REJECTED THE PUHP. Important Mealing of the Summer* vilic Council. At the meeting of the city council of Hummcrrlllc, Just held, the inteudnnt was authorised to write and reject thn ; Worthington pump In uae at the- water vorks. Thia pump haa not given sat* . iklurtlon. It has been pul In on trial. : Th - Worthington people hove worked - * n it. but hna’t* not made it a success, j The Worthingtons will, of course, put lu another machine. The Smith jail pump la working all right. It I* a larger pump and it la the desire to keep the larger pump in roferve. It was blso ordered, by ordlnanca amendment, that the minimum sewer connecting pipes be t Inches instead of 6 Inches. NOT DECIDED YET. Hr. Bernt Doesn’t Know as to His Future Business. Berndt & Co. heve not decided yet as to future business. Mr. Berndt said this morning that he was up to hit neck in embarrassment Just now nnd hadn't thought of the. future. The as elpmnmt is to Mr. Patti Muslin. Tho l i.fienee to the, Columbian Banking and Trust company, of Charlcs.on, is owing to note to Franz Moechens, dis counted, amounting to $550. The pref erence to the Commercial Bank of A i gnsta Ir. owing to note to J. H. Mont gomery, and the personal of the as signor, discounted, for $l5O. Mr. Berndt has become very popular in Augusta since becoming a citizen here. Tic has made many friends, in hitslneff and social life, who regret his coirmercial embarrassment. PRETTY POSTAL CARD. It Is Gotten Out By an enterprising Augusta Firm. Nowadays one can take a place of card board, and, by putting thereon a one-cant stamp, secure its status as mall mater. An enterprising Augusta printing house, Messrs. Richards & Shaver, hava just gotten out a very beautiful postal card of tiiis unstampted kind. It is il luminated in patriotic manner and is very neat, and attractive. It is a su perb sample in job printing and is a sample of the work of the hounc men tioned,. The card, also, is ruled nicely. No fewer than ono thousand ono hundred and seventy-three persons have been burled in England in West-' minster Abbey.