The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE IUCUSU HEMIO fl§ f%Hil«i| - «.£ .-q4)A*4I*A •# Y^RI £BpgM» MmP*, #*•■'•**' **“ «S^^=> nt»Ai t» -pwom;* aaMO o*~-»«< MM - MAM SSSSSUTm mw *m~ 7gt WIU IWOTWR HWWU' „ Jtrtftl u« IM*** *"»“ •** *»4 ** «*»*« • »—* _***"* M» i — *‘ "■* ***** ***** •*£*•£!!£***-*. u* *« »«*• <*—•<**£* K ST!-. p,, e** IWth *»—** •**“ _ » «rw M*n I MM «MN *9B*4» ••* l»*****J!T ,_ ,». • tirw ** W»» w »l **• *** watch vol* i>w^ f >*** —*** ,k * Mm inw #•*•*»*!«»«»• «*j4#** W«likßM4 »m 4 A »••» "*"• »*~. m*~* «*• M*. .«M«* ~ I; r* (rf — » W fc* 4ra»«HH»®«**4 •* 4b4# Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. «,. f|,r,; 1 (the ywaf «11l n*f*r * * * • mti** Hi prtwa Mr Ui* M*t Mtlff* WlilM* fro» •*> Amrrt ,ia famn.< r RMMTt Tb**. Ml ton awl l» *«kH*fc*A unrt ' : • n..m A* plume. •fA * ,, * r lh ' ~«, fca* el«**4 i*» whtJc **• rtt* wIB fee *afcn»ittf4 in a p-tant and impartial rnmrolt alilN for U**’ awarding of , T l„, The roal nam« of th* arttti. aa wall «• ••»* n,>,,, •* plums. mail araamranr ••■'k Istler aant la fur |»ubl|ralloii, far tka purpoa* of ldaßllOca- Uca. . . Cuntaatanta moat confine ll*»ir laltara to a r»«*oa«M» l»n*it» Poßtrataaila ran wrllr •» many tallata aa they wl*h for the pglaa, tool ona contaatant can •in only «nr of the prise* a , . Ttia Herald wania llva. spright ly, goaalpy latirra. atnl »he prtaaa a 111 b« awarded for the {, , brat, m«*t Interesting and moat i.* raadii’l* Irttara of Bunim*r Be* I aort Neara. Contest Opens June 1 5. Contest Closes Oct. I. JTOP. THE BEST LBTTIWI I» « yon the IP BEST LETTER.... 15 o*l f<»JR THK JO BEST LETTER.... 1* THE HERALD IS DELIVERED IN Columbia, S. C. Every Afternoon at 10 Cents a Week. Drop a Postal to S. B. Flshburne, Agt.. Columbia, S. C. Dog-day* have officially begun. A Populist ticket has been put out in Effingham county. Commerce is following tin. flag down to Santiago very rapidly. Scovel received the lust blow, for he bus been alappod Ht Jail. luwltule more institute* for the teachers and the farmers. America is still winning victories, through her oarsmen on the Thames. We wish the Florence Times great gueefias under the new management. The advocates of the Nicaragua ca nal are shouting, "Remember the Ore gon.” What will Spain say when she learns that Hobson is coming with Watson's fleet. A large number of Americans killed lif Cuba are coming to life by every mall. It seems that the government can Btill transport troops from Port Tampa, but the harbors of Charleston and Sa vannah are too shallow. L mt - ttiaiin «wum»« »•**• * «*e*9RaMst * fiMAM pMSMka* *l4* A** MmfMMHNHi B»»tM«tiSps #9* ***»*«•# gHiiWßif Ma*.sg m ■»<■> M immms *►** |MNI Ik *♦«*•» • Ml wPi * •** 9MMI PMBMM MNMMgif 94M1 It twPVMt Mill MM •# 'Mwi* *»'MI *MMI •mM» *«•» Mutt f i'i'MiiMM tumi %mw* m Mmm iM mm 4 tiM ibm* m 9m jtflrr* MNMIMMI MIMi iMm • * |m« «# i>iai»Mi gs f fIHNIMMAiM (MRfi |» id's'll iriiiMirrT m • **** ***** mm** *ik4 ilwr fm ! * M*»# omm ** **» l mm * ***** Hwiff «i J M^MNlitSt ®IMNMMNM MM® Mm MIMfMMMWw Wlj INM *4 # MM : 9MM fil IMm FlftMlMM* «H> ti®M Uml pMig| «| iMm ImVHMMM f mMmMI ® tM# | IftiMMi MpMNI ■** Mt MMI MM "•* iM UpMMM M*g*t I* AMm #M*Mf fMMMMr* | rMIiM Mlf *MM’* §M IM OMMtlt Mm j IMm •!»*«•#***Mt IMMIMM IMm* liMfMMMM h'fWflf •gpMf't MSM ll**Sf * MMlkey VwM.Rg plwlßW «f «b» PMI j ipgf - r g»4> pflßvHWlty IR OfRRf Bfß gpg. wbs#ry 19 B BlglftlHrtßß I® ■get* gs Iks aNtfM. •IUI9 raft* M k» b*« Pv ITvmhw »r 4 KwaUsd Tk» k»t MV (ntek* •• W*H I*9 to *• Ik* (MM M MaV be ks* fc»y piar •( as Ism j If w pkil Jpi* CW9SBS9VS I* IS IM SSS . ffff M j iif MR Mir "Im*S «w» **f Ik* | I'.SS sf Bf*^" fonos is fkfas Xh# nilt 4i|MirtMrit An JiM VM* = «j%MI fftMß CMM Of Olf MHMNrtM *• J* j | MMIMIII Of iMt r *’* rcMIOM IMIM IM*( roMMlff Mort»* Imml Quantity. Vain*. i foukfl* T*ns HrUl*h Ikdia •• •• •• •••••••• gi Hi VM *UJJMfI.SI °k*— *• •• •*.••- " -11. ** ** .. 1*71.81 •» rmriit i-if- r~“»-«k>«* .... *»*»*“ Anmm a*4 *• k* r rifHl tk* j yap sat M Oth*r mvthU* •• •• •• •• . . MJTKTt 9l.lW.Jfl* W Total •• * Tbw ll Win he seen that tkl* noun try orroplc* paly third |d*r* Tk* fsd ; ,1,1 (i,, ,aro eountrtea 45* '•** f l * - I „4, n ,e AVer ns at* *• tk* of Japan aerounU for «b*»r 1 Hut when tb* NWatagu* cnnkl la dug l veti el* mmy mil from Uoutk At- I i«iitl< and Onlf m*H. dlrurt U> To- and Kobe, rival cuntrle. wtH 1 be taught a le**on la A»«lr*u «>“ r * , p „ae and ike wuntf* .•*»«' •"* wl “ fl0 «l • lucrative outlvl !• log Quantity. tk* o»fl»D LOBflfl- The on. hundred and twolf.h annual .ommunkaUcn of the Grand of Free *nd Aerated Ma.on. will br held .1 the Maaoulc tempi, tn Macon on Oc tober 25th. and elaborate reparations are already being made for tb. evenL Orand Secretary Wolthin of the Urand Lodge nas been busy mailing inauruc Hons 10 tbua. are U> repmaent the various Mg* at the annual commu- B l r “ ,lon " They arc requested to report to the Grand Secretary', office in the Hotel Lan<er building, immediately on their arrival .ao as to assist him in perfecting the roll call for the opening of the session. Attention is also called to the fact that on account of the war tax on all checks and drafts, the bank* will nol receive them unless thi* tax is paid, and In sending tn dues to the Grand Lodge It Is neccßsavy to ace that the proper stamp is attached and cancelled according to law. The indications arc that this will be one or the greatest annual meetings of the Grand Lodge, and Augusta Masons take a lively Interest tn the occasion. The members of the Augusta lodges are particularly zealous in their devo tion to the order, which is one of the noblest benevolent organizations ever established to bless mankind. This city will seed some prominent mem bers to represent the local lodges. GEN. MILES AND MR DAVIS. The especial prominence into which General Miles has been brought by the present war has directed attention anew to the fact that he placed mana cles »u the president of the confeder acy. General Miles has defended himself by saying that he was peremptmlly ordered by Charles A. Dana, then as sistant secretary of war, and he there for had no option as to placing chains on Mr. Davis. Tbe reminiscences of Mr. Dana, ; which • have been appearing in Mc- Clure’s Magazine for the past few months, throw a flood of light on a great many mooted quetsUuns incident IMi *M» MM «M KM MM' "MM MfMMt f MNMMm IMMI iWMMMMM MI-Mm #»#•#•• j Hi iAMMfft. MMiM MMMMMI* bIMM* MMM»Mm I Mbs * INM **#»* •«#■** HMM# MNI sfMMMM' Ml 11|4 MMM« MHf IM MM» MMi IMIflMi Mi | UpmMm MMi t IM Hi mm* *nmi (hmml Mi Pmpsjmm* MMM H* lAmmo •*a mi #sn> st Mw»f si Vs* Ms iOlurM H IMM- fiMit M* M*M MMI ***** \ m mmmrn* mmmmh m* *m» m**m**f *>«.«( ts SSSI< As •* OiSMS' r n*f •*a • (NMSSSt srt|b IS* SffS* dkast Mt tSMM is** *IMN»*I BBSSms ; tks isikawsi sisss * * **•■*•* iIS fa* ssit* IS HtS*kkf*llH * |r%f lias* Busins Bar It- l-SSs ! gwwaas B*»f 9k*sw*sf BMs* B kaf* ks ' gaisvrsiri am* Swm*aS is ftmm mm* Igtkas a*4 fMta*a <*fwS MW kSS4* SSd ISH sf laßavwaS OS*i* aa*f C <g>»S* C. (Ist. W ilrrri ks sms iissk s #4 I fiMiJi ~.m MNNPt Ml yy»4vt «M*lt MM* , m jg. sipii fUMT# f |ir jpf ggf iMPfPlMff Of 4 IMM Ami Mmt if Mr«» * ! |, I p|rtr fM IM «#Mif lIMM IKM |»fil H*Mi mma MMI 4iiwf#4 it MM 9 'MMftltMlMt IMM* to iMKi ***** m*k4mA I Tfftrm IM# liilx of IM# o*f*4"«»* if IMM I #"C MMNM'fMf 'p - Am 4 fit Mi cJm- IM® ifc#- 1 MM tms*f9 *Tfti |l Mill Ml irjiwl I scat ao ffi»«4 «ss kg artasipi »ka4 by k»*ag ag sg iSms »* iMli WMM* Mul * v I wvaafi Salvaa fkwa>4 fcsss tk* irsis *** kJSkwp VS AT It SABI I I "Is Ik* sssaia sf Ik* of*ak w* fast taf a rManc(rf mMm. MrafHilfMMl of «MMiIMM lIM MaMW Ml iMfilir Ms •**•* «l 4 MmmMVMMM MMAMMMiMMPMIa iHiMMPMMB Ito aoMi It <1 ob ihrcugli fM# a* r * "f l Mbi MaftMtiiiMSM of a*i IHHMMMMM . l td {Hirtuaft ** of tMMi |*laM. Mi Motbi u» tMa irtwiaft IMt »agn f*< *«* l*"MP ,f °* I Ihaua at Kpkaan* But an out rag ,1 putoLc .»• to It that fcta name t*»*' J j into no merda and ao tk* *l*ll4l was d«fMtad of kla end*. ' Macon Tele graph. | ThU la aewa. For hub* aaveral hundred grn*m tlons tk* world kns keen taught to be ll**e that ‘The aaptrtna youth who find th< Ephrdan dome Outlived In fame tb* pioo* fool who built It.** In fact hr ha* tiesn almost a* fa mous aa tbe man who fired the first gun at Manila or th* woman who fired the first man to gathrr knowl edge from apple trees. The way they used to teach h.story in the little red school house wa* to point to thla Instance aa Illustrating the folly of extravagant rxpeadltures. and many an ambitious young states man has rung the changes on It as he advocated "retrenchment and reform, ray oppressed fellow-countrymen!” And now Tbe Telegraph gravely tells us that his name ‘'passed into na rec ords.” Look again, dear Telegraph. His name was Herostratus and the "pious fool” was Chersiphron. It's juat as well to be accurate In these matters. Sylvester Scovel, who, throughout his eventful and variegated career ap pears to have been an unmitigated boor, Is in striking contrast with most of the correspondents, who are gen tlemen. The town of Pugwash, Nova Scotia, has been destroyed by fire. It Is hoped that It will be rebuilt under another name. The temperature has not beeen ma terially reduced since the law against profanity was passed in New York. The people of Richmond county want pure elections. The way to get them is through white primaries. The tlmo for tho primary Is ap proaching and still nothing has been done In that direction. Sampson will got a larger sinking “uttd than most people have ever been able to set aside. Th.? Dewey cocktails are said to be just a little bit deadlier than the Dew ey line of Are. John Jacob Astor's boom for gover nor of New York has begun to assume proportions. Thirty tons of gold were rereived at tbe New York sub-treasury the other TBH £TttHJLUD t%m i'lipiiift |NN*a m*+ **fMi ? mmmmm* IMIMMNMMMitf iiMMMIM MM fmi '"Hi Ml MN» ImmMP mw M#m Mi MtpM mm*ms MMi Mli **ss• «%M Ml m*M Mu H-4* HiM# MMH «.«h» I" 1 *M^' : iM s MNmM SM4***ai M’*w. IM tMUt I (Mk ■■MMaMMMMt ***** Idi tMa 9»MM< T%a* M# • "'I Mb MNTi* a#4 tMi ifM’MNIt MBMI <Mk> *MM Mini Ml MiM*-«ki mMoM a< # ivs «k*iii *%•••»«♦ ptfsriM*fß > iMMtIMMMI l|lf Will It ;MB*Mat #Bt» Mi lAB i MMMt If IMMM Mtii iMi MMIM' : Mt*«B > i%«' MiiwuMi'iM MiMi MMM* Hit Mi Mil i*i# ibbMmi im mm IMM» . aii mmbm M*a [ lira * Mp Mill MMBM*I Ml*lit| at* [ iiaar iMtiwi Hit Maa Immm Miii Ms MUM* Oat JNMm ll# t mm *mrn*mm*mf mb fftffaa-f It aaldt Mi Maaf aMiMMi MaMMt •US t,SS» gsngla S 4»y dating Ikf 99Mi SA»* M*f»*a*l«SS Ik* alkkiSS mm tka S*a4 mm Adaa'nM CkfWfS «• Ssstlkgs. Tka H»aana Tvsssris* *■* BasSkf kf)i ‘ Bapraa*slam* Bflttiasi N. EHsaiSg Is MM M tk* Maawa* hMadta C-a raJ llf tylial kst ka ta 1 aa** *** **A imml »tv~>» MtfMly Ms Ha Mata a Mmb* Im 0 d rMoM# moflMftl Of M^oJtMf fMMMMi **lt MtHlJlf o# vOiAf aMMpII ImiroMliaMi a Mfflri to Maao tMat olacktuMl*). MjiH, to a HmiM Uwwirf ' TMo oortitßf Mtofilf* oro OMtitlOM to o i«ar% mA tMof oafti to omo. Tt# rJly mom Mo« an OfNNNFtMMIt? of jif* whUai tb<tn mum (4ii it M nominal coat Oirtli'i lot tor to AMoftof moat hav# ! imaM fooolß# or 0100 another otiirrpria lei moat hava vriticl j out for SMafior a olooar reply. The little Sity of Cut hbert la deter ' mined not to k* oeddon* in ike matte* of entarprla*. With tk* aid of lowa Arat-rlaa* cemetery. A New York nilnlrter aeya that if young people mutt (dope they matt do It openly. The Savannah Preaa aaya the Cu bana" policy ta, “No looting, no about log,” conos tout Mobile. Ala.—Crop reporta are very ' good. Braobatn. Teg.—Cotton la doing fine- Ur. (loorgiana. Ala.—The crop la flour ishing. Pa!f*Une, Tex.—Farmers are well up with their work. There was only a trace cf rain at Little Reck during t|ic week. Helena. Ark —Crops arc generally In good condition, but are beginning to need rain. Nashville. Tenn.— The crop outlook is excellent. Memphis, Tcnn.—Crop account! are I generally favorable. Brazonn. county Tex. Cotton has been shedding. Weather la very dry. Navasota. Tex. —The cotton plant Is large and well fruited. Some sections of Alabama report prospects for fine crop never better than now. Dallas. Tex. —Farming operations are well advanced. The plant is claimed to have been damaged by cool nights. San Antonio, Tex.—Rain would ben efit the plant. Weather has been dry alt the week. Luting, Tex. —Th.e present condition of the crop practically Insures o tine yield. Dry weather has prevailed all the week. Selma. Ala.—There is some little rust on light, sandy land, but otherwise the crop conditions are quite flattering. Leesburg. Ga.—Dry weather has pre vailed the past week, and cotton is Improving. Chappel Hill, Tex.—There has been considerable falling off In cotton pros pects. Cotton has been shedding and worms have made their apparancee. Yorkville, S. C.—Cotton has grown ; wendarfuly during the past fiew weeks. ! Corn acreage Is said to be almost dou- Ible that of last year. _ , 4M sm* T~Mf MWBBB M •#♦**'* *™ # ' t 0 ...« i '*•#• <%MM B**# "*# *r*tf ••♦MI Hbui' *ii b» a mm* * ikttfk f # fMk'l BM MB# j jy |B fiMt |*Bi»fwr MmMI «m* Mp 4 v* MMKtfM|M| MBMI #B MMM*I» Mb#,- f| It sm* HNBBfMf Mtt«B t •»*■»#%* M, | - dgfek %*,#’*»* • 4**l «H |M*«Ek«V |p|<A B <kl ° I ■ Mwv Be* tr# i|k* MB'MB tBfMM *b TMlt MMitsMl M'MI MMM <MhB Ikif MMf M-»i J Ml 9m jMrfcißM mMb Mitf *m 99* j TMbI Bf*# fkN* f*o ‘ B MwIM BIMtM fMt 4M#tM ] ll If Biitfi Mm M«*m ffrfil Mt j WBrB Me* M«*»M **f IV imtil tl*M#y gUyM V tk* r*.k |> I* for I .Ulot. Ml r u .*. ~U. Who m+m ttnMittMiß mMcb cmIIbM I*l a* aa .4g f«M* fftmlit’a Ollift Bh rt V vw ■"'** *" f™ * TMarikint o*4 tt4it vh# Btill Mbs Mbt irovt t«d b«r MbbM. I I U Ib to* Rflpt»»»lt, 4 i irWc#* rhmp, ! vyiiij 9 v-tbtp *bi IMt out hunt* log I BtTmp. | B f„ r HtivifHN.fl ahA«fft tMt Ni* York j who rum* lost too lot* to Mp Mrttley pull tM«* roMS* T It for Timm <fother iougM om the Tho lr«o tlMit mb toy about this man tV J I’ u for t’nlon. n«B flrmrr than efif, . tilled with bond* that no bygone* run never. > V Mand* for Veteran* of our past war*, j Hut Volunteer*, too, show their valor by acorea. ' w I* for Weyler.tbat butcher afroelous. Who kc,*p< safe at home when hr"* talk j leg feroetnu*. » | Let X ctand for dollar* we ll get bark from Spain When dou*ht>«y* and Btckiea start borne again. Y Is for Yellow-Jack, which you may gue»s ; We'ye got to defeat, or we'll get tn a mes*. # 55 ts for Zany, sometime* written "■Don,” j Who perhaps ha* had more than he first counted on. Savana. 111. -A. C. BEEBE. POINTED PARAGRAPHS A woman’s strength lies In her weak ness. Some men are always out when their countty calls. Mm with wheels In their head are of a mechanical turn of mind. Costly apparel doesn't always make a woman look neat and attractive. Heaven tempers the wind alike to the smooth-faced man ar.d the populist. Very few children have as much strength "of mind a* they have of don't mind. Since the war began babies are up In orms and opinions are fired at ran [ dom. Doctors and lawyers ran always give ■ you n large bill In exchange for small I ones. I Some musicians go upon the stage, | while others never get farther than the orchestra. There's nothing longer than the sum- J mcr days to the girl who is to be mar | ried In the fall. His first love and his first shave are I two of the first things that occur in the i life of every man whlcjr he never for gets. It is bard to gather a woman’s mean ing from her words, but nature has sav ed a few of them the trouble of making themselves plain.—Chicago News. IRONICAL IFE. If a man has dyspepsia his wife gen erally suffers more from It than he does. If an original idea happened to strike some men it would simply paralyze them. If every man would fight as he talks the earth would soon be depopulated. If cleanliness is next to godliness, soap ought to possess the odor of sanc tity. If a man looks up his family tree he is sure to discover monkeys on some of the branches.—Chicago News. A NEW LINE or Straw Hats Shipped by miflßl*# and mutt kw Bold at ohm. » VOL RS AT Half price DORR’S “Good Taste Apparel' 718 BROADWAY. Y** - I WnV * % , . If You Feel Languid t i S and it r -netdv tfrrtl ont sftsr f ' / my fltfhl •mrtM’ti it sbo,* ti *> \ V tkin s»4 iwp«v- M J srUhni .ltd th* icUuci Of your X | 1 fafel i> rtwa's fiai*»parill*—lt 3 ( <•, ranch mm vkalt,* V # y,,ur l.tood aod put your *l>ol« M j f * tn a , osditloc. # I \ Uu>y 91.1*1 s bout*. A N Food For Invalids > S and l«bias can bs bad of os, f % freth from lutnufßCturcra. Malt- J v td Mok jMI N i Care for your Teeth \| V rrßtty wbttf t©tth. »ouod \ w jjimm amt fragrAnt br*Bth by C f u-iuk our uricnUi Tooth Wash* C j 25 cent* bottle. / ) Turnip Seed, / 1 ( Cabbage Seed, \ C Bran* and *ll f iber *ced* tir C J plannee now. Our Catalogue / r free, bend for It. i \ AltiaiJerDniiiSeeiCi. > / 706 BROAD BT. t AUGUST A, GEORGIA. ? I The Whltely Exerciser. I A practical, simple and efficient Home Exerciser, one specially adspted for ladles and children, but ai the same lime can be profitably need by the strongest athlete. FRICK*: 75c., *I.OO, *1.60. BICYCLES— CLEVE LANDS. DO np: VIK INGS, fSS up; GEN DRONS, *lB up: THOM-1 AS, 960 lip. Call and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver 1 TlOnT TTJIJPIOOdays; Dakota official and I*ll w: wa.®? DIVORCES lii.ljTtS."’®'™: TOM REED S FIX. (Memphis Commercial-Appeal.) Reed has been of the opinion that it was purely the province of the speaker to say what legislation should or should not be considered. It Is be ginning to look as if Tom were in a regular Cervera of a fix. SEA SALT I I wmmmsrnmmmmmmmmmmm HiVt A MMI bßttl At horn#. Ur*« tMf« 25c. Saa (Alt ,if tfivAtuA*>u mi tim nuf | K#ry. TURNIP SEED, I hav# th« n«w crop of Turnip Swd. Improved YaHow Rula Ba«a. Early j Fi*l Dutch And EaHy R*d Top* If Vhm »wd Arv truv 10 name th#y mAh* thv moAt dAAtrAbiv for prv««nt IplAntlnA. L. A. OARDELLB. twug* a*4 •**»* • Ml k *4 flk For Sale! ■■■"■» YMb f ilßutug 9***m#9f • ft) Mb amMMK I hkk WBI 'I.M N «V 4 AJNS 4* ft «•* [ ruMMlftg butt MUf tMfuugM I# Mthi HIM ff#t • -uihb wtuiMd by Trurtt 9d»U- El • gtf*tg ggH Wr»**d Bt f**l, wm* . IBfUlltg lAlfgß •* '->wO* l»*A® *1 t at ly in rur ot aloft K® fr tit*** running b***k tußtrdi ttr**«4 ilrr®t 111 fret $ IbcMbb. fMAt «bd M$ (•!< 4**|> IB IM* Vtllßgß f Mumro*r-Uir. fptiUfif os John i tiring M |v»rUon ot itm Moor* will Mb glvn* on •!! ih® abovß dßßrvibed protttfty. ApfUy «• Georgia Railroad Bank. *»v sts. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St.. Angnsta, Ga. gives free eye tests p* an d#*** « tight, grind* the proper |!mm« ttd W4H* BANT'* them- Lcnte* cut into your frrtr* while yoa waiu FREE OF CKARuE, SPAIN' IS DEFEATED. Again have the boy a who wear the blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant ed the Stars and Stripe* on foreign soil, and again h*« F. O. Mertln* de feated high price*. Look at this: 25c. Necktie* l*e. ; 75c. and It Shirt* 50c. 50c. Suspenders 25c. IS.OO Trousers 15.00 A full line of celluloid collars and cuff* Just received. F. Q. Mertlns, *24 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Reynolds St=Teleplione{ Ill,ate Leased Wire* Direct to New Yerk Chicago »ud New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stocks, Bouds. Grain and Pro. visions for c«»h or on margin*. Local securities bought «nd sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. IdiEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaiMJoiiiisoii Agents Scottish Amcritan ' Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. .11 JULY 28