The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 28, 1898, Image 5

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t muhsoav Ptan^bowl ij SLIPPERS ! i i apn / / $3.00 / # T ° l i Si.a4 i ) We Have too many Waal l J and Spring Maal T*fi§«>* / 1 SHppara for Ladiaa. and S S will cJos* thr lot for 115*. v C Thay ara all fin* Cincin- r | nail SltpOer* and rffuSr \ ) prica It §2.00. S / Saa our window. c | Mulherin’s, \ / 846 Broad st. c ik big ran mhii. Tii Smlm Tin* Hitt Bff® IttaaM. Il« aosih*r< Adml A oneemt 100 Fortaod , Tw# pn§fw>§§ iwri w • •* «•** » lilt !««• ttM Akir ««l4 ifcHMT #§§§ #• . V§f§*B4fe §* liIIMWI liilt Mr. CiVtHi M to 9pmk hy »r | ri*l fwpiisl oi Hr §pMt§§ tlf itt* «si mH «f t** *«** §f n. i’toium I T%# bufie**«« ®* I*f44 by d&y | art about aa Mil §it§§4§4 a« co*Hl ( ba ai par ltd. rotftidrrini ftv' fart that th# balk of dr atrraftb of ll ' Advent fitat liaa aoma diiUiff froai iba cHy, •ad atirodanrr la vrry rapraalra A ram Ur of Ifttifi Md pw »laa hap to fttiib tba atrn»ftb of tb#» Yaatarday tbey organism iha foutb trs Advent Qltftstlan PnbTrMtoa TbU la termed by daiegalea from all tbelr Soutbem ronferenrea cmat of the MlaataaSpfM fixer. Tbia will men Wen-! tiisHr Today tbty are orjtanititi* a Aoutberr. Advent Cbriatian Publication ] Sorlrty. for the ptirpor* of Ueulng a j regular pertodirel at tome Soother** point. We bop# bwh tbeae organlta- j tlono mill mak ■ tt*Hr beadquartem bare, and that tb* paper will be laooed ; been. Tbrtr cause Is taking on near fife and their friends bid them God- i apod. The dMermHiM fiord they have j barn making for aoma time against j opfaide opposition and falro friends within entitle them to tba reaped of j all unpr-JudJeed minds. SOUTHERN MILL PROFITS. A South Carolina Company'* Re markable Record. Yorkvllle. S, C-. July 2*.-Th» » holder* of the Clover Cottin Mill* company of thl« place have <t 'dared a dividend for the la»t fiscal year of U 1-2 per cent The report of the se ictjrty show Inn that the concern had rra 1c a net profit of over 25 per cent during the year, ao that the dividend absorb ed only one-half of the earning*, very gratifying. The balanre was rvt aalde for betterments. The plant began operation* a little over seven yeara ago. During thr.t time It ha* annually made costly lirprove ment*. every dollar of the money so expended being paid out of the earn ing*. Notwithstanding this great outlay, the figure* *how that the mill ha* pel l to It* stockholder*. In dividend* ab.r • more money than the stock they h Id cost them. The plant ha* nearly doubled I s original value, and there I* now lu the treasury a sum which will go towards doubling the present cupoolty of the mill, a step which the management in tends to latte soon. If the pugilist stops talking he may get Into a fight. SHOULD YOU WANT any article in our line come see what we are doing. , Prices will be Jd made to suit you. SHOW CASES AND COUNTERS FOR SALE. Wm. Scliweigert&Co. JEWELERS. (ill mi m. hb. ! it ..i , V*a r« a.abliaa II bat tba K t a4 Brat. the Nus. Mrwiiir* Will Boon k* Kntrwy VUt-4. Tba bu*i«i’fig will am«n be Any abo b.*i ‘ «rn out (bal way ran «4SI r there Is la what •• tba as oMtc n nmp o» ’ trfcei 4s a gmebeonn Held mil be* go 1 * AtifftNirbaa • *tlatnr hi I Tba Mpnallkm ptWdf *• owg llawd under a m<rtgage fur.rlotur** sale »u*Her «;| ja ful ff‘B|Mliy • 1 f|o4 J. .. a H oiihniit a definite <»b* !. rrt r^at wn , in have It laid joat into lot. and tuun* day aold. Thai j , . _, _ alf ! id , w of ill. ft rrarr company la Mr, j tiles Riral. Thr rarr «ary l» Mr P. J. i Mul ferric. Oi hi r« In the mispfltiy art: Howard. Wlllet A Co.. Jaa. Oaly, Bow- Mrr Phlniay. J. K. IJitnir. Mr» Alfred j llaker. Mrs I. H Branaf'trd, I Tfeompaon. E J. O Connor. D. B. |)y jer and Capt. W B. Youns. Aa ba* lifwn atatfd, th- irmpwoy ha* [had th pier? divid'd off Into lota «nd (are now Kitting tba dilapidated «Id [ exposition building out of the way aa fast aa It ran be torn down. Already I two-thlrda of thr itruclure baa faUita land it will not be long ere the whole I harn-lik.? ediflrr will be no more. Thsre arr 401 lota In the property, lull quite desirable for a nurburban res idence of grace. The lumber that composes the build ing—and ther«' la a lot of It—la being fold to varioua parties aa It la torn down. The fountains, which hava been dry since the palmy.daye of expositions, ! have been sold to the Augusta Rall j way Company and will groee that I charming surburban resort, View Park, It l» learned. The exposition building torn down will be a great Improvomnt to the property. It had lost tte beapty with its coat of pain and like other things “bad seen better day*." What's left of it now la not atractive and its useful- . c.tis has gone. But the land It has steed on is dwirable and no doubt win j prove a paying investment and in time be graced by many neat cottages. Thus we say exist the Expo. OASTOHIA. : Bfl&rs th. »Ttie Kind Yon Haw Always Bought SENATORIAL RACE. A Lively One on Down in South Georgia. Waycross, Ga., July 28.--The senato rial rare in this district between Hon. R. CJ. Dickerson, democratic nominee, and Mr. W. A. Ecord, populist nom inee, is already interesting and prom ises to be a lively one before the cam paign is over. Both candidates are from Horn i ville. Coffee county populists recently failed to endorse the nominee from Clinch. This district is composed of Ware, Clinch and Coffee counties, and this is Clinch's time, according to the custom ary rotation system, to furnish the sen ator. The populists are strong in Cof fee county. ESTABLISHED IWO-Reliable Uncla Lew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all kinds of personal property at a very low rate of interest. All transactions strictly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof safes. Under the Arlington hotel, oo Jackson street. Lewis J. Schaul. SICORD mi IDE wmmmmmm Hh fit tlat) Kmwp ip ASwtut U» Mti Tlmg w w#w tTwaairfya «*f OwlM ***; pMgMI HbMA #mi fit -.*s % ft - 1 1 Ws fijifW S <ll 1 ! ftv gm vgta TWis mi “*■ w " I Assail wagaiMUß §iawa im # s fp*i tt#r fktfHWt 9lMia#y b*4 all tb* lr ,**m «n 4iy *m a bwubfasi of b«r4 Itstli | k< »m ti* twffui aa4 rpf^ 1 lluiai f i r l«s A H *s#o (bil VMBOfS. l) ■it*lrl in yrrM”<l‘SM |t ail. but |tn raw pa Hpigbto. a»4 ibw wpm 4 tba s#ra**aa( ga fgra»*4 .. »ki, ha I Ifflf||Ct|t *fl t| *V W fill* r n tbcm la IM* tbc la our r mrtt uasist'4 by vvorg <ab •a la tba rugtwumf from tbc mloiti 4#i«n for «hi nitmr soon mm 4 u a 1 Tiibm llPigbio was r”n« 'TW4, for w lf¥>n , n r wt||>n marchifig up lla* ..1 a a., *k. IlHshlS | about Tamoa. Wbila tbc iwi» wrre »npp. at !»a*lag Palmetto Hm'b, Ipiiy dig am. after their disappoint mrgt Hava tbc aplrlt to answer th*- rh» era of the Sixty Kintb New Yorb* era who mate to give th m a parting rwi4«wee of eat«wm. They could only : h* tn at Tampa IHgbtt ’ any old time tbelr hopes unttl both railroad* wear ifarhc'i and panseii and then fell Inf a the same despondent mood as thr oth er men. It was nearly sunset when the baita tlon commander* gave the command. “In cloa* column on first company, column est." and the regiment halted ; in the black-jack woods and and made <• camp of shelter tents. In leas than half an hour alt the tenta were pitched and the men were ready for supper, which consisted of hard tack, corn beef and coffee. Thia coffee was put in Ibnrrela eatly In tha day and was too i hot to drink down without being cool- I ed. It had a most peculiar taste, al -1 trlbutod by the mm to whiskey, but j whether .lie w hiskey was put In by Uhe commissary or came from the > slaves of the barrels, it was Impossible Ito ascertain. Certain it Is that It jgrew stronger every rime It was s< rved I and by Monday morning was unbeara ble. This night's meal put bettor ; spirits In Company C's men, for sfter their day's hard work, their tiresome ■ inarch and twelve hours, fast, It was I the most welcome thing that could | have been offered them even more ! welcome than would have been the j certainty of going to Cuba or Porto I Rico the next day. Sunday was bright and fair and the I day was spent in roaming the woods, lilt wrling, reading, or at church by 'those who were not guarding the i camp, the trains, the wagons, or haul ing utensils for the camp and kitchen. Some went to visit the Fifth artillery camp, near the Second Georgia camp, and found much to interest them in the great breechloading rifles which w"re scattered over the camp. A large tub about twenty-five feet square was used for bathing purposes and supplied from a beautiful spring, was near tho artillery camp, and was a place much sought by the dusty and weary sol diers. At 4:30 this (Monday) morning (he regiment was awakened by the "re veille” rail and shortly after sunrise was on the move a?aln, in heavy marching order. After an hour’s march ~,e reached the new campgrounds on Tampa Heights and found a fine grove of oaks and pines on a sloping ground already clean'd and ready to camp on. but. the tents were first to be hauled from the train and it was late in the evening when Company C .after a morning spent in cleaning and burn ing trash left by the previous occu pants of the grunde, pitched tents and made ready for the night. The tents were up none too soon and some we>He not up when a heavy rain came from the east, completely drowning cut those unprepared; but after the rain, which lasted two hours, Chief Cook Fuller had a good supper ready, and all went to bed tired and happy. There THU AUOUBTA HUBALD. • «W 4UMHWI* IT &AK!nS POWDER mmtmm rM l* wy* |S9< IP gWUMUt IM« “Pl* wgiui’wf I wfibMi n ■ 90 tun n* ■■ r *** I «ttr 44. n»i 4brow»of4 nil 4n Icuinv nn4 l* f vft ib* upHuvn tvg- I MWikl Wtw Ik* who tb# noon wbo I bttrt 9 An mpu^w. ccm «rr in siissioN, | A Nggnbcf ol 11*1 port nut T rtnlo On nt fiftitih r, j«our t ItotUMP ItTP on with Judge O. W.JftMftMM »mMIM ■ •lift Mr Jcmn K- 1* niop» nttitng i** I Urltor The dui ket was ra.hev light H w ' ta fcrtsiirs!’ ti I .is ■ -net Atrwulliillv flit iiilif |(1 iln I taxpayers. The grand Juror*, after hem* | charged by thn Judy as returned the fol- Mate vs. Edward Rilry. true bill. | Stale va. (ieorge Iravia. burglary urllb I attempt to rape: true bill. tHate va. Bra Stums, rape ; tru« I bill. In the rase of the Stite va l/tia I Thompson, alias Isrna Washington, for (bigamy, the evidence was not suArieat The case of the Stile vs. ncoCge Robinson waa tried Monday and tha defendant found guilty with rerem mmdatlon to th» mercy of the couit. Th'- d< fendant waa aentcur.'d to th" penitentiary at bard labor for a period of live years, that being th" lighten! sentence the court rould impor.? fur a crlnt- of that character. Several appeal cares wore dlspowd of Monday by agreement of the roun tel Involved. The suit which Involves the prosecu tion of Mr Abe Bcunrrt for the sum of SIO,OOO was postponed until the neixt ttrm of court. This can? promises to ba a most inte«r«'Hng one ns It em braces some sinsutlonal feature*. Able counsel has been retained for Iwrth slcvu and a bitter legal tight will doubt lend ensue. The grand jury In thivir prr-sentmcniia to bis honor found that some neces sary change* and improvements should be made . lu the prcsintmcnU was al so contained an endorsement for IJie establishment of a county court for this county, to convene each month. This plan has been in prominence for several months past and Us establish ment Is now an assured succe*. The flrat squsd of men belonging to Mr. H. F. Rice' company left here yes terday afternoon for Columbia. Mr. Rice has not met with the success that he nv rits In his efforts to organize n company, but is still sanguine over the prosper Is of the fulfilment of the quota. Several unfortunates appeared In the mayor's court yesterday morning charged with various misdemeanors. Mayor Cope dished out justice In n plentious form and the city treasury was filled to gratifying proportions. Mr. J. P. Matheny, one of Bamberg's rising young attorneys, has hem Invi ted to deliver an address to the sur viving members of the Seventeenth South Carolina regiment of Confederate veterans at River's Bridge on Saturday next Messrs. Watly Mauldin and Haygood Gooding, of Hampton, were visitors In town Monday. Misses Connie Mayo and Rrlia Omal arc visiting relatives and friends at Fairfax. Mrs. Dr. Wannamakcr is visiting relatives in Orangeburg county. QUALIFIED TO LEAD. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.) It Is said that General Weyler op poses peace unless made on Spain's own terms! Weyler is well qualified to i*ed Spain into the same trouble he prepared for Cuba. DIYS 011 DOG SIBR wmmmmmm Tit ltd* IN Tm IKf 8 It 11. JMlfflMN It Nil** fit* W9m ffccni HMMMtfnmi m . mi Ad# MM illifNNitHil'*■*#-. q«_ M m m f §| ’ % I < tft *»»,,. ,k,*. - w ||half I "AM MM p»«r _ . , _ _ «sky *tMk J* 4 l tUf in t- <»Ht(H»«Mff «kl **• 4 I. .4 . . a* -j •tiftti* 1 ' all (In* thtft** mi 4 ilk ‘44 4.m IM j. v t b||» tint s i>«r If t”X Ml nM ’•llll an ) to n*r Tfl? 4* IS 4t»jr* l f .riilot fM?m \h* r*MM of Itho h«lrmr« Tb* 1 rtotaflt of fMHtto In *nrk*m * im, • otint lil <1 tvttli ttM* mint* |lMf p.,i*i j. f on 4 th#> '’Vtrflotm •*( th*** J4tlo, *«l4, •« III* l«ttO» M* tIW 9nml*9 '«»f tfio fertility *4*’ |Min4 1 roenntmt n* »n«'fo4, n*i4 th* Inti yonon of IlMt* ikig »n r o«* d<v*D#4 i tn utinr!) •«* !is|»i, toy*. Thn »ut*or*tttlMiiii fwllit* ! frr tld an 4 nut4# ihfWMlvf* felt llllr In thfKp 4«fC M Mhl thr |‘U|» “W** you I jMii't in, rUllrulmm, my «un, M onl4 il n « * A, t g nil,, |»rt<t«*«! htrnorlf <t\ rr !er<v «ii 4 ««• qulto n •!> 4.-g with thr lidM With thm h*» wot hi* paw «n I i ,pn—r4 It onmfnlly ncman his orown in ortlrr tn *t r n 4 hi* l«>nnrni and t>u»h ,'irat lock of hair ow hi* favorltr Iml4 rimar'kably w*H wMb'iheTzy*^ ■ Han* the « were net an kind, and while the ascendency of the dog star waa the harbinger of plenty of erlty tn tlie K*yi>ttan. It came to the Roman tn the moat unhealthy pe riod of the year, and be looked upon ithe dog daya aa unfortunate and even I re Judicial to life. Rut alt thla. my eon. doe. not affect tb* weather. There |la n auperattllrn among good aeaatble people to tbl* day that during the rla ■i;g of Slrlu. dogs ifit mad. That la why I warn you at>out playing l» the sun. If you abouhl become overheated and want a drink of wntyr so badly that you enuld hardly bark for It, and you ahould trot along th« atrvet with your 'tongue harglng out, aomw fool would prehably »ay you ware mad. Than you | would l>e chatted and atoned and har ro*H»-d until your natural terror and an- I noywnce would rauac vnu to snati at 1 peraona a* you ran !>a«t. Then you would convince the world that you were | mad and tb y would pursue you and (put you to death. Keep cool, my aon, duilrtg the heat-d term. Rememher I that Sirius, the dog stor. does not make llt any hotter and has no effect on iThe fixed stars are original sources o light and heat, and without their heat the gun would not finder the earth habitable. Hirlus is n sun superior to Mol himself, hut Individually he ran un ity give a name to the dog days. Now I you may chase your tale awhile and then take a nan In the shade." The Wise dog watched the pup run around In a circle for awhile, and re m.rked that a pup waa much the same a:i these older pcrsonß who keep on chasing lost week and the week before last, instead of going on to tho week coming. Then he went off to the elqli to join the sa<) sea dog and the sly dog and the gay dog and other dogs In his set. and to gnaw a bone and sip a drop of witter, for b 1 was o wise dog. may be in dehand. A Dog Which Objects to the Collec tion of Taxes. Syivanla, Ga., July 28.—There is a Sylvnqia lady who hos a little black terrier that followed her to church on Sunday, not long ago. and when the deacons got up, after the sermon, to take up the collection, the dog follow ed them up and down the alsh-s, snap ping and snorling and biting at their trousers, and trying to bold them back from the congregation. It was finally silenced and driven out, but its mistress is of the opinion that when its reputa tbfi goes abroad there will he a de mand for the dog from all over the country. Have you any old gold or silver? If you have call at my new Jewelry store, where there Is a lady in nttemdance, and we will either exchange for now goods or all cash given. Lewis J. Schaul, the popular priced Jeweler. By the time a -man gets a few dol lars saved up for his old age he is told that tils daughter has talents which shuold he cultivated. HALF PRICES ON BOYS’ SUITS fINM# 4 f-inat |T>Wf Ml liu if ft| 9*9* 9m** IMMX 4M4 **** N» Ml Ilk Ml mlmmi mmi RUMpM 9 Mi life* tw |l* 99 9&9 1 Th'lltl s99* II 1* #9*NM4 nMhi 9099 4« li |if h - -ttit* li Aikir — M 009990% 9kmp 0m pnMnf 9909 Mh* IM* y| ftT nt* ihifTnn. kni f*»4 m 4 so9f m*999 firm* 4>*f** MHf Mi 9**99o** ktMi M 14 tM MM I'iMHKIA 99 99*0 1144 999099009 9* |VM9 ll» H#ff il* 99m 9t*m 009000 M 4 00990 §99900 10m 9990900* * 009f Id m j%ro m lh# «Mt m t|i fcM# | (n*iw>i tM M|i in §O9 * '9*9*o9 > fM 009*9 tfr i' # nmfm f ' *m. %i < 99999 li s•*** *;t f'flMP* Afß IMr*' w#*l Mm# itif H*ti « Mf# *#4 *'l4 I R4MHi pstn# tl*ii To ftrt fyfilti §9*9*9 moMiplr If tfMX f ftMH l«tf It §44 J. B. f BITE & CO.. Clothing Departmgflt. cmjjp r«Bi CM *1.1.1 *4l •*s.!-. AMI • iRtIAIS Will Th© last, but on* of our Mmi*annufil Chall«n|t ’ Sales will be crowned with nn array of bargain*, such * as any stor* may b* proud of. Som* of tn* Special K values ar* th* r*sult* of our own *fforts carefully 1 planed for th* occasion many weeks a©o. Others, we ' are frank to conf*ss. are rather accidental, merely ; attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of . th* unexpected turns the markets take at time*. All t In all it Is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that •; will be *oid at our new store thi* week for v SI.OO -x Fifteen different styles In Ladies’ Low and High j Shoes and eight different styles of Men’s. j 1 hese are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. y Gouley while in the East. Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams A Co., J Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH'S CRYSTAL PALACG Q- jtj s« f Ity^ k BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. COLUMBIAS ON TOP JUST RECEIVED Columbia Bicycles MODEL 20 TO SELL AT $50.00 This special lot bought for cash and no more at this price. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. GUARD AGAINST small pox Tto^"SVS^, ei*ESisS , B3if».2Ss ssi-sss»iKJS!2?2rsssas Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W E PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga READ HERALD WANT IDS. JULY 99 I la now running, font* as our prlao beaut!** ar* flak gamn o«4 dtnnor mix On* might aa wall attempt tn pmM tb* rainbow, a* to daocrtbo all thala good qunttttr*. Th* war th*y ar* ■*&• Inc i* a caution to thoao who lrt*as purrhaeo when tb*y can b* bad for "get tng *ome *Mn*tl«n*." Better pur chase when tbty con bo fend for aucb low price* aa w# ara o-ortag tbam. am for glassware, rrorksry, lamps, gr.. ttma and langvags fall ua to tall of th* wonder* that wo (all. Don't for al that our **ro prices will keep you cool. ItemomboT th* pl*oo 4 HAROAI* l onHMtl • I*4 I M M At HKIt I I4HJ