The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 29, 1898, Image 3

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MID AT A fTf 11#r —* a omnniui *•«*-« Ha Mm m mk,tfUft. Mu ißinuMm.. Georgia Railroad Bank auousta, ckohoia oiMM »» tKUWUU* A A* IA CAPff AL. < om nwi _ p w ~ V p*m M«**t i» |MM#■. | am»in wiii. >» i>i< ftMMt ERfcST Dublin VM Pleased. TV) Hal i MUfci< C-rs TV» l» Aitoitt* m_ <toto * JNWto I® *Tto* • •■••to'D# m* (w»m4. **» **»»,** **: a- S # , nU.AaI *«« }***«• pm«l «►***• **» tkrtf •«* *•’”** Hi tk# ImM***"** **#»» *4 Mure*# * * * MM# ••*"*** **" iwr ft* t*» *** ■ .*?*£!** M . ••tM tu—ii aa brt en**® "* •**“* * n #— -— •* *•» •*•# «* v *y**n*?, ***** MMa fAsrti* 994 Hi#* S *»* I*-**"* " |*»«tttai pessa-g tadas# ••** •*#* 1 tut Mttfwa a*4 •lit*.''** l * •*•** iitt - i<4 ) a *»«•*» *"*» , 4MI \gnttotovt&in e» "***“"**' ».*•» tk* H*M** **4 IrthWn •* MM* BmMk u l an** it* wy •»• •* tattb i*• i'’* t>**# «*•»** l • f'AtoNMI HwiNtol «Vfto tototo** ■*"* * tfW«l 111 «#*•*» *••!* * nm-t*. drew* #•-••» **••" *•'***' J ,,t>—a. •**( •‘Mil S #•##** '* W»M* kasu’s# • rt#-» I Hi**! , . ,H. «*«* • SMHna »«•*> •«'*• * •« Ik* k#*g. l»M<Pa k ***tl M * 1 h# t*** inmh t—w* fai aeescat Pats f)M> |«<|ui«M .tt n* a* ,| ‘P , » *t ***' “a, I| a ,..- *414 IH»M*I mlw*l (, .. g-< ik»ll MU »Hk«wt Ww *> *»■ i nigkilMrr A pert*#* • »•* *»'« *•• taMMMMI tlMif* W»a MM* Cl»*r»<* * •»•*. "* ** r ' J Is rnti'* •• §M*m»**— WILL FHIMI. KifUtM r — Milt H*t« • CMtMalr la the hint J«wt Oa , Jaty 9 --Th» r»-|*o**ll<*n tv ullv* rowMKl** lor *k "t'tmm ««•*■!♦** *.* totlrlH aw »l lk*» |Ma<* y»l *•••!*» Th< »** to c«aM<l* t tk* aAktaaktlity * aaitliMi oai a r»n llMil* HI iW* H«n W. <1 Hrtnfl -y ttv pr»—a* <km*»Tatk «*»»«• **ain»« In til* • nmlnf rlwlkai It »U •grr*4 iHat a raMWlal* anal.l It put out *a*l *a*ti i-uunty rluinrw «■• ir.<*trv*t<-*i to . *n a aiwitat »tl tltri • to att-n4 a *oav**titl»a to b* tk*M In Waft"*** Au»u»l I* ygr Wilkin* «. of Vaktoota. a« n»a to b* the man *h<» »>H •** l» >u«ht oat. t rot 14*4 h« *lll twfl aomlnastoti What th* «•»"• cf knot* ar* •» hart! to a**, a* Mr. Bf»atl*r >t«!f**t*.t th* naiMnrt fwf*« of ttpuNklM anJ |.npult*t* in th* lam *l*rtk« by about *.sa* maJotitr it la thouabl th* art üblicato* ara ir In* to rcarlt an agr** ro*t»t » tth th* popultata by r hlrt* th«* r*ttut«ll'-aoji will aaairt th* popultat* In th* atat* an i county *i**tlone aad th* pofultata *i'l th*tn t*t th* *onfi** What her th* popullta comemplat* luttin* "ut < <aa<lb:at* ‘ar cowt'*»* »r not haa not b**it Mnv S. HhooM ts-y ao ao Mr Brantley »'UI h»v* » walkover. GAINESVILLE'S CHICKENS. They Are Seat Out By the Thousand* All Over thi Country. Oameavtlle. Ua., July ».-During th* last week tbera trata nearly ten thou sand chicken* e*yre***d from the "f --tlce at Ultneavlllr. Although this In tic very dulleat msaaon of th year, th * figure# prove that a large lot of "owl* go out from thl* phet In a vlngl* »e* k u took about *75 coop# to hold them, and they were *ani In every di rection. and to many different placer. Thoae chicken* will average 15 cent* apiece. Ten thousand ol 15 cent* each amounts to 11.500. In cno week, and ex tra dull at that. Thi* would be 16.000 a month, and 575.000 In a year. But In the course of a year possibly the 4 u hle of thl* calculation would moke about the sum really received. The *x prer* company certainly rauit be doing a good bunlnea* from the rhlckin trade. Those dealing In the chicken* must be making somethin* also. EETABt-ISHED 16P0 —Reliable Unci* Tew will lend you any amount of mon ey for any length of time on all of personal properly at a very low rate cf Interest. All transaction* *tr!ctly confidential. Steel-lined burglar proof safes. Under the Arlington hotel, on Jackson street. Lewis J. Schaul. SHOULD YOU WANT any article in our line come see what we are doing. Prices will be made to suit you. SHOW CASES AND COUNTERS for SALE. Wm. Schweigert&Co. JEWELERS. Hon E. W. Hammond. ll* ftlh tV IVtptari Ttra *| J*4ff t «. VfL Ue**ia Ua . la-v Si )*%• KW j Ham»iua* *a* ley «apiiM<d try j ihtuaei Allttaaw* Me ♦ U tk* yemakrt j . m is# why yy*f*b**i p* Apk l * l ** *mm- j ip ramM kg fit* **#sA a* Jmgg* B ff I Hr* a Out Maymnwe »*at »» r» I terAk* a* 'a-ag wt a t** ktut*<a4*iii «• j ! rmm tk* hat seed the f- ■ I*— »t hue* I I ppaa hmui *4 ilk toatw. wkua a *** ***■-1 i pmte* ya the gw* .eur* by a fttetrt | sty* avs A* talk Ut# »*•«** *’ ; uflkw aS»4 • ka'f kogy ***** ** «*• 1 ntsiik 1 1 that f k* w »ul4 rail ai * bee * \ ’t. tbwk Ik Ik* aT. arkmia ka tsuutd tlkd Hi iiikkHtm nnit —r Me wmrt | ' iggty hi k*g>t n iKHwt Ai» S*u*. • «k* hi ,1 . Tkta •gBSMv #-*** ggk gyetigdetarAl «k Ike pari of He* Atkkwa. *skn H 'Wll VP Mil M%VI j 'ggsTl tylsrat kbUMy to fill <k* pika* aal aim* Ik* am raalt* <4 h*«>| vg tk * rrMalaal mart a daily ogma-, t '.p tk** 1 * katas *** at* prysoewr* lai [ tgil who raa k* tried ta tfcs# opart. j |l» H*mm m l Ha* tm** tet frmr* ft . DC tßMf'fufc* 1 1 c*f tljf* o*r jv tmjr i prill c latlae* lo t'fa 'rp la cdkee \ •WM if*. ll* ha* fill'd Us* fdflrr Of • r*.aa* fm fif'eea tr*tr* witfc gyrfrrt l*at’*fs-ttoa to all wk» h»d <l »lta*» ’w tk that tap I'sae' fagcikmary and haa fe s*t* ts fneadg who a lt o>w>trs(-| | nig * 51k nyon lie appmp'atent WELL KNOWN. v Tk* Aavanoah lirwwim** Wl« Tr ed tdacaoaak. J«#r ** - B H Mryfa* • fee ytaranispb an *hO attempt*4 aal , pi* m iMlitlllf, Krotmby. la ' roll kas wa ta lUtaanak. wk*rc Ihe ren lod tor y«w* ! kt« family. H* was at ott# trta* a taetab* ts the firm ot Dry fas Broth iere « kithler* aad firmi*h*r*. After | wards hr teas r aoected with tfco firm j< r Dn-fus A Ri h ktu rweitly ha' ih e* «*ipk»;**d by Mohr Brothers. I whdlraale rioth etS. Tk* news of hi# ' averopt up in bit owa life caused a *r*at deal ot surprl** and much regret her*. He wan well !ik*<t and It was not ' thought that he was taauch trouble as Iso raua* bins to take such a rash . »l p. No fsan rula's of the attempt at su !*(£# have l»r»n received here. Mr. ’ Dryfna" brother vlrnnly received a tel egram announcing the Imre fact. B. . 11. Dryfua la married and has one ; ehiid, a UU!e girl. N. L. W. TEACHERS. Prof. Hoyle, of Itawton. Elected President. j WrtffhUvllle, On.. July 29 —The tru*- un-w of th ■ N. U W. college held a meeting last night to elect teachers for | the college. Prof. Toy tor. w,'»> was elec- ! ted rresident a few weeks ago, and j having deel't etl to accept the position, I Prof. Hoyle, of flaw eon, was elected In fata nlaca. Mira Nelson of Jonesboro i sis elected assistant The primary teacher 1# yet to be »e --i leeted. Mi-s Nelson taught most success fully and satisfactorily In the college the past few years and the trustees and I people generally consider themselves I fortunate In •*»*» securing her ser- I vte,.*. prof. Hoyle comes with the high est testimonials, and so the outlook for j the prosperity of the college seems os j sirred. . BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVa The best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblain*. Corns, and all Skit) Eruptions, and positively cure* Piles, or no pay reqel— t » it guaranteed to give perteet satisfaction or money ra tunded. Price 25 cents pec box - Fot i sale by the Howard fc Willett Drug Co. COTTON IOIXS. Brierfield, Ala. Crops are looking well. Bienfcam, Tex, Crop prospects are magnificent. Two bales of new cotton were re cord at New Orleans '■ eaterday. Monrce. La. The crop indicates to the casual observer a most magnificent condition. Ins bod cn. Ark. Cotton crop not mere than on average, say 15 in 20 per cent less than usual. The official report of the state of Ttxas says that there will be an im mrinse yield of cotton which is clear of weeds and in a good state of cul tivation. CASTOHIA. Basra the _^ he Kinll You Haie Alil W s Sis :r Thousands of young Spaniards, fear ing conscription, skin from the fron tier provinces cf Spain into France. j I Foal Accident. UtVf (rtf* !!•«» Hi* UwUl >* U*Ml+ f,pyga»■*, C. fw* A ** tAa* 1 Aag ofleewmig Mgila Ifca#* tA» ••• *4 t|s IwAkag t *oy» *"* P**k * fatal Os '<by taksps Ml tko 4H»'f>o»Bs 4 A*e 4* ~ p g* Mp I* v prpd a sab Mm aw»» few. ■ Mhp o*4 d*hs* 64* mekda** *fs4f»bd la! skuipdi'i I* MtfMeyy ml a* earn otm j n T%# omasa**** as adbdMma m. k*aa tey*. tbps aw* pawyia* tk* fwar 4 : fVHNIHMI H* lH IWD# DNI.V iv * * f-w - % '**l VD w*'!®* *** • MMUr <MWtI *#•!•«• tH»* ; Wl**m tirniiM top Itoto lto*vn»*to #€ tto* hmmni tot ftHMI Ml ItoMF'i \m mi ttoMi- m totoWto totoi ! mi Ml |to»N* i ! tZ M«wdr«y d‘4 an ke >«M - i#mm l r* f t**>* »S •** * »* pet am * T #i am the Half .<Nte*ae<at oad Itkat e-gb> ik* iaawts! pyarti t«**k wa i urtastiim fltakt ** *Ao* moa *t*m mi ktak a*t a»ode Wttk kaad# #M*a*t mi hap keawapk Tk* r»mi***» •**• *a* i pioad a* tk# add fcaaaa aap» Mppim.* To tk# «rb4 Mt*»m ao*easo oad «ar h »i*« r»t**ivwa me fghrod amt koold* ! f*et eemaauusw UP TO DATE SHORT STORIES. f-rtilkirtsd spike Apgwata farold By Bertie rPi a ran a Tarver j Tl.'y toy tkat Ike ekPrt etorv efl* , toM uHM to N*f. ttovt * to#* j I eased lo amd* far tfc<m fcy ik* alefcle pphlh skat newer* arw ms * * " . j They also arsms ta kove met a' ■ fsit «eaat. aa agrsseoh> rfcange fn-m tke car. iwo aad tfcree rolls me tt-sv H, aad tke omalaraasmt roatlayed ta oar argt" aerial But with all th# adraalgae* that | whorl pier . « now hare over otk*r liar# irf Btrratare. to as mind ih# augorii? 14 them akesa a d‘«sl*d fault. I ntis-e prod aa article wh<T* ik* wt.ior a Sir ns-4 tkat a *hof I story, with • sot any drUaite t.'gtania* or mding rvpemblMt a br-anMfnl Israark of Aow era. rolled from the parent atrta. A very prrly alml'e this, hot llr bra ark taper* dowa to aa Inß-sttealmal, rlothrr es flis-al klsoseom* and l«ovra. rng If the hrglotiing la vague, ao why ant have Ihe hloaeom-eompared atorlea I'tmlnalr la a fairly eotapi-dJ* naive manner sad not leave the reader slrs ndesl la doubt a* to whal In the war'd the hero or henst ie #*l*l or did 'next? The realltleo of life do not savor of vagurnaa; we are not visionary sra thetes hy any means: Ihe world la he mming more and more prosaic, prarti eal and sensible. Raven-haired, sombre-eyed grntlr mea. with Impraetlcable vlrwa. and wheels In their htwds. striking an at titude of ley ralm. while in the act of proposing to seme fair divinity, fall to give the reader cue lota of satisfaction, and If thl* style of hero Is Introduced at the opening of the atory. in such a state of rrtf-concrlt and Klondike tem perature, one always fro!# Ilk- giving the grtit'nnan a ilote of Jamaica gin ger. Juat to liven him up a little and the hsrolne a good eordlal of some act#, to brace her through the trying ordegl. It Is hard to Imagine real aenalb'# mrn and women looking vacancy in to each other's eyes, and murmuring I rapturously and dreomily: "I never existed before we rrrt." or, "We sure ly knew and loved each other ages ago. >vhen the world was Hill young." This age of electricity, bicycle# and good sound eo.-rgy has no use for rein carnation of reels; we would mroh prefer stories that seem to be taken from real life, with all of life's Joys, hopes, loves, struggle# and sorrows lu them. To begin or end a story, with a guaat. long-Umlcd female, posed stat t esquely on n flight of broad, oaken stairs, with the light of a night taper shedding Its effulgent glory round It r shock of red hair, while the classic folds of hor .lull green gown eland out in hold relief ngainst th.-' dark wains- ..THE FARRAGUT. The torpedo boat, destroyer Fan agrit. recently launched at San Francisco. ui built on the lines of the British torpedo boat Desperate, somewhat, enlarged .She was christened by Miss “Betty” Asbe, of Nan hrancisco, whose aunt was the wife of the late Admiral Farragut, for whom the new boat was named. - 1 ■ ————— th® auqubta hshald. mmvql orr t«r WTtort it Me I* *m LaapH wamee»ei #bb tko raiia. a»aa. If*-* v» a lal f fk *■ B-fhewiaa ta *a *4aArtel #aee-eegei ai Tke Wm*4 'B*u*oea» Baeert m m tmaa* i -**to HHUto l|to» toaktok 4ygkfk#fpi i*' •ktfMMM WBIIUMf Jfaaiirft-- *i gee*# *h#*e t#» reeks ' I ItoP IM toH* Nt MHMT j pMMMHNI totoMNpP 4 -A. mmi ♦tto to.*Mto*i Mto tototo* j taskrtl totoMk #» ■«*■> I VOkeass Ok* mpae kaetW *d pMdkava Mi moatyr iigoeaa, I MtsertV" B**e*» •**• sfowt atmfM j [task mri" i aa •« tmaa tk#e *k-w*d in ti A ypeoAmin ok wkwk Batkee j m m| Jtop(to4F toVIMD • 54%* : %*4T«Mplk Tv IMtoMHIIHr# «*#*• M : i. --mgd-' I # ito# ## J t«tb" Tto* ftoPMI itotot mdlmpk • >t, % «• mttfto vt • ivm *• *to# j f 9V>'tM»ff##»Tto# itolto## # * •*’ »■•*#* ivwito tol ih«t ito# MtototoMi Wf j ' >: ||. |||g| Ml A amdwot aotfcoe te »a Or*ana* da-! j , *r*s that art eke of Oeraiaay '» mow j ! i,m *>•#! Mrytliot ha# a wswak keott., Tke c mat ra# as Atmi* f*'ends asm li' »sasl i arw* heaared aad aeeaai*aa j t» sea • ifwtiaa aad hatMUaterp aft sound art!#- ilt ta jtnn. wkit* tk# ardeat layer, I gtopped limply •gs | rt tk* matr-poet lat ike fert of the etotr gaaipg Pith llOTr-ladea hoi Dp at (he g-Udeaa pos ing ab tr klm. aiay pooplMy appro) lo ■ there. Hot It perm* very punch Hk* op* of those prOtf plrlurt* to me. tal ana tke wkirla aad vavlag liars, aad i. a rkaas'css lo one If ll happened ta real Ufa tke gr mp -geo nest maid would up stair Uke a rabbit, af* i*e *he said good night to k*r stiscd. and be. with propriety, mold hardly 101 l l here end gate upward*. To Imaginative, dt.-alu” enilera I ex pert It la rather hard to strike the golden m* an brtwren life-like akrtrhe* a gal marly improhable oaea. and I know Hl* Impoeelb 1 - for any one dorr in contain the mati'.lals and plat that wtll rater to all tapirs, I am pleased lo tee that moat short atory writers are copying more and mot* the actual realisms of life, though It ke quite true that th- e.smc wrlifr#cfffn ptjrtray i. »l Ini idrnta and wrrk lh*tn Into a plot most too falkhfully rroKstir, mak ing such ati ties onflt for school girls and grofV’.ag boys. Kxtrrmeg In plot provoke more do pr. -Ist'ng comment thra dull vagtt.- ness. while I think a touch of humor, good dean non* -ai<\ should leaven ev ery plot and brisk action, life-like din lcgtra. homo-1 tke happealuga. I# ao re freshing. aftor a doe- of the poster girl stcriea. Apropos of this style of writ ing, 1 hat- h-ard many a well educated, well Informed .peraon look up from ructi a tale, yawn dismally and say: "Well, what dorp It mean, anyway? TU.'re Is no beginning, no ending; did those two poor fool* get mairled or' what? I do wish some out would pu*- ' tls It out for me.” And that Is the gist of the whole trouble; women readers want to know for a i te'nty if the hero or heroine married or got out of his or her dilem ma, or what? and the masculine reader wants to know If the two dull Idiots got ktr- 4, and fervently hope# they did, and that Is Just what that aggra vating blossom branch of a story, "lop ped off at both end* and *ometlme* in the middle,” never t'il* Just like n mule with Ita tall aad ears doeked off. If they had rnly been left on th.-y would have been useful, with which to brush some of the flics off such tan talizing literature, flood old-fashioned grandma *t*.rlo* Is what a grout many love, (V ar old-style gardens rrdolent with lavender and mignonette, happy home gatherings, simple courtship* and weddings, e.ndlpg In truth, love and w tiolesomentss, natirial and sin cere. Third Rgglmenl. itoVm Vkktai «V totit Mm to IwHSMt |t y g§ «# AM sort* *4 *I Ms* at# b*t«d «aa4* laBB # fljrti 0$ I to# ftoff* flwfli t»#*M#toto j . i toM#kwl fto #trt 4Mk *«*-* tototo to to* to**# i > ito#t if tototo#*totoNl to to#* toll j «4MMto MtoMI tot V|to *f |t»i«*•*•*! j i fto*fto tot f to* 9*WM*m toltt top totowtovtoto j Its ttoto totofnitol*» mn9 flf4to*to to to * **• I knat am* aak «k*rt test* ks pot m I tima fMrto _ . _ „ . H I* meAy#mim4 that <SM t%adise Mel | Mamsd * H*«*e •• eew»f #•*##» *«••#*■ I i t*d •<k Iks rwg'tartrt Ml taa*»k fc* I «MM*m taot the aa'iyenm aef tk* *4k I twee ar# *4 ss i aaif'agu mi pom at BB op ik# tmyka of tks i—ipoio a* eoaa m gwosihta **d *tl <4 tk# Ml erne art . dae« uftsgiis mark 994 art at »*.» iywara ellksmt data# la tko #».*t <4> keeru i all air os'ore * rpeaoaaM# aota 1 b#r as ta#a M <k# reaba as tftmr rwaa | paa-f* W raadWv *<wy attnaal* ta ! t.raate# that tk#e will ke enpmded to [taotaa. *» that ptasoa who raa ••##< | the f#*oatawrat* map he pm Mi tkra j ptiffT * Bray* as Ik* idh ot Mi tk# tr-0 ttototol* I - kae# already 4oa* th#tr Nk ahar* but ■ lk#r* art oth#r* aha Me# art. The I isgtae moa ad»fre*»e< ta ysreey okteor ta th# isaiapa*. h«<o» #*r. h it co*t*«**4 gsawwl laairtotyms Ml rtgard la tka work a# well a* th# mail#* r*f*n#4 la Tk# Mswaaaak #•*#« *'apt M#k»T K>- <b >fw# ad U#rt W B . leak#* ha*# do*# tkrtr fall doty la Ik# taa* t«r. aad a»* ha#* a rempnnv es Dfte oa# *alka«4 am* at Ortttn Tk#e essayed all told a turn! *igk'y *M Mmn j apt aww* tkaa thirty of th*a» w#r# e#-, J#ti#d he tk* rnamtaiaa phyrtrirti who was gsl'r sdrlet Tk# r*grt>#nt I arw bat par **• ar «M tara taa*i»r jrd ta. and rrrru'ta are gotag la ewer# j j day. thongk elealy It look# *» f • h«rr might b* #«wrval rkaag#* among] . Ih* cßcer* brtnrr erfsa ratbia ha#' hrra fully romptrted Tk- failure to i**»* < .-mm as,cos : v tk# otttcerw of tfc#| t-gim-nt was oa account of ifcl* very mitt IT !« was tMermtaed to wait ’ and **# what th* officer* will do in' ith# tray of areurlng recraMa. a*d thoa# who fall to Isring la a r*p*-i*able at»m-, her will probably h* e te gd# #sy 10 others. ITALIAN V AI IIT. PRINC**. .S.an4al In a Roman family - A Till# Bought (Near Y< rk flua 1 Advcntutos Uke (’aglloalro and Caa fo».s can still make their way In Eu- | i rope, aa la shown by the at range story 'of the Prince of Carovigne, who has Ih«o flv# times from the Ital ian chamber of 6 puilea. The tills ta a genuine one. and th# prlnca has a le gal right to It, though there la nothing princely In bla birth or his career, which he lias recently made public in a pamphlet. H* la 81 year* of age. a native of Trieste, srhete bla parent* kepi a port v'l lodge, and bla name la Camillo Ventura. Ha wa* irain-d for a domestic servant and swvdff aevtral Austrian and Italian noble families un til he became a tild to Count Kuf ateln, whose name ttppeai* us a media ttsod in the Alroanach de Gotha. The count’s wife, by blrih a Princess Odtscakbl. belonging lo tbs highest Homan arlslcrray, with her name, 100, in the Almanacb dc Gotha, fell in love .vilh the vn!.l. who was much younger ! than herself, and turned over to hint, I while still blinded by her passion, 4.- 1)00,000 lire (1800,000) of her private for 'tune. Whom she rame to hw sens.-*, 'ahe called the Odeaealchl family to I help her get Itack her money. There ; was a isrnsatlcnal law suit, which the family losl. and the princes* is no* eonffned under guard lo one of the OUe tcalchi estates In the Abruzzi. With hi* late mistress’ money safe In his possession young Ventura de t. t rained to enjoy hlmclf. He marie up his mind that he would like to be a prince, end soon found an old and ex tremely poor Neapolitan noble, the Prince of Carovlgno. who agreed to adopt him as his son In return for 40,000 lire ($8,000) down, and a pension of 300 Ike (S4O) a month. The Neapol itan nobility was Indignant, and re monstrated with the old prince, but ho stuck to his bargain, saying he was starving, and at 70 years of uge could have found no work but (hat of a street sweeper, for none of hie clhsh went likely to help him. The adoption entitled Ventura to the rank of prince Immediately, though In Italy rank no longer gives ony privileges. The new prince then determined to enter Parliament. He presented him self as a Socialist candidate to the elec tors of Pictrasanta, on the Tuscany coast, and threw money about lavish ly. He was elected, but the chamber of deputies would not admit him. alleg ing that he was under the legal age for a representative, thirty years. Ho was relurnod a second time, and again rejecte>,l for the same reason. At the third election he had. attained the stat utory ape, but the chamber refused to accept him on the ground that, being born in Trieste, he was not an Ital ian. Naturalization papers were pre pared for him. whllePietraaantaelected him for the fourth time. but the Ode ecalcb! family exerted Its Influence to prevent their issuing, and for the fourth time he was rejected. An at tompt to prove that he had bribed at the election failed, and the reason given was again that he was no Ital ian. an unpleasant argument for poli ticians to employ who make capital of the cry of "Italia Irredenta.” After the fiPh election the government was able to prove, bribery, and the Prince of Carovigno was condemned to a fort- TAN BOW SUPPERS fftlHvlti IHOkl Sj.€H> | TO < Si* 34 W* Hbvb too nrtkny M#«l •ml gprlocr Hteml Tan Bow Slippcira for Udifi, «r»«l will ckM# IKb lot for SI .24. I Th#y Bf« all f»n# Cine in- < nati SllptlMf* «nd regular prlco •• #2.00. S— our window. i Mulherin’s, 846 Broad St. < night * imp* wenamat aad Hr »#*«f tsapO of slpstntst tight*, rtl whK* grossed th# rhrtaher turatd h’m Pat tm th» ffftk time la apt,* as thl* h# praaorto to h#»r »p ht* easmdart and sowata *a hi* t*icirn#*s<a aferume Mrhrtff him up unlit he sourk. ar they are Ukrly to lif his am*#! hold* not TTltfriM-M OBOWIA How the Be>» me Kept Hard at Warh. Ch*»taa«"«a, T-og. July j*. —i*« tar i«a a pin* behind a «l#«»tgta mul* or 'rbk#« eottaa t«o«ih a midauimn-t •up is a«» warmer than tk» brtg#de ■lrtlta wHleh at* now th* -nder of th# '.lay Tot the Find tb-.rgVa every m-ta j | twa Is-ur* and often more, th m.a diltl over ibi# iwrt of North o#<o-- gta with ak.rtildcrcd ltd** alnayw •»*> ! not mf.rqu ally with th# olawtgwr twrstw 'and all Ihrtr *|>purt#no*c*s «* r.#*vy mar. blog order. Tk* flrvt ■•.•■•**ta I* gelling phb'f d.llllnp In hcovy mar. Mng order durla* tke art. in «a# »f this week This *f « „.vm. instead «f a l»ra<‘»*w msr.h ]ul that . harm ter. tls. m-a wan Uaatad ! i*» »on»rtt bin* worm. In of in lif.iMstilliiy of thetr rtriy 4-I*;'“'' ■li ha* been tla.ugbt *ls« t# #* in training Ot lbs- boding of th# »*• “ "a'.# rdingiy when drill call " ,un "J this aftern.i.n the lent. ***• «''> un.l the city Ml Tk* shelter tt * ih-- rips ame.>nt «f clothing in th. n ...lied and slraiqmd acr. aa ah<M»l dere. the largo tent* were loaded Into ih<- waiting wag.ns and th* was ready for marching. Thiels th j way the men will ready for th. ir Idel'-.rturr a few day# hence If pe*.> ha» not been declared before tl»> jm.nt geia US marching rtdera Tomorrow the last of ihe third bn a«dc flint division, first morps, ’»»>«“ ;ou »nd next In order Is the Brat brt ;la,i ptw .nd, first corra. with which the first Oeorgla I* brigaded, If anybody wlphta to communicate svttn I the flist il<-orgla boy* by mall they should write at once If they would make rertuln of reaching them here In Ihe sir et of Co. O of Brunswick and throughout the regiment there I* decfi aorrow because of another death y, Co. a, tie- second within a week I MUD Why Drink Such Stuff When You Can Get HARRIS LITHIA WATER SO CHEAP 5 GALLONS ONLY SI.OO Try Harris Lithia Ale and Carbonated Water. Harris Lithia Water will, if taken regular for any reason able time, cure any case of Dyspepsia. 816 Broad St., Shewmakes R. I„ FOX, Agent for Augusta. Sppcial Price* to all Dealers. READ HERALD’S IflS JULY 2® as ski* ■ —op*sty. wMrk ar# tk# oakr •pp dnatN* wMrk ka«# .wattwff la tk* 7 |*fit*t* AntoWM# M. ttoiTto I# trilattol 4M «t IffHto k.iiayrtal of itl-b -Sd lev## and #4k#« c anpHcallPpr. Mr wmi ta* burbwl ta itmuakwiaa (** PPWTSSW. werr-m-t W»>esa 4 (k. C k rrttea* leer rust with Ik- m swale# Curporai Itranv. Os C. ka# < ksrged from I s * hort«at fat liar* baa b#*» m*4# a lan«# *we* ■Hgftol, Private M en haa .bd nor go in Porta tibw ». reported, but I* d-IIMI 4*iy wHh ih- **• <,n.l dlvtabs*. »r*t roepp. buppi i*l carpa. . orpotal Hurt*. Oa. C la cmivalen " i g niTT JW. Martin. C». F. wa# naads ' ty rem*mb*twff ky home folks jr,MM*rd#y. _ Mi rlei .n ptlvera ha# a ten day*' fue* bmg*r. __ c. ■ |,.r«l i(Kii»*raa has awoca off Ping his teeth with vaertße point# .at *. , .uni cf the frightful result* *!•#«- ding ht» test eivolrt#. ITlval# M ts#..!'l. Co. I, h*g report* V»| r-m the V* ",b»l for duty. Mt aa.' Mr*. K..-1 .nt P riser, Mrs. i Bradford Miv* Attnl • ntstspapi*. Itiv Claw#.# Mead a* ColumlMMk Ob. s.-re - etc. -n*. visit-rp cf C*. B Ibl# ifk *»to. 0 ptrilto r* rtc Bg gnff V nhiiw to CV H "tri* 4*l*ll 111 th# Ivt’Hil. ;; oonrt tte s»* out In full last nigh, and dlacourw-d som* very #w##t -*ric. ric h to the t>-light of their fitmds. Have yon any old gold or all**r' If | you have call at my r,*w Jawclry ator*. Iwher* t her* is a lady In nttaadanc*. and w* will rltb*r rxchgaff* taT n,w good# or all .ash given, towl* J. ft. haul th- pnp.ilar priced jesrelag. an kxtkndkd line Q n , Merritt can boasi of having the moat extensive army on record at pres ent I* i» strimg all the way arroa# the Pacific. Philadelphia I-edge r. TIIAt 0 YNO MEANS POLI-OWS. The Am rlcans have raptured W'akg Island In the Philippine group Waka riand mini have been asleep Dal las New*. Ts a man could read Ids own blogra rhy It would surprise him more than any one else.