The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 29, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY 4 THE IUGUST* HERHO •««•« ,1 mt — urw m 0* tit ** _ „ %■ fWMfih »••*?*» *** - * i- mm **« • *mi Ipipwaati * ll *"' nIKAI l> i*WOMt*. *"“■*■* i #pMN4hil **** 4 flEr I IfZimm*' +* •**’ mf*m* •» ym Vh II I I IM> IHl’ HIiHAI* 1 t*i «*** : ****** M< m. L 4. ttit,,-. !**#«-> t# WNWN Mat K*»«r# »»** w ** 4 „ ~ M #1 •la Igbggle**** A* **• * >t'««■»• ■ u AI Ito <l"* 4 (>****i to H.m Ttrt nir *» «*• **^ w * ** p,, tm » mu* «w»» ****** **«*• "rtir r tow u* wf-ni-t **• *’« ’* ,W * WATCH VOi H I ABCI-S --tM^Tp^l^tTyiHv’»»»' •*»*• ttm t% alt* H ••<» •*»* »* > "*•"* M»t Mto** t*» * g r*r«» •* *• 4 ** <n * mut !•«« »»—**« <*•'' •*“ '"“ r l^irl Herald Prize Leners From American Summer Resorts. ffc» Herald ito# v«r » lU •**? * * * • Mrtra .d s*>■*• tor »»»* •***• latter* eilH-n rnta an Anwri r.« fwm. r lleeert Tbee# U>« t« r . ami t># ■*•»" a ntati 4. pitta., titl. »f*er 'l® , w ha* c !«•**<• ih* *h*»* **• mu til! t># luNnlttM lo • w ' m# prtent an! 1m...nml tDif9«n» f«r At iw«r#U»f **• arigaa. Tb* ral name ot the writer. a. well aa the nom de plume. mart areompenv *ar» lr«tar rent In l«r |*ul4irniln«. fur lA* purpose of IdenUlLw . . . C«e>t**t«n4» otu.t omftn* th*tr Irttrra to a reasonable Imath Coirtratawt* raa writ, a* m«»r lattara a. they wl»h ‘o' 1 ,h * t>ut uit. coataatant '* n nin only ottr of thr prl*.* , . Th«* Herald want. Ilva, aprtaht if, goastlpy lattrra. a*nl prlsra will he awarded for the . beat, moat latereatlna and moat readable lettera of Hummer He aort Newa. Contest Opens June I 5. Contest Closes Oct. I. ton THE BBHT LITTER iron THB ID BEST L.ETTKH ... U W arOR THE ID BEST LETTER ... I.M if You... HISS TODG EEGALD Any afternoon drop a postal to The Herald. The Herald appretlatea a Kitkof thl.n Ttind. and will make every effort to Vemedy It. Give «» clean politics tintj tloon •kttreete. ! By all means give Hawaii a goed American name. Are we not lo have the honor or (hat Svislt from Hobson? j> The returns are not all 1n yet front The fiancees of Unit. Hobson. The Louisiana soldiers claim to be tnore immune than the immune*. * —— | If Liliuokalani Is really dying she has very little uSe for her throne. The Congressional Record continues to do business at the same old stand. Bob Evans Incorporates in Ills offi cial report a tribute to American wo manhood. The whole stale will be giad to know that Atlanta Is to have * more sightly union depot. The Gale city should ha«e a decent gate. Folsom, in the bright Brunswick Timea. says: “Tire Augusta Herald is one of the brightest daily papers in Georgia, and its success has been un varying from Its first issue.” iit umim m »••*» HHH , IgpMMIMRI If !»•”•* rHF t 4|A tlMtMMltl «MH |l i**i *■•»*»-» H i> prf• rH U *0? m fuff i niiP'iii tw •***t »»4 pifltfly if M* ; Wtlnwt if» I I'faM H# i IW tftlft w%0% 0* *M ft *U rnm *4 * ««*«* AM WM» t** lItWRPPUI Ml 4 tfIMMMMI «• M ar»Mr of tkv Irri rank. M. feM • p»*Mltlf «4 Wa l***a*-i are to tpa Thla •*» ' tkh*ef tram tka »avhu.' laatie accord.4 him hi Thorn- Mb Is Ike MMW of M apaoco on t n.t urcaalor ba r«oowod bla au»«l»*c» to tkr prla«ipl •of Popoll*® »k.>* crkao*l*4gla* Ike t»ri»»leaaom« of the party aa aa urgooitatioo Hcimul bank* inf protection ram* la tor i ikmarefottoa aa4 then he turned fa the I preteut near and the tsiea laapoe- l (nr | tin* porpoar of rorrytog It M. The war itveif waa deaemorvd In tifMutn irr.i and the oiarrlmlaatloo ag.r'aat I .he r« r ntada t», t‘» war tat »w 4wett upon at length. | One »f the moat striking fwbitfc of the ccraa‘on was the fact that all thn r« dealt In glittering gcuwall tim. Hose of th n a took the public in nie rt ntmrncr na to what room* he tr the per • nu to pursue. We ar? t >!d rolt.bly enough of Ike maladie* wltlch debilitate the body politic. But what I. tc be dene about It? The speaker, tl etpvlvrp did not believe that tbete nai the slightest hope of a i*r.(ujlie* rirtory this fall. It waa a half hcarlod kind of rally In aplts of the *upet3.'lal en(hu*la*iß. And that I* where they missel their cue. Folltlcel agitation la whole*omo. Cartuptlon follow* eecurlty, and the ret of men who go on year after year In und.iputed control of public nfuui uervert the function of thrlr office tb unworthy coda This la history. A wave of sestlnwot I* sweeping over the whole state in favor of pure methods In politics. State aud nation al conventions have been held to se cure primaries precedent to every elec tion and to throw about the ballot box a safeguard of sanctity which the boldest dare not violate. That sentiment 1* as vigorous and extensive lo Georgia as in any state of the union. It Is vigorous In Richmond county, for the last grand Jury urcon- Bldered Its action In recommending white primaries only because it was dtv elded that that body should steer dear of polities. As a reflection of Its senti ments the paragraph was ns conclus ive us If It has appeared in Its final presentments. The I’opullsts claim that the Demo crats have stolen the best planks of their platform. It Is apparent on ex amination of the platforms of the two parties that many of the principles enunciated ore the same. The Popu lists virtually admit that but for the corruption In the Democratic party— of which they themselves profess to be free—they would have uo claims on the people. What, then, was the manifest duty of the Populist, leaders? It was to join tbo upright IbJraccrats In purifying the old party. It was to come back in to tlfe ranks aud ally themselvce with the friend# atul advocates of pure elec tions. Their vigilance would then be effective, whereas it amountß to noth ing, exercised by a hopeless minority. Men of broad political vision think they foresee the day when Republi canism In the South will be something mMWi • Vf*■ f- ■ amMI ** m ■%>’ «*4 «£*t*iT4ha«Mi us IAmWMKpMI^ I 4HHH j IMP* ; ? HH*'- iH # §| | immi iAApMAMMfII •• PriiMk Ml ftwt •fr .M 9 MM M .1.-4 4 - - WI TH! IIUII tWH I! f*M a e rtrtf rff §*| • IfiWifcp* s # <t* kift ' la tk* t'slwd IMstnt awl bt?M high grbwM Cwtmm wbgs.t tm - drt srv panuatariy w*ll kw«« to ik* “vH3r;rEH *r to mmmm am tea 4W4*-4t fipsto drop. Ike ret** of to Pubs #•4 trade relations »™ IS4atokllsk*d with the witiw. II la **peeto4 that | the** wrlll kt a Mttodit both lawtard ‘ .ad outward of forest products, which ! will hat* a baaeirlal Hfett ago* Ik* I lada.try la both eouatrlra. Fitit to ' feel th# force of this movement toward rehabilitating Cuba will ba Ike twmbrr ms Inlands of the South Atlantic nnd Golf roasts Prior lo three years ago they looked upon Cub* na an excellent outlet for tbe rrsrw end of the mil! ruu. and since tknt marks* has bean ,-|oMd. tbo coarser grades of yellow | pin# produced at roast points have boot j marketed with great dllßculty and sat : dom at a profit. Cuba herself, unfortu nately. It la said, will ha unable to I realise so promptly from s movement to reestablish her mahogany and rrdar trade, for it la claimed by prominent operators (hat tbe Industry bus been so completely (-rippled by tbe ravage, of war that a period of time running Dom (waive to eighteen months will be required before logs can be lauded In this country, » THi PEACE PROPOSAL It Is hard to say nrbst will he the Immediate outcome of the overtures for peace which the Spanish govern ment has made. It Is practically cer tain. however, that the President will not be victimised by the hypoerlry railed "diplomacy” which Spain exer cised so artfully just before diplomatic negotiation# were broken off. Her proposition for peace must be honest and unequivocal. She made a fatal mistake by not opening up negotiations as soon as her second fleet was destroyed, if she had not been tho mad-eap of nations she would have doa«> so. The rcßult of her delay has been to give our troops an opportunity to lend at Porto Rico and even if an armistice Is declared before Gen. Miles achieves any Important vic tory, the American people will look with disfavor ou the abandonment of the island. The truth of the matter Is—and Spain may os well realize It —we are the conquerors and eho Is the con quered. She can have peace only on our terms. If we choose to do so, we will retain every island on which our troops have set foot—and may even demand a few more. Nothing but the fatuous density of such a nation as Spain could ever In spire the irrational and ludicrous terms in which she talks of surrender. She has brought on this wa- by her oppression and her stupidity. She has been cuffed about until the contest hardly reach ed the dißtilty of u fight. Now she must give up whatever territory we demand, pay the expenses of the war and then go back to her dark lit tle corner and meditate over her folly. Those ara the terms she is offered, and she may take them or leave them a lo ® 6 - , i j. i :.j:i . the .a ttcsTysr-A mrTv aIC »»» 4*f» TMB JobMMAS Ngwltnr Mr* "THi* gMirti mtk immJt ilk* mm |m 4k* f *■ w « #s# |lj> fr || Aft4fF|Fl I'fdifll A gf¥»tt jh'io mmr *» ib » cibiibit. m ‘i bi ItvoltM 9>t% I tblftkt If rftu StoM. Tfcf Ora is 4 Jurf of Cboiho » Cemmtf \ i§ Bit it * ts* r«»uaiy r mtn*«mfimi bo- ItltiA flonJ doofi. Win tki you itty* pom It tip* jtMttot Clay ha* proro'iwl ih - Alpharetta hoy* to «n*»k* tl»«i a *p*erh 9omo tlTte *iii month If they xrv go. 4. The Georgia c tde of IBS has b«ru declared rou.Uttt*tonal by the niiprem i court and tb* *t*te breathe* easy again. Tb* Mormons are preaching lb At lanta. They might g« op an inter iwting joint debate with Dr. Brough ton. Must Richmond be reproached with having refueed to support the general movement In favor of white prima rle*? James Hamilton Lewis was assigned to General Brooke's atalf with the title of "Mr.” and without compensation. Boston is at last avenged. The ner vous old ladies of Spain now think they hear firing off their coast. The Sumter Item discourses so de lightfully on "the charms of dog days” that It seems almost true. Barney Evans. It is said, is still lead ing the race for railroad commissioner over in South Carolina. "Inspiring, bold John Barleycorn" is beginning to figure In the Carolina campaign meeting^. Editor Stovall fully vindicates At lanta from the charge of inbospitality during the reunion. It was pay day at Camp Price on Tuesday and 18,000 were distributed among the boys. Hobson denies that he is engaged— except in tbe worthy task of raising the Colon. » *■ POINTED PARAGRAPHS It’s a rare treat wt*?n a miser In vites you to join him. A poor man without principal is us ually devoid of Interest. There are a few things that even a very yotuig man doesn’t know. You ean't judge h man religion by his actions in a horse trade. About the hardest thing for a man to do Is to kiss o girl unexpectedly. Even the optimist forgets to smile when the tux collector comes around. A man with a single idea is a crank. That's why so many men are not cranks. Every man has n grievance, and he’ll tell you all about it on the least provo cation. The marriage ceremony is frequently the final act of diplomacy previous to a declaration of war. , The girl who is (rise never permits herself to appear more intelligent than the man she Is trying)to entertain. Some fond mothers .believe they could love their babies to- death olid some mean old bachelors Wish they would. HERAtiD PRIZE ItETTERS —.-Hm* tm?- SOMMER RESORTS. s£& Fat iW M. It) Pm tfc» 3m < tti f j Fti tit Ml P|«* t* AM tllllllSMS, cm «m* I « *9 ,gs M| t-t f rv»-in3inc* j I If« til•*# MM*!lf lIMMM Uffig* a*4 "Me-tol Hair ar* ‘be ahrarfJ j . m m m f fJf |jm f|*| ff|p:.- hlN* «*,Ttluf brtfii oom bmtunll 1t a —a a. i*g • .la TN *rmi rfe«m ***** r*M4*o- I r O9 keif ic ill* «lofiit of \tr It Bit “* *t»4 ftiMMC. Til# pimitm* ! I IM f P*t! mMN* fWMf j*. fvtu.shed • .th hantoo-km • hair* and floater*. Indicate an idle I luxury unkurwn to the city'* din. "Awl!*" I* r*>e home of Oenrct*'* Whl e Rtht-to le*4ec who c**n» over ; n til# OB til# t*l*llt B* I "Sor:4t Hall" that avwlug and to the | lurid light of the c»«p fire which. a« every appeourh of twlll*t kindled sa front of th* Hall, were nerruted maa* hits of history and legeud of I Ibiit, to for* th- Red Man had takM I hi* final journo* westward The site of "dedal Hall” waa in th* rcvoluiloMfT t'nw rrrtiptod by an arwnal. and fur <h,v on. to the left. *** the urttUry graveyard. Th# old hot** arroaa th* gnlch. Iwhtrh wc ecu 11 see dimly In th* flick lertag glare of the romp fire, wa*. In part. rn-rxl*t*nt with tto- araenol. and at OB* time waa the wene of wealth and gaiety, but the band of th* dr epoller bad long alnce began hi* work. A dclighlful breexe increaaed In ve locity a* the evening advanced until wraps were called for. and at ten-thirty wh-n the little rempany bmk“ up it wa* positively cold, while the pcopl* of Augusta were awelterlng for a breath cf air than never came. Surely. Bath must be In the belt of the Irade wind*, ao regular and con stant do they blow. Wc arose early next morning to find the same cold breexe doing it* sanitary work of keep ng fre*b and pure tht* favored and health giving place. The camn fire had erased lo burn and its ghastly retainer* had disappeared. "Social Hall” and moat of the fine resldrncoa are "On Bath,” but the old bouse a ernes the gulch la not. This gulch, er "Bath Branch.” which haa Its aource in a mineral spring in Hell;' Grove, is in its course augmented by fifty-one other springs, and form* a horse-shoe shaded table-land, which Is called "On Bath." Bath Branch flows into Spirit cre n k at Mount Enon and then cn to Richmond factory, reaching the Savannah below Twiggs’ bay. We visited the old house aero** the gulch hoping to get a glimpse of the interior with Its antique furnitnre, but upon inquiry found that the furniture had been stored and the house locked. We must content ourselves by sitting for a moment on the wide piazza and imagine how it all looked when the bright petals of the lilac, honeysuckle and iris blessed the ever-rerurning spring time, and tfce sir was fragrant with their perfume, a few stunted plants of which were left to tall the tale. The springs along Bath branch are largely impregnated with mineral and would furnish a magnificent basis for a sanitarium and health resort. Will our home people wait for the northern capitalist to discover and appropriate to himself this rich legacy of "acres of diamonds”? A bath house is built over the branch and water supplied directly from the springs. On first entering, the water startles by its coldness, but after a bath of a few: minutes it leaves a warm, velvety glow era the flesh that is health giving and youth inspiring. The church on Bath ts quaint and comfortable. One aisle passes down the middle, above which hangs an ancient brass chandelier. Tbe floor is coveired A NEW LINE OF % Straw Hats Shipp«d by mitiak* And muil bfi ioW at 0009. YOURS AT— * Half Price DORR’S “Good Taste Apparel.” 718 BROADWAY. mmi " mBI " ■ .rYto fcdijflF -• s* If You Feel Languid and ihoroaghly tired o*l afur verf »l*gbi eaertu* * ebv»» toot you. blood I* «.!* **4 tytoV •il*bed end lb* ecUon at your heart week Ytke Durhaa't fl*i*aparilto-ll wiii purity, eonch aud vlteuae year blood and put jour wtod* *)*!*•> in * toaltby condition unif llWi Dot! * Food For invalids aad heble* con be bad of ■*, Ireeh I'riot menofocturer*. Mail ed Milk juet In. Care for your Teeth Pretty while teelb. eou*d gum* end Iregrent brrajh by u, ng our Oriental Tooth ** ..*h, 21 cent* bcUl*. Turnip Seed, Cabbage Seed, Beane and ell other Seed* £>r plenimg now. Our Catalogue free. Send for it. ileiander Dni&SeedCo. 108 BROAD BT. AUGUSTA, OIORGIA. with matting, and pews furnished with fans. The pulpit uml chancel had been recently brightened up with paint. The churchyard i» at tho rear of the church, but no newly made graves mark the spot, for few people die on Bath. It always awakens feelings of sad-, ness to visit a country churchyard any where. "Perhaps in this neglected spot ts told Some heart once pregnant with celes tial fire. Hand* that tbe rod of empire might have swayed. Or wak'd toecatacy the living lyre.” The date of birth ami death on a tombstone sums up all that was mortal of the entombed, while the epitaph il luminates the tomb with the hope be yond. This epitaph is on a slab marking one of the graves: ■B' "Ah, the fondest link is broken Ml, From this exile's earthly chain, ! i But 'tis only for a moment. To meet in heaven again.” j.| | At the farthest corner of this “God’s acre” is a large grave arched over in a semi-cylindrical form which encloses the coffin and is sealed up with a mar ble slab, bearing this Inscription: "Quintillian Skeine, "Born July, 1809, “Died September, 1886. i : ' “The past has nothing to regret, I The future nothing to fear.” They say that this man’s death closed the career of a very wicked life. Altogether, on Bath is delightfully cool, is easy of access and should be made much of by the moneyed people of Augusta. For health, rest and qui et. and literary study, it stands unex celled. Respectfully, Hattie A. Stacy. Jl* Y 29 BLAND'S IRON PILLS THI GREAT TONIC* ffif>#ct«tty f4tnflwn»nd»4 (f»f MilOW CGfßpMl* t<MB fib 4 IMM P4o#*> Will ifll|M*OV# .IN <4pD4ilil4i »n 4 imp*ft riretiflh AiuJ ton* tO IN j eflU'e uyulwm, Th#y mtm ' t>y «U |»h?»>u4N Mi * [ smnmrmt tonic. Wh#n tAken into tbo ■torrwtt H (H«ml piiti |»N • durm f•tfrni. , 1...r*t0 A ! form o 1 iron which Hi moo •Oiiiy ionmiuitotf by tho •y«tom find Hi tho boil 'tonic for fifttmic or pao pMtpie or thmMi who »uf rtr from nrrofutowM of* fMction* or any chtooto of th« biood «• ft ftupprto* to it that olomont which th* di**««od conditions Indi cate !• w«nt>ny. ICO Pill! 100 dOMO - for 50 coni*. L. 1. Gardelle. Druggist. n—tium m*« -a*p«w————<—— l "" Tie Aegesta Herald - .irtfii, Brifttat ill lie Bit IfisjijV Fidukei ii Ttis SetiiiL SICKEST TKLKOBAPI! NKWij tiik xkwh of to would WIIII.K ITISNKWik It to HI HOI R* AHEAD OT OTHER GIORGIA AND form carouna i f papers, j,’ • /•■l TRIAL WILL CONVINCE TOIT SAMS. MMVSta **»•*»•■ PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lh St.. Angnst*. Gi. 6i v CS TKE m TESTS fnr *ll delect* m tight, grind. Uu proper gIOMO* and W *IU km. th.n> krone, cut into your frciv* while yo* wait. FREE OF CHARGE, JSSJLTA SPAIN IS DEniATED. Again hav* the boy* who weur th* blue whipped the Spaniard* and pant ed ttw Stare and Stripe* on foreign •Oil. and again lui* F. O. Mertins de feated high pricee. Look at this: 26c. Neckttee 10c. Tsc. and tl Shirt* Me. 50c. Bu*pend*r» I*o. SB.OO Trou*er* $5.00 A full line of celluloid collar* and ruffe juet received. F. O. Mertln*. *24 Broadway. Paine, Murphy &, Co. COMMIESION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St=Teleplione i Sc&.n 3 liivate Lr»*e<i V. ire* Dtject to New York Chicago end New Orlean*. Order* executed over our wire* for Colton. Stock*. Boud*. Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margin*. Local securities bought *nd *old. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of August*, or Mercantile Agencle*. HONEY TO LOIN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 1 O years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlfixanflerUotan Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company^ 705 Broad St