The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 29, 1898, Image 5

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FRIDAY PRICES OF ICE DELIVERED! i a round. • • • • ,2* 2*2 no * • • • • « too •*•#♦. 308 A dMco*mt of 10 P*r e*M on •bov* »« mod* to purth**#?* of Cwnon Hook*. W**u*r*"t*»«A lwomi>( *Orf roltoWo *OrvtC*. Wllllii r- - CMSIiaUS ICC MUMHI CO. THE MARKETS §**9 | *#*4 <§» 8 * * * •** f **® MU 4»'9ftt *9**9 l»i 'trmit, hn a*-T Pmm mm**» **#•■’ •• - *■ •*" * m—* Ja**»T *•*•" I *••*•• »* •••*» KSa * ■ }'*” ! AWTRAW ° «•«*** ghnwOMl ert!4*# m *»•*•*•♦•• •* ***»* «•* «r» » •* - •• •• » « aJ. . .ariM't -W ftps* barrel •» *7 OdaftKk# JTr- »»*•*«» t mc f baed .*.••*•* ..ft - .•«*?•** r. »*»ad .. .... (*«•« *•««£*«■« ZLvT.r~“.r .? * Ifitmil##, til* .• *« W 9Sd*t • *•* , n y Mk- ** r*• uv» rotk market irtft c*wbhni t# viiv* l - Mi §w»f* ***** •* •• i ««9999m*9 I* ***•• *••* * ••'***•'* mM** •••* •••* ** MMkn. raeneM* t® «**• ..« 7h *“ iivni* mlw *.-••• t. •" * btf.< o HWA MMM M •*- I in }* imm t«m«. aatra .... I» |FM| Mw" * '* H«lm. It M band*. fall «•*• •• • • |M« U ba»d« f»U r»*«« .... •*“•*» VflonwAHK •urk.l. H»«i boat l . O. *> • t" *"• ■ ft 11. toon |n«t rattt. M B . p»r <"• • ,|l I*. ibm boot, rottf. I* * • P*» •*'*■• |1 H, v«lt hw|.l> II Tt M M OUT UOOW. grown fthirltr.r. *«t Al»rtt*>B*: tJrh»H***tt» 3-4 ahlriln* * Orwlttirtll. T*t It It ahlritnf .. I 1" GranllevUle. tit ft K ab*cimg •• ‘ s "* JK 1 ! 7 I 111 (kulifftil. i-t M * H,. .. .... * **• j (> hn |*. Kina M • t eIMrUrUI .. I J..hi I*. Kin* *2 tart B C * ** 4 SPOOL KU.IS- Cnrttf*lli, W yd* It A' (*««..*4 Cortlcelll. *• >l* *° •**•*• p*' r BLKACHINGff. HnrrlltoM» brand* .. .. .... 4# W 'J Mater mil <*oltd> *4x*4 1 '■* 1 *’* WIUGAN. Fruit of the H>om. Jf iickit •* •• * *•* Ftutt of the loom, 7-1 if"-Jtw»,... .. * !•< Cabot, T-4 in. hr* .. «....* ' I Cahot. t-l .. .. ..... .. .. -» f * Alpine Ki*f. 4-4 »• •-* Prtdn of thn Wrat .. •> •-* Jnu. P. Km* 7-4 It It abirtin* ...111 Jno P. Kin* 44 A A ahrolpt* ~ 4 S-t UonwVil. 44 * 3 ' 4 Jmo. P. King, M lltrh flaorgla .... 4 S-t Jno. P. Km*. IS Inch K C w lalani .. .. * 3-4 J*,j r. Kin*. 3* tnrb K* *ra tatanit •« %•• 4 *'* Jno. P. Kin* 34 inch Huparlor .. I 1-4 PRINTS. American ahirtin**, «txt4 .. ~ .. 3 1-1 Merrimack ■birring*, £*k44 4 Charter Ooak dre*» atyt** tOxtO .. 3 1-1 Waahlngton OU» Ifancy) 6 Allen’* (fancy .... 4 l-l Mlmp*un i S-t percale* & Coate* Spool cotton, per do* 41 American lmll*o blue*. 64*44 .. S 1-1 Slater Oil* <»olld) 64x64 4 1-4 American Indigo bluer, 64x64 .... 4 1-4 International black* 6(x64 ~ ~ •« 4 l-S Allen’* cardinal* 64x64 .. .. .. 4 1-1 Alim’* Laitona* 64x64 .. 4 l-S India blue India blue *4x64 .. 4 l-S Ktlnglant’a 64x64 4 J-S Garner* radiant* 64x64 4 1-2 Martha Wa*hl«gton 56x69 3 3-4 Mope 56x60 3 J-I Chater Oaks. 56x6# .. .. 3 3-4 TICKS. Hamp»htre 4 D-S Amoikea* A C A 10 l-S *Amo*keag A 10 Atnoskea* * 3-4 Reciprocity .. .. 7 l-S plaid Aomkspitks. City Mills * >•* Four yard, good 33 Inch .. .» .. .. 6 1-4 Lodi shirting* 56x56 3 1-4 Lodi dre»s styles 56x60 3 l-O St. Clair dre*» styles .. .. .. .. 4 Ocean solids 3 3-4 Mart:** Washington fancies .. .. 8 3-4 Miscellaneous brand*, light weight IS '-3 Isaetta 6 yards plain .. 3 1-4 Thorndike * 3-4 Hercules •• 7 1-4 Amoskeag - •• •• 9 Crescent J 1-8 Pelham, 32 bal iio box 15 F. G. P-, 30 balls to box 16 E. G. P-, 20 balls to lb 17 1-2 Muscogee B • * I*2 27 Inch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best make -4 Slmnrnn’s silk finish poulards 64x Simpson’s solid black 64x64 .. .. 5 Pacific mournings 64x64 5 China silks 64x64 4 1-4 Midtllcford 6 Rockport 5 1-2 Slater 64x64 3 3-4 Concord, 56x60 .. . 3 1-4 Rome 56x60 3 1-4 Edwards 8 1-2 Keystone .. .. " l -2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KKARSET’F. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 85 Rosendale cement _• •• 51-45 Portland cement -• .. 52.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks *1.35 Plaster in *l-75 » HA ftftW ARIA «M» I ***** 9*9 4Nt t* .. »t» »#« * fl ** • tugrlwriij. #m§ » m m (P 91 i [ t If I R p*'"+ W** «« m W ** i ii ii ii f litt rimia. m» mi H ** fHIRMI, pP# R»9f *• •* *• •* W * m— | Hmf-rr, pnwil, 109 y"«099 »• •• **#«** *** \ RoiO ß *ott*i|fc §M9 loonH «t *• IRO9IW 1 Inmm wn*.4 «* *. - « I nn«> r M t# „ „ *, «* Vl M I m** fintvii too #ov *• m W 101 l I H vKoomiOA §o9 Rot •• •« (P H. fHOrOOIO Itltlol Nl*§ §O9 Rot* M It It * rvm ms*r* ~ » .. ... •• e. m i lt*«a*S t* t td|k IMP ded MM P 1 ll* n... I*4 lap r**M. «M* da* .. .. f k ttgr 1r - M f *«4_ p*« 4M h *-•• ** ** 11 -'x|s rvdß tMP* 4 * 9** «%*« M*d ** ** 3 * * P«il mwM. P** B *• *• w»- 4 Vi Mtrss MMu • fm.' *4T m *■ • Mat* •*•*». *•**»*.• •«**•• •* » Hmtmtrnr mm. $m Mi •• tmim. p«g d*M p*» .. PM** M I Mam* *4rtM|Ml. p*f fh*• ..» .. >*-»»* *• | Repair Sail Hm K, par B*si» .. .. | fill lead, par Ik .... a a a * »» (CUMtiR (• i •». par 4k# .. ». .« •• •» t# Aka MMM A. I *M *6 » a a •• A9# tomwltOA Ft#* t» §O9 4|' ,s 9 I Asa haadiaa. Ma l par 4Ni A cast Meat koatiiy. par d# .... M*b I Watt r«ai«m gsbMlSr*. P*r tb ...» ar Rndlast p»««. *4 It, I M. « • M. 1. f M ptatk ronimi . Q»ul»lkii*r Warp* **4 kaada furpuk ad by ink* W Ihchay. i>-r*y mi ctamgta rTtW 114 It* t-t (tasfP 9 I fA I*ls ~ 117 ... I Georgia 4 l-TS. IMS .. IM l-t ... lu.urgta 4 t-r*. tw . lit ... I ijri* ||i g l-r*. IW .. I*4 ..a Sonin rktrottaa 4* . ... IW ... AM-* r^^S* I Aaguata #». IW* ... I Auguat* IT*. IN* ... m ... Augusta 4 l-T*. I#W. IW ••• August* fx 1*27 .... Ml ... Atlapt* •*. I*l4 .... ll* ... Atlanta fk IW* ... ll* ••« Atlanta fk IW .... ll* Allan!* 4 l-ft. IW* ■. I* ••• Atlanta 4’*, 1*27 .... I*l ... 'Havannah ft'*, I**# .... It# ... Ifbtaimth fx t»ll .... lit ... | noma *-«, t»n m I Columbus ft'*, in* .... IW ... 'Columbw. 4 l-tX IW7. I*4 di Maeon I 1-2* IW* -. IW I*7 Macon r*. I»1« HS I •Columbia 3’*-4'* ...... *4 ... Charleston 4’*, in* .... W *• I • Graded. / RAILROAD RONDS. I Georgia R. 14. d Bkg Co. <’s. IW* US ! Georgia R R. * Bkg Co. «’s. IV3S ll* i charlotte, Columbia A An j gusts, l*t *'•• 19*9 I*7 ... | charlotte. Columbia A Au gusta, 2d 7'*, 1110 115 ... {Augusta 80. R. It., s‘a, 1124.. *ft ... C. R R. Banking Co. Collat eral Trust s'#, 1»37 00 W Southern Railway s'*, W 4 .. M *2 Cent I*l of Georgia Railway, Ist consol mort. S’*. 1945 .... 90 93 C. of G. lit pref la 3* 40 Central of Georgia Railway, IJd prof. Income#, 1*45 IS 14 !C. of O. Ist pref. In.. 1*45 .... 7 9 ill. H. AK, 11l m. s’a. 1946 .. 10# I*2 South Georgia and Florida. 2d P*. I*®3 105 South Georgia and Florida. 2d 7’a. 1*99 104 Ocean Steamship Co., Ist 6'a 1920 104 ... FACTORY BONDS. Enterprise Mfg. Co., Ist *'s. 1903 .. *O2 ... Sibley Mfg. Co.. Ist 6's, 1902 . 100 Sibley Mfg. Co., Ist «'s, 1003 . 100 ... GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked 43 Onts, mixed, sacked 43 Corn, white, sacked 64 Com,.mixed, sacked 53 Meal, bolted, per bushel .. .. .. .. 54 Flour, common 4.25 Flour, fancy extra .. .. .. .. .. 5.50 Flour, second patent .. 5.75 Flour, standard patent 6.25 Flour, fancy patent 6.75 Wheat hran, 100-lb sacks 95 Floe feed, 100-lb sacks 1.00 Hay—native, per ton 12a14 Hay—Timothy, per ton 14,50 Hoy—choice, tier.ton 18.00 Hams—choice sugar cured .. lOall 1-2 Smoked rib sides.. .. ~ ~ .. .. 7 1-4 Dry salt ribs 6 *-8 Lard, pure leaf. In tierces 7 Lard, kettle, rendered In tierces . 7 3-4 Sugar, granulated 5 5-8 OPPOSE LIEUT. HOBSON. Ills Brother Says Line Officers Will Prevent His Transfer. Eutaula, Ala.. July 28. —The Mont gomery afternoon papers print specials from Washington announcing that Sec roiary lxing states (lint if Lieut. Hob son wishes to remain In tho staff he will be promoted during his present stay In the United States. The dis patches allude to the roeossity of an act of Congress to transfer the lieut enant lo the line for promotion, which, it has been understood, is what he de sires. S. A. Hobson, the nontenant's elder brother, and a leader of the Populist parly in Alabama, stated to a press representative here only a few days ago that he thought he had been in formed of the inside facts of the sit uation and fhr.t he did not expert the lieutenant to get any considerable pro motion; that he was quit.? sure the op position of line officers no longer in sorvic? would defeat any attempt to pass the act of Congress referred to. THE AUOUBTA j-j' Hi RA LfP Limit Craw laid Thomson Dead. TV N*M»| ,V»f j at » ftWC fftHtltu# a»w«*kWWWt. 9 9.. #* r m ra» Aw*' *»» <M)g|Mti 4ilm| m* -«•%. m< tjw «• t VftHtagXMk aim *| tii* ttm wt Hm Tlf-Jitf TlnTf v §l*ll H- J I 991 §§IMM| I9*mm» »r rw9.. 9fl .# Vb VlbtOAM* *4 ♦ §§§9*4*9 $* Kt (I 19499 I i •kwwnA.M IM Tlarff 199 Hi4«99M »9MM9P* I m RN> >'«9>R>t|wii9 in Ifllßß Ipllil ** I I%9Mi|9i# 9*99 Hu it f §l I fIMMH RMmMI iMVt 9 *H|pn| §9i Hfl'lwM I *ftA 9 9v«9l WK9I HR Me 99NW9t# I filflAirt9 §9 fl# wt»4 V*4 I jtUNI tAM *RI INNKhRA# MMM ¥%» #<9««| If I9IIHII TW«*MW9» H A |IA»»»A *A9 if §9999 9MMMMm4.. P9M99Nhm§ |9§ 9 V#4AM t999§9 A9R 9NN§ P9A1M999 ;199*R,1A9 19 *mA#»9 99A §W9*9V9 lAw 9M9 I ! g*f |i§* f twm «99'i*.49 A 94 A 9P9MH99 I «9§§lV AwAFVpR §§W*A f9«9#jr 9*9*9 M 119 9919 Aaiw 0 9*9*** 9 1994 991 dMS*bi*f M4*9 ! Mwt |»4'»A nAn 9§R AMI f In* tAAt fA# Imßa §%• 4949NPAMRAtiA99 if AM I ** AM iHM ri ’f 9#49 99 199 > AttNl WNpIN if MR9 ft AafUMM*' A 999 9»l 199f9l 999 I 999 R999*9R99fc§14M99 f §m>4 !• * 9*9 f: - -*l9 J |H 1191911“ « ItwfV e 19# «m«VMA ] ilttß fpffll nfpf |9b* *9r*!H 9f §949 t j 9999 Mm* 19*9 Am 9 aR AmpA 99 Aam 99a if9l §9l Ay «f (A* 49941 M f i«9W9i»9lt§ 9| »Ai CAIMA «f lAi ARmil §f9Mlß9|f HttAMRMMNI 91 9 m*c A»rA. Ms Ovlr 941 rtf D49f 191499 19 «9» *B**fcrtirH Mfflrfi. Afl*f *9* MMfrwA tAa Ar*§f lA9 MIM* 1 J«M* < kUltar>t. It..* F Ur*, w L j 1 TltnAwA J ft, If■ Ha# *■ ft* 994 Wa M n*»»*l «Ot»f g'99t <MH *9 f §99 I I l9r»r if |Ad* AdHPt f AIwAIi b n dUHAt''* , 9At4 tA* AMmilfW Atm *t Him M*f* ! rt* Hrin A Mrtils. «f N»9»n In a ft j Lut Vtlfr fi tA* CImriMAA M'R* { HA* C*9 TA*« Ml fA* MdfMl tr*fß»dt. | CAimMMii • I**in Him if tA* fMN ’ !A (A* viM fir fWami | I tl*fvi tt< . An i9K"A* *|uin*r. j •ut* tNm*t. cut*, brut*#, bam*. ««M*. **•«• a*d *«4dtwgs X 2> Mail bout* of (kt* tlalmaut In lb* h> us*- win w*» *| I grcul drat of suffering Huy tt at Al* I rtamk-r Drug A 6n-t (Tw., C. R l*srr, Lr 801 l Towxr Drug War*. BRUNSWICK. —— T* Make It Mot lor Vallow Fevrr Ifcport Monger*. Brunswick, til. July J*. Brun*- wlrk'a rlty mum II hu* on It* rrudlug i an ordlnnncu which will make It nn 1 offense pimtsbnble by n heavy penalty for anyonu to rrpeel or reporv any ru mor* concerning the hea th of Rmns- j wick, whtrh are not true, or to giT« • publicity to any court proceeding* In ; connection with the trlnl of such c**r*. ! Alderman Kmdlg ha# before eouactl i an ordinance to convert nil tip' prom inent vacant ntjonrna Ip Ih* hti*lnc*a portion of the city Into attractive park*. The ordlnanc- will go through and It wilt prnvjt a good one. James R Mlnehaa, n well known llv- j ery *tnbl» proprietor, died suddenly *1 | hi* home In thl* city yrutrrdoy morn- j Ing. He vw attacked by a atroke of j nppoplrxy. Mr Mioehsn’* health h»d j not been good for several daya. Sun- J day ho remained Indoors ail day and ■ had decided to go to Jacksonville yes- | tarday morning for treatment. With out a word of warning he fell heck and died before medical aid could be got to him. Mr. Minehan was a very large mnn and the local phyalrlan* who have been treating him state that he was suffering from catarrh of the atnmaeh. The deceased had large property Inter ests In Brunswick. He also has a sta ble at Fernandlna, Fla. THOMASVIIXE. Pear Shipments—Rain In Time to Save Corn. Thomasvllle, Ga., July 28—It appear* from the numter of barrels of LaConio pears being shipped from here that some pears were raised, notwithstand ing the crop wne a failure. There nre such a vast number of tro* planted ou that a dozen or so pears from each (roc aggregate quite a little crop after all. The rains come in time to snve most of (be corn crop, and a large yirtd in that grain is now assured in this sec tion. Cotton and other field crops are also doing finely. Preparations arc being made for the ; full fair In this city. It promises to l>e a success. A number of flu« horses are being trained here now for the races at Ihe fair. C. T. Stuart, of the Stuart house. Is building a large dwelling house on the lot adjoining his hotel. Much inquiry is being mad.?, even at this enriy date, about farm lands, and some activity in that class of real es tate is sure to follow during the fail season, when arrangements are made for the coming year. Tin? demand Tor farm lends has held up steadily in this county. \ HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks are realty more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious 1 look; If your stomach is disordered, you 'have a dyspeptic look: if your kidneys 'are affected, you have a pinched look. {Secure good health and you will sure 'ly have good looks. "Electric Bitters'’ 'is a good alterative and tonic. Acts directly cm the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. ■ sold at Howard * Willet’s drug store. 150 cents per bottle. GooD I'JCK BAKING POWDER. !S THE BCST. Miff hot' of Alt In titvtn* In* Pow#f« QA -wJdWt iS «*•* HIP riilß 9*9 A* laßamß *• ! m ft,, r |.k . f flDinff |f -TftU I*4 ;9«14 run 191 'fM|9)4il«» §Hf HUM ti wU §i9r IWAI. Tie Gai Liiki Co. ir lefitu. sys ftytna D at. TO RENT! From Oct. I »t. handsome House of eight rooms, all modern convertiencies* No. 1251 Elite Street. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. x r Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. Nn. 412 Greene Street Is located Ir on* of the m«*t desirable *ectlon* of the city. House built of brick kj a handsome and durable f»#hl <n. Con tains eight rooms, bath. etc., all in good order. Lot 48 by 17# feet. If you contemplate purchasing a home Ii will hr *« your Interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 and 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons' Bicycle Shop 711 HBOAl) STREET, And Get Your Work Done Well. For Ihe next (* days Bicycles Enameled for *2.00— -High Grade Work. Lowest prices ill town on Repairing. Second nnnd Bicycles bought and sold on easy payments. alt. work guaranteed JHEfJERALD HOLDS THE RECORD. ITS CIRCULATION MORT* THAN DOUBLED THROUGH 4 >UT SOUTH CAROLINA and GEORGIA. Why-Why BECAUSE IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. "A Newspaper these days must grow on !ts merits as a Newspaper.” The Herald’s Wonderful Advance and Growth Troves tho Correctness of the As (aertloa. m au»t« 9391.1 I *****H*MMMR9****Ml99Hß*Ml*ft I THK ST. ALBERT HOTEL ll Hillman. Ga, la #•• «**» la*, ta* teawnk WH • •*•* A*t9 n AA# 99MAA lAt A# 9§ An I <k* »M*— *tata*«aa Akawo*a*sa a*4 9*9NMMI 9H tailffta* »*9**l9l r*>* < *4 ' |M<99 V9A9k # 991 ytaMM (99*9 s* §m*9AA Bh* J I IQIIQL Wm Ci THE REED HOUSE ——AT HAITI .IM htxdj fm U** of SffMMff ‘lffaffll. Iff# M, A. INmI Am aH *9a*m tt Hk, 9*99 1 M4k*M9 994 tlhnf t-**A I*l- 41*4 •Mt IMMiif li—nm> 9|i»A>l"W» '■ •*9 9# 9*949 | t9*n 1*49*449*4 #*' a--.** t|** *-•- it** <Mi| #%9 9AHN99 994 ftM«9 9f §4# 9* MR* M a kKKtt, little*, <k Fils IB llllllit! ♦—Wt A9M9MM9J I9MI 1. Oil. A->W«A9M *rwr*i Ar«i#> r«* 4j Mit*4 IHE HOWARD I WHET DPOG CO. WHOLESALE. Rare Chances At Orctvrton, lAm# minute** wtil *taU ifi 49 *» r« ftvMl I* ml. IW 9*7144*“ 9lt() <>Ut h'TUiw *. fWid utrf, lot, #l*4 iriAa »ki |M«!«r«, of «hard irrmfMi. perhe*. *tc. #!««• erop on land All f«rmtiw* impl#- WafQft, Aocm, row an I cilf. turkeys, rhickcti# and h>«a- 7**ny going North at owe. To a quick buyer Dwelling «*f » rooms, all mi<-houses. I acre land desirable place for summer —home at Harlem—*l,B9#. A bargain on Reynolds »trs*t-*>Sg lot, good 4- room taonae—bring **■*# per month— always rented —*46*. Leonard F. Yerflery Kgal Estate Agent, * Library Row. Seeds Fir Today AMBER CANE. FOR HAT Broadcast an sere or to— You wiU thank ua later on. VELVET BEANS—Bay 1 bushel and try oue sere. Triumph Seed Irish ! otatoes, t'ollards. Cab bage. Turnips (5,000) pound*, Beets, Radish. Beans. THE HOWARD & WLLEF DRUG CO WHOLESALE. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE GREENE ST. LOTS. From October 1. 1898, 1 offer for rent the following thoroughly modem and attractive residences. U 7 Greene street 8 rooms 707 Greene street 8 rooms 945 Greene street 8 rooms 1128 Greene street 8 rooms 1134 Grenee street s rooms These houses contain all conveniences and are desirable in every respect. Look at them before you go away for the summer. JOHN W. DICKEY, 1 and 2 Library Building. EVERYTHING ON WHEELS FIELD & KELL Y’S Just received, the finest line of Baby Carriages in the city. Agents for Ramb ler, Sterling and Crawford Bicycles. I Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. *4ll ~*f*4* atw*tfUl Ctiiricftion A W Carolina mm —-B— — ywAiUm 4ft pNM #»i* * 9#k 999 % :i*m' wiSm I PlMillWAiMm»»* - pAjjpi#| * wWMMAftftftft**?• * "•**= ® * * AA§49' Y# IMA I * h« 1 tiy# 11 sjfM* I *fi9#tlll999A .. i i an* I#"* «9i9M9f * * 4 t »»**•• I Il# JUfIhMMP: X 2 . 9M9M» ■ i**« t I haataawp I * 9N991 9ftnH9g9. < j *•* * 9M9KM ■ *■»» -♦»* I * 9in HwW. Min* ~**#*, I| AR949 § #9§9 * * MMMk 8 »*•>:*'* > ; I *%4ft **l9 I * JMM9M9H9«|MI *rtW ******* **m * 9ft* 1 , At a Mf#*— m* • • taw*;. Mggmrnm I lA# !**.#. I#' inm *•*•*•> I I ** PMK« a*** 4«*»rtrM*| f fIAMA; *«• • *4B* I •fUMAMf .. ...a,.: MAM **.*»•( I * |l99*M9"ftl.*•#***•**•*. I ' JAftlft I. MftpM | As AtMNI Y,M*** . * * ,*..'»•• mvm I # IMAM .ftH4,4.i Mi«" i * HUftll am* «»* ag * t f® aft ftft* * \ *#999 Anil ala■aa aa a 1 119999 ft 9 JPI99 1 I *#9l99ldA#a*••*»•«*••«' !•*.* ? *j [ * f » a ***** ftr «.. *••• *r - * »*** I* *** 4 mi! - -ir-tirnr M aa*. •^=Bi ! * Alwdat* •-... . tteama I Af4*aa.w...a«.. {.... ... utail let ,me mm tymm* m *#*• 4ita! i n* *•**!»# aifwwaa I*** •*» a* **<•* I ** a a. u 4 he® »***' ,« tt i «ia<4 tm ) .* t 4, i M< •.4 4) (•*•*« ' ■ aynaa»a>»f *4** ***•*»»• MMaff j 1 „ ms gamgs* m>6h «• *.*»■<• | »n* «*•<•!#*. at*. ad*i<4i t.jTUHAfteei Baa. Aaft. ft. » KDS7H. Xdnau Art fl taikfid I***- iMtaam 9 mUI 1* BLUE RIDQE RAILROAD. I |Mfi I*tr**| i fCMfth# Cl9*9 0999 C"l99§ | Al * 1* All* 4 | S Hit. tH§ % •191499. t^#e | I £ lArrtir* I*4* AM I* J#* t.„ AftlAfMl .9 S.tttl tt fit It f r >| Tj.a*. lAMiIViPf gge.f l litli ft :|#9t |39 It ..,, Attfun ....ft I 911 #1 1§39 | 1919 ... lAn lAd r 3 Stll il I »:4* t eal*; n**ry nw* f 4 «n.k* , |; |:9# It Ad .m’> Ppafg fl 4:14 11 ft» t 2ft 13524 .. '4KNACA • 4 2*12:3* j* if T | *f 4:** 1 I I tj (Sfi. Won t'iMft » ft IW : I P :t« ... ft 171 AM PM i ;Lmv. Arrlw PM PM. i No. 12 No * No ll No ft I a F. MTa* atatto*. 1 All regular train, fmea Aodrraiti lo [ Walhatta h*». tight to Ir.ih over 'train. •* the same «laae moving In > p j mile dire* Goa. video, athorolao apec '(fled by train orders. Will .ion .lop al folio*big otarlons lo take a « M off paa*-n#ers: I’bta- Lney'r, James and Handy Kprtngs. No. 12 ronnert. with *ethers rall jway Wo. 13 at Andrrrua. > No*. ( and * conam-t with Houtbern I railway No*. 13 and 37 at Be»»<» I J. R. ANMBMK. Bupermtendent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tbOimt AND tit’KlEf'T HOCTh lO I«a BAbT AND M'ltTH. iBHORTKST AND QUICKK»T ROUTE TO THE KA*tT AND NORTH. LlOpmi Lv.. Augusta. G... Ar I7:ftftam I |t**pgp| Lv Aiken Ar ' 7:l3am 4:l7pm 1 ’ Lv.. tmitrk... Ar 6 77pm t.Sdpm! Le Or.ngb’ft—Ar I s:«(him (:Mpmi Lv..Humier. H. C...Ar 4 »»m ) B:L>pml Lv.. ..Florence.... Ar j Slism 16:33pmj Lv... Fayetteville.. Ar ! 1 14pm I 3:2lam! Ar.Petersburg.Vn.Lv | *.l2pm 1 Ar....Richmond....l.v i B:l2pm j 7:4lam! Ar..Washington..Lv t 3:4«pm t«3am Ar...B»ltimore....Lv 2:25pm 11:25am Ar..Philadelphia..Lv |l2:o9pm 2:B3pm Ar New York....Lv | 3;3Cam Pullman palace buffet sleepgig gar* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. X R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 72* Bmad Pt., Augusta. Oft. T. M EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON, Gen. Pass Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect. March 6. 1893. Eastern Time Staeidavd. Leave Augusta, Southern Hy.. 3:30 p.m. Arrive Cluster. Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:1* p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. g7w. harper. c. f. harper. President. i: T' A ♦•II You Want to Make Money, Move In the Company of Those Who Are flaking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FKOM A SUC CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING CUT IN LIFE. advertisers who use the HER-' ald get results. ‘WIiV NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.! tIROKK TOUR COAL and WOOD j FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranty, d. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’Phone 2164 Stronger 3tia JULY 29 S. C l C. MILWIT CO »»4ftft*«4lff MM* MtfhfUL fa*M «•*-, a—> *iin«dfta« fbaa ft«a> fttaMba b aa Da-aa i# i*r—** APaoaT- Ckmm 1K& » ft U Hftgi linni— Tiai•- li *a» 11 «**■ A* • ftaywa n <*a» A* t.A*d* ft ft § ■ 91 994 §494M4-t | * t * \ ♦naftVft' ”t 1# V# ♦ ■»i»<ft9>l #99999 9« • n+fmtk §*•%»> *« 9i*9»«9 . •#91§99 V. • /, **m A’ 1 . r ,u t*m+m j « mmSrn 9 aSH^yplpPp 9 ill 99 9i H Tmmm •mimCTi&ZZTojm As A$ A -*jft*'<ft I till Mil Ilf It# 4*99119^H T f y-ria *ft MftMftf 94 9*9 9*99 §9l •#*# f« 9 iSiSr'» IfjliiiJiß ' 9# 9*999.... U* •—9 199iJ>m991 *. Pit 9Mfl 9 tl»flft I# l9>ii9) I*9 9 fl99i A * r* iMft "9 %499 M 9 A* 9«9'*i tJ99'#*ll9l ~1^19919 | A* 4<« 1 «#9l9§* 9 * A 999999 9|i»lil9 MTMo9< tAHtf 99*9§8 9pft99§ 9**l'9f €>9*f ; # jrrnktt umsm wm t i fn9rtt l-JMMN (Uji*99i ÜBM9 * *»%# J M4|ft 9f'|99 19f9 - lfM99a*«e i 4 Uf*> 4 19991 Am** MB9-*a ? , ! f ian syn ""7i‘ t yrT? I u*9« Mmm »• :*•••• **. • j *994991 vaApm i ( w ij9ni i risi9 1 Ilf w A*n*m M «ft, . 94*1. _ * *9» 91 *"(1119911 •• 4994999*9 999 IMt rib ftft*M *9#«9**ft ***•"* *HI ibe t-r • «»4a bad teaad testa a* M**a* (a #m tbartk. _ j H s Aft Oft. I. A. '****• Metrtffta »•»•» Utt tm r. n. ■**#«••. w*a. RAILWAY.* "<s*■ VIM |W«*'*«f , MMttli* >4—t—W TK»» €*• t««M» h 4 Oll>« r KfJtß# *>• —; —* — zrsnsra *!S3Si_ :, j”Sg; %S ■fSSafe 1 * ::--:r j;t; |j»; :rr is: . :::::::: ?£? Aw rfairWn# V . !!, * **p a, .S£££.r> ! » w » I ’ |fn ijubae n !#Bitp ( At K.jrfnUi * ■■■• |*‘li «1 i I*p 1 •«>» «»> At VMkM|l<* >■ SE - XwM. * ° V ** Kohi It bound. *“• ,J * • ' imMi iMUr- I.* Nr* York. P» H it. U I*o* - Phi!ad< Split* j « s»p S■» *• hailliuor* t 3l*|' •3t • Lv Watii lMi, Ho. Hjr.. ill Up li 15 • Lv k.hmuml # j ISMht Ilf ulm LrDuvOta > "Tm* •Up Lv Norfolk ... p ... At UrwwMro 1 f, 46 i» Lv i»r«»*3i*hc*ro j ?0b» ISp •* <*hftr!ott« »*• »OS»p - Riirk Hill . ... \i At h ntlip ** t*ht*icr ... ' Hi fi&• 11 Wp - Wnjr*»l*iro 11141 a 12 #1 * Ar ColliCi Hlruid’g *»t jl£ 4fnn, 137 a Lv Coiu!nl)i« , p , t. . . ; 1 lip 4 t*i» *' Juhnituui ... .........i 2 ISp! rt (MA ** Trra s on .«) BtAp it 28 a *• Urauitrvilie ». j 8•* p 707 A Ar Augu*ta *. * 1 4 Jfip, 00 a Lv A»h©vi»!r T»* “jOd p Lv Spartunourg 11 41) f» H lf> p Lv. opi’Lia. a.c *a.Rr ! 300 pi 700 A Ar Charleston j 8 40pt 11 Wa Savannah ....... 447 j» 6IiSA Ar «l l KmO lAR HKRVH E , Excellent daily pannt-nger w»rviea between Florida and Raw York. N«»* 87 and.Mß—Washington and Sonthweetem Limited. Solid Vaafibuliid train with dining crfa and fir**? olanw conche* north of Charlotte. Pullman draw mg room aloe ping car* between Tampa. Jacksonville. savannah, Wuahington i and New York. _ Pullman Hlccping Cara lietwaon and rtirhmond. Pullman d|-nwinpr-room tdonrfmr rara of*- ! t\vf« n Graf*nsbc>*-o mid C’loa*'cminac tion at Norfolk for OLD POIINT COMFORT# arriving than* in tima for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor ear*, between Charlaatou and Asheville. ti . Nos. .r> and Rft-U. B, Fist Mad. Throiigh Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping bd ! tween JnrkAmvilla and New\orK Jind Pnll* ; man sleeping ears lietweeu Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman bleeping ear* between Jack sonville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and 1 *tneianati, via Asheville. FRANKS. HANNON, J- M. CULP. Third VP. & Oen. Mgr. T. M.. W a W A TT'RK. H. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A.. Waahington. Q» P- A., AtlAlitAi GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189 A j Tullman Sleeper, between Macon and New Tori. Through Pullman Sleeper, between Au gusta and St, Louie. Lv Augusta ..| 7:osam! B:2opm|!o:3optn Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opm| s:ooam Ar Macon| I «:45am Ar Athens .. ..|l2:lSpm| 7:3opm| Ar Galne*vHlei'3.4spm| |.... .... I Ar White Pr.!*l:oopm! ■••••>•- Ar Ar Wa“h’ton ..I10:10ttnJ 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar» rives at Milledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Train, arrive at Augusta S:IJ Si. 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. ra. A. G. JACKSON. O. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.