The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 29, 1898, Image 7

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R«. 1. B. Game It Chosan President. Its til ftftwwH N Putin si Inin IS Hi «i tie. (MS t* ■«= H** i**-* 4 * f* *%• *ft* •#* ft* *«to ftoto se**t«t ** (.111 MNi *4 t * el •«*»»** *• ‘tw sm** tee to *•» ex#*! »* <♦«—»»■ H n Sk tt *#*.****l into *•*•* |«rt»t«» •*"* MM*# «*■ *«*»«• »«•**♦*•« ax l*» **H e«* *%*< s» *** t* ,% *. ***** •t* ate to *MW* Ut4# ** r •* il ••**## to eex,. to** at *.« *m **» %M«to» Ox* «*• ’♦ »*» ef Km* a »***•«*• ***** ** » ••* t*» **>*■■» to <*■•*• to ***, *** «.« tea Hw**** »ii— l*-« tt» t* •*•-* * f*ee*t* ml IDiAwm ##w»g* **4 ***•• * *>. >*a»l #*'*#**»» •'Wb »•* ♦*•?** ** w a * »• *4 <*» MtoMHrt tie***** wiwii't t* *ieni» t* ***•- ** •* * >•«#*** *1 «e*M ***** ees*mtss *** *M •*** St**!f •********’ p** • *“** Id* I** *•* to'* 4*l*4 *4 >*» "S* l *«** tpte'wl *t * «**•' ** ***4 * *« *»*> • ***» ***#*••* <***•*• ** ***** C******* *** i n*l~_ •hm t** (*«tw"»»i*e» »■**' •***•* **w" m* sb* iim*# see pwc*** *•* ** to** MM to*#. ■■ «*>■**«*> t%to M (to «toMto ** ••••• **• **** fx it <p (to**. WM* f to.'fftol* *** j t hip* »• tr* * t* f#f- #ftft W IStftft# 0 '*4 • * liftt **4 ip fftft##ftft ’*** **ft * Mi Tim tn«M* ***** ***** ***** fttt* t*f H**##*# pm • Pm»l fppPf t» •*** , **** ft*** l * * l»ftW#r Hi H*Mh**r»» • * ,s l ** ,r T J* *►*#** Op 'gift • #•**#*•# * IP tP» rs ttN rPll**» TV f » Hm Hwf M^liPr* h • r. * »***- **■*•■*< •»♦ otic** C***t* 1 e Pi C*»rt. #•** (k*« h* *•* **4 Mr** *—m *4 *•« »* k» (**»••» <t*rtee U* ***• *(••**. wfcM* *• r*»»4 '* M*» »*•• * *c*fc m tm n**>*>M> » c«nr, ce<4*** ««4 IHtnMM «»ww4» S* »»«•* •!*• •<•!•« imi la a**** )•**•»! ** t***» «*(* i*i*it tmmMtmtm* • 4*» OlvßtlU' . w V !' * TfcU .•*!*• *<lr Sa* a* ** 4** •*aS***»i.-* #f f!ut t(MI pf rlliilffP, *Mh pPi®W?l nma. Il «a* ah*ar* *• S*t»*»>l**t **• oa ter «*M**l r«a>»t*l»t. ***• »" <U a><-«t MW* for** K**r* liwl'l » ! ~ta k**P It at hMKI Th* »m 4 M c*i,t W tiM for «*>• l*r At*a*n*i*** l>r*a 4 K***l CM.. C, ft l**r. o* Bril To»*r t'iu* NEW BANK AT SANTIAOO. 1 Hat It the P»rrx>*e «*» tile EtpedHMa Cal. Dyer Ooea Oa. TH* Km York Coawnerrial yuHlIaH * ttM foUo*li< about the ripollilun to Santiago of akltk Col. Djftt I* a tr.eo Her: Th* North Tniat rompany «rh'ch aesotiDrea that It ha* arranged to eatahilail a bank In Santiago, aod open up new Setda for intcainent there, will asplaln Ua plana aooa. Sec retary 8. U Conklin Mil yoatettiay: "We are not quit* ready to captain our Intention In detail Juw yet. but will So ao In a day or two. Meanwhile wa are prepared to buy and tell drafta on Santiago and to maka paynv-ata on that city under inatWction* trim cua tomer*. We are alio prepared to re re!»e irporlti from th* aotdicra and aallora now In Cuba. and. under their Slrectlona. to make r.>tnlttancea on their famltiea in the United State*. The company ha* already »wtahli»h.«l re'a tlona at Manlta, Philippine Inland*, with the chartered Bank or India. Aus tralia and China, aufßcieut for the present need* of our manufacturers, merchants, traveler*, soldiers and sail or*." In a circular the North American Truat company say*: “With the conclusion of a (r-oty of pence let ween the United State* and Spain it Is generally expected that new field* for Invratmrmt will be opend In all lines of trade and manufacturing, as well a* In city proper;!.?*, winter home*, electric plants, railroad*, indus tries and sugar and tobacco planta tion*. Many Investments of ttji* char acter will be present'd to the public and ft will require the clow discrim ination of expert* in each particular line to decide whether or not they are iccritcrlou* and desirable lovesttn.siur. The North American Trust company i* prepared to invraflga:': end report in an advisory capacity in behalf of It* customer# and lo further facilitate tbelr builnw* In Cuba. Porto Rico anti tie Philippines, by holding, in trust, proper tit*, contract*. morlgat.'>s and bonds, either pctd'ng the closing of ne gotiations or for a more extended or more definite period." AN ENTERPRISINO DRUGGIST There are few men more wide | awake and enterprising than Howard & WUlet. who spare no pains to secure the best of everything In their line for j their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonder ful remedy that Is securing such a Tu ror all over the country by Its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitl?. Hoarseness and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Cal lat above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure' or price refunded. r c CARNIVAL OF DEATH, r - (Philadelphia Enquirer.) If the Queen Regent invites Weyler to form a cabinet to succeed Sagasta :t would merely yt. a formal invitation to preside over another carnival of death, such as b: Introduced in Cuba. Weyler understands how to kill, but not how t® rule. . _ „ Pelham It In a Queer Plight > tffMfh M |)8«# %9 ie k*m» !• lUiw • N»toff. I AChhm tte #» OSH# 1 • «*>* Hi ifHOl vhi I# »im> | f>«€S * f “9m mWP* I |mmi ft iHMrfHftt m tin** ftHH- I I*ol H 4.## wlftßllft I I* **tt*ft«ftft fti ftftHftPft Imm V ft#4 ft*ft m H* ItoftMi ft#** ft In* ft' u* ft*** \| # tftf* ftt ft|t &Mk fith #4> * i isft *M» } ftkftft ft*# >*•* fwft* * ,f **P*W# »*« *• - s % ft * -to* .<«# #*| lll#* * ||f f TtNM# iMtoi ft* ##tft*srfi*t fktof fftM> I *♦ IMIMMft ftftht ll** W 0 •M® ** | TrfttFf HftePik *#• ft>»ft»* Wf ‘|* .ft, fr • mm ii n t | *A6t*mM ft tf**** [t * M>tfttPft< ftta****! Ilwfftlft ftHHftf ft l * I to tow It -i b -|| -•r-Ki t«nr*« | | ft###, ' to# *#! -#'#* Ml tft# Wtoftll* ftf»4 ft# ft**!?* i* Hiftftft ift* f**ft»ft 1 * t»h#«i ft* Wtvtftlft ftwiy #d«# i# ! ; . . uin nig* |iftc-tol. #4 lm | t«r tinlillnliiii t*fiv m fconl* 111 AkPMfhftt ! STUSHBS ALL RECORDS. A I o*s tMatawcc Rider tuomylUk«» Hlllin. Norwood. !(•••.. Ji*l> !•.—Eiank A | WtJlif, f#mil*#r»y ki»««ft •* , . » » . g MMtoit to i fimr Ktiui j t ,«<*•<! br ikitiiE ftltrraftt ml 1.J4 ft. m Th# #t#H *•» m#4r ftt l:» ft m. ..... WOUNDED LEAVING THE OLIVETTE. On. of the ,u<«t touching incident, of the war with Sp.m »m the Unding of the wounded iew the Olivette at Brooklyn. Thou.»nde of tW who had wen the brave levy, marching gnily thro,igh the.troeW on the wnytoth. front .t brae, during the pwt th-ee mouth, beheld tly other .id. of th. pictura then-the wddwt .ide. wood. tl».- pacing txlng done by *l* tandem* and a triplet, cadi team pac ing five miles, then waiting till Waller * jreturn. j i.urge crowds congregated all along ithe ctiurse to cheer him. mmiy remain ing all night to zee him pnxs. Waller finished strong and apparently not the least fagged out by the lopg and te dloim ride. ! Waller established state records for fifty and seventy-five miles, broke tbj state record for 200 miles, the national and world’s records for 300 miles ond the national and world's records for 21 heurs. H* covered nfty-pne miles In 2:31:33, seventy-five miles tn 4 01:30 and 100 miles In 5:17:00. He lowered the 200 mile state record, made by Warren F. Taylor of Norwood over the same course. Aug. 10, ISO 7. from 15:04:00 to ,13:04:47. The next rfcord to go by the board ! was the 300 mil" world's record of 22 : hours 56 minutes 8 seconds, mad" by H. Smith st Boltimore, May 0 and 10, 1897. Waller completed 306 miles In 19 hours *7 minutes 18 seconds. The world's twenty-four imur rerord, previously made by Evans at New j Brunswick. N. J.. August 10, 1897. of 350 miles 790 fee*, was finally left in the shade by Waller, who raised the dis tance to 36S 4-10 miles, In 23 hours 59 minutes, elm d time. On the last circuit of his Simile course Waller's broke, necessitating a delay of several minutes, but otherwise his trial was singularly free from ac cidie: t. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , y/ f/! -jl—4^ Signature of Kentucky claims to .ha ve more water power than any other state in the un ion. _ „ , THE ATJOtJST-A. This Murder Was Most Inhuman. ! mi ti Sit itol r«to» to It# to (to* Clf.iiha A ft Hftt ft I . ##*l * Wl #*#4 4 ' ffttol to t - 4 I# |ii*! * ftWtNMR ft## iHftlftfftft ft* Hf * ** Wfti* *•• ** **i : yt‘* §t#ft Ii* 1 ftlfti ptoMWtoMI I ft' ft. 91 %ft Him ft9*4*# ftft iftft • HIS MOIfTI RIVJ EAIK I aiawt Um*.a>, totot IM Plml*v(. h • »>r*w< triiriw ftStetHWrf <ltr«#' to Rf I* rftMlNf t> 1 ##• «Ms IV |*t#ftl<sp# fttofit I 1 00 81 f# 4 to . ,{] Itotovto fftft#. hit ft#** wHftlft ># #f*l fV»ft|ftt ft* flftMl • ’ Iff* If dto # >t kM*w RtomM W- w .11 lake Mm ai grto bmnng Mm. «* tfveat ir*f*kt a maa . Ik, Had aril _l* ~,,, ~| ike (Writ* a ( | rat tar, L ~.iii»n • mart or wkat ytok . tomm to ||#Mlf gtl || ft 1 I i. iL* si th** *f*f*V# ftftfrl inullf* < ft##"— . . m *,|- mu'! tft ft# • firti from <9lfF#r#f»t |#n« ev#r Ilf## *m* #t««• T w H, rl 4 mu a IMS larrn whNHHIC Kmmrt #n<t till r*«)»trf«i,K f# I l.mtfr. trrvm t«K- Kl*m- j . . fttoluHHy ffvitralnff Ttto Ileml4 man found that he was just In from Santiago. Quite a jump, eh? Well. Sunday, the rep,iter read gt the hotel boolt, "Emmet Greenway— Chicago." Monday morning, the register showed this popular young man to he tn Porto Rico, end on Tuesday, well, will, on Tuesday, he was from Gro veto wet. Wednesday. Emmet wrote London op posite his signature, and, today, he was u native of New York. Tomorrow, he v.lil register—where? Who says the manager of the Plan ters cigar stand Is not a great travel er? ftEIAEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New- Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise <n account of its I exceeding promptness in relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back. In male o- female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you want c.ul. c relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A Gardelle. druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. NOT LIKELY. (New York Mail and Express.) ' The action of the German minister at Smul In thrashing an offending Ko reaftfcibhiet officer Is not likely to ho ac«j#cd as a precedent by Admiral shake Into yadb shoes Allen s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cure 3 painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet and instantly takes | the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ego. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial packages FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. m HARPER'S WEEKLY tail fv upwm mNviil top In totttom **W # N ~*wHr* * ' git alto iiid Vk g tea i *l-,' Vito toad w«*H M-tl t» etMPto ft*#*** hwgiaHP to **«<# topbfiwJ laddies Mtoltoltohteeif eaftoH ituala ltorlf**v*l 0 igrfkiPie to Mirttito* am * in*BH* thr ewti g*#w upv Anetkan itifiM havv entfi eevt a# at*# to#, tfiittoc PICTORIAL HISTORY OP THIS WAR Omen npw until (toft to ******f*l A f»>Bunl ***" to atlttok* ato »ifingtakhmii ate trfunttHun _We W i IKiY 4Ae (Nil IfaHii f l*fto»m.Cartl# T.Ltopma*. I itoerk WtoMflan. T. <e TbaWftp. W. A. Raqf#**. Ujrto. I). V. MuiH. anJ tohen, to«h i Lug*, tuff to pMogniAm* arc a**u*alrhr P>4?» *» * ing im movriwnb cm* Minv and niej and happen* itn g* tat W(ifici|d’*t atid #l** whtt c Aoieof IHe \\ i Dm Y v fondivahlrfili are I tank D. MlUto. jbilml Ha.vvndO.K lNa«l* mth#llulipPMifi.toka ( •».Jr.with t,ciKi jI Shaft#* * atmf. Itartod Marlin, to M. Thomas, and rdhrrs Bv *uh«*riNnj| now N nni vc»t. \.hi wIB obtain the VUIKIV duimp lha most unpotuni (flgjgtmeni Subscription for One Year file /fV^ Whitely / Exerciser. l A practical, »irapla*‘to \ J**. f\ r<Bci*nt Home V.xeicwer, M 1A on* specially Ml*i-led for I J/* [A UdiM and children, but \ f\%\ ,nh* varus lime rani* JSmI V 1 profitably u*cd by tbe j rriilaX) .trouge* I ft -Aft V J JMCTC LKS CLtVE- I .\ I j. AH DU. *4O «P. VIE- 1 I UK#, # tt P ; » s£-I i\* tiHOSh. *IH up: TIfUM-l ImJ As, S6O up. « ail and »e« them. Every one guar- 11/ inttod. JJi Richards & shaver UP-TO-DATE METHODS 1 v \ TTNTIRINO ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OE MONEY / (' SOHE OF THE METHODS THAT ,MAKE THE HERALD FAJTOUS. FOR SALE £W~\ havo for sale very desirable bulld *rg 'ot located in-the centre of one of thr handsomest blocks in the city. Wilt sel lams very cheap. Just the place for i handaome rtsldrnce for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 13*7 OREENB SALE of suburban LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville I.atic Company will sell, at public aide. 70 acret of land on the Harrisonville Road, in blocks of two to icven acres, ou luesday, August 23d, at 5 o’clock p. rn. w. C. JONES, Secretary. JOHN F. M’CARTHY, Solo-Violinist. Late of Royal ciiiservatoi-y. at Leipzig, Germany. PUPILS WANTED. I For terms, datbs .etc., add: eas 512 Nirith St.i Augusta, Ga. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. to il# *i*»to» »• #ll tear rl torn I'll# ¥«#*. ftllW •4.00 HAIPER & BROTHERS Bukin S*., N. T. til* Oil Filar ice Works Backiceri FOR SALE Frips, Tails, Fipis, It, Cheap Loniliarfl Ironfforks The Paper Thai is Best For the Reader isCertainly Best For the Advertiser. THE , best buyers Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity ******** THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD, • IT’S THE BEST." * ITOIR SALE. The J. I. Scott place, three quarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the WrightSboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price. $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Itral Kstate. 832 Broad Street. Will. McCAULEY 2040 WALTON WAY. BELL TELEPHONE NO. 21l)l. Summerville Plumbing Company (PHT-Plumblng, Sewering and Vi-ntilnting Steam and Hot Water Heating a Special y. EXIT-Estimates Given on All Kinus of Pipe Work. All Work Guaranteed. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. w FREE-FREE this orrav auaoit mwaumhi hwjkb, An External Tonic Applied to the Skin Benotifies it as by Magic. THE DISCOVERY l AGE A WOMAN WAS fife WVIAfWI £>* * ■ or ft roff ■*•■ m m Jr i W to '•# * LTV # |\ #’* ■ ' J ~n ;ltfrl| l )*«« tfftftl ftw#* IMWI I#il# ' •ft*** 1 tftjftftft i ii »■■** thneft ft#4 tolftf Mftfft* I*mif «r ift# **tow|4» «Nto». ftnH ftwftft M |ft ftftft 1 twntlf t #«4Xt 9ft# MtoPft# Ml Ift# ftftft tttft ; >rlir . •»■ Hfttim (J 9ft Vtok U(|. i *#wl Ift# |*ft i Ms *W*r *, Kin *pif.l l>**ml»*M9i T- xls THa itn i—i *■» »us toifto *» *x»k* tow #>t HM# OriAis. kmwlMtoww. THs MM**. H*er • C«aafM*Ma Taste Km IwUMMMtoiwrtoduMlMMlkl* *l.„ttlng arid nmif < <f Ml «•» whtrH lb* Mato by M* MWnral (»« k> mmuMnlly Am lag to lb* awM* *4 th* •ll*. It It to th* »kta whak a vtialiton# took-MM |H* Mato aod asric*. a kind «4 a*w ItM iKst Maullrtilf .tHilanM*. ami srwwnlilT ftMAwftr# M#«#r fN.m %bm skill. fWkftw Mfiihln*. bbrkkmMft. molft iiMtrhr~ vriftklr* lirrf Mull, hftfhiw#. iTurum* rrtt| 4t*.m. #3*4 diftcuftiffttM# 4 * , , .. . mxm« km IjUtitHifrl ks U„" r "ml lH«..v.ry, tlx Una IMI will, during th. imtoth. gl»« *«) *U <*U THE MISSES BELL, 7* ntt a**.. cny. For bale in Augusta By James Daly & Co. Not Too Late to Buy » a SUMHER’S SUIT, Half the season is yet to come, and besides you will find many warm days in the Fall when a Summer’s Suit would not be uncomfortable. There is one great advantage in buying a suit now ; you can get a very fine Suit for lit tle money compared to what its value would bring at the beginning of the season. Reason teaches economy. You save money by buying your clothing from us. I. C. Levy's Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA, ... - GEORGIA CALI- FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Best on Tin- Market. W.H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumberi AND Builders’ Hardware. I 16th STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE gm~ TJagPHuNJt 71. I I AUGUSTA. SA. [«**»• thtol e#Hm» »#* 'r**l HMtoato #*M [t (uagM *Mw Ywa* aha* mi* ##d to |«fdw -.*•* t»»aa* ***v •*•*»* #a# |i< •«••«» **«• Bmi V**k *aw# ha bam *<•4 tiw w.-iamtowa* beuia » awead i #nnrn mi ttouwa* p*s gw aaw th# ( mqt #r i mat* i* . ,*• <w *Uvaas a wl*** «wa *4 tm k>«« *<»4 d»K ■ mwg| Tba|#**ato tlM* i . xb#*bi toaM M gt # |# * M»nH* aato .1 ...i ]. #i it nil **T- n TH* Mm# IMI lto«w J to mMMMM j tr.«r a*w Mmk. “Itowtj to ba#*.* ( Tim t ilioHr toil Ift ffts to ail 4*liV*| jll «fkn 9**4l limits ttkiftliftß of Ift# I |tn MdUtv« mi ft ft**#! mamfilftlft* j l#t|» ! | a . o | « m«f| m*f I# iijy ift4 KftrwAt ftptoisl I ftil* rs «■* lift# ftftfft «4 \ ,!*. | rf | 3f; N#r in liftr# laii»rtkt pi*li j '«• ftufkiaft ml mftllftft ift# ftfllf f#ft e#t fr# tts fUlfufftl fcusty ftnwl ftoftf, ftft#Ml Ift •*!«••>*«#9 it* Aft» li*4r> tMvft hot Ift -Ksnftft <• ft#ir fto iftft ft##, idM k in i tntht fstth**#* 9ft Iftft ftftm. ! THMhmto wUI ha atatladMaay add tea ua [ HtRKK Trial IVriln <4 W mdarfttl (4- !,,.,,, Xante ft*. *1 rmrltam. « 0 mwt* inwt of I Mar* tag ami amtUag) to thoaa at a r,,it , .pnndsnr. ctmdtaUy aaUaleaM* dm* i Ifr* CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY'S DRAUGHT BEIiR The IJoAt. on The Market. Eoois, Sash, Blinds, Houldings, Laths, ! Shingles, Wood & Coal, j