The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, July 29, 1898, Image 8

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MUDAY Tim NrUnnt c*Mh mm («oi t**r f **%J br<»»| W«*«t fHftHaf to « fttil t»8 imnwnir tlmki wii **»n uttvc Wfe'lt flfinmf Owl iti Summit mb •* pftan mtt ihmmr Men known in rtih cUv. Come anJ m Work Done on the Street n> ElWtto Wwi That 1» Briac Daat V) NMfciM tmm tortk** *«**r»S* •*«•« Ufvtaa a e*»r Ikw *em *a* a**"* '• • 4N-na *e Its MMU 884 a*******'* Th» rftf w ka troß> ** ,e ' lunal •UMMlaa**’ W® ll ’ *««•»* a»* la M ef*» >k* paaeeal •*« » *• *** VtetapMa* >ofl _..Wtor tba ilWwi safswviabm wm*fi*i4 An®**** b*» itmadT twW *i h*** a »<>**•”* *F loffe ><l l«A |H ft* part a* »«»#* •* I***' tm '" half as It* rtmtrta bav* Mo eort..'d mhi a>*<a m ia# > *** *• ~ul Avtgueta M4a to>r 10 »• •>«♦ "t **• tvol pave* rttta* t* tfc* aooia Hr wiagfiei* b»* » “> •«** ■”* fiaiino>t‘ T it ~r s**a toy to® ia* curb ing*'*"■* •»!»« IhrtatraMa sad fißiek lul up with ill liimuti IV (otl»*lll iti** 1 * W»* been Im proved •« • «* •**.?«•.(*. * B jt *’ wilt bt f#ry itnMifffßl i p ß^ las pirm lo l«*rn that f t •** •aa*”- prillios mod* to* to* rnr|K'*i ****** •till rtaough l*#l tor «a* wot ®t tb «rort law ->at tor ikhi y*»r The following mmt» Wja • lr *** ,T jkeea paved and »»» I" excellent • I,ntU * tloa' • Twelfth at*** from R*>aoid* to to*' MHMfftwllM road MtotO from llroad lo Reynold*, it'd from Fwairk to TrllW . Barn**, from «#*< 10 ,e,r '’ of tb© caaal v . mthoiiß. from Truth lo cemetery. Seventh. from R«5 »°'d» to Walker. Tblrtm nth. from May avenue to ml)road cnoaalit* The following afreet* nrr under con tract for improvement amt the wrrk • ill be pu slu'd alonit •• rapidly a» practicable: , Eighth from Broad to Reynold*. Reynold* from Third to Twelfth. Fifth from Broad to Hay (Partly Hying In title vicinity will hall ttila Jrng needed Improvement with plea* urr.) Broad from Thirteenth to Fifteenth Monument, from Green© to Rroail In addition to theae the worn places In the asphalt, eerner of Broad and Eighth and Broad and Ninth streets, will be repaired; also the brick In car tracka at Junction of Ninth and Broad ami Twelfth and Broad afreets, will In replaced with asphalt. A large brlrk sewer will he laid on Reynold* street from Fourteenth to Fifteenth, making a deposit Into the river at North Au gusta bridge. Thia will art as drain age for tha forty or more houses re cently erected In tbai locality.. Twiggs street will be improved from the corporation line to Washington street .and together with Ninth and Twelfth will form three of the beat wagon road* In the country. One of the finest In the eltv Is Gwinnett, which runs from Plat* to East Boundary. This also will be put in good rondlllon and show up as It never has hitherto. COL. WITHROW’S MARRIAGE. It Has Been Postponed Front the Date First Announced. The marriage of Col. C. H. Withrow to Miss Evelyn Wince, of New York, which was to have occurred on Wed nesday next, at St. Paul’* church, has. owing to unavoidable circumstances, been postponed for several days. During hls brief slay here, Col. Withrow has made many friends, who are interested in hls romance and who will extend to him hearty congratula tion on this happy consummation. This is the best time of the season to spend a day on Tybee. Round trip, via Central of Georgia, $ 1.50. Death of Mrs Susan Pate. Mrs. Susan Pair. a well known iady ■v Xeysvilie, died yesterday afternoon after two weeks' Illness. The funeral W« Wr«f N* CMlfl* W« tu» li Oftofi M«rfc«t* W« At* I f . t row We h«vs A kMfl »** !•#•*! 11l lyaly hull va# ihOßf. Ouf Iligli i« mH hcav i tluiffmi Uy COfl •igfimahli, MIT <**• WA OA|f •*« eative fUtmu fear lontf i ffdll ihu Ha ngaih i nia rtwif #r# nwiMMl btr *Ha f *rw» •ho aetufod llmiti At ufwef'iKite* for fHa (tula A |A»m*fil of cAAH. ThA fliWOuAtt mAAft A cIAAO »Avln« lo you. 2ft per coni off »M M#o*§ ood Yowthft' f AOty CAAAtOtAfA, CHA vtol And Wotaladl Hu'ti. 20 oat r#nt off M Mao** And Youth*' tttack .And Blue Wont- Ad Swltli 28 pAr oant off All ChildrAO** Knu IrnuAAf ftuitA All llykt And ■baaa* 50 per rAnt off All Mab'i, Boye' and Chtldran'A Straw MaU new good*. Inspector Galvin's Work ! lapertMi Nee Britt Kafr !• Akhli. , mtilof nfiß Mr Vlfikol < I*l tin l» tM TV .*f IlfAfenr f «*f lA «»»*lr tB Ihr iMfk'H 11, .kw ftffAl, * titnoa •« mu h A Atrr rml •« would I i ttNMt vho ktd kit WM hvtlram I , | rttDffe In hoWHI. It t» IftW |l,.| m t lumi t afjo tnikra ad i<t<ti* tkHMM or ntt «pamlrff aHaII vrf>M thw umr to IBt «'lt|f iAlloritl**. kul (lir 1 It tA ivtadn (hr duff *>f the. in«fwl«-r airew wt Work to viMi th# builf’tn** tn :h** city un i rt*f*r»rt. offrr ri»mm«i^n. cff. It will br r*utnd. In »obu* IBriinrtf, jtMit lU—f> «rr *Ay»ng i»nr# w»t#r tool than thrv aKouM It will hr f »utul ' fi oih#r inrtworn* that n» nrw ftr# pay* init Iff* AAtrr rant than ih ) should. \ It Is -wqiMf«*d hr food ftirernm~n! ihst Atirh lnst#ftl«n b# rttsd# st l#sst : lcvtrr tw«> t»r thre# ynn With psrf**<l I n .. „ r m rtn «n th# of «*nlnf s to stsrt. ■ with. M-d with llte reuort* Bum plum ls-r» on new opening*, from time to Mime, thla bramh of the waterwptka (sill t>» well In bind. The work now lln pmgreaa by the inspector la very [important. MAJOR JOSEPH GANAHL. [ He Takes the Oath of Office aa Referee in Bankruptcy. Major Jiuu-ph c.anuhl took the oath [of om< • aa Referee In Bankruptcy be j foie Cummlsaloner Calvin thin rnorn ,lug. The form of the oath I* Interesting. mml I* an follow-*: \ "I. Joaeph Oanahl. do solemnly swear that l will administer Justice without - respect to persona und do equal right |to the poor and to the rich, and that ! 1 will faithfully and Impartially dls- I charge and perform all the duties In | cumbcnt to me as Referee in llank rut tcy conformably to the provision* of I the act of congress, approved July 1. IS9B. entitled an ‘Act to establish a uni form system of bankruptcy throughout the l*idled States,' according to the best or inv ability and understanding agreeably tu the Constitution and taws of the Cnlted States. "So help me Clod. "JOSEPH OANAHL. • Sworn to and subscribed before me, thla 29th day of July. A. D. 1899: -GEO. K. CALVIN, ■'United States Commissioner.” PILES AND PIl ES OF IT. It Required Big Work to Haul Off the Trash Comm'.aaloner of Public Works Wingfield stated to newspaper report ers yesterday afternoon that yesterday and the day before there was the most ample evidence that "cleaning up" day had been heeded iu Augusta. "You should have seen the piles of dirt. The scavenger department was overwhelmed. The city carts had -to go to the rescue in force and the work of hauling off the trash Isn’t com pleted yet. The idea was a good one. yhe Civic League has reason to feel gratified ut the result of Its endeavor. The cleaning up may not have been perfect, but it was a long step in the right direction. The cleaning up was general on the outskirts of the city. Mere cleaning up days would prove beneficial, h. c. whßless No Case Made Out Against Him This Morning. Commissioner Calvin at the federal building this morning finished up the case of Henry Clement Wheless of Wilkes county, the evidence • being found insufficient to bind him over. TfllC ADOUSTA HUBALD. His Suit It 32 Years Old I iMNAIiH \*ft»|n# §t S ' Mtu* as I«g tail i AnfAA # '*> Igfctc*• **m a.-*# a it * - I i|wwf gpittiNf Mv* iwei MwMi*#** I aliawaa f f**w9 #%# ft#fS Ml (ftAWMMW* MMHk HHks IMUt M Vi ##w»ws i# ft •*# t a awHts ’ sftMfßs In Vi'fti.iftMft VN MsViftf \ wfcftft IV M# MsMifft fftft wtsst ftwn ift ftSWBTI rSt MBA AftV ft# ASMMSS# ft#* Iftft# j ftns sssbi ftftft tfkiwft# stftwwp ftftws ftlMkll ft* MM Vi ft •sftV vfttftftftiftftMl ■ftp M A M ji* |AT ft AW SSSW f AA* I* I## * I fwA * f t# fft# |m|| Saw n ffAW s«i< Ift whirl! hr will ftßftfc* hit Alii * . *.w |-. K | ***!tilw rwlrf ml mg'imgi |ftft Slid rttff. Still tttftP tft iftAftl Ms lir Hr r trtlft rurril swiualsv th nst whirh h H hfi# hriwl Ift fYNlftWHlrjft jvttft ft|« liiv»f>-fcr*ftr.r**9 swlt It AM o*i IT ths whAf Hftftas- tftfti as ft# «n !s ? **wlr mrotting Ills «r«y b> irr from Irhorrti ft? h-wril sr>n»# ycwtfift msf) ms : I -||y j m r. |or|| It iftet old rrds v r. M l jin •iris*’- -Tftft,- rrsftmidrft Mr Mil |£T. "ind. jrrrng mil. t *■* Ift st?M ift thr» swm# rlrthss ihrrr* ttfti# HVf' 1 i Tcrft wrf.- bom * ! In other words. R la • fart *hal dur mg their I fe tbew rMhea hav- feu* time* been th* patent of the reigning lstT*A Id ftMiilrnro’i si fir# MR. MILLEDGE LOCKHART. he Left Today lo Work Oo Met ropolitan Newspaper*. Mr. Milledgr Igtrkhart left thla morning far New Yotk vta CharlcMca and ike Cl. dr lane. He I* to engage' In work i n the metropolitan pres*. | Mi Hedge I oh'.ihart has hern oo The Hrraid so long and. personalty and pr'-feaiionall”, h- la ao dear to every attache of tbit paper, that the regret! In thla office, on th* occasion of htaj leaving Augusta. Is akin to the regret I that l* felt today in bta own nappy family circle. • There lan't a nobler fellow than this young man Fight In the army along side a man or work at the next bench or the next desk to him, and you know him. Thia la bow. over In this build ing. we have learned to know Lock hart. We know him to be of abtlilv, of sunny nature, a lovable young golden hearted gentleman. It Is needless to say that The Herald office force from the devil to the president wish Lockhart the most complete suc cess In hls desire and effort to further perfect himself In hls chosen call ing. HAS BEEN AS ItINED. Lieut. Croft to Join the Nineteen In fantry. Lieutenant Edward Croft, recently appointed to the United States army, being given a frTßft lieutenancy, nas been assigned. He goes to the Nine teenth Infantry and leaves right away to joiu his command. It la understood that the Nineteenth has been ordered to Porto Rico and the lieutenant will soon see active se,rvtce if the peace ne gotiations are not hurried. Lieut. Croft has for a long time been ship ping clerk at the Sibley mill. He has firmly established himself In the good wishes of hosts of friends In Augusta, all of whom wish him the greatest suc cess. LIEUTENANTS. Sergeants Qarrett and Steiner Stand Good Show ing of Pro notion. First Sergeant Tcm Garrett and Second Sergeant Pinckney Steiner of Capt. Stephens'-eompany. now at Grif fin, stand a splendid showing of get ting into lieutenants’ posilions. Col. handler informed Capt. Stephens that If he enlisted fifty men here the serg eants would be made lieutenants. Both of the above Augusta soldiers have done splendidly since getting Imo camp, and Captain Stephens is proud of them. Te» men were sent off to camp last night by Capi. Stephens. He is busy corralling a few itfotje today. ■nits. H. Brooks end Miss Mamie Brooks have returned from Tybes. ‘ Visitors and Visiting 'r» !%*§!* Sfe* Aw (mans 111 Ift. f H It Ilf ItUif tt*(t I? *#s ft 0 $ Mr sim! Mrs Bssftnr# f Afc# V ■ W lir If (lift AA. «- brf |"ft* i lit FAB In fft# ft Oft ft ! H.ptu.bah it vJading Mr H C. <tor#« ttr J Mitbi Itvni* It v>t!tine hls •taicr, Mr* W T. Walker, oa Henry Sira. Ileataal A. Stcvaß of Savannah ''a •jtinaa her mot her. Mrs. Joseph (Ittnahl, ra the Hill. [ }(’• a. James Bwh y and children are •penning tke aurower with her ® .th-r Mis* Agars and Mr. Philip Morgan! [of Sa a ninth are visiting Mias Katie B. [ Murphy on d'Aatlgnar «im . Mr. Alfred Salvo has returaed frota Charlratoa. H* r-p-rra the electric car : system tbrr- Rist the thing. Mis* Jessie Wall will aaiwula a ; frw Bleed* thia evening romplimen- | tary to her guest, Mias Gilbert. Miss Kanlne Stuart, who hat been | the guest of M'as Kate Pollard, return- , ed Itxlay to h."r home at McCorm'-k. Bowen Bn!hers. t>vo popular young men of our city, will open a handsome' store at J. 0« din's old stand thia fall. [ Mrs. T. W. Coakery. Jr,, and her lit- j (1* son, Willie, are spending the sum mer In the mountains of North Gear- 1 gla. Miss Manik- Jenk'ns. the daughter of Capt. John H. Jenk.ns. leaves toroor-; row for a two weeks' stay in Beaufort, 1 8. C. Mr. Will Doughty, the bright young son of Mr. James-Doughty, has accept- j ed a position with tha Contra! rail- ' read. Mrs. Kate O'Donnell, formerly of | Augusta, but now of Savannah, is the guest of Mrs. W. H. O'Dowd, on the Hill. Mrs. Pauline Hrtt Smith will leave this afternoon for Wilmington. N. C.. to spend several months at that place with Wends. Mrs. Henry Mclntosh of Albany, Ga., is visiting her father, Col. Cheatham, in Harrlsonvllle. Lieut. Mclntosh is with his company at Tampa. Miss Lucy Ingram went over to Ai ken yesterday to attend the Teachers' Institute convention that has been in session for the past few days. Capi. Jas. B. Kearney drilled the St. Patripk Cadets last, evening for the first time. There as quite a large at tendance and their drilling as up to the standard. Au tee crenm festival will be given this afternoon and evening on Broad street below ldncoln. The proceeds will be used for the Women’s Christian Mission. If you wish to spend a pleasant eve ning take your hast girl and atiend the Ice cream festival on lower Greene street between Lincoln and Houston streets. A band of music will be in attendance. There will be pretty girls to watt on you. Mr. Frank Butt and Mr. Fred New berry will scon occupy their new homes on lower Greene street between Lin coln and Houston streets. This Is one of the must beautiful blocks on Greene street and recently there have been put up eight new buildings on the block. Dr. Harry GcodriVh left today for New York, where he .goes to study in the New York hospitals and also to tie an oxtiminer in an jjjsurance company. Mr. Goodrich may 10 ca to permanently in New York, as was stated yestcr * ■ '■ 1 _ ' _ XO- . ... tail* * ■ Atlantic Coast Lina. i Si** 1 1 ft|i OtYktft l |#t l|» t i«*Y W % f!2#ft ftp * I ***** *•« ** “• w * *•* SHLLNDID (IAMB. Tip Tap Ceatert* at tha ftaadhah taart I he** Aftaraooai. |CuOMMfvtal taPitais la aiiaad d, r yt'i $ Sa I WftfftO irTSW #* * ti vr« ® [ am*. It m* a day of hard hlHing *. -tedu e-t for this as rrt»> v>n A n’mto-r nfy-<->« pla-eri are now ga ‘sr m ss Then, ara ~ sharia of W kind Th* coailai’* aatll about 1 SO o’clock. WEATHER. Augusta. Oa.. Friday. July 2*. IffiW G3k-e located In United State* Govern- I meal building; tel*phone No. 1573. Firtrasl fer 36 hours ending 6 p. o , July *O. 18**. Waablngton forecast for and j South Carolina: Fair tonight and Sat-1 nils. f oral forecast for Augusta and vi rility; Fair tonight and Saturday. Maximum temperature, B*. The river at * a. ra. was 10.9 feet, a rise of 0.5 feet In the past 24 hours. The rainfall over th« gi -ater portion of the cotton b-lt in the past 24 hou-s •hows a maierlal tolling off, the central and eastern stctlons receiving only light and aerttered showers while the western portion had practically none. All of the states east of the Mississippi and north of latitude 35 had showers of varying amount*; also the lower Rocky mountain region and the great er portion of tho Missouri valley. Temperature* have fallen generally over all section of the country except along the> Atlantic coast and over the Southern stales. The cqoleat weather (52 degrees) Is reported from North Dakota. The barometer Is highest over Flor ida nnd lowest over the central ftookv mountain region. The air Treasure Is also high in the northwest and low over the St. Lawrenr© valley. The Central of Georgia Tybee Special is carrying large crowds to the Sea coast every Sunday to en joy the delicious sea breeze and surf bathing. Round trip $ 1.50. SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. Sent Red Cross Society By the Au gusta Relief League. The Augusta Relief League Is doing Fomt good work towards the relief of the- sick and wounded soldiers. A fes tival was given by the league a lew evenings ago with the result u nice sum was raised. This sum was expended in purchasing sheets and pil low eastu for th.? hospital of the Red Cross Society. The goods were sent to Jacksonville to the agent of the soc ety th re. Another festival will be held, in Au gusta for the same noble purpose. The numbers desire through The Herald to thank their friends for con tributions received towards the sheet and pillow case fund. The latter arti cles are in great demand In the hospi- | tal. Mr. John Sloan, an old Augusta boy, is now living in Savannah. Mr. Sloan is with the express company. FREE. W# Hay# ah w*m*l#t#d tt lot #9 *m#il ftfHfHfc lift! thin nft trim mtp# fr#ft* Iwmtwr R* th# QOtifW 09 *T»J*flwfhclmf#, ThJfi •• as Mate ittalffiftl IO US Aba Ml tfCMMf only for firiwood for you. Wo Mint H faffiOVWt* You too htvs • 'odd f rta if you wkl 1 Mtod ytMjf dray for tt* f*t##iMi cut out IhiiftdviftiMinint ao# mo# H with tho ft #rAym*o. No Camp Deserters. f\s I itrt# leant Till l ifmtcs Tali!* I Tft# mM (ftfti ftfft 1 tpytffl fft fft# < f'#ft|ft » r Imml Uwv* fcaM J—rt» NwM •!••#• t Hf Aflll learertad sfcartly. MR. L. D. FRICKS. ; Who Was Atudcnt at Medical College Here, Gets fJoveroment Posltloit. Washington, July 28.—The hoard of m#4tlcftl cfllrrrs c* t,ll# marifte botpiUl leitkf eooi'fßsl in [ Wsffhinf t>D July at ft* lstf, for th# ti* | neot as assistant s<iryx>o In the ma ria# hospital atrrieft. has Just submit- j i teil Us report. Twenty-four physician* ap<reared for xamlnation and ib* following five wers, surcresful In ataiolnc tha re quired avi rage and are eligible for np point meat: Mark J. Whit*, of Geor gia; Lunsford D. Fricks, of Georg,a; Victor G. Hclacr. of F'ttnsylvania: William R. McAdam, of lowa, and Wl 11am C. Hohdy. of Kentucky. Dr. Frlcka. who was among th.- num ber appointed, la known in Augusta, having be»n a student at the medical college here last winter. REPORTEO SHORTAGE. Rumers on the Street, Confirmation ot Which Is Denied There is a pcrslatent story on the street today alleging a shortage to aa Augusta enterprise and connec.lng therewith the name of a young man. well known in Augusta and up to thla time of standing. The highest off!ter of the e®tcrprlse said to have been .if foot'd refused this morning to elth- t confirm of dray the rumor that there was a shortage. The young man Is not in the city, having left for a sta ed place and his whermhouts Lung known. In his absence and during hts Inability to apeak for himself, it is but fair- that judgment be Newspapers, hi the absence of u s’ale- j ment from the company’s officers, will not risk possible injustice by accepting a mmor as a fact. The amount of money Bald to be Involved is said -o be S2OO or s3od. The proper public statement in regard to the matt.rr will be made at the proper time. Miss Janie Embree, of this city, is tt*. guest of Miss Marian Mercier of Atlan ta. Webbs Lodge, No. 166, F. & A. M. Augusta, Ga., July 28, ISPB. . A COMMUNICATION OK WEBBS Lodge will be held in the Bine Room, Masonic Hall, on FRIDAY NIGHT. 29th inat., at 8 :39 o’clock. The K A. Degree will be conferred. Membert will lake due notice thereof. Visiting brethren cordially welcomed. Bv order E. S. McCREAIIY. H • M. 0. E. COFFIN, Secretary. AN, EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN has sum of meny to invest in an ac tive partnership, which will afford him a moderate living. Address W, care Herald. l July 29 WANTED— TWO OFFICE DESKS. Address P- O. Box 69L Aug 1 ■■ Ist, i* i.i iutv #• The Day in the Markets Vfferal h l#«a—Tfer Cfeonpn tfe Ulfeet ff*SlA ftiYtr# fthMSi Iftftlftft ft#4», »*» • tftfti ft mm ft*l ft# ftstf • ’ v i-. f» 111 Iftsl spy'lftnft, ft»* Ift# MfeiSffift IK, I# kAlt* | v*;, Ipffftl ft* MMI, ftftNl - - ft#* &il * ft « 1 |# |ft* ftMftl- t -*• HI aNlT'aMtrtft uft ' 4 t |#i«- Iftii HlSt. f «*■••»# ■*.-.* C.Mft iftttftSftft• Tft* Ai m 3*#i* Ms ANRftf *** ’** ftfti ftftfMNKft ymvsoftsli #'<4i trsrftftftfta* * ift ftftft Atttiftl## af# 9# Ift# liftt O’lN'ftl ft# Arm #ft ft f -#uKl4v#ftftl# #ftf»*fl | Tftr liNMI. NVi#«fk», Mm**wi ftft4 Kaftft* f#m# ftf# vtfirtM limifft sn4 < Vft| '* tn fg- flctit ift# it is ruftoftl thti tfts »#*« Arftftfft^# \ ttr flfeo nnttf jha* f#ftiAS# of Aftftftftt* Mlowidf qaotsUotfe#. ift# < lus»ftf i Isl of Psltfe*. liurj Hr St cm: « lilt* %*FROVIHIoMS. WHEAT- «!_«*• ClrtN f ilsrambff .. *• •• •• ft% #4 Juiv „ •* *"—"** oli| ] iIATA— t , , f# —— !Sgptfmler . .. •• »* »• •• 2**% i V • —— a.o ‘Member':/:. V. V. .. •» *•# LAKD— ‘ RIBS — * July * »•* Septerab (.17 Mi .December 5 « ( « NEW YORK COTTON. New Turk. July ff. —1.30 p. m. January * .os IU March «H 0.12 1 August (*3 iSeptemfceT (■*• (-*2 [ October 6.99 (.93 [November S.OO 5 9* ! December ® «2 « 01 j ■fione—Ataady. Mi Idling -i 1-18. NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, July 29.-2:30 p. m. Metropolitan 151'a 152 S ill. R T 55% 67% UT. S. L *7 Sugar l*f% 13* Tobacco .. 121 121% 1 Baltlmotc and Ohio .. .. 14% 13% |C. R Q - .. 10« 10*% Chicago lias 100 99 n J. C *"9% 90 : Louisville r.nd Nashville . 53% ——• Manhattan 107% 10. % Omaha Mia 83% Union Pacific •• 23% 23% Rock Isltcd »«% Reading 1“% H% [ St. Paul 99% *9% 3. It. Q- .. 31% LIiantPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, July 29. —2:30 p. tn. - January and February 3.21 3.20 21 February and March .. 3.21 March and April 3.24 3.22 April and May 3 : - - s •June and July 3-25 July and August 3.25 3.23 August and Sept 3.25 3.23 Sept, and Oct 3.23 3.22 Oct. and Nov 3.22 3.21 Nov. and Dec 3.21 3.20 21 Dec. and Jan 3.21 3-20 AUGUSTA COTTON. Middling 6 1-16. Sales 89. Receipts todny 7. Receipts to Cate 375440. Stock cat hand 9318. PORT RECEIPTS. Receipts at ports compared with the receipts for the same day last year and the year before, were aa follows: 1895 1897 ! 1898 Galveston New Orleans .. .. 8 169 x Mobile «3 Savannah 68 9 641 Chfirlestih •• ■■ 6 ?05 Norfolk 4 34 18S Philadelphia .. .. 101 —" ~~ Boston 151 9 ®- Samuel Edgar Francis, a waiter in a Bcston hotel, has by his own unaided cfUr.s mastered nine languages, and that -without bavins ever been abread. _ w . _ , .