The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 02, 1898, Image 1

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mu * * s«*■**, mtmuL •Afina# um, rxtss t*e«M-#es ¥mm (ft*'***- fi’MNLEY’S DEMAND OF SPANIARDS Tk* riritirn film • SufcftftW it ikt hn^ iTtr~rT~ a* Mtii nm sm# »•* |# Ilk# M»g-+iW* gill JMtoHtowl tr*m | W»*k m*mtk U I* Am* I **• •**> V*: ** H *l* *•* *•! ♦#§"** jNi to «X* «f |»#BtoM*4 to**# ** (ft «t# Iftti i 4 <*•##** if «*• rcn#* i***« •’ll ###«»# t» ror# tut ißtototo l #' totfttoaff Ml t»«»N to fto INI Ni |MWwr# tottotoi Ito * Ptotot i*4 *to*B. II It iflflfltoMl ptoftf *• Pit tltof lit %***** irf ftott# #4to##4 if IP# | »M M»i »» #tot* * in B*# i*p #M to fto Ptotoll Mtitottotof rwf, toM totP*fto tto miw**i*Aw*mi f|# flf* CMlttA tt tfll Wk ;W# 6 to* MNNftot# tttoPtoPitoi If Ppp'p «* tip to* j#f | U)4 <l* UatoliiM ftieti»to of Km «i)4 ill» fitlif **tßß4# »*4#r tit a Ttto Ikt r*«so9 of it ittoito Hi §|4 RAM IB# Pilf* It? t#4 Of i#f,4 tic tit eotltito «’f Ik# tl "Blf cf nRIfR iHtli (MffO’t* t|t rr ntio* 4 spiHiN tt l |»wraßWii il t|« ttoil’f^U*#* If ip### trrmt tn by ftp: »*n Is tkfir rolMtf MBplaitofrt wit to mom 4by Ito I f altt4 tot Ito to •#*( rtotr/tflctfri on fit* ytn of £9*lll Ur tilt pfiyoif of rftfH*i«4)nf •hr treaty of ptort ob fit# bttlt abort tatill a W&il.R|iia. A« * 2. Th% cabtoM mm* Ib ttttloa an tin«- bb4 tta min uttt itMay. ft It ootillvtly »t«t#4 (bat bo word. to any form, baa rnw from CfniM- nn* ...m lk. dilDltfllkl nf *,*nfi, •me from the front. There we* rauld he learned, but tt «vn« decided to tnnkr publ r • stktmant of oor term* of *e»re. ALL TO JOIN IN. The Foreign Wsrshlpx to Be Allowed to Amlsl at Manilla. •pcrlal t"> The Herald. Washington .Aug. 3. —It ta new ti<d that Dewey has notified the gov ernment that he will allow each ns.ion represented by warships to land ma rine* and crslst the United Staton troops in preventing the Insurgents from entering the city. No confirma tion. STRIKE D GLARED. Over Two Thousand rten Will be Thrown Out of Work. Cleveland, Aug. 2. -A strike was formally (Vclared today by the Federa ted wire trades and it will throw about 2,100 meg cut of employment. FATHER’S FATAL MISTAKE. (lave His Ch ldesn Strychnine for Ouinine. Anderson, S. C., Aug. 2.—Oin Friday sLernoon two children of Mr. Thomas Blrced. Hgert 7 and 9 years respectively, were poisoned by taking strychnine through mistake. The children had been ill and the father intended to give quinine, am) liefore administering the medicine tasted it. Finding that It had b pungent taste he gate It to the children and death resulted in a few hours. Th * strychnine was not labeled and was kept with other medicines, conse quently It was an easy matter to make the fatal mistake. Peisonal Mention. Miss Mary Jane Moore, Fannie Pur nell and Mattie Wright arc at Sulli van's Island. The condition of Mr. Frank Calhoun is not so favorable today. Misses Annl ■ and Norma Powers will I ave in»a few days for an extended vis it to their old heme in Anderson, S. C. Mrs. Annie Walker, who is summer ing in Edgefield, is spending a few days in the city. The Rev. Llewellyn Babb has beei elected principal of Lampeter college, Poker has been forbidden ill Henna on the ground that it is a game of chance. HERALD WAN I AUR fcNJOt lHfc LARUfeBI CIMtULAIIUN IN LtUAUiA AND BLiUIM CAROLINA. VC* A cm* * »m THE AUGUSTA HERALD. HAIAI id. ioim IISIII Of II • Tl* * tl* MCn M ift T (b ftfbMibiUt tei ffct teitiiL Yft*# R# #t•tof Oti #<i IM $9 fto*4 to#< Dtotof A§#to As II If THE UAH.' OAO% % •!*>*!• Rm t total Tto> irt Dto* cHiwHmC#4 A |9iß*l th** raittoli R#r«. |! m ftiinMl tluit l htr* ki ?b* #»• lb# Hitter id 4 tu bear tb# rbart « bnu«Rt by *b# b«». men ft If attof m 4 lit! Crr i Th# Final »y*tcto If ****** *» tto ’to*n«# Ihm.b#*# btto «n>l tlv *yw» of tlr rlttscnf m* find ib tfidtr oi*oo .•• a Miifß | otl# •fief • hiK j ftp## |# .i y#Bt#rdiiy Ib tvo hottr«* ttoi# j Th# track* v* r«* hill so rtefli to th# {## bbU fflttrii will hi'** to b* fp|#iiVf4 {to kc#p the cars frim kaockißi Ui#ra down -n* It ti said th# of Ik# v> rk , was don* Vo b**p off a hill of Inptnr :xtkT'* ‘ tu,w ‘* It Is nurort 1 that tk# pr#a#Bt d#fy>t f Is so ha r'iiitvfld snd usol ficluirtirlf ! & , • frr ght Ihhis# un*l that ans dc* I pet Ys to arcettd. It Is stso said I that long switch** will be laid on «ha [south side rs ib* pr***nt main line and itbat on* cf thra* will be u*ed a* the [main track, leaving all of the other j tracks for transfer and freight pnrpo ' aes: I It la es mated that the Plant aya | tem ;a spc.'.ding twenty five thousand :dollars h'‘ro In lmprC''cm' i nta Many I people believe that th* road la fixing terminal facilities for all the roads ejtuing here and that a union depot is ADDITIONAL ST.VMFLR. fir. Jno. H. Dent Appointed to that Position at the Postoffire. Mr. John H. Dent ha* been spjiolnt ed staini>er »t the oostoffiee. Th» In crease in business cam- ; the need of on adrjitional stamper and under the rlvll service rules Mr. D-nt wss ar>- ■ pointed, Mr. Edwin T. Cohen has been , appointed a substitute eorri-r, u va cancy being caused by th** leaving of , Mr. Horace Vcrdery to become band | master fpr the tenth regiment. Under ! the United States laws, enacted since jthc tear, Mr. Verdoty cr.n get his post oiPce oosltion back after the conflict with Spain Is over. LOST A RENTED WHEEL. nr. W. F. mtchcll Would l.ikc to Know Where a Bike Is. I Mr. W. F. Mitchell, of the Augusta Hallway and Electric company, had the misfortune to lose a wheel he had rent ed this morning. | Mr. Mitchell had the at his home and telephoned his wife to send it by n boy down to'his office. | His wife telephoned him she had done !so, but the wheel never arrived. [ The wheel was rented last afternoon from Deveney, Hood & Co. Mr. Mitch ell supposes the boy left the wheel In side the office and someone took It away. . \VM DAVID HURRAY. The Fotcrth Earl of Mansfield Is Dead. London, Aug. 2.—William David Murray, th-' fourth carl of Mansfield. 1» deed. He >vas bora in 1805, lias b" n lord cf the treasury and lord high ccmmislst ner of the Church of Scot land. G. C. Hunter Dead. Savannah, Aug. 1. The funeral of Geurge C. Hunter took place yesterday af.ernoon from the residence of his un cle. Jfr. J. H. Thoaimasson, No 18 State street. , . coil. CULVER NOW TURNS THE TABLES hi*( Km iifl rttwfi Tfcit Mi# foMMlflltaL Ml Ml 1 b**a Apt $m Me AeAMvwl I* Kmmu. tfty JMMWfltoßflflk Fttofl I ■ t >##rii ib B tto 1 (kto RAfttoP y*Si>T 1# # rnßii Ttoik ktol 2 , 4fJ#B ' SAW THE » ODII .V Th* tier*, sorae MgM ifetotto by tkw to ##torfl»laaK. ktf'B Yi’fl, A»i§ f,—Tk# #ir#fn*bl|i §ff)yf4 Ib tkte RKt to* <«#• iftd ißoic i i bnaito r*|M>rt Ikßt mt * sixty tollto oir tuto# |«4#b4 mad wllbtfli • toll# of tk# IRA aßrvv l« Httrsoffii# «{H( itcma «>n J«tf 4. lb# Ina fti iih Ilf# hfllv o*l Rft* 1 fr 1 sail* f* Tk# l «i*>(i|t ft #*t*m« <| to hav# bo Uft b#Ra Tb# iu#fl>»bn Hiawatha flrhlrh vrt'Qt mil fruto Halifax to Idixiiff lh# Of th# Huntoft) WM aißhtto hf (h# Wr-rffnUtnd In lh# fl*l|hEorlion4 of (hi# human flrrrrkag# and »M #n ***** Ib th* work for irhtck #h# vat Ait th** W#«i#rAland |mim#<! a #r#w lo on# of th# tioata from th# !?*.««»tha w-r? removing life belt, from Ihc bod AT HONOLULU. The Fourth Manilla Expedition Has A>rived There. San Francisco, Aug. 2. The Call *i*ys the itetmrr Dor e. which arrived lust night, brought pews of the arri val at Honolulu of the Fourth Manila eifrilitlcti. Th* Doric I'ft Honolulu last Monday. The transports arrived j the day before with all on board well and on Monday the boy* were given a royal m-cptlc n and a grand feast. Great preparations arc being made at the Islands for a grand celebration on the arrival of the annexation commla rloners .and the raising of the stars and stripes. TROUBLE AHEAD. Huge £ trike Brew ing In the Pitt sburg District. [By Associated Press.] Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. 2. —If the coal op'ratrrs of the Pittsburg district do net conform with the terms of. the Chi cago r.grrrment by August 10, five thersend miners will be ordered to strike. This is the declaim today of th' convention of the United Miners ( f this district In session here. A se ries of strikes cr n to be inaugurated In ,t!-" Yougti district and, if it Is possible, jibe Now York and Cleveland Gas Coal comnny will be compelled to pay the j reunify of mining coal at a rat" lower* lima provided for in the agreement. AT SANTIAGO. Report Received From Gen. Shafter Today. [By Associated Press.] Washington, Aug. 2.—The detailed condition of affairs fit Santiago la shown in the following telegrams from Shafter: "Santiary condition July 30: Total sick, 3,892; cases fever, 2,692; r,-v cases fever. 643: cases of fever re turned to duty. 815. In another dis patch dated today Gen. Shafter says he has in the bopsital, wounded and sick prisoners, 2,181. New|York futures. X, w York, Aug. 2.—Futures opened steady at a decline. August 5.82, Bfi>- ( r,.88. October 5.93. November 5.94, December 6.08, January 6.03, Fobruary 6.05, March 6.09, April 6.13, May 6.16. Jury Commissioners. At a meeting of the Jury commission eis held yesterday, afternoon, the com lnirsion v/Ss reorganized and a meet ing called for August 15. AMftt-JtfA. fIA- 111 RIK in nr. Tift* fVH*»« Ntti Half IdW U nlftM*. ill In Rtttii til* b Ift* Laifti i nr, j ■ !■■■' ■ HUM tbrnrn*m Amy «f !Mk to «M tom to to. |R« 4««toflatoi fft««) tokltißtoto.. m» kfIMK r— * m#**# 1 httoto MtoSto mm m*b* npm * Dmb|H ii 4 (j(# •kfi.riixi until fti#f bmm lit* ill# Hum## ni f f»ift; N# m* fix# rjMi to Btoißß#fll fto fti# * ft to# ; NOW THEY QUAIREL. Tkl I mprrnv May Ml Oo Is Bls- SMfik'a luwtll (}!« Atour Rt#4 Ffto*. | IWrlfß. a<b 1- Tk# N o#i# Ntork {im kt#B pflkißfi b <Hf|Mi(rk from ; I Kri#Ar)rtoruh# 9* fin* l*ktß## Hffb rt | - Hifiiif- I It rvlU 1 t»mk#B 4oti by tk# j worry i.i4 rioia of tk# post few day*. I! not Hatton kow ndl (k# I prlt## frit Tkß.w<tty wb#t to tod Bt 11 M to# «| 4 Well, bow I Ll. 1 ks,«. | tlffn ** I; seem# itmiblfil wh ther Emperor [William *vitl ku tfi Fvlrgrichsttibe ow llng to the ittltwlle nt Prince Herbert I lUaman k. who has not only not he*d ! erf hts majesty's deal re* to have the re main* of bis father burled la Berlin, but who torn to have refund Prof, l-rttiaarhs permission to paint a por trait of the it-ceased. M the emptror desired. Beside# this, the rnAn con talning the n mam# of Prince B'smarck has bf-a rlo#ed somewhat hurriedly. Tho funeral servla' In honor of B'a marck will take place Thuraday morn ling lo the Emperor Wllllsm's mm ir ! it,! church. The Federal counc f, th* members of the Prussian Diet and lbs jstsl's' municipal authorities will be In vited. A GREAT TMIUrtPH. The Democrat* Have Won a Grand Fight In Alabama. [By Aasociatcd Press.] Birmingham, Aug. 2. Sixty cut of sixty-six counties have been heard from as to yesterday's election, though the returns from none arc yet com plete, owing to the slow method of counting and returning. Reports from the partial returns received indicate that the Democratic majority Is be twren fifty and slxy thousand. Jefp>r jtion county gives the C-’mociats a ma ijc-rlty of rbout four thousand. In the •city of Hilrmlnghnm two thrusard I votes out of a registration of 3.500 were polled. Of these the Democrats i r c’ived 1.800. Tho Independent ccim- Ity and legislative eandldatcs in this I county are badly beaten. Reports i from all over the state show the Pop ulists lost heavily in all strongholds. A RICH SUICIDE. j aeorge Tod Takes His Own Life To day In Tragic Manner. IBy Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 2.—Georg; Tod, a wealthy resident of this city, commit ted suicide today by Jumping from the t.?nth story in the Hotel Majestic. Tod had been a sufferer from melancholia for some time past. He was a brother of J. Kennedy Tod, of this city. THE CHALLENGER. The Associated Press is Informed He Is Sir Thomas 1. pton. [By Associated Press.) > London, Aug. 2.—The honorary sec retary cf the Royal Yacht dub, Mr. Kelly, has telegraphed the London of fice of the Associated Press, saying the I challenger fi r America's cuo is Sir Thomas Lipion. Fainting Attack. Mr. Joseph Henning, reporter for The Tribune, while at i police headquarters this morning availing the opening of recorrier’s court to report the proreed- itrips, was taken with a fainting attack. He was carried Into the officers’ room and restoratives .applied. Mr. Henning ] has been sick several days and was jjust out today. C. B. REfIVIS DIED AT AN EARLY HOUR TR* iunmilß Rf Ift SWIli f|l lIMKHVIL l wespextedl lk#tt sB bar pf IBs *lw#4 Fiiytar tt »w«w«t# « ISU*** «li« Mt fft-iifl ftwßiNMii * mm* kfw*fl#B vflMit 4wHto Btotff «M m*mt*k >to i!(4 m Yiflitoto i Ilrrni4 |Rr Mb S«k«* »«• H**' Ilf MilftßUßnl me rr«K»#r4 tmm ku \*mpnrmr rmm* to: to*t’tu* *n4 ***** ton4# «wm 4 n (k#j itetltT It waft ihmiihl Ikto totof# lone It# wottM to «ip *»4 *»#« M*n\n flttt a* niii ar ipiwi an 4 (jc*4 Bt I . * . | » lj m-wgrt ,k r flfftin Rrapto mppmi*4 «(i4 ki» l«B»m(al •oal totor# Ita Makar. ckarl#* H. He*\H. ' Charles BUT H.svi. horn at Jcplta. fit. H years ago aod Oral ram* 10 Augusta a# the right band man of COk U. M l»y»r. when the Augusta Railway and El cirk system was in laugnrated. He had been in Col. Dyer** empk** ! .n Kansas Uily aod aa auditor at the |coo.gawy bo.r m.A i «<ffir ro y tod ijfricb. A brut tv j years ago Mr Reus Is j married Mas Mar;' Well* to Kansas City and he later hn tight bis wife to Augusta, where the rloee v la:Iona ex- I isting between them, the love, c 'cnpan■ I tegship and unusually tender affection, ws* a subject for rumincnt among hts friends Mi* Reevls was wired Sunday night that her husband <• as 111 and left Kan ! >»« Cll;’ y steida.. morning for Augus ta * His mother. Mrs. J. B. Rea vis. hn* ! also be»n telegraphed at Jg’banon. Mo.. I and will arrive shortly. Colonel Dy rr, who left Augusta for New York last wc»k. with the intent lon of gains to Santiago. Culm, with a party of cap itallats. and liuelness associates, was I deterred from sailing by the reports of •.-client fever, and is now* somewhere In l the Adirondack wilderness In northern New York, on n hunting trip. Trying to Reach Col. Ilyer. Various telegrams have beep dis patched to him this morning, but up to 12 o’clock he bad not been located. Un dertaker Wilson has taken charge of the body, c*b!ch will be embalmed and taken to the house of Mr. Geo. P. Toale. who with his wife probably sus tained more intimate relations with Mr. an' 1 Mrs. Rea Is than anybody here in Augusta. Mrs. Toale will leave this afternoon for Atlanta, to break the sad news to th" wife, who 'is yet unaware of her irreparable loss. Mi. Rca- is was a Mason, a Knights Templar and an Elk. und was held in the highest mUcm and friendship anti ng the mernlters of these orders. In his business life and official capacity he was respected and loved by all. from the president of the company down to the humblest servant In his employ. Curious Coincidence. A very curious coincidence In connec tion with hls death is ihat one year ago today all Augusta was shocked by the news of the death by drowning of his intimate frit nd, another man of the tame lovable and loyal nuture. a man with the same gracious attributes, a man universally loved and admired, as was Charlie Reavls his friend, Floriati Bindewald. Both came to Au gusta strangers and both are sorrowed and lamented by all. The disposition of the remains rests with the wife and the mother, who are shortly it, Strive, and In all probability they will be taken to rest in the bosom of hls beloved and brundless is learned (hat while ( the cause of death „vas acute Indigestion, there probably were roinplicsGons, and a diseased slate of the kidneys in addition. Mr. Reavls was a staunch republican in national politics, being, however, equally as strong in his opinions and tendencies to the democra.ic party in local affairs. The lime for and>details of the fun eral services hrd not been arranged at a late hour this afternoon. Htp |Oil Aft» A Hi* t) | »BAL Aityt J»t t **w* i iH IS me am Tl* jtjroi* *t Oil lift* |I lu< ] tt«t* • Xiittf tt LkL I Tftfi ft*i Nf («*ftrtal«llß IH** tiitel it ift Affftttl M waa finstWst IM ft wga ftal ftgs t ify xftftftAlftMft<rWft I ton In til# |pMfl4 t#BSLrft 1 tr*ton (Lftl AM IfftillllnftAl ni Ik# Am ■lr# ****** m m* wtik Ito Jtßfl#rWfliß to* In# kffi*t •• HflftoNß#Rii ißitoltilfif ft V ftitat»«* It #m# nt • r#p«t*# Tkal (to III# of m*r m n mm 4lt mtA mrrr (n n rrmbinnUrm *t fort nasi# Ismhi mn4 * BK#Bf. If • Hi? 1# to to rßrfi#4 k? ftlorm. >1 »• *n in4M|toßMikl# r#o«>lr#iß«Bt • tot tto a»f#UaoU tort ftirrtiKtk of Bttßkt m Miflklrßl tor Ik# ui»k to b**A Tto Mvbb## of rth»ft#r‘» . u*nrsrßlifHt 4‘ml«utl%# nrtnf «»• ' m«»r# by #Btku#to«iv». I Iklrk, ihrn by Ik# ultßßit0ß. >* fn* b 4 tt. Tk# roßdurt of tk# *ror |Wi. hn*Fvrf WBfl iHniriblfl. nn4 lit If# t#*fl k#ro4< ikms lh# ftrtloß of Ftrtotlto (txtntm Bt G#tty#tMarg of of li#Miti#r*fl , brigade on th* stonewalled fi-M of Frrd'* leksburg * "Tl•' ftoi-gk Rl4 r*' fans# ought to to ###ur#. Th< ugh th#>* < h»rg#4 f Oi fool fnctm4 of on to rr*to#lr. ttoy types of the hr pees of Balaklivg or the old guard of NaTOlcon.” STOLE A HAT. Case of Geo .Marshal and Other Re corder Court Cast *- George Mr.rsball la now under bond for appearance at the city court on a charge of larceny from the p rion. | The person was Uuia Jackson ar.d It was her hat that was the arid* l»- j g en , George appeared heforc the re corder today who bound him over on the above charge. George was also fined $lO for a breach of No. 18. city Other small cases at court concern ed Belle Maloney. Marie Ganus. Ed Murry. Mike Sullivan anil Walter John son. who paid $2 50 for violations of the eighteenth. Rch«rt Scott, whose case is told of elsewhere, and who wss fined $5, had i his fine remitted by the mayor. PUB 1C 5A1.E5. Property that was Put Under the Hammer Today j Today was public sales day at the city hall and Col. Walker was kept pretty busy for awhile this morning. The prices brought were very good, many of thesp being far above their appraisements. In adidtion, to many horses, convcyemes. mules and rows, Col. Walker disposed of a large lot of I farming implements from the I<omharil estate, and two pieces of real estate, jthe Charles L. Lombard place, on the J southwestern plank road, was sold to ! Mr. Gang. R. Lombard, agent, for $4,050, and a tract of several acres of fnrmlng land on Spirit creek, to the Workingman's Building Association for SI,OOO. COLONEL JONES Who Has Long Been Expected will Probably Arrive Monday. Col. Jones, who has been expected her*- for several days now, has not corne yet. and will hardly get here Ire fore Monday. Col. Jones is virtually In command of the tenth regiment now, so the mo- I >nent he stops Into camp, Lieutenant Colonel Withrow will tut longer have any Jurisdiction over the camp. Ladies’ Novelties. Win. Sehwelgert A Co. have just re ceived a line ot shle-combs In tortoise I shell: also voided assortment of Gre chin hands, the very latest fashionable ! novelty. De sure to ca-ll and see the ,beautiful things which they are offer ing. In the death of Mr. Reavis the com munity at large loses an upright and; patriotic citizen, the electric company 1 oscs a valuable and faithful official, and his friends—and their name Is. le gion have lost a friend Indeed. iuniu tWI IIS $ gevstw »«* fatmci ‘v—iV lilt •** frnSSm ! .*•«*****«•** CARROL N. CRICHLOW IS DEAD 11$ Tn& •• oi*f4«* *f UiliMl thru* (Ir McM. ! iNuxseM M • Ib*•» immttttam Mi l«Hft s*•• • »*■ tie tftewdl 11. GntHkhM*. the weft* Sat •» las nr-a «V— t* ptu died el IM tup i i*oi u mmm •eki w'eieek l%ft m t mm the edftini't ■ at M usee tata sd The detsl.h el l*f, c *m Bvtot T#i* #fli i I# B iftfflklft ttork tii b'* ißßflif Ifttßto mb* - I»>t aflMnW ■M’lal • 111 BMI M »M rl ‘ft-srtft. tttllt (d'B’toSflMl IkBI *k»* ****** ■ \mt uwetd Bed hat raid te ftatfc Hr. t *r t» -*• white he had eel bewe roe * -1 wed te hts VeeSh. had !«• *s fee *h* less three er foev day* sefteetM feeei a «•* I vera twM A* a- - salt he wee eft* % t , n mtt Mtetee «est leeftMMHh* tahiee the fttee* r-p-audiy eeft te simsii dwera M» tried the treetheaed etth the terrible tvtelt list te kttneti le e eett* at itinieii* at the tnewer ai Rev noid* end V latest) atraeftt, Cirtril t*r<trhlo«r resided te i • eipaey *nh hie ,>it<r Prather. Mt W O. Orttrhieer, aad M*. J A N< ’aed sshe work* eg •be lla key hefhee shefk The iLrtf in> .. mm (irrupted the saete slrrnlue apartetrai leet eight Uar rail f rin blow teiired eertv f-otepta.e --fyf raid. His brother eot rest • hat ht -ran table* the qntoiee aed Imlaaum aed that he had placed the druKs nar hla bedatde. The t,rather* t i tipir.l eeperate tied*. Bet were Id ■nd II o’rkrk las* eight Mr. W G. Ur tilt low heard hts broth *r sap that ■be quin ee had glvee Mt bed be was t- nt i> e but In some more. He did an an t s r'-a tt urn <d again after hav ng tabrn another dose of the drug Work of the Drug At r.v* o'eksk rr near that tuee thle up rnio* Mr. W O Critchtnw and Mr. ,\< iand w err awakened by the eery lionvrd breathing at the sick yoeeg man They tnuxsLaiely reeliafft that Mbc KrrtlhlM war not natural and j rushe-l tn the IxrJalde of the sleeper, i Ali-ady fir wa* far gone and W G. Ui trMow rushed out after a physician, j ))r |..-Hiand Oherry was soon found, and he mine hark to the man. With he eld ot a »i omsch pump a good pert of the quinine and laudanum »u **- tree!*! front the system of the voung man. tmi th" powerful drug had *l - door Its 'Park and the unfortu nate young man uevor tallied. He waa taken to the hospital and there ell that medical science could ilaf was tried to sate the life of fining OrtftftkM. but h# n#v#r r#fain#d roOflfllßiiltoi and died Bbout S this mornlß^. Not suk'id#. Th# theory that ha* 4»##B tuk#B up by re,me that the death was suicidal should l»e ens: aside. All goee to show that It was purely accidental. Young CrKcblow had taken the drug and fin ding that It did his cold grxid. he took more. The laudanum seixed on hla sys tem before he realibnft tho power in It. Of Excellent Habits. Carroll Crltehlow was born and spent several years of his life in Day toe, Ohio. He and his brother came to Au gusta about a year or so ago. Both were cxperi cycle riders and under standing the mechanism of the wheel „„ we || us they did. soon had obtained positions in Thomas & Barton’s cycle l department. They, us has been sta led. tor,mcil together , In company with Mr. Noland. Young Crltehlow was a man of good habits, a steady worker, and liked by all who knew him. He was out of debt and highly thought of by hiR em ployers. No reason In the world had this young man to take hls life. Sat urday. Mr. D. M. Critchlow, father ot the young man. arrived here from San Francisco. He was not present when the terrible disrovery was made that his son had taken an overdose of lau danum, but he was told of the sad news soon after. The piother of the unfortunate young man is dead. Funeral Tomorrow. AH die arrangements for the funeral have not been made yet, hut the last snrl rites will be conducted at the First Presbyterian church, probably tomor row morning. The deceased was just 19 years of age. The affair is most distressing, and lias cast a gloom over the hearts and countenances of the many friends of the dead young man ioday. To (he bereaved father and brother ir, the deepest sympathy extended. THE CHALLENGE. Englishmen Who Want to Take the Cup From America. Special to The Herald. London, Aug. 2. The yacht which Upton challenges with for the America cup is named The Shamrock. Mr. Orr-Ewlng will.also challenge with The Rainbow. Both are building.