The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 02, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 wv Close Obi tie Balaoee es Girdles ob Haid ■ m- r irffl ttli II I 8300 $4. *5. t 6 ana $7.00 Ones Tour Pick for $1 and $2. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jbwelbr. BIBT CIRBIIGES S 8 00 ft) CHAM Oil fTOCfc. ft \ * ft- * . jSf 49 jam - fW ##N4 aw*. *BB »—<■><» amaMBOHy w*w* if* IN >» t* *k as# *a* ti»r ■t-r aWewt —>»■■■■ «.*— [ J | k *• • BOBO* !*''«■ OPd •»# (***■**•* a«k «ha toa« kIMM ><*** •tod pMtwt Maidwaad Qmu so»nc Perfect Gem» ft W Jwtf *awvad a lasp* «*<*«' "• •»>*•* •* <Ar •* (A * W *SMB bicycles Yw flu ifir o# | iffct I* ivffnt MllM. iMHrfitr- VICTOR CRESCENT STEARNS IMPERIAL WOLFF AMERICAN. ETC FROM sl6 TO SIOO Tinas & Barton, w m »A*»mrrT imiwr. ||« Am*»» >U»WB!a (»•_ CLOSE CALL FOE HOOAN. Tkt Populist (MlMtlt In Daagsr of Dnutltl- LgOranf ON.. Au* 1. —OO l H lintel. Ihr popttllot nmllAUf tor gov •r«or. .while la *hi> rouaty. rams »>v twioa bit lift by drowning After luTz-ng bit ifwli here on Friday he ltd un .elty ia • carriage with CH 3 H Tn ploc. who la also a popattot. * spend 4ths Nifbt »« tb« rotoacl’s Oa thalf» was home tbvy strpprd at lhi houar of Troop * noted cotton grower MrJ Oeorge Tniltk. After lew* tnc Mr. Taunt's they attempted to drive aero**.* atreem whlrh was giewi ]y Mrnllen bs’ the rereai eaina. Mr MeOr* who mi alan to the carriage, realtiing lb« tfaagrr. rolled to the dri ver to atop, abb' at the same time Jump r.l out lato the water walet deep Col. Traylor, aol draining II dangerous or dered the driver to «o on acme* When LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J.HLLEB VALEEIt THE HATTER. KIN OXI HATS Ihe mules reached the run of the etreum they were washed off their feet and both animals and carriage wen swept down the stream. The vehicle was overthrown and the oecupanta thrown nut. Col. Hogan was throwu out into deep water and was swept under a lot of trash and rafters and came very near being drowned. The occurrence was wot far from Mr Truitt's house, and Mr. McGee ran hack and called for help and the drowning parties were aoun rescued, carried back to the house and were given democratic hospitality. Af ter supper Mr. Truitt carried his guests to Col. Traylor's home, from which the two populists on the following morning proceeded to Hamiltn. where Hogan was booked for a speech. Remarkable Rescue. Mr». Michael Curtain rialnflold, 111., makes the statement that she caught r ,.M. which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump t on and that no medicine would cure her. Her druggiat suggested Dr. Kills'* New Discovery for Consump tion, she bought a Uoltle and to her j delight found herself benefit ted from i the first dose. She continued its use, J and after taking six bottles found her- \ self sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Trial bottles lOe of this Oreat Dis covery at Howard & Willel's drug store. JLarge bottles 50 cents and 11-00. WHAT CMMkH tMO : Wadavn Passed Mpaw M ttM #wdt W M Hava* ««M «*i onai «gvi *a a i I taft Hiirmf ftTftAftli lift 4ftft#m • i ft##*#* tfftft# •#» ft#*!*# mmmrn* *%* mm «#t I— |Nt »##*#fft4 Hi •!> *##*#<» 1000 90090 m 00000040$ Ikm** *ii«*n§. it* —iM III# «•< *# ‘M flmm i ft |f# Aftft’*##*• flftr*##* EMM #’ 90**49 Ml It # iititiiifi Ik* ** «*** | fpsHp|oll9Mf IPiMNMI Ml INMt fHNMRkMK ! «MI m *p.< SM w«4 *M the M».' j ff'tll fEf|EU(hf • 999 EMHMP |MMf TM f # t f wn*m 9m% •***! H | *• t f \ *9*9 mw% *9hm HgIM- m* • ffMffMtMMH I# ImMM ft MN IMMmI •r«M» !!*•«•• ftftfti MftliW Mftftftf *» MEft ftMN EPMft I•*# CINHfNMI ft flftft IftWMft## Mi tftft MftMVWftf •f Ift# ft.Mfy Milt MMPftHrtftf fftft «ft MM * I## #NB# IWMMI tM ft# #9W *«M# tfttf# I A ftMMMH ft#* f#t«*|Aß## #ft ft# I ft* MM It > ft* §ft| i/9 «f fUftm r#ftist««4 ft# ftMM if# II ft#fMftt ••* eft# K 4 fftoft# lift* Tft* fift* ftlftft ftftl «4 ft tftftttt# |ft# Mftftft ftftf | I ft#*M ftfti wpftft.# ft#|«t(*»»'4l Tft* ##*##* Itm ifea iadtm tNwswtad a*4 ail IftftPftfti ft### Cftftlftftl f ftfti tftft *ft4» 9m I' ft#f# ftiftf *4 ft# (ft* ft* I*## tft , ** Tfc» Maahlaaaa raaaovai NMttav was IB* or ably pawaad npoa A aaaatvr at sidewalk nrdlaaaraa a t \ fart tag nth. ta Owiaaaa.i. IStb. fm* >m to Wrtghiaaoro toad. Tai|g< fro* Trlfatr ta havaa ash nad: Owtaavtt. fra* IStb to Twiggs wees passed Mwhled at east i*praveaaeata were re feervd to the eo** aaioaer of pwhile works Bwchtaa'e Araks Sal'e. THIf HRHT NAt.VK IB the a arid tw <Srt» MftrNfi fft>rm rkfii, fftfl flftftftffta #l ; t#f Hnf*f, T*tfw. (fu Hftftft* dMftfttfw C««rft*. aid alt Kitk* K#fti»tluftft 9994 rmm I*l ft**, of n» my **ftui# *4 It I# |Uiir«t)t*ft t*> fivt* |#*rf«** t KMlafarlM** «*r rimaury r* fttlKftd hrl*f tt • «*#»!• p*f (m»x. V'uH MALIC fir HOWARD ft WILLVCT A WASHIN«ITON JACK‘ON. An flon or able and Aged UeorgiaN Passes Away. (hpertal to The Meiaid J fteaderavilte. Oa., Aug. S. - Mr. A Waabiagtoa Jackson, aged seventy years, died at bla residence Sunday at »ll o clock a. m. and araa Interred at tba city re*<*tery today at lea o'clock a. nv Mr. Jackson leaves a loving wife, a daughter. Mlaa Amanda, and two sons. Mr. Vaatua Jackson, of this city, and Prof. C. H Sprugeon Jackaon, of Hrphzlhah, braldea a boat of friend*, to mourn hi# death. The family bare the sympathy of the community. Corp. Rd May, of Capt. Stevens’ com pany. Third Georgia regiment, has re turned for the purpose of rrcrulttng soldiers for the now regiment. Mlaa Nell Sparks, of Maeon, ta the guest of Miss Maymle Sparks. Miss Belle Brown ta visiting Mlaa Kata Cone at MU'edgevlUe. Mr Geo. D. Wart hen la In New York on a business trip. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Young Sehlor Thought That the Oun Was Unloaded. Walhalla, S. C., Aug. .—On Thursday, last, while Wayne Shelor. son of John W. Bhelor, of Tugaloo, was taking his gun from tk# buggy It waa accidental ly discharged, the load entering the young man's abdomen. Youug Shelor lingered several hours aud then died. Drs. J. M. MoClannahan and Joe S. Strlbltug were summoned, but could do nothing but ease the young mau till the end came. He was about 19 .veara or age, aud gave promise of a life of usefulness. He was educated at Tusca loosa, Ala., and would have entered a medical college this full. The funeral services were held on last Saturday at 10 n. m„ from his father’s residence, after which the burial was had at the family burial ground. Capt. J. R. Anderson, superintendent of the Blue Ridge railroad, who went to Baltimore teat week, writes that an operation has been suocaaafuHy per formed upon lilm for appendicitis and that he desires to return home In a short while. Jim and Sally Davis, eolored, who are In jail here for murdering two child ren. have made a partial confession. Almost dolly ralne abodtid through out the county. The crops are doing floe. Dr. ,T. T. Terry, of Trimble. Tcnn . In speaking or Chnmberlaln's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Hemedy. says; "Tt has almost become a necessity In this vicinity." This is the best remedy In ; the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and Is ree | ognlaed as a necessity wherever Its 'great worth and merit become khown. •No other remedy is so prompt or effec tual. or so pleasant to taic. Sold hy Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. It. Tarr of Beil Tower Drug Store, TBE 7VTJQTJ.ST-A, HKBALD fBETv" v * ■ j> i* 4 I’I'ERMLICtiL*; ■i - * ■ - • ■ • i lk»t»a Agg a». i» vamauw k ta «nm* I 8 ft* ft f *M#ft # f««*t*«* ft#* t ft 99909 *00+09*99909 000 Aft#* I s%* W 0 '###» *#i I; (* ft-t.-•«*s# W Ift 99040990- The 99909 909090 Ift ft ft ft* Aft-« ftft* (ftftfeiii 0t 9000 m m j *»#fftift€ 9000 ft# ft# »*4ft#* ftlMNPft* I ft**### ftftft Mftft ftNKft ft# tlMMft#l» - |# | ftf fti #* ft# 900009 * ft#* Iftftk 0040i009f jt# 90909 ft# (ft### 4ft#M#ftftt#ftl(9 ft#### ( S«tftW # ~ *ftftft**Mf'# lft*t #* Iffltftl* I Mb# ftM#M ft# 900999 IfttMftft# ## ftftft ft## . Iftftlft# lift## (ft# * • ft***##**** ft# tft# ftft* - fftft## ftft* I# $ +* ###*ft#ft * ftrt ftft* t# j raapn ti «M wke pet ba. ibe vapwe (ftftSftftl# —ftft##*# ft# ft###. •*<# ft# HMI ftlftl ftft ft —MI ft— 9099 m ft—«*•#•#•# : . fM# ft ft###* *# (ft* * ft#*#* | I*## Nlttftftfftft ftft# * |<**ftt#fttf *!#••# . i #ftft Mft# f#tft*f ft 0090 tft Iftft# ft#### ## l (ft*## ft## 99009 ft# tft*## ftfti# #*#?' ###t* ( M#B ftftftt* 099 tft# #M— t ft# ft#Hr , ft. ftfti ‘ Hftßft • l#ftfttft# tft* f*ftft*f tft * 403 nftt ft# tft Eeft# (ft*# ft##* ft#*ft tfttfft" i ft#—# «t fttt Wfttt* ftftfttft#' *i # iftfr wglltT rrfti>>f~ ftfti 0090 ts I ftMMft ftwMl tft# r*ft*rftoft ftfti I 09m ft iftftl ft# Iftf* #—M '*oo 90 Iboa* latetwted la A* careers «f *vt»- fftMftft#*Htfti ft fttftMl tft tft# 909009 (Ht ftft, N la totally ta>ktag la mrrary for*; !m4. If the wait narrated IN bn* as tba aat bar blats la bar grafa** 'bry I would bat* bara macb Nuarv forraful and Natural had tbay taws grvaratad Ila Mir for* of Mtara or a dtarv fiagtiab PaMttcs Tba aaaUmratsl sad laf<««*at allt- I aa«<* whlrh. It la aascftaa. ativaay ag* j lata brtwrra Bngland rad the t sited Htan* uadnttbitdly P**t* aith beait* ap-rndwtioa from tba brlr apparent to tb* thn>aa of Oraat Brttcta Hta a atgalbiaat sad possibly a m«» ai«*ua 0 tui raises or wu.M tael that th*> Prince of Wale* enter tain* very large view* a* to the future of the English-speaking people, and it tuny transpire that the personal opin ion* and desire* of Queen Victoria's oldest son will'be of no Inconsiderable Importance In the hialory of England and America. The character, capacity and habits of thought of the Prince of Wales sr* very different from those who know him not believe, very different from what Is. perhaps, the popular idea of his personality in this eountry. He Is ordinarily credited with good sense and tactfulness, but not with that In tellectual grasp which those who know him best assert that he possesses to an unusual degree. Hia mind has been developed by contact for a generation with the best authorities on all sub jects. His mental ability Is active, comprehensive and profound, and If he ascends the throne of Great Britain the world will see no ordinary sover eign ruling at Westminster. Such a view of the character of the Prince of Wales is presented by the writer of a masterly article in the Aug ust number of Harper's Magazine The paper l« unsigned and entitled “If the Queen Had Abdicated." The author’s opinions are backed by a number of convincing anecdotes, and there Is a happy freedom from the odor of syco phancy which usually pervades such tributes to royal personages. An Interesting portion of the article Is devoted to a discussion of the pro posed abdication of Queen Victoria In 1897. Such a step was strongly advo cated by Her Majesty at the completion of the sixtieth year of her reign, and the political reasons which read to Its abandonment make a curious chapter in the domestic and diplomatic history of the empire. It is strange that mo mentous events like this often hinge upon causes which seem almost ludi crously inslgnlfieaut. Such facta make anecdotal collections and what is known as “secret history” of the ut -1 most interest to the general reader as •well as to the historical student. The death of Mr. Gladstone has re leased a store of suggestive reminis cences of a personal nature which bear in this way upon many of the import ant events of the history of the world [during the last twenty-five years. Mr. ft—MNI Cfft— It INMI ftfti 09999 909 •!** tft* ftftifti ft*ftftt*iMft ft# tft* 99**90*0 ' **(i*#ft## ft fj fir— rm**ft ato*h«r*d sa tba vtoleßv* of tba Bi*- f a .pri hatuMi with mhu tk tt wga fv- I relvad IB otbera Utorary rvviawara ‘sad vHcraß aptdiarv. a'argyißaa. bßlat ■ mesuurr nf approval or r iadr*asi mn ileer’s (rat battle la iha Civil War aud the author es "Tba Red ttadga of Cash age" awt bara bare bawltdarvd to ind ’ that at tba BB»e u*c a writer eaa hr a Utarary at Got and a litorary impua j ter. Whe her all tbia did Mr. Stepbee Craaa aay baaadt la aomaihlag which E» sluoe knova At aay rata, he waa . not raatoat to alay la the rut. Tba | viisng Amrncan atory-teller bae cer tainly aot spared blnusif in the search fur motional espertaace and otiaarva tion. la Ihe New York atroxa he found fti* material for other worka upon which Mr. Howells baa been pleased to Impress bla moat diatlaro atnrap of critical approval, lie went to Graece for ibe loot "aavaa weeka’ war." be baa l-.ten a familiar figure on several Cuban ' f'spedillona. and rtccntly waa with ' Rncrerrlt’s men on that bloody first : day In the thicket near Santiago It la gratifying now to be able to j call attention to now story by Mr ; Crane which shows a marked Increase of literary power In what Is, perhaps, , an unsuspected direction. This is a | tale called "The Monster." which »p- , pears in the August number of Har ' per'* Magaxine; the scene of It is sn [American village, and so original are (the theme and treatment that a brief account of the story can hardly fall to be of Interest. A physician In a rural town has in his employ a colored coachman who, during a fire In the doctor's house saves the life of his little b#y. In do ing this, however, the negro is cruelly disfigured by the bursting of a jar of acid In tho doctor’s office. He becomes 1 h gentle and harmless Imbecile but a sight of horror In his mysterious mask —in short, the village monster. As a return for his heroism. Dr. Trescott at tempts to provide for Henry's mainte nance. but to such a state of abject terror Is the community reduced by the monster's presence in. it that the physi cian's grateful charity excites ugainst him a violent popular Indignation. the doctor persists in re fusing to consign the negro to a pub lic asylum, and stands by hia resolve and determined gratitude in the face of loss of friends aud practice. Thus the power of depicting horror, which has hitherto led Mr. Crane Into the paths of adventure, is used to show bow a quiet country town is brought to a state of hysterical and alt-pervading fear. Tb-a episodes and incidents in which this is developed are diversified and striking, and the sketches of vil lage life are wonderfully photographic. The realism of various scenes and characteristics Is Inevitably and vividly recognized at once—the country barber shop, the rivalry in the fire department, the children's party, the. rural gossips. As a sympathetic picture of modern American country life, no one can deny the unusual merit of this last work of the young story.-tcller. Mr. Crane has again proved that he will bear watch ing. b The woman who is frightened half to death hy the discharge of a gun is nev -1 rr frightened by her own bangs. 5S CATARRH >« ffr^ 1 pg£ißX tlf Jftftft HftftM—■ **o* TftWft . AlftHbftfta t*ft tftfft * I 9mm I I (j/ (».#*■* t*#M#fe I 0990 I'# 09 00 090 00 0" m GORDON INO THE 2ND. Tlf Rene* (f ft RfftanH M ft GraM 0M (NMfrtlK Hla FrwaotKa TKrsrw I Me and A*b4tfc>a lato tba H«a. flperial t* TV Herald I Tampa Halgbta. Ivly 2#. —Yeetrrdsy lhe gallant «M C«W>federate aorvtvui. lleoeral John ft. Qahfva Waa the baß 'need gaeat at Culaßat kr««a add the jaaeoad Grawata regisaeat He paaerd ■ liar afteapnaa ta the rataaeTa rampaßy 'and »as pr-aeat at drvaa parade, loav ' lag *m« after tba parade wttb Ma j daughter, feUawed by the ebaere of «be - (terra and n*on He b atilt the °td , H-iithera g* ntirmna. and derpit* hta age and HRttrenttlaa MW hlmaelf aa ervet aa any yesbl eMin * Ihe reg iment Hie preeenre waa aa laepiraima .let every men la the wylsual. and aa we marched befnrw him with arms at a port every maa marched with beed 'erect and thought* turned ta tba old general'* brralc life and the pnaalhllltlee of nur *wture to tba ratnlag campaign, and B» duaht rrwalved to try to hve [■p to hta esample The regiment made 'aa esrelieat abowloa In foil uatfuem 'with gun* and hr*** polished and every man wlta perfect atapa and allgameat f aaterlin Quite Sick Today Kaaterlta wan moved to the 'brigade hospital, a new erection with ■ fine situation tn the pines. Thta i man’s condition haa grown steadily iwotae during the past week, and he . »as compelled to give up at last *hd i leave hla eompsny. much again*' bla ]wishes. He had bean aick for two ; weeks previous to our move from Fsl |nietto beach, but held away Dorn the hospital, being only on the sick list and kept in the company street, until two 'day* tie tors our move When be wa* Wold the new* that wo were to go to I Fernandina and from there to Porto ! R|oo, be insisted on leaving the divi sion hospital, in which he was. and re 'Joining his company, determined not to ibe left behind. He goes now to the brigade hospital and will be under the especial care of Major Dwvta at the recommendation of our Major Alraand I Lt. Chas. Hancken la officer of the lprovo*t guard in Thor City today Pri vate Holley from Co. E and live other privates were also <*n with the lieuten ant and report a good time for them selves and a quiet time for the town: 1 the only arrests being that of four ar ' tillerylsts, who were making the mar- l ry on wine and other forbidden drinks, jto the effect that they were breaking window glasses all along their line of march. Battalion Drill. In the' afternoon we had a hattsilon drill In a field some two hundred yard* from camp, and although the men were a little rusty on the battalion move iment*. It being the first drill of the fklnd In two weeks. ihey wUI catch up [on the next drill. While marching over to the drill ground we parsed a pretty girl on the other side of the street. One ■of the men in the battalion commenc |ed sneering violently, and the major, fthinking he was trying to attract at tention. called out, "Keep quiet, there .Be men! Georgia men don't do that ■way!" Whether this severe reproof was 'deserved or not, the writer will not take ! it on himself to say. but it shows how i perfect a gentleman Major Almand is. land the estimation in which he is held by an men in the battalion, already thought to be st the highest notch. Im mediately rose one hundred percent. Joe Goetohis is on guard in the camp. . . , Sperry and Sheehan, who stood two days and a half of guard duty In Tarn- Ipa' will receive credit for 48 hours, in stead of 24 as before stated. CHARLES GREENWOOD BENSON. Some time sgo. a little bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy fell into my hands. Just at a time when my two year old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were beyond control. We had tried many remedies, to no purpose, but the little 'bottle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy speedily edred him.—William (F. Jones, Oglesby, Ga. For sale by 'Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R- Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. CUT THIS OUT yy rM| l AHv*ffia#m#dtl O** ftvft M*«*, «K»o** AjMtipi n*(«*iry (o Dft ft •• * w ** f " iiOM »• you bhfti< <bf*d trtKtr m*M Of Mend n o THC HSMALO. adaertisfmknt colpon. TTI mi ai m >t A ««-* AI D Ml#### tnwfl tit# AovfH'Mfttpftl wrtittn tMflow “*■ tilth## In yous “WANT column*. for wh*ch you will find #nck>##d 9 C#nt# SIGN HERB f in mill i ~ walad- MltM fyaa. it. • iv kiNOis b*Wh JjMW. JUai be*. Pat Mr. Wa Kate* Saawaaw Ik*™ <di-OWf-A-*O«U ha *a# »a.«s ' fttf —ft *lM## ii jftftft* DNE-CENT * WORD SITUATION WANTED WAMTBD—A PnaiTlOll AM A mum 0f f—il ft*f rf#ftf r< ftflftll Hi Art*t? fftfftf Wftdftf ftfti cvfttftr. A urn * WANTWUV--A ffHlTlolt A* COOK OR M(w . Uaog trfrrraa «a. Apady Ma*ia « «ar Walk Uta Aag t WANTKIV-a IWINmON A» #m.K» ar porter W»rer»ar«a f»rwU>w4 Ap ply IMS Wan rtraat. w —llaen. Cbaa. H Ha«l. /N* 1 ywo-a peuirnojf Ait not-aK kraprr nr aawtag for a private f lisllr j M rare The Hetaid At» * WANTWHV A fnamok BY WHICH I caa maka aa hettrot iivtNg - Rtre* j cleaa i if»u«ar» (e m amwa es ibr meat | prowilarni hoainraa mm * tba city. Addrraa "A,” rare ot HvraM- Aug t | FOR SALE CREAM—CR#AM AT M JACKAON »T. vmtf CMBAP-PUPTOUI, (Ilk* musical toatrumrata waicfeM atmoat given away at Uprla Law'a. FOR BA I-E CHRAI* —A BAIR OF T>una Boraaa. WIU work double ar •ingle. C. H Howard. Jr., at lluward g WiUat Uruf Ca. Jane tt ts rTm BALE —A IXJT OF BBC OND hand doors, aaah hllnda and woeodro coiumna Also a larga lot at roallng alalr. In good condttloa. Apply ta Ja cob rhiatsy. Sept i fotTbalk chbaf-bbcond hand Tn* typewriter. Splendid condition, mu#. rtr« Auc I Tv»#i w#d frt TO RENT FOR KENT —THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE atora No. 744 llrond street } Under Mnaonic ball. Apply to W. C. Junes. 705 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—THE LA ROE HAND SOME dwelling No MI Broad etraet. with yard running through to Ellis |street. Apply to Jules Godin. .Sept l FOR RENT-FROM OCT. L 1»*. THE dwelling No. st> Ellis street Apply to Jacob Phlnlay. Sept 1 ! FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWEI.LINO HOUBE 1157 Graeeie, with modern Improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply 1254 Ellis. baptl '-TO RENT—LOVELY ROOMS ON j ftr.t floor. Furnished or unfurnished. At 525 Broad Aug 7 TO RENT-DWELLING OF 7 ROOMS I with all water conveniences. Posses sion «t once. Rent low. Apply 427 Fifth i street. D. Graham. 1 miscellaneous SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING I only *5 9° P*tr month at Osbornes 'Business college. Monday. Wednesday land Friday, at night. Come or call at *once. Great demand for stenographers. | June 17 ts BOARD ON BATH. GA. LARGE rooms and piazza. Cold, clear water. Address Wm. C. Sibley. Aug 4 7 Per cf $500,000 TPerCt FORF-ION CAPITALISTS WILL; LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 I per cent. For further information see their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, ]es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. wm. McCauley 2040 WALTON WAY. bell TELEPHONE NO. 2191. Summerville Plumbing Company g*r- Plumbing, Sewering and Ventilating Steam and Hot Water Heating a Specially. gSF* Kstimates Given on All Kinds of fipe Work. Ail Work Guaranteed. AUGUST-L t sh« Whiicly Exerciser. A reset is atmpMand i lilinnt Hum In saw u» t, owe *|«C tally afiaptod for | ladles Owd th tdfee bat i at the omi Nam eaa as l-ridtab y saed by tba ! » , hi*(ft. Mg., (MMt *ls*. Bit YC LEh - f'LKVE- , UMK 140 op Vs K • | 1 >44*44 *35 Up UI.V J ! LIUIXs. IP up TIIUM-I Ah, *s* hi Iw sad *aa | them. Every one guar | an teed. [ Richards & shaver IKNUIL MOUNTAIH EXCURSION riloM AIGCSTA, GA , WEDNDESiY. AUGUST KITH. ISM —VIA— Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Company Round trip tickets will ho ntM to points named at the following low rates: AnJerson, 8 C. .. •• •• . I< * Asheville. N C Glenn Springs, 8 C. .. ..14.A® Greenville. S. C. .. •• ..14.00 Flat Rock. N. C *5 W Hendersonville, N. C. ~ ..IS 50 Hot Spring*. N. C $7 2* Lenoir. N. C W-7» Saluda. V. C. .. ••> 30 Shelby. N. C M*o Spartanburg. 9. C $4.00 Try on. N. C $5 00 Waterloo (for Harrla Spring* Wayneavllle, N. C $7 25 Waihalla. 8. C » r ' » Tickets good for return passage on any train until August 3!*t. 109*. Fast schedules, affording a delightful ride through the beautiful mountain scenery of Western North Carolina Train leave# union depot at 9:15 a. For any other information write or call upon T. M. EMERSON. T. M. K. M. NORTH, Sol. Pa*. Agt. W. J CRAIG. G. P A., ' *ll Broadway. Augusta. Ga. Telephones. Hell 1254: Strowgcr 449. The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. the N BEST BUYERS s * Are the Wage-Earners- the * Working People of a Com munity s : s s S s * * THAT’S ONE REASON WHV THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. • IT’S THE BEST.’* Ggrt wdk * fl I it U / I \l 'I