The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 02, 1898, Image 5

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TUIIOAV j TAN BOW i SLIPPERS r ttttn vt*l» MICM $2.00 • TO i sl*24 ► We have too many Heel ► And Spring Heel T*n Bow I Slipp*f» tor UdiM. *nd I WIN cloM th# tot for 51.24. Th#y Ar# All f«o# Clncm ’ rtAti Si»i»d*r« And r#«uUir I prlcf it §2.00. I St# our window. [ MulheriiTs, 846 Broad st. mi lit mm » It Sp*i4' Aunlly it w» kin# s7.ouu. Too Muck It him »»d Wot Aaouga FovOtar <jr (j|) p|m iy ff|„ t* nm .Imi rtam 10* Atccmd drr* mm tOtak tOat tk* * n awk Ukmhm .» imya# oat 11 to spend s7.*#* «- ***•»•«• • rtppi* tB *e®*rd*» afternoon «M« lkrr r «•* laid b-f’ce that body a cmn oiuni a< to# from lb* Hoard at 4’bart .ic» I look 14* tnpary. •**». prroidvn' TOa Hard prwamed a »•**«* *« of Ha fPCf% tßto M4* •• wf amrcltcar*. roamni rompsn* *» »>tk Hhc institnuoa. aot lasting bat 'hat oorO (Oaapartcnn would redound to tkt credit of (0* iwMrarnt of tkt toral board Th* liatfHtatlno by the board ku bam Ik.jaa *M ooui*rr but Ini*. *a pauper passes and 9V 'oad* of wood Tbia bo* born accomp!U*«l wt'h 9--MJ* War pc% * bad worked against 'he lajard. The priiwt|r»! eotnmodttles da* Mandr*! t>!t the charity had fcwa la rretMh# in price Th« pattUoo for.' racted nrtiilayoi of Ike work ahloaa 49* ra wa* an locrcaard appro#) latlcrt Tbla H asked Tb* eonaly *»» a*.w gtvißg to It t*.9K>. The clt7'» ta-U armagenv re waa to give half wbat the tonal* «*w. Th* |kiit!oa recit'd ikt tt would a»k U <oa of tba rtfy. fV PMal<)f'» Opposition. Mr. Pbinliy expressed ki* orjpoalt'on to th# rrttirid of tba peiit.on. flrat. b*- rau«# the rtty could aot afford It; **c ood. because the hoard of charities waa tb* ami extravagant and t*o«* un bueines* like body. It ha* a fond of $7,000 and expend* SI3OO in salaries to spend thl* $7,000 pay* two men $W a month each to Piprol th* $7,000 u*. 20 per cant of It# fuad to distrib ute its fund. He tkouibt a smart boy at $25 a month cottld da thr work. While advancing thl* re*non for h r oppcs.tlon. he *at at the name time satisfied that bis first around was suf ficient to reject consideration of tb? petition. How It W as Disposed Of. Mr. Lombard wanted the petition re ceived as information. A suggestion was made to refer It to the appropri ations committer. Mr. Lambarh wanted it voted on in open council and net put it off on a committee. He •ranted councilman to take the respon sibility and have “ear;J> tub stand on its own bottom." Mr. Hice wanted the petition from the board given that dig nified attention a paper from its source should have. Mr. Howard thought it should be referred to the proper com mittees. Finally, on the suggestion of Mr Rice, the petition went to the fi nance and charities committees, to re port back to council. CASToniA. Bean ti» ,# llw Kind You Ha» (ham Bnftbt A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF ' GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST. FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. MR' Si mm HIM : lie Kfsi lit Atiaal FfM IkiiAK kj CVrk Rem. th* Phtetav Ch«-ck Ordtnnoos Uom rersafbUHiOeaao i Coanrtlmaa Ham Carter of tb« [Fonitb bad a bora* ones It was on* us ikoar pc altar an n.U that took d# light la • inuMi. Hut tb* nsiWlMoa'l ripril*occ otib tb* •«** 1 jp.ared him to pcwttMO to rend cnorll Isa muiir Mar* ynstenhsv atiooeo, aad to la f fkrt* before tkat body tbat arse acsr sod ntcre.lla* Mr. I’klaiap of tb* Second bad tn It boh on. on It* third reading ku k*tb rtaln otdiaanr* It requires tbai nay person drl% tag a bora* in any ca pacity w.thin tb*, limits of Awrusta shall, wlwa lb* bora* atan'* atUI for JO minu'c* or more too*m tb* clank trttut The maximum and minimum penalt. I ** fir violation wrer ma<te |K ami $lO and ordinance I cram# a tow. r-iurw i'man Klee tr.ed to bring the penalties to *S and $lO and voted against the i.rg'nanre when it was put rn Its final pnsange. Mr Carter during tie discussion de clared that the ordinance dealt with a matter of which horse cwnej* should ha e best kaowledg*. tt might b* that II was aeresanry to keep some bones cberS d to keep tb. m from kick ing He h'meelf once had a horse. tie found it necessary to cheek the an imal at all times. If be wasn't '(becked the hcrae would kirk every thing ih sight. There might be other horses like the rounrllman's former property and be suggested that council ■go slew. PICTI RES OF M ANORS. The flerry flake ra Borrow ed Them and They are Lost. The council meeting yesterday after noon developed a neat story at the ex pense Of the Merry Mahers. The ses aton -.vcs aV.u* to cl rse when Clerk of Couneil Pat;nson made a suuminl that brought on tmereat. He sta.ed that no blame should attach to him be cause of the fact thar the portraits of nine of the former mayors of Augusta were missing from the gallery of ex-1 mayors that adorned the wall of the; council chamber. Pressed for further explanation, he staled vhat these nine photographs had I been taken from the council chamber ! b/ Mr. John B. Keener. Mr. Sanford H. | Cohen and other gentlemen of the Mer i ry Makers' association. They had had Bob Yonng to go with them and they borrowed them for use In conjunction v.'i.h the Merry Makers grand display. After the week of festivities the photo graphs were known to be in the effects of an artist in (he elty. Inquiry there showed that this artist had sold out or was sold out. Efforts to secure the pictures were without ava'l. After dint of hard work the frames were re covered, but the pictures themselves could not be found. Mr. Keener of th? Marry Makers, Mr. Cohen and the oth ers were doing all they could no«v to assist in recovering the pictures. Tha pictures are not of great commercial value, but historically they are prico tes« and the city is very anxious to recover them. By authority of council the city at torney was empowered to take such steps as are r-secssary to recover the photographs to the city. It was fur ther rrdererl Ur council that hereafter the city council chamber be locked b? the janitor and the key deposited with the clerk cf counil. It seems that heretofore the council chamber been left open at all times. It developed yesterday, also, that the Augusta city council chamber is th n hottest place this side of Santiago. The humidity there restsrday oas frightful. The members stuck it out like he roes. We Hava Made War And slaughtered prices on Trunks. Trunks made by expert Trunk-makers. SoM at Manufacturers' prices. Trunk Factory, 812 Broad, Bell 'Phone 2181. mirvi mv AMBAAM t< Hi* tot to# Am iRI H m- Hagan tksi MN#s Fmr baw A* 1 leegnkmatg'n V|b * t b# mm ahmn to into 1 oti ito to* | M pmmT Mto flto ptotoi* totofto ■■ #Mto ««t« mnh t««i Utf m * IMMMMto Ml • fltoito l«H hmp| <||dM n4)nNI dp# •kt’tfi fwtltototo' iii HMNIf H BBttf to mm*+ to ttMP f )I#B to (totoMß (toto to ito I «aii ofeto flto tototot to Itoiito tos*«fto<to * 4to Bto iMtotor vtol tINN ttotto to •iMtoff "Itor* MtoL Wmm ttot« #*<••►- « tt | toT'toiHMP *** | tor tot || to Ito itotoltot ttotoMhi to I tototo to tototottotototo «tol **• toto* j »■ wm to tto tftku*« * to* * toto toto to* J t« to ito t«iflt«Nl itot Mr tkmgfwkd'. A*f*ws. Tb* nntte* sat the dnmg *»•* wub j tb* bvlAg* gk*i m«P*a awl W kb* artikb legart nf Hkakad WmgAwd i mutUrdiTa-T of pwbfk work* In part { ih* HMffiff to 4>i Mint! Tito CtoMtototoftof** # to . Atotoi Un-C* L** j a* . .l)u Uayne 01 •$ f t» ** I igm*« tfh *n TTll*l tTyvi «■ % ••> I ■!<s ttffiA |r|4i toy till* iff twirl irmrltT . bi tto bmibili to iviy. Ito* ton ItfrtHtoWi itoMtototo##r to nyHP m**%o Mto ilA* *4*m*m*9 ** . Hutl* • |fHn#t« ito 4rmMto »* iWtotototoMi •* •• •* •• *» *• ** *** 'IH |M|iM #sp « ,s •• l.lf* to CMwakuriMrr el HvNk * wkt I The am. vnt *mp*ad*d is tkt* dewart- Mtcnt hsr(to(4 ll# rtoi to • rurrMM to*, f«c Ito- ** wito* uting It* «•*!»* power* ftwwHhed by •a. t4(w n l|t-* ft m iff f*f| A IfiMMlI w hlf fl O' ffji 4 • f#|)#ftl #1 ffllllHto* Ma. adantlrlng I Tb* tor e k> MAI *« teovk mar*d#m- *•' *'!' ""^t i.hed by lb* Ikk of thl* ne.atk »*t irspa *ad art - drains have Iwen pul la nr Nlalb. r*ik<>*n. Hvventk and ftarwe* street. sh- • h*ina*a« ha* heen rmp|oy*.l <n« the weed* fruni the 1 iilfffMH «tr« otm. Mreet* and l»mln*. j Th* In*-* »leantgg dmln* ba» iw* •over a large incbm *f ike rtty. owing to tba *t -ft* Of Use civic League and -the Hoard of Health, large quantities of weed*. ge»*a and rofttue matter have t<een t*V n from th* lot* and piled on the atreer* for removal by the acavog 'ger aervloe. The * mount of thl* h»« trnen »» targe that the contractor, Mr Month*n. ho* l-en unable to removr lt I promptly. «m July *»th and »tb the I city put f*d raft* at work helping to remove tk'( garbage, hut there at 111 re main* large ouantltle* which will be renwive# as lo'S a# pomible. Canal. ' mure the 7th Of July the quantity « water in the river hsa h.m« amt.W lo keep a full head In the (anal and th* order to shut down the mill* at night has been revoked The bard rains of the pare three week* have brought *n unprecedented amount of trash lo the ‘lorlts which has been both troublesome and expen sire to get rid of Tb.- toek cate* are very much decayed and are not safe tA aland against a very high river. Xew lumber baa been ordered for their renewal and new gate* will be !«ut in Bt on«e. Canal Dredging. The dredge gang l»a* been at Har ker’g Bend during the month with the exception of four day* spent In cleaning a pnsange for the canal work boat to end from the clay pit. Pile* »ce being driven at Hacker * Bend preparatory to dredging. Waterworks. The average consumed during the month waa 4,211.527 gallons per day. an Increase of 9.2*0 gallon* per day over June The pressure has been kept up to the normal. The city plumber haa ret Aired a number of meters, valvea, ; fire plugs and fountains; lowered a number of surface pipes on Calhoun street, reset fountains on that street and haa Inspected all nfv w work. Waterworks Extension. ! A si* Inch main was laid on Oreene 'street from Crawford avenue to Mll |ledge street. A six inch main was also laid on Kste* street, a distance of 010 i feet west from Main on Young street. New Waterworks 1 During the month the Alter bouse has been put up with th” exception of the roof and the excavation for the I reservoir has been nearly completed. Work has also commenced on founda tions for the pumping station and this [ work will now proceed rapidly. The stone used for this foundation is living taken out of the tall rare excavation. ! Health Sewers. I The amount expanded In this depart ment during the month has been for castings for Barnes and Calhoun street sewers ad brick work on the Mllledge I street under the canal. The middle [section cf this sower has been complet ed and work w ill at onr* commence lon the third and last section. Granite Curbing. j The amount expended for granite Icurbing was a balance due W. F. Bowe for curbing Ninth street from Fenwick to Twiggs streets. For some years past there has been maintained in the street department a 1 force known as the brige gang, w hose duty it was to repair bridges and lay wooden side drains. As the permanent i imporvements now being made on the streets curtail to a great extent the j necessity for these temporary wooden : drains, and the work of bridge repair- ; ing is not suftlo-tent to keep the force permanently employed, it has been de cided to do away with this brings gang entirely, and In its stead, to employ one carpenter who shall inspect and re pair the bridges and do such other work ns may be found necessary, calling on! the regular street gang for any com mnn labor which may be necessary to i handle the heavy bridge timber. This man can also look after and repair the I pumps, and in this way we can do THB AtJDUBTA TlKmAr/O. Him* **■■ «m>h*ad>nas, #totoMto# to# ##4Ab**#p# to i o POWDER A»i*i‘ity mu aswa acaaaa.ataa Atitfuui a Trunk FAClory I Tnwika t»p*ir»d by »»**•' Trunk- I Tbrtr Mi At wad A. rb-aa* MM. CtHHI II A or TUB COOT, Mkl vbale* LW*»f tb* OdAy la tba Week. I t'&tototl #«4 tfin Hm otoutofi to Ito |<iif (toe tUI m itorf mu h" r**»*t‘ |4i) ittrrwncm. Cto M I*. I’ittuM *%2M |l|sr wmtln In dtofilv tvßWil tlßlM# f |lmii ttMto# Imhi ht** lop biwTi 4#l ßy IB «W BtolL l« i - raw (Bat Ctot ftoftol amrialto •id biib rvcoilr IB ito vurk Mr tor tom Itoctor Hi b to Hi| f#i» cU. tot Carrot! oiatto tto»< UMH ptxium of d# Kiri ito )b Im4 bt Mr !lv<ti ff !•<) fc ß rn cm»|»lH<4 m# »m ib dr tmv 4#fa!|, Ttot portk«a to tto tori f|;c)i |j9 (to!, r*rrutU KBt rluktßf u| «m Ktrliif «b<l BrooM to* Jkp r |. y aju»r#f*‘* h-lplfal |V AtlfKt 1$ mi 4 h* •»• **Tr I»t»l tor o*to tnoto b« place# la lb* hands at tb* prtater Iby ihr rf)4 of tto BMHIIb- V| f toittty. of tor torofld. twi olrat#4 Bt Ibo lamiretoN fitrn llot hr tlrhrd to #ltr yoUrr or to* »*mto r n*ur!l to fire totlrr lb«t Ihr rlljr oooto int Ilk# to nr farther iHijf IB I 111 a iaipor!«Bt a of k It struck ti'm (hat some penalty should b* pn'vtded I la eaa* Ih* work U not mmplrted la the time staled la (hi. Carroll s ran mi otcatioii Hl* Idea was lo pa*« a rvaolullon forfeiting lb* halaner of the mntnwt money. In ease the rod* waa not completed 1a the lime stated, no tes* there waa providential hindrance .to such completion. It was euggewted that Col. Carroll had lnrn>d over lo Mr. liotrher the balanee of tb* money due on the ron trart-that la. had given order on the city treasurer for the payment of th* ' balance of the contract money to Mr. * Dtitchor on tha completion of Ihe work,—ami that Mr Catcher had promptly flnlahed bt* part of the code. l„it Mr Ptiinlsy in»l**ed that th* city only knew Col. Carroll In the contract. The forfettnr* motion waa made and passed. . CABTOIIIA. >—“• . ““.r W eather Bureau Report. The following data, covering a period f f twenty-seven years have heen eom plled from the weather bureau records at Augusta. Os. Month of August for 27 years: TKMPKHATttBK. j Mean or normal temperature— 7». j The warmest month waa that of IS7B, with an average of Hi. The coldest month was that of Ism, with an average of 76. The highest temperature was 105, on August 2, 1*79. . The lowest temperature was 50. on August 20. 1996. Avetage date on which first killing treat occurred In autumn —November Average date on which last Killing frost occurred In spring—March I*. PKBCIPITATION <JtA IN AND MKLT KV SKOW.) ! Average for the month-5. 60 Inches. Average number of days with .01 of an ineh or more — 12. The greatest monthly precipitation vis t 0 .39 Inches in 1897. The least monthly precipitation waa 2.16 inches Jn 1883. The greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any 24 consecutiv* hours was 4.17 Inches on August 27 and -8, 181)3. CLOI DS ANI) WEATHKIt. Average numlrer of clear days 9. Partly cloudy days— l 4. Cloudy days - 8. WIND The prevailing winds have been from the northeast. The highest velocity of wind was ■>.. railtx fro mthe northeast on August 28, 1893. Htation— Augusta, Ga. Date of Issue —July 30, 1898. D. FISHER, Observer Weather Bureau. Spaniards See Why They are Whipped They seem to regard the stalwart pro portions of the Michigan men with sim ple wonder. "It is no marvel that you succeed,” they tell them; "you are so big.” So, too, they compare the Amer ican herses with the tfttl efox terriers their own cavalry bestride, and again they find justification for their posi tion.— Hlboney letter to the Chicago Record. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought | MR.*:nirsmm TUt IdIIMHI M*H til CM): IrMtNdJ 9 s4# i- # i-o kaMbgwa'g MkiBPMMIM# 3 Pbwtßfkw# 164 las AHMWA I wbwb tb* 4 *44#** HlabHl »>«W4'»A 644 ' o,t * ,11 t#* qsadatam* «# * b*4bkw* I fT'gmiT #M ib* #l*6 frwaa tb* aitwaia H* wap glad hi b* it am# aAßial lirtbuk* Hi tb* l/H** a*4 waa p*ns*d I i4mM lb*** ••* badm* rimartl 1 Mils'r *»>nt» a#s at wbat tba M l ##* l wa* dmb# Tba tjaam*. b* swtd. wa* a lar#* a## It* t#saa#bL **W> rttpssiaklt fnalttaw a# [tb* ewi»a»«6ltt». tb* eawtw *6 It* *6* | wterc* b*ia# a rtaaa aad tmaalinit t#t#. [ it* aapwwa*# tb* b*#* tbm all aa*m t«*a mt a—aril awia Awaatwr* 4# lb* I laadtw* Mt. Laaiba** ba»la# ata#* tb* pedat [tkat maarii *4wiid am (Ht*g*t* ludsctai | |0 th* «lbs «# #»tw*. #f A iS, ‘^ t«ob a# tba4 »*»iur* at tb* pt«<pwa»d (Stttiawv Tb* taat rota—t b*4 •**• j#mwa «p by W T llavldsoa. A*#, at jiorarv bar tb* l*a#w, wbo taw# (•* m | ret* rtty a4tnraav sad H waa Mr tha ] 11 Hrti f optatow tbat 'k*r» waa aotb la# iiWaal ia lb* propnasd *rdlwwars Mr Will*! wa* ansa tbat tb* present | ■•rdtaaae* on tb* aw snbj*ct wa* lw j«#**4iv* tbwt Ha p*walty prwvtatoa [rrally vltkslo# K. Tb*r* w*r* wow tb* lawwt Cagrwal rtolatkai* of the rcgula- M<t«ps against throwing riwd* aad P**>- t ing* on tb* stiwt. For hi* part b* |»a* fr** !w (If thai he bad s**n tb*na !, iskuoM. Tat b* bad wot mad* t* port tbereow or caused arr*»t* In (as* b* should report a man ft'.tm tb* [towatry, for Iwtaac*. ’he tr**taior | would have lo remain over ngkl la Ith* city, al mat and Iwctrtwalsa.w. and would bat* lo pay a algnUrattt | sum la tb* morning . l*ad*r th* n*w ordinanc*. brlag brought b*fof* tb* [,ki*f of polk* and admitting Infwrtkm jirf thr nil* Ihr violator would bav* to j pay over J 5 rants to lb* rbirf and laould be liberated. He would not ](ommit tb* offense again. Tb* thl*f | (voutd r*port thr plea and fin* to tb* r rorder ihr n.-xt day. Mr. Davidson [did nnt think that that wa* aaalgwtng | judicial powers to Ihe chief; nor did IMr Will*!. Th* ly>agn* cam* with what Its offl ’r*ra thought a unique Jaw and a good t law. Because of hia connection with I th* l/atnts. h* had given th* subject loader discussion atudy and he Invited ’ any questions from rouncll. That the ; quest lowed legal napect of Ihr proposed 'ordinance might be passed upon llnally ith* proposed ordinattro was referred tn | lb* city attorney for opinion, j Tto* proposed ordinanc* alludes to '"costa” In Ihe recorder's court. There are now no "mats.” The ordinance will l>« amended In thin res pert. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee. Mo., who travel# for Manaur A Tibbetts. Im plement r»„ of Ht. I/>ula, give* trav eling men and traveler# in general, some good ndvlce. "Being a of i the Grip.” he say*. "I have for the punt .three year*, made It a rule to keep my- l r „)f supplied with Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasions to tent its merit*, not only on myaelf. hut on Others ns wrtt. I can truly say that I never. In a single Instance, have known ,tt to fall. 1 consider It one of the ! pest remedies travelers can carry and could relate many instances where I have used the remedy on skeptlca.much 'to their surprise and relief. T ho|»e ev ery traveling man in the United Slates will carry a hottle of this remedy in Ills grip.” For sale by Alexander Drug land Seed Co., C. R. P«rr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Found In Shark’s Stomach. p A letter has been received here by a friend of John Cleary, the son of Thom as Cleary, of this place, and one of l he crew of the monitor Amphltrlte, which ! l.« with the blockading squadron off ' Havana, which recites an interesting discovery. According to young Cleary the mem bers of the crew of the Amphttrite spend considerable of their time fish ing for sharks and have had more or less luck in that direction. A few weeks ago one was caught bv the crew of the monitor and was hauled on board ami dissected. Among other articles found In the stomach of the shark was the sleeve of a United States sailor's Jacket, with seven ser vice stripes upon it. It is supposcsl the sleeve was worn by one of the victims of the battleship Maine, destroyed on the night of February 15. and that the : sailor's arm had been blown off and swallowed by the shark.— Newburg, N. Y.. telegram to the St. Bouts Globe- Democrat. Robbed the Grave A startling Incident, of which Mr. (John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the shjset, Is narrated by him as follows: "[ was In a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en. tongU" coated, pain continually in [hack and sides, no appetite—.gradually [growing weaked day by (lay. Three physicians har] given me up. Fortunate ly a friend advised trying 'F.leetrlo Bitters.' and to my great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim.'' No one should fail to try them. Only BO cts per bot. at Howard & Willet's drug store, j HALF PRICES ON BOYS' SUITS rto*a « # jrifij mm* *# ton it «b**« «►*#* mm bbM an-rs in Btol Ml feto mum km kß#N# #B)ti f%it ito# *b- bmi sbs*b i toMtoil foaito to#toMto B4Mto tokto mmr fliAi in mvm - -fsrt t wii, ikiridir# li W#k4#»6# iMNI Bft# • -J s'AM| #4 toto BWMBIMMto kiKto «it m tto mm ******* m mt* w* bi pm 0m »to! to* |<t H %%<-+ ki* pna#«a4 Ik* (tool IB liß iwißtof tto to###*! itt frt * 1 # ttotoa ftoftoto (Wtoi$i.75 Ikm Witoli ftatr ktof mtm M*to i» tofto b#4 HM'4t#b # •♦##• 11#*# •to i'mm toil pftm • Tb kto #**»!•# tomato mmHipiw to ftoto tmV k##« m #44 b .R«H tto ikßl- M ftoto tottoi t# to Btotototof # m # JJ. WHITE k CO., Clfltiiij Deiamut mi mw #ABim—- OtAlUMfl __ k It •«? Ml Wit IIIU s~ Had AMOAD #T»»I T. I Th® last, but on* of our »®mi-annual ChnllanaA Salas will b* crowniKl with an array of barfamt, such as any stor® may b® proud of. Som® of th® Bp«c|ai values ar® the results of our own efforts carefully planed for Ih® occasion many weeks aao. Others, we are frank to confess, ar® rather accidental, meraly attributable to our ability to take quick advantage of the enexpected turns the markets taka at times. All in all it is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for ' SI.OO x Fifteen different styles In Ladies* Low and High Shoe* and eight different styles of Men’s. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while In the East. Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams & Co.# Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIQH’S CRYSTAL PALACE _ " BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. GQLUMBAS ON TOP JUST RECEIVED • ' 100 —. Columbia Bicycles MODEL 40 TO SELL AT $50.00 This special lot bought for cash and no more at this price. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. guard against small pox Destroys Bed Bigs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W E PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga READ HD WAIT ADS. Auouwra to to* running. Pom* at am prtM baautlr* arc Btk gnma and dinner aa\a. On* might wait attempt la |ani Mi* rainbow, aa la daaerlbe all thair good qunlltir* Tb« war (bar ore tab. loc la a caution «o Iboaa aho Ip a *n4 (URtian aben User can t* bad for ~ s *t to* Km* er.mattme.~ Bolter pur* chan* when tb*r ten b* bad far aucii low prlcaa r* wa ara erertag It*® Aa for glacawarc. crackary. lamp*, Ac., lima and languaga fall u* ta Ml of tha woodart that wa tall. Don’t for *t that our fotw prtoo# will hoop roil cool. lumambcr tha plaew t