The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 03, 1898, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY * n»irn !!••**•- %9» l*» * *** ** *»*.«» Ml* l *•* '(StST*.. *• “* *" ■♦* *•* *##*» M»»< *M *•* ***•• *♦****•** 4hHP*t bW% If. • wgpM ♦»•»-*.« • ! 35.-*j2fed mm «** *•*» »**•»*<• «# *•* **•» <** fags as * A«* *■*•* T * ** bmr# «*wt»M'f **•»* ***JJjP Am* #a «*m m Mfc •** •***!•• » tt» las* flaw** IW Ktn 'KI *d «*• A** An *a*bi***;«*tia« *•* **•* ®*** a** ***** «■»* i* I ****'"* *•**•*• ■* | vaTmm****** »*«#*«*» n «** ***** «*•« am mtvtniiT «• fww ***• *•** j • M**» -*’ Aid *•'■• ««»—»»* * Ml MwwgN *M ****** lt"*M WMMSAM M mt- -* 0* tb***'* *■*""•• •* i Nut***** M* *N* M* •*•»* ~**** •* wn«»< M* *MAd «■* * * ,k * "ml'mhmt <• r rai ’ abd g.r «* h#» UN* A* »M**a«a « » MM bait, MM* ■•*•*. I** * •Mt AA* MM* W** *“* fWAMt »** ***** M*n- Mr. UN[•**** m, tr mmm •**» **-*» ** r** «***■> tv tin* *»*« «»•** •**• *<*•■# *** *#* ■■■ ... tn ***** »***n*Mi •* WN** WMMM •A****"# >a tab# ******* w»A Aka* *•*' »"*•**> Mt**** tb# MMW* ami Vac** [jL**!** 4 t>r*N» rf*a *•# *N •** r »e Alt tAta •** ad****- 4 W *** AM* It M «****• *N «««>•• AM* Mt» < I tram |S«M#IA IHM <k* **M# •Mat# • a*g**t tail*** sa tta vAaart *«> prat# tfcM aha Nd A*a* —ti>f« Ommk*< lAr IN dM'*** aeg**d tMt » wt>. t# «M*trt IN d f**4a*t« >N afAia aa»»« Ora* frame tbat lAer* N 4 Am * boasted. TA# aiturarya tit tbs defewss wmrm «*f? **»•**• M IbMr atttViaa'i* r*Ar*Tai*« tfc* votkiAi wi at Uta cm— I*» i.*A<Mir C»a abt* U »*Af «bo BM OMkft •<* <W» itMM lltr | *ork t*t Oa***w KIWI** at lha In j «u» rs Bottr'ior 9mm. SiHattav flaaa* aat<l I* opMiea Ala raatatht lAa* if M A«4 ant baa* f*»r lAa »*.>r*ar a rob A* r* ifaaaa Mat AmmcA* In II4AI. tHa aitwM weald l<* at! pc* abllliy aaatr Aa**» Hra« t**«Mfbl cat. TA!a atm tAa atforiwi* r>a It* <>*brr aid* tAa MNtortßß! * to darlar* that tAta was a eat* of vafaa*ui:« unA Walter Maai and Mr Jatl taatrd in wry atroa* lawr«a#r that I Aar* waa a bldd*a Anad and a pow*r fnt para* baklail *tw prrmal'en r<fa>*A wat born* out by tAa fact I bat a ll*|nor coaatabla wllb tha atata from* «r> at Ala barb, aa abla anllalior un<t two Mh*r abla lawyer* lo ad»M* snd tnatraal him ba t irarrlH ib* runty mar catting witntaaaa to liiar *K».n«t IN datradinia Tbay waatad to An-'* tby t v a rta* waa not ba**?ati«atcJ tbraa < aara aan SHAKE INTO TOM SHOES Allan’s root-Haa*. a pnwtlar for Ih* f«*t. It rurea |iatnftit. awollan. amsrt lag. narvoiM fart and Instantly tak>-« th* atlng nut of rnrns and bunlno*. Il’a th* graataat oomfnrl dlnrnvery of Ihe •go. Allan's Foot-Kaw maba* tlghl nr «i*w ahoaa ta*l anay. It Is a certain cure for ■wealing, ralluua and hnt, tired, aching fact. Try It today Hold by all druggists and shoe stores, tty mall fur 15, in atanips. Trial |tarkttg<-s FRKK. Addroaa, AU«a 8. Ulmated. Lcltuy, N T. HOW FAR IT WENT. price People In Alaska Paid lor New# ol Dewey. "Pap*" Cobb, the old Harvard ath lete, who returned from Dawson on the Roanoke, with * b|r hug of (told, tell* the following a.ory about patriotism for the Stars and Stripe* at Dawson, aai'i The Seattle Posl*lntt , lllgsne , r: One day a man showed up In ramp with a single copy of a newspaper containing the first account of Dewey's vu-.ory at Manila. This single paper was tbs fimt Intimation we had of the great things our navy had been doing, and it was sought after more eagerly than gold. An cuterprislng Yarjkete purchased It for ten dollars and thvn hired Tammany hall for the evening. Hr charged fifty cents and parked the hail. He read the paper t > the crowd and after every sentence there was a regular war-whoop. It made the walls of the building tremble. The success of the venture was so marked that ho renird the hall for the next night and reaped another harvest. He made four hundred dollars off that one news paper and sold it to a miner who was going in the diggings for the sum of 160. HOODY TABERNACLE. Has Eccn Decided so Tear Structure Down. Atlanta. Aug 2. —Moody tabernacle, the largest auditorium In the state, possibly the South, Is doomed. The stock company which owns the prop erty has concluded rather than go to the expense of investing in necessary repairs to tear the building down. This structure was put up during tho exposition for Rev. Mr. Moody and will hoid some eight or ten thousand peo ple. Since Mr. Moody used It for evan gelical purposes the tabernacle has had crowds attracted to It by such men as Sa.n Jones, George Stuart and lion Tin man. Have yott any old |Xtld or silver? If you have call «t ray new Jewelry store, where there Is a lady In attendance, and we will either exchange for new good* or all cash given. Lewis J. Sc haul, the popular priced Jeweler. MAAtIIA'O ***ao ~* **l ,* VMM » m»4 tVM || r* iNtAeA aA MaaaaiwaA •» tag ASA’ add'i MV * aaa#w # wwatt a* tw** , vaiV Aw* SiSM ta* *Aa A*w*a**ar Mba** j a*H « i i<*t *a aabaMMl *n »aa*«tv«*» t land law *A# |*«ws*a* wf mwmwni At *a* lya. i| W*i«A lAV*« m ’b** M* giMA A**a ad ita 9mmt •***«• tmimm* * * [aA A» W«W r-»a fwwwW vannUtMt «d «A» Attnwaa MMAat mmmmmm WAIN At A avaaMAl fAlgl AAI lit* TaW,** Snas ••AS Aaf tAa mm As Mas *«’ •*•*« ad (Aa tt- m‘ ta«iM *a* mt**— awatoNtaatv - |t« FwaAM at mm mm w«A ib* t* Umsm nd M*a mmwm and baa «awd ■ l»aa Mwnadw tAa fatad iAav «MrvtWi hm tAa iwMAtiiaAS mt tA* At*aA#a M* Imt Aaiaitnitwn tAat aa* mts tAa w«t ,d**ca ad tA* MAVAMAta «*>MAd aa» id At* M**a A* *w**d Am. AaMAs* Ait #d A* »a«V»a<* tAAd IsalMSAirW *AaA As yceanvii* !««*• «A*a AIM tlf.Aad tA* «I imngta «Ald*»«> Aaaas** tad an* r>n»->t> *•<• rray" ~ f~~* INtlilt tw tA* tA* tndtrAt'ir* ****** wf *«a* mmmm, waabtAA AAtatlf a Nad An* AN AS #wr*d a*4 la w*tt tw Ha w«v A* Tamam la Aa *atffbA*d tA «A* AwnvHnl tA*w • *>»**'* H At Aa**»d “* •ASAAtai PM HAW.V T»PATi:O. Mr O. I» Paths »»***l»4 tn AttnaHa lac *a«NAa* mm. TA*waaat'*a **a.. ban t~M». ft- ** FatAa aa* ad Mr P C, PatAa, a*a *■* I mow a siatikr aiarA deal** a. bad a i ,Ms bard tuw* *a Allaa** Mad waa* H* waa l<* euaad 'A* as*dt»*W WAA*** j a«t taatwad b* Abd a* mmm ab«y fa*ly baatra »a tb* atattwA Aaww ft MV*t«wi «4| M M* i Y*w lilUN 1 " 111 'iliSt *•* Pttk* regarding tAa matt** abd A* bwt tb> fatbmtag t* *AV nbewt Ala cmAA*- •naai "ATA*a tAa det«rtl*aa arr-Med | «t bwa la httow a bat Ibey (warned Anm aaAAk* »Asai ggaaaAl | M*nea I waa fefaaad, »ad ad «■***»» I waa *»ldlg**4 tag" wMA lb*m I «<dd ibem mt laaw waa a. !» rarb* aa* i ib*y said I «aa a Mar Wb* t [arrtsad at tb* atatl** Am** I t>*un«l ! that I Nd bfen arf»at*d tnr a maa • named Arena from At bwla <* lb* , barae nf murder, and ato« betat a MMwdl. Aftar I WAS totbed Ul* laaA*d lb* d*t**tl»~w lo I*l m* rammuatral* with frtabda. Ni waa a gala r*f»a>d t a salad n»V friend* to Idantlfy *»* Af ter a* long a lima tb*» adtertmsd m* •ad Pnitrww fl. A Btutaw and Mr W (I Fergiaon tailed and Nd a* r*- 'trued Tb-y ram» A>r a*e aoas tro •«*. as I am m<« abk from Nd traalmear and Ih* affect* of p«»fl»emeni " parks a*r» INI b* *»»■ not with say crooks, and «'d arreal aa* abw»lui*lr myallfying t« him. REUEP IM 81* HOUMA. 1 Matrrasing Kidney- and Madder M*. aaaa relieved In ail hour* by Saw Uraat South Americas Kidney Cure." It la a «r*a» surprlaa <w areoum of its exceeding prompinaas m relieving pain In bladder, kidneys nr.d bark. In male c- female. Relieve* retention >.f water almost lm%*dlgi*ly. If yo“ want e.ul. i relief and cure, ibis la lb# remedy. Hold by L. A. Harden*, druggist. Augusta, Qa.. «I lirnad slr«t. V ]%r-'% caney ■T m S\ fi/£San Juan Jj \f/| Sevilla m S uac^ores FIGHTING YELLOW FEVER AT SANTIAGO. Although yellow fever has broken out in the ranks of tho American army, tho work of lighting it is in the hands of two experts, Dr. Jehu Ciuiteras and Dr. Nicholas Seun. Dr. Guitoras is undoubtedly file greatest authority on yellow fever in fjio medical profession. He has spt>ut years in fighting the dis ease and as tho medical representative of tho United States has preventod tho spread of the favor from Cuba to the United States on many occasions. As ho has successfully coped with six or seven threatening epidemics he will doubt less be able to prevent the fever from creating havoc in the army. Dr. Nicho las Seun, one of the most distinguished surgeons in the United States, is a na tive of Switzerland, but has lived in this country since ho was 9 years of age. lie has been president of the American Medical association. Tho map shows how Genaral Shafter completely surrounded the Spaniards in Santiago and forced them to surrender. THE .sk.TJG'UST.A HERAI^ m tCANbIt Op %*w*rt: WKmm9§- Nl* MMt*' tw lUVAwiMka bsndMaaw AAAsuaaaa Had I ’<* fsawAAAP a • rasMM P**as*b4AAA tea* taVt Am mm i »•# as aataavA Am kaAarabg aaNma At bum#*** N w**s be asm a* * 4** sdb*-s maAVba** At tb* sm*t mm* It % *SMA AMS* Wf **S |*»idaaa ttks iAhh at MM sdAsdwasa mm Aw am«» t»* ta aaaaway tt taws lacsawd tw •aab* *N aware* ttw tab** Asa* Mt A [ tatiiMi I'di'tiN* ml »a sat aav an*» Ml waa mM »««a*A* AM tt Aw* aJk-swASda as m ****** T%*a Witt *WSM Asa lboa* ; AA* jiiliilM. abd was AalM M VMM *W> i Its t ****** warn** MM *IM* Am *W iMt AaMNMWA AwV*«'-a AM #s*d ' ■ m»aa< As At Ahs*at»« »wd wM Aa, . «a»AwM m MKaaawi tawat* atwad tba »***# tki Aim tt»* a*Wf«* Mtl As Ml 'awl «T •** WAV VbsMA (A AwHAaab ! Had* tta Is swaAd-w* A* w»a <m* ' a*«*aM awaas I rare as Ik* ***** aWfdnaas tabs* As ee«acAs Via HgwAllti a t* aa4s» Mm ttaagfiyAkiAl Awns«» ad ffCAAMIKk »VMf Club. MMMwTa\k«Mv*lN MoMAs. A<M I • Nads Ml gebeCAl «• IVaiAlks in awrv <s«wd nad in mamavM ad aassrbsadtsr ar» bedding aw asm a insMiMi as ta« (%*«be* as fNwaams*w wwa a**4 las* M«wda* far in »***•»»«• wf taking ***** Man** ta trad* ***b I'akw at wtMeb a iinsaAntfl■ tw »a***i»s jgAta ASM rsymrt N*A waa agwMAtad. fTN taawd *d IN fkeaMA *d IN aw»«* [tag was Vm IN **»aM*»bm*wi *d A •owmsAif Mas be*«•*• rbts N*l abd fpbtWA *a*s abd I* wwa IN • w N*«s . a< IN wmwsim IN* sat a Map wwbtd MSdH ttaSdts i AfHtAf»*b*Wtp bafa "**>p»*l*d Vm IN (swcaMtsbaww! as awtA a IH* wttb «wa lllinmitl-t Mb VMM 8«*8» SNA www* as- ’ t*r IN aaawww. i nwat <rf pane* MwAMs ; rwawrtr did sa twaasws* •"•sinews in ;*ml»r pna lib sad IN a*Al *w*A .sea l.w'kies far a revival of lAts NM ta*«a as sanb as bnMlHtlsw «saa*. and are makina preN*w«h»N N awl A* gems Ada lor HMAber INI MAg roBAA ■ from IN tataad. SMAI L MOX NKAR INMAN. Tbraa Mall !*#» Hoped Case* I’owAd TNrv. fa aw A. *. Aum i Amalln* Asa mads Ita r pfw* raarr a few mM** » u»A at this place Tbtra were three well dn vrtopend rape* befofe tN serious rhsr •rtei of tb* dt****e was bntwa. and rtxmt forty famine* are known to barn brew .- spewed There la grral eirtt*-1 ment Bad cwnaldarablr aaesalass* la ib* community, and a serious on br.-ak j of tb* Much dreaded dlsraar I* #*- twetML ml. «. M. Noddy one of lb* otd»«#t and moat prominent rltlgeas of Bp* r ’ taebnrg county, dt'd n* b!a bnmf. three miles south of this plane, laaf Wednra day. Props In this section are tb* flneat ever known at Pita reason of the year. The mayor la having our streets put In flntt elaa* condition. Tl*r frame of the snrchrr’a mind la avrsonymoua with Ih* frame of hla wheel. GiaD! IUCK BAKING POWDER* 15 of AM lt» L#av#n •nr PoMror. UNCLE SAM’S NAVY Portfolio No. 9 can b« se cured at The Herald office! for 10 cents and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINECONTAINS A MOM) OTHER GOOD THINGS, PICTURES OF I Protected Cruiser New Orleans. Monitor Puritan. ~‘.rr,r I jtiap of Sifftl IMtUlf IU ugxii* the Army m 4 Navy of the j rotted Btit«i>. Pietur«i» ©f Camp Lite. Navy Yard*. Large Map «f Cuba and many other good things. ■ 1 9 9 This coupon, when ac- I j companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one |j copy of Uncle SanTs Navy j Portifolio, at The Herald office, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent j stamp lor postage. 9 • » Back number* of this Handsome se ries can still be obtained -2 The Her* aid othce. a I FOE SALEJ. The J. I. Scott place, three quarters of a mile from the city new water Basins on the Wrightsboro road. This place contains 87 acres of land, several good springs and fine well of water. Dwelling out of repair. Healthful. Price. $2,000. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate. 832 Broad Street. SALK OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale. 70 acres of Isnd on the Harrisonviße Road, in blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o’clock p. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. . mi A dog may not pose as a star perfor mer, but when he travels with a blind man he may be said to fa* taking a lead ing part, _ pi Hdurt PAi«»f i J iLBratBBTEL j li Hillman. Ga.. ta aaw »p»a A# *N ****** * r -A * *•*♦ mm*m •mmr *n mmm ••» n ay** «a* anyksa* AA* nw * • midisM n»4 WABHN AA*** an-Mtdew* twwsswg ka*k •* *A«d> IAM fwm* kdAbfaAk J 5 Enrol EiAfl Cl THE HEED HOUSE mmmmm As HAMJH t«N J F«# UtV *rrr«Mbodkt4«* •! £tMMf "WIU Ms* M A. Awm as# ***** <»**#* *-• N It Me a* M**Wb> *Ad IN AMb waadsP* •Ml awl W*>||A MW wuMataswa •«* be *M •IMP mmmmm*-* mrnmm *N •Mswa Pm banaas and Han nifty ta Mint. M. A. KKKt), llarlPAk, On FOR RENT. rmKKKK MT U»TA VTwsa nrtwbw* t. IAI I wffat N f**A* IN MtuwtAV taws- Uffbty tawdeNi and OflfOdllwf fII«M ItAMI Itt GfPfUP ffVWI •a.vttaa.atH 1 ***'**'• Wl •tfWFI a*.a. aa waa. .a • WNMOEI I M OfWtf 9*t+f* .mmmmm** mm mm mm * M** It;* iteawbs stywwt » fweMa IIM HUM* seevw* 8 PMUAg TNaw t art cwaiata *A eNßvwaiaaiw* •Ml wer AmMaM* m *vwey !*'*> Art - I*.A as *N*a W«r* r«a fa away f«e JOHN W. DICKEY. I and S Idhrary ttwddieg Ifc - /a \ >& ] isxK't i ■ ’I 3^ Bn«ns f#« VMM 4teff*4tt fWi aa «*rtlr»a iut tit ae mfm have tried a Ou Umr.g* «©uM !► Ind«*rr4 to •dot*i ,i!4 fisht<iftHl niftbrid Hffifn. Ton 9*q it t* w taav to r+o9**'* : (}i( Umnn*. If yon want on© and you ran mluct til# neat to any do* d©f>*t tired to throw open the oven door regulate your range to Mil your meat. : Tie Gas Licit Co. of liiuta, |g BROAD ST. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. | Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Street Is located In one of the most desirable sections of the city. House built of brick In a handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all in good‘order. Lot 48 by ITS feet. If vou contemplate purchasing a home It will be to your interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 *nd 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 ItROAD STREET, And Get Your Work Done Wefl. For the next 60 days Bicycles Enameled for $2.00 High Grade Work. Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second band Bicycles bought and aold on easy payments. ALL WORK GUARANTIED next Time you have A HEADACHE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By UOWABP & WILLBW DRUG CO. P Alt bt'Al 1 j Chariekion l W Caioiina at* Aa«a A a*watt*kb adtwat • ta* t«N#ass * ##*m l»P#_ »Nk **♦ . C* "imtmm »♦*' "*» w»»wo!. 1 * j - I 4JW 'EtMMkHw, .. .1.0 i**.tay»jb- J-AgMf "•fdb*W**a«w*k », * ”•* w.»mm * AMaw IbMaMo.. * yd> m*S«» - fa Aaa*« %*. .« «Maa«t * RAN e" * VmmamAaM ««*~ »•». ItAksM ttsya* ®Mb AA PMA»gn, 1.... ***** M«MAA ...*o *ia**fwb»>«.*m*.« tt Mbga. *gv*t 'U-*' M HfMMArt*. ***** • i AdtVAtJ .«»»••*> As BtfMk»£*• » ,» . , I# |mnn j . M , b*b* •* * ?!«»» «*•«♦! Ac ANAdMA * IpBIiBMI ******* *“• tHf-Ab | ■ * t **»«■«» . . .)*«•' , JY* * iHSIWNikANfMffMA *>«*• , I 22? * VIN 9 SMfW*a«*« t •ffAlgljh ...[mm * !*«[• -tbaeNAN.. j *• e-fss Tv fhaswafcw _ t A** l * i'i'dhiw kN PRU PINPMdMf** »b*«*AA* i efaawba* WAb *<*• inma ) ***•?*?; * PrvOMla*A*«*♦**••♦•♦****•••••« B> J> j||—Os * „ I da* ai <•*** ba •*♦•*** wa*.**N *r* mi** allkAtiaiV* * ad l*M «!•##***%•» a» tta*aa*sd A» Mt i PN .A r. a. u Md *. d • •**«A|» tNSvAWaakweg aAb NatNii MtPp# Vm any abAMM* **4*b*a ** t**N*a >*<ml mA*ma «a *•* m**mm W.J « VAN. **ee run AM. ». M fosmi VafMWAn , 1M UtllM't ItaSN ttiaarw kx«ba tta. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. It. C. BKATTIk. ttaeatvwr K**ffa*sM kfcgtbea- *. Fn. brlf FtrM Ned Ow* dm it Clsaa Oaaa Mia'dg * »•*« n*y Hf I ■••*** EkmS \,,%j pit | | * I*® 11 l*o» AM I*M i lAfTta* IM*»* PK' A *V 1* a MM*... Andwrwm. t F’l M If t* t:t* ? • »»»»**» J*" ]* 1* gs * 3* Iff Attlua t I tail a al* U l«ir... fnndlataA ..a: t k*t. « i bIM i* CA»*ry Cr»»* g f t a* II M t C I 0* It Ad 4B’a CPNfg fl kit* M A» a3* I Ait . tKNACA ..A «J»II a viui I . ‘ ** 1 *i» jj . w**«i Union M * *• Ijt ~. WalNlta ...A I tf| AM TM .tMava Arrt**!FM PM. flo II !*« # t»«.H No.t 8 Regular Platloa. F. Flag Station All regular train* from Anderson to WslNlla Nve right lo use* over trains of IN same rtaa* moving tn op posit* direct ton. unless other** las spec ifted by train ord.r». Will a too ttflf •( follewlnf iuUoii* lo lake ,m or let off psasenger* Übln eey'g James and Sandy Springs, No. U connect* with Southern rail way No. « at Anderson. No*. I end < e«n«)*ct with BoutNra railway N<w. 0 and ST at Keemra. J R. ANDERS**?*. Supcrtmendent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tMOLTKtf ASP Qt’H KEPT ROUTE • 10 THE EAST AND NORTH. | SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE EAST AND NORTH. 2:3opm! Lv..Augusta. Ga.Ar | 7:sSsra *:o»pm Lv Aiken Ar j 7.Dam 4 17|>m Lv....Denmark ...Ar « 17pm I 4:sopm Lv....Orangb'g....Ar | &;40am | (.Mpmj Lv..Sumter. 8. C...Ar 4 Sam *:2jpmj Lv....Florence.. ..Ar | S.Ss»tn 110:12pm j Lv... Fayetteville.. Ar | I:l4pm 1:21am 1 Ar.Pvteraberg.Ve.Lv ! B:l2pm 4:00am! Ar Richmond....Lv | B:l2pm | 7 41am| Ar.. Washington..Lv | S:4«pm 5 03sm Ar.. Raltlmore. ...Lv 2:25pm ll:2Saml Ar.. Philadelphia..Lv 12:09pm 2:o3pm : Ar.... New Tork....Lv | l:3Cam Pullman palace buffet sleeptaig cars from Macon and Augusta to New York wlthmit chang*. R. A. BRAND Oen Agt.. 723 Broad St.. Augusta. Oa. T, M EMERSON, Traffic Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Paaa. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect. March 6. IS9B. Eastern Time Btandaid. Leave August*. Southern Ry . 9:30 p m. Arrive Ctvster, Southern Ry.. 7:18 Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:46 a.m Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:14 P m - Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. •• 7:M> p.m. Arrive Blowing Rovk, Stage .. 7 30 PJP. O. W. HARPER. C. K. HARPER. ■preetrtent. 1 ■ ’ ’ ' *•11 You Want to Make Money, 1 Move in the Company of Those Who Are ilaking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FPOM A SUC* ’ CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING OUT IN LIFE. ADVERTISERS who use the HER*' ALD GET RESULTS. t WHY NOT GET IN THK!R COMPANY.* ' r OK 1)1,It YOUB COAL and WOOD from the North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality GSarameid. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell ’ Phone siti* stronger odo AUCUtTS AIUktUA PdNifAKfWb* S. C i G. MILAM CO •n» is«m«hm saaw mmmm t<mm %m am* Abb tt iAf Tmm baas |i««m Am tM«as '(« l-y-da * f* tkm''wsa fHaS 1# UMIAMAk La tadAMMn *4aaM ** »fcr*Ab it •**■».«* aw|«**a .1. AkaM tu**rp.|>« " ’ ~ *AM ibi|fc._ La 14aba*a kW : l* kbMAKXHB *> *»**a-k-*b a>%Ar t* *«w»Ak>tb#<dbAt d* rawsw« *<•• a# a a as*a..*ag«yna .I—. kaeawi swaatM iVmbaw f. A* at- a— . . •t-.'riP *» * aAeSsw it Mms *' Etng.u«aA»b*abi C* Cibpawaa IAOWI X* pANb%*>(MAI y» fbai"«sa.,*V. Mwn ■ As fcbN*- » *,>«pg l<ll* «<«i>Wttot>dtK4k that tmf *■■ am t iTimw < «tb :• «M*a.... atbwa *» a.*** .. fJSww* »* k-gbsm AMfw» NAIM «bt» M*t IM TIA htoktM fbwnwb >*•(** *s bed ba Awb VmA A* AvSrT..IN>M te WCZf&S at tb*a**e*. a i Mas I a tNiwma a Iba «t laka'f . AWaaa U AwAmi-4 T Ham «> kMW.tdM itl'h. t Itta AC hew Y-ekl japw At ksgewki . td*MA fcEPbMtd MtVWW. “TB|f »***M' MaNWy AMAay. 00f r*#** * egrtan l»P*bd.i* gls... tHagal I.Mt*bi IJpl'M dtebalswadtA..' I4**tg» •*¥» k.dkV* I Arts* b#Wß*....i «Ms» IIN, ’ Jtcttva Itbbtta....’ k*Y* ******** Amt 1 earn fkakUa I -•*■ « leave Mas*# *tß**m *AN|wa l.*e* Uaa.lke. * ***** EMfM leavs Paadetaytß*....... «-•*** } •_*** dtrs* twaw* ..... BtsaM. t aa'an-r'-re M * Ntb’ai m wwa Mm* Vac* ’mmmmm •!** wwA «««*M*«* bM J.-kw* *t * PIN AA MfAngdaße*. dAfMM* i Attn *N IMmigta ead utaad Irma au t**n Mb —~- - —o« at Mil N J. H. PAbDR. I. *. *»W«f tsen Maaagab Ir*oe Marao» f V. Amm ».«■**. dgl .duatw**, tea. * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. , ’SR* J c 0 >tr»f TtHM !•«* —otifftr tNM IM»»*K !•* m 4 Ollk*' fi lwO. Yfmr"} *r~ 8 H ItS. * 3 -sZrnTZm |nml|. Hally* i, j fririy . ••• • Jff ~ rMnunh ....1 If •!» II A rnfriMYta *,*...** * «Hi mwtflKjcAOit ; **• i n* Ar Ss»3* m *“•* St A, »S«Sli*__ ..... 1 «» , « *•> lTawpmm. •* KT. . . .Cl IJJP “ IMM!* I * *»• J? 2 J m TtMf«« i *Bn II wV 9 - john«fw* *!’.!.! I • *• Ar cSSSE*?* 4 H P 1 ACn n, i* mat I h IStl in* If Ou>li|W»N f • *•••• ] JjTJJ t> „ i rOSm* \ •*♦!* *»»• -ks k liui ..I ? Ar Slrtott© * ‘ • 2»* Ar Ih2S*~o »*p ill; . vrt**tuKo99 ••••••••I • Ar * -j 7 ” a I r>ai L ri!l* ]| Up )Bp ; - 1 1140,1 I - ;;;;;;;;; nop | r«.,hb.«.a. X 3” ’liu“ Lv Kra Tnrk.P* R R «SD p 12 l»a* i " PhUadelpma ! 0 5Ap **'* ' “ Paliimore ! 9 A'p *3l a Lt. WwA to*. So Ry ■ »op n Da I.V Dwivtll. &SO a 8 Isp Lv .NorfJiT • »*P ,Ar Ortvuahoro fl «S a ■ • Lv <»rrcn.hore 7 06. Ikp i “ Charlotte i l>36n 10 Alp I “ « BUI to All, 11 uap I “ ('beater ! IUS6» 11 S 7 p • M laaaboro. II Gat 12 »• Ar Ool'Wa Bißadg at jl2 Ctw IK* Lv ColumbiaUuTiep t. ... ! I i:-p 4uua : •• Johnutona. 2SS p! 0O'» i “ Trenton B«hpi «*• " (tranitevilla 8 38p . *f* • Ar. Aagaata- . * *Sp hOfia Lv. AskevilHb ► ' 1 : Lv. Spartanonrg .. ,!!*'• « !.>P 'Lv ev.n.ta. S.r.AG.Hy I 8U)p! 700 a ; Ar. Charleston S 40pf II 0U» Lv Col’hla. FC AP Ky... j 1155 a 12 47 a • •• Savannah I 4 4?p' S «8» : Ar .laekemrill*. I 9 2Spl Hit MLKt: PINU IA ft i»BK Vll E Excellent dully }MMfar service be»ween f iondft tad Kwr York. Hon. 97 and Washington Mid Southwestern Limited. Solid VnsUbttTed train with diring cars and first rlase eonefeg* north of fharlofte. Pullman drawing room sleeping i*tr* Qftwoen Timm. Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and Now York. „ , _ PnUman keeping Cars lx twee* f harlot to •nd Richmond- 4 . Pullman drawing room slewpincr ears no tu'M'n 14 recastoro and Norfolk. Close oonneo n',n It Norfolk t£ OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving there in time for breakfast* Solid train, with Parlor cars, between ! Charleston and Asheville, i Non, ft and S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet weeping «»r-> be lt vreen Jacksonville and New-York and Pull | man sleeping cars between Auptiatn and <-bar* I lotto, Pullman aleening cars l«hmn Jack son viUc and Columbia, et» route daily between Jacksonville and Oinelnnnti, via Asheville. ,FR ANK H. GA NNON, J. M. CILTi 1 Third V P. * Men. Mgr, J. M.. Wnrtlngtou. W A TURK. S. H. HARDW 1( K, (i. p. A.. Washington. G- P. A.. Atlanta, GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 185*. Pullman Sleepers between Macon and New York. x _ . . _____ .••—■'ft" Through Pullman sleepers between Au gusta and St? Louie. Lv Augusta ..| 7:0Baml 3:2opmilo:3opta Ar Atlanta ...;i3:3spml B:2opm| f.:Doan> Ar Macon ....(Ut15nmj........ I «:4Sum Ar Athens ....;i::lspm| 7:3opm Ar aalne»vHleJ*3:4spm| - Ar White pr«|*l:oopm| Ar Mill'BJle .|l0:10am| 4:3oam Ar W'aeh'ton ..|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at MiUedgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5.15 •• nv, -■45 a. m., 1:20 n. m.. and 8:25 p. tn. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. Am JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A, _