The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 04, 1898, Image 3

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THunaoAV ANOTHER ULTIMATUM GIVEN TO SPAIN. * The Kingdom Must Accept All the Pence Terms or Reject Them All. Major McKinley Positive In Hit Determination That There Shall Be No Halting or Quibbling—-Foreign Power* Are Interfering and Aro Prodding Spam—The United State* Emphatic and Une quivocal. pi CML to tw nr, dwt— •%» tugtw tv< am* ta • fctwfc m tV faatw **-**»«•#* df*»* dsmwr- ZX~ ot m» as Wand* M » **»«4 toww aa high aathartty. tw tv rr-rtl-v ha* I»MM4 tt •'••M tg*t ***** MM WW»I !»' <t** |*M M 4f«M « ItJM IMI id hi M gas*. 4 (Ml gpata • attltad* ig IV r*- salt irf maddut— mm* m mm gtt»mr> *g Art ran ta »•»«!«* atVr •Min*. It m gaitrstoad tvt #pa* ha* ah» p»4 that K«n mm V V*«4 hM. Wfckrh M**M» tV fCWM fcUUty as WWW ■ f»t*« I ** t# *%rp aa •ri»r from 11*4( 4 i« sattawtWr, A «ata»rt wMini aa# b-. 4 «• hoard a Mtan 4>aa t%* rtv#r la*. *»*»•< Aa atb.r *<U V b»l4 Mu X« <4Mal HltMl V# Ml *i»*a »*' fart. A— A-A ft* .1 Carkat fman •ill V VI4 at U«.*ra* ibla an.pßi- B «l<« a dwtai** will V rvachtd a* io tV advlaakllHy <>f tabia* lanM'ii' actio* took lag ,n tV «»*•** tin aof ik* pvwrut dyaarty aad >V rriablisfcawat a# l» a Cartoa ea tb thro*. of am tatafathrm Marque. Crtalbo kaa Vo* with Itaa Carla* at Larcrw s*v#ral days Th* Prior* of A nut.* Malta. aad ft«*a»T TaMartt will arrive tier* tkl. moraiag INASOCIALWAY Midsummer. Where meadow-lilies in the irum tOM, Met by the unduiant i.phyr passing by. Close to a deep, cool copse, where rocks amt moM With leafy vines In wild profusion lie, I sit And watch the gurgling brooks defy The torrid heat, with murmurs of cool sound, Mo longer city-tired; for I have found Bnr« eaac from the turmoil of tramp led streets, Amonr sweet nooks and ed retreats. Where some shy flower, filling a hidden , place, Lifts up Its smiting, heavenly pattern ed face. Here, from the sordid world to sit apart. And breathe rich scents whose sweet ness cannot pall; To note a distant bird-song's tremu lous fall. And greet the squirrel, strong In pulse nnd heart. Is more than Jubilee or carnival. —HARPER'S BAZAR. A Free and Ussy Summer. Many persons have noticed the unu sual number of women seen in the cars and streets nowadays without gloves. As a rule, a pair of gloves Is carried In the hand or laid between the leave* of the pocket hook, hut there Is a great- | er prevalence this spring of ungloved j hands than ever before. It UP‘d to he considered n mark of 111 breeding and want of refinement to go without gloves. Today to go without gloves is permissible. In trying to discover the reason for this change I traced It to th> mannish mess which now maiks feminine fash ions. It was first adopted by th u ath letic girl, who could Hot be bothered pulling on and off a pair of gloves a dozen times a day. Then, the athletic girl is generally as proud of her brow n ed. firm hands as her mother was of her white, delieat" on-.-s. The brown hands of the athletic girl denote no lack of breeding and show no sign of hard work. They are as"well kept as those of the woman of ten or twenty years ago. Th'*re is mo excuse today for any wo man having absolutely unattractive hands, no matter how badly nature has shaped them, If she keeps them well. The point is much more necessary to heed now that it Is considered good form to go without gloves. Kate Eg gleston, in speaking of the hands, says: "The fact that the hand looks shape TP ggas *k paataM la awfc »tatm 4 a*** Ik* OaHtM artitity aM tVy Max fa* CW* artfl art —waly **4 *1 #V* f* a<«M*a Ik* IMHM Mini tk* iimmw a»mo» aoa a*. *« unM otM ft**** w4l»iiwi t« **■■* Ik* frwvv *4 Ik* kMnklk «« dM'hlp q«? U say a*tfcta*fc Da law tk* *o**t*Mi*fct fcaa #n«%| auk 4-i*naia*i> * Twaatp ikts# *<*» PU* «**•*• *l faa Carla* *a4 14* ran*. ha»» fcr.a vapor-acd **4 tk* ortiia at* tk*a Wl Mkaat a* •*• a*. *4i*l araapaarr nrgag Trunr* at* s*iih*u M Aragsa. Ci-a»#*ta a#4 Vi«, i* ta akirk (*» iar*a tk* Cart— Mr«**vh i* «**»«--< Tkf i • at* rum-t* «f Cam*! «*.!» *«. la *arta«* w ft. m* as A* k*4*i poir ares TV? at* wpartad ta lava ta k'«« *a ana* attk aarraia at Y.ata It llaara. a plar* south of I*.lra. la * tfltt t ■»•*!• r»Miol ktt* fttMß f»«t*loaa 4*rt*t** tk* Cart tvt* kti# ■wnMnl aa4*t ana* ta ft*ai aum twr* ekoat LrrMa. *k»r* a ton of hra<k|uartrr* k*a km** rttakllMvM m 4 ibat tk* anuawi Is rsaaia* tk* Wfiaalak aalkorlOr* ro«a«»*r»bl» aat- Ms. Tk* HNck Scttaaa. Wa«kiaft-a. Aat «. Tfcrr* la a Mirk la tfc* prac orpMlat oaa wklrh !*ay provr arr nut Upam a* lorr ar (*iu anr r*|M*ta tk* t*na* but Ar- I Iter and more graceful when the mid dle add third Anger* are •lightly curved tin and away from the index and the ■ little Anger Is shown by the models In lbe glove •tore windows .and while It Is affectation to hold hands in such a l- .suo n yet this rgeirlse to make ihr pose natural aheiild be practiced. I "Home one has said aomewhere that the number of eultured generations hack of an Individual mar he Judged by the degree of curve In the little Anger. Obeervation will prove this more or lee atrue. When one sees j} person holding a glaas or cup with the little Anger thrust out and curved un til It resembles a hook, a little Inves tigation will almost invariably show that the d -gtre for culture In that par- ! ttcuiar family and In Its newness Is somewhat overstepping the maik. Af fectation Is a sign of lack of breed ing." Meeting of Chapter A, Daughters ol Confederacy. The regular monthly meeting of Chapter A. Daughters of the Confeder acy, was held yesterday afternoon at the Library. After the reports of the secretary and treasurer had been pre sented the secretary read a numlier of papers of new members. Mrs. Eve then reported that she had rariled out the Instruction of the Chanter in having made credential cards which arc at the dlsposal of the members, who will find It convenient to have th.-m when they visit other cities, whether at conven tions or simply on pleasure bent. A letter was read from an Indigent Confederate veteran In Noah. Oa.. ask ing for assistance from Co. A. It has been thought advisable not to establish a precedent by giving help to Individ uals from tho Chapter as a society, but the members or the Chapter will con tribute as they think expedient and raise a fund for the petitioner. What made the meeting of yesterday especially Interesting was Mrs. Eve’s account of the convention at the re union. At the September meeting of the Chapter. Mrs. Eve will read her paper on th* Soldiers’ Home, which created such favorable comment at the reunion. The question of the purchase and maintenance of this home will be de cided at the annual meetln-t of the State Division nf the United Daughters 1 i,r the Confederacy in October. At that j rime all re'orts wlil he sent In from I the various camps of the state who i have been sent circulars requesting -x- Ipresslons of their opinion as to what Is to be done about the home. Mrs. R. B .Morris has gone to Chat tanooga. Mrs. J. W. Levy has gone to Wash ington, D.C. Mrs. James May left yesterday for Newport, Ky. The Misses Benson have returned from Atlanta. Mrs. E. F. Brantley visiting In Asheville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White have re > turned from Harlem. Miss Maiy North'has gone to North Carolina for the summer. The Misses Daniel have returned from a visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Thomas Walton of Braidentown, Fla., is the guest, of Mrs. Robert Wal ton . Miss A'.lie Eve delightfully enter tained the Thursday Reading Club this morning. Miss Mary Denny of Rome, who has been visiting on the Hill, left today for i New York. _ ... ,*it«a •# k*«a«i <fea taakMf *» *«t»* ** *M* Tkta » t*pM4*4 IS 4«a*Maa» - dorta* *• noiaaii am** *f t*#aMtaa as «ar »«at* CM aatkatnr « mm k* Mat-4 «kat tk* kkrk I* a**f Ik IMfMtWtal taa* tun k m mm a*M •M*nw«m4 tb*i la «k* t*ttr tk* **ataa***a* i* aaMta tk*l C*#t. Uma »M»'« *■**—« tu if* anttakt *1 CM» k** aal ktaa •aaalatl A* la Hi**>» Tk- •*» - 1-.***» of tk* MiaatkM M • taart* >a4-a *4 kr Ikt at Ita4* as tk* mark aaiNuawtor a*4 tk* M*i* 4a panwaat alk ti *!>•* tk* at**ik* *4M* a tab* Tk* kiai «k*i »!**•«> »a*t 4mtta* I* aMAr ha <k* AariMo* as kM t *t«ta*ai mi *•!> ka fart as kfaa** raaaw M mb44l. tk. *Ha*il«a *a Ikon i, ** ppaalklr. bat Ilia an la ff* jlaaflr bi» * ** auw *r. aad Mtinarr *■• frtta m—* *kai If b. bm4* a ttakbora t*»iM*ar* b* reakl pro* met ib* tmt# taa la <*aha tor agbi**a m. mk^ Waaklaipa* Auf 4 - It m aa4.r> •i «4 iba< fotwaif l*ar ha* tafnnaod M ('ataltoa that Ik. l'alt-4 Mat** will pnaiaamtl* i*taia Manila rH» bar aa4 harta-r larl*4lag Catrtt*. aad will alljw tb* it pa Utah troops **aroatiag Cab*. Mr . oaljr aid* araw. ail aiaraa. cannon proprrt*. *tr„ to broom, oar*. Tkrar w mm tb* principal qoott io*a aak oJ br Afala rca.rday. Miss Wall «f Birmingham and Mis* Ryder nf Union Spring* *rr the guest* of Ml** Jr*sb- Wall on Reynolds utreot. Miss Angle Kate Poltattl left yester day for Rlsrkville. A. C., Where she aIV vMt her sister. Mr*. Dr. R. A. Uyls*. for a few imjnth* Mr*. W. F Goodrich and Mis* Lula g|>eth left a few daya ago for tlrveit vllle. A. C., where they will tpend the I remainder at the summer. PEOPLE'S FORUM. fCblrens of Augutta and Georgia and Carolina who wi*b to diaruaa pub lic matter* In parliamentary way and in rraaoo. will bt welcomed In thla column. A m *v*paprr la. in a way. a public Inal Hutton. Through It thr pub lic. In proper bounds, have the right to give expression to opinion and thoughtJ A Kick. To the Editor of The Herald—Sir: Allow me space In your valuable paper to make a complaint In regard to the j cleaning of yards and lota. A few days ago the Board of Health notified many i parties to cut down all weeds and thor oughly clean out tbelr yards and lots, I removing the rubbish to the street*, where th° scavenger would gather th m. Thia was quickly compiled with. i but still all over the lower end of the ! city are great piles of dirt, and grass which have not yet been removed. Is lit healthier to plaec thia rubbish In the | streets, where It remains for some time, then keeping it in the yard? I don't presume it Is. It la surely a disgrace i to Ot.? city to have It.-, streets stacked | with tilts stuff and does not add to tho I beauty or cleanliness of any one's front property. I thl-ik this should he locked Into et once and the proper ones crutloned about the matter. Nu merous people are comipalnlng. Subscriber. [lt occurs that the gentleman Is a bit too hasty. The work of the Civic League Is responsible for the dirt —and It was one of the beat pieces of work on record In Augusta. The response to the League's call for cleaning was far more general than anticipated nnd lit has been impossible to remove the | dirt as yet. II Is better, to hav.» the dirt In the streets than In the yards. The refuse will be removed as quickly as possible. 100 FULL 'EG in ENTS. That Sized Army Needed By the United States. Special to The Herald. Washington, Aug. 4.—Peace will not remove the necessity for a big army. One hundred full regiments will be reeded in garrisoning Cuba, Porto Hire and the Philippines. SANTIAGO TROOPS. A Surgeon Says That Great Mortality Will Occur. Special to The Herald. Santiago, Aug. 4.—Surgeon Stone of the Fifteenth infantry says the troops are in precarious situation and -.ha: unless they were moved the mortality will be awful. , JITJQTJBTJI HKRALD nib in : 1111 *11(1 TV nm hcV «• Nn» lw» fat) till ftrrff TVf*. TV ratliM U Vm sum *M »» ai«nm leffntMMf ow. laiti aad tcikai la I italht Npartal la Tk* M**ati * Hi I**4 *> ii*r* tbaifwM* I tiM Aw» l*a*a tkaa Aa* t» ft* a*. TkaWiii A*a t tk* Amatti aa twaata *f* wrtkta M» mu** as OaMM **4 «W a**.tib t*«r a*»o« *• pm>h** Cm* tk* Ita Akbi Wtu p. <k#M» k* M Aivam* ifc-rtf m la* bam ttaar*. m that a"**# I* k**M NUk4 Tk*t* tk* twad aad tk* aHiUary cummwNii h t*w> dart tk* aaattira tlatai imprama— TV t tttk atfwal rurpa ta adtwar- as •W ni'waik l**wM**t«-saia. *-*<*» ward la Q*w**ai dtaw* tbai N ka* i*> «a*#M,t*f*d tk# twa4 in Adjaaia* aat a atfwal ataitaw miabltakud PM Übt t wa* raa rp at Aaaia ktM. amid t*** rtiika.iasm Takrtraa. Cm Mia* Atto pa. P**raaltta (%-«*.la* A4H*<a> Ottpat aad Aaliaaa a* I b*». uilal ban all aat*rwd»r-«d Tk* A#«i.at4* ' wmad maa Ik**. i«ww* lowart Aaa Inaa kr ‘nr ik* aiiark wa* mad- TV rnwkd M as iraaapnri* #*rt**4 aM? at tfc* fort as kia* n«w*. Ho. b. ft*** aad Malar* with «fc*tr •lad*, war* a* boaot Tk* * hoi tar**, aa wall a# amtnnni lum *t*l qaart. ****•*«*' atorm kaa br** Isad-d **4 lb- *»*n am rampci t a*. Ik* natahlrt* of tk. lowa TVv will ind ablp *c<» forward at oar* Itartag I tprdltlna. Or Hoard Journal iNapatrfc Host Krko. Til.-<la? Ana X. «ta tk. Tbomaa. tug A—l ar?oa»aaati-d * daring algbl ripodlUo*. lummancl-d bp lira. St no*, of lb. *i*«at rorfs. last aigbt. p*a*- traitag furtkrr Into tb* Inirrtor than •ap of ihr troop* hat. y»t go*. W# rmrkrd Adjun.a* aa darh with a fnrrr of 14 mountrd algoal mm Four NudrM Apanlardr uadrr till. I*ulg rrtmatrd b-for. ur Tk. Amrrl r»a» a.r* (mini on tb. rutlrr rout, with Tlra*. flowrra. prualraUnna and mass aa—tlng* (S*a ftioar rrataurril Ik- Inhab lanu Th* Spanish Ignorance of our number* only Mvrd us. What the objcti Wa*. Our ob)Kl war Jn ilrt.rmlne If tb. Adjimlaa road tu Arrribo ib.nrr to Han Juan was practicable My a flank move ment a hundred men of lb. Second Wlarunain will reinforce (be signal men today, proceeding toward* Arerl bo. The signal meo are establishing a telegraph service. Th*» road Is utterly impassable for artillery. To Their Hear. Therefore Oen. Brooke today landed at Uuijama with five thousand men and is proreedlng. by an exurllrnt mil itary road, over Terlto mountain to the rear of the &.000 Spaniards massed at Albonlto. commanding the vital moonlit in pass on the main road be tween Ponce and Han Juan. Going to Be a Fight. The chief attacking army Is within twenty-two miles of Albculto and Is advancing along the main road. The first batle is attre to be at Albonlto. The Spaniards are strong and In a nat ural position. Their defeat will giv.? posaession to tha San Juan road. The next fight will be at Son Juan, the fleet aiding. A postal station was opened today by Superintendent Robinson and a fine r-ervlce Is promised. Troop* are still landing nt Ponce. BLANCO HARO UP. Condition of Things as They Ate Found at Havana. Special to The Herald. • London, Aug. 4.— The Madrid mil lionaires and Cuban senatorh, Calvo, Santos and Cuzman, have arrived from Havana. The say the situation at Ha vana is critical. Regarding food, there has been no bread since two months ago. The army had rations for only a fortnight. Tha whole hope is In tho Indian corn crop. Otherwise the de fenses at Havana are so strong that It is impossible to take ft. It Is garri soned by 50,000 men. Tbo AnU-Carllst preparations continue actively. The military marches, and manoeuvre* in the Carl Ist districts began yesterday. The war office gazette publishes a de cree largely Increasing the artillery forces' field and mountain pieces. HANNA’S WAY. Now Wants to Use the War in the Fall Elections. Special to The Herald. Washington. Atig. 4. Hanna is to use the poace negotiations as a cam paign issue. For this reason and be cause tho president does not io Garrison Cuba with troops till fall, the peace.treaty may be discussed un til the coming of cool weather and tho time to vote. HISS JESSIE SCHLEY. \ She Is Safe in Lisbon—Has Seen the Queen Regent. Special to Thsj„Herald. London. Au£ 4.—ejessie Schley is safe in LisboiC % She saw the Queen of Spain and wrifara an interesting letter. IUNITEI) STATES MUST KEEPTHE PHILIPPINES In Manila and Hong Kon« That Is Balieved to Be the Only Solution of the Situation. E*-Consul Barrett Telle of the Feeling—Hold to Them or to Sell Them to England and Japan—What Will Occur If They Are Turned Back to Spain's Possession —The Germans Would Try to Get Hold of Them. COfn mQHT SPWCIAI. SV JOHN MAIMrtfTT Mwag Aotut Aim 4-Th* mart that ( rptmttaat akKiwtay ha* ptaftwad la n fata ib* nuitfpmws la wpa'a ka* rwas-4 a pewfsaad satfrtas tl is taa* • I *4 that tk* mtmwmm wealth. Ut.wc t* saarrsa. M.aiegt. worth a*4 trad* Ha gartaar* as tla i*ma4s am aot by IV AamrtrtM* TV tallltav as m- j ti*** a*4 taoM as tV Iwupm. »»• | cpt tV Pirmav. safari Aawrtra* at l-*4k to Mwwr* a fwar* favocata. ta tV Aawrtra* aad aativ* t*t*»*sts TV oaly akrtraal**#* far tV a>tua* (mm rum as IV I*l*ads 4<*m»d ftac t teal by IV Vat aat ho tils* hr*. rttV* giving IV la tartar aav-raataai la tV aailve*. Aawrtrti raatfwlltaa IV tar THE CREDIT fllili SCHLEY'S Ilf Will l» Made Admiral Bfter* Sarnia Is. The Ctrtrri Defeat and tha Contro tar*> Growing Out of It. Rperlal to The Herald. Washington. Aug 4 Secretary Uiog D busy »elreting the ranking of ficers for the board which will Investi gate the heroic conduct of the naval of ficer* during the war Thi* npplle* •inly lo Junior officer*. Captain* and officers commanding veaael* will re ceive recognition dtrect from the pres ident. f rs The nary department la all torn up over the controversy over Sampson and Schley. In regard to Cervern* de feat. The investigation shows that Schley ia entitled to the full credit. A high official In that department told me this morning that Schley will be promoted to rear admiral. Sampson will also get promotion to ibis rank. In recognition of bis general services du ring the war. but Schley’s promotion will como first, and he will rank next lo Dewey, who Is now the only full rear admlial in active service. ANENT BANKRUPTCY. Some of the Necessary Forms to be Used In Proceeding* United Stairs Commissioner Calvin has received the following Information regarding the bankruptcy law: The lilanks now Issued are for the present limited chiefly to such as are actually necessary for use In voluntary bank ruptcy. Such others will be issued from time to time as show. These will be sold at a moderate price. The blanks are sold singly or in gets. The| United States supreme court, having adjourned till October 10, without pre paring the forms contemplated by the law, the district courts must and will proceed with suitable forms, otherwise prepared. Scmp of the necessary forms are: Certificate of appointment of referee, oath of referee, bond of referee, bond of receiver, trustee, etc., petition for voluntary bankruptcy, for involuntary bankruptcy, for partnership bankrupt cy. There are several more. Thomas Talbott, in Charleston, 111., went insane from reading war news. He declared bis family were Spaniards and started out with the purpose to kill them. Dewey has made a requisition for sixty thousand bars of soap. He must intend to clean out Manila or wash a few Spanish wrehks ashore. Kansas City Star. To get jammed up and knocked out of shape in a runaway was a new ex perience for WtiHelaw Reid, who has a habit of lighting on his feet. jrtga ratal>aa> aad hsaftaa »V Aakta naval atm taa. *r miitaa iksa a* Hag la*g aad Java If *V «Ml«*a at* ( left aat Italy la »Vm*»lta* IV Mar waaa will safety taV *4v****** a*4 gM twaitm iw wtdia# Amartvw* aomwata* ta IV fhiitphya** aad am*- artag Aasertrwa lateraat* to HI A# i If IV Wand* are tataraad to Afai*. Amertra la gwlkp as t-artag taa me Hb»* 4rf.aa.tows aativ**. ah* at* Bow aa «V ***** «f MVrty. t# rgfrttawr# tV twry rcnaditioa* whlrk rwaard tV (V j Uun fe WHHkssi Admiral ttowwy k*» tMW 'V fhil ipftata aad tV *w*f I* m wkit. .ta tfkaat flam* a»w*gaf»ta altod* rwtVr i bis if is 11 111 He Defeats the Spaakfc Recilan Near Mavari. Has Captured ike Flare aid lias Takea 500 Spanish Frbeaers. Mani/illo Offer* to Surrender Under Ccrtnln Conditions. Special to The Herald. Santiago. Wednesday. Aug a.— The Span.oh commander In Maninttlllo, ac cording io a report brought to thU el*y by n Cuban rourier. haa written a lat ter to Gen. Garcia offering to aurren d.r that place to the Cuban* If Garc* will allow the Spanish troop* to march out c? the rity with their arms. Gen. Garlca Is marching on aud the Cuban leader la reported here to have gained a notable victory over the Spanish regulars In the fighting near ltayari. Many Spanish guerillas. It ia asserted by tba Cuban courier. Joined the Insurgents before the hattla and Garcia captured the town of May ari und took 500 Spanish prisoners. IT MIGHT BE THUS. N. Y. Sun. Things one might wish could bo done differently; Securing a bargain. Crossing a bicycle thoroughfare. Running a summer resort. Attending to a customer in a shop. The wearing of the average shirt waist. The paying of compliments. The making of puns. Having your teeth filled. ■ * 1 Having a gown fitted. Getting a new hat. Having your picture taken. Sitting out a lecture, especially of the sterecpticon series. Going to afternoon teas and pretend ing you like them. Keeping your temper. Eating your way through a ladies’ luncheon. Trying to appear entertained when you are something else. Improving your mind. Paying duty calls. Exercising for your health. Answering letters. KNOWS ITS VALUE. Washington Post. Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay endorses Admiral Dewey’s reguisition for aoap. He found that article veiy useful in the campaign of 1888. CARRYING MODESTY TO EX TREMES. Milwaukee Sentinel. Admiral Sampson continues extreme ly modest in his praise of Commodore Schley. A SPLENDID TRAIT. Pittsburg Times. Hobson appears to have as much control of his tongue as he has of his nerves. > GOOD CAUSE. Pittsburg Dispatch. No wonder Spain sties for peace. The king lias the measles. to From October Ist, 1898, the premises at present occupied by the Irish-Arner iean Dime Savings Bank at 817 Broad street. Centrally located and well adap ted for most any kind of business. Apply to P. M. Mulherin. Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. AUGUST 4 Ikat tV* M * gri«* uaawrfafasd m -v*»i a*** m tV world TV dsattkp at fV i.isads ka* VMI < *>«rail* d»i wid kp tV **?•** Wad eta rwaaats metakaat* aad ktgk aw. •as aad armr mmi. wv mead Jiaourt ■dg* as IV gtoaf la ikatf vrtsadsS itatala tWt awfogn tV ftea wf par maangt *a»«-ira# roawwi. IV—k >4 a-.taoaty * ’voeatl— vaatatlod. Tk-v a** aaaittaaMy cfpoaai to ta • dialog «V i.iaada to Agata. ar ta aap •oadltioa. whlrk wilt aat gtatgqt Am • rtraa and aativ. anr.Ms tatwvar rna*«i itaarral Wiimaa Vltr*** Am *ri«a wilt rrtaiaiV Tkilifgtama ll* dw rtarrv tVtw ta ao «tW aotatlad. MILES’BLUFF IS WHAT WOH The < rriit ter tlf Siirrrifcr al Su ite**. Ahsftrr Had Acknowledged That Mw Mas Beaten. Washington D. C.. Aag. 4 —The credit <>f the surrender of Santiago la due to General Mllea. Aa interesting hit of history wort anting thia statement Come* from a high official. Oa tho af ternoon following thr sort Is of Cervsra, Shatter, ignorant of the destruction of the Spanish fleet, aent hla celebrated tllspairh rolling for Immediate help. Be fore giving It to the public the gov *#■’■s9' •»*' £9 jf 4 - tntnent edited It by striking out the statement that Shafter was forced to retreat. This threw the war department Into consternation. General Alger advocated Shafter'a plan of retreat until iciafMwamcnta ar rived. The President said to General Mile*: "It appears we arc beutca what Is i your advice?" "Telegraph General Shafter to de mand the surrender of the city In !♦ hours." Tlic President, pleased with the bluff, sent the order direct from the white house. General Toral failed to catch on to the bluff, and when General Shafter subsequently telgraphed the fall of Suntlago, he added; "In my opinion, It closes the war.” The President. In sending his con gratulations to General Shafter, failed, to mention Ihc part General Milea play ed, hut General Mllea baa been the "whole thing" in the executive’s opin ion . TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and meals on reasonable terms. Sept! TO RENT—RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with Qll modern conveniences. Apply 1020 Broad street. Sept 1 WANTED—A POSITION IN GRO CERY store or cotton ware house by young man. 18 years old, very ambi tious to work. Address J. H. C., care Herald office. Aug 6 WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED MAN in grocery business. Address B, care Herald. Aug 7 FOR RENT—AN S-ROOM HOUSE, corner McKinne and Ellis streets, op posite Sacred Heart convent, from Oct. Ist. Apply to J. A. Brenner. Western- Union Telegraph Co.