The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 04, 1898, Image 5

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THUMOAV BIG REDUCTION ON BOYS' LOW SHOES JKWOiWSS < IM« fMMKM* ### c » aii of I##**. Haw avr, • to* P«»r* ro ut of* >*hl «rNI go lh*» work atVOOOWS i UiHaC#**** VlWOsfor#*. War* Cl i; •od 100, 10 to 13, worot I.7ft NOW . YouiN' VJel Oifonlk b*ack *s# ■ ts ton. 13 1-2 to 2, wmrm §3.00 NOW • ■ •*!%> iloyVld OifonH, block ond • p *-v ton, 3 1-2 IO ft, wtiw 32 80 NOW • ••s'^ Ak IKOOO Sboot arm Iho product of Ybo I *c*l»*or Bltoo Company, tho iln»*t Boy* bhoai mada. II IOLHEBIN S SONS i CO.. *£?«. H Him IFIICI HI. Ilf ||| lii \*t \n Notified h Tfcna Wm • llvlmV* Dr ovate- Off Cte'te# F«i ff#» D.f * ftrviflf )>gik wdl* tohi <*t -kuftwii ’ • W*«iM m*n iMI« fn*rM to If IM# faiHA* **lf B r f* |ub| Imr»«k •» BMfiHI fti In Yrtber Ht ftf« •tv nmk • It pu rUtmid im< nnny a man wh*» mrntlont-i th<* fact that a Frof****? ow " girr, whh whom ot* Itsia ww Wwow a relation* for many yean and who noil born in tho habit of paying hi* pre mium* in ca.fh, yeaterday paid for two poll* tea In rash to aave four rent* Thip *• llltmtratlve of the poll y by whlih great fortune have been found ed and Increased— economy In amall matt«» Th* general opinion inv nr bank 1 nr men In August* la that there bn» been little. It any. falling v/f ‘n the iaaulng of check* by buaineM men owing to the new law. APPEARS IN UNIFORfI. Doe* Mr. Horae, Verdery. Bandmas ter of the Tenth Regiment. Mr. Horace Verdery, who was lately appointed bandmaster for the Tenth regiment, appeared yesterday In his uniform. The uniform Is the ssme as the officers, except that a harp instead of cross guns are on the coat coilar. The band instrument* have not ar rived yet. but will be here shortly. Concerts every afternoon at camp will then bo the older of things. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST FASHIONABL-E NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. Ml MG GUI 1 CHICKS Mr. Ctrl imtimn i iKikM • Strom*. 1 IM IFfttSMCS Of CliffeMl htltlAC Ki o o Omm fttff < *af| b *»<aHrMl*i#ft I ttf gft MM tM}. Immi iimms# • ••f * #•# of te>«g*Nr |<*ii m>m» Miff M»d wi) ftwuf ,|* Awn«ligfi« I ? I'.ff M# (% f fl Ml* h*‘ff j< MfctoMft* fhAfi tn *M M#m will. y lMr Ms- Htwm*** «r#A Ms M##» • •«» j#r*wf HI In Ihr fHtnitf* InudoMP>* lift ’ n*MNM# wjOM finlhil hwi M** <lbi mw rmtw |hr in ftoi * •*<»•* ft Why U«ftrf»4 ««» gw Mm to hot* h Ihr r |*M ug4 Ms |MAMA###SMtoft • Mo «114 %• iMtWtot vi« thr thine hr Bord- H r « rn ( tn worh nnd im<l* oor—in H* toftA of»r of ihrtii. ho hofd tb* oUi- The Home rute (tea. nfodvd to liflftf tM you Alt thit s out us rftrr hi* omt% tdm*. snd it M A fttoftt tlral dffforrnt from any of thr srnoral P rj4ikr4 | m » ny cfcicfcma by put ' ilng In thv* IliM *H IH' Afld WOtllft rbt rail with It; but b*» IfttHKU to irAVf h#r* for n.vaion shortly. and. not him' |a willing to aril It. Hr a*k* IIS for it Amyohr in thr poultiy buainraa " Thl , mourrn tmprovrmont In tnni »*tora haa madr thr rrarlng of fowlA solely for «‘gg production quite out of th* ««uc*tion. unlraa thrm» marhlnr* art* ur< d. No rxf**rlmo«i poultryman At 1 th* present Hmr will undrrtakr to roar fo*vla In largo numhora for tb# produ#- I ||o n of rgga and 4#r#nd on thr hrn* that lay the egg* for tnrubatlon. rianv Kind* of 11tem. | There are many Kind* cf excellent In cubator* on the market. As with many Ikind* of farm Is impos.lhiu mo say that on. particular kind Is better jthnn all othera. Then, too, «n Incubator (that*would give very satisfactory re ! suits w ith one Individual might prove to be quite Inferior In the hands of another person. What ia the bent for on,- Is not necessarily the best for an other. It la advisable before Investing jextensively In any make of incubator to |thoroughly understand the machine. If good results are obtained then addition |al machines of the same kind should j t,e nun hi'.YtbU. Failure* are simply re- I l orded !h ' :imle the individual falls to thoroughly understand the machine he Is trying to operate, or. tn other words, falls to learn how to operate that par tir ulsr machine to the best advantage. A successful poultryman must nec 'S *srlly pay close attention to petty de tails. DON'T FOROET The Grand Combination Excursion to Charlotte, N. C. I Over the C. &W. C. R. R., Monday, Aug. 8, 1898, by the Morning Stars of UPnevolcnee and the Brothers and Sis [ ters of Eove societies. Fare, Round trip. $2.00. Special coaches for our ‘.vliUe friends at $2.25. Tickets on sale at Thomas &, Barlon’s, at Arling ton Hold news-stand. Train leaves Union depot at 8 o’clock Monday morning, Aug. 8. ■Returning, leaves Charlotte Aug. 9th. at 11 p. ro. Com mittee, h. E. Moseiy, president; H. B. Sweet, secretary; tor Morning Stars of Benevolence. H. B. Sweet, president; S. W. McTyre, secretary; Brothers and Sisters of Lore. Some time ago. a little bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy fell thto my hands, just al a time when my two year old boy was terribly afflicted. His-bowels were beyond control. We had tried many remedies, to no purpose, hut Iho little bottle of Colic. Cholera a.nd Diarrhoea Remedy speedily cured him. —William F. Jones, Oglesby, Ga. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. mu hoi. ; fit \r* flbw «t tit Hm twil* !*A N Tl*» Oft. I j ft* •»>*•••« **• Ml' Omm MM •! OM4MMFWMHHI, twm te* iffy - " wMhffffpk <mm | BW*A(I 4b f**A* * M M** M»WW** i l*l M* ** Ms j •Am f4—in AmpA IA iMA *4 ■ ff* ** *At N AA wPMPMI A*ffw|.f I fc# (flAliilM | *fc4M, ! I • %*• A ftM* A I* tuft* * < IhNM I A**r# kwA l'* 9ftMN* A ftAWAA AM I *A* *4 wkftpf* W PM tAAigfkMß f ••nmvMilmlv fMAMWA IA CAM MMfV k* 9ft*s •#*# 5 |A*t Mi tbM ffMlf f*4A MtM W ItNf AM I MMft M A MMUmAM ll *• MMAMMAAi*? w ffMl i -iq|A#«Mi AA MMAMnm #MA piWMiWf { |MM At k»»A* * wMA»ff*M AMMAAI AMY i iMUHI ANAIMA ftAM (NA lAm * AMw IMff tM* VMAMNfWW WAA IAM^WIAmnA Mlil A* MAMA AA A AiAMMtMMM'f fW* M*W ** M • ■* MffMft ItMl ammmanl A ••t MMM Mi MM ( nA**A AHM biWAA fMiMAAAf- ClacM Ml IMA TiMff I A MM* Mwr-11 AMpMMNwr 3* tM* AM* VM I |M* #■#** MAM •*!* A# •MM*A IA tA* |*t» AAA la#** A AHI w*W f*»tMA m tM# lIMMM* IMI# Milt M* *4 l , Nll I |W lA# DmHLA A* * *Ah*i*»A AA I j iaaay «4 tM# VMNNivMt* May* Atf*#4* I MAAIMNI tlAf WiSllA#M*## tM ] u(< 9*M*ttlA tM* MbaM w MMM Mi M*MMI {tAJAPi 9m tM# |A»ffAM#, I WApa tM* MMltitlMl M fftAAptitni. It Miwaifft «M«t tM* *«** AMI M#** M**A (rwUHto. ftM rAM*AA***ri a** f*# tM# Ma#* tM# toiMiif twAAf Map ma* Mjp Wet. !• TM# rr«il4vAt*§ ItAM. At *r»(fff* tHltfr 4l*t*A r # t# tM# ##** j, iMa* I# Mks *f*fftf4 f«f |*r**i4#9«< **v»*A 4«p|tlnf' WM*a tMto I* nv % t* tM# tofti m U# AAl* aa** u*4 txr tM# m*truA mt**\ Mr Atrt*. iM , tM* imaall MMMflf, wMMM tM#f Ma%# MMMfttA will M ff#f*k**»*»* a* kite*#** »*• fttu-hed I hi* *■*«•» f*lr in «h« Hty «*4 «UI *» ** h 4 "** l memorial »« liidrr, Ha> go*-I- who mi*, j r< l t!lr nucleus for this building net: I ON Ts-NTM. Stale Democrat!, Committee ta **• iimMe ia AtData. Th* fpllnwloa tall »>»» Ime* lawmd Iby tlua V G. duß gaoa chairman of !«** Mate demormllr commit'^’ •Till* writ be an important meetlng and iMi should h» a full attendance »f the member*. The party must gm rand'* to open (be campaigti and it ia desirable to have n full conference be tnreo the m< mtiem. The party *lll j want n thorough expremloa of view* and n n general way a review of tb*; m* YiAt Gpb i.ver tti# vUtc*. Tit# |f#n , ril toAittTAA of lliß riApilßQ will hi 4ift* niflAAtf And tM# policy will b# out- Unrd. "While the oppotlilon seems to ba weaker than we have known it in year, j it I* imperative for th* democrat* toj make ]ua* a, vigorous n campaign a* I though they had tb* hardest kind of a fight. "Georgia’* democracy can win an old time victory with an immense majority ' If dnmt.erata only grt the enthuMoum of j the party arouied. Democrat* *hould j make an aggremive rampalgn thl* year and if they do It will be year* before it here la serious oppoaltlon again." The committee will meet at the ! Kimball house. Atlanta, on the tenth i Instant, at ten a ra COTTON I OILS I Cypre**, Tex. Cotton 1* doing fine ly ! Thomanville, Oa. Cotton I* doing | finely. Burke. Tex. Proepect* for cotton never better. I Private reports nay Manchester fall* to reep'-Dfl to advance, j Nubian. Tex. Cotton 1* very good, but some complain of boll weebll. | Showers ate Indicated for Interior of j Igmlsiana, Eastern Texas and Arkan sas. I Fayetteville, Tex. Cotton has been ' suffering and the square* are dying on 1 the stalks. Texaikana. Ark. Some farmers are complaining about diought and they say that without early rains the crop will be burnt up. Greenville, Miss. State Railroad Commlssb ner Evans, arter a trip In Delta, pronounce* the crops best- for years. The bale of cotton recently sold through the New York cotton exchange for $505 for the benefit of the United !States hospital fund was forwarded to Boston and sold there for $525. HAS NOT QUIT Him. ■ » There is No Row on Between the Princess and Prince of Wales. Kpedal to The Herald. London, Aug. 4.—There la no truth It. the ii ported separation of the Priuc.? ani. Princess of Wales. The court circular announces today (he serious illness of the Queen of Denmark, and says the princess has gone to her mother's bedside. Qucc-n Victoria has received a tele gram at Osborne saying the Queen of Denmark is slightly better today. IF SHE LISTENS. Hartford Coutant. Having communicated with Wm. Mc- Kinley, Washington. D C., Spain will now hear of eomething greatly to her advantage; that is, of course, if she lis tens in the proper spirit to what he has to tell her. TH» -At T7C7 X7©T A »JDJYAX*ID. * *H*» M *4* ••*** *■**■•* JBk **yac± r i | * tw Mdw •^afpis > r\ Zzjzrz 1 mm fcpaH* 4to MAto • «M* aHM a awajj# M—»t All I*♦** *•*# »'4"#AA* Mfrftj** Wf+flSm '##* *%» A M#wA*A **■’•# Apff JmMA* «# «M» lAMto AjPWM a* Mb — < a*i p*#*«*A~i#fcA. Ia f.-g im "i W% *•»■«»'♦* I* tw* tffi4i AN###A#f ms lft» mm m im lit fmm. M A <•>#*■» MM» 4»*•#*•# #a# *m tK ** to-A «M# tonAi m to*_ to*##* to ftortto* M##MM «a 4 #*m MM to #«*#**-« tM* AAi W-* !>«(»•* ami *#••*’• mmf * *■*#» mm* J! T *t* pw *A# f-%. ■».' i ## * t §#mi# m# " j* JS Mto4 to <§*•* ai | *m# fA*» # # » §**• lltef* r*-2rT«iji i ««*.' #•** * _ •*# ft fi to Ma*» tor#*# Ma*l *’***. jrf. j |M#f #A»w4 A| •** : M#ff mmm a ft fPRS BaflS • PLIINIV Of l«OI I TICS. th* Pol I* |MH*t (H*» I* *»J ArvMf IVuwKvrg. A|Hvtal i* Tkv Hn*ll Hamkrrg. $ C., Aug I~A r Ift ASSAY IniliSiM (O li# is ct.onty Af# fnntinii# in bavin* aa4 no ftonlH A##4 M# toll toft tlk* #l* j *Aft sis of tM# royftt jr sMould uftnn fall 110 ft»o#t aa y of th*»m iminty fKrstiVf rosßinftt## nan I»- rAnged Mr A MfH# ot ra«n|uil*n ln*» to br held at tb# prin«*lpAf towns l#i tMft rouMiy. wMtr* tM# * may appear sod psMlctf dtocoa# th# * |4ilHlral (MUM of th# day and rtish* * i tb# pro pi# to thoroughly t»nd«rs’stid i and nsslat a totrr In rsatin* hto Yot# tiaiieo Italy and noMaclAfttloosly. j The Bret campaign meeting »*» held at Oiar on Aug. S; the second wl.l be i h« id at Erhardt today, then al Govau |on the sth. at llamberg on the 25th. j The date for Denmark could not pr I rut be conveniently arranged, but 't j will be announced later. For the Hoi *e The race for the House of Reprumm tivea will no doabt Incite more in- I terest than any other. Four good and | popular men will oppose each other for thc*e office* —Dr. J. B. Black. Har*.- wcll M. Ayer, Judge T. fl. Week* an! Him. H. K. (| um. Dr. Blackha* al ready scrv. d two term* In the l,egl*'n ture and while there dUcharged hia 'duties ardently and cor.selenttously. | Pereonally he I* a man of a high sense jof honor, sterling qualities, and a *elf- I control ov.-r habits anil action* that few men ar- endowed wMh The friend* of the doctor are aangu'nc for bit *U';- J cess. Mr. Hartwell M. Ayer, the able -Jl tor of the Bamberg Herald, Is a young man who ia popular anil well known throughout the state. Mr. Ayer'* gen eral personality has about It a magne tism thiit will create for him a wi lu circle of fri-nds. both social and polit ical. Besides many other admlratdo trait* he U well informed on public af fairs and Is an ariß-nl exponent of statu education, <vhlcb will doubtless Insure him many votes. Judge T. S. Weeks, another candl dnte for the House, has been the elli eient probate Judge of Barnwell coun ty for two years and Is welt anil favor ably known by the people. The Judge la a member of the Bamberg bar and has many quaHtiee that are admired lu both public anil personal life. Hon. H. H. Crum now represents the people In that honorrfble body and stands L fore the voters for reelebtion. Mr. Crum lias executed his duties ad mirably during his past terms and has made many sincere friends in that body. Mr. Crum Is a prosperous anil progressive farmer and has always been a zealous expon-mf of the farmers cause. It would be my pleasure to give a brief pe.'soncllc of ail the candidates, but time and space will not permit. For Governor. In the gubernatorial race It Is safe to p . diet that Bamberg county will go solid for KUerbs. It was at first sup posed that Tillman would control the vote, but Issues tliat have recently de velop; nd turned the vote in Ellerbe's favor. Bamberg. Hampton and Barnwell counties will doubtless poll a full vote for G. Duncan Bellinger for attorney general. At 10 o'chtck last night Mr. J. P. Matbeny flleS his pledge with tho coun ty chairman apd will enter the race for the House. Tbis makes the fifth candidate in the field and will doubt less call for a qecond race. Mr. Math eny is a young man of sterling quali ties, true to hia convictions and zeal- IIIIY Mill l COIIISI. ft* KaffAwt t»Y*« f'aaftffy I* |*||M I# W" WA fM ll* teg fff*i Oam *t* G »s•** j |aio cxkjo a Tam# m i 4 lift to ft ft Aft ft ** Tito fttoftAAM #4' aw fff "■* H*-# % WAkto Ab- - ♦ ##ANk| fttff IA Ilf At AM IA iIMTAA ffWAA **#A Aft j A If! ftMHMNtto# ftA MAfttoftAAM ft# * ft# & I*aM il wX AMAMAtA# Tth-* #***##' «ft« ftfi'i fitiMniff 4M#« Mttoft ftA a-MaMal to tol pAftftft# t#4fti# 99 Ml #M*M##*4 , YM# * —Arr* *itT* Alfti ia| ft# #ft|#Ato ■ . Jimd (( t fl. to toft fftftftftAA Mftft ftft# fiftto iM# aftto * #4 lift ftA m at® ha# BAY #■*# IM# Aftftftft Aft# ftft *ft ft. Aft4' lM#f Mftftft MftftA A * Mkft AftMft *M9* ftftM ( , v# totoft fttoft tolftlTT AMAAi tM* #ft *f« j*. rt» p ft# «$4 tto IftM tM# * tobto#A to iMitl ttot MHMft ABU# ftftft9ft#9 *M# ftAtoM fcftft ftMMMftft MAtoiMt TM# Aftftto## lAtofttoto to #«ft*ft ft** ft## 9ft 4« 4* tAftfWM 9* BPftt ftMtoM# toft Httort ftft* Itopi ft . ML Ilft toH «4 tM* «ft»ft !* i jniIAAJ, '■* * ftftftM#4 t Mi# AAft A* Aft if -ftA AtoMftoft# M#al4 t'ftMtoii Ml IMft ftto r | AftftMAi to# toMftl IM# AAAft#»f ft|9l ’tot” M* if*i H TM# toAtotoft ft# tM# * *toMftiift»taft MM# Math i#to*#*4 #» «M# la#****) MMAAft## Ia K#a YotM. Mai aa 11 ? «'*#« I Al# *A 1 AtftfMlftftPftA f#* tM# Cftftffti to taft ftlNA# t# j ft to Mtftotf laftftff. tMftt •w. d( Hitt tn Ktifto mAMIf Mill ritotrftt thr AftrtoiftA. AA Hi WAfIWI NAUf Mill rtifftM A M#«#f niftiA t)|H*Q IM# Mr fpiHt*fto*» «fti4 rtotortlA# tMit f tM# di< i*um #M«*il4 to aiNta! It «bYHil<l «fi#* til# rtiiiMPf |MM9 A fftr . If) (^r ,( M< ) cf OforfiA. tor Ha •t' f t liftoi**** jfi thin i iMiiitrf It ftrovl t prnhftbly coftt tM# ftwiliift ftftftfMMi > riAMRf ftot 'MI A JMAr kMOftMl tM# roftfll (# tMft roAfttfY wpMolit tMl* 4#* irtAtoA ft ftrmil4 r##t tM# #Y|»r#to mitifMJtl## !<4 tM# I’nitrd lttAt#» ####««! OllitioAA A y#ftf • A# to the WaaCatm UaMa. lo ref# ll to t#k?ftr»pM rottpkßM* tor- Iba l»tijilti#AA In thl# utlt. ih# fftilmaa «omnj»**!o«i to* to*ti»l#4 that th# apa <t#r most furn ah th# #t#mp which to affixed to the f rlg!n»l message, and It >is held, further, that telegraph rumpa nits should affix a stamp to the copy of the tnrs**g* befofv It Is That la to sar. there should he two i stamp* for each mewtage. «>»« xffay .ibid i mfw; p shrill uvtaol nrmfwypp stamps ass sed so each mciwage. une |by the sender, the other by the tele ! graph company beftge the mresage is I delivered. Thl* entirely new vvlew of the reve -1 nue law 1* advancod by Judge Spencer Atkinson, In hi* opinion, ami he »up 'port* It with quotation* from the reve nue law. He say* that the government t* loa- I Ing vast revenue dally by not eoropell j ing telegraph tnmpanle* to stamp mes sage* before delivering them. Super- In'indent James Stephen* of the We*t ' ern Union, cu being naked If bia com pany will contest thl* decision, *aiil: ( "I don’t thinli H will be nece.rnary to contest. Commissioner Scott's eon struction of the sixth »wtlim of the revenue law. Is that the sender or the maker of the mi wage must stamp It. The Western Unlou has been acting under that construction and will con tinue to do so. Judge Atkinson, in hi* opinion, expresses his opinion that telegraph companies should affix stamps to messages before they are de livered, and added that a question may arise between lolegrapb companies und the federal government involving the public revenue, but that It 1* a matter with which the railroad commission has no concern.” By a recent decision of officials of states, cities, and counties,a cmfwypp By a recrnl decision, the officials of states, cities and counties are not re quired to affix stamps to telegraph message* sent solely on official busi ness. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /j? . Signature of LfL&CZflt ously any cause which he em braces. He has but recently been ad mitted to the bar, and has already made fer himself a flattering reputation as an orator. At the Institute. Mr. S. T. Liles, of Archer, N. C., has been elected to fill the position occu pied by Mr. Cate In the roll of teachers of the Classical Institute. Mr. Will Lightsey has moved into, his newly completed cottage on Orange burg street. The Baptists have decided to erect a parsonage in the rear of the Baptist church. The last case tried at this term of court was the state vs. Ben Stephens for rape. Stephens was sentenced to life imprisonment tn the penitentiary and was carried to Columbia last week. HALF PRICES ON BOYS' SUITS flftftft# Aj w 4 «|M#t ft# iMftfc *t *M»to ft I ##* HIM# ftftft Mftftft tM Ml M* #4l ATM** *tol tofeftft ###»%*»« ******* to# toMMftl iMM tM gftMftM ft** **» •#*■ iMAtoftt ftftAMto tMft* AMftMflfe* tMVAA «%»##-. TvwMto Aftft AMAViaom fttoMMftM AftMt 44* t AN'ft# fM###" AftiMl ftM Ml *M* MAitoftAft# M toaM* Ail Ift «M ffs# A# imA9 '•«#* Aft Aft## * M** Mto9YMftft* ftl jftMft ftM IMH MftM Mlto* «t fftNftM### AAtftMft f%ft Ato to A Mfftt «ft 4 AlMto MMAi A##hA> f%» mmmtw*wm *A #mM#4 M# I9h* ftftMMft * tIN ft ftfi'iM - Mi# ftftftMNlP#, IMA tftMl ft# tMft #MMftt#9» tM# fttol# Mto Ml IM# Mtoftft M» to M«MAft IA ft# |Mil#4 M# toft## ft## N# Aft## tVMft# 9|ftNM fmm tM IMMN#' I to** Mi* •$i.75 IftAfa' Mr toft ttoMl# MaW MttA# M*M‘i* Mm#a am 4 tfti ? ftf#A# MIfMM ttfttft aa4 IM*# Mftlf ftftoA I Ym M#t #B*ANlto4 MftMtoA AtoMiftl# ft# 9A# MnAfttoltAftA MMAft tM MMa A vMDft IM ItMi If ftMft •»«# *A ft# AtNMtMi#if AY# •#•••» # J. B. WHITE & CO., Clolbiog Department. _Tuff we Moee—— CU. MIY j MAI M RlffikO Sfß C«t1l I I'M. I -*1 I AMI •NHUIh hill The but one of our *eml-*nnuaJ Chaliento Sale* will be crowned with an array of at any *tore may be proud of. Some of the Special value* are the results of our own effort* carafuny planed for the occasion many weeks avo. Others, we are frank to confess, are rathar accidental, manor attributable to our ability to taka quick advantAO* of tha enenpected turns the markets tako at times. All In all It Is a wonderful collection of chotc e Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for N 81.09 N Fifteen different styles In Ladies* Low and High Shoes and eight different styles of Men's. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while In the East. Agents for Hannn & Son. Stacy Adams & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. ouiTbeauty show AT BLIOH S CRYSTAL PALACE f|| BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. CQLUMBIAS ON TOP JUST RECEIVED '-—lO0 —> Columbia Bicycles MODEL 40 TO SELL AT $50.00 This special lot bought for cash and no more at this price. PF.VF.NEY. HOOD & CO. GUARD AGAINST SMALL POX Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects, PURIFY YOUR DRAINS AND PREMISES. CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W. E. PLATT, Agent.. 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga liIRMPIfM AUOCftT# A WAlWUffl (M I Nt vl Al nuitiiA*cv ta *4* run* la* ffwma of our rd»* basalt** are fl.k gam* *n4 lists mi* Os* bijM as wait sttsmpt to pare* th* rainbow, a* ta Saarrlba all thav good qualltlta. Th* way th*y ar* **r.. log ta a rautlon ta thoaa who lr**a<l gurcbaia » h«n tfcry ran ha kat for “g*t lag nan *on»*ttma." Bctltr pur chaa* whra thry can ha had for *uru low grtcea ra wa ara offarlng G-m. As for glassware, rrockary, lampg me., tlm* and languag* fall ua to tall ot th# won<s*r» that wn sail. Don't for at that our saro prlcsa will hasp yeti cool. Rtm,mb,r th* pl*o*