The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 05, 1898, Image 1

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fH» •. * to***. amvita l# tAftJttttl «*#*» u**. thniirr **■ INnMI ## sh%«w*ts A NEW WAR CLOUD HAS LOOMED UP Icmii til if* Km •>' r«#»* mmmt v tv m # #i mmm #%# §#*# #*** - # •###* ■ ™ j ##> $W- '**#»# ##%## -s* r '* f “ »'•'* ■ #f* ##*## MWSW #*we*a* S*##" ” * j #■*••'<%* * R #%##*#'• atwhfttt •rffw *w« gß#Wi dNMMMMRI Th# f? W# •# Qr*it (w#a*v# *a. Amjfr- B u #* ftf> ‘tlfffni n rh© f*r ! Rut iM It ia «MI yfMt im^riav * u A MUIR KICK. Atlanta Doesn't » ant the • Imwroaia' j to Oo to Santiago. Atlanta. Ga.. Am S.—A stem of lit d gnat 100 has tr*n rated la Atlaata contains twenty-five Atlanta men oho are not immune*. In fart only twenty of the regiment have ever had yellow fever. Mr. Hoke Smith. Geceral Gor- I don, Judge Doracy and rth -r* have tel- ' egraphed the President and th" con- ( gr semen of th* district selling forih the facta end asking to have the regl- j mint’s order revok'd. They all bitter ly protest. A GEORGIAN DEAD. Capt. I.dgsr Huber), With the Porto Rican Army, Dead. By Asacciated Press. Washington. Aug. 5. General Cor bin br.E received the following: Potue. Aug. 5. Capl. Edgar Hu bert, Eghtb infantry, dlod of bra n fe- , v r las night. Notify hi* <vife at j Port Russell. Opt aii Hubert win Eirn !n Georgia and wns appointed to WnP P- .nt from that alat?. He 1880 from the m’lltary academy. Ha <vas bight? accomplish ed in mlMtuvy matters, and was regar ded as one of the : irai Intelligent and ensrg'nic officers of the ary. WHAT GUITTFRAS SAYS. His Report on the Fever at San tiago. By A?s 'f iatrd Press. Philadelphia. Aug. 5. Dr. John GvUteras, the famous yellow fever ex pert. and one of the leading advisers !n this country, has arrived at his home In this city from Santiago, where he was rngagod In yellow fever work. He said: "Thi? yellow fever cases thus far have been of light order and the mor tality has not been heavy. The most gerloua trouble at present !r from ty phoid and malarial. The most of tho inert are ill from one or the other of these diseases. As the s«ason drags on, tho yellow fever will become more serious.” NO DANGER NOW. Everybody in Sp in Is Desirous of Peace. ■pir Associated Press. Paris, Aug. 5. The Madrid cores pondent of The Temps telegraphs that there Is no danger of any uprising in Spain. Everybody is desirous of pea.e. New Vork Futures New York, Aug. s.—Futures opened steady at decline. Aug. 5.88; Sept. *5.02; Oct. 5.96: NrV. 5.98: Dec. 6.91: Jan. 6.04; Feb. 6.06; March 6.10. HERALD WANT ADH tNJUV THt LANGfcUI CIMOMbAI ION—«SU DOhW kVtHV UfHfcH AU IN fHk HkHALO. ||h A NAft:K Mllkf »It PBIIT HOT «Rt 10W. Ittotijglt H IWM Tit H*f44l t h* HMNI IVwiM* mt A CNk#w t%s V*♦© Afth* tl* Nil f h#**t «i 4 4«ilM U* flip Ml IVAs sM|wi a. I- { mm* fn», >f -- It j|fiif fkpfl If! | fc-f ifi«i tli# titgrf»4 m j*<ti fnr tlw 4rslb tM’ iKr Kal nfTtiht Lottr Wctt to ill# W«r. I H#r hmrr a Unit tit# tIMMI julhftl til# Arm# Mil #OOI Mi III# war m nt #i tli# Ao#u«(ji iKMipi #1 Vi* b#*f | for tie vriuM Nf. and so paoimlar «hp W#i gntntly bF>UXl't fO Attillftl | Mr f*tD#r ar *otnp#o «hI Irr to ID# TD# wr+* o*4 ***«* Nnm Is hla *r!#f [lt thryrcfiftb to hla drvoilaß to hta rhl‘4. IMMUNE REGIMENTS. Elvt TfiouunJ Mrs lo Embarfc st Scvannah H|*#€*|#| lo Th# H#r#l«f. Washington, Aug. &.~Ord*r» nttm l»- put-d at th# war department thi# morn- Inc to nd (hi. ' immiiDf r glmffltl from Maroa. On., and five immune reg ;m< nts from Cotunsbns. Mies,. to Sa vannah. Ga. from w hich polol they » 'll start fer Santiago Sunday or Mon ; Jcy. The Tenth immune regiment I new at New Orlisn* la ordered to Tairpa and will be shipj.-d as soon as posal’jle. Five Thousand. (By Associated Press.) Snvananh. Ga,, Aug. 6. Five Ibotts rnd troc pa on the way to Savanntth to day embark cn triisrort* fur Santl agr lo relieve the trope there. The troops ships ltlo Gramle. Leona and Mnt.. wttlr Is ft New York yert iday end are expected to arrive tomorrow. The troops, all immune*. ere the Third Georgia regiment from Mccon. the Third and Ftf'h from Columbus, Miss. fTh? Tenth Immcitr r.'slmrnt is at Augusta and ncl at N*v Orl ana. It Is probable that the Ninth Is referted to. T-rlcphcnlc inquiry at Camp D' er : hrwr that no erdtrs are retcivc.l there.] THE BIG FEES. The Case Has Been Settled Up in Part. • 1 Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ua., Aug. 5. The eontro vetsy over the in the Eagle and Price nix mill case .was settled last night at a conference between the lawyers and the reorganisation com mittee, represented by Mr. Joel Hurt, chairman, and counsel for the ccmm.t tee. The lawyers receive feca as follows: Ellis & Gray. $10,000; Slaton & Philips, $10,000; Abbott & Cox. $3,300; M Neill & Levy, $2,000; W. A. Wlmbish. spe cial master, $10,000; J. W. Murphey, rnasrr. $3,000. The receivers. G. Gun by Jordan and J. W. English, and the trustee and trustee's counsel declined in «e' tie. Transports Ordered to Santiago. Washington, Aug. 5. The war de partment. baa ordered the large Cost of transports ai Pence O proceed to Santiago to pcin the transports already there 'n bringing Sbafter's army back to this country. There are ten large transports in the fleet at Ponce, hav ing a capacity of 1,000 men. In all, they have a capacity cf 6,540 men. Till] AUGUSTA lIEKALI). SPANIARDS THERE ARE RATTLED VainiAb lnb l* liftiiin A# A fntitff Fwsms CamM f aA# Ms* ns>« %*rp ywMiip, ¥%#s >l# h# mm inmwHD<nl - r#ifiv mm- a |ir ninwii MM ##» tc«#ur#"'Si U'*4+r Km Mi * n *mM ani»t> f*>r< . * «*>&##• ttjr. from Mansan- j lagtrl on !h# booth rtNM of tn** |= *v , »»***i nffVri» WmIM D r«*p«»rlM l« h# 4#*] DARI So" TMIE\ES. How They I ootrd a flank hi Michi gan Richland M»«h., Aug. g —One of the < moat (StfUig *o4 SMMIt ImSk i rolilirrNa evrr (#rpptr«(p4 In Mlrhlf as ] |«Kai» rairiri «»ut t»y #im rohbc*ri l##l j night Horn* of them rant# from Yb#j > a m on m hand «-ar and evidently had rosf#d#rst#a with a hors# and ran tag# iThry #«*«-u»#d about ftv# thouaand d<*l !lara In • a aft from lh« l*ntos bank and four thousand atx hundrrd dollar* In ! not#a. Ttit horn* and rarrtago were tak#n Isto Augusta and l#ft. Xherr # #i# thf## #gj loalona. whl< h awak«md* th# people, Alvin Harn#a, an old man. lived nvar th# bank. He aaa ‘order#!thin th# h*»ua#, with tlie threat that they would nhoot him. Georg# Hohaon and Kd Barrett aa i» lb# rob ber#, but did not molest them. I The #af.* *»a a complete wreck, nitro glycerin© tielng u*cd to open It. Th© in i#ld© dooia were blown ten fe©t out ln jto the office and pieces went through Iji pfai#*glaaa front,twenty feet dl«tant. ‘The chisel# and other tool# were left. The hand car wa* disabled ao that It ' rcu!c*4 not be used to pursue th© rob .bers. AT SANTIAGO. I The Sick There-CUn. Shaffer Has Received His Orders I Washington, D. C.. Aug. s.—The fol 'loulng report on the sanitary condition i 0 f ih American camp nt Hantiago was . made public at the war department this rnoi nlng: I "HantißKO, Aug. 4.—Sanitary ri-port, Aug. 3.—Total sick, 3,778; total of fever, (2,63#; new cane* of fever. 449. Cunoe re tut ned to duty, 583." Santiago, Aug. fi,—Shaft-r has r*. celvod < rdcr to msv" his entire army north nt one-. Six transports ara here to take the first shipment and the om liail'allon will begin tomorrow. There Is great r-Jolcing among the troops. ATLANTA BOUKS. Arrangements Made by the Board of Education. Snecial to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. s—The Atlanta Beard o£ Education has adopi :d an en tirely new list, of text bocks to be used in the city ic’iools tills year. It has a contract with the deal’fs by wh.oh buyers are allowed 15 per cent dis count where they have hitheito paid list prices. SUIT FOR Alleged Breaking of Contract in At lanta. Special to The Herald. Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 5. Cupt. Rco Douglass, formerly manager of .1. M. High!, today i nt; red suit against Mr. Might Tor ten thout.antl dollars dama ges. for alleged liroaking of contiaci. Cant. Druglass says he was employed at a salary of per annum and was discharged without cause. At«M J#4. 44 muim in I Si >**« i»* n (§•».< Oi) t«#», h*#M#l #M Hii#n# t# Ik* I p#i # # MMi g #«SSHI 4MM& |M<l* he# iMSPfhI *f Ml# Isfe# H# fhs flri fl 11###% %S«i HM## 8 •* III# •V'r’Mr### *4 m «#«*#» II fMMk Ml ##%*■# %#t' * * t t SI i - ' t>» i iib « mi -* i #ms. *m>4 mm %£#<£? %**%### by Mlkfe# fHlSMkk. f"h» fhh# #h4 the |j#wn#ii - #f Whlfh I ilh# &** #*m4 #Mk» S h#k#l gAlrSMf## % # h#*## i Th# KUlrii %#i # ■ ; lh#if y'u# .i# msi% t * -»ii s a 4 «%***«• *m IM TV Wmtmm* | SSPt M S #!####* kkPi# •## f#K#! t 0 ih# IhM## #M#w ih#% 4* #4 k##Mh# ; MS TV ft *' ilinsfir wm* All#4 #tt| tV 1 MSS# %V» #SM# D# f%t IV IM M*#%* 1 Hr# thf* vMNMkM hf##r-he# th# f# , I'li.fM jfti * Is,,- f , a |u | MM TV Ihslf •#« s>nub|iiimini U» tV | ( n fi smwn mt npyNi *i «f f%* As- I flnsst# lunssy 4%SMHMMI« *iii ** : th# smss tj II CHt(t K h Hl#ss« ft f* llsfits W K ftsshsf. Ht - ai> V cm ny*# ##4 »# rmrn U JtfwHt* (%r«MHlkg lb# km*** ' IrMi ti Kilt f?rom th# Rlh# J fl Kroner II H C€»k*n T |* Apeth J. I Muir?. W F UffillHfH K I#. Tttfyif #ll in (h# %ft Mr >9l* !• r Msyse. J. W |jTf, h‘ R Sifwiv# flurry J«*hs sow. W H Hvwuhera/r, T C. Wlilt* The floral offering* were taut and The main* wilt reach Kansas City 1 tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Heat it nr- j companlrd tbr fonrral pnrty REV. JAJIES O'M ARE. A Well Known C*«koMc Divine D«aJ Today. | Rot heater. N. Y„ Aug. E- Rev. Jame* IF. o ll.ita. D. D., vtear genrrtt it 'Hester dio. ie, R man Ca %ic ' cbnrrb and rector of (be Immaculate Coat pi ion chLrch, died tialay. New Member ol the I Irm | Tbr home of Mr and Mrs. a F . kok truss was brightened by tbo arrival jot a honoring young w n on Wt doc day last Thr marble business on the cor- I ner of Washington and Kllla ctreeta will be brncrfnrth carried on by C. F. Kohlrces. Jr., Mid hia daddy. 80 aalth C. F. Kohlrua*. ar. No Cars Running I New York. Aug. 5. —The emplcye* of the 8; rrams** Rapid Transit company, numbering 400, went on a strike today. No cars ik running. I Miss Llssle Derry Royal returned (home today. Mm ' iWiil ay. • -*- ,*25 „•' - w'•QSsfllr^ l liBHSaZ Wmm: 4LWB : '"• - Ty&gZwSffi, fmH&J*. . ‘»miMLt=r , w ! -ct mm///. TIIE WORMING OF SAN JUAN HILL, NEAR SANTIAGO, JULY 1. THE HEAD OF THE CHARGE. Fpo* HARPER'S WEEKLY n .OU * Arnat A DBAtWKO by Fmsmsbic Hmhsciion. Reproduced from Harper s Weekly. By renaiaioo. Copyright. 1888. hy Harper * brother*. '-A SAGASTA IS HOT HEARD FROfl) VET Tlt« faitdt 4* AfftMttf tl i# i IK* npaali n iVsslv# Its# s fisl r#wh%«# is I4i#> [ Wkusissi*%. Hl* Asi A-## Wwh. t. y,.*. - 3 fc*- m -.. 0 « H-#■ #M## h# * 'A* mff ffT > j tnslrmkci (Mat On. * nhdtuW rrmcmNi the Vtmmttt# affair. I I ©very «*ir«*rt mh»ul4 h ma«W t«» pr#-1 jtilmlail* could Sever hare imaiimd usr! IvtrurHca of M< nit»j *a and C#r##ra #l j #qudrt#i#. Ih« aut render of Statist*, and tb# rapid unr«*»iatrd occupulkS of I Torlo Rlihi No •ne could have itnaalS till It, even taking ISI«» ©<«nMld©rati<>n th© eu|o*i Inrlty of ih* I'nlled Hlales. j Neither the {irsfiU government flof Liny other ©an i hang# the situation ft Kould be inadDeea to think of reject ing McKinley's nuidltP ns.'' Dr. A. C. Qullllan and family nf Athena. <>a., will move lo Augusta this fall. Dr. QulUlan is one of Athens'] most promlrn nl cltlsens, and we arc 'glad to welcome the doctor and his in i (creating family to our city. HO M4141* A OAi f-IMIIAY. At Ml wt k gAffff PH lit IMP PIOISItIS ftiy V*# At l*Nfffftt <1 tit iff# | % IffilswA •k #«#4 INsswi wt. p#t«s «% Huh kai'its USHi I fVt ### faar* si «V VssvVSi r#n) l> !*• RMkNkl R nffiiff 4,f a >4.1. a„ f* L tid# {• |(ar TV ralhmts TBW-4 hs» tv folWrw Ing «o My of ss AsirMta woman | "lira 1 ft* (knar of liicuiti I# tV „tb H»r letter# Is (V Aitgsafa rfircti f( ( d##rriot»## nf Mon teas I* .. . # mfi*t (stkyif eoiaf# have V#s on* of the pteaasres of that #sre! test journal ' Vn Dosr r tura d hoinr rssi#y*s bind. THE APPEAL DISMISS’ D. It l.oski l.ikc Zola Will Have is Go to Jail. Par.*. Aug. A Th# court of Gsiaaoo j ha# di*mi*«rd the appeal * f Rmil# Sola j agaisgi th# der’sion of th# VerasUl## j A#*lh# court. © hi©h. on July Ik. sen * t'mid ibe autber and M. Perreu* the, managing rdllor of The Aurore. each I j|q , yrwe's tmpnannment, with 1009! rnines fine, and lo pay the mats of j (suit for libel brought again*' thorn by the officers who comtiosrd the Ratcrha-1 zy I'curlmartial. ! Mrs. J. Cary I-wnar has returned h»m© after a moat delightful visit <if | !twu ae©k# ID th© mountains of Virgin- I I IMSttSS tl**# *kh r avisos STRIKERS RIOTING TODAY TKf Utff Tm## l| HaMtffbl H >Ri Initiinl tV Nii Am M t v» mmS >*%Mt H##d%'d Rt |A# n#A. • ******* %*>» •%><%. A«# * fMRISR I*## ktN#ii tmmmm (k# ts# * 'ikiuih w&mm . # «#V** N* m *mmm at tv **#* *mm*m **~m ##>• r W isksa# At IV Mutss# rfsat ts#» cmwM s eiwwd «a $ ws# tVw •O4 •*mV## #«ps ##%vtk4fl#i# ssiV#« *•4 t» SkWß# #M SMBlt'iSWt IV WA A smmrn rnt m ■##» mmf*+m*rn§ IS •##' m<r*rn§ m #»m»> #i «#4sr «•># dsHw**## as# ihk s9wNfe s t img #v **#ShtM mrn IV W4W# SS# SMSidSw Ml «*vn # mu i■ m vn ii iii# #a mrmmm Tr»#M' i i 4 #>•• >-:« #Htht to k4i t% # ss#w# DMt sAWSh , v##*si *S'*t# «r«f# Ae#i Is TW tv •*%*««• •«•«© * ssMSSted V 1 (j- r-Tn #V •M# »,«V (tv <—% (V ~ . *\| f s. .■ ~ ii mmrn MujWfrTr-" * nisitn IV #«••*»*■ #sss4 w .. . 4imad tV **■## set •ns •!! ks osd StWi Ml # rt» ■*ian a fhr awltrr weed tVSP . . ._a aw,, «fjwt mmm mmmtfr . . . .||mm# gfff mitsy %i4>i a * u ibfid ****** mt #neat* is*tsdisd A aiI.ITARV 11 NERAL. siraageasesH* Bclag la4e M Bwry Jm May. Jf.,«kk Marti# Mamwca. tit Vise M#d# lo fir# <H»ag ia%#s May. Jr. who dtsd st rmi Thrnss. Ky s sii Msry fsssrsl Bl l! tvsdsy. wh#s the refos-Bt ars r% pf\ * • J to ftttltr h#rr Th# trfdltf * of tho tVftsid sod Third rtjy ~11 ick' me nts who are her# r#~ crutHag at* ag isting tb* naUW and • ill loin la raabs with tbe OoraJ mtli tla and man h with tba body to Ha last rest ng plies it la 1* anted that all ib. mil tan t< mmaada be«* itav* ogclf.ed ibeir wilHngnraa to escort lit n limn, of tb* dead soldi** to lb* Tbe body wRI arrive. H ia IhitibL dnnday ntorn ng and th- laat aad r'.ted will be eoaducttd during tbe alt*r sees. TliYSßwir Mr. Ij#i fldvV* ** OkTts alefc. Mr. 1* r .urey «»f Atlanta la Is tl# • i • f Th© Hr#. Rufv Brow® will iegret to learn nf her lllnesa. There Is mere building gmng t*n In Augusta thin season than uauai. and the contractors are kept l.uay. Mr. F. A. Calhoun la still sick. Hl# friend* hope to soon see him out again. Mr. Henty ittaine* of No. 4 ejiglne company la quite sick and It Is feared that he has appendicitis. Mia* Constance Jones and her sinter. Miss Ells, are hoarding for the sum mer at Mis. Stovall's on the Hill.