The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 05, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 FRIDAY THE IUCUSTI HEMIO mm mm.*. A ... ;9 if , tP I AM i * 26 css[4fc - HIIA! fi 2S*|Slrii- *—* ***** * lw ***"’ m'wtU. »«*© *■* " l * M * !• | —A. Eriri d*— t**Sailiir-‘r' *» *•* **••• »—*•* _ ——— M tba E**— s•*#*• *r .*c-- *. - - *' *- t*m»s <w«m | t Kra ?«•% ***** *" wm*~+rJSL2: •** »«•*** * fc*w» tar »#a»rita« •*• **•* *• **“ * 1 fIMBOAt. rnmm" t* Tkf M«*wb< #*» P” g . t mte *, 4,4 M t**» <4 «XK% *•»*#*»*<«•** *■*«*• _ Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. Hat I > k.* r.4> trill *o*9 * * * • affM <1 »rMM »»* «•» *-*» • ,|„. ttrtit** *« Arw*H L mrnmrnm** Hr—*' Tt** ** *■ K -y ,•*•*£ It < Smml* m 1 «h* #«•*•»*« *•* mtrtmrm Th# t**l MR** *»< K? ffv || m «||.# num d« •»?t n # («y|T |f fnfriptn*r * SlWr ie,** In far pwWWftlw". fear III* t*tm*** **r i4ffntifi<« non. CSn(fitiß*i mu*? f*ofi“fM* rnoif t«t(#f« t* * roiioiitbi*' On»l<Nrt*f»t * **» wrti* •• U(lrfi •• itiry wl#ti for lh f i,-., ~A # «.tfiim’ain* **•» «iit ««itr <*»? rt»* ****** .. . *** ••*•»« »«•«• ,|w *^r ,f l t : »y. voMUpy o**4 »*♦ Krifu trill be •w*r«l*tl f*v ih# bari. I«*«#t lßt**aattß* abd Wi *•« naatMt I.U«r» of Hummer He at* I News. Contest Closes Oct. 1. yOR THE BEST LETTER •** •* FOR THE lt> BEST LETTER ... tt.«* roll THE ID BBHT LETTER.... I S la urn* «f war prof—f* tor peak. Tha ror*l dtatricts contred that corn tread maker tall men. TSa CEriiata promise to muko bakin* athaim d of ItmlL t Schley has dona ttm aquare thing will he roundly cticrprd * Oorhett and Cam bon both wear potn- Aadoara. They “are dancoroua” Poor old Blamairk' He bad an tn- U» of only 1100,000 a yean i The flrrt bale of cotton haa been re taived at progressive Amerlcua \ \ Charleston os a rummer resort ia enough for Editor Carl McKin ley. | ' "Peace In two week*.” What will he tomc. of the quartermarter'a sup plies? . The chaplain of the Oregon eavr taiat big ship whipped Cervera's entire fleet, i i Angus Grorenrteln has been nomina ted as senator from the First dis trict. Saluda county, S. C., Is now two years old. She will soon put on long dresses. If the supply of flags will only hold out, there Is no telling what we will conquer. The gubernatorial race in South Car olina will probably be between Tillman and Watson. Ambassador Hay will have a glass asm if this congratulatory hand-shak ing keeps up. Mayor Price of Macon has been fined for fighting and ex-Se.nator Irby has lwen shot at by a Carolina consta ble. These are stirring lu . , « mmrnm mm.* otto *# f%» MHHM I *m.m*'+i*#* |M m* %*M **» MN* «iw** Mi M |Mi ■*% IMMI in W* t Hi - t f tut in Hn Mh M M M | ftHI lijirt Ml #Mi * * Hi* *P ; f mwi m AMrfiiiMM *%«* *<**#* m MU *M MM* Mid •*•** IM •**• •* |l hum H#H H* M»M w t»* HMH*" 14MH# iMiHHHMMMHn iMH *M*- ’ MMMHMHi' MU h HHHm* iPiHpin* l - Midi i %owm|rHp* (HMHMHi * H*# HHH* MNMi 'HiH • HHMH HiA*# Hi HH » «H>i Hi MNHMf HMMMiH Hi* M*H Mu ImmH INMiH H*HM ! |H#H <(HiHHH(I HI MH MMMMM HMMH <#i HHi HI HM w$ HMtii HH M*** ribs* *w — ll n»am«is« mams am* ***** lbs simmM SMMS*«S* **4 bv MM i •mwsss iemsss* *tm sr‘sb#»mss» las tbs sasmsMm rms s» -•***. ss»4 Bwm iiiiMs**— ** a** **ms sm EM s •» 11'stems e»»s SEM t . IBs Ms ; bssms smsw bs«* s**m sms lm «s*k I »SWS bi"— It— ISSt ll—t E— EEEEMt*S IMs SEs Ems smss mw» tbs* tbs —stpsasml iw**» bmbsss Um(k It tm ! SEMES • SMB**** EeM** ad* i —tvs Is*. I Tbs assess c# it— dm* ess fsdgs Em -1 —VS SES*S s»4 bs —At SEA S*l *S— WHS I -MtiSwtl MHtEbblE EtttV pßMSbs<i SETAtf gteEsd A#4 bEVEsd attg Ha ES'tAS Es IMS PEtMAMAE SEE bs biAE-S Ess bsEfts a! MA bSAfsra •* Hi HMHMH VNI HH •iff'HtH *^**l***‘ j '’ * I •aml gMNMHMMHVjf. fHH t<Ht tH»m ||4 HHHM Mi Mi fwHMMI *tML H»f MMMHHH Mn *V I hlmhl m! tin HmHHl'Hmmmm Hm# hmlmiwrH E» tbs bEtIMS Ernst. EbSE Ik* ETElttw at ems msrt yvs rtvlag fs«B tbs MS bstb.AE • bsllAE Is ME dEty *>’*» —asv ysEfi es bsrstgs b—mss bad f«St AES SU—L Esttlrs At EES ss* «• bsd •A debt. We RmgM tb»* libs Emm I asd ms asttlsd ibsm Uhshr—bssE Hos or ssd psaea esv Is ees rtgbi bssd asd Is oaf left rVbss asd bos or o«r ways wars way* of pisssssiEAss asd Alt war paths Evas peace Ibst tbs tranetae MSUos came Oar bfethreb oss mo Beal Nil of tasty Ufa. tbs sett *Ht»a* a lbs stasis# of sadmstioa sad dsaib. or shriek!a* ta tbo tamlag «iplosion rraelly rasaslsssty. sbss— folly sad roasKllf sUSS TbSE tadesd iba voles lof Ae—ric# was beard. It ess beard I is the dsstb ball of oar gallaat sotdi.-rs I ss they swsrmsd Ik rough lbs rbap- I pars I at flsaUaEa, broke through tbs | t—rhed Eire dtdssksee of tbs rtfisni sr*te m«led the hlockhouses sad shot and I bayoastted la death thrtr crael but dee ! perata toe men It «u beard la deeds I of Individual valor which bars chat tanged the admiration of the sentiment world.'* the aoAto or ciabities Tbs charge made by Councilman Phtnlsy that the coat of administering Iba Board of Charities la out of all pro portion! lo the amount of money nt the disposal of the board ta arall suatalned by ths facts The amount contributed by the city and county to the Board of Charities la about 17.000 a year. Of this sum the paupers who are to reap the benefit get about |E,EOO and the coat of distribu tion la 11,200. That la to say. the cost of dispensing thn charily la more than one-fifth as much as the benfllrlarlea for whom the fund Is Intended receive. It cannot be seriously contended that this expensive administration of the fund Is Just to the taxpayer* and cltlxena. They make their contribu tions for the beprflt of the poor ond not for a eoatly medium of distribution. Aside from the county home for the poor, there are many charities In Au gusta. The Widow*’ Home, the King's Daughters, and many other worthy or ganisations distribute thousand* of dollars to the poor people of Augusta every year. The officers of these Insti tutions gi'gard It as an honor and a privilege to servo In their respective capacities without compensation. While ft Is not to t*e expected that the Board of Charities is to be con ducted on tide generous basis, it seems reasonable to hope- that we could fur nish food, fuel ond clothing to the poor nt an expense for distribution of less than $1,200 a year. Half of this sum goes towards paying a storekeeper. This is a needless ex pense and might well be turned over to the poor. There is but little doubt that arrangements could be made with merchants In Augusta to furnish the Board of Charities with the amount of commodities needed, giving wholesale rates, but serving out the commodities as needed and as asked for by the sec retary of the board. This Is one public institution which should be run at the lowest possible cost. It Is a mockery to maiglain a ftMMMt 4# £%HPHHMI MM MM* HMttHt ***** HIH fIH IHH* MM mm - *HH MPH MHpMHMM* HiMM #H* tMMHKtf Hi Ha* H* *H> I 4M MM* MKMH* *.§*** a-" 5 * Ml AH* *Mipa* o *** i m 4dpi fun II»| --f *EM M * AMI <m «*' *•* MR* * * Ml «H* MMMMM*M Iml MMm mHMNHMIhI 1 mm |mm *## t«ai Hi Im*MMM |H*M fINMH •ttfMHt til mwm%M mHMH *H(IMPHiHM iHM lIHNiMi j «MM* HM** Hi HH •• Hi *MM •HM*. H *• t*MMt HP HH* MHM HIM*H***IM pHHp HmHUMH HI iMM HHHNHI ] HMIHMH* ' HMMft* MM* <*»»»>*« *•** «MH **•*♦ lIIHHHI HI Mt mvHmhh* «h 4 «H •**#* HM MHM MHtf § p*f #*M» Ml AH*— •|mm ift*Hd| WVw • E*P*- : ■ w«* Ht Hh hhh mHmmi li MM* f*HC Ml (H* M**MN*f H MMHM AH IH* ! «m*l|*H*H HHi'M* M*Hf M pMf •*•! Ms «H* I luifi mmml plrt* • •'** M fMIVNH i jM*4 Hi fl**MM"*'* f AMR MW» *MH *•#*•* fa*? 1 itHIMMi ffHaat tfl 4***** In inlm*?H* 1* '*Mi HMi fHif MHfJHti H* MM#* li Mi M AHsf A At rft « df fHilf jgiitai’aTni S rsswM read sad wrM# Eww wa ras 1 ifinl It m+ ifMH tH* MM*M* mR AH* VfrtiVM tat (Hl* ftmilfT Hit* H*tt? INMMI VMif | wIN they ever ass lbs taadd* at a «wi i |«a« sad bow ass tbs p»apl» ba ads- I ~|m( ta vwta as wa wawld bava (barn I row sale** i hay sra as armed battar l at bam*, dowtb Caeottaa mid »se«l ' , hf *» UMHttottoaa of higher alwaiMs i fas s—g asd wsa tar wwssas wbas —ls | g par cast of be* psopla stiasd college | asd Use motarXy of them m» » daoom i last loss Ico Bag Tbs ayatam It wrosg and mwai ba asndlbed " cog roast last* I ■*? Corporal JaE—a T. May, who pa—e-t IIVMI IVM no ymaerday. ta * Ctwrisbaai j boepttal. is Iha firaf Amraaias to give Ms Ilf* to tbs eouso la wblcb tba wss- I If* I* iINPMP*! Tba ostimaty dewtb of ibis exorllest young man la deeply mournrd. but be It mmiroed aa s kau who kw pa>‘l ; the nobteet data of ritiaesehip Hence he gore to hie long reel with the tsars and bened.tUoos of bis t boat* of | friends It was not bl» destiny to dla wbera tha dm of bailie and tha attrring call of the bugle eant tha rich blood bounding ttha lava through the vela*. It *•* not (or him to charge the desperate height and pluch honor from "the net- ! tie, danger.” Ha gave bla life without any of tha inspiring surroundings amidst which aoldlers gladly din Aod yet he was none the less a martyr to tba causa for which he would have gladly taught, and b 1« name dcaervm to stand as high on tha bead-roll of fame, while a mourning multitude of friends who loved him tar tha golden promise of his youlh, the fervor of hla patriotic heart, repeat, with head bow ed low: •'How sleep the bcaae who sink to rest By all their country’s wishes blast.” -No. KvnngeJlne, hors de combat’ Is not the Frenrh tar warhorae,” ob serves Tho Charleston News and Cou rier; “it Is the Spanish of what comes of monkeying with the business end of a war mule" 1 a - jab. Walter Howard of Atlanta, who went to Cuba ns a war correspondent of a New York paper, returned to this country the other day with broken health and a btl of expenses amounting to $33,000. He was In Cuba six weeks. The troops were moved none too soon from Miami. Fla. The living were kept busy firing salutes over the dead. They should be sent to tbe Georgia moun tains. Stale School Commissioner Glenn ia a strong advocate of the Idea of Intro ducing manual training Into the public schools of Georgia. George Clark Musgrave says we have been unfair to our Cuban allies, who were neither cowards nor barbarians. * They do say that Hobson is to be married. Never satisfied until the last desperate experiment has been tried. TH HI A UOCBTA HKKALD SAtausw Em EME EMI dEMMda f M*** Hr* * ■***' jjgjp i* * ***** h-ww** $” d dpsii I | a#,- ta n'Tii f | lEm a wpEMN, ?% w»*m : mm-4 Hi* i j*jf"*iiir > hah mm m 8 ammi mm nmmn* #m* Am*■► • . MHMHIi Mm* HiHH TM*« M M*M HAHM '•sf tT' r * 41 1 *Mfl <ts|M r ? pMMi M*M>»Mi llMft? M*M MM sos (Mi* AM nt Mr»|i H* fH* Pr>ll fMMfll vtaM Hill Mk»h mm Ammimt Am tli* iimmlK of mm k tMfM*4 HMMM* Hi ANHMttM it** iMtiy i orpwit tom* ml Rtt Uim*m Hr mhMUA tM**M#4.. At—aa ba* a rybt ia I— proud «f It— iwbN of Tba Ilanild aa as aPac sms stHwapaper asd Tbe Herald prom lam that (ba aptasdtd t—srt mad shall ba more than masota.sad for lha friars. Our navy and owr aautarn has# won a vast amount t* tarrttury for our ar my aad aoldtma so polka and pacify. It Is sot poaalhla that tha task ras be —iiafbriori 1 y scromplishrd aithout it— bara-ng of a little more powder. It ta tha duty of tha govarsmant. how ever, lo take so chances oa the Amer icas soldiers seat to foreign land*. Them most ha no sacrifice of Ameri can lives no account of bureaurary at Washington. Tha current number of The tjike wood Rr hu. published for the guests of Manager C. J. TrusaSll s two hotels at Lakewood. N. Y.. haa bean received, it says: "Cot. Harry Hall of Augusta, Ga,. brought along with him a few samples of fine peaches from his or riyarii In the Sunny Booth." The Echo ia edited by Mr. W. H. Wallace of Au gusta. The moat Intereating questions of the war ara yet to come, when the United Stales takes the Job of governing Cuba, Porto Rico. Hawaii and tha Philippines. The real task of the American soldiers Is yet before them. If you want the news while it 1s news and wherever It happens, you will find It in The Herald. The cable and the telegraph wires have annihilated dis tance tar the readers of the daily news papers. A physician In Columbia recently bought some of the highest grade pat ent flour and concluded to analyse a sample to Bee what 1t contained. He found therein IX per cent of foreign matter. The queen regent beg* McKinley to rrmeml-r that she is a mother as well as a queen. But our soldier* and sailors have not been fighting for the Span'ish dynasty. Hobson has invited Cervera to be his guest at his Alabama home when this more or lees cruel war is over. •'Whecdet’s cavalry.” There Is magic in the name and It has more than sus tained its historic reputation. If you want to keep posted, read The Herald. Its war service is the best, and will continue so. It Is announced thqt wall paper Is <going up. The chief trouble is that it won’t stay up. San Juan has no doubt been waiting ! to surrender to James. Hamilton Lewis ! m person. • HERALD PRIZE LETTERS ?W1 «*>*”• SHIER RESORTS. Ttf ,|f Mil, ID fat Ifet <hd I si Kit i* Mil HMMM 9M 4H V **if>Hil*. HtaaMMMM MMfHM^h ifte friinHt T>„. it m Hi M«*w*MMaH* AH?Hmn I H# MrM* ’H# Molm*l*hi libw of III* : *»*?.*’ 4 On this «4d ptanlalioa still tlws a ) number of th* aa-atavas <»f this g<»id | man an? with Ih- m are their hlKh-B f uo ja itx> third and fourth getterau-n. ! none of whom have ever known any l other home never having teen lured ! from it by the false prom tees of town for etty life Yeats ago they bought that portion of they land oa which they bow I live and on whteb they have erected neat aßd comfortable houses, and ha vs all other necessary comforts of Ilf* shout them They are proeperoos. fru gal. roatented and happy In snte-hel [ lum days. I have often gone to there j good people’s houses when they would always have something nice to offer persimmon beer and peanut* being the principal refrvabments. and never did host or hostess dispense go-d cheer with more prtd* or guest partake with greater pleasure ftlnre then. I have drank Mum's extra dry Von CUequoi'a tirh and dry." yea. and Unde Gordon s juleps, too, put have never yet found any beverage to equal that persimmon beer, as I now remember It. Many other pleasant memories were awakened by the sight of dear old "Oak Grove.” How often have I. In child hood’s happy days, sauntered through those umbrageous walks and drives, and In the denser, darker shades. In fancy. Been the elves and fairies play! Her*, too. often strolled tbe ' fair girl . of Shiloh's ah.ady grove,” of whose grace and beauty poets sang their sweetest songs. Thai girl la a staid and gentle matron nos, the center of a charming household, where “Joy Is du ty and love is law.’’ Arrived at the springs, a reference to our watches showed that we had been just one hour and fifty minutes on 'the road, snd not a single touch of the whip nor even an urging word to our horses. Weil done, noble sorrels! Well done, skilful driver! At the hotel we were met by young Mr. Storey—son of the proprietress— who gave us a cordial welcome, and showed us ail needed attention. After a plunge In the capacious pool of delight fully cool and limpid water, and a change of our clothing, we were decid edly refreshed and ready for supper; ami tho sound of the gong a few min utes later fell, Hhe sweet music, upon [ our expectant ears. And such a supper! ' the most fastidious epicure could have found no fault, and Garcla’a army might have been satisfied. And such appetites! The man ond the occasion met. We had given no notice of our vis it. but it did seem Is If Mrs. Storey bad been warned of our coming. Riding driving, music, dancing and cards are the leading pastimes here, though the disciples of Isaac Walton can gratify their piscatorial taste, as Little river is within easy reach, and good fishing can generally be hajj In the stream. I will not say what our catch was the day we tried it, as a fisherman's story is taken "cum grano sails” by the majority of men. and T would not like any doubt expressed in regard to accuracy. I went as much to see the old mill at Raysville as to fish, but when we reached the spot where I had not been since I was In knee pants. I found a fine site for a dam, but no mill by a dam site. I cannot say that I shed any tears of sadness when. I saw that old Rous seau school-house had been raxed to the ground. It was here that I, with many THIS IS IT hSS6h4k HMHI ImMm* f 'Sp^' POR EARLY FALL ■ i MS ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju«t A riv Ed. DORRS Tutorinf. Hatt, i i ! i JSsnL 4 M 2 viril | Help Far Herd Worker*. It * bard stark «srk ta M— •uaarnrr. kraryt-'dr Asia a dlatacdaa lim to work—-a kiad of pat l Asitad v uura iHb a Mttla h—p- a tat— fsnwatten. 1 bras'* aa hsu*r Spring a—l to* (ban Dur baa K*n*|adllt Kvarytwdjr »—bl to iak* it, whatbrr tb*y la— that tin mad w or sat. BotUa ftbCu—tbraa tot M 30. Baby Food*. Th« bmt of th*m can ba bail from tta. We have U*em fmh freon intirt*. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda- Doarn* of doUgbtfol drinks at Mr Fountain. Tkkata U fur M> coal* —36 fur li.ttt mu Usual, , . ail turn j Ml Cat-bag*, I—at— and all Ha*da lor sowing »ow. bond fur cats : logua. Frw. ileiasderDm&SeedCo. -M BROAD HT. AOGUHTA, GEORGIA. TO ZEtEHSTT. j From October Ist, D»*. th* promises at present occupied by th* Irish-Amer ioan Dime Having* Hank at 817 Broad : street. Centrally located and well adap ted for meat any kind of tugilnes*. Apply to P. M. Mulherin, Sccrctafy , and Treasurer, 817 Broad St, PORTNEE’S HOFBRAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers are the best ask for them. other boys-and girls, too,-of Columbia county, first took homeopathic sips of learning and were given aleopathic dos es of the rod. Those were the days when book and birch went hand in hand: but I rejoice to know that tha! method of teaching Is being rapidly eliminated from our schools; ami it is now found better to stimulate the pride than to irritate the hide. Bach of our trio has gained an aver age of half a pound a day since we came, and our appetites continue and the supplies hold out wonderfully. 11. W. G. AUGUST ft BLAND'S IRON PILLS THC GREAT TONIC IHkEdPIEPMPPriBMPpnaHM* M CtP#CH|*|f fiat i>mm»hda4 { to* IldiQta c«.»r-j.*Eatc»« <s*«s i p paupS* W<lt rtipcOvs I {Kg gMdWt aml *n*Ul , sltanf th and Itmd Ip lha ! —ail >f e ay atom. 1 hay wf w j utad by fl* fifty p**. »*rvE A 9 • I dEftrifE* Ukik , Whan lakan ifkfO IN ; slort-.ach tlv—ww |>i ta p* «>- dues for rows cE r t»<„rtdtw A ! tmm of ico* wtdeft Ia imw ! EA»)ty EES rv> a'l il t>Jf IN ', s tyalpiß and IA tM bail J lOrilr fOf pmmH Of PA** i OEOfilE Of IhOM ErfiO Alf* ’ f Ef front arrofukHJi A? * 1 far? lona of , tty citEOAA# of jt He b*ood At •? luppltan to »t thAt Eld man) whk h ttVE dtadMlMKf roodi t loot I fttSfe CAtE HI Wlbtifl|. 100 Put* -100 dot— for 90 cArit*. L L Cardelle. Druggist. Tbe Augusta Herald jrpH BrlilW iH tb Bel BehHlk f rtlaW ii Ttn Stfin. , - QIirKEUT TF.I.F.GK tm IUK XKWft OF TIIR WORLD WUII.r IT f* SKA'S. is to i« nor us aiikad or* OTItr.R r.KORGIA AND Mil TH CAROLINA . FAPKRS. | 0-1 TEH 11LL COMUCE TClf PROF. P.M. WHITMAN, 209 7lh St.. AqrosU, fii. GIVES FREE EYE TESTS ter .11 detect* a* tight. |Hn4a Ump prt>)»t ! ■»»•■ Md W4IU KANT* th*m I.en&e* cut into four f rrr** while you vail FREE OF CHARGE. SPAIN IS DEFEATED. Again have the boy* who wear the blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant ed the Star* and Stripe* on foreign soil, and again haa F. U. Merlin* de feated high prteea. Look at thl*: »c. Necktie* l»v. TSc. and II Shirt* SOc. 60c. Su»|>endera ............ ISc. 00 Trouser* 16.00 A full line of celluloid collar* and cuff* Just received. F. O. Martin*, lit Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. tOMMIfrBION UKKCHANTS. 803 Fejßolds st=-TelcDlioiie J sfew.n* I male leaned W ire* Kiiect to Kew York Chicago *nd Naw Or lean*. Orders executed over our wire# for Cotton. Stock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. vial on* fur cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agenclea. HONEY TO LOU In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiancier&Jolmson Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St