The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Image 3

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MONDAY THE HERALD'S Win NEWS. IffMi lIMMUp •I »M •« &•#» iMt n ii» *#*• •M r*f*iw iim4 it lit INfMltg / hf»^ •MMwwIiMR Wmh MmatHW ft— •*HP*t >p*p») MBaa Ml awgwxa If Mnw« m mtm TTTitr-1 ami* «••»*• *fc fNfUMHf «M 4 1»1» ft f(#B p&Ptt# Ht - tit •Ip «fs •'* r . -4l> fuff iiwiM |P pffttl l.niH>l 4991 ♦*#!#♦ 4#'#* **-*4 *4 tft» a# '*# (r ** f~Hii nn *4l 44993# . «t* *fHk ll* *MM *>-** **4 INK IHM** I iMpC «p «*#!* •*< *H* •*#*#*# 4MRft49Mt «•*# t* 19# •*♦ •*** 9N4 W 19 |««iai« C%#w49rft* I* ##• «#*•« «| »*••_ |mp ***• * , €4#9 i fM - ***—* •*•"**’• -I W«Sf*M'l 9#4*ft* t « m l* , i *•#»** • •**'l# *|mm tip %r»* t ups* *4l ** ** #■## ##ft • ift *t * ft * I’** f#*ft *W» **• »**“ IMIM ift* *f|p> IMW I*l** §*“** ’* tin Tfcutwftfty Cfcr#®*#*# pn*** it# **4 p*** **f * n,< *!L~T *** hi!!* (4f«t* m t%t dll IpnwNtJM. w ffti mSm —« —» ,M * rT> " ltr HeRALP WAR !WWA / afternoon rAPitn WATCH TMB DAT®*. _ __ - ArrfpU Ann * **i” r nr * " r mtr f**«* f*r«»pn**t*- AUK |. Au*mH*» P 1 **** 1 July Ift. —Am-*r»r* Air A* A|UiUt 4®* tirrty c ut <>( tbt Wrtt Indtc* July ».—Tb* P»*t ®f Po» r » Mo* r *‘ pit ul* I*4. _ 7ufjr H.-»nfin m**> l» muuny Jul 7 * -Ulie* l*na. *n*r * ft«ht 77T 2ft *n«»o U m*m*nt - flpilA fttl#» I®* |*>ft##- July 21. —Sftntlafto »tai% l®lf- July » -M”•# has OrtWed at P"«" to Rk-o- July ».-Pplend# v.r.ory .1 Nlpe bay. - ' j uly 21 -Oarrla Withdraw*. July i*. —Bhaftor In a fi*« fi* ht •< July H.-MU** *>« f« rorto R ' co - ( Julv IS —Term* Of Oeneral Ti'ral * aurrindlr. Madrid goternment y*.d. and aurrendor romplotc. " I<llv ,1 _(tnanirh army at Santiago eurren-Vr* to the American*. Prov ,nf.r Hantlago ondar the .tars and Ktrlne- America to transport the gpanuh tro..|« bgrfc to Spain. July 13.—T' How Jack broken out amons troop*. July 13.—“ Irene" Incident at Ma* nlla. July 4—First official telegram from Sampson. July 4.—Simultaneous printing of Orvera’B deah and capture by Amer icans. July 2. —Resumption of lighting at Santiago. July I.—First report of Shatter an nouncing opening of Santiago engage ment. TEACHERS CHOSEN. Important Meeting of the Schoo Trustees of the 121st. Special to The Herald. Hephzibah, Ga., Aug. B.—Visitors in the village: Rev. J. H. Carpenter of Atlanta: Dr. J. B- Wright and family and Messrs. J. C .Whiteford, J. R. Ac ton. C. M. Dreger and W. C. Turner, | of Augusta. . _ , I were the usual Sabbath school exercises in the church yesterday. K-v. J. W. R. Jenkins preached in the Baptist church in the morning and Rev J. H. Carpenter of Atlanta preached at night. The music was very Rev. R. B. Seals is conducting a se ries of meeting at Rocky Creek. Rev F D. Cantrell will begin a sc ries of meetings in Brothersville M E. church next Sunday. He will be as fcieted by Rev. Mr. Spencer. .. The Greatest good to the Greatest Number! bankfupu afm» ny h*4 P»#ir *n i.rd J? ti intnrf*f** with th* uvM*t b*rh4roua mlurut# 01 bynHwi !n Audi >OO *** Wr ro civin* routine ohj#ct lmon» *v*ry day In th*t* d*n«Mful acknowledgment of th* b**yftt>Of ot numbor * fi t effort that w* cut too** H«r* to „r, u i # « at our dovotion to (hi prlnclp •of th* gr—t—t *ooct to ln« *r«**t«M 11 mmuw. ** • " nw * w ’ 7 mwre* »o* 14 hours Mead about some o» the value, that are i.tepamd tor you. |MO 4A4 HAAV m WPIPO* Ji!P *w’ “ •* ™ AM* MAH PA *i Mil*!* l**4»rMPl| *W #▼ APt- • •1,74 ,f* 4 M M Vftff •iff l ' **%f*’* **f 1 * wyl *MA r*M4 ****▼ 7*M "«"* *"* * ( HH- fMAMiM •••*•■*♦«* Aim €.%•*'*!• A tTAP**-.- [rffn - » mm • I .SO • 1.29 . a*■**»» • M - uit amm» r%yf a'yjjtP*-* %■ rw*ii*ri VtfNl i%n <ilt HIM M Mk. M** AHM MM> **H* An *ir of unusual inducements wll pervsde our stores during this grest Sale. n;*#* 0 rknn Pn TWO 834 Broad Street. Name Across Sidewalk TWO HICB & U bODDOr oDOB uO., STORES 722 Broad Strata opposite Monument STORES - “ .“H Alls T.-4if*ii Ho*» t*» P* I4*y»la* | Aug. l.—KdnurvfU'f prwtf*t. July P -Prrsilrßt rrptiw to »p*»® I July M. —The Port of l*oWf surrm* I Juty *> —Fifth IMlnola dt*ltf*art*»iir4 July 27. —TI <k*p# under Oeneml Mile* July 27 Spain at:** f«»r peace. July 2*.—Cuban* aUtrvtn*. July 24 —Owners! MUen expenition has reached P«rio Hico. July 24. —Great work of Topeka *1 Xipo. ; July 22.—Oarda withdraw* hi* force* |to the hill*. I July 19.—Troop* embark. Mile* off Porto Rico. I July 17.—Terms of surrender have tiec-n completed. i ' July 15. Stsr* and strlpfs over San tiago. General Toral announce* accep tance of term* of surrender. I niled .States will send troop* home. ! July H.—Yellow fever at Santiago. July It.—"lrene" Incident at Manila. j u ly 4, —Simultaneous printing o. Oivera's dash and capture by Amer ican*. juiy 3.— Resumption of fighting at Santiago. July 2. —In Chronicle next day. At a meeting of tl.e school trustees for the 121st district held near Blythe Saturday the following named teachers wer • elected to serve for toe ensuing year: White —Blythe —Miss Clara Seago, Brandon —Miss Mamie Brandon: Wea thersbee —Miss Kate Wicker; Byn Miss Maggie Littleton; King Spring- Miss May Trow bride; Henderson—Miss i Fan is Palmer ; Hoods—Miss Emma | Foss and Miss Josie Turner; Arrington \ —Miss Mamie Littleton: McNair—Miss Clara Fo-s: Phillips to he supplied. : Colored— Brandon —Mifflin Browning : Nebo— Maroto Ryan: Covenant— Cyn ! thia Wilkinson; Jones Chapel—Savan nah Warren; Little Rock—Vic Wash ington. Why is it that a weak woman pos sesses abnormal strength when it comes to getting the best of man? Chicago News. ........ i vwcNrir* i iskp o*. |ft4 Ho* bet**Mt*tl (**•• Hi !M—f I —. i , a __ __ * ak. ..|A t*a* sm■ r *<r%.sfnl THE QUBEH SEPT. Mgalnf the P—• Term* ky Her hperial IO The H«*M Madrid. Ang t The *— *P pr «.d the reply t» Anertr* after a ! on* roanrll with the m n.sier* and hhe leaders of (be political part lee Kmwrro Robledo ashed permi-.ioa to speak pta aly. This was gran’ed He told the queen the peace propoeed by th# (*rm« of th# American mMiu<ai wa<* daaimrous to th# monarchy. The qu*#a sra* visibly iffirtH, hot Sacs* ta. Campos. Daks T«-uan S Itrrla and Pnox) Riser* pr##«#d h#r to nrr#pt th# inevitable. She then t.ffaed the ap proval. steep,nr BD..NED BY POWDER. Hr. Robert Andrew* Hurt by Blank Cartridge. Mr. Robert Andrew*, arbo work* for the Postal Telegraph company, bad (be misfortune to have bis face burned to a e ight extent by the powder In a black cartridge. Mr. Andrews was onr of the o%le t herpes that escorted the remains of Corporal May to the grave. After lhe regular fliteral ceremonies, Capt. Renkl gave the order for the sa lute over the grave, a* la the custom in all military burials. Half of the soldier* were standing on one »ldt of the grave and htilf on the othir. Both raised their gun* at the command and fired a volley. However, cue of the men did not elevate hi* piece enough and the discharge of powder burned Mr. Andrew* In the face. Hl* eye*, fortunately, were not injured and only a fi <v powder mark* made on the flesh, which will wear off In a few days. TYPICAL MONDAY SESSION. Offenders (lalore at the Court of the Recorder. The recorder's court session was long drawn out today and the offnnd ors were tlierr galore. The offenders t,nd fines were a* follows: Krnfsl Wimberly. s2.f>o. Clarence John non, sl. John Ramb. sl. l)iel*. William*, *5. Alice Files, $3.50 Ella Huff, $lO. Hattie Johnson, $2. George Van, $3.50. Joe Marshal, $2. Kent Galloway, $2.50. .Yancey Donn, $2.50. John Holley, $2.50. Gus Hill, $2.50 Sevcial cases were dismiss'd. An Old Confed. "Judge, I’m an old Confederate sol dier and my two eons have gone to war. This is my first offense; pray be light with me,” was the way Mr. R. G. Holley pleaded his case before Judge Baxter today. He was at. court on an eighteenth section diarge. Judge Bax ter took into consideration that it was Mr. Holly’s first offense and dismissed him. John S. Polona Dead. Asheville, N. C., Aug. 8. Brigadier John S. Poland died here today, of fe ver contracted at Chickamauga. Ihe remains were taken to his home in New York state. _ _ .... THJC ATSOT3BTA M Jt.It Jk.UD SPANISH REPLY ON THE CABLE. h b \>< •• Wilt Yrm hik it am m i« »*Mu*|t*a !M« A Hr f*l»o*, y |t>f | (4 •Unit* M •ema <4 tb* tla*t*4 Male*, whub w*r* lulu uwrnttr t*IM to Waabtagt«b- JlirtPED THE TRACK. Fatal RnaHt of aa AicMaat Tbia Twalni Caat<Ul. Mas*.. Aug * -Three n>»* w+tm hiiM hw4 a nomivr nf mall . i —b t mr\ fifyly ||i|SM *1 al I'snloS rto! from NVw Turk to Itusiua lump* DAN LAriONT. Hi* Private Car Swmbed la an Ac. (Meat. Seattle Wash.. Aug. X.— Nets* baa beea rereivedi that the private car of Daniel lam* o> vtee prealdent of the Northern Parlfir nllnad, wa* badly wrecked on the Beattie and Interna tional road fifty mile* from tfi'a elty Fortunately no one wa* hurt. While the pateengcr train to which the ear was stashed was standing on a trestle sixty* fret high It was run Into from the rear by a freight. The engineer of the freight had reversed and the force of the collision wn* not sufficient to throw the passenger train off the track. Mr. !<r>mont nnd the occupants took refuge In the former car*. IN THE MOSI'll M The Soldier I’atlent* Now at San Francisco. San Francisco, Aug. 8. — There are now 282 patients in the divisional hos* pital at Presidio. Of the last twelve pa tients brought In seven have the meas les, three from the Seventh eavalry, two from the Fifty-first lowa, one from the Flrat Tennessee and one from the First Oregon recruits. The most se rious rase In the divisional hospital Is that of First Sergesnt Wesley Kimber ly, of the Firnt Tennessse, who has spinal meningitis and is not expected to live. ON TO MANILLA. There Will Soon Be Mustering Out of Volunterrs. San Francisco, Aug. 8. The big transports Soodla and Arizona may »ail for the Pblllplpnes by the end of the week if not before. There la the growing belief that they may not carry so many men as at first Intended and that the beginning of the peace nego tiations m an the mustering out of the troops remaining at Camp Merritt and Presidio. Merritt now has with him in or on the way to Manila 15,000 men. DOl.’T. Don’t wear clothing loud enough to atttract a crowd. Dont he afraid to use good advice for fear of spoiling it. Don’t try to stop a bicycle by pull ing back on tire handlebars. Don't take any stock In the man whose capital consists of wind. Don’t bother about taking aim If you want to phoot the chutes of oblivion. Don't forget that an ounce of silence Is better lhan a pound of explanation. Don’t refer’ to a spinster as one of your oldest customers IT you want to re tain her trade.— Chicago News. MOHRMAN’S corner for rent or lease. STORE 30X100. APPLY TO J. H. MOHRMAN. 7ft FtNTH ttl*»»xt TAM (sn*T WAAT *«4rT«tAA AM*** UMI s*«* ADbrtrfl m«CS. W» »** *WfTW W f»|t¥ »*rNH« l’C*4H 9ft I oft CENTB . ttttjvftg* * TAM dntf AMI* MLAPM MAH fftttAT aUrtTM «*fc* * frt H TW* AMmV* TH*** M *,! tmm-ATT»R «r WHAT YHM urw<«l*l AMM MtHATM TBSt *MM YMMf • I.4ft - -- —.-. I a -bur m- 'qy- a ATw* Ay AMa |AI |>flf *«#'•* IDri aTM JH2 AHHB* twt murpT 9 TUT ft Tftfff **t*h m ” «siii j#« FHHf AHH «»«*» WHAMHHH HHI» %*HHIf FFIMFH PIHIBH. U *»# • • i.oo m-M MnTM MAOBI AT TMM AMrtTM rtOl'M* AMM AM MJP AM A MrtTK AMI» PAMT MM MHAT. •Hl't HHH Tit HU TH!’ WEATHER. Ibw«H«b| tww*«W. FaMawqH My Ibraw* tan My. tw«« (Mt. Hub day, tu A. IMA CMHn# li*nftl#4| 14 fMlftlf# 4*»**f4* lH#iki*44i liliyluror N« lit! | IWphml Pm K tHWfT. HiH>| I p M , t>’**li>i‘m fwNftft M 209 l r»ro* 1i49 Ms. tNftM t»| Ifttt#4*944 rio«4!*em I Wft*l»l44tC«4 fm Orontft Tlir#4tr4i4f ###llMNr tcSSMtiM. fttUo*f4 t»7 ftHow#vft Twtm4#v 14N4l f>rtr*9 Hr An|t#!« 444 vWft* Li v Thrr*l*lh)| tf*ih#r IcmMeM* Mk «vr4 Pf •hamvt* Tumtar Maiianw iE»ppr*( *r» 19 t%e rivet ai • a. a*, wa# Ml f«H. ■ fall nf FT M la past 21 hours. Hl»< «r#r« Ht lilt rest to® Mt, •1449 Rn4<feft7 mttr 4rt«»€«|ftill7 ***** ••rd to Ik# Mlirtt lIH tf9 0«! f IfMatr* wilt* cicr—lcwiftUy k#4ty fait® In Trui. UviMßfl »od MliilmliH; •*»«>* tr» aim pr#v»ll#d ibwii it»# lotrr tikr*. If Shi* (h# un#r Atlimllr nmrf »n«l ovrr t*ir rrairftl wrdrn iiatiit. %feillt <t»# •moi 4t of ulßfiil at Tampft durioft L|i. |him| *pf*k rtarhrd 950 iftrfi ** IC\«r» njrlv root ivmthfr rovrn Ihr rortt»»rM fountry this murnlil. wtß’Vf tk# tk**rmo4i**t#f Ift In tk# flfti##. but «.v#r ib(* Atlftotle Miitr* thry rim wrtl up loto tb# •#v#ntl## and ulonii Ik# loi* m«-d!ftl# town from Wft*htnirt(Hi to Jftrkftoaviti* •• blub is li nct#d. Tk# ftlf prrwiifr Ift hl|hrit ov#r tb# northmrftt im«l low#st ov#r tk# lover Ink# r*ftion. Th# presatir# Is alfto klffti nlooir th# south Atlantl# #oa*t. BAD HOLE! IN HRIIMIE. Repairs Should Be Made on W est End Canal Bridge. A diMtgrroua hole In the flooring of lbs West End canal brldgr ha* been reported at police station by Officer Murpbey, From what can b" learned thr brldgr flooring la worn badly and should be repaired at once. Much complaint la being made abcut It. If a horse or per son crossing the bridge should slip into the hole, they would suffer quite an In jury without a doubt. A bit of repairing done now to the structure may save a case against the city. SHOT AT A THIEF. Officer Murpbey Fired Three Time* at a Burglar. Some thief tried to enter Miller and Nlxi n’s warehouse last night. During the wee *ma’ hours, Police Officer Murphey detected a man trying to moke an entrance to the building. The officer then attempted to slip up on the thief, but the latter caught on to the cop’s proximity and made off. The officer fired three shots at the retreat ing figure, but the bullet* did nol have the desired effect, the man escaping in the darkness. It Is thought he «vas a negro. Baseball at Vaucluse. Special to The Herald. Vaucluse, S. C., Aug. B.—The W. K. H. baseball team, from Augusta, coin posed of boys between the ages of 14 and 16, came over to thiß town last Sat urday afternoon and played the V. A. L. team of this town. The game was hotly contested through every Inning, and resulted In a tie at the end of the ninth Inning, it being then too dark to play further. The score was 13 to 13 The battery for the Augusta boys was Eddie Ron* and Kelly Starnes, f..r Vaucluse, Willie Coott und John Wil liams. C A STO XT. X A - Bears tbo Hie Kind You Have Always Bought B *r : TOWNS (JIVE UP. Three Other Towns Surrender to the Americans. Special to The Herald. Off'San Juan, Aug. 8. On the sth, Fajardo and two other towns in north western Porto Rico surrendered to the marines. Ebers, the Author, Dead Dondon, Aug. B.—George Ebers, the author, is dead. INASOCIALWAY li licit. AA hcdcr's Dauth' *r. "I haven't seen anything la year*." I *gy* a woman who an* dnnAi in Tam j pa. Jtun before Ike troops left to open 'the Hunt .ago campaign, to a Washing* > ton Pont reporter, "that wa* so pretty S aa the great friendship between Oener ,.t Wheeler and hi* el’Vst daughter. • They are more like comrades than fa ther and •laughter, and neither aeems ' <|nlt* hapr 1 ’ with the other out of *tgbt. Mttn Wheeler accompanied her father : whenever poa* ble and waa often to be seen riding with him about Tamps and the ramp She waa ready to go at a moment’s notice and several fltne* I noticed her riding along contentedly I wearing a muslin froch and riding sideways on a man’* aaddle. She ' wanted to go to the front »« a nurae in order to be near her father, and I ; think she would have been perfecly happy If she could have ridden with | him In the fight.” Music at At. James. | Mr. R. A. Brand’s pleasing voice wa* heard to good advantage yesterday training at St.*. In Nevln's Hills of God. This choir Is, during the nb sonce of Mr. Waison. under the able 'direction of Augusta's prominent so prano and organist, Mrs. N L. Willett, who Is assisted by Miss Mamie Saxon. Mr. Brand and oLber of her pu pill. Miss Cora Tarver is in Saluda. Miss Eva Mashliurn is In Elberton. Mrs. M. D. Walsh Is in Charles ton. ,Mlss Mattie Swindell is in Greens boro. Miss Pauline Austin Is visiting In Savannah. Mias Celeste Allen has returned from Grovctown. Miss Joeela Summers leaves today for Atlanta. Miss May Wilkinson hac returned from Macon. Miss Ruth Howard is visiting friends In Knoxville. Miss Louise Howard has returned from Atlanta. Mrs. DfiVeya Cohen is visiting rela tives in Sparta. Miss Ethel Parks Is visiting friends in Spartanburg. Miss Janie Timberlake Is visiting friends in Atlanta. Mr. C. J. Bayne has gone on an ex tended western Pour. .Miss Dedie Carrol! ha 3 returned from a visit to Kirkwood. Rev. and Mrs. Hunter Davidson left today for Henderson. Miss Katie Dodge has returned from a visit to Beaeb Island. Mrs. Frank Butt and Miss Butt are summering in Gainesville. Mr. James Taylor leaves th.s week for Saluda and Hot Springs. > AUGUST 4 |nf| was pwavlMW Midi la lAa yaawMawM. *i mm* »’*4<l mt •Ma a(*4ef **•» *V i ftswk Mra I, B IovMM Ma urtHfM* fXMi a v >s t» ft«*4< m Moauna Mr* C. N Hart aad Mm Asm Malt ara ui iim ltV*4a ta Mara* Mr ami klc* toasts Watkav tktley ba*a raurtsd from AaAlvilla Ml*a ftuy Baity haa rvtfrtad from a v alt lo retailer* ta Baity. B. C. Ml** Julia yilvh. who hi «i#n4iag the aMaer la Europe It ns m Par (b Mr* T. K Bra«t and Mrs. ICbaa Dnugfcly are at Mrs. Btuaail #, oa tfca j Hill. Mr*. Charley Howard and Mr Ganr«e Howard are viaiuag rrtal Iva* la North Georgia. MiM Jessie Wall and Mia* Maud : Gilbert are attending a house party la , Bordeaux. 8 C. Mr*. Henry Cohen and Master Rod J Cohen re’nrned last night from Built -1 van’s Island. Mlm Pearl Swindell ha* returned to i Tennessee after a visit to her aalar. Mr*. David Shaver. Mrs and Mias Vaughan and Mr. and Mr*. Dan Vaughan will cave this weau for" North Carolina. Mi* Piaatoa Brook* Tobin and chil dren hkv# gone U» Parkersburg, W. Va., for tho summer. Mlsa Marie Allen will leave this week for Fiat Rock. N. C.. where abe will join friends from Kentucky. Mr. nnA Mm. Porter Fleming, who have been summering at Bath, leave tbia week for the North Carolina mountains. Mis* Hattie Fargo Butler and Mian ModeJle Burrows will go denrn lo Bath this afternoon, as the guests of Mrs. George Fat go. Mra James Gardner. Miss Mattie Gardner, Mrs. Arthur Grabowskl, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller are among the Augustan* at Battery Park. A Feminine Anomntly. There Is an anomaly In town, an anomaly whlrh should receive an ova tion as a relic of times long past. The anomaly is a very pretty young woman who proclaims openly that she is an old maid aunt. It is a long time since an old maid uunt hßs been outside of a story book. But this young woman seems to'flll all the requirements, ex cept that she is not still mourning a gallant lover lost In the civil war she is not old enough for that she Is not mourning nny long-lost lover at all, and she has not (he preternatural ly meek and subdued though cheerful spirit with which the literature old maid aunt is usually endowed. The young woman modern old maid aunt happens to have older brothers and sisters who have families and who do not live In their native town. They have the usual ups and downs inci dent to fondly life, whooping cough or measles, the papa or mamma ill or go ing away, and always sewing to do for the babies. So the old maid aunt 1s sent for upon any and nil of these oc casions. “Really, ’’ she said last week, relax ing for a few moments from the dlg niiy of being housekeeper for Brother John. "I don't mean to imply that I am eo very good, but I don’t like to -sew for myself and I do like to sew for oth er people. Why T took two of the ba by’s old dresses today and made one good one out of them. I have trav eled all over the country after my rel atives and really 1 have had an awfully good time out of it.” Exchange. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, cell on me. I can save you money. Lew is .T. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. Why docs the average son think he knows more than his father?