The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 08, 1898, Image 6

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MONDAY THE iOCOSU OF LONG. LONG AGO •»•» 9Lhmw fNp »*•»*►* * • trl)|t . gpgg Ir ,n •»*#' §•— **#• *» ix* •>*»♦ »aja '«»-'Hi« *.*# ■ —a**— Hip •w| #*** <H #**» *-**« 1 * iUJ 1 ** 1 *—« *•* W—V* M*H ***• *» ‘■PC* Thatch wr ' »»*t w* * *—** §*mmm iffunw wtNKdfcw** 04 itHMMI *** •*#* it Ttfctr ■■* * *%*o •’•** . Smmh • —* Bi» *jp m** *» •+ •** it»«Mi», .... i.r»it~- ~ Ip *h %ppp a* **** IT- - m am K»e* mm* »*• •**»«•» ftm «* t*» mi th. «*"*» «HH|"ilH fn:l •**• hs*d *M !"••«•« V mmm iMHItoMI ka— •»* MMM«| MM>Hp«*p4 MH *■»«• l>W» «* IHMf ••* —B# IIM, »h* ***** *“ •HBiot *ln»4 OH *•» Hot **• IMIMt am HwvOHtv The* • *a*# «• «•••« fuse* to* •'« |ppm»Ai? I*o >im i.. jrrin-T -~~r •** ni **4 —a || w«fa srntritrtu-tl *»!**» at- Imim ••• *!»*• Mi th* **MoH a* th* ' rat a—t a* th» —»*•*•»* ***»»•%. ,4 In <•* mtmrn HI Ik* arte *f (*•*"*: tk* min ii r a# (M< #*!«** r«4i**< with Ik* MUM*' a# IMH**| th»ar »i**» *•* m r *w#l|H M UkuHWtf f f* nim t—d t* »»*•*• i»* *4m**«’ 1 “« *4 Ikt-r —-dh#t mmmmtf ********** H» pmirr— *# Ik* *4hMI »*kk had *(ik*kl<o k*k had #9— *»«*" * M |srg** gsars sad Sgfeadtag >*• deck »**** »**» >k* HIM* Hr Ik* ami, —MI • *•«*• «•«*■** prn' *akp| tfca «k*M> wail »ii».4**p -pi„ ( ma* in *l** Him* *kM#pf i«a wkir txtd *f Ik* «k#r*m*k* l M marm. aad H r*k«le*d hut * ••« tkmr part l» aa* ifcal rkaiaa »«• kr'nc rapkkv f*rg*4 »l»k »k*fk l» M- Mr iMf tn* a*ani* A koliaa, k*i ■* aarHMßpn* Ml *1 H*M drlamnlMllaa, ariar-l fcH4 «f Ik* p*«al* •**■' Ikr-U*". Ik* HIM ail Ik* nwatry kr- Inarn Ihi oitaoiaka aa4 Ik* MunwH rrt — ■»- m iki * Irian y <«f Awn**'*. ta.r* waa k*ar6 Ml Mt vat**. aa4 Ikai vote# art*4, UMni!" "Ukr»iy! I aH> I rgialalkta. Daorcu aaa aat ik*a nwonif *1 la th< malta«ni*l cwnarraa. **l k** *kll 4rra pari* k >4 Ik- Imtliaga that anl aaatml Ik* hoaama >4 all. Tk* aa*a»..«p «» Ik* MaWaiur* **r» h*HI ai Havanaak la ITT* that rll» l*u laia tka *aamr • haa<»a aa«l Auauaia karam* tka aaal of aovrram*at. Aflir Ik# i*4«flln» nt H*«ami*h Coin***l CamphrU was «r4*rml hy •>*•>- rial Wri-at l*» **• r 1 k ®k Aaaoala. *ri hartrn lb* amMHhllahruaßi of 'hla «•*- alya aad to lha Van Ikai II Mlaki pn»* aarroaaful lb# *H4ak of'kaalh <Tkr..|l n« «ara a«ur*4 Hut. ir Ikay HokW in turrtriti niii' hat |.,ia him at Ikte pomi. lb* «arr»aoa nxiM ••* aaally raplurrl ami lb* wbol* Houih fraad at on r rom thr paatllanUal lni»*kua#f awipbltrana. Th«»- mlmral.l* rartoaala 414 aaaam'rl* «ai Broad rlvor and lh*|g marched to «ard Bavannak. B4>|>ril|#t(ilta(r avrry ptre* of pr.i('*rly-ta lhale oa n tine, alni atnit Ike lahakliaaia and pallln* the award to *ti*'h of *kem aa dar**d to i-i --claim again*! Ikelr cruel and cowardly ec4tdti<t. illith# 39th <r»f January. Ctinptoul nr etiplrd Autrunts. Poyd ®t Ninety* Hit, an t ngninM him ihf* American* «‘l v.ittf** ri Thr itK'CMa which crowned thW ttmjtiteuvrr Induced UtOrrii Lincoln, «omnia tiding the ftnuthem army, to at- < tempt the eapulalon of the Hrltlah from the Interior. ! He farmed an encampment at rtlaclt j, nearly opposite Augusta. white, email bodies of militia were poetnl •lona the rtvrr hank above the town. Observing these Imposing preparations. Colonel Campbell hastened to abandon Me poaltkm. and retreated to Savan nah. Shortly after the defeat of the Amer ican General Ashe by Pr- voat. royal yo«er havlna liecit Anally re-establish ed In South Carolina und Georgia, lieu tenant Colonel Hrown occupied Augus ta with a strung force. Itrown had heetl I born here and had Buffered not a little at the handa of the aealoue V\ liliip. Havlna got them In hie power, he ea gerly availed hlmaelf of the poaltlon he had to wreak vengeance on hla de* apollcra. Ht* was a reign of terron. Fort Cornwalis. Hla defence conalatad of a strong fort on the north and west site of the town on the bank about on- hundred yards from the river. This was Fort Corn wallis. It occupied the grounds imme diately In the rear of the St. Paul Kpla eopal church. At hair a mile west of Fort Cornwallis was a swampy ravine extending up from the river, with a stream running through It. On the western margin of this lagoon, between the upper market and the river, was n small works, called Fort Grierson, In honor of the militia colonel who com manded Its garrison. Almut the Ist of September Colonel Clarke of Wllties county and Lieutenant Colonel McCall bethought them of recapturing Augus tn. For thin purpose they proceeded to raise a body of troops. With about 430 men they commenced their march against the town. McCall commanded the right, Taylor the left and Clarke the centre. At Hawk’s rreek, Taylor encountered a body of Indians, who, after a slight skirmish, retreated to wards the town. Taylor pusued them rapldlv, hoping to get possession o? a trading post called the White House, situated about a mile and a half west of Augusta. Brown and Orlerson, not aware of the approach of Clarke and McCall, rushed to the (issuance of the Indians and the King's Rangers. It was without the least trouble that the Continentals came Into possession of Fort Orlerson and Fort Cornwallis The Americans then marched against the Britons at the White House. In which they had taken refuge and were offer ing a Stubborn resistance. On the 15th before daylight the Continentals drove a band of Indians from the banks o l the |HH| #4*4 tkaa 44A *4f tka natt* •* : qp„ •>,<■» tkuHP HI rn kWW% Hk IW ! jka. of t*4 AHk a ml «# <Bk»« ,- *‘*o'' -Saw* Mist-HI *k* m- 9 ****??, »<t kM #•** *»*«♦ *-**4H mm* i* * i *4» Akw*wkk» HWawWad I riHW aattkowd ►*** ** iiarnniakio 1 kaa akaa ka irtrawi •* #k am* mm . !|»-ia><a aaakf *• kaa aa# kaa i law* *aw I'aaW'Ho* *• *•"* ’*• •Hi Hm> ixarar-w tka acpauwi , 1 ,*«• AHMNna a*4 taaan* *4kw Aaw»*»- f l«H*a ***a -T adr pwHn aaaaa **a •**• < *a* " rtn -• «a*a H»*wa aad k*a »*#**• aflT-ii awklad lt**ar ****** Thai *k* H adirk » aaaaaa »**« ***•**•' •war #tnrf «#%«■**. aw <*##*«• **** ia*ma* ad Ik* wan •*** ka—-4 *• tka' [aWkaa— ai tk» Wkk* H. —* i Ml lit*' »n* |H MHO MM HU *MI lit* liWk tl A#tM lot «**« f«M#. i%l—M WMMMM •**-*! •ad «fc»k*a faan ta—a * f *f* H » *”**, #••*» * *d • w a»a#p * -*i*waHdi— •a* , atra*H*a aalklki Hit tkHH H* •** It l%t ItHNNtfl t♦§>*#»<'i it* Iw *#**• it »i"<»»iWHit'l Ml lM* ImH tl»| s Mftlttll #MMtllNtMltf I Mm **** «t A«tPf*ft»t t«4, faifT | tt MIMwNI IlMipi !• • itMMt Wjjjlj (Wt- ***kwd HHk iriaMaa— | A krai udt itai laWaaaataa* waa w» ; i »i**4 as tka a4*a m • aaaiaaa tka ka* | ~-n- r , w Ha— lH»t. rwaakWH a tdv ad tapaiiata rHaak* Maw*dtaM*» t t-l * i.ftnfr * kl < fWI'HMI * 1 wx»ataia*«ev a— o*«x«a»** a*4*r >HWtky aad »—» »t*k arAma M —ar* s '•M* —4 <t*f*at tkH. TVr mat ktaa *4, Walkaa'a Hrtdff* aH lwv*r taark aad - ‘ Wpitr bed kit MHHt Tka Aaaaadl Wda *k4 atkr# aareaww dataa—ai I OMM «la**r »a aaaall A—ta A* .44 be* (*rtt*to arWrk bad k*"** ! parked —. «•* l-ar Mt —Hit— ***** j aa* yarda ai Frart fltarart inker am* I . aaaary dta—altlaad araw aaada par*—e* | •i- ry ta ikr attack rmm*m waa a*an* and ta arhtala a tapHt •'larfce Ml i mat ta Ftefceaa, aka »aa taaarwaverta* wiw**a Aacwara aad Hiwtr «■ *•* | able la eomptr allk lb* rmjaral. PUk- 1 f ». inf rml Otiwfll of •■** j if . m 4 tt«l «4A* r »r4*yM lit* tml« i ricttiM «• ini ntHt# •« a »«»•«• - * |lh*«o <r}«*|]»y Idtt't t H Vftlf) UA ! U t Mt' I ? jL ? f Kigtitlat. <*t|al*ln O K«tl tf»*l Armmrtm*. rrwxM lit rtw W* l * \ t«wt, (in lit tttM* t*t t®4 r\rU _ t-iiii j rutrii ttlk lM o(Mf if«lt • fc<WP# j k«4 M mNtr rtifM lit! iaouik atd- ikaa ih*y aurnmoa*# Ikaark la aarr*a<t*i Tb* mix mduaad to 4» j [aa. Tka tramf* aad eacalry kaalka i 'brea aaalcaed ikmr poallloa. lb * »■»* i,f redaela# the towa waa t**aun F«ri 1 Ortecaon waa Brat attached Brown. ; j reciM nrteraoH'i p*#ll, made a aorlle. ■ i.ut waa promptly pualaked It I** j (Irtrww. *t tit ttiii# Mm*', trlii • %■•#** . nf throw 188 hla command Into F*ri • (%xawallla. allempied lo evacuale ik* redoubt. A amal party did earape from .llrierank to Oirawallla by p*a*lni rb-en ih,- ravla* «a the margin of the rtver. Thirty were rlatn and forty-Bve were taken prlwnera Orleiaon war Inatam ly killed by a llecgtan whoae family he had wronged. Tb* rapture of Fort •Coinwallia »*■ Ik* "**• nueailon. Brawn Beaten. Tb* iVntlnenial* bad no aiilllery **- 'cepl Ih* Iron piece already mentioned ! I j-r at once, nucleated the arret lon of | a Mayham lower, which waa ured *o j ) **ltlt iently at Ft*rt Wat ton in 94. ThaJ ■lower wa# built under rover of an old ! frame houae. which Blood directly In | from of where the KpHcopal ehunh now alandr. Brown a-rnght to atop thla . work by ■ nigh! attack, but the a*aalt- j nnt* were driven back at the |».tiil of i the bayonet He made another attempt. iUth like rerttll. The lat of une all i nerred the completion of the towar. drown war ordered to aurrender, but h ref tired A rU-pounder brought j from Fort Orlemon war placed In the M attery and the rifle men posted above, ito that lb " *hort f time the guns were unmanned and dismounted. un the morning of the *th It was agreed to make g general aaesull. While the line* were being formed, however. Biown sent out a flag of true to offer a eondlttonal surrender. Hla proposition was accepted. Brown and hts command were sent to Savannah on a furlough. In thla alrge the Americans had alx killed an dthirty-flve wounded., seven of them mortally. The British lo*t 52 Killed, and SS4. Including the wounded, were taken prisoners. They never gain ed possession 'if Augusta after thla. Other Facts. Washington visited Augusta May 18, 1791. Five year* later occurred the Ga- SoO freshet. In 1815 the city hall waa begun on Greene street. The first bridge was built by General Wnde Hampten nt the foot of Washington street. It was washed away In 1795. The bridge at the foot of Centre street was built In 181*. The erection of the first Masonic hall was begun June 2, ts-8 The first Methodist church was mint tn ISOi. April 3. 1829. the town was nearly wiped out by fire. The construction of the railroad to Char leston was completed In 1834. The first train entered Augusta April 23, 1853. The Georgia read was finished In 1853. The Waynesboro road was finished In 1853. August. 1839. came the yellow fe ver and again In 1854. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee, Mo..who travels for Mansur & Tibbetts. Imple ment Co., of St. Louis, gives traveling men and travelers in general some good advice. "Being a knight of the grip." he says. "I have for the past three years made it a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain’s Colic.Chol ern and Diarrhoea Kennedy, and have found numerous occasions to test Its merits, not only on myself, hut on oth ers ns well. I can truly say that 1 nev er in a sinle instance have known It to fail. 1 consider It one of the best remedies travelers can carry and could relate many Instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. I hope every traveling man In the IT. ft. will carry a bottle of this remedy in his grip." For sale by Alexand Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Farr, of Beil Tower Drug Store. A woman prefers a husband taller than herself, so she can pretend to look up to him. , THU! AUGUSTA HKHALD tm IH4IMWH I*** IN c%l«* MV !•**-•! fl 4 g*4 tpg—a— ••>* —I Hi-# l # arsr—• m m toP'm* its— damp f —rdf IMMB hp 4 p**H e * * * ( H* k»ka> w*H <H a4#H— —4 #xaM j ft—** kr *a#*44P«a -na “♦« M j (MNI * %'-*<■ • iMMMMi % ** * M«i*i MMM M» i' # fi** | m; 4 9lMM' v i* §wmm #.*«•••■ i * ##M # MNNMM MMiM Mi |PM (Mi MM 1 M® pUMM 1 # MMI | «« •## M * * j #)il# «m 4 # fiMM Im#4 m***»*+i mmmi Tta ka aka* m« ••*— *t#Weakrt p—#4H»ak* «k mm— tka*l • Pk*k I—* Hr ark a# • •* —j aa an tka* a »*#k par— (aw 4# tnk«n I a# a ka—w# tkmMMK Bac-krr than ***• i tka# aH I *H#k* •. **4 fH*da **—* i aa—*!* H—awtak* ■'*—•* «■'* ** a— g—ti—» 4## «la 4h f prardk' l "* j fan— —an s—ariku? ••• *4 tkm* > kaa# and *l—*a4»ra —•—» ki»# —r j •Has* and aawykady npptaadt and «**• "Huh# ft—** a a a I— knar M —n a— *m*a w #k ; 4* Ufa r ari at* A MtgklMMk H kB kef •k—4 Ta fit* H H4»l>»* «kd at j hpmH p—k .-*> ai k*4y and Hikd ■ taw*, I— y— hm kalk fw B* —d •’ i all Wakiwiy Ank B **??! (W k— Ik •**# Hk A*» aWHkia# • dn— klr taaea and •*!••*■ a** fw aatrta aa a» |—*—-fW«nl »*• •maaw in arwt tl#» H«k"dß *Hmk»| H awrtk »kiH H# 'A* *—wkna- aad; man nf aCaim • *»”▼ aawwm* i ifaia~lT‘l aad la vkant tka mm- j t— »fiw ifca d*lw4** e*ka w *w*«r.J mwacaed k# cidw w tkaaiaagar ; nt**a* W—tfal akaa ftdal. amadr as nobody iktnka B diapofd—*| t ka* kr akanld utM Tka atari* folly and akviaw intnpw* [ nIHy nf tMa nra mas* W pn*eai HM anykady »k» rkxomw »n atop and tkma« show* it, Owe m altnoM nrkawrd *o. argue a (Dial •• plala aad r # t areina amraiaary *a feantnd tka wo*b* ufi* a tkat c-oadltlon depend* mam j apon dial tkaa ap«#i aay Mkee ona fa- 1 quisle Orraaionai’y aa tndlv»4aal m I rntfHiairrrd aka ran dig*at ggytkiagj and heap trail. writer how ka Waair tI—WK, kM moat ®f tka h—B— ra.* ifaal speedily aad skarply aay abw* of j 1 (W atontach i Those among aa who kava Inalatadj upon aat I lag a training 'able thee* j juntas rack day In oar own home* at 'rhtriiiNff frr»n» It ill Mil fi# bkM I t«il®« at 4 MMMMtlili fnftd, M*t **'#*»! | tiiiii ritM funv rranhi. To M wit. rhiMrrn (him M lll** mniMd BN j i n#*SHMN» C*Mlt Of MVMIII, wilcli B**f tacked I hews of dlierently managed fair IH>w hut* baa been fatucmaly attributed to larky ebaace The ala-j gular Ineona s en ” nf I* all rtrraa the i public la (ha face and yet doen no* - cram lo be seen ace Tha obligation of human being* to do ikeir arork In lha heal poatiltle way j —lo make lha moat of thetr tnleala of j whatever kind lo keep ihnnaelvaa In | good health k> far *» porrlhle taj only rcantlly achmwaledged. tt la aa wicked and wasteful to eat a piece ofi cuke or amok* a pipe when we have! reason to think we will lower cur yl-| Uilty hr doing to. aa It l» lo burn up a five dollar bill. It 1* nothing short f of stealing frem those to whom we are ! under the obligation of serv e«. whelh-, er aervlee of love or service of pny. j It training l( neeeetary In order that young men may be 'tept In condition to win game*. It la far more neeeaeary (hat men and women train for the ae vere and exacting dm tea of life Above all, If little children are to tie well.thelr diet miiat tie almnle and wholesome and regular. Iwt u* all train. Con gregational lat. Robbed the Qrave. A startling Incident 'if which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, waa the subject, la narrated by him a* folowa: ••J waa in a moat dreadful condition. My akin waa almost yellow, eye* sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually in hark and sides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunate* ly a friend advised trying Kleetrlc Bitters,' and to my great Joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued thetr use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim.'' No one should fall to try them. Only 50 cts per hot. at Howard & Willet's drug store. Great Britain and France. An Kngllsh publication has an ar ticle that takes « new and novel view nf the present war. says the Chicago New-s, which has the indication of hnv- Ing been written by one who has an Intimate acquaintance with the navnl affairs of that country. There may be more truth than sentient in the pe culiar opinions advanced hy the writer of the article. Ills conclusions in brief are that this Is a war not so much between the Uni ted States and Spain as between Great Britain and France. He recalls the long and permanent unfriendliness between the two Euro pean countries and the frequency with which they have drifted very nearly Into war in recent times. He mentions the fact that the French are a Latin race, while the English are Attglo- Saoxn, and also that the navy of Spain is built, armed and manned upon the same plans as that of France, while the United States follows the same general designs ns that of Great Brit ain. lie further compares th» fighting spi rit of Spain with that of the French, and the British army with that of this country. He concludes that if the Latin navy and army had proved themselves to be the equals of the American peace could not for many years Vie maintain ed between France and Qreat Britain. Diamond Glass Black for Hearths— Alexander Drug Store. GooD IUCK BAKING POWDLB* 15THE BEST. Ml«hM* of All ta Loovtn- Iftff F*r *A«r. ■ UNCLE SAMS NAVY Portfolio No. 9 can b« se cured at The Herald office for 10 cents and a Naval Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS A MONO UTItKR POOH THINGS PICTURES OF Ensign B*gl*y. Protected Cruiser New Orleans. Monitor Purttsn. Torpedo Ib at Dupont. Reeretsry of Stats. Map of Naval Distances, showing progress of the Army a»d Navy at tb# United States. Pictures of Camp Life. Navy Yards. Large Map of Cuba and many other good things. 9 ’ This coupon, when ac- I companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copy ot Uncle Sam’s Navy Port if olio, at The Herald office, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-cent stamp for postage. 9 Baric numbers of this Handsome se ries can still be obtained mi The Her ald office. FOE S-A_ Hi HI -459 Greene street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. Will sell at an extremely low figure. Also house and lot 4-56 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Keal Estate. 832 Broad Street FOR SALE £gs-1 have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks in the city. Will sell same very cheap. Juit the place for a handsome residence tor your family- Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. IJS7 GREENE STREET. ST. ILISfiOTEL il Hillman. Ga.. Id »»♦ *f*M MM *!♦ M « I I ®M*M I IMM #* *ii Ik#* 1 MN* fMNNMP# (tMK Ml M® Mi j *«# MM ».»*) Ab»l Al®i as iiPMI #*mC I *, »,•-■* ->■* # ®WIH Wjplli if| ®TiTit t%H I'NIHI I MMHik t I9t f -hhhg MpM |<Mi j MH®i J I lO9IR EOtff fl THE REEO HOUSE —. at nun m UtßtJ r« 1 1# *r#r—HlkU— of ttllMf U»M. I H. V VMPi tNM *«4*TNk #» »»'fj 00 MM* llhMa m |9*#M<Ml mm! MN» * iHM44l | l; »—C l» *1 ®| •*** *# mrnm \ 'Mm* *m *—* r * Ims Mi—*** (MhS MflM iff d > Ms MU*. M A HI H* U*rlMi, Oa FOR RENT. j f*Mßit ft AMUI GMiEI9Et PT LfVTII I n..M I. I«SM I «J fm ftf ««M I (Mo JfetlMMftiiNt iM*r-'i*g|Wf iHMMiaMMi mlm JOHN W. DICKEY. fk,m» few wnmaa dlaciedlt this aa arrimn. bat Umax mhv have tried • Idas lung* c.uld taoi k- Induced to adopt the old fashioned method again. I Yog see It la ao eaay to regt—r U# jOa* Range If you wnt.t one v egotkbl kave bur to turn the thumb screw and you can reduce the heal to any de gree you desire The same with your roast If It la doing too quickly, you don’t need to throw ofen the oven door and run the rlsh of chilling It. You can regulate your range to suit your meat. Tie Gas Lilli Cl. if iipsia, K 2 BROAD ST. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. Buy Your Wife a Greene Street Home. No. 412 Greene Street ts located l*i one of the moat desirable sections of the city. House built of brick in a handsome and durable fashion. Con tains eight rooms, bath, etc., all In good order. Lot 48 by 176 feat. If you contemplate purchasing a home It will be to your Interest to con sider this property. John W. Dickey, 1 end 2 Library Building. DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAI) STREET, And Get Your Work Done We i. For the next 00 days Bicycles Enameled for $2.00 —High Grade Work. Lowest.prices in town on Repairing. Second nand Bicycles bought and sold on easy payments. ALL WORK GUARANTEED SALK OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of land on the Harrisonville Road, in blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o’clock p. ru. W. C. JONES, Secretary. HATUMAAO i CharlwionlW Carolina al*Mda • *<»****•• M»<—* **— *id«4— to Ft— torn *HH *** C« A«gMMO''>» *. ».«•••. f P iSmk^Ty—i 4i wi—Mk «m*A .«»«*— iMM* | , jhhm* ! * jSasT,*ii A— fa Bji hh ofcg— * 04*— ■MMBmm n, 4MOB . •* *—MMMHOOi». • a*>« —HjOk- 1* B—k j ÜBr:=:i * Ada#*a*. ... >mw*,. •«• i I#'ltaSrißh,T.T TTlme * MSiat * t|iikiiTing »•—* * SH— —MB—, „m*. (Ml—> ...-.»»j * H—■, , *iA#*d* • «•—i i * ...... I —<• • **• *AOd—*>».»«. -Vim** * *A**g *S——.m* OJ—H ~■>»»•. I Aa A warn ~ ###*» *?flKs a*a~in(ag»a— ... - 4HO -*•>»« I Of IkiiiH!■#—•■».*•*• * fmm* ... Mtwwij iMOpn.x. ' BtaSf i iss: t• | m ung- •*.«.* }-**£* At Ma— »».mx ••♦.», jA—da * f—.......... .... '.««*■ ***• *Wm ~ M...,.., j —* A Akrdt *—••—t mnr ■■• !M— * yen m fm Bita**.,,*»..mqiiakh • -^to *8H(gMa.,....«x».. •»*• I *'4BpH ‘tmmm >—».«.•«.. !....*•«• !(X IkJIHIaC .....'V**“”(!’(*• ! * Pk*•gun** .*«f ■. » •••• *|V#* H»#gi.........».■ | IH—• Ho< *OHkB.. > l.k—»' Mkk Tm#ak , M*|«a A«k— --* IH«Am.. |.„„..,(U— --* A— wdag............m ... I* *nam At Akg—*a J^kJdk I dtp m «*tm B*» #•*•— ***** **** ga#«aa«X'*( a* (tO— tad* la* A. A. I- . I • m n **xia«i a* Om—s*i * * gb j txg— nThC »*d Ll* {• **r* a— —l|> C'*g • t—(fc>M —*■#«> taa any *g*f*Mda*d a.***.** ag l**k*^ t#to® o# MahNb Mi. ••§» * •»*> MNM W $ < fl® IMv. Mi® fMi A ii. $g H JM»? 11! IMAM## Alt* 1 II ■MV ilSf*’* lftft* II XrtHr*# Mi- BLUE RIME RAILROAD. M C. UATTIK, Rmc-mi rmf [fUi«itt un4 WmUMMM L |fii 4 m M»* 4 Irur m». 5 viMtiMik m? r I# g| AM PM !Af*l*a t*se» VMUAM^ h? k j lit I*.„, Dram ... fl 3 il ItU I i llit9 .. I*«r. ildPio® „ 3t»l* U • il a <4 ff flurry Cvwfi f € ((i ll ti I % n |;«n« a44b « tj « Ii 11 it 3 1 TViltf mSACA a# Ml 1: V | | 133 Wmi Vni&m * * i *' H .WatM«ii* •••ft i t't IA M PM I L#iv« Afflw PM PM. I K<> 11 Nad »«» *°* F~FTag*. All i*«ula. train* frum Andenmn to W.lhalta ksv* rtgk. I ’rklna of Ih# atm* « IMM m*'\ iOf In Op ■ (■■*(« . r_ . .. 1 4 g» | tjrdrTi j Wtl! U p ti follow*** «o Uko on or lot off p*m»o**rw Ptna* No U « »nnori« wiu* Mouth«*m tail* .... v tl j 2 ii Ani^rvon. S, t 0 i «n<| « comwl with ffouthor.i J. li. AW DEMON. Suprriaiondoat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. kMoirrar and <jn* *mt bocta TUTHI HAST AND NORTH, BHfIRTE»T AND QUICKEST HOWTB TO THK EAST AND NORTH. 2.3o(tii Lv..Augusta. Ga .Ar , 7 55am im pm Lv Aiken Ar I 7,19»m I 4:l7pmi Lv....Denmark....Ar ! 4 17pm I 4'so|‘tn, Lv....Orangb*j\... Ar i S*4oam 4:o6pm Lv. Humtpr, 8. C... Ar i 4:3tam t:23pmj Lv..,.Florence....Ar | 3:25*m 10:33pm! Lv..,Fayettevilla...Ar j l ltpm 3 21am Ar.Petersburg.Va.Lv B:l2pm t:ooamj Ar.... Richmond ...Lv ' B:l2pm 7:tlam! Ar..Washington..Lv j 3:t«lim 9:o3am Ar.. . . Baltimore. ...Lv ; 2:2spni 11 25am Ar..Philadelphia..Lv 12:09pm 2:o3pm! Ar.... New York....Lv | 9:3oum Pullman palsce buffet aleepkig cars from Macon and Augusta to New York without change It. A. BRAND, Gen Aet., 723 Broad Bt.. Augusts. Os. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Mimagtr, H. M. EMERSON. Gen. Pass. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March 6. 1898. Eastern Time Star.dai'd. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 s.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 n.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ky 1:18 j m Leave Lenoir. Stage.. 2:®° P n >. Arrive Green Park, Stage. .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7 30 p.m. c,. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER. Pr»«tdent. |; P ' ••If You Want to Make Money, Move In the Company of Those Who Are linking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFLL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING OUT IN LIFE. ADVERTISERS WHO USE THK HBIU! ALD GET RESULTS. ' WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.* ~ UKOKK VOtl! COAL and WOOD North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell 'Phone 21W btrowger 3tS Aucxwrrv S. t itwtiiMto MlttfiO 4mm |tt ta— **o HsakM—lH— j,ag» HgHd- H lk—• tTBI *•— la .-W—TT*— a* *<#— rnmmmSm t# »******** *-*** A» »ld#gJo II dOH ** * •#••«» dkd*— GUaM»—#. * •• H—4 J. .r» »M»a* itfi id d • % .xs* i—h|pt r AH 4• * itMpfM $* m MMM#*' if M(MpMV^^MMNM jwo MM **'*•*% (NjMMIfIWMPBM, I# BtwMBSSJKBHBHPrHPBBT'jijW a * * dNMMHt* it MAh*- As t*® -f '*tMig-tivPiHi $* M + «* i $• f MMM4MM < tVjlgll t ij— dNn* .AoiNH® M M 1 jlMjljjJJ Aillf cltMit M®Mf ) j|m MtMWMkhT# Mr# I • A dMwAgg*, ♦ f Nmm At ANMM*«* tJWW® A* A»■ #®MM ■ MAtig Mufti f| AMlt H»t 'IV VIA * Hig T> dUHtfi (*• dwA At'Mi ?•* Tam £a ji AMOMHH. Jd-fd® ? « ”%«iS4M^KS At »*MT7..sir** u if t>» !r Mttfi,- •. 1 #M»h i* IMAHMAMM. AMH» As PMnm'4. JMkma» I • MaMm 4. t rtf* As a* AiMmm *f %»K4#M<dlA WTWMIP ____ Eami|a"mss^ (Nf if fjll ir Tf m VjlMl I t afNik« .'■ I JMfMM-' IgiJfefMif I VMMI Ii T %Mjw **’r« IM»M At >w Urn**- . . • UfW- Ll*M t> Gltf > ! tjani"l^.|smT—dgldZ **"»':"'i"~m8Wl Ejdiii' ...m,. * - Vmi ItgdfMl LrtM ThiiiA... * (n«A MAfMA - I— r# j**? (flit '%*.**•.. : 4JMMI I •■Hf " ! f (#*§ j »dn>* ij i** Mm *'”l # | t}*?'< fl <*k PtVM IfV % r i, t **m <t' #'t* v |i|pM •ti ttfdMAtMi Ads Jt< fit# fa-® 1 (A*. ## AM#’it # 4#**t. A @AMIA dd t<d t td# Aaitg td'ii ffMdA l*R A Ovdi tr«M* mA fA#t®MP |. If y*A A tIA. LI. tffWOI i,#v #■#%. V •fefHfMf, t amAMt ' *MiM f. A. fut”*t* »*mm A#* Aotir— MjtfA * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. . -SR tkM IMS"* 1 •• • ••••til#. y—ttm flu*# !&•#<*••• mm* Jff C » —i .*» M«k m r. sun*. VcjkT iijr~ 'Q 2• •*£ a, <Z£sm ♦«» **» Am 04m>■#*-_. '.Jr- trKZ Ar #•&» At k*A**\m. •-• i* - * » 9 " *?£££&**' I »*l iST i"*F *»Sus: iSSrf.T «w, * | • it•» *mm m .. iirrmr*! • *tr ?*• * ls! k Hilt I T ffp! I • ' ■■ -ist jg; Is Ar jtorf.Jk .... -.. • f I T - si'^nr : r »nu»j fan P*** •** m '^.V Lv St"* Vurk.Fß K tt. I 4 N»j* 13IM - pfelltttflpkt*.. I «»;> 3»» * Mtimun f»p 9SI« Lv Wiih'toß, bo Ky U» 43|> » 1*» Lt . UMQpf UM m Lv. Diuavtllv SWu i 15p Lv " 7.7 t sip Ar Orm**** j fi <5 » Oiwniiboro T t*n T »• ** Charlotte . ......... I Sfti Hi mV * Book Hill JO 201» II £p * Chut ft .... tdtti 11 87 p * Wlmi«W»ro. I II 41 u 23 Mm Ar bin Bmnii'g jii 4Tnn; 1 Sl» • Lr CoivmhiaUtt . ... ! I 15pj 4W» ** J* hn*tcn* j t Mf»l 6 ** Trim tun 8U»i» <'s» •* (4r»nit*»rill« . ... ! S!#*p * sft * Ar AugoMp.. . , M . ... | 4 l&p- H Lv. A«b#vil!e H 2U», Btlsp Lv. fcupnrr#nr>urg 11 • wP Lv r-'Hiia. S.C.Aii.Ky ! 800 pi 7 00r Ar. Ch*rl«*iton 640 p( 11Uj» Lv (>I U». F.CAP Ky i 11 55 h 13 47 ft “ rtpramah 447 p s9s* Jucki*t>nvH!r H 2fip 9 18* bLEknNO CAH NKKVItE Rxmlkwt daily imssi*n*«r acrvice between floridM and Nt»w York. Noa. 87 andWaahtnjrton ipa south w«rt#n» Limited. Solid \ *wtibuT*d train with dining curs and flrat elam coaches north of C'harlotta. Pullman drawing room sleeping «»r* lietween Tamm, JaeknonvUk, Savannah. ashington and New York. . Pullman Sleeping Cara l>etween Charlotte and Richmond. , _ Pullman drawing-room sleeping cara he -1 ween Orpespboro and Norfolk. Cloee connejr tioi: at Norfolk for OLD POlifT COMPORT, arriving there in time for breukfnfct. Solid train, with Parlor can, between Charleston and Asheville. Noa. 05 and .’tf-C. S. Fa»t Mail. Through Pullman drawing r<x»m buffet Htecoing tween Jaekaonville and N* w York and Poll* n on aleeiiing c.ara between Augusta and cnar lotto. Pullman sleeping ears between Jack •onvibe and Columbia, en+oute daily botweaa Jaekaonville and Cincinnati, %na Asheville. FRANKS.CANNON. J. M. C CLP, Third VP. & (ien. Mgr. T. M . W aahingtom > ■iygsL. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time., Schedule Effective April 24, 1898. Pullman Sleepers between llacon anl Hew York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ~| 7:05am1 3:2opm|lo:3opm Ar Atlanta ...|l2:Sspm| B:2opm| 6:ooatn Ar Macon ....|U:l6am| I 6:46am Ar Athena |l2:Xspm| 7;2opm| * Ar Galne»ville|*3:4spm| I Ar White PL'apMOOpml v l - Ar Mill’ge le ,!l0:10am| I 4:3oam Ar Wash'ton ..|10:10aro| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevflle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta S:XS a nv. 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. to. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W T . WHITE, T. P. A, _t