The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 09, 1898, Image 8

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TUChOAV The General Aspect U i;ntournglnjr Vwlftir*# mOtmt* hAw to do wltll a t*f pftto mOntOam* Th# movom#»»t Ham oatootfaHl *»hl *##fy tt ototortody • •ffoctod. Tt»#r# la no »*w«doc »*» ©or fnothod Our buytr M now in tno toalorn mort»ot «©*• a atock for Autumn th#l m iiuaauiy orid foahlonobionoaa wifi Hava no sufiurioc io th« South. Wa muit havo bar# count*ra and amply aholvaa for n*w food*. That’n it* ••Why” of th*a* Itboral diacounta. 26 par cant off on our antic* atoefc Man a* . Soya and Ch ltd ran’* fancy Cheviot and Woratad Suit*. 90 par cant off our Man’a •tack and Btu* Wocatad Suit*. Sara* Coats and Unan Suita. 7ft cant* for choica of our antlra Una Man’* Na* iigaa Shin*, attachad collars, for mar prica 11.00. A . O A. JOHN T. MOODY FOUND GUILTY- IratekN <• |l .*a*o Ha »*4 SU M*aih' la^rtUNiarit a«m*4 w« «r a th* » alHog All**** » *« *peetal «* The Herald. Aiitii. <l*., A** *»~dra* T Moo- Or. Hta t*nk*» •*» ’wen O* IM*> Sir# (tor t** **m tea dny». chtogl with swindling wa* •f'ur.'l «*»!•*» (hi* ■irwr-l I* tm**» Berry * t rare A *»*<«wri> al • i •* ><» *■<* tl.too we# imp*** #“**» «*** t>«<i uM antoruni iw mm H# •»* • pawner l* Ifer ** of *«>ff A Hf« • ■Mr, w*i«h rwwotiv foil *i fir IMfl.M* A Holal Ha »*d A iwrprlr mm* apron* I* h- (riel to John T Mood* when nor nf hto #*l Ur. C T. Hnphli*. rntoed the t»*Bt that ;br OrrrsU fouftf had no Jurii diction in lb* cm*. Ur. Huphtr* contended Ihst If fr*»d had btmrn perpetrated It wa* In Nr* Tot*, nrbrr Bacon * Co.. t*.» Arm whir* to «ll*crd iwA#»« tow* defraud ed. do** buaitu**, and U»* that Ar m turn** orrr It* IP** t* to" rnMrond and Meemship .nap** l ** for dUlrrry tc Mood, a Rr«w*»** *lf *y*ry char** to *W th* indict, uvnt* against Mondr Ho tro*. be to not worktable In J*u roart ’ Mid Mr. Hopkins A number at #nthorltl*» w#r« nrra evtcd In Mipix rl of till *l»* of th* era*. But the point wao overruled. Ml* Statement The def’"ndant'a alalcßSfnt was th* ■tout Inlsrratlng **rt of th* *.**lon. placed th* rntlr* blotnc for Moody t Hreur»!*r*» failure on th* *hcn"d*r« of hit mtasng partner. Hr trld cf beginning business with B"*w*tt'r In IMS. comm-nrlng hjr kill ing money nnd selling fertilisers. H» •aid that the f rttlker business gr-"-’ v*ry rapidly from the »*ale of S.nofl frna to tma o«r annum. Thev mode e, much a* 188.0*0 a veer profit not of frrttltoera nlctie, and never fell be'ow 817.000, Tt*;' did e dry *erd* eomnitori.n httalnraa. tco. TLiry hept enm'.lt'e In th dr olhee end thlpp'd ell stood f*on> the faeterl'a. Moody as d that thp f.r tl'lrer btislneae area’ rapidly In » few nointha. hot In order to *< t *ord ealea- ' men It wan HerOarry te h're them for n year. It wa« Brewster’* MuteesHnn that tbs tlive of thea rn-n mlaht be employed lu tbc dry yottda bnalnria. Reluctantly Consented, The defendant wag at first op poi'd to going extensively Into the dry goods venture, but last November lip i.'luc trntly consented, nud Brovsler, who wai an experienced ury goods man, took charge of the new venture. In the spring they did a dry goods business, and HrowHter went north again to buy about $60,000 worth of goods. He came back and anid he had bought that amount, aud Moody never thought differently until about the middle of May, when Mr. Hller came to Atlanta and said they hud bought SIOO,OOO worth of goods In New York. Moody said he waa surprised. Hller sold gome question hod been raised about Moody Brewster’s credit, and he had. come down to Investigate. The defendant said he told Hller f he waa not satisfied, he eould cancel the order, aud in adtdtion the goods al ready received would be returned, fil ler persuaded him, however, to caned og other people and legve Bacon & Co.’s order Intact. Moody denied having told Hller that the statement made to Bradstreet’s was correct. Brewster had made It. and it was Brewster who vouched for it. Moo dy said Dr. Bell was near at the time of this conversation. Brewster’s Parting Note. Moody read, the note he had found from Bre«vßter on May 30th. in which the latter claimed to have fast *52,000 in speculations. He said he was thun derstruck when he got the note, and went et once to his lawyer. The lat ter advised him to gult business, which 1 ||f iti |l» Allitli rs <MMI lM» !•* » IlffNfll {flMir s ••§rs «• I Is# H##ll #1 fNy (pMM# Ml to imoltft i« iti«n me*m Ha S»w *At# Use fO A Ol • *-#**•** NftiO If# ftlt WHt? :otftfA« Mr I! Mcr#| WsAa Jill itfNsMkt || § fwiy ff#*i «trsi#lit #»rwpri* mratrr mA *t • *«i4 to li«» s anoA ««fft tm tH# hft. « • » fliii n:HBoN\UL j u.y.f MrfA*a to tmpC vma Mr C l» l»,m*Ht «t fi«i Vatoy to In M*«** K Mmtl* to viwona at* t tr A * Han** of toerdanua to at lb* fWan'er* TtlnTT* nok < t Atlanta to intniiai at th* ranter*. Man ChOr W*»*»*er *lll ten re to* morrow bar Brevard. K C Mr K K Ottawa, a (etween man nf yt'tfmtnr. to at tto* Arltnnt*m. Mto* • Clint n and Belle McMillan nf M»rl»* apent *nd*y tn the city j Mr V. ft Manarn. a torn* fruit ntuw '*r rs r«*rl Vatic, la in the city I Mr R. A Muatln from CHnrtentnn. *. r , ta vtottlnc retatlvni in tb» rtty Mr. II r> Kirkland, r*pr« w, n , tot » butter and «hr*ae taorba of Norfdl, I* her*. Mtaa Krtlfh Huhbetl. who baa been ■ummrrina at nulttvan'a Island, t* vta lllnat Mr* Jit P. AVid-ry. Mia* IP nnlr Kin* »f lt»ni*. whu baa twan tb* *u**t of Mia* Montgomery. <m ■the Hill, will return to her home Prt ■ tin y The many friend# »f Mr amt Mra. W H. Jnrrh.n cf *1» Mclnttdh atreet. will j regret to tonrn of th ■ lltneaa of their !little daughter, ora t-ee. Thet* I* a fine hey out *t Captain K u Poater’a. Of the C A W. O, ralrnad foie* They prnmlae the llttl* aa !*.»rrlot In the nest hnetlllttoa Mr* ktary Hu*h Oardlner, of Mayra !\tlle. ft. C., arrived In town t<day, and will *r*nd a fortnight with her mother, Mra M. I. Bueh. at Ml Oreene atreet. Mr VV, Hneea Moaa. an .wullat of M»n rne. On,, t* tn the city today, consulting with Dr. Hull 10 r -gard to a caee under Hl* treatmert. He la at the Plant er*. Notices have »t In the pup*™ that Itev. Hunter Davidson anti Mr*. I>irld*< n had «iuir away on a summer vacation This la erroneous. Mr. and Mr*. Dnvldson are at their homr. i Mr. anil Mr». Hobart Young arc deep -1 Ij sympathised with In Iht* death of their little nine months' old Infant. The llttla one diet’ at 3 o'clock Ihla morning and wit he burled tomorrow from the I ’eldelice, comer of Popar and Greene atreeta. | Messrs. Geo. H. ITnward, t . B. llraild and a heat of good fellowa, hnve left for a ten daya trip to Wilmington, N. C., where they will enjoy lho de , lights of Motehead aurf. bathing and j fishing Their frlentla expeat great i things from the expedition | Savannah Preaa. Mr. I. M. Fleming, ifuntieily of thla city, who now makea hla fioadquiiHefa In Macon, la at the De Soto today. Mias Magglv jKoorell of j Augusta arrived yesterday on a two ! week* visit to relatlvea'gnd frlemia In Snvwnnah. Mlsaes Helen' and Bessie Green returned to Savannah yesterday, after a two w«aka vlalt to friends In Augusta. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. I 'a rr of Augusla arrhert at the Pulaski last night - Mr J. Richard Gibson of Macon was the first arrival at the ! Screven this morning. Mr. Phil C. Kmanuel. Augusta merchant, arrived lot the Screven yesterday. William A. iFaughnan and Paul Heynran of Augus jla are among the many new arrivals lat the Pulaski today. Miss Rosa j Wood berry arrived In the city this morning from Augusta. She will spend [the month of August In Savannah. I—Capt. A. .1 Twiggs of Augusta arrived at the Pulaski this morning. He came to see his son. Capt. Jno. D. Twiggs, of one of the companies In Colonel Ray's regiment, before sailing for San tiago. Capt. Twiggs, Who goes to Cuba, was married to Miss May In Savannah about a month ago. One deed only was filed with the clerk of the superior court today, that of J. B. White to Mrs. Eugenia Braw ner. for a lot of land on Telfair street between Jackson attd Cahipbell streets, for the consideration of $2,000. Miss Daisy Harbot. who has been visiting Miss Martha Crawford in Eu faula, Ala., will return home tomor row' i s - wscmtfrty THIS Jk UOUPTA UEKALD, THE MARRIAGE WAS BRILLIANT Mi«» »t«w | ttotMHl *M f* ftof * * ftotdsPNttatpn* tatona. Th. nm « vad m nm«. IMe *«#• wattae** w.r* aamd T%* p - I He*d and ha* ***** «nm* mm to ***** L.ftor« a—nwtaw" t*** *•»• N* an*- I bgbte whtoHh f'VSltod I* tttotohr* the I Might Aashtol ew* ‘gtovmtoh wfto Ittotost gewer ibrwwgh th* >iato*4 uTr K> m £.*,V |m*W«MW*to to*** atr«Wttoa»e of antpe rs I kagnei* • hash haewa twatotp tod<"rv l aat * »*rt great -.'-m.-itnrcat tw tw 1 tgttherw iria*, he. heva la .w* ett, ran jaltonto «r*»pie*i w tta id* m twta* and |of th* u., mew 'e gr.wna aa -■ ha - e were , [ whttr aalfrrme of th* masy egb* I blah in rank sabo had osar fra* a * i .. _, r __., o*. re hllest the fr nt part of th* middle atato and I gnv* n m.'Hatf aep*. * to th* aeon*. Army weddt*** at* unknown in An* 'gnat*, eacapt to »b*v hgv > been tend of to (he pagan of Captain Chari*# King'* ' Inariaattng atari** of military IK* a* H j .to 11**4 by lb* oOerra of th* e'andlag |i. *. array and their w'vew and fam lliea. The trsLned pmefaim cf (h* noi dtorty ntiendanla. the elirk of th* . aworde and belt* and lb* (fitter of gold braid wae atrlklngly remhalareat to ! many if th**e atoria* everyone know* I ao well, and added an adldtlonal I our h 'of mmanre to * mart Inge already ro- . mantle breatia* of ail Ha allendant eir | i iimatanc**. which are daridediy out id the ordinary and which read like a chapter la tome thrilliagly later rating , navel. Before Colonel WHhri rv * preeenl ap- , poiclment, be wna a verv prominent young attorney of New Tork cHy .and , 1 «** well known In tb* journallaUr wurld. It was while puratilng his peace ful rccatlon and avocation. In both nf > whirb he achieved notable surreal, that j he bream " engaged to Mlsa Wlntie. th* , | darghter of a man of tfealth, promt- i j nent In the * imm*rr!nl wrrld. aa the; ; owner of a large line of atcamboata. j The marriage wna to hare taken place . be for* the yorttg llet"tenant entered j arlive service, hut H naa delayed for aevtral reason*. Colonel Withrow was sen; hurriedly to Augusta, and has, as ncl'r.g colonel In Colonel Jones' ab sence, bc‘>n too eloaely tied down by the tu mands of his duty tn his coun try to get away for even s few day* for tlir consummation of his happiness. The imllrations were that he might be ea’icd to Cuba at any moment, and he felt that It would be almost like de serting In the of the enemy to leave hi* charges at so critical a time. On the other hand, he was anxious to call his fiancee his bride before he went stray to risk the dangers of war. At last. In accordance with the earnestly e: pressed desire of Col. Withrow, and with the full consent and approval of | her family, Miss Wlnne consented j Join her soldier lover at hi* post, and | the fmiurage vona having be.-n take.i, to remain with him until he was sent to the front. Yesterday afternoon the bridc-rlect. accompanied by her slsler. Miss Mlitaheth Wlnne and Colonel Wiihrow's mother. Mrs. Withrow, c.r Chicago, arrived on the Southern train and look possess'on of a suite of rooms, at the Arlington, the marriage, as w-an before announced, occurring at noon. kromptly on the stroke of twelve-* the promptness being strictly a mili tary otriluite, the bridal party entered the church to the strains of the soul etlrrirg old yet ever new—nev with alt the R'liiiiceUvcnets of love's glad young springtime—Wedding March created by lhat marvelous friend of lovers, Men (ie'escihti. The six ushers, in full dress uniforms, with side arms, making e brave show of gallant men, soldiers every Inch of them, and magnificent specimen.- of our country’s staunch snppo-ters. The bride entered with the Hon. I a trick Walsh, who, in bis offleia' ea pacity as mayor of the city, gave '.<r away. Just before entering, she paused for a moment lo give a photonapher an opoprtu«ity fo>- peri etutlng for al! time the site picture mode by the young glrl'Jiol about to take upon herself the must solemn vows t Is possible fur \ wjj lUan to utter. She wore a costume graceful and becoming in the extreme, a gown singularly appropriate in its simplicity for the youth of the bride, and in its airy cooing** for the hour pud the season. Miss Winne has clear £'«v£ skin, marked by what might he • ,l, •laN <Plfv TW.I iIMM for I . will * In AfttttMl WH Al \ MAWKIT OU». Mm CtosgM ■ Very Wf Bwegtor ta New Toth. Krw York. Aug t--’*Q*o**e' Oeorge* ; C mr gere'" **ld ■ vote* I* the dark , Or«a. i Ocurgt Booera. burglar, waa iiartM 1 > la the eserrlto of hia prof rasio* be had broke* Ihroogb tb* hltekea wla flow 0* A bom* li tb** «VfV{(fl BfHIOA Uif Tr. atoo. N J . **4 tit a r**t‘k la 'search of tb* ga* Jet He 4id not recog nise the voire m that of bto partaor. I whose (tattoo wa* at the front dorr yet be thougbt it could be non* other. Shut up. can t yd*!" It expotonla •tc4 la n hoars* whUper blowing out ' tb* match and groping toward lb* I front bait. j "Ucorgr- Oecrg*! Com* her*'” What Me Thought. ! ,Thl* time the aound aremed to come from overhead, and Oeorge Oower* Im agined that hi* partner bad gained tbv I upp -r floor. j Why. didn't you bring a bras* band ; along 1" he muttered sarcastically a* he : f*U his way to tbe baantoters and eau j tlouely aneended the stairs. He had ' climbed half way •vben there waa a ' great flutcr of wlnga and a tcream | quite close to hi* ear; "tlvorgel George! Come here! Nev er say d'.ei Hooray! Wh*re are we at? Polly wants a cracker! Remem ber the Maine!” Thia rapid aerlea of ejaculation* wa* fallowed by three bar* of "The Banks of the Wabash,” and while George Bower* tumbled down the dark atairs and made for the window by >vhich he bad entered. George Reynolds, the owner of the house, and the parrot. Is sued from his beiiroomTn pajamas, and hurried in pursuit. Caught Him. A* George Bowers was diving through the window George Reynold* caught him by the ankle*, dragged him , back and pounded hi* face. Bowers r*- j tailnted in kind, and was getting a j shade the best of 't when the kitchen resounded with a fiapp ng and screech ing. and the burglar felt the operation of a priverful beak and claws on his face. This satantlc ons'aught took all the fight out of him. and he seemed ac- Inaliy glad to be handed over tu the police and be marched away from the parrot's sphere of Influence. His part ner had esetped at the first sound of the bird's voice. ON FIRH FOOTING. The Augusta Army and Navy League In Good Condition. Possibly the most flourishing new organisation in the city ts the Army and Navy League, of Richmond coun ty, and although this has been in ex istence only for a few short weeks, It Is established on a firm fotlng and is prolific of great good. Not only has money been raised for the fund for those at the front, but the League will take pleasure in looking after any distress ed or needy families of absent soldiers and give them practical and timely aid. Any cases needing assistance should be reported to any member and the atVair will be looked into at once. The first “ntertalnfndht given by the League, the lawn fett* %t city hall park, was U most gratifying success in every way and th^ l 4>lefisure of the evening wins augmented and in a great measure due to theudelightfuU music furnished by the Enterprise atiiP Suth erland lands. i{4: ‘ Me. George Sum meant left today far Indian Springs. . NEW COUNTY EX. COMMITTEE Lint* Mflptjti m ft# r«m Ho## tostoitofto* to Os (*«*•»« to Opto* to Mh tiAMiiv uasiMH* fl' rot Ward mm I | # W o.l*l J tt i Kraotol Ward- w J. rttot « J 1 Tb rd Ward- J C rtya* A*» M* f rvMf *% i> I | - AK*) ONOft###, wv V* r.Bb W*rd—T * lUtoortb. M f t Mto«tob tJHNU r Vrr#f» Itttii HMtnrV W A H»i* j )|iii fMo**- triA Horrjr k 24<k rMfttrlfl ■ W K I* -t» . iititii fktfttrirr I ft frr*f IXJr«| fMolrict J J. 7 W'lil# Wri&fet 9 fttMDtkM i ; 4§#rl*rtns IHt I* •** (I* •#'•*»’ «t tti»# , Hw»c#mi4r <••#• •Mtif ifctt «A# #m* , \ fttiiivt 4NMM9MNW flMNlof ptiwmt* j • Urn f#f pnf •<:;■*!•*I !••• If lA#jr . It »4»lAiMt Mr. Wright wxp!atft#4 that th# nr ■ffttlfr raaiwlt.r# mm , that h« 9QNM t9&po** • dr ' florin* fur prl**rtri. hwt that h# j fiforfd • rwolaiic litrlM ft to th# * #ko« utlr# ffnam #*- fa *S#if AlicfHk# > It lb*y tboogkt It sdvtoabt* Tb* r*a ■ olotlna waa paa**d * t pon tootloa of Mr R. B Husk a frlvirios was appointed tn ropresetit RlrljßioflA la th# »#natrrfhl ito aominat* a araatisr flue th* Eight- Thor* being h further bndlaea* the nu el tag then adjourned ATTACKFD A HORSE. Dr. \ idrtto’a Hor»e May IM* From n Blow of a k«Kh. Charlay Farmer, a colored t'oy. **• I nrristed at noon today by Officer Gar- j ■tot. Th* main witnaa* in th# case will o<” appear again*: Charley In court tomor- ( row. sod tn fact If the m*lo wilne*# did appear no testimony would be (’•*■) en. The main wilne* to a hors*. The hor*e may die and. It la nil on •***! count of being hit on the head with a rock by Farmer. The animal ! question belongs 4o Dr. \idetto. the. well known drnggS*!. Farmer work-, ed for the doctor. Today Dr Vldetto ’told the boy to drive the horse into the ; stable. | The animal *>4l a bit stubborn about going In, aa all horse# sre sometime*.. and the boy lost patience and hit the animal with a rock. The blow roust have been a severe one. for the horse fell to the ground j and seemed to be In a bad way. A policeman and a veterinary sur geon were summoned. The former ar j rested Fnrmer and the latter went tu j , work on the horse. When police station was reached it was undecided whether to enter a rharge of the 18th or cruelty to ani mals. The latter was put down. IN POLICE CIRCLES. A Few Names That Appear o.i the Police Docket. Mitt Kearson was last afternoon ar rested for stealing clothes from A. Po- UU.iff. a Russian clothier of this city. Detectives Wise and S $ m made the arrest. Kearson wil lbe tried at the city court. John Brison, colored, is now lorked up at police station on a charge of hit ting another man on the head out in the “Terry" last night. Lewis Willis cut Dave Butler slight ly with a knife during a disturbance on Bridge Row last night. Willis es caped the police. Butler’s wound is not at all serious, but a bit painful. Both parties are colored. ANOTHER ONE. Walter Lipsev, Co. 0., loth Regi ment, Behind the Bars. Walter I.lpsey, Co: O. tenth regi ment, is now reposing in a cel iat po lice station. He was one of the many who came to town after having been paid off. aud after turning several dollars into drinks, furhed the dflriks Into a war. and Police Officer Williams turned a very drunken soldier over to the patrol wagon officer at 3;3t>’ o’clock today. Judge Baxter wil lccmduct the court martial tomorrow morning. ! THAT IJTTLE ! BLUE BOOK. I W* ON# • Mil t«UkafaN #1 Own**. I IdjiOt (saiMfMn*, (to***# fto* owNM|o§a ## j mtl w* #W|t (W*fl»M#T I# 9#*# j Nh al tisWt gflifffft *W (N MP*‘ W I jot In*. IbMgMi n Ma# tlwftt to»# i*w Ini Khm | o#wct < oflhnfi NlaMMidftwflt if ft (w**ft Iw vihMNf I In totowfW »Kn fttofftki at KNK'ftg Of I WON feat i toft at "That liNlf ftlkto B«a4 * j Twm fw*4ft I toiftl « fMNliffl ‘Utof, tn* Kart j j mtaa at aat #wit i I 4\uqusld^ni6t|r^ ... i HOOPS WENT THRO' LAST P. M. TN Mateiwil PIWR Ilklißiin I# \f• Mfi *, f ti v. | A twtog Trato Load at **•# *wd Tf# f # M|Ml ft tMfttft #"Wt 1 I ftlt Ml UHM#t* I# %?mp* ?T RS ##Hl A fTftfVKfti ft tout •2#lit Tlfti wa* jtftff tm ittin nf m## iM «N|f rs #i#iu> I Mvt 14 #M • » ftM •** TM mil is l [Hf*4 b*fV AIMVCat MNf •ft-*f ft II f 1 ffttatt • ’ft o# I Tit inwft tmmm tm ottr tfc# ()*arn« I, P'l loft on !j# AtlMtlf Iml IJftt I n»»i «ill r«ftrl Nfftport N>ftt irm | |im ((lift ifitfftftftl Hi trato m—fftt»4 rs it* norh ffiv. #t« rtn at «**H*ft lid ft NflW* TV ft'lditff »#r# viltft. Nil tit Mm at iV rrflm&t cmM mat it Ji#ftr**4 Uftlftf TOOAV'S HARK El .C | <MI« ha* advanced a trifle: wheat ‘ ha* gone up a c*pt. sad corn and pro .viMusa ip ned and < iuaed about the. { ap»e j New c«*t.m to coming tn al over the uawftff. | A ugusia antd her ftrat hnl* t'dtj he 'seven cents and New Oiteaa* received 73 new Kales LSTLftT he*^.:- ' weet k i* not beea good fee everything jt'orn had the hardeai row to Haw be i' lag literally planted tn mud and c-to- United ills, nod then dry weather Sot more than three Prartha of an *v- ! .era** la aapected, provided there Its a» early frost. | Th* spring wheat harvest ha* mm- I linaai.Sfl tn th# northern section* to the, spring wheat met! and It to fairly good jciualtty and quantity In atortta the market la generally re g*rd*d *« eaUafaciory from a bullish ; |»>tnt to view. I There tyta cooatdetahl* rentlalng In 1 the formism. hut active buying wa* ap parently on the decline with stock* rel atively scarce after*aid*. ! The hull leader# are very confident of higher price# and the public apparently .t* coming Into the market. ; The following quotation# closing ptl 'rea. taken at 2 o’clock, arc over thf »p*- J 'clal wlrea cf l*glne. Muriihv A Co. CHICAGO PROVISION. WHEAT— Open Close. : Aug T# *li ' Septemlrar IW N *^l* 1 December F* f^ta CORN— I September .. .. .I* i December 13% joATB— | September 20 T » -0\ rtrltK— September 3.M LARD— September .. .. .. 5.22 5.2 b BIBS— September .• ..5.10 October . t‘ -5.15 5.12 New YORK COTTON. January •• *s ••® r ' *-'f FebiUß(S"i i# v< 1 •• • March i- %■ "•« *1 *l -••f. .. .: ......A.II sepiygibii* i ;*•?: Octchfc :.j -v •; #• *- 9 ‘ Novemtrer 1 ■ December •• ..“.'. 8 41 8.82 Ton-, fiiilet. s.-ces -—ml'liUng 8 1-6. i V-r ! WEATHER,MEN. To Meet in Omaha on 20th and aist October. The fifth annual convention of the Association of Weather Bureau officials —which was organized in Rochester, j N. Y., in 1892 will meet at. Omaha. Neb., on the 20th and 21st of Octo ber. Heretofore only the section direc’ors cf the climate services of the various states have been allowed to participate in the deliberations of the associa ion, but this year it will be open to all the! climate ar.d crop correspondents, as well as the voluntary observers of the various --tales. They all have a cordial Invitation to attend. Weather Observer Fisher says be will not attend, as it is Impossible for him to leave at that ti ne. " —r- Miss Clara Coter has..returned from a visit to friends at Sharon, Ga. j Miss Mattie G. Allen left today for | a-visit to relatives at Stellavillel and Owaba Springs. AueUkTh HUGE AND DELICATE JOB i J Mai Ik; «f lit Imi Viwtitw tt IN RtifMU % ILi toatotog tow* Bate* to Uadi if I* ’ »*«*d n*»**to ftwadred F**t A ams«K»tb and « <h* aaans i-ww r ftroN #m4 iii# t it#r twit li t*«f mkaf j 4 | |t|| J t»to r jyi’to m lift* lift# tft t** Cft i ftwi r 4 aa ft wwlm fftliftCftfc ! ml bf ml tad tom by toot, to ft DU mam** two m tbrm tmi woarmr R «ft 4 itr*#f to re**fM tot (ft# toaitftpft* «i || ftftft l ftfl‘6 lift dtojtft ftflftL 1 ft mi •» tor tfc# rat# nf lift# av* .rr*a*d twenty fear a day. Kveeyihlag to panned and enirtto jom with mathematical pmuunn aad [ mrmmrmty . Th* find step to rowrs* waa <0 Jack This vas aocotv.nli#h*d bv mean* to torn* e*T*nty Hr* small *)<■*>* «raan* ;i «a On top of each to th*a* wns blar ed three stem wooden roller* and then ! th* iron *b*ll was raady for movtag. The winches were t-rnred hy atoto plies stuck lat<> th* grouad aad Xastrto* [rd with iron rkains. There were three of th*** vwlnehan with fewav* block aad tackle ow th* *44* lowar '» which the building wa* being ' moved an dthre* P«*h jacks in th* roar i to help along. When everything wna in. roadlnaag 'the word was given, aad gradnaJly ft* [ti ‘cb ropes c' ffen*-' became uv and then creaked with the strain. Ten feet wa smade on th* day and since then about twenty feet have been made each da.’. Seme ISO feet more lie between fhn position of th* building and tha spot selected for the float resting place. When that to reached the warehouse and ha heavy contents are to be raised eight feet and the work will be over. Some conception of the magnitude of the Job can he had when It to stated that the warehouse >a about ISO by ISO feet, and the bat’ing therein weigh* over lOo.oonn pound* . It is a big undertaking, hwt so far not the at!;htest hitch has occurred, and each night the Iron mass rests twenty feet away from the spot occu pied al the beginning of work in the morning. IHTEHESTIItO ITEM Thcie are 10.000 native pupils In the Sunday schools of the FIJI Islands. Since th tiirth of Christ 1.000.00n.00# jtnen have been slain In battle. I It Is claimed that at present tha Bn gllsh language fa spoken by lH.ooOOono A diamond In constant use for rut ting cold glass lasts about three muhths ( —hut if uged to out hot glass It would only last*one day. j The armada which King Philip IT »f Spain lined out against England in IBS* ,c.insisted , f 129 vessels, canylng about '2.000 cannon, S.oOO sailors and 19.000 sol diets—up to that time the most power ful fleet the world had ever seen. M. Victor, the French naturalist, says that a toad will live twenty-eight months complet'd? embedded In plaster of paris poured on as a liquid and then allowed to hat den. She—l suppose you wife misses you during your long absence? He—Oh, yes. But she does tuat when I am at home. She—Why. how can that tie? , He—Well, you see her aim Is very In accurate. Hobson—l suppose you attracted the attention on your trip that newly mar ried couples usually do. Dobson —No, indeed. You see. I mar ried a widow with three children, and to avoid suspicion of being on a hon -1 eymoen trip, we took ope of her chil dren along. | TOO LATE FOB CLASSIFICATION 'FOR SALE-REFRIGERATORS: CA- I PACITY <OO tes 600 pounds of be. Suitable fur dairy or meat market. Ad dress Jones, care Herald. Aug U