The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES §My#r CNMIf I#*# 1 #*# Wau*#t ...» W «*> w iP > ■ fttftMftpnto* * • • • • u »« •• # * (*dfnu t 9 * • * « “ WMry« «**• U* •rietfcrl . • . •"# of •! OOi*«** I Mv* m* »£* •> «*** **». M ■*••" MV « ytv W j*& lo 60 pwr r*«» *m *N i»wiih«**» ‘•«fi«wi ituCK of DumOMil m AfcMTUM* LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jEweun. Untier t»*» AriftiWl Hoi#* . . Thtti Thousand Dollars t fff , I * 1 'iH *fM'Y f % • WORTH OF Musical Insirumenis FOR 50c OR THE SI. 0 RIB MANDOLINES w «** 0* **• #* j Ro»#wood Guitar* • emit* b#« # ; '•Amati** Violins «||> H Mw* *> % I I inch Banjos (Wl Mtr Mn v*« w *•• •*» 2 Stop Accordeons »#**•• *#• ** Birch Guitars ««t9 n* Snare Drums (Hltd UM(Hn4<| Vm MW N.« ll* •<« Umm»4m*« lh*At laat* Thomas & Barton, W M HARRIETT, hmlnr, fl# UTMOott Ita, LOCKED UP OOV. HARM’S. He Couldn't Clive the Couatcrsigaand Mu In. WlihHi, Kao.. Aug t. —Gov t’aseiu* M. Barcr«, as Oklahoma, .pent a little while Hi the guard biau at Furl Reno last .veiling. Uov. Barer* and hie steft went over from Guthrie In lhe morn lag to review the troupe The governor atartrd to go round the camp to viatt the boy*. and bad not get domo-d hi. mllll.ry tolL He wae un known to the men. and after going •round for an hour or mi he started to get • drink from a barrel near by. A private, Big Israel, a half-breed. LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. HILLER WALKEfi THE HATTER. KNOX HATS Indian, asked for the countersign and the governor could not give It. "He •tarled to pa»» on without explanation, when larael at the polut of a bayonet, marched him ulf to the guard bouse against til* remonstrance*. he sent for (.’apt. Orncr. of Troop M, who order ed his roleaae. The governor 1* pleased with the efficiency and discipline of tbs troops a. shown by thl* Incident. Gov Barnes ts unused to military business, hi* first experience bWng In getting th» present battalion of -400 organised. They have lieen in rump at Fort Reno for two weeka. The man who threw the governor in the guard house lives at Vlnita, I. T. Hla father and himself are well known scouts, being of Cherokee Indian ex traction. The battalion la thoroughly dri.led. The governor took the matter i In a Jocular way when questioned. He Is now at Omahn. FEAR FOR THE COLON. The Vessel May Not Be Saved, After All. Piaya del Estc, Province of Santiago de Cuba, Aug, 10—The Merritt & Chap man wrecking steamer, Potomac, has arrived nt —e scene of the battle of July 3, and has visited the Cristobal Colon. The wreckers report her to be tn a bad situation and they fear it Is Impossible to save her. The Maria Teresa has not yet been floated. The auxiliary gunboat Vixen has re turned to Guantanamo Boy from San tiago de Cuba. Otherwise there has been no movement of the vessels com posing the American fleet. The war ships are ready to sail at twelve hours' notice. MMd »«'«!! A nw a*, a* r*».*>«■ m t*wß» mk£*i Is fttoftWl . |ifr .... , ft MK fjNN 1 I IrtlSHl Si SMS HP®*# SS-I f* « t tift 9m its mrnmm ****** (ft**#* [HsiftrTT* sis i**t **»* m *»■* \ SSMSS to ***** *** ** ***j |SP i Sir if **** * *"**4 ft '* j iMspas fmrtoftft «ft tot m Iv# Ik* pwWNhMt wl ftwavkav a$ * 6 * Raw tfc* 19* «■*•#• «MMf m «b# H i* Miami Iwm team *w» , w4 . •** »*'V ' wad of ik* rm 4 iaw«M ** *•# l ' ■ idt.MMk h*w« •** •*)< •«» »»w •«**< i sSA ISISHUi *• IIS SpMSMMI *W |«S* SP*f fiiS *MMNMt MS AS led Maimwpk.c t*l • «.MMy (,»• :msmnl Klht MfMMwra. <■#» |«*m** #b#d **i thdf » aifMwai t M •hi Mdwi whawt. wpb a .i—•»♦*** [lhfvßß. im>»m a mtp'.iva mhwk «waW* gr.dotwi •• *»t»i IV ft «*.»*• la imt wf »M mwwvww •ad wHh th* vm Rufat* na wank **» Mwk m v • MRall wawV- tfea* wrii, Lama* aa. hp*m Mtitawt *wd that iv pMlfd* as NikdwfWVllV arm pvwwd VM t, frwwi as iVb *rhaw» Hr. S D M.'wmaa *•# Ma s g|u4di kava rwiaraMl ifiw a a**v*aa< I vVM la Mr* dark*, ttoh'aam la War-, MU* Clark HolliaatwM «f MIHMt* villa la th# tavit wf Ml*a Martha RA ana TV NHrl*i m*rrv party Vfi M«*! fnr Tyl* what* <k*t will far i*n> .. !<>. tba **• turn aad vwavlnauifiv i.k. a dip lh tba turf Mr and Mr* j P n MvV Mr* gr n ; Mia. J-'-d * Tallaf.rro Mia. N.ll It*P j Mr. mi R Vmil Mr. C. Wood. Bob m. Mr Cha*. Rciwall. MU. Main. Tarhutiow la rtoftleg at Ailru Pt*|ol* tVH.HU Barret (luB« Ptatnl*. I Harvtagtna a Ml. b*rd»m Brand aaw plat.d* M M. Harrtnctna * RVhardann aerond hand pMlote. MM. American doubt* actloa platM. It M Guitar Man doim and Banjo Ntrtnc* I tnr I renta at 1. J. Pc haul. RrltabV Pawabrokar. The hptnnlior number *»f The TVtln •alnr ■■ i*M Ihr autumn annmince ittrnt number amt describee ari-urairly and In detail all ihr latent develop | rnents tn lb* world of drees. The liter ary features tn of Ihr usual marked jeirellenor, and the household euhjerts are practical and Mmeijr. The artlelo ! In the aerie* of photugraphv for tuna - !1 1 urn. by Xharlot M Hall, la on the Dry-Plate, and will prove of value to |every atudent who alma to obtain the beat reautta, ! The romantic Baltimore ahetrhea l»y 'Ores Thayre- a ronltmiatlon of the col* ■lege atorlea that have heen »o well tre |reived—'will appeal to the college a-ntl merit of all alumnae. In the article on the Common Ilia of Ufa. Dr. Oraie Pecli ham Murray treat* In an exhnuatlve and helpful manner of Ihe cause and the means of relieving In somnia. Ainu (llrla. hy John Wler, M. A.. co«i errna a people of whom little la yet j known. The Dressmaker Introduces a new de partment of practical lostruptlon and offers much valuable Information and Club Women and Club Work, by Helen M. Winslow, and Olrls’ Interests and Occupations, by Lafayette Mcl-aws. sustain the Interest their discussions have already won. The Home Laundry, Red Rugae and Its Cars and Brown Trend Bolls, etc..! form an excellent group of household subjects, and social observances, con ducted by Mrs. Cadwalsder Jones, the Ten Table, by Ktina S. Witherspoon. Fancy Stitches and Embroideries, by Emma Haywood, the Work Table, For the Children. Lace Making. Knitting, Crocheting. Tatting Books, etc., com prise an attractive miscellany. Smith A Wesson pistols from *5 to Several good bicycles for sale very cheat). Hood watches from 11.35 to *50.00 at Lewis J. Sehaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. SICK AND WOUNDED. They of the Spanish Soldiers flo First. Santiago do Cuba, Aug. 10. —Gen. Shatter and Gen. Toral held a consul tation at the Palace with regard to iho embarkation of the Sapntlh prisoners of war. As a result of the conference one thousand of the Spanish sick and wounded will be taken ou board the tomorrow morning and sent to Spain as soon as the vessel is prop erly loaded. There is to be no hunching or wait ing of transports. Each will sail as soon as it can be loaded after arrival here. i . "Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Sktn Eruptions and positively cures Piles, ior no pay required. It Is guaranteed to 'give perfect satisfaction or money re funded Price 25 cents per box. FOR ! SALE BT HOWARD & WILLET. THE ATTGT7BT-A. -FTBrRAI^D •»av#9% *•♦* M »*P* | JaiwKi/fcr •MSS «S M SsM St MIS f* • M* *S*SS •*♦♦•••» tS#t MM SHSSS SSS 4 SSS Si 1 mm SSSNS t«S SSSSh PMHfV f«VM S BHH. FROM CAROLINA'S CAPITAL CITY 1 EitMi>lfkl lßM«#r«in if Up tVssiSM SI 44MMA ®SS Nssi • %SNW*. * fft«»44Nlf l S 95., Ass SIS 4IP «MMof)4iM9f fit ftp t.upwk mIS *o9* *«# ■* •! Hfts SSSS **SS l s'■ r • ' im^*o ! V * m*rn** M • ' mSSS.lttg* *■■** ' |»| tSSftfft*' Sf tiS ISM# Im> 911 • MMif sstiHiisis Isf (M isss sf i t tpP Mk-'lPSliSSffc ißßift SPSftP #ll flpMMftpS ; ts> to S S’*** *SA «m«mi «#» siitiisri sS4 •#* toiMt* | ftftplp'9' pit#*# <9tfep rV. gplk fht## ‘ **4# PH I» ’ • Hi 11 IffHdb US# t|P* I*IU>P4 |IN# m# •###♦ \h* IMHSI IS# tort 1« Sll tlNf ###! f# SBttsSY IS# 9*t#S ll t YssMs. I Aft#* Sm»#f tft# WSsui i«i*ti »»U : Imp fiMwfldwfl |«e» I 'TS# rsy Wf ; Km» r v *«#»•• iAif CVtftMtr? M‘*f» M c r*t«*is. Wc«4ftiA Hem 1, F TS*#n##. if CS U Q M*r#S#il t« t«* »*S# M rafk PUB< ttmMly #%||»Jr»-c f #ft<S ts 1 1# t# (Sf «S#» S# will ft« to ts# t# ts# nrrstoS- I TSS toSPWIsS *f* ftrl'itt* r#s*« mitt### Uk «’Ssrs# #1 tSr wUUwttirt VMM: On HM*HI-n -rapt T R M-orman. IM C Wallarw, miaon CWpera. Jr. j Op fnvttatmoa—R*cg< T M flldw jB P M> Maatnr. Rargt J. H Hvßc-wfc j On Bafhweww- Csapt'. *■ T. Ft-'Wer*. U*ut. J. P. Parmer. Pargt C- P Bone. lAt Camp toe. •eventy-thre# men have lieen receiv ed at Camp U*e »in<e Paturday. Capt |.*vi*. Dr. Poore *nd Private P F. , Parrott returned from Conway yeeter day with tl men. ('apt. Wannamak-r ‘returned yerterday from f»raa«rburg where h* ha# been for the paat tew days. He brought IS more men for hi* company Fourteen men from U*uu • don have come In for the name oiß pany Thirteen men came down from Newberry Tumtday afternoon Thi y .have been aaatghrd to Chpt. McCuugh rln'» company. A number of private* and n«n-oom mtaatonrd olhcer* are out <*n 'expedltlona. hoping to he able to rain# 'a (quad of It men. when they will re ceive a rommlealnn. j An effort la twlng mad<> to have a bathing pool built near the camp. Thla I* much needed, a* the boya now have |to walk about two mllea to And *ueh ] a place. | Lieut, Roealnger and Private Doyle. | 'who have been recruiting men In the northwestern part of the atate. return ed to Columbia yeeterday aflerncsm with 17 men. Seven of these recruit# wilt be assigned to the Independent bat- | talinji and the remainder to the regi ment at large. Today these recruiting! officers will go to Darlington, thence to Florence and Conway. Sergt. Woods, who Is now In Darlington, wir ed Ueut. Cot. Thompson that he had 40 men ready for examination and a man named Atkinson wired thnt he had 30 men. About 25 men will be ready at Conway by Thursday. ; Corporal Joseph A. Horry, now «t Rranchvllle, has notified IJeut. Itosspn . g.-r tluit he has forty tpen whll WHI he ready by Saturday. Tin* Chester company now has 57 at Camp and 40 more arc at CheS J ter ready for examination. Lieut Col. Thompson leaves for Chester today to examine und muster tn these men. Capt. Wannamaker now has JO men mustered In and by Saturday at the tn test he expects to have his ranks fill ed and be sworn In. News Notes jl,(ioo set of band Instruments hove been received for the regimental band. Two regimental flags have also been re ceived from the government, j The city council met last night at 8:30 o'clock. It was expected that the wa terworks committee would make Its re port, hut instead It asked for further time, which wag granted: A report was read from the mayor, relative to the damaging of a house by rocks being thrown from the illy stone quarry during blasting. Tne may or ordered the work stopped until the council could take action on it. This re port brought out considerable disvu*- slon between Aldermen Stewart, chair man of the street committee, and Ald erman Narey. It was moved and cai rled that the work at the quarry he resumed and that due precautions a*- alnst such other damages tv taken. A communication was read from Myr tle Lodge, K. of P.. saying that this lodge had been notified that It owed 3(!50 for part rent of room for six and a half years. The lodge asked the council t<> discount the bill 50 per cent. Inas much as the lodge had to do some re pairing and had received very little money from sub-renting rooms. The re quest was not granted. Wolaeloyt’s CampßiKn in Eitypt Lika Tnat At Santiago do Cuba. I SSRf 1 *A #.«## tNt AMfc-t* 'w S* *<Sr | ASNto* to#* to# ffts* ISASSf* SM to Is# S# SNM IS fSM# to * *’ * i*S Mjiu.f i ># Nb S* #S S# «# S# hi s# wfi ms# ssfysp*# Sstf tst* ! 1 «rs%! S t# «*ss# Sfsm #to «Sto SN J | r aa MMM|#ta« »• Mmaa ;*««|F M the r.wdwta* that dh*P*c ##* M'h St A# Si# u### f ftsi Ssl SNt La. #%«MP rt«H##to Mftto PlftPNt Is S#s# ftossStoi I# f*#t#SHft#S t i* tall *J .a. r#! *r 1 l|S S#* . of m •->oNift ts#t S*» ?cf i*t*rvt#** #i<tt m«h## sf l#m f«wnr#ct i - r:st Mftirto. t»st IS# #m##H#s#«s of * I# mgasA,■»■*■ I# ts# KiSift srmy ts Us j IftHpMS dssipsiss frtss IW2 <« IM4 f - a , mr rotufc r* tq #nt.out j mlwm i»4 sh (S#r* sto K m*f S# si tr# ##Sl to tS# (Pctfv• ff# | t ilths ■ f #S»i . r #id It' S S S# r? *St srsif sf OffM* 1 il m IS#f sill of rmunm S# •#•§ Sf tSU j j stmt*lff ts rsSs saft tots Rko I Is M I *st tS# bsmtmrkfSMf sf fttossftrU »«4 sttS Wfilmki *»- j Urfto CslfS • IHtl# ftfsr t*rs ms»lS# iftrfsifAi I As W* yrrpwsi# tS#t #ol* jiFtri Ssvs #s«tsfto two stontSt sf #f#ikt#r hardship thss toss r*p#rU‘Sc#d I .Hf th* n*& Is that < ampa;r«i With . ith# «xr#ptlon of th# Ksat Indian fs* j j t ’-fMt#s« T sll th# «** Mr# Fndkilly of ! th# ms# hlood sa tbs*# who bav« j V 1 IRP P4R*n< -e—' —— ** * ntoet of tit last two months .troond Hatuiagp Roßf of them w*r# i old k ldi*r* and some of them were re . rulta. Non# of tkrfn *»*re accustomed to the awful beat nf the deeert: tad I I Imagine- while I have n*v#r been on the Island of f’uba- that Egypti an hrat in July I* perhaps a little worse than Anything the Pearl rs the Antilles ran jprpdu.# Wales!#)‘a men went hrougb all the experiences of war. Ro hava ! Shatter's. The only dißcrence being lhal Wolanley'* men marched through | the de»ert up to Tel-fl Keblr. Then. ' *h#f the fight and the atormlng at the eutrenchmfnt*. while dawn w«e breaking on September ISth. they j moved victorious into Cairo and holat ed the English flag In tne moat un*nn 'ifarjr «ty In th* world. Shafter'a army ha* done the same alng. In Plagua Stricken Cairo, j Then H was that Sir Garnett Wol esley, toon afterward* made Lord Wolreley of Cairo, found himself with an army broken down and exhaust'd. The excltetaent of war had kept the men np They drank foul water and ate hardtark without a murmur while j the excitement of the march was on. ! The opera house committee present ed » resolution, asking the council to appropriate ts that much be need ed, for improvements. The request w»# granted. City Clerk and Treasurer Mr. T T Talley was given a two weeks' holiday, and In consequence it was moved and [carried that the nfxt regular meeting lof the' touncll be poatpuned. The Dispensary Building, i m Saturday’s Herald the statement | was made that the building to be oe leupled by the dispensary was the old lithographing worksstf Keating & Ball, who made Confederate money. This was A mistake. The dispensary build ling was occupied b) Kvans & Cogs well, printers and bookbinder#, the Pfe lOceeisor# of Walker. Kvans and Oogs- Well.' now of Charleston. Kealtng & | Ball had their establishment on the I site of the present postofilce. There part of the work was done and towards Ute last, part was done at the house on Hte corner of Main and Pendleton jatreets, now owned by Mr. C. Holfet. SHAKE INTO 1008 SHOES Alien s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing. nervous feet and instaptly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the ogo Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, achtPK feet . Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25e. in stamps. Trial packages FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. , Y. < Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office. tfto# toft m I issift sat, was *s«S ft *A| *J. .J,*, iI *. ##f I .v* f sia tstt SMPft to ms# toft* I' pi miMi *'& ** *4 to ftps <’#*aftSNi% j f tw<»"» sto t fftsf S# *SftSftlft» •* S“M | ?- m M far >%»■*,•’* » f ifc- Sn# *#* S %ii|# iSh MBI #MHS#f * f tCa f y#' Sv • pasmiMS th# m»s ssiSffTtii #*t#sftth ■ a rnttof t%*ssa s»tr toss t*» s sstsmi j t## thSiwi ad# sf tmtota j tom «ssitart ftmft#sd aad ft* sf j •SfSl *##* mrS Iftwih*tit iraMdisi IS# ] . r% 4 ’ j- «g| * rS t ' h/%#•■-4 ! * * aiiya Cfttoi Adskt Army TS#s <*#♦ to 1 iftto and (hla hi 1 4 a* soft sf ths t.%»#«'■.* Is sStf h I TTfTcUrt 1 th# aftatsoss I taifttd stth a*si, sa j Sim* a *4'*s an it a* §»»** a siaa a# |<v*f Met a tldr-aad at S or luck I *aw j TVa w* all fhrmdbt w* would dt*. l **r» *wm'gk Kv*r? or# thmadkt If i Th. dorinr. thought It, th* g.u»rul thought H, aud th# an ataor# to ft, i Th# p#opl# la th* cHy 4 <4 Ilka ti*a |la two moabt. I thtak about ferty [till — p#np’' 4i*4 lu Kept Th* ■ at'cvta u-re d##*it*4 *ar*tvt by th# ' dng. and th# 4#ad rart. and yd th* army ahowed hut a very •mat! death ,ra<*. Rveryna# had the cholera, or It* • rtnpuma Horn# of «• expected death ft# two week*, other* *kke«#d and rij#d la • frw hour* but after all rmly )• frw d<#d. Th# fart of th* matter wav that th# •upertor phyatguc of th# men *nd thdr rrrvioM Ifvc# aav*d i them from whol#aal# death. I Irllev# that I hav* itg#a a par ;. r.ol Ml.aftrr 1 * army haa non# through the a&rat of It, and th# tarn* *oldl#r* j who ar* now at hanttagd would (a real tty make the beat army <>! occupation, jl think th# Kotigk Rider# and th# oth. cr volunteer* ought to rom# boar, but f think th# regular* who nr# tbera w‘ In thirty day# b* healthy and hap py, and ! do not think that rither lk~y !or the regiment, now on the way, 'foolUhiy railed Immune*, are In any I great degree of danger Danger# Overestimated Of court* If yellow fever come* to Santiago, they will bava It, but. while It 1* there lit a mild form now. there la no good reason to suppose that, with Improved sanitary arrangement* and the preventative* known to medical •cicnce. with the good tinning thnt tan he given, and with everything' done es it should be to add to the eoa-fort of our aoldter*. they have any ling more to fear at Santiago than they would have at Tampa. New Orleans cr Key W«n. I teller* that we will weclcome back ninety per rent of the men who are ieoing to Cuba now.—J. Russell Kenne- In Atlanta Journal. CAFT. riADDOX OUT. Mis Resignation Accepted by the Wsr Department. Washington. Aug. 10. The war de partment has announced the resigns-, t!on of Captain Maddox, ”wh Lot eh’H' der *ay», "has been honorably dis charged by the order of the president to date. August sth," This Is the con ventional form of accepting resigna tions. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having patn all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold. In fact, are completely used up. Electric Bitters ts the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure rellqf- They ect di rectly on your liver, stomach and kid neys, tone up the whole system and make you feel tike a new being. They are guaranteed to cure nr price refund ed. For sale at Howard * Wltlet's drug store, only 50 cents per 1 bottle. They were on l>oard a cable car that was howling up Waliash avenue. Her eyes were turned heavenward, but the range of vision was obstructed by the picturesque advertisements with which the corporation decorates the Interior of its rolling stock—for a considera tion. "See that hump?” she exclaimed, reading front one of the aforesaid p. a's. "Yes. I sec it." replied her escort, who was gazing at a rapidly approaching cyclist. "Comes from scorching, don't you think?" Diggs —Cervera said his government ordered him to sea. Biggs—Well he saw, didn't he? CUT THIS OUT «PMMMHMHMPMpMI«S£t|MftMIvnBaMnHMMH WftlH your A<tv*ftin#m#» i on (hit Ufthk, #«<**©•• fkffHxugvt Rafaandfy Itt pay for M mfkflh ln 9#' IKNM an you vrAMt, nod ti(H*f m#M Of Hand It to THS MI HALO ADVEItTISIIMENT COUI’ON fO INI AUHhtd Ml MAI 0 PkPAM inhvii tlm *dv#riit#m#nt wrtiton bdriow |im«« In ) our "WANT” roiumn*. for wMrh you will find #nclOh#d a c*nt« M a mill. ' inn .■■«———» mawaamu. . m ■wmm.-mmm SIGN HERB —■— '-w HxwitW* »aX#d« tMurmd Pm# • « » tt#tp ntd# w ft#'### *>:"*• h##i k*t#*». Pm Put* Mm KaiCH *«, g- ••>».«fc.vt a #c«i. »« *#*i ..4 ; -«* aea* lh## tk ,*#** ONE-CENT A WORD SiTUATION WANTED ! wakhu*- Ksinf »x m nrn** I |Fas#p WtiUatno, Wt* J** - A«iS IS '•fAKTfCft-A PtaAC'fS Aft JffdftT | tt«ua«*aa *9# Sa SffT# 4ray ## s#a###Y |*asss Km**# t##lf. Oim st## s*a**s jr#f#r#*#m Atoms O H. A . csr» «f llwrtkld <4ftr#.. WAIITW roSITIDSf Aft BOOK* K K)CI*ER tiy #sprrf#tif#4 Ml IYs* #vti is uipti is M ssiftftSHsYft* H#f#r* #Sr#a ft|fSl#h#«S Atowaa ft* Cl .* rar# H#ral4 Am SI HELP WANTED I _ * tPAMTHO-mk TCM'NO l~4t>T BOng. | KKCI’KR. moat be competent and i {fuff ofthy. A*r#rAM# hat plenty pf work Rtate wbeth-r you ha*u •oy evpervar# or Rot. Addre## J. ».. jrar# Htald. F° R SALE AT It JAdCPOW dT. roR PACK CHF.AP-A PAIR OP ynung horm# Will work double or •lodl* C. H Howurd. Jr . ut Howard A WUlet Drug Ce. June M ts fur »aum»kb prnrr cuasr motor. Good aa new MR voltage. I Speed SM. Type W M No. U. Ad- I (Irene Motor, (tn Memld. j Pept I |FOR PALM-RKFRIGKRATt>RB. CA PACITY f«0 to «» pound* of Ice- Pul table for dairy or meat market. Ad dre** Jone*. care Herald. Au* ts TO RENT I FOR RENT -THAT LA ROB AND PB j SIR ABLE store No. 744 Broad street, lender Masonic hall Apply to W. C. [Jon**, 705 Broad street. »*pt 1 FOR RENT—THE LARGE HAND SOME dwelling No. M 2 Broad street, wtth yard running through to ElU* street. Apply to Julea Godin. Sept l FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE IN7 Greene, with modern improvement*. Rent reasonable. Apply 125« Kills. Sept I To RENT-RESInENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with alt modern convenience*. Apply 1028 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO LARGE cool room* furnished. Most central lo cation in the city. J. E Deas, 918 1-2 Broad street. FOR RENT IN SILVER BLOCK One hous* and one of the moat tieslra blo store* tn the block. Apply to 1. Sil ver, city. Al| F ROOMS TO RENT— NBWLY FUR NISHED. nice, airy and cool, at 82 'S Broad street, on first floor. Aiigl.. FOR RENT—B-ROOM DWELLING. 1305 Broad street. Kent reasonable. Apply to J. H. Feary, 819 Broad street. Sept 1 - FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with all the modern Improvements on Greene and Telfatr street. Apply J• H. Prontaut. 616 Broad street. Sept ® FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWELLING house, 1257 Greene street. With mod ern improvements. Rent $25 per month. Apply 1256 Ellis. Sept 9 Mon wed Sat TO RENT—THAT NEW DESIRABLE residence. No. 316 Broad street, from October 1. Leonard Pbinizy. Aug 6 Mon wed sat 2rvks TO RENT—THE ELEGANT THREE story store in the d’Antignac build ing running through from Broad to El lis. Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire of H. H. d’Antignac or Z. W. Carwile. Sept 1 MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO RENT—ONE ROOM FOR man and wife. Address Cain, Herald. Aug 10 _ ,_!._ atmusT io Ifh % f*A ItTlf A SelftSx L>Ml*S* 4141*11 TS#i® ** a staiwsi **f ftftftftft *HOfirttAftt> AST* TYV*ICWIKtTIStfI I . fill |3 t*#r * ■■• i» *■» a t i hgikhhfS#*a I HwhLri pTh# r#4t#S# Si **4Sf. " * li»«#4SY b*4 ftrTSif. at aisht. C«sw ## call at tns«*# Grril tS* n fl 4 to #t*s*afa|4MfSu J*m St If ["TWO Y(H*NO URN WANT KOOSft ass k#NI tor ala SN*aiha» Imslsft 'raSYStorsllft *tf Itotosl Oftfts#* , Writ# terms i# Oftvtr CtoftC tohf, I Us Aus « jWA VTia^A^ftliAUa ftAJtlf ftWAft I jTfliSr iinß T”t S PH™ •'R**pv* T. ■ . Boa HI. Aug U B*>ARf’EttP WASTED AT T» T»L --t FA IB arwi Wtil furai*h ruoma and mem. on rnmonaM* term*. R*Ptl she /C Whltely / j Exerciser, I l A practical, simpiaand \ id) 01(01 Home Exerciser. V-a * IA ooesprcially adapted for 12J* LA ladle* aud children but \ ft \ at the same lime can be Xf| jg \ 1 profitably need •by the /fJsrjkVl •trougnt alblete. / j; y . IBICES: / |l JA Wc.. 11.40. USA I I TR BICYCLES - CLKVE- I . 1 I I.A Ml.'. MO ap VIE- I 111 INt.jt, |35 up QKX-1 \| DROSS, MB up; THOM-1 Lj. AS. 950 up. Call and *ee f them. Every on* guar- 11/ an teed. J |J Richards & shaver JHE [JERALD HOLDS THE RECORD. ITS CIRCULATION MORE THAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA and GEORGIA. Why-Why BECAUSE ■ IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. “A Newspaper these days mast grow on Its merits as a Newspaper.” The Herald’s Wonderful Advance and Growth Proves the Correctness of the As igertioo, ~~ BAI.E OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE Thp Augusta and Summerville Land Com T pa»y wTt* 1 *.t public of land on the Harr.sonvdle Bojd, m blocks of two to reven seres, on fuesday, August 33d, at 5 o’clock p. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office.