The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 10, 1898, Image 5

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WEONIADAY i nit mmn tn»kM »«> umrere fibre. **>••*' |u* re (NCfcfftre % *,♦ >»«*•<«* Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUVTA, CilLOilOtA. (OVHt:!HtU • i* ftM ftMft ift CAPVVAt* • • • • * * * ,ui, - rr MMK tftft*—— «■ -■■■ ■>, - -- Tran ft •** **••» H Jftre— * - jSSSiri? r>4«» • ***■•**. t a hmmml Imm vi iv fVVAV II nuaijKlfk i , «*»"AV • p i PW * FORUM. iM 4lMff4ffM9 Hi» A rest A|| # A WW A tVVivplV** V Vft re •■? * |W4Mfti (fffflffftftlftift TIMI A Iff* iv v in* ft*** Iff* #tftff* Ift ffftre * «• vuvi ff*4 Mm|M4 _ ... ... Tk» kMkf**** 9ft4l nMMvi fftf-Aift v* «* *. •4*l Apmi : ' *rere ipjß# re* * * Ink ftft# ffftreiHi ftlff !■**.. f ’* 1 *1 ftffffffffi l»»Bdltf lirtn «v«f U» tfef llriiidt. for ((xlii (ji%A I Hera fnapl •a 4 Mftkt tir tndf m (it# aa rre**thif> thru it# ihmiM rr»* , a Mil |tm**ai ate aof «•»« ira**, « (•Ml JR* Bri’i«h irr art Jtkely to n*nt fban. wksti tfcm wt wfloi ffii'"*' jpaa4tttoß> m U ca pi* tl» t>*4« to • tfttitr • Uril the nanse to both of a*, for th»y have eonlins ailloru In Ik* Ml|kbnrti« «t. Mil. If w* will I*l thnn *©. Iktsr* nr# other wr «l»M from »hl<-h th* British roalA b* Induced to take tkrr Tkn* la a t*a ITltad St*W Just f.dsrat ng In Aufrall* and New Zealand. of colon lea which bar* b*"n always »*aiilt» to any nation o>Sirr than British taking ialaada ik*re. For tb-jr aaaliae that a possible calamity lo Ik* *a|ilf* niuiii compel ihrir ikma * Inc off for their tan k My. and do not want aa non* bunary for Ihrfr territory to farm lav* as attack at tkrlr doora. To aatiafy them the Fite* and New Guinea croup* were annexed to the em pire twenty yrara a*o, and I doubt not that the ac >nt» general In linden cf all tkaae colonlaa are ptittiac their ut most prewar* on Salisbury to keep all nations out of the Philippine*, In acme way If we will not hare them. Afherleana. open your ryes to Ihr fu ture. Remember the enterprising blood that la It* you. and *ire our younc Hob aooa opportunity, give them a little In dia to exploit, by way of a file to gnaw at. They will Inundate you with prof it. It la not impendant to Indulge them even In glory. In the Philippines, the ocean will pull them up, soon. China !* on the point of breaking up. Be cm hand and pear—to glva such force and guidance to events a» will ensure the common Interest* of Anglo-Saxon dom That vast empire is visibly fall ing under the Western guidance—guide it, or be ruled out of tbe trade of Its four hundred millions. •’God grant our greatness may not fall. Through craven fear of being great." C. A. Stott. Bath. S. C. An Enthusiastic Augustan. To the Editor of The Herald—Sir:— Augusta Is on a boom and all her citi zens seem to be prosperous and hap py. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SIDE COMBS IN TORTOISE SHELL. ALSO VARIED LINE OF GRECIAN BANDS, THE VERY LATEST FASHIONABLE NOVELTY. CALL EARLY AS THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. Wm. Schweigert&Co. f*tv#£r mi till,* (reft*** Iftttft ia#■* **# • tit |mi #ll fi# mm #nhw i«4nm» Wv fVfMMftt urn I mm • mmm 44 mmp% (ftffrept- ii ts i # ft# fc j «mm tmmiwi «w imm mim-fy 1 mmm «f iff* mm ires** i **4 iik« 4mfii «<t Ami im* : imi< i Am f ■■'•aa ‘ n M 9 tim miAm • imm m Imtmi imi mt m . - .a t- ?i iAfT 4ft ft AllflHNl <»>-i vliy . wm m tlm mntr • mmm m? 1 t fc»« Iflftif in 9 < ftft itNAVti* As |MMkf4 f g * * a m wftfti tyft umm m iNj.. h 4 fc | osf ft** * *' Mm him* : 'Aft ft i*» A iftftft tiftfll f*ftl Wnlii Hi* imtv I# iIM «lti iumftii ! *f mm4 EftlltttJ||| dr#! ftl| til* * iftft# Hmv matif Mb (fti rft ? ran rtn* | Hi Alii ms tit tm* hrl|*4 A* 1 ’ * j IkntAft i# Imm if f •« t»rt#4, aoicn* fM* hi* ifttteVi t<t mi tiftlr ftftlfXkf AMAft AAt **f iif army, ami an on Almmt a*t la* iAltam A%4 hf ft'Nft It Alt AA quietly, j ««a uisot’fa:all* »*«ly. Time I* moth rs rate* | tmat ie ar iniiifimdt will i#ti Bfc» !• A Urt H*»rcat • Vduft | w«*mAA -a •anM Ia ftftft ifftlti Sh<* hi dmrflftf aa4 ait la i I<iiattY«ar4. I*ti* ita »•» riiMffa A i *<*ti aa4 4aucitAf Tie 4aocH ? « r IN at ioiiif AA )0%a114, wilt** tie arm Mpnigh A&4ev |A yttn of a*r, la Hi Ml I *oa. tia a member til tie V f Aite4 State* army Hr* Moreau, poor to* mar Aeeit* her hor a* home Home :t»o4y ougit to help gel Mn 4i*rharge«| ; Mr*, Morgan iivm on Green* atreeet lin m f eat Knd Acala. orr veAther atrrle* fa »o i gratifyf«g and ririfni We fcaow Jital ••if n to leave off m»r roata or rarry aa Utra on. .long, jus* when lo carry loor utnbreilM or Ire re them at home; | lost wbra to mow our bay or plant our [ garden serd*. Hurrah for Flshrr? Doe* it pay to advertise? Who said It didn't? Why. my desr sir. there * ; not a great concern in this city or any j other city rhat ..a. not made re hy persistent rad Judicious advertising I have often thought of the phenom j' »*• success of a certain furniture house of 4 hie rlty. What was the grret secret of their sucres*. The answer can be summed jup In two word* only- they advertised. I started the first newspaper that waa ever started In Olaacr ek county. J hailed U The Qibson En'crprfse. When II came to Augusta to get ad. for It the first man I tacklod was the head of thia ] furniture house. He did not waste bis time to wrangle over the matter with me. hut willingly and promptly he gave me a $6 ad to commence with. H* never from th n first betrayed one sin gle sign of mistruot or misgiving. He | reemed to know what he was doing and I to be satisfied with it. At this time this man had Just start ed Into business, almost we might say, | without capital. But he seemed to know what to do from the very be ginning. Since that time he has scat tered advertisements of bis business like bread upon the waters. Today he Ib a rlrh and prosperous man. Does advertising pay? Witness, the Augusta Dumber company. f.lke the successful furniture man, they have caught tbe spirit, and their good sense and remarkable liberality causes them to use tbe printer's Ink In no stinted way. Do the public read their ads? You would think so If you had taken part in the contest >vhere they offered a $lO prize for the best let ter of critic'sm of their full page adver tisement, which appeared In The Her ald on Mondry. July 4tb. The letter se curing that prize was the 157th, not withstanding was written near the ! beginning of the contest. Some hun i dreds of lelterg must have been writ j ten. But how many people must have ! read It who did not attempt to write at all. The fact that the Augusta Dumber company are now delivering to their customers the third car load of their 70 cents a barrel lime is more proof that their arts are extensively read. Respectfully, M. Dr. J. I. Terry, of Trimble. Tenn., in I speaking of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol ic ra an-1 Dlarihoea Remedy, says; "It | has almost become a necessity in this j vicinity." This is the best remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and is rer oKnizert as a necessity wherever Its preat worth and merit become known. ! No other remedy Is so prompt or effec tual. or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed C.'o., C. It. Parr of Beil Tower Drug Store. Philosopher A man w-ise in h : s own estimation, and a fool in the esti mation of others. c>, u MARRIES FIFTY PER MONTH i flt fiftfit* fiwn Mwi til HlkM| 91k* Omm* taw. OMn *M* tk» Mh*t I. I*»4 f jpg Swat#**, ‘ IPAAt a“#4 I ? aA'*A4 l4lffff<AaAaA Iff* m*A» w$ »AA*f ««•*•£ 4AIT •**• Aft §»*A®*<•**’* *AA I* ** i ft*- A* * # ft*** J*'*»a* Ipf v* Inn * s >sa ApAA vAlAff a*** I I ftlftl fMt f ; lMUfS*ft ft Est. tftllft *A* vftl I (AftC **tt l» AAAftMy Iff Arafw«rik*A f** W* , lAft# fftf Iwft ffflffft. ffffff- Anil* »A* Wiiir ,)■ 4»r *T < reak" ■ F»*ai rt M* j uei tfc* N 44 f Ido* lA* Mftft if !f**; , * Iff lV»* ffftft I** •Ninf *rft*gf*ft A ore Witfc nil »*>• flow H**'* j kHiMrere I IMF *o ore tw reev msoief ibjt him gratis, "for." revs k* **'f sre- Ictl iy. "Iks sss.t who Is 100 pew •<» pov to I, married is 100 pant lo reopwt » 1 and I will ha paHy It »» ox* ; • iip'fdl 1 ! TA* )q4|* Aas a »•? «4 k*ftp4«u; ft* re ret (At BiffAftv of lAft'* reAo tl.» f l*f to lift I Arm ffftir pul* I*’ **r t h rns aa ndditlunnl fee la charg. 1 U r ihH -gad If hs would he could I ell at rang* Vale, of mu* of hit cuwp a. (Hit of tA* a<u* HilTrTftflAA rfffß iki of Ms Ilfs waa doubtb-as tbs one of whirl, be talk* Isa*, ih* on* hs p-f- I jrmed ovsr n year ago. th* hs !!>• f. young professional nan >■* this city and Ih* fide bring bta rirecdtbg 1/ pretty typewriter. DsapKr the rau ,;M ezetrlasd by nil partlsa emerrned Nbe \lfn-r ran-e very n*nr Iraki u.I out -and Ihr dramaxia personas wrvr .'igna -1 tel no Utile I y lbs sensation wnlch I on-lasd lo develop Ths nlfa r tags emoethed over lit some >vey and vrry *ew peopls aa yet knew the truth ata ul !!*!* young couple's trip lo Greta* Judge Schiller vatlmatsa thtt he nur ! riea on an aver»g« forty-five or fifty cout>lea a year. Augusta both bride and groom In the majo’lty rs tb’we case*. 8o far he haa officiated gt three this month- -that of William Harden lo Ablgnll Hu*D on August S, and that of Joe Redd to Cathie Craw ford. August Ist; also Vletor’Bolus to Cerlru Minima on the laraf date. Car tiflentea nrc furntahed all eouole* ami if the Judge la asked lo foget ihe oc currence. with hi* customary urbanity be docs ao and fall* to remember It tm t't the pnrties recall it to hi* mind by asking for another certflctte to replace the one lost. ■UNBdAMS. ; The Kmperor of Oermany haa over 20ft i rosaea. star*, badges find other Insignia, the value of which ia 1230,- 000. | An elephant *0 yenrs of age Is to Ik- added to the Beilin Zoological Gar dena. It ram* frtim India, where for many yeara It wns the public execu i t loner, i Former Gov. Waite, of Colorado, who left his state to become a resident of I Texas, has returned to Colorado, and 1 a nr. ounces that he will write a book which he Will call: "A History of the i War on Gambling.” j A Bangor. Me., poodle dog goes half a mile every morning in all weather* «nd fetches the morning paper, brought along to the crossroads by an electric i ear. The noodle has the time table , down to a dot and never rnlssja close (-connection with the ear. Peter Murray died at Wichita. Kas., at th • age of 84 years. He hud four | wen children, sixty grand-children, I five eons with their wives, and six j daughters with their husbands, at tended the funeral. I Randolph H. Waters, an Inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth, Kas., visited a cemetery at Elmwood, Kas., and read the epitaph over a grave which was supposed to lie his. His sister had placed the headstone I over the grave two years ago. Waters ran aw-ay from home at th-* iteglnning of the civil war, and after it was over he went West. An Ohio postmaster has discovered and obtained a bonk that was pre sented to William McKinley by his father -forty years ago. The post master has forwarded the volume to tbe President. At. the time young Mc- Kinley received the book he was a volunteer assistant -to the man who now returns it. and who was then post master at Poland, O. OASTOTIIA. Bean the »Ilie Kind Yoti Have Always flongtit Wh? isn't a star a sort of sky light? »1 Jim AtTOUSTA HKRALD. TI 4 loM K\rl i.l,Klk |*iaAA44li^ M 4 |fc*i!iM-■*>*• ftff IaNMA Si I » * ■wmiimiih' *i^p4MMNl|| Ufa MMfftftffftft M ftftft* <•%. MinfANA I • flAAff Mftft PftftA •* A f IWMft* ffpftil | a U»AI 7< uT M«IA AT MftAiMlff I ftft ' * idmaßF a 4 ftNMff aa*nAw iAa w ftU aa4BMFffftff I faNAA-i* ifwiaN |l Ia ImHl| fftAft»«AaM* ft f Affft Affft AAff ftwftW tk# vMfcfftftftT | r t Mr% inAkbaftfft Bftftfti* A«» 4 at^> THE OeUKTAHLe WCHITV. i A Dstnk Thai In In Math Demand TAe*< tAi*. j A ffft. r*«4j»g (tfti-Ai »Wf 4n«9 lA* iff It* Hoitirerrlftt«ir. c»r»<it»»sioA fttvAi (A* > • (impure* ref (Aft! ctniti i:‘ iis » } Jim ip, key vko a fen year* ago taynl up and dona Hroad«ar in lbs Tender uin distrtri dating the heated term, instructing Ik* trklts ros ed and clean •bar ra bar tender* In the mystsrtra >tt I Its nA' tKtNi* Of foe I A*•* «• A * 4*#- | 4 |t (Are Junlprr rtir*«U«HT Iff* MfU' t drink prepared with a good rye nhl# key Ths ronromitaat Ingredient* for the rlcksy nr*, cracked Ire. and plenty of It half a lime, a bottle of arltssr or vlrhy and the liquor. Fill ths glaan. preferably a goblet of llhln material, with Ihe Ice and then (through a perforated bar aptmti. eg* the half lit**- upon It. not 100 i hnatlly, but gHowlng lb* sour Juie * to trickle over th* sold surface* to Ihe (bottom of the glass. Thm tn*a*ur>* out your portion of I gin or whiskey, neeordtgg to your de- Islrr* In ths any of a one.' or not. laud p tur the same, ngs.n alcwly. upon S Ih* lee. Then you are ready for the j siphon of seltzer. Aquiri It on with conaldertibls pres sure and atlr vlgoroualy meanwhile I with a long handled bar spoon. Gaze at the resulting mixture a mo ment or so as the glass stand* on the ; while marble In front of you—that la, i f yau arc nn Individual with aefficb at iself control and of aesthetic tendencies, i snd It I* to be presumed thnt you are •else you would not have railed for the | rlrkcy and thn* embrace the coming I, hydra! delight by the eonlemplation (of the frapped glass brimming with Its | white or rml-er «cc nr. I Then are you ready for the drink that i will even metamorptu-sla one fit only for trccaon, etralagctus and apoila; a drink that Is Inepiilug. but not Insid ious, and One that, according to the lights of The Herald Man, haa but one drawback~-!t leave* a taste for -anoth er. This then la the delectable rleksy, as served at the Elks and Commercial clubs. A Narrow Escape Thankful words written by Mrs. Adc K. Hart, of Groton, 8. D. "Was taken (With a bad cold, which settled on my lungs: cough set in and Anally termi nated In consumption. Four doctors (gave njc up, Buying I could live but a (short time. I guv.- myself up to my Ba -1 vlor, determined If I could not stay | with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent om-s above. My hus j band was advised to get Dr. King's \ New Discovery for • Consumption, j Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took In ail eight bottles. It has cured me. and thank God. I am saved and now a well an dhealthy woman. Trial bottles 1» cents at Howard * Wtllet's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and ft.(M). Guaranteed or price refunded. Down East mariners are astonished at the sudden appearance in the bed lof the Machlas plver of an enormous I ledge cover- d at low tide by only two feet four Inches of water. Up to a fortnight ago. so say all the river pilots, the water was 11 feet deep at low tide over this spot and no ledge was visible. rerief in six hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "Newr C-ent South American Kidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If you want c.ui. ; relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Garden*, druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. 20-year filled gold watches in ladles’ and gents’ sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from s7.fto to $12.50. Guarantees lflth each watch at Lewis J. Schaul’s. pawnbroker on Jackson street. SCHOOLS SHOW BIG INCREASE wmmmmmm |i«iNM I.lpm Hi. ftffrftri | * U '«"*** ** i, is -it t ire ♦#.»»** Irerrere I ire*d re *m aMHAi tire ti#A «*iA ia»« t |;/«*4|m4i ref f T%* **m#m ft* ift* ftftft I \ ftifi mnm*m «ftre»«ff ] | TV* WftEftAftft *4 4ft rjAftftn as 4 iftr IW rMAAffA *4 AftM Ift AfttttM ••*•** a }*M nwf lire- 4A«WN IP* .■ | iftai «4 Iftf- j flip far M l«ftt ••• ftfvAlftft Iffffft *4 Mftft, [ twmm *4 •hmtt t ftftft j ( Tftrf* ft A# Ass ftftcftfta** Iff *W Iff* f*)AA* I tre* • |i* |At * , a , *ft99>>A «4 9ft**M?■*•**■ j *|A Iftrft* tfMßfff * ft*Mlft* #wr-ffta«A { lT* |A |*» ***** if * reNA M*-* • *”' *** * " — '"" Tffre In f aremt Qof * r : AI f 4 *** *?ZmvTZ Mrft *«• NtwAAft Aft Ift 2nrei (rint« TA* afffffft tffrVftffffi •aa I** I tl , f A | nuiiitwr »»# a All* r lilt4f*ff 'J| r . n#lJ , ~f jit) |« 3ft,C3ft THAI »!»««•! * , . i ip ipNl haw IdrrvfuN wltA I ('isfninireMonrer UlreAA r*ft**'t«l lA* IA- ; * jure ic» It gvrairr lAan *A«»*A l*jr lA** «• natta .*»» amioal «4 fAr (»i (Mi ft f P « yp§»a an 4 a AAmt**r * •*!*»•• »** Havre Ift# Mtnlilftftf. ll* iftouaftt ll* 4 in • mii . re**ul4 r*a« h alm«ftt aa4 •u a illlle .unoiiwd whea ih, mums failed ahnw large Imreoss* Ihc wtirk on Ihr niSMill laid ahcel Him lirereA 4*»A* 9*y C'lkHlH MTire'iiall, aw 4 as rexft M Kl«»y4 roAAly’a ffttutna ar* rrer*lv*4 A* ft 111 r«m|*l*i* It- TVrr la* Will a great am- uni >4 work !<* h.- done !cn ihe ahcel. hut It will b a valua ble document when completed. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. Ths Kind You Haw Always Bought CARTER(COTRT MAR UAL. The War Took All Interest Away From It. I -pi,,. Cartel court martial sensation was knocked higher than a kite In pub lic Interest by the war breaking out. The findings In the much talked of, much written of trial, are now reposing In a pigeon hole In Secretary Alger's d,,,h X .. , After the war haa simmered down, •th- matter may be ramirreeted. The N. w Yoik Evening Post says on Uni subject: • The case has been marked by many Irregularities on its Journey through the various bureau* through which It pas sed. Its history is somew hat myste rious. Since it has been In the war de pnrtment It has not been transmitted through the regular military channels, which are so rigidly adhered to in all things official On ll* review by til judge advocate general, it should, ac t-ordlng to army regulations, have pas sed through the office of the major gen 'et ui commanding, as General Miles Is I officially designated. It should have I received his comment or at least his endorsement of transmittal to the sec ' rotary. The latter apparently directed that the case proceed to his office at once, and it was passed over Miles’ head In Spite of the fact that that officer was in Washington at the time. It has slum bered in the private safe of Secretary Alger, who evidently does not intend to take It up or present It to the president until after the excitement of the war. In the meantime a vast amount of per sonal, political and commercial in fluence has been at work in behall of ICapt. Carter, who is still on waiting orders, and likely to remain there for some time. Gossip prophesies that his friends, among whom is Senator "Tom” Platt, will succeed in having the sentence of the court martial mod ified to a mere dismissal, although it is pretty well known In the war de partment. that the officer's sentence, was a much heavier one than that Of having his name dropped the register. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell into my hands, Just at « time when my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies, to no purpose, hut the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Oglesby, Ga. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Why isn't one head better than two — in a family? THREE HUNDRED PAIRS > of Mistdi . t‘hii«lrren‘i ftnd lire sans a fUiOfMkff. both ai*i k «mi ChocoNkta, Will ire «oM •! 30 irer Cftftt {tiATOl inf, From 4A crento la • 1.00 A lire rea a*» *••»*« ah tMipirem lhAl wort from ?so* lo (1.50. FOR BOYS—» Wo will clcreo out 30 0*»ro of Flrre Okfortl* At half pHca. Childrren con w«At Summof Shore 60 rfaya lonror And our prlcre put ffrem In roach of all. Win. Mulherin’s Sons& Co., 846 Hroad Street. tNetTWCAIA gaspdHMka ia Iks harek ta ks a AH IWfsswM TMa tmmmm I TA* Arret Mtt <4 A* | l| f< ‘Aftf F, Aft df*A ' lA* Alftf ftAtl wf Anaaal Mi a* ANiWy ! It A* nft mm "4 lAt WTmnfit lA*A?rt*AiT j Ml AwfftM I Aft #a» re * *A*re • AAT* K<» t»iiW 4 ; I ofh4 It ft AnMftl 4 Afff •HfftrtANfta Htf ttkio tnretft A*'f*Nrr tA* >4t «4 ft" ft , ilreoMbref Asst ft <49 •4tAA**4- 1 ! TA* llMtfftrftl «rentllMM MK Ift i “ibrerifc ft 111 ft* Aftft. Are ftfftftit I Alp i freftf* Hlmm aA4 KiiMiAA*f Atfti! H tlfftTA ft AW* ftltrf rt*»l AffftT. Imdurd all altisriaa* k* lMiilaaM| mild "daw at he fa Va«s«S«d "*keS ~.,l MM. and wk»»w a *My had laa Ibralr-a. <■«• IN Ua <lree«aald urrsll 'aad «ns 11 Ihe Klaw aad Haul”* fir.ult. law MssdMM allitni'a* would #*rlke loan as tbe nad night and HBr ~ Mrs I attract tons <*f coutaa. Augu*’* did amt aaTrr any amh thing ‘aa thia. m arenual as h«a thsairsn , tietng Ik the tdnguiar number, j Thia araa»n avs ara la have only -ne - twwditng ng-enry—Klaw Kvlnngw and 'tlreenwald j The larma undsn whl«h thia r«mM naii.-n waa mads are not known, tl la though), however, that II will »orh Summer Suit Sale Our Summer Goods Must Go With the Summer. Those who suffer from the heat wlil ap preciate our endless assortmedt of light, com fortable and stylish Crash, Linen and lifcht weight Serges when they see the high quality at the prices we are selling them at. All Cheviots, Cassimeres and Woolens are selling at CLEARING OUT PRICES. I. C. Levy’s son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA MUD Why Drink Such Stuff When You Can Get HARRIS LITHIA WATER ' SO CHEAP 5 GALLONS ONLY SI.OO Try Harris Lithia Ale and Carbonated Water. Harris Lithia Water will, if laken regular for any reason able time, cure any case of Dyspepsia. 816 Broad St., Shewmakes R. 1,. FOX, Agent for Augusta. Special Prices to *ll Balers. READ HERALD’S WANT ADS AUGUST 10 [fre |A* Al*»*ft i 4 lift F’**t #reflM| ft reft* ft m ift* fftreMA. tl ft ft"* «ireftftff>ft jlliof (Ailk o»foOtl*rewrftl ft4l Aatt a 4ft* 1 rliVkreftt Al »f 9 1 * Aft| 01st tfft re* Aft* AMNA4 mm toftftll ip |t«lAf A*4**Mft ftttVft** MOM k<sw g AiUMdsf has* Iwa Ihw alvvw m Tm (IrtswiM whisk tksy mwah keep VWHdeed with gewl < taasi axrwe. tuam and < lr—ewwak kas IMP fVsnk wet t» hash owl to*. Ha IMP sm»M* ,ak.««b as g«ad a {the ad Hapw aa haO L t r s AreftA pftftfk Ml lift* re**9*Mft« TAft | >nf |m «««oilrero l«t Are A Me ftIMA ;*-• WktftrelfN* TAft mi ft re ill ffft4 ft'Mfi ! t1 rn mi rest fret oAreftA «• lift fftffff *% !fre* lA* ftAft ••T | l%re ffftfA. Al 0- reftift «iii t»f«4 ft AAffMpffffffk ftitA **mmr 1 11) lArerffry iMit tyAMAIMIv Art Aft* Riff 1 * |,| no«l t *»(• vre4« | 4 ftn ft* ftrefto*reA*ftv TfffAfiMftre ftf*4 R**ft Aatt 49AA*4ipaR fhortreriftAlft oA I WlltAiift H Wftftt ftltl Kiv* AIP "ftP rreANftAAf tl •HY Nft* n>«nft«r4 As I* Ml TnwPi lUreeffft JTtmfftAft »A 4 l».*4Mftft4 r Aft%ft f » r m*4 « ftftftlftrreAlA *«4 «9lt ***• tA« •nitvtft A rft *l« re* «»»(«• MftlAffftAl*- flgmsfirre WMftP TA*. A HrlftMAl H* % r « oftiNnM TArf «lAlfft t« h*v| 'the biggssl ahosr ever known Jrn k HavsrMrp ,wkd haa mads mars newer out Of the iheatrhwl i -„aoa [than any ather man living, will taka like rad with Hilly Htcs and Hilly KmneS with a grand »!«*■ laculay mlnaifel »ho».