The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 11, 1898, Image 3

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TftUPIftOAV 40 of Our Soldiers Attacked By 800 of the Enemy. After a Gallant Defense, Warships ('>o to the Rescue, Repulse the Spaniards and Kill One Hundred of Them -Guarding Against a Further Attack, SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE HERALD. * ; nv» im* iw iv*| ** -v* m nmm ■■-■mm »—*»-« » lint T- tmA «• HM»W* IV W 111 nirr V*» I |- mi Afttt •*« VMM W**' *«VMM MWT V** 4 HM*». tt M l«V*U< *-« mmm mwV »*** IW* *T «•***■ •MB iV Lr> V* r Wrft •***<• UW W»l' *• **" Hi. TV a««M v* ikm fv* Wn- C <■**•*• TV* BraaUH* rtWt •* k ««wm tin. IwHwi »mV *►» MM • AMERICA IS GENEROUS Tkat b ik* oplilH H*M Bx I'iiiiiv Another Nstl a *o»M Mav* Been More he*are oa Spain. to The HtnM. ft> otr, a«* 11. A4*ir*s Caar**- m IB* Bi*»m or ror< ip m* l **. ■•»* to The Jour Ml: **TB* I'alsed Stair* aboer |fMl |M •rwi-y and rhlwalry toward Spain. Any other power would harr Imposed *..r* arret, condltlonx Europe ought not to M alarmed at ih« new power which appear* oa the hor'xon. The l'nltr4 State* hare no d**ire to enter the cvntroveraie* of European politic*, bat Europe la bound, sooner or later, to retire and leave all Atae." ka to Americana” DEATH OF MR. AMAKER. New* of It Reached the City This Morning. The new* of the death of Mr. Lindsey Amaker reached (he city this morning, he haring died last night at his heme near Harlem, after a long Illness caused by that dread disease, consump tion. Mr. Amaker was well and favorably Vno'vn In Augusta, having come here ervital years ago. For several year he ■i as connected with the J. B. White dry goods department, hot latterly had been engaged In the grocery business wita Mi. Lnwtettce Barksdale. A fee/ month* ago his falling health tieeess’- fated Ms retirement and since then he has t>een living at bis country home, where the end cams peacefully last night. Mr. Amaker «pi a young man. he irs only 34 years of age, and was ad mireu by al for hie upright morsls'pod m.iti} sterling qualities. His funeral wi-i occur this afternoon lu Columbia county, Rev. M. Duren offlc'atlng. CASTORIA. B»*r» the Kind Yog Hjw Always Bought T” &s-/6^f/jz£r A DIFFICULTY Between Officer Colvin and Mr. Geo. Price. Polle Officer W. T. Colvin and Mr. Geo. Prico engaged in a difficulty last afternoon. In which Mr. Price >vas hit with a brick by the officer. The af fair concerned certain letters Price ac cused Colvin of writing about him. The officers was off duty at the time of the difficulty. A case has been docketed against Colvin and was to have been tried be fore the recorder to day. but was con tinued over till tomorrow. Attorney Alex Clm represents Mr. Price. The letter gentleman has a very badly bruised eye, as the result ct the difficulty. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, rail on me. I can save you money. Lew is t Krhnul Pawnbroker on Jackson street. established 1890. kMM* tW** fB*T *MW* 4iM***M*A TV VkiWM «f «V * • WWM t* •••hi tv* mutwn * ** *V *mmw. TV* knii-nM «•** Httf. tl»} M m !•«*•« «# VWmr tVWt... .MV* V (MB*. •i.* *t~-« imi imX MM* IM «MM tl» Bat* mIMi *U# t »—V.4 Mr IW AttllM >lll»im HMM J«MM, Mmm IVmmm a*i Mvr lew « a TV ibwum*i«4Nmw«4 ivm A MONTH'S PAY ; AND 30 DAYS. SfXrhrr* lapH am Ssb4ii's I*f liaqiratA ■( Cmp Pm. Col. Jo«i» DtMppf"* to of Some of lift Court I fflMtfi>t* Harl tlrtuv art being got la tl»e*e ‘pafile* •"'re pirforgi#* wolutkw*. ; at tbey rso. |lt>wvi • 'Be road, prt'lnlr | ’ bail a mil* a«tajr, »•» another row- j 1 word of rommanri and rame Into ramp j When emitted the per»plmt*on j W'rt ru: ninz In lipafßa ilowti (heir fa* j ret nnd It aam't ao warm th!a morn- j | ini, e‘.th**r. At w** ttaied a day or two nine* In j i The Herald, thr delinnoenta who rete- Ihrated the pay day of the regtamt I wrr? up hr for** the rourt martial and th<* reaulta were known this merning. About half a do*eu of the toMlm wire tried imd- r thr 32nd article cf war. which rrode m follows. “Any soldier who absents himself • from his troop, hatter?. romnany or detachment without leave of his enm j niniiding officer*. shall be punished as ! a courtaifirtte! may direct ." The lieutenant colonel la th ß trial i judge and the charges and specifics* | time are drawn up and preferred by (the respective captains. In the present instances the charges ! were a violation of thr 32nd ertirle and jthe sp<ciflratlons were that‘Private Ro iand-So did absent hltrrel? from camp, : without leave, for a period from ! o’clock on Aug. until o'clock on I Aug. —.” It Is learned that Col. Jones was | disposed to take a lenient view in some of the findings. Inasmuch os In 'these case* It was the first offense. Taking nil the facts of the case togeth er, the first pay day. the rawness and greenness of the troop*, ignorance ns | yet of oil the rules ar.d regulations it ; has been stated that there has been comparatively little trouble lu Augusta and the troops wf the Tenth regiment have not behaved nearly as bad es those stationed ct other ramps. In the case of Shivers, he has re ceived, or will received, a dishonorable discharge from the army. The discharge patters will be sent on in the course of time from Washing ton by the secretary of war, and with out any further ceremony, Shlvprs' name will be dropped from the rolls. The sentences of those found guilty, with no extenuating circumstances, has generally been the forfeiture of month's pay and thirty days In the guard house. AFTER THEn. Revo'utionary Band Yelling For the Spanish Republic. Special to The Herald. Madrid, Aug. 11. A revolutionary band presented itself in the town of Sarratella, shouting. ‘‘Long live the republic!” It is being pursued by troops. c a m.rp oria. B( , aratbe Have Always Bo#! •B» IM Of*** tV* vM IV *-Mk r«*»V TV tvani *»« V 4 Mmmß *BMt Mr. TV *•■ •*** *»•■ tV hm «M •»•!*-* r»» <*f tV *Vmw*i Me Tim •• M •«* MB inmM va* Ml tv |»VM «f Ik* *Bmw» ***** TV rv, Vn mm 4 ffcoVm. ?iti»tm4 V IV am* ivh *f tV • ..•m Ani vtw» im» v c*m ! MM iNI TV* •rfW Vl*t* M IMM LONDON HEARS SPAIN ACCEPTS llirniag AiikwiH la l* A fix SigMiaf*. Tadrid l MoMllttle* to Ccaac at Osw. London. Aug, 11.- A dispatch fr ‘‘ m ! I Madrid sno .un. es that th* Spanish j cabinst fetter Is td* protors! protnul- ' aated by the t'nltsJ State* aa aatlsfar cahiad to Cambran to affix Spain* aig losturv. It • expected that boaUlltlea ’ THE SEARCHLIGHT. Augusta Weekly to Make Appears nee on Saturday. The Searchlight, an » Ighi-psgc week ly paper will make H* Is.u to the Au gusta public on Saturday afternoon, the Mr. Frank Heard la at the h.-ad of the nest sheet, lie bad Intend 'd call- ] ing It the "Kinet. /cope,” but changed j It to the ''Searchlight." The headquarters will be at 307 Me- ; Inti sh street. The projertnrs of the new paper claim for It the following motto: “Chained to no power of any sway. W'U drove to the truth where'er she 1 leads the way.” The projectors also set forth the fol lowing In a circular: "It will be thor oughly Independent In nil tilings, I knowing no political party, no religious !r«cl nntl no clique or faction In social realms. It will be published In the in j terrst of the proprietors and the pub lic.” Four ladies hove been engaged as spyclol contrlhulors and a member of the gentler sex will look after the canvassing for the paper. NO INSTRUMENTS Have Arrived For Use of Tenth Regi ment Band. Bandmaster Horace Verdery of the Tenth regiment was seen by a Hetald reporter this morning. ‘‘No, the bund Instruments have not arrived yet,” said Mr. Verdery, In answer to whether the instruments had come. “They are expected shortly." he con tinued, "and while we ore waiting for them the men who have cornets are practicing on them ard all arc being drilled in the marching manouvres.” Only one member of the hand Is from Augusta. MOHRMAN’S corner FOR RENT OR LEASE. STORE 30X100. APPLY TO J. H. MOHRMAN. A QUINTETTE. Five Colored Characters FineJ One Dollar Bach. Emma Bowman, Nora Bowman. Jrela Bowman, Maggie Davis and Mary Da vis were a qulntettti. of colored offen ders who fart'd Judge Baxter this mor ning. They had raised quite a disturbance las: afternoon In their neigh borhoood. The judge lined each sl. Wm. Reynolds was fined *2.50 for a breach of No. 18. “Red” Brown was given seven days In jail for a like offense. Will Kelly and Gus Beard paid $2.50 for a violation of the eighteenth. TBID ADQUeTA BEHAI4? Ml • *»* IV Mmwm tMI t» *M**k •M MMM* TV MlllWiMi M* m*M V Win *• «l# <*» IV •MM*, W* VMM ••*» • W IM inmMmh 4 IV* • *1 rm*r mVmumm *Vm IV UIM. AMpVHII* «M IW*«1 ,«m 1* iv n*w a iv v«» *v |IW •Vs »* w**%. ; tv L**v*. ciiWMkWi V Vm* tw. IMVI V «HM* M» ***** 4 NO DUMMIES IN EIGHTEENTH A Most I'aiqir Caw (Mmaißg a ■ riatbiag Pigarr. Ir. Julius Prater HMa'l l-lhe l.*w koH's Ad»cril.*ing Dummy. Aa unique a me •« his honor has I perhaps ever La cued to engaged biS| iattrnt.oo this morning. It •*’ *' re-, ronler'a court aa4 the dramatis pev .»«.»*# in the case that ta to be related j | e.*rv Oe rge Logoff hi* son lauaruaj ILrnkoff. and Julius Brag. r. At least | the* mere the uiain artists, but there | were uisn. character* which took ttie I role of witnesses. | But to the case: A few preliminary remarks. If you j please. ! On lower Broad street George IgX' j koff conducts a clothing business. Next door, ot near by, anyway, Julius' Prager Is engaged. Mr. Bra ger Is unfortunate in that ue la af flicted and us«M clutches. The mer it hants are great rivals, according to the icsi.uiouy of a witness, anil ruich lis envious of the other to such an !extent that when one seen a bundle of! i goods coming out of the other’s store lit doe* not take much lo start a fuss. 9o much for the preliminaries. Yes ilords;' afternoon Lnxurus L itkoff con- FtruttFd a clothing dummy, a umall af i fair, biiii placed it on a Isux in front jof the store ri h!s fattier, "Jusi to • nbciv what amall children's clothings we keep." as he told (he Judge totlay. Julius Brager saw the dummy and young Lenhoff remarknl "It look* like you.” Now. that vvas an uncalled for and |raiher hurting remark, as the only similarity Nas that two sticks prop ped the fiffure up, and Brager took It to mean that the sticks represented crutches. He did not doubt for a moment that the dummy was placed In front of the store lo wound his feelings and he then rcsolvrd on vengeance and had a case docketed against the Lenkoffs at police station. The matter was aired In court today, many amusing Incidents being brought out. Mr. Prager insisted that the dummy was made to represent him and the Len koffs insisted that it was only to show off the garments for salo. "Bring forth the dummy,” demand ed Judye Baxter. The dummy was produced. It was a small affair and why any one could seo any resemblance be tween it and the prosecutor in the place seemed si range. The offending sticks that had propped It up were missing. Mr. Russell of Russell & R ncnfleld, the attorneys, represented the Lenk offs. He made a brief argument, say ing the charge against his client was a viola ion of the eighteenth, and while that section was quite an elas tic one. he knew, and “could catch ’em coming and going,” he had never heard of dummies being mentioned tn it." Judge Baxter agreed with him, and said he could not see where any viola tion cf ruction 18 had been made. He therefore dismissed the case. Prager lefi the court saying that lie would kill Letrkoff If a< more dum mies were made. “Judge, I opr afraid to leave court, after what that, man said,” remarked Lenkoff. in » frightened voire. “Well, If he assaults and kills you, j make a ease against him.” answered the judge, add Lrrkoff, with the of-' tending dummy uadej his arm, left! the court rooru, ' IV M*f*. MNI VMM* I * MV« V* «Mk •v TV Avpvmv. mv ■MM V r«f* VM IV M «mM M (Mr. wM V* MS I" vVlira • Mil AMI kw* *• IV 'VMM. *M »V OKMM'I *Hfc Vs •** tkl MV. •*• **•• vv 4krfl** TV t|Mk**'4*. V*** VMM MW l*f !•*» I VMM VIV W 4 V*** in* Vi TV* imm v *M*v tv mkkv. v i*««tk fir* kM»Vi4 M mm *i*4M DM IV MMV VI IV *WM*«V **V MARKUS BAUM FILES A PETITION IHr Asks Thai Hr br A4ja4gr4 a lUakrupi. Assets Non* and Airouut of Indebt edness »».»<**■ <• Th* aev ad petition filed befnraj I ('uorißiMiuti'f Cult In ithiAi *h»l tl>® ' IN : i-oiter Imp a4Ju4|«*4 ft bankrupt , ins -d on re«-»rd this mornin* TH* i l» ;ttion< r ta Mr. Markus llaucn. cm-1 i (>lo co by Mr. J. Baum * 00. Tbe, wording of the petition t* In the ususl 1 (orm the pH.turner artung forth his: lauet'iednesa and asset*, which, in thin I (atr> m-(> <!«»> lart d to be ao uukuutvit | In other words, the petitioner de- 1 • dares that he Is without any personal j I property. j He *c:s forth that he owe* debts snd not being in a position to cancel the name asks lhal tbe court declare hlut j a bankrupt. gettion 2 of the petition reads : "The petitioner owe* tlnbis that hr I is tira'de to pay.” Section Kjtadt: * That he ha* oo property or chose* I I la act ion either real or personal. Fifteen creditor* are named in the petition, six loral and nine foreign, ] rooat of the latter In Baltimore. The largest lucol creditor is J. llaum & Hor, petitioner being Indebted to themj to the extent of $1,118.22. The largest foreign creditor Is H. Lanrhhclmrr t p -n of llalllmore. to whom the peti tioner Is indebted to the amount of $707.75. The smallest local creditor 1* the Ail- i gusta railway and electric company, to whom petitioner owes sl2 for electric lights. The total indablednesg amounts to 15.5M.41. Judge H. C. Ronry Is petitioner's attorney. THE HILL IS ORINDINO. Clark nilllng Company's Plant In Op eration The Olntk Milling Company have, ns stated they would in The Herald some few days ago, started their mill to ; grinding. The company Is now ready to supply ] the trade with flour of various grades and corn meal. They have thp latest Improved rna- 1 ehlnery In their plant. Tliel- capacity Is KSO barrels per day. Orders are coming tn right along. SEVEN SOLDIERS. Spent a While at Police Station Last Night Seven drunken soldiers were locked up at police Station until a provost guard arrived from Gamp Dyer to take them to camp last night. The police are quite accommodating about putting soldiers in the "Jug" un til the provost guard can overhaul them. It is u nightly occurrence for a soldier or so to be brought into the station. BURCH’S. The Bathing Pond is Always a Popu lar Rendezvous Burch’s bathing pond Is the popular rendezvous of the pleasure loving peo ple this season. Every ladies’ day par ties arc made up for a spin ti> the pond. After a dip In the refreshing water, lunch is enjoyed, picnic style. In the upstairs Ifavilion. Fully Heventy or a hundred enjoyed the bathing last even ing, and the scene at the pond and in the woods was one of unusual anima tion. •*4 MW V iVff VW «W *VT Ml W, II VrVik • ••*•! *W. MIV AmmVmm*. »«* W* *<vM VrtMT IV BM BMNBMMi VMM M M U«. ' !■•**. li*v M» ••• M IV MIIMv •M W IV BM. Vt» wIMiM MMlI* *MM *M rVM W M M MtVfM* MM* < V Halil VMM TV V *Villl* M >w M VM, «Hk «*!»• IN ASOCIAL WAY ! ' \i-f}/ {\liy 0 A Short U i • Cofuiit. . Warn#**! a xtl«Serft«*«* of Ira. A paradit of s*lia«l«*, ! Juj»l trn <»f (milmleaf fans, A latfr of |rm<*fi«<h*. , Wanted-—ft n anowatonvi* (old, I HrfrliA*rat(»rs txv#*nty, An Ifflwri blur, «u*nu* Miiurli, too, i Ajul frm— in plenty. | Waniff! i l»un« h of ml north |» »U a. j All cool, and utifT, um* nloo, And around thorn thrown a frigid «'*nr j H»ndwl( h«*d with al *rl and Irr. —D. Q. H., in Savannah l*r»n*. Romantic Marrtsg: Young Georgians. A correspondent write* from Rome: Mr. Hoisted Smith, Jr., son of City Clerk Halsted Smith, and Miss Bonnie M (thins Foster, the cha?ruing 18 year (>ld daughter of Colonel and Mrs, John IC. Foster, were married here at the resld-.uiee of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Chedaey, yesterday morning, at 8 o'clock. Rev. C. Buckner Hudgins, of j St. Peter's Episcopal church, official i Ing. j The wedding was a rather romantic j affair, and the history of the courtship j and marriage of these popular young people makes an Interesting story. It seems that there was another pop ular young Roman seeking the favor of Miss Foster, but, as there were pa rental objections, he had solicited the assistance of young Smith with the charming young lady. Smith proved an excellent ally for a while, but he himself became enamor ed of the charms of the young lady. The sequel Is not surprising. A few days ago Miss Foster went to ! Lyerly, alsiut 30 miles north of here, Ito visit relative*. Sunday Mr. Smith I went up to Lyerly to call. S He was pleasantly received In <he home where Mlbs Foster was a guest. Monday evening they decided to mar ry at once, and so, under pretense of taking a moonlight ride, they 1 'ft the home where Miss Foster was visiting, drove through the country to Rome, ar riving here early yesterday morning. I The went to the home of Mr. Ohld !ney, who was a mutual friend, and the securing of the services of Dr. Hud ' gins was a matter of only a few mo ments. The young people later in the day made the marriage public, and are now pleasantly domiciled at the home of Mr. Smith's father on South Broad street. Colonel Foster was Informed of the marriage soon after it occurred and for gave the young people, and happiness new reigns supreme. Mr. Smith is the son of City Glerk Smith and has quite a large number of friends In Rome, who heartily congtat ulate him upon the bride he lias won. A Tactful Retort. There is always a certain amount of gratification In hearing of a really clev er woman gracefully suppressing upon occasion a pompous and conceited man when she does it without rudeness. An Augusta woman writing recently of hei stay with some very prominent people in a northern state tells a story of a certaJn welt known a/id altogether im AUGUST II • * ... • A n-.i - **• f Ml MflM* AVMk |l i 111 <IM tMPBrv T wv ' ""Ml am v *««*'♦ Ml IV MM** *t IV IMkVMMV. a—imW HM • t l|M K»« WkM. TV . Am *1 -IB Vmh truth lu V* iv M* at PIMM •Mk • r«|H«*ki hVM. MV V 4 • VM Ml* tv AmIWB aMMM TV VMI *m w B***T. V«*W MBaV *<•«• *1 IV iMmfl, ••• MVM V* Ml l-MM MMMVI k* BMVA W>MM »!•»** 'ktak IV* MM •M «V* M* M IV flirt ■■• Ml *V* >*l R. jl-»ri«nt Gr»#i B*>f *«***• and his wtf*. J w hi* ti is well srnrth r»|w**M>«|. WlMhi rnteruMtaf osm islbn is th« draw- I tn* room «•* »w*t*i. MS th* Ot*at j IVnwM** *»d hts wtf* tn>— let tin* I tbe same at my tn lean* lb <**(btts 1 aide* sf th* room Th* man** wt in *ii«hitr ral«*«l »t»4 (b* »»«»•*••*• *%"«« |r»«p FIX.I but Ik# >'»liftlll ft «.»r4 iififf rrilltcd (hat *h* mm t#*- idie lilft r«vt>rlt# mtory. "My 4»*r, M H# Mid will 4lf* niiy, la mrjr nf hm i vtiir#. *1 N*ll#v# ft# ftr# tHllftft thmd jianiff afory,** | Hh* ItmktM) up Mfhltr ao4 »m!ll«ur!y, [dr#ft th# aii#n(t»n of the * hoi# root* ifxjitiy tn h#r##!f. } ' Why. I Mkvff ft# ar# tfllllf th# Sam# thii»« I will Jut»t tftk# up whera ‘ you k‘fi a** I 'T!rj»twrit#* fh# Aucuatft wotnin, |**wc mw a rurfxrla#d man, I , Th* , f» an nn#ry man. I '*T>*n a aul«du#4 man, “Th*»n a imUr-HMH. 11 Feuerou* Dopatioit* to Army, Mi*. (Y. Henry Cohen i*r*(**d * *m fermis deni'bin today, from the llan ■ nek Army and Navy league, through Mtsa Glyd- WNle. <"rre« ponding aee retary. Mr*. Cohen Immediately ln v -t-d the sum lu beef-tea extract and ndensed milk for the sick In the hos pital at Mcßheraon tiarrachs, as they were greatly In need of the** article*. Mis* De I eon Complimented. Mr*. Cornelius VoiMI complimented her guest. Mlsa Alma De la-on of Sa vannah, with a bicycle ride last night. The party, about twenty-five tn num ber. after tbe ride, returned to Mr*. M(lies' home, where icfreshment* were served, snd "up-Jlnk*" and other game* were played until a late hour. Thursday Reading Club. Owing to the absence from the city iof so many members, there was no of the Reading club this morn ing. It I* probable the meeting* will not be continued until September. Meeting Postponed ; Cm account of the rain, the meeting iof the King's Daughters, to have been held et Mrs. Rowland * yesterday, was 'postponed. The Misses Weed arrived In the city last night. Mrs. James Daly has returned from Charleston. Mrs. Pinckney Thomas has returned from Savannah. Miss Marlon Oates has returned from a visit to Atlanta. j Misses Clare and Helen Welstger are In Brevard, N. C. Miss Dora I • lie Webb Is visiting Miss Belle Walker on Bath. Rev. Dr. Chauncey Williams Is spen ding a few days at Flat Rock. Mrs. Webb. Miss Fannie Webb and Miss Crane have gone to Tryon. Miss Rosa Woodbury, of Athens, Is the guest of Mrs. Patrick Walsh. Mrs. Herbert De Vaughan is spend ing the summer at Washington, D. C. Miss Kate Malone leaves today for Saluda, where she will spend the rest of the summer. Mr. N. J. Cotter left for Asheville. N. this morning. He was acrompa ni d by his charming daughter, Mis 3 Mamie, and Miss Marie Kelly. They will be gone for the balance of the summer. Miss Jocela Summers, of Augusta,who has made many friends here on her I r vimis visits, Is the guest of Miss All ele Dealing, fi Parks street. West End. Miss Byrnie Dugas and Miss Mona Dllgas entertained a few friends Infor mally and delightfully last evening at j the residence of their mother, Mrs. 8.~ i atrlce Dugas, on North avenue. The young people present with the hostess were: Miss Isabel Thomas, Miss Marie Mitchell, Miss Josle Smythe of Augusta, Miss Aline Ruse, Mr. Walter Richards. Mr Priestly Ormo, Mr. Thomas Scrut- Q h Jr., Mr. Edward Dougherty, Mr. jcuyler Simth.—Atlanta Journal.