The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FRIDAY NO WAR PRICES taftwV UNtr • . • w #J jSf *• RaJrftwafc • * * * **sß ** ** • ■ Dofftft • * # * • *9v a# ** IMMS *»#• •■•Mil • » * • ft# *#***"• of o***l ••• ♦ * *** I t»«v* »** * #*« «My* »« ***y "•» f »* ~nf ? «•**? «aiv« yam ftft to fto pm* root ft* •* «»or«J*o*oo. Lorwoot gs D**tmofWi if* Auf«>t4 LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jeweler. Undvr Ift# ArttuHon Hof* Three Thousand Dollars l t W M mm " ajp"~ *’*•' w ..j i ** * rl f J jjjl;.' *mml WORTH OF Musical Intifunients FOR 50c Oh THE SI. o Rill mandolines ««<e *•••* Rosewood Guitar* 84*#* |H •' M Amati" Violin* ««« m *«* * *» I I inch Banjo* (fUb flfttit ffiflfl'#*# Ware ta #«• **>*• 2 Stop Accordeona «#**k4 **• « Birch Guitars Snare Drums (is m»t» itu H«- k» W«f*«M *•« •» TMm i«iwh wa* U»« u»4*i at <W Al- Tinas & Barton, W H MARRKTT. Ttorte*#*. tie Bran—■•«. *■>—<■. Oa- MEPMZIBAM. Personal rwatlwi fnvtr Meeting Sarvk* Last Night Uncial (« The HrrsW. Hrvhtibah (la Aug U—J B rvv «r and rimllf left this mtiwin* for Louisville. sshets Iher am* aprnrt am»« lip with rvtitin*. * flftft, J. If. OHv«f a l»ray •r mer'ias service last evening In the Uaptlrt church. «Vl ton open rOdder being polled Weather cloudy and coal- lialatoll laal 14 hour* .1 inch. LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. BILLER WALKER THE HATTER. KNOX HATS The Mighty Surrender Sale. The mighty surrender sale of summer shoes and alrawhau now going on at the Klee * O’Connor Shoe company's la like a great landslide, and la sweeping everylhlng before It. This Arm haa de cided not to carry over any summer goods, and Is now offering low out shoos In all the colors at price* regardless of coat. They have a grand line of colored low shoes that la taking wdth the trade for the prices at which they are offer ing them make them teady sellers. Hoad carefully lholr advertisement on page 1 of this paper, and If you are needing a pair of shoes attend their summer clearance sale, as you can save money by going *O. Have You a Son, Brother. Husband or Lover In the Army or Na? vy? Mall him today a 25 cents package of Alima Foot-lease, a powder for the feet. All who march, walk or stand need It. It cures aching, tired, sore, swollen, sweating feet, and makes hot, tight or tti a siloes easy. Feet can t blister, get a re or callous where Allen's Fool-Ease Is used. 10,000 testimonials. AU druggists and shoe stores sell It. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmtded, Le Roy, N Y. Have you bad a kindness shown? Pas* it on. •Twos no; given for you atone; Pass it on. He* it travel down the years, Hot it wipe another's tears. Til! in heaven the deed appears Pass it on. —Detroit Journal. OA S7OHXA. Be#r« the 11)9 Klnli ' fou Hfl,e M*a*S Bought ■nr Commissioner Winprfleld has rented one of the new Platt houses on Grewe street Just above Mclntosh. PEOPLE'S FORUM. tirim At 4 «£«*•% MINI fINNNMPtM i jftgftfl fflftftHfl : ftft ft Mft •* «* ll *-4k ft v4MT ftft# ffPftM sft «*•*!**« Ml >■♦* >a# f I**9 flflMff fftflflftnflL M# 4PW4nMHMM§ Ml fJM*ft MMMM m M«ft*ft«NpPf Ml, Ml % iNMI ft j §*#*•» MmM MMlflMff, ? MfftftflNff M Hffi fl"** B Mr. Ml fMMpit toPMM#% Mft** tMft HMM* ! ft# swm ft*flft%ftftftMt Ml AM# •toftM*** j IngasH v* (MAT* tHUgißtk • e a tag II j f* tip* mm** at IV HggeN-tV ihfc# ft# Mftfti ftMft •Mft' i t#►#* Ml A *wl mil>#>*' MWMMftft* ft# Ml' fitftf ifftn ft#Nl W* tlMk* I ft* MMMftafftlt tiff ■ #flff|ititftt # ft#** #4m§ *vft •Mkft# **** llpvtftAl ft# ! MMO* |IM #i I# * ft# MNHMi MUM ftM *- MftataMft ftff #- * f«'«# t«,f *t.|lft# ftN* MU*'# ###' I yji Jt Ihft* if#dik ' i # «ftftt ft# f fIMMftNI m * , MffcAitftft I■« tig mt<4 fni trynrfti mil I* I fttit ciiftfttitf *tf«Mftl I Wim. #tm*| lljf gNMlftMlfl* (if ft* |*f 1 **••»*** * gkv Ml #ftMMI MftMf ftMMIIIMft !»•*■* FftM **•»! ■ I hear thta M I M 4. nlltemgh a n» » Itonw pMgwtt'V *»• 5* uard I §>V» lair RtUa paiwnia • «ar*n t«th Ra«m |lime ia4 Right *f aNn »»**4owb. tth* | pregnated with bk-nrheaaale of *ed» II put hie ahnht oh# Bikes of warm water two haa pint tahti #ae««tful» of kg* rsrtesaate at #><4a aad hath# tha in fant hi it a boat t» mlaale#. I «*»*" ,neai all thr water they will drink but Ural tael It fr#ah every morning #n'>ugt> to last gtl day. artd enni It to the tem perature of sprtng or w#tl uater: «tv* It oft#u and email quahtlttra at a tint#; I give internally. If pain ta very eevrrr. a few drop* Of pareaorlr in mint lea. and also gtvr Inieraally. thr kf* cum ceete. and prepared chalk, one to three grains ev.-ry thr*# hour* until nine ,;,«#» are gltrra. then give no m»»rv. but rut* In armplte and Inner eld# of ihlgha twelve grain* at aulnlar with vaaelln# twice a day for four or flve day*. I ronllhur alkaline hatha for ten day# or until accretion* and ear ret lona are nat ■ I urat. The principal thing la to render ■the hlood alkaline which prearnla the fermentative prm-re# Induced by heat and molatur*. and we do thla most irad i ||y and rapidly through the akin, a* we have a large ahaorhlng eurface. and du > ring teething the aenatllve lltO# atom arh te eaally offended and Ita coal* r#- du.ed to a maaa of Jelly If w «•* mrung medicine* In eufflelent quanllttea to he of any material old. lad the little on* auhalat entirely on their naiural adatrnance. their mother'* milk- If the gum* *r# awollr-n and Irritated, get your physician to lance them freely, lieartng In mind that It not the gum. but the aac or capsule In which the tooth hn* It* formation which set* up the irritation, and this mual be divided, to give relief or to do any good, unlea* the lance grate* upon and cornea In contact with the coming tooth It will prove hurtful by a cicatrice forming In the gum, whereaa If you divide the sac the tooth follows so rapidly as to pre clude your Incision clostug up. I know how anxious mothers are to tide their children through the summer month* at the time of their teething, and after a continuous practice of SB yearn, 1 have found this plan of treot mint eminently surcessful, and suhmlt It to the readers of The Herald, with the hope of Its relieving MiXlmi* »nd tired mothers and curing Ihelr alck ba bies The whole medical treatment la •!- ikallne: for prepared chalk there Is nn -anti-acid, then there Is lime water with milk; bora*, given its high sounding Jiam e of borate of sods, and bismuth, 'and the aromatic powder of the t'nlted States dispensatory, and a review of all (he treatment recorded by the oleopath tst has its Its baso the correction of acidity. The prime factors for the develop ment of this disease Is stated at the commencement of this writing and this Is neither the place nor time to advance I argument to prove a theory when the | disease presents evidence sufficient to he recognised by the laity. Trusting it may he the means of saving and reliv ing the little sufferers. MRPiers. OABTOIIIA. B*»r« th« Sind You Haw Always Bought Mr. Junis Jones, a practical and scientific plumber, recently of Atlanta, has been engaged by Mr. Erbeiding. Mr. Jones has had a vast amount of experience In all the modern intricate plumbing and steam fitting and we give him a hearty welcome as a citizen, plumber and tiuion man. Smith A Wesson pistols from 25 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Schnul. Reliable Fawnbroker, under the Arlington. THS! -A.TTGT7BTA HKRALD THE f.0U1.0 VOLUNTEERS • r#rimtM» if |t» *kt Atti**f**t M * ft***.*** " L. _ ___ tln «y * k»» ft Mb# «v» #• lan* Ik #** f ' M W-* A ft# IS * (MlHNli* f ft## ft f*M* iftift -ftftt pi# MM# M**«* 'ftftft % #>ft#-i*ftft Ml#** fftMMfMMt# I* •"*»• I MU# Mia flMii# ft# MM# MMpft-j Itfpift# #ftMffß#P#t A MMMP ffftMMi Mrt#* 1# I »■* a* ftMfti *»ft #l9# ## *'###•»*' mMMMMP## I ftft-ftNk mvt «-«MI ft#f#«Nft MM* ##*■* **ftk #1 M ? YIHNi ftftft##### #mn* IftftM i* ftp* t#R# ### M#* ffft mm<4 |#IPMHS% ||ft4 |#ft Clftffl ft IWMPft II fftftfßMNi ft % ■**# OR# ikaMH --•*«% * ra*r«o» MM* ! n tn i* if j., (f|m* s# I ?pftft|ft gif * *•,t A PvMlf ifmlL ! Mlt ## Imi ft »#r#» # ft • • f*#f»-4i*|flf' [flMM* lift •#*#»• #i| MMI ## »#•"• #f . * *v . »ttrdl flf*' r * ft isl ihn? «#ft lllrlil##4 r#t##t*#r* *• *****'** *« *rr?* i M # "Wfe-MS f ft# Ifflft I «M*9M#ftHift #tr-Hi CVrtfti l*t fill# I ftn4 Up fpftftftftfftft *bnw* %m m **«cr hftft# ft## ftl I lift ft#MP ttfflr f.lll#ll #f i Jeffcran* Dryl*. Ik# Iwen of »k# CWR i f. Rfrary laagulth'ng li a prUnt. I am I UMnd to re«.H Whe n I think of Rpgk l«k «nM *#* kelßg rnueaed la tk«ir I rwaalry wbtl* tkoa# *vh*» fnugkl for Ik* rwnled*vary wee* thrown Into petawn. I eannoß Nat rekerl Whew I think of Nanttogo twin* #par«d wkllr our beau I I Ifni over yonder kill w*a horsed ! but lhaak God that R* have rivtllbed war. “I love Ik* **en In hb*e and II m*k »a I my heart IhrtU when I rhink that three of the greatent hero#* of thla Rar ar# gout hern hoy*. Vtetn# Hlue of Rmith Carolina; Wf*r»h Hngley. of North Car- j ottos and Richmond fVarnoo llohann. of Alabama "As to my vl*sr* on poananalnna. they ■re 'ent and drt*d.’ I am In favor of keeping a't of i hem-front Manila lo I’orto Riio* Al the eonelualon of hi# apeeeh. and during It. Mr Patton na* loudly ap plauded Mr. Thomaa* Speech. Mr Thom** began hi* reapon** lo •Woman - ' by aaylng he was proud of the fact that he had been a member of the Richland Volunteer* for the past eighteen years He referred to the glo rious record* of thl* company, and then paid a beautiful tribute to wo man. "In the Civil Wnr the women were at the front doing all they rould for the wounded told lent. When thl* w»r wa* declared, the cam* without a moment's delay and la truly a ‘'guardian angel" to our wounded hoy*. Houor, all hon or, to our brave women! "Before we go home from celebrating this anniversary, we should drink a toast to the old veterans. only tlx survivors remain. Since our last an niversary two brave fellow* have pass ed away to answer to the last roll call." Col Marshall was the next speaker on the program. He afso congratulated the company on their past record. "Th» Richland Volunteer* will never be fqjr gotteo by the citlxens of South Caro lina. The hiatory of the company is part of the history of South Carolina. The noble deeds of the heroes of this company are like the stars that float upon the silvery waves of heaven. Enih day add* to their number and their lustre. "It haa been said that In order to abolish sectional feeling the deeds oj our heroes should be forgotten, but I tell youi my friends, the state that for gets Its statesmen In peace and her heroes In war will be herself forgotten. From 1812 to the present time her men have stood in the front rank. Would you know their heroism nnd their val or? Go ask the waves thnt wash the shores of Morris and Sullivan Islands and those that beat upon Fort Sumter; go ask the graves that mark the spot where the heroes tell on battle fields from where the bright Potomoe rolls to the dark waters of the west, and they would tell you. could they speak, what the members of your company have done for our Lost Cause—the cause we love so well. “There is another company which should be remembered —the Governor’s Guards. Ever since its organization It has been found willing and to do and die. Remember these two companies, and we will remember the two bright est jewels in the diadem of Columbia.” The Press. Mr. Reynolds next responded to the toast “The Press. “On all such occasions ns this, news paper men are always railed upon and this is right and proper. The press is the current history which makes up the life of nations. It is the press that Q |»-«* WHOM J j ftP>-th»-.*> M 0 %#-•#»* «R *•» *»m !«*«# ~ti j.., it - j tm -f *#' I ftft#P ffftft# ft#*# n»a*R * €«•, «h*»i#a *R I « It : g, |,r f ft* j immrm tb* IftMl fthfMh# fc* ftM 1 # f’ll ,B 't Mift, ifftM ft#4 ft## #M tftftiM# !M« tn • iff# ft# tMft «t# iiiMiwft# «# I iMftftft CftftiMtMftM# Mftft'ft'ft ft#*# t»-«ftH»r**'# ■ |g 9 ftftfft,. lift MffM ftllftlftft# ft .4 £ ft## ft#• #fttfft# Mm **’*#*mmMp itftMlM# Mftftfffft ftMftM*-. * I | Pm IfftiHMi * 1 ft ftiißi'ftftMff ftftftft ftft II rwnii lIMMIIIff M * fiftlfto-# MMft ftWMI II 4M«ttflMhil# Vft |hft * • f ftft ft ft* fftfttftf #viftikift ftt tMft #Mftft Mft»*ftMMi' CMS OftM#MFM MM ftftlftjMftftlliftMl IAI iM# ftmftili Cftfftl : MMl «*r*4ftftt ; I toft ftftfti iftfti iftftffHftltftft M vft# I aft * # (Yftlftlkf 4ft« • f H# •ftftft# ft HM 4f|HM«rt \*m Mi «M* I ftftr MgTftffftfti tMft MbMftft ft* ftftfttftftifti If ft# Ml# IMiftH# Mftft#M Cftfw#NM| - pt MM tth# %« IN'4£ ff| * fftft,ftft %* ||i Milftft Ift nriftHt ft# iarnM OftTv# Fftft tuiyt*# " H# >« rift# tftnfti ftdftiftffftMF t*>f ft ftftffft• of »##** •• Nftliftf #trl til iM# ' ftijt#* itrnftlT m# Ms ft it ft# iMft cftHftHftT* ) #r ft It wh*m M* ftprtft# Mft m%U M* Mi«t#tf < l Cnl Oaodwyn OH a *a#R>h#r of tb* i •<«<# eonveattaw of 180 which rv« j [na#ar the rail nl fMltleoil (knvnw Ilmjamlß # P#e»> Me wa* a man <m# in *n the mfathM* at Ilk. Hi* lia >t*a were - n am'ty llleraey and h* j had la a moat marked dagrv# "that : early and laviarlM* loft at reading" j 1 wbtrfc Gibbon ha* dartare* h- would I no! exchange at rtbe Imnim at : India " Few m«n knee ever eafoye* more than did Col Ooodnyn la kl» deeltelwg year* Ika va'wabl# atoe#* and literary I pleasure# e>f the fhmik Carolln ml* leg# library, at which place he coal* oft n b* found ! Tha funeral a»irle#a x**r» held *1 5 M o'clock yesterday aftemooa la Trinity ehtireh and the Interment took i place In Trlßty grateyar*. Tbs pallbearer* war#: Honorary -Dr, K. I# Patton. Col. f, IW. MrMnatrr. Col Ja«. Q. Gibb##, Col. Thomas Taylor, Dr. B. W. Taylor and Mr John Gulgnard Actlvr Meaara. Allen J. Green, R. W 31,and, John Taylor. K MeC. Clnrk aon, Dr. T. C. Robertson. Mayor Upa rnmb. Col 8. A. Pearo* and Cot. R. M Rlma Camp Hampton Confederate# atend ed tb* funeral la a body. In Georgia the railroad commission ers directed (be Express rompanle* to pay for the stamp* put on tb# receipt, but said the sender of t»l#gram* must pay for the stamp. In this state the railroad commissioners bop# to do a little more. They have summoned these companies to appear before this body today and show reason# why they should not pay for *ald stamps, nnd If their reasons arenot valid then they will hava to bear thla expense. News haa jnst been received here of the sudden death of Clarence F. Augh try at Clinton. His brother, Mr T. B. Aughtry, has gone to fcllnton. Mr. Aughtry was employed by tb® South Carolina Cotton Seed Oil company of this place and was in Uinton on bus iness. He leaves a wife ami title child to mourn his loss. The will be a reunion of Camp Hampton U. C. V. Hn the 18th Inst. There will be a big barbecue and Col. James Armstrong, of Charleston, will be the orator of the day. A sketch of the late commander. Capt. R. S. Des- Fartes, will be rend. Capt- U. R. Brooks will go to Blythe wood tomorrow to organize a camp of the United Confederate Veterans. On this occasion he will make a speech on “The Confederate Soldier.” Yesterday afternoon nt the Fair Grounds there was a game of baseball between negroes of the First and Fourth wards, respectively. This game, not unlike others, wound up in „ lively fight. Ward 1 was victorious, but some dusky damsels of the van quished team began to quarrel with some of the victorious. About this time George Williams and another ne gro by the name of Glllam got mixed up in teh fuss, which resulted in the former shooting the latter in the hip. Williams shot three times, only one ball taking effect, however. By the time the policemen got on the scene both men had disappeared and have not been seen or heord of up to this time. Two women jtvere arrested for bringing on the fuss. S. B. F. CASTOniA. Bears tho 11,8 W You Haw Always Bought ’“'T BEN HUMAN II lEESVIIIE Tft fteßftkf Tim Til* I I •**•♦« ft* ten ta • Vr Uk| » *#r##oß#»w* kkgdMMß* h* (tea HirW >. IsMpvMte. tk 4* Aag IS ** A«**>* - Ml w«# i *g- ir •* if tha MMHPf nR»* ' .iM tui'it w ‘-•~r R* • »*#>«■* at* da# |pro a* am aa#*-** Mm j RR* *R# *#> ■»« Ml ih# pMk li U R*g«- 1 ,in gi iia* |pHR <te*ki«R R I gft 1' I" Mt gift ||| Mftftftft ftkoe# ft ftft# ft#ft<NMlft MM' |ftft- ftftft, # Mft Mft ftft ftft H* Mft# Mft ft# MftlftfftM# Mmm IMt :mm Ml MM *M# ftMffftt MtftftMMHl ” tfftMft ftft# ftft# ftftftl ft# ft il'wM# «# ftft -*% m*m** * i fti pur tin Mr tl M 1 tftaK fwmft *Mft#ftft •# tMft AftMftiM# #«ni >ft#ftili ftft# M mi ft* Mtft 5 I iftMftft ftflftll lM» ifttftff Mft ftftftMMMf ft ft iftnitTf ft* iiftftftM «ffttMrli tMft «ftft *fKtt ramnnl iftrir fti|k»fii-nt ftft |Mt pi ftpr r" 4ft»,# pt. fftfttMft i rnmnf*Tiii i Mftrfcft, >ipwl «# ftft# s- «§♦#, IvtMMNPft* ift ttftftft ftilM i i MMI .#ft ftiftfff tft ftft* ft «# tMft 'ftp# «M |M» ftftM # «# MPlft* htftr *mm ftft# * tint* ftftMM tm I ftft rrannr • *<**■ *mmf tut *##i ll# ift# | f ftiiftli NMMIt Ml ft 1 ■ ft# r« • flit# ftlfl *i*Ml ' Mft f LUffl> ft 9Mp Nmn* f iif rftfftfftl •## i vtMfti ft# * * Mm# n ft## toftft#. ' TMfftft #M##f * rifti «M# «ft Ms# ftteM rH* j #»■ | ftftft |M| ft I Rtd|!,. | <1 hfßftl g *?’■ jg*4gw| ft ienftf Ift tfc# # iMlfftfelrftl ftff TMft irn‘nr ftiiM 9M# ff—yft Mac ItMftir iftv «ft «fti# m# KM#* «i • pftrt I fllftfftftfl Ift ftfftftft* Iftt itftlMMM ffftflft M?ft frMMiftft ftliift ymilft for Miai *• #ft Mft Mft iMftftMft# tMft Mftoptft Mr «Mr IM Mft* ftft# ft«»ftr«# *M#-ft till Mft Mlt tMft ftfftM *# fftflpwftfllMll itf fffttiff on Mft iMoi«*ft * ftft Ift fftfi* NMfttitlrft o# tMft fftopft Ift (Mft ftft' • t Aflflt flOf»fttft*l> Mft lot# (ft ft®* j plft Mft root# tftlM to tMft CM oft Mfttwftftlj tti# nr or hmmr ill floMlort 1 I lov utiftortiiftf pftMllr losrrnrt. Mot ft 1 fait U hi* datf lo d#f#a* koaa# atalre and noua# tna* lu' lona Ha aroee* 4ka ] opp>meo<a • f Ctetnaon e«»i;*g# te ;Words that they trill not Run forge*. Told of bow be had worked to mtan- Itefe a arkoul Ik dou h Caroline where' a farmer’# hoy goal* egulp kim*elf| with a kßje*.«4g# o# the Kogllab lan-: : gua** put# and almpl*. or a haowledg# jof agi b uiturw not only by text hooka 'hot also by a prac teal train,ox In tk*j 1 field among Ike crop*, learning Ik# ra- j ’>telloßS between the soil and ike plant | !asd also where be may study civil or elertries! angiumrtug Tk# Utteteew of Ik# rolleg# lof wbteh k# te a *»»•! tori bav# worked hard to make lh*. collage a auccaa* and have recently m'.J.te n textile department lo tk*! school. The moitep which keep* up. tb* Institution 1* no tax on the peddle ( —lt la simply a privilege ta* on fer tilisor of 26 cents per ton. The far mer who usee the fertiliser pay* Ibe tax. hence M Is a farmer's college for j the education of farmers' son*. The senator said he had do®# one thing while he was governor of South Csro : Hite thtl no one had aver kicked ebout ! -and that tva* the building of Win-, ! throp”College for Young Ladies. H» i advised the girls to pull every halrj i out of the head* of their fathers,! sweethearts or brothers who would dare oppose Winthrop, adding that j Winlhrop and Chanson were the lewd horses sad South Carolina college and , the citadel were the wheel horse* that, would pull South Carolina out of a, wilderness of ignorance. He referred very feelingly to the meagre pension we pay to our veter j ans and veterans’ wives, and only wished the amount could be greatly increased. The senator then asked how king he had been speaking, fearing he wa* ta- j king up too much time. No one told him, but half a hundred voices cried "Go on! go on!" He replied then that he would whet tbeir whistles up with a IHtle dlsoensary- Ho dwelt soma time on this 1 subject, showing how ihe dUpeneary l litigation after ,it igallon. roming out on top every time. He showed the moral effect of the dis pensary against open barrooms; of how drunkenness nnd rowdyism was on the decrease, citing instances under his own observation to prove his statements; of how the profit, feature of the dispensary would benefit tho taxpayers and prove a blessing to the public schools. The senator spoke an hour and a, halt to a very quiet and appreciative audience. He left on the 2:15 train for his home at Trenton. August 10. 1898. will go down in the history of LaeanriUe as one day to be long remembered. The marriage of Empress Feodore of Saxe-Meiningen, granddaughter of the Empress Frederick, and Prince Henry of Reuss, is to take place at Breslau in September, and the Duke and Duchess of Coburg, the Duke and Duchess at Connaught, and Prince and Princess Christian will be present, and also the German Emperor and Em press. the Empress Frederick, the the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Hess, the Duke and Duchess of Spar ta. and other near relations. OUT Welt* pouf AtlvtHiWfhdPl mi IhW •dHPMWMI •ihtHittl nttt'nmTy to my for Ait (VkAHijy ligm *1 you m khi )Nil«f mdkll or R#r««f It lo THE MfINALD. advertisement coupon. TO TTtC AinlHg MlkAlOl PteMHM iftMMrl tl*# •Ovifl'kdfY.Rrtt wrilfgn iMtoy I m#a InyotiF "WANT" cotufßft*. for which you will flrnJ whlomkl fl Okftli fcICN HERB » r RRf|r ti dg*> 4 gated Pea*. H** h#»#dh •'*' a»# a*»». Mr. Kate# TJZLmm $ T»*-«k*t a-«obm. b* rnmm iof #gt * ft oft ftff gflftflo ONE-GENT A WORD SITUATION WANTED tt* AJfTMffi"' 4 t* *fi|Tgt-f## Wlt tt Aft# ti WA!TTKI>~A fMflfTiGJt A# «r fttfti »ftfli fft«# rftfftfftMft# tm | umu mam Napwtoo* Oittyard a us tl HELP WANTED i WAHTOBk—A TOg,'MO LADY ROnK-! kEKPKH moat be eompetent and I Irustanrtky Agreeable pallia bat rienty of work. Plata akelker you ha.# any rxp*He*ee or Rut- Addrea* t. B . FOR SALE CREAM—CI:BAM AT *4 JACBTOW RT. , FOR BAI.E CHEAP—A PAIR OF young borrea Will work double or 'single C. H Howard, Jr .al Howard A Wlllet Drug O*. Jua# » tt i\>R Tt RFT CLAW | motor. Chord a* n#w. A#* voltage I 9ae Typ# W M. No. H. Ad i dress Hotoe, cart Herald. Sept 1 foR CA PACITY 44* to 4*o p*>uad» <*f lee. | Fuilable foe dairy or meat market. Ad dress Jane*, care Hvrald- Aug 13 TO RENT FUR RENT—THAT LAROK AND DE -BIRARLK store No. 744 Rfa4 «»reet. I’nder Maaonle hall. Apply to W. C. Jones, *O6 Broad atreat. kept t FOR RENT—THE LARGE HAND POME dwelling No. M 2 Broad atreat. with yard running through to EUtt ■treat. Apply lo Jula# Uodltv. Sent l FOR RENT—T-ROOM DWELLINO IIOU4E I#7 Qroane, with modern impmvvnnnl*. Rent reasonable. Apply 1254 Ellis. Septl TO RENT-RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Elite, with all modem convenience*. Apply KM Broad street. Sept 1 FOK iu;NT-ONE OR TWO LARGE owl room* furnished. Moat cantral lo cation In the city. J. E. L>*n*, 918 1-8 Broad atreet. I Fur" RENT IN SIIA’ER BLOCK- One house and one of the most desira ble store* In the block. Apply to I. Sli ver, city. A u * I* ROOMS TO BENT— NEWLY FI.'R NISHBD. nice, airy and cool, at 825<4 Broad street, on first floor. ApglS FOR KENT—B-ROOM DWELLING. 1205 Broad street. Rent reasonable. Apply to J. H. Feary, SIS Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT— SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with ail the modem improvements on Gre»ne and TVlfalr street Apply J- H Prontaut. 626 Broad street. Sept 9. TO RENT—THE ELEGANT THREE story store in the d'Antignac build ing running through from Broad to El lis Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire of H. H. d'Antignac or Z. W. Carwile. Sept 1 miscellaneous WANTED—a FLAT ON GREENE street. Address T. B. M„ P. O. Box 484. Aug 13 TO PARTIES BUYING LIFE INSUR ANCE: There is a stamp tax of eiglt ty cents per thousand under the new revenue bill. The Penn Mutual pays this. Many companies make the policy holder pay it. See me anil save this. I. T. Heard, General Agent. WANTED—A _ SMALL FARM. BWAP your farm for a place in Augusta. C. t! S., Box 215. Aug 13 AUGUST 12 fto ffjff 'sl*l MEM ift A NT* y>r*wkifl ....n | geYkhe j»4tf | ( g. f*■ "tlnOT tv.AMf»i:w4 wAvncn at tm nt* rAIR fttiftftf Wit! r«m*oM rwqflftft ftft# Special Notices; Sethi I «teg« Nr. i. #. #A. 1% a THE RRt.rt.Ak NORTH LT \ i t. »t i be Raid at tb* L-t, • Rwmwa MaaaßM Hall, FRIDAY RMMT, I ISk teat.. *4 4 JM aster*. . kp ••*>!#* 88M. J. HOIJJNGRWORTH, W. U. WM. H.CRAXE. darretary. A I I fhc / Whitely Exerciser. I A practical■ sitnpteand •fflaant Homs i xsfOsrr, utMß|MCiaUy sAsptsdfor tedn aud children hut auk* tem* tlm* > *at>* profitably n**d by tea strongest athletr. I'RR'UL 75c., »I.W>, 81.54 BICYCLES - CLKVr- IAN 1)3. 84<J up. VIE- I INGA 88* up: GEN DKON'S. 818 op: THOM-1 AS. 850 tip. ' •’* • nd *•* them. Exary one guar an teed. Richards & shaver . The Paper That js Best For the Reader is Certainly Best j For the Advertiser. the BEST BUYERS N fl » Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity : : : s t •* * * THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS > BUY THE HERALD. ..IT’S THE BEST.’* i If You... HiSSYODB EEBALD Any afternoon drop a •postal to The Herald. The Herald appreciates a kick of this kind, and will make every effort to remedy It. i \ 4 \ x\i/ \ % • 7\ U 7 \*\ I r B V I I \l