The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 FftIDAV THE IU6USTI HERALD E"«*ii -7- — ' »» mmm #■■**•* .. *> ' |2S; i- jmWMERi 1 m ■ »«** * ****** I Kit — •» m—»»«■***— *» **• >rt» r 1 I *■> #*• nt:*Aix» itw***. Tt u «•**-*»« «■* I agggs«Bt-M** MB «Am it **»«* Mi »•* WIMM _ Ami w*f fir ~ i m- y W WIM MSI. me nt»AU> |» ||— At BAA *»♦>* •** Al Mm t-Hf ***** 1 M f«i"l a *h**>* •*•*»* 1* mm a. • tfe* frrvsn Rm* aaa Bj—pM _ | a am**’*"* —At Mm Mama A* lA* *»*••* »VA*Mt |« Hftl TAt fA»r* ** ••• ****** Km |b. iM VlHfe At MM M«A«*. fw*t»* BM *•**•’* m m—• «M ra»lr—A* *UI • •**" A bt« tW »**MtM* •»• fAt t» «*“ MTltgl VtJTKI Ait —»»«»«= •*• '* If 449441# Is ooooo** *• * .| %•£#£•£ b«a,m soo*o Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. _ <r%» HMtii iam r—t »m % • ***** «l P' »*• l«-r th* br*t lUlfff «r| tK frjsn at, tn***l * ni ftumiart HMurl TVs VI- W* muaf »«• psA '«A.4 •»#** « mm A* plhro* #«4. af'*r lb* *«**»«■,*• Mm AIMMi iV * b*d* **' * (ta# «(,! I# luVwitlMl In • «"*• m«ri and Impartial Mill*'* f«r IB* Awarding >'t prise. Ttv real nam. *f th* «nl,i. a* w*ll as Ills n«m <•*. glums tnasi in-.MiaPI sa« h latter arnt In lor poMlratHa, fur tv purpose ul WettlAa- SSns # 9 * Stft rm*rtn* t4*lf Iftt#*# (4 A l«f»§tt» 1» ms *ritß •* n, * R r •• ll*y • r l#4 tor th» —rlt# but on« mn win only «»»** of (4# (****• * a a Tbs Hamid want* "»♦ afrlght |y fo«*tpy * l#tl**r*. «* 1 (4# 4H#*# will 4# **#fd«4 for its twist, moot !ftte;v*ttftf «nd «n«*l lfg<tlhie letter# of Uutnmor ttf ► sort Nows Contest Closes Oct. I. you TH B BERT LETTER I» 04 FOK TUB *t> BRAT I.ETTER,,.. 11-00 yOK THE ID HEAT UDTTBIt..-. 000 SVITd UT* atwspiren. Tha Columlnu Henilnfl I* publtahlnß Comi) eorrsspontlrtics In rnttard to the McWl*ens IlckH,” nominated by a maa. tterUng of the eltliena of the county Irraapoi'iiee or party line*. Thia licket wll be opposed by a wralghtout yopuli.t one. The Atlauta Conatltuilon Is making B sturdy and conspicuous fight for re form and retrenchment In city expen ditures. The prospect* are that At lanta will have a three cornered race for mayor, bul It is safe to auy that DO roan will win who does not come pot flat fooled for reform and re trenchment. ‘ The Chicago Inter-Ocean gives sev fen reasons why we should hold the tbllippinea: 1. They belong to us. having taken Uietn fairly from Spain. , 2. Future America will never for give the present generation for its BhortsightodneM In. giving them up. t 8. The Islands have an area equal !o that of New England, New York, New Jersey. Delaware and Maryland combiued. They support a population of eight million and have an export trade of $20.000.000 annually. 4. The Insurgents have aided Amer t<a in her fight against Spain. It would be an outrage to give them back to Spanish oppression. 6. We cannot parcel the Islands out lo other foreign powers. 6. The retention of the Filipinos will ensure American supremacy In the Pacific. 7. The American people demand that they be not surrendered. — J. N. Vaughan of Richmond, Va., !hho died recently, carried $29,3000 fciortb of life insurance. • ##***4* *«*•** imfti 4fkt |4MMINM4 )M4 WM* •* riritliii'firi • “ fINMMNiMi UMIM few H*» <M» fH, 9*#o* m *%* —— nmn 0m %0% 0000000 PMw * hmml o#** 9m mm mmmwmrnm «i mm*** mm TlNii4 mtm 000 m p tip omoom 00009 m mm ® 90mm 000 00000000 ft 00t Ipfcpf.. 0000 00000 <mo gM imam * 4MBBBB 4PHPP4 f 9 * *''■'*'* P m i*W* T4# m HHP IH • p mm 00000 mm *•* mm mm iH 9*9* 9* rnmmmt 00000 00<9f f *o*9m*"* • “*0 m*w ■ * . MM IsM— k A mg*o**l HTff •p p tip iwNrt mm******mm 00** ««- «ppp o*oooo9 0* 90*m «f Cftt t*« wtm* H ••• 9moo mm**** 09 1 9m •74# phpnmpp m I)P4lWwilP , 4 0090* m**m* pfP 44 p#if 4#4 pN4 HPNpwP- 44 ow9pmto 4mm 0m imnnS f# 444414* «4 (44 fit?, ftp* •• 00 00*4 (4 14* i Uj»4l* 144P41 9m9t *4 444 44' **•*•'* 44«W4* 94*90*00*0 090 00*f0 909990 Of TVS TIMK4 Business Jowres-. are (n fn*« of favor of Aoi4iag (4# flUplßMk flOMl* 14 90009 pC4paH44 to 4*44 f 0 few Mlttenhlp* Mult In America like the OntM- It ts mid that an Kngtmh vyndtcatn la aegnl tat .ag for tbs purchase of the Newport New* shipyards, owned by C. P. Huntingdon. Newport. R. 1., 1* prepArlng to hold n Peace Carnival, with a great naval and military dUpiny. to celebrate the termination of the war. Phlladelph'a syndlcatea are an nounced which will buy up land* Mar Santiago, Cuba, with the latent lon of developing them and operating them. Twenty-five hundred wheelmen are In attendance at the national meet of the L. A. W. at Indianapolis. Hoelon or Buffalo will get the next place of meet ing. London's mayor, the Rt. Hon. Da vid Dsvia. will sail for New York on August 18. He Is the first London mayor to visit America during his term of office. Hie salary is $50,000 a year. The democrats of Texas In their state convention have declared for ter ritorial expansion and a colonial poli cy by a majority of 2to I. It was a noticeable fact that much of this ma Jorlty was made up from the rural district*. Senator Alva Adams of Colorado Is in favor of holding al new y*rrltory. He says that "our factories and farms demand wider markttls, and that every laborer, every producer will gain by the new fields that the Pacific will open to our commerce.” The Illinois Central Railroad people. President Stuyvesant Fish and Gene ral Manager Hanahah, ure Interested In the new Canton, Aberdeen and Montgomery railroad, which is to ex tend from West Point. Mias., to coal lands in Marion county, Ala. The Rome Hustler Is a little hard on Senator Bacon for his efforts In be half of Ray’s immune*. It says: “Senator's Bacon’s protest, entered In behalf of Ray's immunes, was an at tempt to make a grand stand play but the field groaned while the crowd went wild with —• hisses.” The Macon Telegraph says that Macon’s diamond Jubilee Is «oiug to surpass anything ever seen In this country outside of New Orleans, and Rex himself will have to look to his laurels. Take The Herald's advice, and fmmauMaw •*> A«n>im» •**»** *#• 114% f§ 444 4#4M 44 14444 0 4 000 90m *4 *44 ¥OOO4 *4 i 4 4 44# -44— # '**■♦* MkJfdfe*# ' #** * I 494 90 *0 " *" 00 0000M4 *44 4# 4 4* 900m* . *4 : *OO9 *OO 0 9000 99*0000009 4 90*00 I m mm m 4m* 9*90 >#*♦ 4# ** % 4 I 4 00*09 09049000 00009*9 m (-1N448H -—$ 900090 90 4#’#%! fa# I 09*009** *9O 4>ti#44 VIMMI 9ot 44f 4®4* ’ MHMk #*4 wt« urn *vm» *«a« *m ptaochA »i ■ party nutri ? HOUI# ft n4 in (4# i(4(4 o*noft*>, %4k4 ■ oi4#r 0000 koom t4at tluM pnrtjr 4 *** ** 14# 4t»H4!lir 4T0444 #44 144- I 144 %4 (4# OW4I♦ t#tile 04#. K looks lib* tkr Imm will mm* op I mi. to 19a) fur another Anal m4i Iv mrat by the people This wttl npre • gally hr tb* ram If a taijMtly of Oh | grrsaAtva are ret anted who favor silver at Id to L uirioi < VIU. IVYKAIK 1 ((RUT It Is gtvrn out lhat the President \ will pronot# tUnpiofl #l|ht mnulH-ni. This will put flrhley immediate y bo | bind H* mpaon In rank. It will he remembered that previous to thr war Commodore Schley was Sampson'* superior by two points. grhley has done well the work and all the work that he was commistoned to do. Sampson has had all the pos sible chance to dlatlogulah htmaelf and while he has done hla work well, yet the great glory of the Santiago fight belongs to Schley and the American people will not take kindly to hla abasing In order to exalt another tuan. Went P.nd Notes. Perrin Smith has recovered. Christ church has put In new pews. West End has plenty of M. D.'s now. The Iter. Spencer Is out of town this week. Epwonh League at St. Luke's to night. Mr. Henry Starnes Is much Improv ed In health. Mr. Lonnie Franklin will return to college shortly. Christian Endeavor at Christian church tonight. Qua Furguson Is complaining at the scarcity of barbecues. Yesterday was Mr. Crowley's day oft at No. 4 engine house. The Christian church presents quite a neat appearance now. Sister Proctor will preach to the fire men again next Wednesday night. Turtle Platt of GranUevllle has been visiting Marie and Louise Platt for a foW day*. Will Moore and Nathan Huntington write that they are well pleased with the soldier life. Miss Gussie Lougee, the young daughter of Councilman Lougee, has been quite sick. An heir arrived Bound at the home of Mr. George Pcrklnson a few nights ago. The parents are very happy. Some time ago a little hottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy fell Into my hands, Just at a time when my two-year-old boy was terribly 001101*01. His bowels were be yond control. We had tried many rem edies. to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic. Cholera and Dlnrrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him. —William b . Jones. Oglesby. Ga. For sale by Alex ander Drug & Seed Co.. C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. The Beauty v —OF— N A Daily Ad is That it Cuts Deep and Quick ! “The Right Medium Brings RESULTS!” ■mm ATTOTTSTA HERALD tHfc hut of «•»****Ai**#** Swamp at §•* tWS **M INHW ffsss Mm tbssMt THE OFFICER j WAS INSULTING || | tij a f-1 4 t fa, M til lull (VIM CLUB MEMBERS ICT. A4SA AiIHAs th* Osii as—ag IMmA ha S<*s«'«l IM Iktomiif* UK4 00 (MlMfV## 4 $0*09099090 As la Lima. cm. »*(»»«, (P4f«4ltlt 4 44441 If f %*■ • I■** b o«.*n mi v % If f'-# m& i»r»ilr# of f4# rhmiklf oo 400*00 I rm|fd (4# |##H4iiif7 oi (4# Bun ohm Ml Ml 4*». SMifiao*, NcMay saf flss Trwlh. II « John D L«B«, »*■<« cury of ikv . Dear «lr T«* bav* re»u-a<lcd pubMr ty f* a letter addt.rec.l to ye* by a i ,v»r tc*p.»wdcm - .«§m* of a number *bo j viotrnilv attacked Admiral fki*s«w. I la warm sad manly. You aay: i I caa well aadoretand why ihr friend* lof ntker olllcrra *b<.ul4 be so enlhual i „«iic and earn**!, a* f am. In giving , them the credit ttley an richly--every one of them—deacfve for their *i >rt,>u* 'work. I cannot conceive of anybody so mean a* to detract by n single Mir | f,„, n ip, i r merit. But I cannot under- If rated* bf many* quartet* t«.*ard Ad ! n,, reason, air, for Oil* Wtternea* I which surprise* you. la that certain stu pid friend* of Admiral Sampson b*v# ruehed Into print to exalt Ma share tn the glory of the victory of Santiago. and in the **me proportion to *ltog"th- I„ r nredlerely detract from the ahare of i Commodore lb hley. Captain Mahan and other r.on-rombatant naval ofH> era ! are chiefly responsible for a controver , ty lhat otherwise would never have ' arlM-n and which give* profound morft fliatlon to the fighting men of the na- Ivy including Sampson • n<l Schley. The people * love of fair play ha* led them to Intervene—not for the purpose of doing Injustice to (hunpton. but to secure Justice for Schley. To the admiral you pay tnl* thor oughly deserved tribute! T can think of nothing more cruel ; than a depreciation of the merit of the j faithful, devoted, patriot!© cmwnandrT j In ehl#f. physically frail, worn with j sleepless vigil, weighed with measure- ] lea* responsibilities and detail*, letting no duty go undone, for weeks with ceaseless precaution, blockading the Rpanish squadron, at last, by the uner ring fulfilment of his plan*, crushing It under the llect which executed hi* com mand- yet now compelled tn dignified alienee to bo nssaltcd a* vindictively as if he were an enemy to hi* country. Partisanship beget* partisanship. When the Mahan* claim everything for Sampson, the unreflecting are moved by resentment to do the earn* tMng for Schley. This folly on both side* wttl not have any permanent effect upon the ultimate Judgment of the public. The American people, however, they mav he divided tn feeling for the mo ment. will come to your own fair end lofty sentiment. * For myself I know no predilection for any one of these gallant men. I would crown every one of them with laurel*. I want them all to have their Just de sert*. ©very one of them deserve* un stinted pral*c: not one of them deserves any less than a full measure for that dav's work. There will he no Injustice In the ver dict soon to he rendered by the coun try, by congress and by history, when the clamor of foollah partisanship has died away—no Injustice to Sampson, none to Schley. The words of the com modore—who has been as deeply Injur ed as ha* the admiral —in hi* official re port to Sampson, nobly anticipate that verdict: •'I congratulate you mo*t sincerely upon this great victory to the squadron under your command, and I am glad that T had an opportunity to contrib ute ill the least to a victory that seems big enough for all of u*." THE JOURNAL. v- The government canuqt allow senti ment to stand in the way of enjoy ment by the country of 4* substantial j fruit cf the victory won at such an ex penditure of blood an<li! treasure. Boaton Post. . , . HMli 41$'% t% t h$ 4M%4P44*% Pia»# f %44 #%f ■' #4Ol o*o9o*o 044900 09 9 0094 *490 §OOOOO9 * ••»*•« - ,m-ut ■ -- ■ wa J M ; •• m | ton *»kA \ «.j- ifi, ?**»•»■ of nor *4i|tf**fi4 #n4 9** So 44#4ft#4 (lt| Afr# A4»m# r»v#rmor «# C%»«r»4o. W An tarty 9*+<* #40014 h* 14# mm rt ..Am i*f«y<r of Ihr Aflttrk’iUl pr«plr . . I— . hairti uimn hf»4* tory ißttiiodi of rt|»*in lit ruling 4#r W* •nd colonl**. ~No term* adotiM 4# fnntiftrtd that p#!B»il a UfonMi flag to r«mnin u(mn ivVrat* ’t) Hrtni#|»4«-r# *<# in tit# Phil* T4# n«M of liborty and hu mnniiy iniitn## upon the f*nlt#d 4tnt#» t4# ifrtt moral oNifitlon of ruling nnd t4# fattlilx of 14# Inland# r## raw) at such great M. rtfire of life end treasure from tvsiurlw of mlsru* and opprrestnn. To this obligation ih* Am ericjut nation muat be true.” Philippines to Secure Indemnify. Relnhuld Sadler, governor of Nevada. 00001 'The belief Is general that war with Spain would have been avoided, that the Ma ne would he ofieoi and her brave men alive had we recognised the <*uban« aa belligerents This was not done, and the war Is the result of our failure to recognise the right of a bravo people struggling for Independence. ••fVgtY is ulivay # deslrnhl#. hut not . at the price of Justice and liberty. Our It eels are victorious our aimy ts organ laed and no ow doubts their ability to hold Cuba, Porto Hire and the Philip pine Islands ••Spain should relinquish the Islands of Cuba and Furto Rico, and we should hold the Philippines ns security for the payment of indemnity for the destruc tion of the Maine and expenses of war." Harlem. From The Columbia Sentinel. George Hatcher has Usd bis life in sured. Thirty-two hoarders are at the Reid House. j. W Bell Is relieving the agent at Thompson. Opt. R. A. Oslin has returned to Washington, after a two weeks stay there. Mr. William Lansdell has gone to In dian Springs to attend agricultural convention. Mr. II E. Blanchard and family are spending a few daya with his parents at Leah, this week. Miss Rena Hubert has returned home from Monteagle. Tcnn.. where she has spent the last few weeks. Messrs. Hall and Youngblood are working the town and community this week in the interest of the Knights of Damon. Why not cut the weeds from our sidewalks? They look badly and soil the ladies’ skirts. Capt. J. W. Bel! and family are contemplating moving to Atlanta m the near future. We are sorry to lose Caplain Bell as a citizen from our town. We are glad to report that George Hatcher's condition has very much im proved since his return from Sharon, and he is now able to hold down the night job at this place during J. W. Bell's absence. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. THIS IS IT MUmM fa aw* Ot i „« sMM ***** MIMSS A FOR EARLY FALL is i ns ALL SHAOES $3.00 Just A' rived. DORRS TiiJoritif. Hit*. Furtmhinfv “ **.* • ■■ J'HERE I are many kinds of chocolate cn the mar ket.but only one best. We’ve got that and use it in our soda. It’s the best you ever tasted. You’ll think so when you by it. 5 cents, fee cold. Our Chocolate Is t The talk of the town { fiativ 7 cfc#l# I* !•# 24 otwl*- **> Jwir'tM4 Bicycle Parties Will find our p'ac* a dsiighifal | so* In rest llrttsf C“J* « *>*r and t ramus ti*«n ours can t b* mad*. A Delicious Plate of Cream i Our* mod* of pur* < r*a« and tr»'4 K.uhs A mmcially *»(!» ns it **Jc* iron KaJs.’ I Aleiaoder Drei & Seed Cl. ■ re* broad rr. AtR.Ci.TA, OkOEGIA. ’ Hand a* your ' Prescription* to fill. TO BENT. From October Ist. ISW, the premise* at present occupied by the Jrlsh-Amer- lean Dime Savings Bank at Sl7 Broad j street. Centrally located and well adap- I ted for most any kind of business. Apply to p. M Muthertn. Secretary and Treasurer, 817 Broad St. PORTNER’S HOFBRAUand VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ask for them. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A 1)71 jt 1 j Land’s Headache Capsules Mad# Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. fPercT SSOOOOO 7PerCt foreign capitalists will LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further information se’ their attorney at law. P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. G. Burum. AUCUST 13 BSK AY'S FOOD A MM* «4Nlf Mfif HI I iM l ** •** CARUEL.DE. Drugsl*t THE BEST N-RVE TONIC «.44 00440* *4009 o** i|i|liin4l #• » 4l4'' f ,O | . m,4 *%#* 90 0000* OAROELLE* Druggist 4711 COLOGNE o*o *9400*09*4 o*4 040009009 4-w t ■ - I|, # 'LSM444 1 9m*-* 41 09 *9OOO 0 9*9 ■* MS- Ht v»4 (i»44 f 90 k%&*oo* - 9*o 90490 Hrrr H •* •##* CARDELLE, Druggist o*o *OO9 00009 90 44*44 *OO9 00909* 400 It f*o mo o*o, 99m 004 soo* mm I *44 9490 000 i ** • %%% *>» • *h«hk mr m*mo 004 4# * o*oo o*oo* *0 om> 0* • 009 900 00*00. %t |44 t _ two4* -ir - n gr-f |(»ir— r# ('4l#. OOOmJt* 10k. 0000990 o*4 ’*o9*oo a a i*o *u -IJL * L. I Garden*. Druggist. Ttie Acgnsia Herald 'jrmt Britltot id lie BH Bftiddf Fdlnlei is TUSriiil - rra:r.n \rn xnrsj nit NEW* Or TIIE HOELD M 1111.1. IT l§ NEWS 12 TO IH HOt*RA AHEAD OF OTHER GEOROfA AND i SOI Ttl CARffLINA paters. / r^B.i j - _.J rel Hill HU CONVINCE TOT HHIIt. UlMt*. »yP PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lb St.. AbrbsU. Or. FACE EYI TEBTB Hr oil defects m aiK'it ffHnda Um prvytr |l—mhi R#d WaK -4% NT* lHr in l*n*** cut into yoor htr*» w4il# jam vaiL FREE OF CHARGE. SPAIN 18 DEFEATED. Again have the boya who wear ths blue whipped the Spaniards and plant ed up Stars and Stripe# on foreign soil, and again has F G. Merlins de feated high price*. Look at this: Sc. Neckties lOe. 75c. and It Shirts 50c. 50c. Suspenders 25c. I* 00 Trousers 55.00 A full line of celluloid collars and cuffs Just received. F. G. bfertlns, 924 Broadway. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds St=TeleßlioDe) Piivstt Leseeo h ire* Eiiret to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margin*. Local securities bought *nd sold. Reference, —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. loley TO LOU In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on lO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexaiMJoliiisoii Agents Scottish Amcritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St