The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Image 7

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A Chicago View of General W heeler. Interest ion Sketch of the Soldier by James o‘ Donnell Sennet! In the Chicago Journal. 4 €tii**4*i«* vtftw MNi *p“ ■■» #f #'tm t' ; Sp*N#>a*» Jtegws#! |M |te** eteeslbMi te*#'**# 1 *- • teivvieia ♦ beiStet- |grfiieee*iin ***te4 ** bbSee «ms> «s*s* the ** * tel pte page* Mte HMHtete *«• ***» *** Swlggiem •# file s•**•s *«ereeeteMteS«#te 49 Dv#« Set te freete* AiiMfti file ne e ~ lie.*>! tnt I rene $* IS* a**ei *e * *f teejee SlNMWeett <P***Mk * WSeeiir alee<■ eset ♦# *tte teett tease■ fhNiMS ite eiaft be eat I tee SteMllefl^* geMpe t«R*j*M"|*4 by ftte Itettewte in ik* rifW \(*m Uloch bad t*«s ffnedel Into hie life fgtttrtrf that vh >11(11 yea re and yea re tney %%m** he ewtvtffe tteHl Itto the Ufr again with to ehnrfli of surprise nag wo w n»# of change tag io t duety 0 Id uwder the lee of a railroad nr m a little i mareti pan a amid the raln-e»*alt»*d for eel a of pal me then he ever wae In the first hotel at leva he had hueineaa with aom# of the aleeh. table d'hote warriors, a hew fie was with them he iranaarted hie affaire l„ a Mtvnu. harry and «ol If, thr company tired him. which no «<•»** It did If you nought him at tile tent toward evening * hen the rueh of affairs slack* j ened a little, he wag war cordial In hie i welronte. but with a certain manifest a flon of baahfuLneae. an though you hnd done him quite nn honor by dton* . ping in. A Student of HUtory. Hr In a deep atudent of blatory. In thn maklnc of which he had nn email part, and more of which he had observ ed at first hand an the other men made It What he knew he recounted admira bly and with a why hint of diffidence which waa very fanclnatlnp. A wine commentator he waa. too, and whan he told a nlory of war or politicn, eventa aeemod to fall Into a logical ar rangement and the leaaoß of them to atand out boldly. He had a great fund of atorlea about the latter day Bonapartea, aeveral of whom he had tuiown intimately, one at W'eat Point and Other* In the walk* : of both civil and military life Prom them he had learned much j concerning the wont exalted member* <» the family Particularly well had he known Colonel Bonaparte of the ctia*- j aeura d'Afrlque, In apeaklng of whom j he aald: “The colonel once told mo that at the very time the Prince Imperial waa kill ed In 7.ululand, the Bmapaitlara had] an Iramenae fund at their dlapoaal, and I by a carefully conceived plan hail J made ready for a coup which the eolo- ] m l aald he had no doubt would have j sealed the boy on hla lathera throne H 1 doubtless would have remained; there, too, for from hla klnsm?n I learn ed he was n lovable lad and clever enough to have held hla own. Many'a time, *o the the general aald, h„ had urg'd this or that Bonapartlst Who showed particular promise to brace , up and prove hlmaclf worthy the big, things that always seemed dancing just . beyond the teach of that fated family, j ■ But,” added the lethargy aeemod to have laid Its hold on them, and they preferred ti amuse themselves with their books and pleas ant occupations than to seek distinction In politics or war. With some of them too rich dinners were the secret of alt inertia which angered me, hut which probably made for the continued peaco Of France." After the general had thus delightful ly retailed hits of Inside history to an eager crowd he would change hts sub ject and talk about the respective mer its of German and American Held glass es, testing this nijm’H and the othet s. rind altogether shewing himself a, simple gentleman, not too good or too great to be Interested In the affairs of ordinary folks—who were, apparently the kind he liked best. Which, you will find. Is more often than net the most striking characteris tic of a really great man. Around Santiago. In the tiresome days when the for eigl consuls at Fantiag > had sewed up everything and were Jabbering terms of surrender, first with bhafter and then §1 9 -fl# Li LJU II hi lu-f '•* aV* ** # *.s**.» * . » 4* Iha# ***--dJ|M =4o»* t • ‘nitt t» ■’"'■‘ti* %-ir •* • liuftiteMk f Urd, s** •• !*» #•*■*, I [ ii I jf-gf W|pP> ttW O* w* ••• i «•** *f*4 * arts * . .» uhi a. m*km »|fl! | |rr»nnl f Nw!n tni , r tmmanAlnff 4MM*NM»i frxH>|4 Tfc#n. ten. h# M 4tc*r| ih# 1 *'fi{'*terii ** ■ ■ ******** Mf»htjr ffftttf *ww tw* ■ g#a«>r*l h* »«• yvt iin4#r him •t»4 *4 ! ill# lll*# fiftlril •4va4r*4. M#n knrw iHu I Mtt*R th#m (M dlMUitw vii v% h•*■* r and tb* (koufht r«nfort#4 j ,h |t? *h.m"d hast hen the man «f Ihej ilKnir. Chiiii. of P»lHlci, w rnrntmm «iu#*r. Hid r#l#ir*t#4 him t<» th# l> #r * #f»r*n»»n# nf ill# |n*rr woril Till! vof% *h* tlid BoMy. hut !h#r# #r#vl#r j lyinf t<» hi* MVtr hud D#*ilnir in an itniiinff At of fiiqu# Hfld hi* *rm. i Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of (HMvde*. Mo .who I travels for Mansur A Tibbetts. Impte-1 meat Co., of ■». le.uta. gives traveling I Efneta and traveler* IB general *u»» go°d | advice. "Being a knight of the grip. I he »»ya, ”1 have for the past three [years made It a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain'* Colle.Chol jeia and l User boss Remedy, end have i found numeroue ocraetona to teal Ite | merit*, not only on myaelf, but on oth- j !er» a* well. I can truly e*y that I nev lar In a aknl# Inatance have known It j to fall. I consider II one of the beet ' remedies treveler* iwß carry and could |relate many Instance* where I have I u*#«l th# remedy M •ovptltel# much to I jthotr nurprl*# and relief- I hoi»e *v*n t j I triveling mii In the IJ. H. will carry > a bottle of thl* remedy In hlr yrlp." , I For sale by Alcaand l>ru* 4 Seed Co.. C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Asa practical people, we must not be ! »o imbecile as to relinquish the inill -1 tary and commercial advantages that have come to us and our posterity I through Dewey s Immortal victory, l Duly and interest go hand In baud | hold on to the Philippines. N. Y. I Journal. The Sure l.a firlppe Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dreadful malady. If you will only get ! the right remedy. You are having pain wit through your body, your liver Is out o* order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, hav» a bad cold, In fact, are I completely used up. Electric Bitters Is I th,. only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act di rectly on your liver, stomach and kid neys tone up the whole system and make vou feel like a new being. They ore guaranteed to eure or prtoe refund ed For sale at Howard & Willet's drug store, only 50 cent* per boltle. Whatever we do with the Spanish territory that we shall have seized during the war. It Is pretty clear, In the light of our own history, that we shall not give it up for the lack of de finite constitutional authority to keep and administer it. New York Times. TtET.IEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in blodder, kidneys and back. In male c- female. Relieves retention r,f water almost Immediately. If you want c;ui relief end cure, this I* the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga.. 612 Broad street. Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is 3. Bch'aul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890, TTrCTS •ATTGTJ‘©T*A HgBALD 2 BARGAINS house and Lot. Carnat Ini f*On _ nf« 7>idOdi dßrtii nf •**• Wm, Mm, Ac. Oo<v xktttaf J #v#yy*HkNf i# , rtABB shaiw. thi* M A *BdM' | tifyi How* Wi North Ail* : futU. t.MV T*M«l TRICK TART ft milM from Bmmcl *trwL iitdHHlkl road. 2* Art#* erf (good lAmt. CttvOd WAl*r. *• 1 room Ch#AO for C*th. If you havpn lAU Io pay, (in loan you iMltnct. LeoDard F. Yerdery Assrt Asm** %#•**, • Morary Am* EVERYTMNQ ON XMfELI S: » FIELD l KELLY'S Juit rrcilvid, (hi fin*tl line of Baby Carriayat (n the city. A«ant« for Ramb* \mr. Starling and Crawford Blcycl**. IF YOU VALUE YOUR STOMACH imrvftte W9t* te*€ M44* te ®*t»rt l« T*« fHII (Mil urn m hv ##*!• ***** . _ |g _ |^ r j A n i pr*c, » rn pemf9 4i» «nm . rte»* men hU^ KAmj* *A*tn<% poinm m\t% T%e figrffd F«*jr* la quftlHV rt(f# || y M , r 4fn* fiof tec’t* if to (q «rn tb#r (fpctf tffilil y**i THE HOWARD IITUET PFUG CC JHE |jERAIB HOLDS THE RECORD. ITSCIRYTLATION MORE THAN doi ? hij-:i> THRODGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA tod GKOKOI A. Why-Why ——BECAUSE— IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. ••A Newspaper these days must grow on Sit merits a* a Newspaper." The llrreld’i Wonderful Advance and Growth l'rove* the Correctness of toe As- IgigtiOß. Oil Polar Ice Works Mackioerj FOR SALE Pouts, Tanks, Pipes, in., Cheap Lombam Ini Worts UP-TO-DATE METHODS : ' ' w UNTIRING ENERGY, £ BRAINS AND PUSH, [l HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS ; SPENDING OF LARGE > SUMS OF MONEY ■ / SOME OF THE METHODS THAT ( MAKE THE HERALD FAMOUS. BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Henry W. Balk’s deci sion to enter the floral business, we of fer for sale in bulk all the stock of merchandise contained In the store now occupied by us together with counters, eholvlng and showcases. Un til the Stock is sold In bulk we offer great Inducements to the general buy ing public to come and get bargains. Spot cash buys cheap. BALK'S DRY GOODS CO. “Lower Balk's." 604 Broad St. FREE & FREE vmi a* mm Auatef imvamo mslum. Aa Extcfnal Tonic Applied to Ike Skin Beautifies It as by Mayc. THE DISCOVERY > w . AGE * A WO*** WA* ft!® IWVMfUM. ' m.»-j ««« g m|ypi mEj*. .*f ’ j *#|JfPp r «*» inipte *&**' * ff g •« »ii#* *#v | Mte** te •'•-teNM# * #* -jn iv-wl , 111# te : ]W — | ft, lih* ft##* f*N* rfftn t I* Ml *l*> —* IftkiMNlftMl- •*'*l ti r<r%lK t* iiii'hte UmtkbtmA* m*4li IMhrliqy, wt»«**ppi* t r ’* ! altttwm rrw|4"«w. «M mmmmmtm m l®y kM In . kr thel »N may be ♦»». •< -1 >•» 4uii**< il** Mwmili, 0' I *' hi *IX t*# THE MISSES BELL, 7» ram For Sale in Augusta By James Daly 4 Co. v j • SO>% *° , i£&z One k. i.r, SI.OO f HARPER'S WEEKLY will be r.-membered for it* famous “War Numbers” of the Civil War. Its value during the war with Spain will he even greater because of vastly improved facilities. History is being rapidly made. The gravest questions of our time arc comingtothefront. and every American should have each week an accurate, concise PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THIS WAR from now until peace is assured, A brilliant staff of artists and correspondents are representing the WEEKLY at the front. Rufus F.Zogbaum.Carlton T.Chapman. Frederic Remington, T. dcThulstrup, W. A. Rogers, Clyde, I). V. Hunt, and others, with a large staff of photographers, are accurately portray ing the movements of our army and navy and happen- . ings at Washington and elsewhe>e. Among the WEEKLY'S correspondents are Frank D. Mi'let, John F.Hass.andO.K.Davis, in the Philippines,John Fox, Jr„with General Shaffer's arinv, Harold Martin, at St. Thomas, and others. By subscribing now for one year, you will obtain the WEEKLY duiing the most important engagements. Subscription for One Year FOR RENT. The Store House, 312 Jackson street, now occupied by W. Edward I’latt, ombalmcr and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist, ns he intends removing to iho north east corner of Jnckson and Telfair Sts. A nice dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. , JOHN F. M’CAKTHY, Late of Royal Conservatory, ai Leipzig, Germany. •'{ 1 PUPILS WANTED. For terms, fetes ,etc., address 512 Ninthly., Ausu*ta, Ga. !--«#*«** (f S*n V^<* mmf h* Wfßi l »•#♦** fa*.♦*»(«* *M Mffw f fftteor •#« fc**ik« M 4*CfVt* *1 MMMtefe" 0 >ft ,| I |m fMrtumi hrnir (**■Mr. wnm t* *el*A«w«4 Mr \*m* Mf*rtk*» h»>t la half fh*m Ih* _4, ___* w ,|.| * Ifilufi. ftf* 1»or »l r, |w>.k * ill h# Ili*ltefl 94 ftRJ *4klft*i «* I gnrf #*4 I M _|lljii nf %>',yt.Wftil C%*ftY | pies i « Tmk fnm »t pwHnr*. «r » *s*t» j io .i of pwcktM to tu—ata 1 ocw cordial If sulk ited A - f*«ea PURE PAINTS IN GREAT QUANTITY One Carload 09,000 pounds) ATLANIC WHITE LEAD. One carload Dry Mineral Paint, Best Eastern Linseed Oil. 1 All the best Varnishes. Best Ready Mixed Paints. We can give ypu best goods In big gest quantity and at lowest prices. What more do you want? THE HOWARD 5 WILLET DRUG CO. ■Wholesale Paints. READ fps?} AUGUSTA HERALD Because il Prims Exclusive and Copyrifihttd Spe cials Under an irrangement With the New York Journal and Publishad Simulta neously In The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News’’ ••The War New* Ahead ol Other Papers *n Georgia and south Carolina." Best, Brifiltast Cbeaiesi Payer Pililisteil Ten Cents a Wecl: Forty-Five Cents a Month $1.25 For Three Months # $2.50 For Six Months S 5 .00 a Year. * -< ♦ It is impossible for Herald solicitors to see personally every one that wishes to take the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below for the time you want the paper to run. and remit to the Herald. The Herald will bs sent you immediately. To The Augusta Herald : Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed s—for$ —for which please send The H#rald to the following ad dress for the time paid for* Name- Street and Number- - ■ - ■ Postoffice * State 10 CENTS 1 WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT DEER The West #n The Market. W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumben AND | ‘ ! Builders' Hardware.! , L fleuldlngs, Laths, j Shingles, Wood & Coal. letl STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE gar- teixfbujcb 7*. t i acbcsia. <ml CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT WEER The fleet on The Market.