The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 12, 1898, Image 8

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midAV Our Surer it low m lew Tort Making Large Purch ases (or our Fall Slock. Cleaning out all SUMMER GOODS ai a Sacrifice For Spot Cash ROUSING VOTE FOR CANDLER, Tfeat b Mu Up (mumHipp I* (Mp 4 Ol >1 tUm Beth*" WrttM ttftw« »'«*• lira Mf*tl*|. %ha U« iMffc.u * tb' latetnaff, tout *«ffb* tram •iHU'Uu wo '*•: |R«(t |XX * f»* ** j *4, ilWl 111 • COi<** f *M | tx# *#»» ***** nr»«m AM to**** l *# ♦ I IffE» **§> IM ***** mmMOri d l aft* l TM l««»A»HlPf , OB#; 111 t*o •'«••• W»t»B -t*By 100,1. • j Itkf i*. Ik* Ml HMfi •* *k* K om! | honae, gaft ta 90mmm shorn fixe! Mt»«ra, The aor’ido la pw a at ast*adanr# |ait|| fmt m • cup r*i but • *••»> r# am tc-spoadtag tu lb* toll call, whit# tke deliberation* were ■wot koraO’ti wui and without Ik* #H#Bt*»< .ponGotrasy or wrangling. Mi. Wrtgtu iuu'J lb*; the outlook (or • sweep,ng dnxNiitic victory wo* mum bright and encouraging. m fact U,r largial majority to tu»uy (* •vp.,t*o tbi* foil. Tk »»• lb* **«*- rol f**ltaa *mo«f Ik* roraratue# and U,er# ia IHil* '.>ubt a bos' W» eoraglet* «w Ideal mu Next to iha rontedt b*l«**n J K. Iloalcy and R. T. Nalbßt, the jirliiu ul subject tor dsrutsloß an lb* ir ulajiiio Inn to reclaim a*rtalb popu- Hat covin' ia* that ban* at rayed from lb* <t*tnn.'rail* raid It waa suggested Unit in, wr« (nuniiil* aad lb* sure pofulla vuunti.t be left to boat le for «b<(Harl«aa aad that all energy aad pressure abo'ild b* brought lo bear on Iba debatable gdettoo* Tb * work la to be prosecuted with vigor, and la to b* tarried on ayatewittea ly r.nd wt b en#rg ! \ and th.*ra la little doubt regarding tb* mult !n ahort. (he members of tb* com tii ttea may be said to have luduig'd Ut a 'ove f»aai, tlnrturel w.lh ro*v an* ti.'pstion.i of victory and triumph rhis (alt. A very grarrful and timely act was tha offer of Governor Atkinson, Judge Spencer Atkin*' n ard Senator IWnoH to stump tfcw »•»'* in the (nteresi of Cut. Cr tidier. Tlio romn' lirr « copied tb* proffer o! services cf these geatlvuwti, w(tk , thank*. A »*•.;’ prorolnont populist » man of | standing atu? weight '» h* party pi*,« offered hi* m-rvlr,-. in Colnnel Gaud lei's behalf. Besides Mr. Wright, who I* h <om iniSusmuii frutu tb* tUhte »' large the ieptyri'titati**a of I!>• Tenth Ccm giewmwil dtetidet w*r* Mossr.s HtJV ace liutden or Tolliver and T. K. Maa vcuKule of Wat ran ntunVy Tho cobleat between Meanrs Moilry and N "blit, or rather tb<y acting of tbo eaecotlvo 'euJlKpih** ou tht enm*., was lu the nglnr* y(f grlntraUkh, «> as they hod no Official Jm iHdi.'ion tu the muiter. The question submitted do the cu v raittee was which of the two was ihe legul and rightful nominee of the dis trict. Many of the committee felt that Mr. Motley should have been nominated. Inasmuch us he had been unanimously selected by the people of Cobb county In primary, and it was Cobb county’* time to furnish the sen ate. But the language of the sub mission restricted the decision of the commUtee to the side question which was the legal and rightful nominee, and Inasmuch as Mr Nesbitt had re ceived the vote at the majority of the members composing the senatorial district, the committee felt obliged to decide that Me. Nesbitt was ihe regie TO RENT TO RENT T<=> RENT 20 New and attractive Houses on Upper Broad Street, just up-to-date, belonging to J. 20 New Houses, Four Rooms each, on Jones Street in re#** of aoove. Be; oppoi tumty . i _ would respectfully call the attention of my friendsipnd customers to these new rent offet mgs. Prices to S . on Application. JolllT Wi Dickey, Real Estate Agent Self-Convinced Of ttw rinhtodNM Of our <l—Oly i tk§ilnl*4 pOMry Of OPl«dP*o# ittfMMwMt lo orOo# to oocimot* Mi ipodf *• coo* unup Ui tombioa «U <»*'•"•'*** mid ro«oon •• to lh» UmA of ThU MM « lueMU ••«♦» do. Wo novo • fin* honor of <*nrl"f mafthandtM OVOP from MM *0 »aa»oo Thkl’l om of (N nMwni why pnew mrm r*duc«d l»h« «hkf * _ _ n«r e»nl MUctnini oo on* tub** A A Mon't Build, conktatin# of •m«M u ' tot* on* «mJ two of m kind. Mr coni ditcount on M*n'* 20 Hindi and Hiu* Wor*t#d SmH». S*r** Coot* and Unon mtiU. p*r cant discount on all Straw 50 Mat*. f Affcf SMHUISMNi.. Sfl t Hi mat nlMiiiiii Um (oOoviai ft m Ska « tb*'( u* * 9 Mafoy#! ?+**• flktfot. m 4 HfU *t \bt <>** CUfbMi *»4 r%Ham cmatlPflk N Is foMi MWill| > ||«M Id r«f«t«fe lIM 111-in nmw—* for mm*u*r trmm li|m* ll •sftsforls* fHNBpHNMI Isr ttiHdidlr *l#tit4 Jt tifi K Hdttlcif lit* fill ftajr of J«wis. I«W sb it* mam> | in#* ol Itir ttMrvr.T |MH I Of tlM* Uih imsimisl aistfiH. Iliorrl iro tm it rut or* of C ot»t* fd«a7, Is mu »fr! - inK iiMmm I* »***!. w sflFtfm tlrs clwfii**# 1 mad* by «* era Jan* a. aad dartarv that Juba a' Motley ra lira rtw* norain** of tk* dim.«rail* party for aaaaiur frora [sail Raaaiorial datrtrt, | B* It far.b*r r**r>l»*d. That frora >a qrary mad* by certain of our aambar lira majority of the data, • aik* rctara of Ctiytna aad Fallon , ouatln agrar that J. K Meat*’ '* th* iraa aoranra* •ad aay at *mp; d aclioa on tb* pari of e*rta;n delegate* la tb* oaveatloa la Atlanta waa without liiMru ium* and without auihorl y. We further endorse the ait Inn taken by the democrat Ir eieeuilve rote rail* tee of Cobb r ma-y. pasard la this h:»u*e June SS. IMi, and tbe artkai ta ken abeut the same time by tbe deni orraile eaerutfva i<im-niti*e of Ciay- Uin rouaty, repudiating the acts of certain of the delegates to the eonven tlon in Atlanta, and declaring J. K Moil,'.' the true nomineo Be Jt further resolved. That under ihe plan of Ibis district, J. K. Muatey Is the true nominee of the democratic parly fnr senator of tbe 35th Heoato rial dlsflct. and (hut tve pledge him our hearty support, and that in doing so we re-alflrm nnr allegiance to the organised drmocrary of the state. MYSTERY OF A HACK. Rather Mysterious Kind of Case at Court Todav. This is what might he called the mys tery of a hark. This morning. Judge Baxter. In look ing over the cases on the docket, ran across that of Dave Brown and El la Howard. Both were charged with a violation of Ihe 18th. The only witness was Officer Wil liams. He said he had seen a hack stop i n Greene street near Camming about 1 [oeloek this morning and a woman get inut or fall out for all he at the Idlstanee he was standing. Bhe was cry ling w hen the officer reached her. This j party Ella Howard, j Lieut. Desmond said he had told the woman to com* to court this morning amt would plead guilty for her. "But tvhnt has she done?" asked the Judge. Nobody seemed to know of any viola tion of the law *o Ihe case against her waa dismissed. Dave Brown, who, It seems, was In th* hack, did not appear. A LIV ELY CHASjT After a Turkey Thief This Morning About io O’clock. There whs r lively chase after a tnc'cc: thief about ten o'clock this morning. John Kershaw, a negro boy, last night s ole four turkeys from Mr. P. J. McAullffe, and hid them near the city stables. Ho was found by the ever alert po lice today and a chase took place, li was a long one ami several others Joined lu put suit. Henry Bennett, colored, was leading the procession and took occasion to take a shot at the fugitive, however without hurting him. The thief was finally caught on tip per Greene street and turned over to Officer Hatcher, who conveyed him to the station, whete he was consigned to the “cooler.” YMm Jk.XJ€3XJHTJL MJCKAIaD. UP-TO-DATE JOURNALISM IS IT IS CONDUCTED IN IN AUGUSTA OFFICE. _ [ 4bs Pi m, IDAJ, WITHERS AN APPLICANT If* lift JLgfOM fm »«MPki Ml M)*« H*fta**» j aae Btk»»< 6ala*aCa Was* »a ?••«* M*f r 4 Wlllimht mm •f*h-s*| 9*4 U «ainii> f IP <if Tmri immmm I m*m in### fppMPMpfi tx **!•*«• tifnfpil wifiM tm it* ****** ** i*4 PmMI IMW PMMiMNK Mx pmcuHx | WAT m «M Um mmsm •*«§«> ip# I Ha) C. A. W*iw»* ***"?* m ft* iy# (iftl M A## Pi *#• APfPPXNP |IP ii« TUfi MP«W»P» ««OPCtI Hp' : \9m Wt Hf» H MiPflir pp m-wmm*- iiv>i# iff# M m f•£§*»• f •fpf Hi Mi mmm\. An <p ' Hal WWAOP Mi iIMPP'P A* •HA* j «, ytjg ahk* -1 »•“ a Imm IB M* iMPi wmnnr Iftpl *#•** w*fc **A ff«» 4p| * npn> nx?*ln fMNHMi* xPnk | Itp f# Ka; » rppSPNNii towi i»!•«*’ *n4i •Jg i| |*ra| y,y|| ,(| tHRH. iff# ilßffl it C ifPp Iff ‘ j [ “Teg I arts ofered tbe (kwHKW. bid j raariiM I perfected a poett! sa arltbl the Third regimen'., J haow Cat. Kay, very well 'How a*rat your baring gna* through a yellow fever stage aad are j now ttflrsly aa i*asw la every eeggej of the »«rd aa Tha Journal aayt*“ “Ob. yea I bad a rash of tbe yellow j Jack In Mrrapbis during tb* of 1«7I and ba<-* an hear of tha ease.” answered tbe stjw Ywd-rda* Me)<w We her. relegraph f ed Waablßgtoo regarding bis appllr*-' tioa and ta eapeeliag to bear frrra*; there today or irmoreew Tb* raraa- j rtaa la Col. Ra*'a regiment will have: to be filled aad tb* presidaat by ap j pointing Major WPbvrs to th» place of a rtdoncl or major w mid plate oae welt qualified in military tar*lra and well naest to army llhr. In tbe rank* Hit reerrd la th* civil war shows uell la bis favor and many friends will *i lenl biie their most ravnest wishes that he obtain the appointment. From The Chronic!*, Aug. 12. MAJOR WITHERS DIDN'T LIKE IT Took Exceptions at an Article in Tiie Herald. AND HE SAID SO. Not Only Did He Say 50, But He Wrote the Herald a Card About the Little Clatter Major C. A. Withers wasn't In a good humor yesterday. In fact he had not been feeling pleasant since the afternoon before, when The Herald came out with a long story about him. Bui yeatcaday the major was on the warpath." and he said so. He was as mad as the proverbial March hare, and he was telling everybody in the Ar lington lobby Just why he was. He had an audience of sympathisers and they argued with him that The Herald had on the day before published a lot of "rot." About dinner time one of The Chronicle's men happened to be In Hie hotel and as he passed the major, the major called him. “See here.” said the nißjor, “I'm gun ning for newspaper reporters.” "jWetl, you don’t want me, I hope," replied The Chronicle man. "No. but I am after ever” body on The Herald,” he said, “and vou just want to see what I have written in answer to all that 'rot' they had in there yesterday about me and the im mure regiment." On Wednesday. The Herald, on Its front page, under a big head, publish How ‘'Mad" the Major Is. A Herald reporter saw Major Withers this morning. He said: "While I don't want to discuss such a matter. I assure you I did not want to be a oarlv to any attack on The Herald. The Herald has always treated me kindly and printed my card gladly, as I ivas assured. I said no more or less pleasantly elsewhere than I did to you in The Her ald office yesterday afternoon. I have the best feelings for you boys on The Herald.” \ .J „ .4 %mf(***+ * *«Nr •! I*###lx# *t«t, H Him A#MM># H#u 4#HM# It. »AH Hi Hh iMitpif ml ||iif i ».r4 9i# Hlb' *9 IfW'W % -#£ tw* S9O MX • l 94404*9*9 <|>Mir*l J#? «* j ill f #-■*< **“«** * • Hurjii I | f##M Mm# |##f f## j [ ’« m* mm% ##l #t 90 lit X »"•##■■* i M* m* s#ra*a «» pwa Hb» aarav T**‘ :« #|#M l| it# MMHMH#. * •f t IHi IMitk ft# M ** *4 f "t* d «<mf* (#Mj# 9 [§4 • TK* TIH I ' *** I [#MHpt flit 9• I HMI itlH-IMt I mmmH 00 I ed the story that made the major mad. and on yesterday under a »>ae Hn* bead published ibis card: Card From M#| Withers. Augusta, Ua., Aug. 11. 1338. To the Editor of Tbe Hetaid: Sir While thanking you for the pleasant remark* about myself In yevtunlay» lie-aid. 1 regret that your reporter made so much out of so little regard ing my efforts to Join ihe army. The facta are that when the bill passed congress (seating the immuncs, l ap plied for the coloocley of one of the regiments. Irater I received an Intimation from Washington that 1 might get com mand of a negro regiment. This 1 declined and the matter seemed set tled. Hearing a day or two ago that the lieutenant colonel of the Third regi ment (Ray's) had resigned, I made ap plication for that position, but neither being a politician nor Ihe son of a politician. I did not Indulge in great expectations, 1 have never been offered the colo nelcy of the Tenth, nor did 1 imagine that It could be interpreted that 1 de sired to command Ray's regiment. Very truly yours. C. A. Withers. If the major had been half as severe in this published card us he was In his public denunciation of The Her ald's article, it would have made most interesting reading, hut it ts not pro bable that The Herald would have published it at all. Thr major seemed to think that n formatton received from The Herald was of an unreliable nature. The New York Sun says, “If you see It in The Sun, It's so.” The major didn't say that The Herald emulated The Sun's example. VICE PRESIDENT JAMES BARRETT jHi Ksi fm UH (H* f I ttms H pt# P*m*mm* tHw Ml tH#«f 90mm mtm o*9 * *#4» mmo*%4 9*o* t*9 •#! t!##i#tMN» I it# Hfutl'#. M# xmim mi *•••* It, *<!t° . ' a* •* p'n.h Y> sierday mat* Bc-boot CnaimtseAna rr tiirss icsab ap Industrial ediraatiwa . , ui maite a tlgoroaa addr*M on (be *abj*sd. taktag j [tb* Lav be will adapt la rerrramewdfag | a la tbe lwg*'.*(are. Jkieatlfk AgrbrwNar* Tbe afternoon aeaataa of tbe Arsl day \ of tb* Agrtcallaral •orlety'a aaeetiag I furnished * eaasatbra ta mat mat wttb lira nasal peace*'dtage Ccngycsamaa Uvtngs:>« bad delivered a character- j tail* tec-tare on farming la Georgia. : showing tbe need for more training [ n«d better methods, and Governor Noe iß'a had made a rati ling talk on bit plan for advertising tbe state at tb* Omaha eapoattloa. Both bad eadoraest , what Prcdikai Pope Brown bad aaid about Industrial education. Considerable eaibus.asm bad been ar .I**l by these spemhea. aad wneo the thiea ci-p re* ideal*. Nurthen. Idviagstnn and Waddell, were called to tb* plat form, there waa a kind of | lave feast. Everybody seemed to be lovely and everybody was ia a good j humor. Then came Mr. J. B. Hunnlcuit'a. time to speak. Hit subject wa* 1 ' ib'.entllic Agi iculture." but he made |i 'lndustrial Education.” and aaid j that tbe wbele land waa ringing with a demand for U. Then he began to i talk about tho proriaion mngreav made for industrial education and the nsa of (his approprUt.oj in Geor- Resolutions. The following reaoluticns were pass ed unanimously? Whereas, ihe college of agriculture and mechanical art las not achieved | that measure of success which thia convention had hoped would have re sulted. and. Whereas, we are more convinced than ever- before that agricultural and mechanical training have become In- ! dispensable in Georgia; Resolved, That we meraoraliie tha [ Legislature that the funds given by the United States for tile purpose of such education bo used only In tbe es tablishment of an agricultural and j mechanical school and that the benefit' of aaid school be placed in easiest possible reach of the boys of Oeor- j S'*- * j Tho resolution was off ore I by Mr. McCall and supported by Mr. Hunni cutt. POLICE ITEHS. Persons Brought In and Persons Re potted at Station. Charles Granade paid $2.50 at court for a violation of the IRth. Irene Tolbert and Frances Tutt paid $1 apiece. Frances had thrown shoes at Irene and the latter had retaliated with a j pair of scissors. Willie McCreary and Kittle Bates paid $2.50 for a disturbance. Jim Howard has been reported on a larceny rrom the house charge. He stole from Louis Glover. Policeman Reynolds reports that an unknown party shot at John King on South Boundary street last night. The friends of Miss Mary Hall will regret to learn that she is quite sick at her home on lower Telfair street. PERTINENT. tfXbi art MV In t«« k 4 ««a IB hr Mi la |MT 00099* karaCi. nth kt f 'i; • -rw-oid mm at aHWf UmH ml aaoDaaf* W«4 •« IM 4 rakdl y4W w«Ki k* h# hmlm ym m wtn»>d<* WflMf «4u4 4 «h> «"» Thai ißdnm*lara* «dH ht ***** 4 0m m mmy Utf tm fft n -mi mm>h* mm. \mm ■oquma wvfl b* Cm 0 999*0* *ym |4»tr i*t Tm * tpvrtgd V»*|,h our advdrtwdHWß* Ml »Kn papil *Kv«v» Ntfi urVft ym m 0* 990. kf# Hw# M ta# pm ymm lo dm m. Vxfwtlunf ntw mmry Max (Mm* HMIG -MMOfl MWL t\u(|u.slq^iiro^ , r(> THE MARKETS. Wbrtt Altairr*. tkil* CattM ail Pf«t Hint iff Dill. talti Madlaary la Hawaii ae MaawW s< ISWtMM, Wlms! stun* ba* advanced 1,-lay j rut lira arad pr n tstissa dra Ila ag sharp- j !,oa i a rahlis that wheat rang**** i are laar'iv* That* ar> n* Argent,a* wbaat ship* : .mats wttb cars SMAM bmdrals. Kan an* wire* that dry aad eowi w*a- j fiber roanas**. Irate rura id do -f welt bat not j [ m**rr ihmm iMklf • rf(o# Will 04 «Mi4k jtfcwi Y*mr< | TUI* y<#y will fell f w wit!Ml bull | ’ fi# bflrw MuM jmmm*i ;W4, whk li 'utii feuwdrt# m 4 fifljf txo Bill#® | 1 Tli# fitr'i cnM rrop will fWd 29 -1 ! 000000 lra#lxlt» Tlx HixHm f’TW'iitffiil fMiX* | ’ njr ha 0 Ifi XU4I 0 *§ftx xfl* j Mty ik Hawaii 0&4 Mil iX xftßwi I pfHt , H't in tX I’fiMxl Kitlti ns ix J i attlf of (X nan»iat«.*t twily. Tlx foilo - mi quota:tha cl #r f int pfVf* ukx at lwo o'rlorh. ar#| | ntw tha aporlal wirra of sex, Mur pby A Co CHICAGO PROVISION*. WHEAT— ty-B Clone j Ateptesabef H<y «7!% .... MS MS I | COHN— \ September »S »S I , IVcembw BS »% I OATW-- Beptember .. .. JWh JMk | POHK f*. lemher I S >.12 i I.A Hl>- September 5.*7 5 32 i Ch-tober ....!« t.« 7 RIB»- peptember .. .. 5.55 5.32 October 5.37 6.35 , NEW YORK COTTON. Ttm*—Quiet Middling 1 1-I*. January * 01 l *3 ) Mar, h « M . s.** May .. .. „ *l2 «•«* August I*7 6.M September t.M 5.M October 5 52 5.15 , November 5 »5 M* December 5.97 5.90 NEW YORK STOCK*. Sugar 13*S 13»S Tobacco 13i>S 131 S A. M 8 13* 12* 0. B. Q 114 114* Chicago Gas 101 * 10b* Rubber 4"k leiulsvtlle and Nashville .. 55% 55* Manhattan ***% I'M Omaha *** I'nlon Pacific 25* 2C* Rock Island 102* 102* j R, I** St. Paul 105% 105* i S, R. Q 33I ir S3 ’» | |Western Union 93% 93'h LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 3.17 IS February and March .. 3 ,8 March and April 3.21 IS | April and May 319 May and June .. .. 3 'J® July and August .. . .. —~*. 3 - 4 Aug. and S pt 3 B«>pt. and' Oct . *•}„.. Oct. and Nov 3 S.IS U Nov. and Dec 3 - 3 » 3 »» ]* Dec. and Jan. .. .; • - 48 AUGUSTA COTTON Middling Saß *■** Pales in. Augusta today Receipts in Augusta today .. .. -- Receipts In Augusta to date .. .. 378233 Stock on hand 4940 PORT RECEIPTS. 1895 1897 1898 Galveston .1 .. •• <7 930 48 New Orleans .. .. 127 459 Mobile 5 3 ~— Savannah 20 Charleston .. .. 8 Jg Norfolk 9 J 3 31 ‘ Philadelphia .. .. 00 Boston 173 30 -3 Mies Bessie Wicker has issued Invi tations to a party at which she will en tertain her friends on next Tuesday ev ening from Bto 10 o'clock/at her home. "Rose Cotage” in Woodlavm. r " AUOUt* I#* MVU IWWJv : fame Meaoraea Aatlltld o*l City ToAay. TM a«v*a »a rive* M 4B al tb* I *%4rt 90900$ fix W II tIUM lUX Ihi '*o lx# 90 txf? #v» ml 000*400 hx wk Ifw It# wfH X#f 4 thX fef » trnmmh Th III# mrn**4 09 100 :i} < t f | l>vT* f|4,< 4ia t HU# Will !*### i#* [xh in if# w* <**>*s Tlx HtiT'*' hi* f t# 04 * j «i* ptrtj twqX’ifikw if fix fsflx t X **o I (9x mixf. Tlx Wm# ii iiftl al th# peanNALs. Nia* Karate Dt ’di la eapevda# Kama [,’fb* taieaaab toortve* Mr*. Jobs D. Ilaba aad rhildrag left Uvday for Havihcnu (la. wlrara they, will spend Several weeks, Miaa Teaie Hahs I* etpvrled frvei ! New York this afternoon and will be tb' guevt of Mr* Aumatrrau on Moat* Hi 80, Mr Will Crane baa returned froaa a ihra* araaitta" ulp to New Tort, [ Philadelphia aad other potato of ia | t flfft. | Tb- Miaa** llahn entertained a sum ber of friends very delightfully last *v -1 < sing at a dsare party at their boa i pi table bera* ta Beech Island. Mr Get A. Bailie baa e • mmenred | work oa hi* Broad street Jesld-nre and |sb*a romp),led It will be oae of (Ira [ moat rcmtrod'ous and convenient In '(bat arctlcn of tbe city. A Child Dead. Tbr friend# of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Myers will deeply sympathise with them la tbe loss cf their yt ungeet wm, aged flftren month*, who died last mgbl of cholera infantum. The funtr • I aenrtce* *lll be held tomorrow af ternoon at 5 o'clock from the iu-iidtbtt, No. 1145 Mauge street . - miter's mil ln*wranc*. Cartain A. B. Austin. «bd r*pre senta the Hamburg Bremen Insurance company, was the ttrst Insurance roan tn to*-'t> to eettie bis loaa in the late Are of L. J. Miller. Captain Austin this morning handed over 27,50* to Mr of his loss. Funeral of Mrs. Fulghum. The last sad rite* over tbe remains of Mrs. H. H. Fulghum will be held thia afternoon at 4 o'clock from Bros': way Met hod ist church. Re*. S. R. England ofTic.atlng. Wiring Postoffice. Workmen are now very busy on the second floor of the government build ing. putting tn the new electric wir ing. They have practically finished down stairs and will goon start to work on the third floor. Prisoners Sail. Santiago de Cuba. Aug. 12. Th* Spanish hospital, ship Alcante eailod for Spain yesterday with one thousand sick and waueded Spanish soldiers on beard. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. STRAYED—FROM 1250 BROAD FT.. small pug dog. Answers to name of “Frank.” The tinder will Ire rewarded by returning to 1250 Broad street. Aug 12. TO RENT—A NICE 3-ROOM COT TAGE with water in the yard on Harrison street, between Dugas and Hopkins. Rent $6.50. Apply Padgett Furniture Co. Aug 15 WANTED TYPEWRITING MA CHINE. Describe fully, name lowest price, time in use. Type Machine, Her. aid. Aug 12 TO RENT—NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1105 Reynold street. Apply 1023 Broad street. Aug 17 \