The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 13, 1898, Image 8

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ftATUNDAV Our Burn Hi low in low York Making Large Purch ases lor our Fall Stock. Cleaning oui all SUMMER GOODS at a Sacrifice For Spot Cash. CIPT.FARGO AS A RECRUITER H« b EalMlu Men For Thirl GeorgU Rfciarii new* r%m saw oei Haw *• Mm* ''**•" la split rftta tori AMU «b* war fit war » dpias «••*. »b**» **"’«■* ••• m Awbu lit deairoaa of )o*a- IM Om treu Tat. m #*>4aatf4 bf tb* fwt that capiam IbMPs ••*** “ a*** **• *** truitta* oMkwr aat fur tb* Thrd re«»- ■ww. wm as Grt*in ha* ***** »*•«»*• Bay ewiraias wbaa b« <*'•'* «*> •olia'rd fit# mm tm Ik* r*«.«eot i hr** of whom waai taw a«bi k» samp Tit* men who want »ff*. Tkm K Bh*rptim. iM»r» UadMf, L W _ Tks Hh» who algru-d tbslr ■•an-* :® tha ♦orollnwn' list lu4«‘ arc: J C<«- j ■•11 ami JaoN ntiurf CApt. Keoht j is atilt on Ih# Icakout (of a (®a nsorw «rn (or ih» ■•fond Georgia. The latter Mrtntuar d la at HI M Tampa bavin* bad order* in aatrve and mott ail (.1 up even ilia tati(a k»»thd be*u dia pau hrd to K. raaad n» artfaft Hr* order came to moat* mhftrt the* wer* The boy* of tbai ragimcat ha** *oul •4 thrrv nr (»ar it ton* now lijr Unrie Bam by tb* was of orderln* thetu '*» (at up and (t<> and t Ilf ft M U»* l*f mo omul count crroaAdlng lh* order ami tb*y ara ratb«r |tr«4 of *urh a 'now you co and n<>« you don't" g«m<- A fear mom g<od men **an lx* arcommoda lad In lbs regiment 1( they Uealre to eollat Pina rhanre to ase the ai«hta of Cuba or Porto R!ro will they have If they loin l he army now. A reporter chatted a bit with the men of Oapl. Renkl'a detail thla morninc- They said that they really could not nay when they would I earn Augusta. They are mill on the lookout for men, but aatd that they were not coming In very tut lately. The reernltera are not ao deed anxious to get ba* k to Florida, having beroroe ao aeetMomed to atteh thing* at slenn- Inc in bed* and getting np al * o'elork ret elite that they have forgotten how It feel* lo rise at 5 a. m or thereabouts and tackle hardtack Instead of baker's bread. But the boy* are atilt g"Od soldiers nnd when Uncle Bam says go back to can-p life, away they go and no back down. A Credit to Augusta. Messrs. Thoms* & Horton art* offer ing a splendid line of Pianos at $149.00. If yon need a musical Instrument of # ny kind bo sure to rail on them. They ore the lender*. Their big muale house Is a credit to the South and to Augusta. Attention it called to the exceptional list of residence and business property advertised on page 2 by Alexander & Johnson. Thin firm enjoys a large clientage, and the property they are handling this season will Interest those who expect to make changes In their locution. Pistols, Double Barrel Ouns — Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new plsrels s‘-.50: Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols. $2.00. American double action pistol, SI.OO. Oultnr, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 6 cents, at L. J. Sehaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. Missis Willie and Dlekey Puryear leave Monday to visit relatives on Paris Island near Port Royal. S. C. ijiq RENT TO IFfcEiP'iJT Hl O' X - *" 20 New and attractive Houses on Upper Broad Street, just built, up-to-date, belonging to J. B Whit-- 20 New Houses, Four Rooms each, on Jones Street in rear of above. Best opp ff : n ' Prices to Suit l®eSr-I would respectfully call the attention of my friends and customers to these new rent offerings, P^es.ob^iL Particulars on Application. Jolin "W. Dickey, Real Estate Self-Convinced Of '*• etfHIfWWM of OIX oe«*HA» MiMAtad pottry o# . iaii« dMMKMMIi «H aHtmt <« «*ecim*tw 3 WWW* iWMfIMr food* <— ««*• tinw* in eoMMMM i| mar <»•*•*«••• And f*wufra« to «»'* tAM* ©# mal»>n«j th»a M»t« A ft»« *<=f MMMatt *MMOb WMF* | W» Hava a fkm» horror w# c*rtyirw mmr*rv»ml.*A ©*©r from AAAAOO «© wnton Thai** OH# Of IHa fAAfkOOk why itfitAA AfA r*Mwt#tf •»»*• «**•* _ , pAt (Wrt rtiecounf OH ©HA I»Wa MwrTa bull*. con***Um» <’t mmM tot* on* And two bull* of a kind. OAT ©AHt dHKSOMHI OH^ 20 l»<r*ch and Biw* WorsWd bull*. &•«■*» CoAts and Un*n Hurt*. _ _ per cent discount OH all Straw 50 Mat*. THE ANNUAL TRACK MEET Of n*c«KT Trick Amrisliw It Take Flaw *• Srft 11 Atiwif RUm *N Ih m ttew4 I* l apt arc Wm. Tba aoanal track awl et ffc* FVw •aa* lAC A Track Assorts! lo* will nit plaw am S*h us Ah K*ir> klaakt it tk* ran* karr k**a (tmtKf ia A<»«»»!» aa4 ao doubt #**■ < ral vs oar crarl ryetlata will an end Ik* atari. Tk* iaal Hoaik Caroliß# Mk* *>**< Ikw Ik* Aocma rl4*r» at male* tra* al Alfc*a. wbee they look trtrr arm*. aa« It It poaalkl* Ifcat tk*y trIM repeat iht perform*!).* at Hoc tar*. Tk* program of ***»<• (or ih* Irtl tar ailt b* a* follow*, Oa* Ail*; Boric*. Half mile; opea. Half All*; bort onder It Tao mil*; handicap. • I ..alt ikra* all**. pnranlL ime all#; pared Tk* prlaaa tor tk* above rare* »..l b* - Virrl Prise*— flold aicrtat: rain* |ls. HoVd *Hv*r araicfc; 115. Opal acarf pin; vain* $1 I 4« nd rhip; valu* 13.'. inamond lochcl; valut 120. , diamond atnrf; vain* US. Feeond pHier— Gold aeal ring, vain* 1?. Pei sold tlii'li' vain* H K< lid sold telch chain; rain.- 111. Pet diamond tuidt: value 110. BetJOd day n tare* will be: On* mil#; tm.ft. Quarter mlla; open. One mile; Boulh*m championship ( nr roll*; Florence eountjr. Kir* mil*: handicap. Ore mile; paced. Htat prise*— Hold medal; vain* 115. Opal ring; vnluc 115. Solid silver aupar bowl and pOelter. vnluc ISS. T.ilber; value 115. TTiamond rlns; value ISS. Second prlMi— Sliver tavln* mus; value 17. Sior watch- value 115. curling silver clothes brush; cSlue •6. Ommon link button#; value S2O. Third prlsea- BrlM silver cuff buttons: value $5. ciolf suit; value 110. Smith A Wesson pistols from $5 to $g.5U. Several giant bicycles for sale very cheap, flood watches from $1.25 to $50.00 at I>ewls J. Bchafth, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. Cholera 1-pldemlc Madras. Aug. 13.—A cholera epidemic Is here. Between Monday morning and Friday night there were fifty-live deaths from the disease. The fatali ties prior to the dny first mentioned were one hundred and seventeen. New York Futures Now York. Aug. 13. —Futures opened steady at a decline. August 5.75; Sep tember 6.30, October 6.81, November 5.83, December 5.88, January 5.91, Feb ruary b. 94, March 5.97, April 6, May 6.03. $150,000,000. Washington, Aug. 13.—Although the war with Spain lasted only 114 days.itls estimated that it cost the government j so far $150,000,000, of which $98,000,000 has been actually paid out of the treas- ; tiry. | rSM-m JttTOCTfITaA. MIR««A.X-D. TALE BEARERS' UNTRUE TIDINGS jtoft* Mrt Tff B mi* trn smm TiamUa ! tka 1 siasAaaAi tkas tka» l«M M I Tk* Awewaw *«a> mm* sw* vk* • »♦--*• i ■«e o*"*b*» lawaai am* « oa. * A I r%**Mt a-tiiiM * inv'M awe s**4 ' *mmfrn A* »**♦•** aaa a*w*»»» ** > •«m easa** <4 Hail at »*»■• «w * : «»>«■*« a—M 4a a tan* 1 ).. 1»* (I* awa ■ [a# mms wmmm V*m m wamae a* saste* j •as* teai»f ai kt Tk* Maaawk.: 'Tkwwatlat *s* A at* *»*•**» •• ate Si p"i at kkasi a<a4 att* AatAWW a I aipntta. «Ht* »*»•* A* «*• n»atea« i tmm »• an* **# Mkt m» Matt *a* ***•■ : tar m» awn* a»4 taste koan *ka< *f he ••ami t* ».«*a«a *n Hat ******* A «a •kmtvat ear a* *"iA aw*, la **•*• to* w*4> a#***W *B* « %•♦«« rtsewl *T a*** pat* minw l ""*» Awa k tat. «a m w *a«it' I uiaa «t a* Mast*** -tfirrlt «*t* **M **»ka tm *fc* «w«*a< H. *waw tkt* a>i<*w»*A awe w* tk* a**a late tarn «* 1 warn* a* haw** »mr*t ta* a*r* awA kH *k*w at •* w*** At *t* l**tß* k* wtaAa tk* *tat.»«a»*t a* ta* tmtwa A* k*w*kta« kw «<*at*a»t ea •smn Am kwaaa t**»* tk* ***» ateraaw te a*4 art* tfcat A k* r*at*4 at* ka aabA as • *** Pa* tka »«* m nt- tka twit*. atauaaMM at ta* * ■*»• ta*4 H kwt lam *»**k -at tk*t WBa** -f m* <—a>* ttk- a«*kwi far tk. «va trai maakl tm*a t— l*av* ea* kaaaa* ** am** tk* taSWwad H* aatd fattk** taw tea* ram tawavm* * kad taaA* tka AaaMMw mm mmmm Hm tvaai * TM* M*tlos Ari f*w. TNI »k* S4M *t#rk Ik* N*NW rwrvma I* Mt M-Oyhso am wwvw* #!•# IBkMI Mr *v»«'-4 Tk. rowirt -•* w fcm* kv • r*k*ri** I* Mr T. J. Ml- WL bww aserkaßlr <4 Ik* A«***«a «lm** *f Ik* Oaiwl wuieri -Mr. M*Bvkßß w we*Bri* i«f-rw«4 Bk-Bl line mail**, m *• far aa W •*• pima la BipßNf." sal* ikat a-Bimvnaß -M- miMwavik* Bksi*»*t *r #b* lkr*ala kav* *•*• b#*4. Ib ba k*«*l wllk Ik* fc*r». **4 ka** lalkrA *nk mn ow* «f «w» m*B «• »k* eeWrri. “Tfchi mm. • rwkw-a vriw A Ik* ak><e* cam* 1* m* —4 «»M mm If k* •h<rt, 14 tesv* Mr. M mrkaß # Wm. aatlna B» Ik* w*r Ul»* »k*« k* »*- ,’t*rm*i*a nfUM *f H* lUoarMs #1 t-nmi* fnalnwlsW m>*rWW -H* *l*» wia km »if* waa ta a 4*H*at* c«B4llt*B My re*** »aa ikai b* M«1 have in wm\* nr «**"<!■'' »«**. or wnfUa I* that e««4 Thw N the only man that | nave Hpnhi-k I*. Okd k* CBm* lo mr volaniarlly I* aak about 11. •Thai la all t hß«* a»>ou« Mr Mrov* ban's Mairmcßt r*ear4ta« lB!lml«a* Ikta." Mr. MHan * Priky. j| r mien theo went <>■ to dtwaaa the flagging rase with the reporter. **r- I tog that H had been and ** would cog- I I linae to be hta deelre to MU up and | ! enlarge Augueia'a la ter eats In ao far aa 1 1| toy la hta power, rather than detract | from the same. (treat Improvement*, even now, were I going «« about the shop* and yard* under hi* control. The reporter **■ *hown throuiih »*v eral recently renovated, overhauled, clean and glistening room with freah rout* of paint. i Everything bora the Impreas of order and cleanliness Mr. Milan aatd everything waa In j better ahape now than In forty yearn, ; and that Mr Monyhan'* meat action, j at a time when there waa not only bet- 1 ter order and conditions, but the rule# and regulatfonn were more atrtetly en- j ■ forced, waa tncomprehenetble to him. I The crcaalng referred to hy Mr. Mon- ; lyhan, waa not even » crossing, in fact, j !it being simply a 'T' with the Cen tral railroad yard on one aide. Mr. Milan concluded with the positive' statement that Mr Monyhan waa en- i tlrely wrong In hta Interpretation of hta (Millin'*) talk with hi* tenant*. Ho had spoken to hut one man. and then only In reaponse to the other'* queatlon. replying that he. the tenant. 1 could move or remain. Ju*t aa he rhoae. I Mr. Monyhan aald. later today, that he ha a learned, alnce this morning, that the negro tenant said It waa Yardmas ter Armatrong who waa talking to the men atxiut leaving hla premier*. Thi* additional atatement came too late to be referred lo Mr. Armstrong today. A WAITING GAnE. Soldiers at Camp Thomas on Anxious Bench. Clitoknmauga. Aug. IS.—The men ot Camp Thomas are now playing a wait ing game, none of the officials seemipg to know exactly what la in store for them. The regiments ordered to the new camps received no orders Indicat ing when they will get away and the men from other regiments have almost ceased speculating on Mie disposition to be made of them. Meanwhile regular work goes cm and the commands are being steadily drill ed as when war began. The news of peace declared waa received at Camp Thomas In various ways. Some of the more enthusiastic arranged small dem onstrations and celebrated the event. Others plainly manifested regret, as (ney will see no active service after their long and tiresome training. iwin t V. lUMmet* t»* (mm* t4H«. Aaarf.t it H "fdMIWk" Tk* Mml Tfwaw Aoah TM -1» «Afflr>-r b «k* t*«** tk* * ran e*a* A *k* »mA WAakl lak* AaMMk A • *4 *4 ttm mAnat t*at**a* *M 1 ' tka l<k* tkMfe*. A •« AH* *W* j | rr-itst sAWWana. a* tka ail*a «f •* ] j I | turawVr that .m A— A* «ka j AW -** (ta H*e* a»» kr A Wakaa. A t Hmrnkw sa4 I #. Ik-m» t*. A* f- —**•“ fa aaa* *1 tWssfc. 1 am* aa* u eka mmmmm •* A" ■»*•! awe Hr Wakaea a eaaparw* at tka] M* IkafWt AM Mk AtAW'W tka tasrkar* Mask tkatr A—■»—* Tka*» taitrnf t~ ka*a aw taaa A**Uai «s* kat tka umm atu Im takaa *A •a* 4a* (mat aaa*. »tma tka #»•*—' , waaktfa tatW tm aatawt a*am Tktaa I aka N man ***** aw ta ***** H* ka*t ! r aw am** WS H k Maak Me* A ft j tin ■>**!*. takaa A art* at tk* •*»•* 1 «f tka Aaaaata I*m tk* •-**<* tsak wa4 ***** Mr* A W Itoiuaa sal fafad a*4 Mr* AAta f. Walk** «4 Wt'tm of tk* kaark. wfcm w* k* a tsyort** tkt* «k*caiatt. ewrwtmtk* ■t*4 tk* *«*t*am*H tk* M kad kwa 4a rultA aw t* ta *k*t tk* t*a.k*ra n.rm-1. tad ad tk* tk* ta*** ka tk* art to* tea* «fc* I amm ****** *f tkma , track*** «•* WaMoa ako aaM 'kat tka Itatwkar* ta Ml Hut alarm of Uawa named kad aat yet baaa ekoaam Ssvr Tkrfr U Nw WHk. la N. J aat I* «r aafariiy. ab*a ika aews AM «m iwOay as Ik* aetma of Ika iraaisaw, lk*r* srwa ifcoae wko thowgk* ike* aa» paiiUra. A A Ai»s*ertv. kasimaa of Mm A. fl W.etawrl*. oa# of tfc* I.mkrra amppea. aaw » ihat way. m any ral*. H* talks of Ihe ataiimr aa If k* had heea tad 10 *sp*n Ik* aeUwi H* arikoriaes ikta auuwasai for *<ta- Itaattak: -II ta poliilra par* ana si wo is wv 1 hint elm My mlfa la a »**«tar r*' ml* of Atlaata aalvarstty and there ran he ao attest Ina of her roiaprieocy I belie** If I had sl4ad at lib Mr Cnl llna 1a ih* pnauMrsw fight and had supported Mr Amvth* and aim auppnr -I*4 Mr Watab fta mayor, aka would n.l bar* been In f-rfered with. t un 4er*taad that tb* wlfa of Prof J. W Hilbert of tbr Pain* laalhate ha* beea chosen for on* of the vacancies. Her husband waa a supporter of Mr Col ima «**# a Hroylbe man and a suppor- Itr of Mr Aat ah for mayor. I look tha otbsr aide In al) these coni eat*. A# tp my wife’s nuopoiaticy. I will tak« pleature al any lime In rrierriM to Supt. Imwton B Evans and Plata ; Coiairlaatoner Glenn. There can be ao pure'lon aa 10 her c«mp**tcr. y” fir*. ftimheriy Talk*. Mrs. A. W. Wimberly rays that she 1 1* satisfied that tb# atna —ls ants they |ar* —of her husband hat been vlstted |on her—that politic* waa the cauae of | her being dropped. She dtd not seem to [ be worried over Ibe matter at all, and says she can tell a ‘heap." but did not Ithlnii the Hum* advlaable to talk. She ! was In a good humor. She ha* been a teacher In the public acbdbla for eight years, she says, and laughs at the Idea of her competency being now questioned. Mrs. Amelia Sullivan, colored, la a widow and lives on Pino street. She has taught for alx year* in the public school* and saya she has never heard anything against her competency. She admits that every summer the teachers are in a stale of mind over their re election, a* there was always a large number o# applicants for teachers' pla ces. She can sec no way in which politics hatl hearing on her case. Sha does not understand why she is to '.ose her place and was in tears when told what the nows was. Mrs. Alice Walker, colored, says thai the only charge against her competen oy. as far as she can imagine, is that she wrote a note to Trustee Bowles and misspelled a word therein. The note had bearing on business matters, as she traded ai Bowlos' store. She wrote the note hurriedly, he says, and even If an error did get Into it. It ought to be overlooked. She says she holds first class rank In her examina tions. Prof. H. K. Nash could not be seen. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT! Richmond Despatch. He I speak the truth, miss, when I tell you 1 wouldn't marry the best woman in the world. She You needn't protest so for cibly. sir; I do not intend to ask you. 7 1 y <#k e.ftpiy r*A kttljMH Mttc'Actwy * I TM**‘* fAftklM. XT '•*“ J * i J?*f < *'* b* Hd* fA°Yd fAA Maftff Mfote*. T ' VV/ >y *a4 fAAAtttT «aAa**#ta«S v \ Y 7 J Tier* AgAklljf we. // V* am thil *1 law if «4U«i*ir .. MM aMaaiblotf «f tt rfca kyMtAcadkCA " * , TM*t 1 til* *•*»» aM »k*<k »* vrsat X **" I W* »«»t h* |*f?ltT data as ot.f fto«k4 J J*— I, pssgs i* ay** yfayaittak tUui that. . ■ V X ** WPf «'• t* ararykAMf. ■B / MflLa-m-Jt * K** tv* **U yaw I* MspaetMaMt. / VsAi .. X Mlitl a«4 at«am* ao»*4 fefwUUM w: Tv | Wr till thnnati of 4if mat artkl** tk If* Ilk* of .ml * r*«ffc as 4 4r**k#4 IsißWf, lathe. *klkel*e. 4a»fs. teek. V y* 131 MHAfs, owaMite*. (•*■?•!•, Mipfta, paws. *t4 *U V. / H \ kikda of *tM»*kt*t waaMwaflr. tk rrwy lK*fia«kt* L 5 ) MraifA *Ad *kkp* Wa aeka ausv siticl** ia two or i ■r. J not* qakUtlat ta &«ft tk* fm fane *a4 ymf*r*acr« of talldcre «*4 k«T*tt W* Mil Urdwar* aid all ketde / i B of plan ak4 lake" (laa«. Wa mm ptifMiMl b Hffty ia m Hi la tba Altaic rakf* of Ntildtag MfeeiltMt, from tbe Ckk atraetta* of a palatial rctidrkc* ta tba rvpaU of a vac* foaca. W* faa*t belieao !■ «il*f tba beat watarlal far cesaei Aotk. aor comaioa nut trial for kifb-daa* kalMiaf. Ton woolda t ft oat for at afteraaaa dri** Is a coal cart, aor kaai coal la jraw piMtar* carrUf#. «. Pvt tka right tbikf ta tba right ptaca. If TO« need ear (Mdi for a certaia and feel that the eaeeat of wit▼ yea Atat to tpeod U diatiiKtly Halted, tell « Abat yen A*at aad Ahat yea Atat to pay for it. The a let nt ftgaro carefully lor you atd w* if ac can t Mil the MII. Whan you art vary particular about Kiwtbing and want the rcry beat that can be bad. rather itreapactiTe 0 i price, a* can do that tort of wark-and At skaa’t Ut It coat yon toa Back, either There it every reason Ahy a* aborld bee# voor orders. Here yon get Abat you mat the right gooda, the right pricea, the right service, and the guarantee which tnseree yon Mtiaiactioa. Toa conlda’t esk wore. We woa!dß*t give lew. Write for eur “Little Blue Book," moiled free. It crntelns 01 peges of icformatioa about doora, saab. mouldiaga, Ac., with pictures and destgat. Tb# last 4 neges tell exclu sive things aMut building that you ought to know—tbings to save you ttaw and money. You owe it to youraelf to get eur prices. Send a list of what you want so we can quote you. XXXX Alabama Lime. 70 cents per barrel. J Best Plastering Hair, 34 cents per bushel. 1 .... —" PEACE AND THE U. 5. V. Tb* Mustering Out ft M Not Be De layed Long Now. Now that peace baa come the ques tion ailaea what la to be done with the vulunteeraf \ Herald reporter made the round* tbia morning among those acquainted with military mdter* and nearly all statrd that they expected to »e« some of the boys home ere long. It la said that the Third regiment will be mustered out within tbi next few week*. A special dispatch to the New York Journal on the subject, la ** follow*. * cbe mustering cut of all the sol diers um.iT the third call will be begun within the next thirty days. Seventy thousand men will be sent to their hotues. The practice adopted after the civil war will be followed. The sol diers will be sent to th* places where they enlisted, ar.d from there will be given transportation to their homes. All the definite arrangements for this rrdhi-’.on will be completed within th” mtp wet k unless the close of the war should further pontpone. •*\\ n army of 100.000 In addition to the regular army, however, is to be maintained for an unlimited period af ter peace has been declared. At the war department today It was stntcd that this number of volunteers will be kept in service, and the statement is in line with the story already printed ex clusively In the Journal. The volun teers will be needed for service In Cu ba, Potto Rico and the Philippines. "The administration is not yet as sured cf the attitude of the Insurgents after an agreement for peace has beeD reached ” 111, Not Dead London. Aug. 13. - The reported death of Mrs. Terris, widow of an ac tor. murdered by Richard Prince proves to have been on error. Mrs Tfrrls is seriously ill. Mrs. W. A. Walker returned this morning from Warm Springs. CITY NEWS. Mr. H R, Cr»lf will l**ve n<*«t twk for Artw’villr, N. C. I Mitt K«th«rm« Chapman of Yobui I *frvfi la quilt* tick. [ Mira !>*fia (®»«wbmUmi la visiting; frlcmW at r»i<hi). H. C. ( Miaa Ann*# Hhrwmake la vtaitinff I (ri< ndt In Hid** Spring*. H. C. Mr and Mra. F. T. Graham will leave tomorrow for Warrenton. j Mrs. Morris Roney leaves tomorrow (for a busines atrip to Spartanburg, j Mr. and Mr* Raoaev-tt Craig Irave ! shortly for a visit to Muntexum*. Da. Ml** Lottie Pitcher and Mis* Norma Brinson left thi# afternoon ton. Mr. and Mr*. Ed Mears and Ml** Pearl Mears ate visiting friends In. M. nroe. On. The many friend* of Mrs. Mamie Olbbs will regret to learn of her con tinued illness. The friends of Mr. C. A. Wylds wilt regret to hear that Roy. bis youngest son, 1* dangerously 111. n Mary Belle Wylds I* the bright lit tle baby who arrived at the home of Mr. C. A. Wylils Wednesday. Mr J. L. Thomas. » well known and veteran engineer of the Georgia rail road. Is out after his recent severe Hi nes*. Miss Isabelle Graham w IH leave Tues day for Charlottesville. Vn.. where *h fjies to join a house party. Later she will visit Washington and Baltimore, and return home in the late Wt. SAILS THIS EVENING. Third Regiment Leaves Savannah To day for Santiago. Savannah, Aug. 13.—The Third regi ment of United States volunteers un der Col. P. H. Ray. will sail this after noon for Santiago on the transport Mlnnswaska. The ship wos to got away this morning, but certain repairs were not remedied in time to catch the 1 early tide. The men are all on board nnd in fine shape. Marriage in London. London. Aug. 13. —John Lane, pub lisher. and Mrs. King, an American la dy, were married today. AUCUtT It she Whitely j Exerciser. | A practical, eimpaand ffficisnt Home l,xerei»'- r . one rptcially adi|>t*<tfor ladies and children, hut at ih» same time can ha protluibiy uaed by tbs i Mrungest »ttilers. IRItKh 7Sc., »i.oo, ii.aa i BICYCLKS CLF.VF i lands, tto ap; yik -IXS up ; OKS- I If RUNS. tIS up: THOM- A>, 150 lip. I all and *ee them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A Fit A CACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules M »u« Only By • | HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. I . IF HE DESIRED ITi Tld-Blts. “Mother.” said Miss Dollie Newrich, “can't father afford a seat in parlia ment?” “A scat?” echoed the good lady, scornfully. “My dear, your father is rich enough to have a whole sofa, if desired it.” Isli m 1 \ I * [ Hi