The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONOAY 2 NO WAR PRICES U«IW •♦‘vW *•!«*•• .... »3 g 0 M**r |fu«h . . • . • ■-» .* ** " Owf# j , • * * *Sv .. ** Inf « gig# l s *'fc ... Da «mc Of Olfj&i jl COmm> l imv« m ft fiw il«jr# U> iHiy n#w fft* ill®. I 4 ft|V * M> paw wmM «W> ft* purthftv** L*r«##« JSSlof O.«moo<*« IP Au«u*«ft. LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jKS 3. Undvr lh# As hphlop HoKA B d|L B J PIANOS! Seven Dillerent Makes. $149 UP. Southern Agftntft for THE EVERETT PI»N0. The only Plano made that it Guaranteed for unlimited lime • • • . Cell end Bee or Write ue. Tlms & Barton. u H rarristt. iww»r#r. m Hreadw.y. t»a. IN A DRAIN. TA Espartesc* of • I Ay Dwriag IA Rataslorm Veaterdav. Wbtl. lA heavy rata of yrei.tday as- Mnrmu ... not ao v**> Aavy aft»r all, W »••• A surptlalag to thoa* who did ao« are th. »’■ urreoi-* to l«-*in tAt a ltd* came very *ear drowaing dur ing the dowapoer. Mke wa* elegantly dreaaed and *how ret splendid o»n*m#nt* Sl» »•* caught II tA rain at It* helgkih. The open wrwar at Ihr corner «rs Cummin* and Kill* had W>*n lluahed by the rata, Th ditch there la guile deep. There fo*m ed on tap of the water a ih*p*n*it *'f leaves, Ad gra*s. *lc.. which remain ed stationary oa Ihe aurface while lb water Aneath waa ruahlug unit# awlft ly. The lady, deceived A Ike apparent flrmttc*. of th# aurfac# depoalt. *tep- LADIES’ TIES SOMETHING NEW J. ULLER WALKEB THE HATTER. KZOST OX HATS ped confidently upon It. Another mo ment and ahe wa* Immersed In the open drain. A* ahe attempted to Hue the strength of the water In the swollen ditch threw her down again, and ahe called loudly, though not »o distinctly, fur help. A resident In the neighborhood rnn to her assistance, as the lady Seemed to lie In much physical distress. The gentleman reached her as she had re covered herself and wus emerging from her unwelcome bath. The gentleman's wife took the lady In charge In her home, and she was able In a couple of houca to pence#*! to her home. cmoM sunday-schooi. basket PICNIC TO TYREE, AUG. IS. I*9B. On Thursday, Aug, ISth. the Central of Georgia rallwuy company will run an excursion from Augusta to Tyboe for ■he above occasion. Special train leaves Augnsta 5 a. m., arrive TyUee 10:30 a. m. Returning, leave Tv live 4:45 p. m . arrive 10:30 p. m.. !>olh me ridian time. Whole tickets 11.50; half tickets, 75 cents for sound trip. Tickets on sale by M. C. Jones, C. T. A,; W. A. Gibbs. U. T. A. better look twice. Toledo Bee. Mr. E. Joseph Henry, the popular tailor, left yesterday for New York, where he goes to purchase a fall stock and to familiarise himself with the la test new styles. Miss Ltzxle Ryan, who has been vis iting Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, returned yesterday to her home in Charleston. Mis. S. Schrameck is visiting friends in’ Asheville, N. C.^ MOHRMAN’S corner for rent or lease. STORE 30X100. APPLY TO J. H. MOHRMAN. ALMOST. Sagasta’s peace department is almost as alow us Alger’s war department. vi m 1 t* or mil am **» ««i am fftgwN 1 M teiinn*. t*B# of lie ewe* M*.* l "*#*## •• **M m> MNpaaUMM bartoiu m eft* ha*** !#*•' M* Mo te Aa a*k#M*f M»at ** were# t« i|i tarwms Vsv*»«m**t* a# mm* •re* Mine la* ***• *ee it* w*ore !m«* a* MM* w**h MM Ml Hi •**'«■- #*• n*r MV* * lot hWk *H» !■«*•*< M MM»r»* t** |nttt at *M MM M MMV us tb*»e liM 4 asst aae *►**# f*mvh*» iU M * .aaasoa Mvlea Tftar* «►*•*- #*•'•»«•*.* ifamine* la Hi u«e HUMM la MM jitwf* wore *►<•« ieaa»*M iMWkara «* • awk am. av 4 at ttmm an* 1 «*»••**«a Igf %SS.MW ShftfS fiiSiSlft'ft Y%*w* W»Te '•filtitH rlMMlt is rk*tH*Ml Mill* aa* la ska* MaViaeL m 4 a-r an. Imhl atwast w tally la Hi v« R.ataad «•**•# ahm mm fc»l to.* wti ta aaa a* t* th* a** laae* id* A* wre* #a4 MR the »M» 4** jj.n. 4rr* la «b* mm IV A* arek I WM. MtVaM Mil a*a» from Ik* IkwM* A mm#. or if av the? •*** «** '•opted with kwaawkntl 4a»Ma la faM* iIM «Im Ik* war «k* at Malta* *m •satl? fiMH e MlUtaa ra*M •**« ik*tt llr** m war* a* 4t*abt#4 a* ’a k* Mt'*r*Hi*i*4 la swnport ik*m*#tv*. Tfc# *n..ik Buffered Mar* Hum aa? «H --a* are Map, aod aM*r womra were MR eels drpendeaf II *a* a a** Ik IMI la a** a MkH* w raise la tk* souther# ■lair* itari nal la work Ni av*an*a ikal kail beeu (>**» lnt»’* rfnawl ta wo mm Tk** malV voi Ink* doMeatle I mrx I** because curb pipe** were m<>- nopoltsed k? negro*. aka k*4 bre-P krnnvkl wp la Ikal *«rt at work The posts of l**f kin* Ik* ?aaag 414 an* if f«>r4 at**** for all alio w*re h>tr-d ta Mark, and tkaa Ik* whit* *"»>» at tk* south rmulsted rhrlr alrt*r* n| (k* north snd *MI ta srettag tk* meant at earning a llrel'hood In errrv honor - abt* work within tkclr raearltr, and. Iwii**«*r murk th* n»w**lty for *(.*ti a Mat* atat* at thine, la r*gr*t*d. It mn*t hr raragniard all lb* ami It la not oat? unmanly, but II Is nut* i-ait*na*fy ttnjntf for m*ti lo complain that .timnt nr* 4rlrinc ih m out of rtaplorinrn Th*r* ar* IS.o9o.otie head, of famittra la the fnlt*4 Slati-a. s#iu* of th*a* are widows, but th* greatest nt'.mbrr ar* mm. Th*r* are niou *nough In tba country lo support all tbe women If tbry would. The fact ■a tbs' they do not. ft la tb*ir own fat'll. If every man who prrlcnda to h* a were supporting a woman as hi* thould. there would be probably 4,- places In ofllee*. stores, shop*, and factories that are now occupied by >. mirn workers left free to men. and th* women would be at home. Thi worst feature of the entire equ ation la that the women are put off about one-half the wages given to men for the name aervlee. This la an outrage in many rosea. When the women acquire the power In buslnena which they have nlwaya been able to wield In love, they will correct the evil of lower wages, too,—New Orleans Picayune. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dresdful malady. If you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold. In fart, are completely uaed up. Electric Hlttera is the only remedy thnt will give you prompt and sure relief. They net di rectly on your liver, stomach and kid neys, tone up the whole system and make you feci like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at Howard & Willet's drug store, only 50 cents per bottle. Well Groomed Girl. Too many men seem to have the Idea that they can drop Into constant dis consolate and churllßh moods at home with their wives which In any other place and by any other iterson would not be tolerated. It Is when a man Is wltblu the wallß of his home that he Is at his best. When a man gives the best that is io him to those who are closest to him. his home will bo the ideal place he wishes it to be. No man has a right to Expect from his wife what he on his part does not give her. It he wants her sympathy ho must give her his consideration. It a man lacks the element of consideration he must cultivate It, and cultivate it not for the benefit of his friends, but for those In and of his home. Con sideration should begin at home: not the homos of friends, as it so often does, and emrts there, too. The atmos phere which a man creates in his home by example becomes the rule by which his children live. The husband and fa ther strikes the keynote for right or wrong living. Srnifh & Wesson pistols from 55 to 58.50. Several good bicycles’ for sale very cheap. Good watches from 51.25 to 530.00 at Lewis .1. Sehaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington, TBX jk-TTOXfSTJV HBTRAU3 COURTED DEATH ON CINET Hill • iaifkit: TWiftk YMkriie tV( SoMftllV 1 WvM M* ***• e*V»M» . IHt A4HMWSB*Ar4 f^NftMft €%rnm *«• 14 * «m «h I l|Mft iMte# ftiiwr ? *SgwftA-edfc teOle"*'*'* fP I *so %#*#!• «f fim** f *'“■ * 4m I_ j taka waa aa <a| aa tue tarti 4r4 Mm a j *>«e av 4 mm t>tmmm< m «•* •**»• A 1 IkA AN*# 4mm *P4a4*e M* MMVaMiata f A rt* •iMAA*** 1 re *• k**" ***A I INmhri piwreiMiSP»*e><it tip* mmtmm * *"* ! a l« 4 MB 4Nf'i aemm m—NNi. I S-* l *-* «m* UpSUlftll) iwi *w 4m** is Imf I lift fje if tcnsfiiff imilimi ml 94N* ms# mwli " Af* <j i'f|if*~si V A^S . 91#,' im MmmMMNI ml ml Usm | iftiHNit *TWfs#»*mm *4T i If** »*»a*iwmNNb* ml !tiwi r**i t HfjTinf »A<mmP4 Mm ! 44f mm» *w4 (t a*** HaVL* m»4 tk* A-- fkar. **» ae4»t*4 n* o*VM*j iJMMas , ta M«***4 IN* van U. •* ftwkMM ]tk*ta A eAv* **• evetieA 1 rtvp. 1 1 ' • ”W* tail fan la*an Jaa* St aunt 'A Alh AM* a*4 tk*ar* ta SaMMa* ! w4*r* ta* trvywe W lwa*w aka* wv were * ’Mat oat t« Ckv*f ka anraaftk* ** tk* k4l tank A *k* %••<** Him*. | Wm #er(**4 tear* «# tk* ** k ta *k* **aal«Ht af>#» Ml aatwnaatNl aar* fc. jTA 111 M*w A IM* Vara 4*4 Me? a . «a*Mß**4 aar* IA as I? tfaaw* at (*»• 1 a*?, a*4 «** tew imAm*A Tk* 441 tagalar. w*ra a rand arts* 4taa**»a ’ a*4 IA ft Camillas *llll «*m m «* rt.' .flan. Tta tk* aftmaoaa at IA SMk a* aa -1 #*4 a AlM** aaraadsag la IM #•* *ko*t * gaartar Aaa Aar Aftar ftaj Vaarrat a* taw IA ****** M A tAlr 1 rata sad aam* ifc*i» «■**». ka« jaa «A algkt was kmltag ww w*re a**- ltd* ta Meat* tk*t» **w pnwtm* ai ipnagk w* go■*i*4 at h pretty iwntt | hr. I -w* burr I*4l* 4ug treath*» akoA A fret drep la wbtrk tA taen flr*4 knreiiag W* worked ia tA t*** b'-» «»d Maamwtwk. ail tkroagb iA *t*ki J ' arelgaot «h* m»« ta tketr I**l* sad I placed A regular, ta tk* fort nr ktork bona* known a* Ei Parana. Nr.y| a, •urprim from th* awreay Oar fret# 1 proved nal? t-m well genuaded for ai daebraak tA neat arenlrg July t. IA I Prat .bell. froM tA eaemv » guna I*4l 1 ia tk* tows The AurHrgn* MmulUneottel!* ' opened with four rapid fire gup* und hefw up • volcanic fir* awl! J "’rio t In the afierm* a We had no grtlliery with whieh to reply aad em realign! 1 that wa had the ftght of our Itvea on hand * "All the ammunition we had were 12 mute loads as i raaea enrh. a total of Id.noo rounds Courage and flash. j "Thu enemy’s fir* waa incessant and wa answered with equal rapidity. I have never seen anything to equal the ! courage and ilsah of l hose Americans, who. stripped io iba waist, offering’ their naked breasts to our murderous j fire, literally threw themselves on ourj trenches on the very mmiles of our guns "Our execution must have been ter* rtitle. We had the advantage of our position and mowed them down by the hundred, hut they never retreated or fell back an inch. Ah one man fell, abot through the heart, another would; take his place with grim determination and unflinching devotion to duty inj every line of his face. TUrtr gallantry was heroic. We wondered at these men who fought like Ilona and fell like men. courting a wholeaale massacre. j which could have well been avoldedl bad they only kept up their firing J without storming our trenches. Our j itoeh of ammunition was dwindling! fast, we were loa'.ng men rapidly, and wore fighting the battle of despair, the Inevitable staring tw in the face. General Vara del Rey was Handing In the square opposite the church when word was brought him that the last round had been nerved io the n»cn This was about 3 o’clock In the afternoon. He at once guve the order to retrent. crying to hi* men, ’fialvese union titl ed*! ’ "Hardly had he given the order when he fell ahot through both leg*. One of his aids. Lt Joaquin Dominguez turned to the general as he fell, ex claiming. ‘General, what slaughter!" A bullet took she top clean off hi* skull, killing him on the spot. The Death of Del Rey. ”Tn tho meantime I had secured a stretcher, and ordered four men to put the general In It and carry him to a place of siffety. Ruilets were whiz zing past us and falling like hail all around. It seemed thnt fate was against u*. Aa they placed him in the stretcher Gen. Vara del Rey was shot in the head and hilled. All four litter bearers were shot, and Lt. Antonio Vara del Roy, a brother and aid to the general, d'as wounded and taken pris oner. "Earlier in the day Majors Aguero and Aragon, both on the general’s staff, had also been killed. Besides those, ten other officers were shot, and we had 230 men killed and wounded. "At General Vara del Rey’s death all took to flight, running down the hill and toward the woods and underbrush. In a mad effort to get away with their lives. “Toward evening, small hands of straggling, worn out soldiers began to arrive in Santiago, and a* S:3O that night Lf.'PunH cktpe in with 103 men, whom he had been able to rally and k>> Wiig.lV fs KVI *IT. I *• tk**** * j mnm . Ah Mtmk pal* M ' M-tirttrr owi" «w 4 m VA AnA kA* M 4. aaaaMNm*? «M oaf sh*s*MPV*>*b*Vt A tagfk 44 4. *4a»fttn* *a*4 Ah*-**#, i ifemiimpvimwmi umi ismi diMMm «me i. mspiutiif v a mw mttf pmim f -tiv ism» smm mmiMi •* 'mmm hM %1 - ftuff-ff tihgt v Hams fr iftiuSr In I H> nit »reAftaHH * H a paadreete A*a mrn voywlA imp MinrtMa ' A .aafarea A*'*** TW »■»** ta* a 6 ** A** Mim w.a .*».* Vhwvth *? ftkAree. PV ■ M *A4 , a ***** aw*. 4ww* **4 kaaat e is «ka» ’ mmtn ftaai aAt A* aayw •*lMaa ia A**a.*•'*■! ftA **a a a**t fare* uawa kiiaata# yaa* *4' are* a*4 thiak h ta aw e**v A •** u* asMt* ktreta kA #a>4 fa** Ada hare «mw are My t*w*k4re are paw* At a. tettAA **4 h*»*l»ia. I wwa trerewa* amt ka4 apart, as kafaft wMtOaami ftAare relay t*aa *> *»*-*■« . 1 re*** barf aa? AH* M pareat are- Mas* I aw* *wk t# re? tkA I a*?** kaJ re aw re tatmk r*A Va? aataNl amaatreAA* a* LtA K ftak kaa> * Vse*ta*4» t'?iiiapwa <■ Are wret4 wu tAt yaw* «e**e** * A* vawe J A tre*-*.ke. I Are tk . ft* tret*. ftre» t.Ap.a.itkre*A '"M?* "* , ftWfrereA «.* ?t*fc awe .spam aww A truat ia* bare MM h aaporal Ate*. A? ***** Am waraA ret# A m4a »>tk «n I Ha fc Aahkare. are) fw* were tats* pan A*lre4aaA rkarga A Mm Aa***t*reAwi* 4» pretawat at Ar great AaHmre, treaWag kg M4A* re aaaay re a h**4*A ikreread Mltag TgOMT* d-ir*-g t T*~f*“ f*** All rest fag teureea a*? *#' ■ **d ia wrvre ftrreiy A Mre l .abkaM at treaa, Mata, far Aim* akret !A*r ImAtW. krlag tare t A rtf? A more av*4*r Sum A % A Mark Aoaea Ml t A aar t read!A re*atn? «a* Ag.grd tAt 4ay. At Mi • A sari? ta > a L n* a aAfl frna tba farntas ■* 1 A Aa Mlgre! kArkhtrea*. m tat M "a ft** amt killing re*** TV* aisarH 1 A tn*M? a Are* aagagrd at K! CA ms m Inly I at see an *a4 tbatr artill**? si Ar rapid fir* *’***■ It was IM Ar4**t fight a I At* *«*!> mw* or *»*r rare ta are. The hr 1* ttanr ? »nd daring at tA bameteaa at* «»> b was oal/ 04**11*4 A t A etmlarre ■n4 at*Watni**re “4 tA dfoa-ak 4*- 1 Aire, "Tka (apart that rk# body A o*a, Vara 4*l K*r Ad a*»m keen r*eo**f*l la aatrav. It wa* Art*4 A *A Aaurtrao tmnpa, and bit «ra»a wn*. nrarked wMb a wood*# ernaa b da*, nratina found oa bta hr*a*» wa* an pinned ant lair? Anded to o*oreal Torsi by o*n. Bknfter.” SHAKE INTO TODR SHOES ! Allo*n » Poot-BMa • i*>w4#r*f*»r tfc# It rttrt* pttuful, •amltefi. im»rt* inj. n«i vou» t—\ «n>l tnstantiy tafc#» th# *t;n* oui of corn* «n 4 tainta***. It's lihr croft'*#< comfort ItofftVtrf of th« U*o. Alien * roftt-Eftft# m*fcr» u*ht or !«te* ea«y. It la • certain cure (tor »*?fttift*. callout and lint, tired, [arfctaff feet. Try It today M t»y ail ! druggl*i» and shew stores. By mell for Or. In stamiis. Trial packages FREE ! Allrn B. Olmeted. Leltoy, N, IN HELL’S HALF ACHE. Brunswick’* Ministers View the Sins of the Hums. Brunswick. Ga., Aug. 15. While Hell's Half Acre and other place# In the stums were running at full blast » pany of Rrunswlth ministers m»4 church member* made a tour of invoa tigat ion. The minis)or* were Rev. Holllnga w»rth of the Prenbytcvlan, Rev. Oll more of the Baptist. Rev. Hearn of the First Mothodiat. and the pastor of Mo- Kendrne church. The visit of the minister* has crea ted a sensation In lower circles. It was entirely unexpected by the acre habitues and every dance hall and Joint In Hell's Half Acre wa* In full blast. The white and negro women who in fesl these localities were in the midst of their half drunken revelling*, and the ministers no doubt saw such sight* as they never witnessed before. When the fact of their tour become* more generally known tomorrow, it will prove a bombshell In ibe camp* of the acre denizens. What the minister* will do about the sight* they saw will develop in the fu ture. 20-yee r filled gold watches In ladle*’ and gents' *l*e* wHh Elgin or Wal tham movement from 57.00 to 513.50. Guarantees with caiji watch at Lewis J. Sohaul's, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. SICK SOLDIERS. Forty of znd Wisconsin Passed Through Augusta Yesterday. Two Pullman cars of sink soldiers of the Second Wisconsin regiment arrived in Augusta at noon yesterday, haying come frogj Charleston. They were part of the regiment for Porto Rico, but were unable to go on account of sickness. The men are on their wny to the West, and left iaot afternoon over the Georgia railroad. The cars they were in stood on the switch between Jackson and Mclntosh streets for about fottf hours yesterday, and a number of people went out to take o view of the srfidiers. They were s rather tired lookitfg lot, the marks of sickness showing fen them. Before purchasingpistol or gun, call on me. T can sari- you money. Lew is J. Sehaul. Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. NATIONAL CORD CITIZENS' LEAGUE || AktVii Is Ulll. laftfte*'. * w WW~ fltllgflr ftefSl t A WhMaA a* 4A «t |«a* n tdkia ■■ - Pa*' great ft Mas A %'k*w, .a tk* Maal. ft*MS' AOi hvffMti* r* sl * ißw ipft Hf mmp* inuhl m*4m-* t *gs r M tA tareare <* *S* f *»«*t mw a*4 aaawal taataitttrea at ?A num (% m cigtpMa 1 re* i ? .are 44 ** ,(p* a. ire- tap* *A -ma kaa mm* ‘tat aggrrere** mvwm. Tk* b**a<* a*4 mat m* at tA mam *v v*a4 is* tawar«« tat gaWt* ***** *t *v , Mia pMPta. * * Mason#** are -amw ,4 trwih W mag iMI a*4 p a mu* ag blg» atreai **.**#■ W* ga>i *»e tlx gwak.a.i' iffiMt *t «A **>• *«• doaiti* tam atom* ta afware < A •tt*- iptrew sad A'?k»» lam ware at «A pppn- mi fast ait «*tt rwamarere Htt raw. * tiaure **4 w-% 4«tA **• A ftpmiSp bare - At, 'Mg m»# 'A t.«f*A a Are '«»*»" f Ail At tkl ' ire* ta tk* at A? gw* wf*?r A tk* wawa aratCstw w* *** that IA 'a4 ' gm 1 aft tret H|V fid of A* At p arekt aI A rev' ■» •# Hi **ivm '..4. te ***** are* paaailM? AT «"tfta '•mil? I* lA w'retM* Ar 1- A * aftk* *at aM* am*, vark re Am '* d ama r rmk bat *g aajasl ai** Tk* Urn »„ 4oai* aM* >* <A b »*a*f at tbM f uttmam*! aAa w* atom appeal » <mr irouatiytaea ter flMumdot tavv*?* •>'* I at* aow a A tag at rfNrl A «*# ivoiar laatrftnAt to tA Mlttas*! ga*4 la tA part tkA? 4tf» tkre* mrtl ta A rmt tkoaaMd nrepnas*. I» tk « .ppreti Ac a>4 ta pul «b.a Aamf real w-th already aa tA ltd# of aaerwao »a 4 aM. H a MtgW? wrerrr tm A*** ta am atm and ***** loyal rttlana '*rtti» it* bortAra. Wa Are *SM A n«aat«M*at will are pr**At tA aaa jtrAttrere of aMnlit either larger or /.Mailer titan o*e dalfar Mree? IMIM I u a Alp. •* was IA w,d«r«’a jdn. bandied dollar* will tank# ?oa an Skosernr? *»*t*4»m. fifty ituiars a HA amMbrr. twaaty-ftra dollata a pal?"* ImaMtwr t*a dollar* a aomaima* aartn •h#f fie* dollar* a rootyihutSag went jAr *f lb* Xat ma! Oaod fit ireaa liaagA J Those wA baa# ao* lb* rank at baod eoayeataat will plans* mnd a tAlr pudgaa without delay "TA wtrkad walk oa every aide when th* .Ham mm ar* aaalt*4.” ' Whea tA rigbtMMta are ta authority th* peopi* rejoice, but when th* wtrkad bewetb I rule tA people M iurn ' "R ghteoua ntwa esaltreb a natioa. hut sia ia a re proach to an? people " "TA nau-rea that forget God shall A turned Into 111 airurtion”: and an with indlyldunl*. for “Not eyeryona tAt aalth unto me, Ixtrd Ixoed, .hall enter Into (A king dom of heaven, but be that doelh th# tv,II of my rather which I* In heaven." And. "Without me. ye esa do noth ing." Too many men have devoted all tbalr time to thalr business and left politics to thosa who make politics a trade. The result I* political condi tion* that make any business venture risky, and hard time* universal. If the real business men of the nation would realise the necessity of taking an active and intelligent start In poli tics. the result would A better men In office, better laws, wiser politic*, and more prosperity snd contentment all over the land. The caucus snd the primary should A made the pivot of reform, and here ia where every loyal eitlten should take ao active part tn politic* the poli tics which our leading lexicographer defines as "the science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government cf a nation or state; the preservatio/i of It* safety, peace and prosperity; and the protection of Its citixena in their right* with the preservation and im provement of their morals ’’ The pur ification and elevation of polities to a high moral plane is the only hope for the preservation of this republic. In the government that Is supposed to be of. by and for the people, political blonder*, in the nature of things, will rule, unless not only the people at large but the best of our citixena reduce this theory to practice. The primary source of all legislative, executive and judicial power ia the people. This power they wield through the ballot in a representative republic such as ours, and for the wise use of this power they are morally responsible. What we need and what we must have if we hope for success 1* unity of purpose and concert of action. Well directed ac tion above all things else, for It is high time to be up and doing. Public opinion is ripe for aggressive action, and with the objects of the league pro perly carried out, reform along these lines can be speedily implanted on the thought of the nation as the most im portant issue before the American peo ple today. Through this non-partisan move ment reform can be had within party lines by organizing local leagues, one for each political party, at all voting precincts. Loyal, patriotic citizens are wanted at all precincts throughout the cation to organize precinct leagues In every voting district. For further particulars send two cents for postage, and literature explaining plans of or ganization. Address all remittances and commu nications to the National Good Citizens' League, S. T. Nicholson, Gen. Sec., CUT THIS OUT WrtUi (four Advvniwmikl o#i IhN Wank, tncteft imcusl nwfwftftAfv U> pay for •« mmny 1 n*#r uom «• ftp*! want, mrtd ttittyr maU or wft#Hl N to THB HIRALO. advertisement coupon. TO IMM MteftU PiftAftft Inftwrt lit# ft«*v#n»#ftmftfH wnuon Mftlow l iMt In ftOiir ’’WANT*' column#, for Ahtch you w»H find ftnclOAkd S cwnt# SIGN HERB ■ t apuattre* * .ah 4> 1 ssd A r. . M. tv w «.x<. Se * I r-m». H'*< fcMW- ?.» 4m. Mm Ka Mi sbhmmmw** & . Itl-i CNT-b-kOkM. ft* •**" rare red i a. am *Aw M «re». ONE CENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED w4NUh"|'t’T rmvT <*uaa ■ viuitwtrifiMHMUh. •"•iMitffci t* it*** (IftmftMt MN«ri A«( It WAVmtf* *T bJ* r.VC PKWIgViMt j Isdy uaih i -b pewit to* aa gwenn-ea r«r .avail rbvldrea ar a private m*m* ' Addreos HM* It. car* of VA 4*wlt Ilerald. Aug U WANT*?* rtWITTnl* A* <snOK fit > pv do hire ti r*r la privit- f*-nrty. W'hitc Worn**. A44rre» f». M H., car* ( Herald Aa* !4 if A VTRT>- A IM.ACB A* SIGHT j wstrhman av to 4rtv» a milk wwyon Kl«a city well. A*44reva (I. M , care ' llereld Aag t 4 jwASTKIV-A nuriTl'iS A* IIOt'KK KKHhKK at o*ee Csa do rwaat a»V . thing Add re** III* Broadway M, fc. Aug 14 HELP WANTED WANTED- A TOrXO I.APT BOOK KEEPER; must be competent and trustworthy. Agree*!*. p<*m.>B hut plenty of work;. Vial* whether y u Av? any e*pertel»c« or B«t. Addreta J. 8., car* Herald. WASTED--A LIVE MAN TO HEM. meat on wagon A good place for the right man. lIM OrUw* street. A » FOR SALE CREAIi-CREAM AT J« JACKHOS BT. rt>R BAU&-OSB FIRST mol or. Good a# new. 50® voltage. Speed SSOO. Typ* W M No. JI. Ad dress Motor, care Herald. Sept l TO RENT FOn RENT-THAT LARGE AND DE HRABUt store No. 744 Broad street. I’nder Masonic hall Apply to W. C. Jones. 705 Broad street. Bcpt 1 FOR RENT THE LARGE HAND SOME dwelling No. 932 Broad street, with yard running through to Bills street. Apply to Jules Godin. Sept 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM dwelling- ! HOPPE 1257 Greene, with modern j improvement*. Rent reasonable. Apply j 1256 Ellis. 8 CP«1 , TO RF.NT-REBIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 Ellis, with all modern * Apply 1026 Broad street. Sept^ FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO LARGE cool rooms furnished. Most central lo cation in the city. J. E. Dea*. 91* 1-2 Broad street. rooms TO RENT-NEW-LY FI'FI NISH ED. nice, airy and cool, at 82*Vi Broad street, on first floor. Au * ls FOR RENT— *-ROOM DWELLING. 1303 Broad street. Rent reasonable. Apply to J. H. Feary, 818 Broad street. Sept 1 FOR RENT— SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwelling*, with all the modern improvements on Groene and Telfair street. Atiply J- H. Prontaut. 626 Broad street. / Septth TO RENT-THE ELEGANT THREE story store tn the d'Antignac build ing running through from Broad to Bi ll* Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire of H. H. d’Antignac or Z. W. Carwtle. Sept 1 TO RENT —A NICE 3-ROOM COT TAGE with water in the yard on Harrison street, “between Dugas and Hopkins. Rent 36.50. Apply Padgett Furniture Co. Aug 15 TO RENT— NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1105 Reynold street. Apply 1023 Broad street. Aug 17 TO RENT —THAT NEW DESIRABLE resilience, No. 316 Broad street, from October 1. Leonard Pbinizj . Aug 6 Mon wed sat 2wks FOR RENT-A SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. from October 1. Apply at 402 Broad street. Aug 19 AUCUBT 15 ts&l nr«Bf W»tt> **v 4- •*#§4 t I4*^» tii itieifT wi «*ii tiittnr: ry. yt f*«n»* *ft i-’ ni r l at? Wm, C, tairf. s77# Dm«# itrvM. Alt MISCELLANEOUS to fartiv# mmm LirK YMOTI* A>*«’K TlKrfF If a atafuf» tft of iif rfltl |*rr OlAQatT)# under til# ft# Mil- Tl»# P*mm Mu'«nl fiajri thi«. Many mikr tin polkf« I T. Hrftf4. OjpMil AfUH. •HORTHAIIO AMI* TTPKWRimta y sm« |#r math at <abori» , i BaMf»#a« rofl#c# Monday. W**9n«aday «n 1 Friday, at nijrlit .aC«»e «*r rail a# **rrat dnaiattd for »n .(tayktrs. jun# u ts BOARDER* WANTED AT 7» TEL FAIR street. Will furnish room# auid meals rn reasons tie terms. Iteptl TO BENT—PTftNtMtBD ROOM OS first floor. Bui table for gentleman. 4 Apply Iff Reynolds street. Aug !< WANTED TYPEWRITING MA OHtNE Deacrihe fully, name lowest price, rime In use. Type Machine, cats Herald. Aug U s6°° Suit Sale Think of It! For s*.oo we give you un restricted choice of many styles of teautlfully tlrlahed cheviots, caaslmeres and fancy worsteds. The fine tailoring of every garment offered In this sale will prove we are giving you ihe most reliable bargains ever offered In this city. You Will Find Many $7.00 SB.OO sq. 00 and sio.oo SUITS in This Sale Why are we sacrificing? Simply this — we are making preparations for our winter purchases, and want to make a clean sweep of many styles that are not moving fast enough to satisfy u*. We cannot guarantee your size In all style*, but assure you that the variety U so large that you are bound to make a good selection and receive your cor rect »lxe. We will exercise our usual care in tne measuring and fit of these garments. Be on hand and grasp a golden oppor tunity. L. SYLVESTER -—-a DON'T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons’ Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD BTIIEET, And Get Your Work Done Well. For the next 60 days Bicycles Enameled, for 52.0 C— High Grade Work. Lowest prices in town on Repairing, tiecond band Bicycles bought and sold on easv payments. ALL WORK GUARANTEED