The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 15, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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***■- itt rtxwM* 4i I%mms VMM. tMMNg t <*—»»* •a.,.* *4»* ***»<■ *mi»o», t«w S—•*■*» •**# * *»*#»** *■•#•»* Mm R«*» i||» f-*§> H% As *4k#"«« «*** Mill—> —(4 *A» —HO •# 0* AT —*i <» AM* tMk —o<4 M* —*% ~«**. *—«%»— •«* 4t <A**o «* IHiA**** **— A —»*■ —Mm* «—• Ml pH—i •’•A. *Tmi* •**— —MM —A Ms Am* «Mll*** PM— M**p4 4M I—l*4 •'*. AMI • —tmm m —»■—>< *rm. •* h MM MAM ■«*>' a*# A»Mi4 I* MM *«—M| •* MM— MM —ll* in* Ml MM *A* M* •MM* >«*•• A*** 'M pt4«PM4* A **** AM*—— MM —* *—A Am* *** t •* am Pm —4 »*• •» •— * |> H , f—t**** XM <m fwr •M* MM r* Pw4 >** MM *•» ta* fIM MM —Am <MIMI —'*>■» pO*lt 4—» MM— I*4 4*M—•* • .lit 4M I 4 *f «M r#*«** Imp. K |^n # a <M Pi—Ml— if IM M *M« Krl— ,»R< »• —Mi MM4 MW—* *1 —A Um> p*A*t W—i —M MM »«** M—*y I— —•— — > fmx ml— *»*> »•* *A*«» —« mat A* —I M —> —l* M A*r. MT «A**» A**' >A* —I A— IM*m. lA « TA* *4.Mt «4 • ttiMP* >*—*• *M4 rrt— —• *A*l* l* **»» A**"'* mM • AM* A»m4* mt* M—t WarA #**p *# mmM K lA r * M'M'i *—— vami •» *a ****** Hrs*, —4 **j m A.<p— A*:* »«•.•» —• mmi- • •*♦* —lkiOM* AM4 %MiH* at# *—llf MM* ( Cm—mm —>rt» PmM* Hi mm M**r- «i«A M***r*l fator *t K—t—l l>*r*P— lA* !•*«* MMOm—I Mr* *r.» of *i*'* «** P'**4 cAofc M M<*M A*— of mAsi* f*H— or I'M—. *<mm mtua —in M*t*»* *•** 4*r» Mr *HI —M rMk |arfc*ta *h<A —o*M m«* ma4*4 lA* —At; lA# —ls ir—M. n« An** a r—mat la* rAofc **J tor. r***r* —4 rot* OIH AMt—• «* Alo* rbMA at* a4«*.»Ml* —4 *h— rAwk Aia**>tal to na—»*f far • —irt. A«• Aar- to pa— Mil A r jrr**i»*« tkxA gt*— *a auranlr* fiatoA. .Woof tloator* • / bu too • <rtn for u*r mmwMi; boor/ turf* thffead ba> Lorn nMttrtff, nf ft rut tnj* of itlk • npim to gay color* I* both |»r4My and novel In another sly la IM storking U ao long a* to (Brel the supporter, ftOU Mi !«a« bOftMi lb* knee and till* U ft bftixi of ftllk Mrlftr*. «*hlrb glvv* * har.sim* fiti nb (o • high bool, tail look* oftll «riib • l*r shoe, for or dinary aft*. (omblßftttoa* of pli fi or r.rliie* are In tb* gayest of ft*/ rotor*, •t the war Uax>, for aftrly morning, obit* la preferred The bright plaids •r* donned later la the dog. and for evening wtb colored dress, the elan pl« ’,. or fto)r other plaid, are vet" sty- ( lith. Tiny colored eiik aprtft* on black •Ilk h in favor, or open-work black 1 ailk. while while gllk allpper hoetery abowa hand ioeerted lace bands on tho Instep bordered by open work. Independent Waists •re a grea< aucoeoa this seoaon. espe cially those of white lawn, white taf feta allk or white china silk and young I people in lovely white co»raa>«*. soft . hoed organdies, foulard silks of every | stylish shade, while shoes silk mull | hats and variously colored parasols, form charming picture on verandas, where In the summer evenings balmy ) » OUTDOOR COSTUME, WITH BLACK SURAH CLOAK FROM HARPER S BAZAR t* to fto <*••—*» MA4 raf—p ##* Mi Oti M—• o—l' —l* —, * —M— HAM 4*h— *m a*— —4 . if *.»# —i Ip— A—— ftto JAM—*— • •*— PmM —l* or «» as mm— «•>—• ft—a— •MA *A ** MNAMI* *Wto Aa**A4 —'**»* I—Ml «f MM—A AM4 MA-** —HA* A*—l M iA* —M* auk A A*— A» —*A A*—* MA4 I— "'lM* M 4 A— **—4 A* MNmA MAI* MV* - A—— Aim* (AM—M MM AMT a MA'—i a to*— *Aao to—A*. M #»»—**»** MtoArM AM— MO**—, OtoA aojoto— •**»•—* too to lAO AM to"****** A—Ml a to« 4 r— I —II—HA i* AO—MM** <M M—*4 tot— TA* paoMto* «AM •—A* (to* A roaotowl of Am! A *0 to*—O’A M*M *A* «44 M«M Mm* fUA—I to* M to A— to4***— A* AiMftoH PtooMto *OO MaHAtoAMPt* —4MM f—*. oto4 A to—to —«!— «A A* Am— #’**** to !A# Ml'**M>* 4 —l * tor Ml to O'— to—r AM*— MM— MtoO'M r*»r» laior l* *A* 4 to*4 tAo M>'MM»HAto* # *to Atm*—** ah— poto*lar a* lAo *•— a—aa>— La— •A <* *4A or tAO* *Ar—4 Mtai'oo mo a A—i to— *** —I Par Ao'Ai— A* iA* ******* C*—to—*•* TAo Ao**to Motor** of *A* AIH t*4 mAh* *a4 W— m m— to fi— A*—%■* of lino—*, ran—• • mi>- MAir** *.*A tA* lAin—a one 1 not Hara AoorAor ***—*»• 4*«»r* i* «A* omi - A: AM* I— as ffc* f'«A— mm 4 At—A mm Amp. M toa—ar «•**>»* a Alain—4 <4 OOMH Ha* to i— M tA* t— *4 oarA ft— Ha 4. toauMlo toto— C—A* tar lA* A**m* I Oft# at tbe Mat acta at CWgrefta be- Jftre t4|a*tMMl waa tb* gtiaaagv of • IMw antbovlftiftg the eattataieai of j • «nk# ift Mb the regular army and Ibe j rMtabcr a rvtce. Aft army at strong I to*ft. well (weed foe. can defeat twite (tb* asmkvf of akk. dtaptflied ftftd lil ted ofte*L • la all theae elemrai* at strength ! none ta More iMpswtaftt than the food I •* plenty of food la better than j Marrity. to well cooked food la better I than that wbieh la til pm pa red. In I deed, at body of men fed on aranty ra- I f oot that are served to them In apeb !• mdltioft •* to be *•!*■ with reliefc ftrd •grate la far better off and can per If. ris More duly titan the eaase number nth move than they can eat. bat spotl la cooking, la the Crimean War. foyer, the fa stens French rook. gain-d tb# grati tude of the entire allied army by go ing atncaa the aoldiera and teaching them bow to cook their rat'ons so as to make tb'-m palatable and aourtah iag. Hi* wdvk changed the whole condi tion of affair before Sebastopol. and It ' was tbe opinion of the best authorities that be contributed aa much to tbe cap- j tar* of that stronghold as did tbe gen eral* in command. We have malle advances in many thing* since the war with Crimea, but non* of them I* likely lo be more bene- , flriai (ban the Introduction of Inteltl- i gent and akllfut cookery Into the ar my. Only steel Hoed and burglar proof i safe* list'd. Money loaned on anything i of value at d low rate of Interest. Wa- ! terbury alarm clock*. <5 cent*. Lewis J ft, haul. Reliable Pawnbroker. thb a'CTQTJbrr/v hmra i.u THE IWftRKETS t M»M— ©a»t ** 0 OMWatt'to* •*—4; *»«—» to*to« IMA 111 ** <•.*>—* ——» I P*— KH— 1 p A—lff to to' to to, **«— ion**# Aa—H o w «• to a— t I i AtoOO to J *• - • M*« VP I— I [Mat m» *Ato MMIVt PUffXy* | Pro *hii#**.i— I— to— *—P •* * r •• to to to to to to i «*. #—M m AM* to to to to to to to HO J* opM to « to to to to p— ■»-»pra hwh »».»« •» »■ *—* raoM— *—, *— M*r»«* P—mA— it**.*— * —* Aa**M * o P tMM* '•* lA*—*, a— to to to •* I—— N r m*—4 « «« * * *•• l—m—a, —A, vtmmm m •• *• *• •* ** H * —a—a. A— * •« •• *• fTAfftlT. •—■ Hi AH IMP * » Ota*! « I I f*— OOM—a po* A—*4 to «to . |y A—‘A— « « to« ts—» » *-> « •• MM** •* ** !»•• »*4—A nm •• *••« •• jj * M#> A— AM to to to to to *» M—o ** to to" k* •« ** a« MM «* 4 t***lMl MM ** ** ** ** *•** *"'» UfR MTOHK PIPITT !•—*# 4—H. «OMMM— *# —too WT *" N—Vs a**n .tnaa* •—M «- A ** <WMNi I* rtfff »*«• a i* * (-”to* .to .... —4'**to* I—M* M —*— «.• «*»•*— a«—ap> ...... .. 4A- *• l Mat— t*MM— *— »* 1 , t*a .. .. .. .. « JJ* |Mat— t—m ***•»—* a** .... A**"*»| n— A*—** .. .. «.. .... •• • Mol— Ml 4 —*4a foil **»—* to— ■ Mai— I* mm—* Ni ***** .... —“l4 •root—aMA PtoArt*. tt*o A—l». CV t!., —r a— . t« l». ION. A— * to—r. A. par 4«M.. II M. lAr— A*—. •—ar. V A . AT* 4 , II M. *»*U —at*. A AmP i>itr tk*»t—■ pto—a OAt—a a*4 MAaotta—! <1 trait#—t* M **ir*itp . .. .. .. * t!ra**l«*tlta 14 K M oAMTI— « * »•* .<;n*u*«Mt. *M K B 4 *•* >l • «* (lianittoin* *-t II H M.. **'* ‘j—a M Rtna 1-4 4 4 —irtt— .. * J Mr H. K»«. » M— K C * H lliof OII.K. (V—mn !•* » «# op**. M* 4 Cdtlhtltt. M r 4». to —*««». MOT 4a*..H RLRtrHINIM. MM- rIAnMM **•*»>*» .4* ** * «a*rr (Hl* I*HI4» M—4 » « fk lory to to to « * »*• Wl/lfl A V Fruit the loom, ft* lacboa ~ R 1 I*l Trull at the l«»m. l-i Inebeft .< •• I I t 'Cabot. S-* tnthssi .. .. .. .. •• m * »•* j Cabot, * *•* Alpine It,**, t t .. «• •• •• •• •• •• I'l Pride at the Weal * I** in, I- Kina :'H It ahtrtmft .. 2 |»3 Jao. P King f t A A sheeting 4 *-• |L—lisle 4-4 * *-* Jan p King. M Inch (Jeotgla .. 4 1-1 I Jan P. King. B Inch B C aea I Island * Jan p. King. 94 Inch K* sea j Island 4 l-t Jao. P. King 94 Inch Superior .. t 1-4 PR I NTH. American shirtings. ««*»< * 1-* Merrimack shirtings, atskf 4 Charter (>«nk dreaa styles »«» .. * 1-* Washington OH* < fancy! S Allen s lfancy « •-* Himpeon'a 9-4 peri-ale# S ’Coatee Kpeil cotton, per do* 41 American Indigo blues. 44*44 .. .. 9 1-* Hlater Oil# (aolldl 41*41 .. .. .. 4 1-4 American Indigo blues, 44*44 .. .. 4 1-4 Internatlimal black* 41*44 4 1-9 Alton* cardinal* 64*44 4 1-9 Alim's Lnionas 44x4* 4 1-9 India blue —t India tdua 44*44 4 1-9 , Ktlnglant'a 44*44 4 1-9 liiarnePa radlani* 44*64 4 1-9 Martha Washington 64*64 J 9-4 Hope 64*49 • • .. «• 3 1-2 Chafer Oaks, 6«*M S 9-4 TICKS. Hampshire 4 5-9 Amoskeag A C A 10 1-9 Amuskeag A 10 Amoskeag C .. * 3-4 Reciprocity 2 1-3 PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mills * 1* Four yard, good 32 Inch .. .< .. .. 6 1-4 Lodi shirtings 66*66 .. 3 1-4 Lodi dress styles 66*60 3 1-4 fit. Clair dies* styles 4 Ocean solids 3 3-4 Mart • Washington fancies •• .. 3 3-4 Miscellaneous brands, light weight .. .. ~ •••• .... 13 l-2alr 1-2 lsoetta 6 yard# plain 2 1-4 Thorndike B 6 3-4 Hercules 7 1-4 Amoskeag 9 Crescent ? 1-® Pelham, 32 bal lto bo* 15 F. G. F.. 30 ball# to box 16 E. G. P-. 20 balls to lb.. 17 1-2 Muscogee B 3 1-2 27 inch 4 1-2 yd. plaids, best mak? -4 Blmpron’s allk finish poulards 64* <»*< Simpson's solid black 64x64 ~ .. S pacific mourning* 64x64 6 China silks 64x64 , .. 4 1-4 Middleford 5 Rockport 6 1-2 Slater 64x64 • • 3 3-4 Concord, 64x60 3 1-4 r.omo 66x60 2 1-4 Edwards .. 3 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KEARSEY’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney 8 1-4 Kincaid and others 8 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 83 Rosendale cement .. 31.45 Portland cement 32.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks . 31-25 Plaßter kn bbls 31-75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 33-00 Painted buckets, per do* 31-10 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $1.75 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest $1.75 Hope, monilla, per pound 9« Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nails, wire $1.75 base Nails, cut sl-50 has" Shovels, Ames, per doz .. .. Shovels, diamond, per doz .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per doz. .. $4.75 Plow blades 2c. base* Hames red top, per doz $2.25 Hames, red top root, per doz .. .. $2.50 Hames, best root, per doz $6.50 Hollow ware, per lb 2 3-4 Sad irons, per lb 2 1-2 Horse shoes, per keg .. .. .. .. $2.75 MO* **- M »• .» “ I **p» —mim* mm Wa i— „ %r w>» nitoMi»t> II ( mil • p.. #<»*"«* i..i»#*. a i A» 1 4*. oo—• ito t*. Apr a** —msmto .« *• * jH—t— *#—» to.*alii . m Ml 4m tsf*. —f O * <** *)*to*o« A- mt— 4 *}|to **a %t**H 4Am> *—' M *•« 4-0 to •—p* H— ■— pm a**H—.p* to*. >1 »*■ oof—it# p—. P Ha# • '■ .14* mr* —tat t|»*iilMl>i— pto*» 00*4 to—4* torp—-- *—*tr pm •#—>t— *t top . . a , 111 IP 1-4 iwl* • * f # MP . iff w. •too— p *l MVP I*P I*4 * ktop 4 I ft PM to It! M* ••naM I I4TA t—f *. Ha L <*mw«m • i f* tap i— w. A—tA CfeHNH to. AM to. HITT IM’tctM . AAf— PB P4V . . PI to. A—i— IfA, I4P . M. A—AM 41* H— Ml to. A—*M*M * IT* IMP Ms m. AooOo*t HA, IKT Ml ... aiAMMa 4a. ipi no PM 4 Alt** IM Tli IAM .... m to. AlloaW *. HP .)» lit ... Alt—*M 4I f* IMS .. IP ... »•*—'* T*. M*J u*.. P 4 to. I—A »'A l« 4.. in to. 'OatoMtoato k'B —4 ... It* ... *t—m Ta* —I Mi 1.. I«VA— * #M, IMP .... IM to. Hot—|W— 4 IT*, mt 104 Mr Mac— • If*. IIP .. Ml Ml Mama aa. tola n*. lit ... JhaAmiMm i»4. ...... *4 ... |dM*4— •**, IIP .... P ta • <lr— UAU ft. U. p-iNIM Oto.rp* M 41 M It— CM. r*. no .. ill m. <tto «a*o hum na* cm. a*, iks - iM CAartatt*. HoH—Wa * A#* *o*ia. lot A*. It— .... • l*f to. CTorHliv tvtamw* 4 A** pMrta, 94 l“o. IP* ... -IP to. A—to Mn It R . I - #. IMI . P ... C. H N. Korkina CM. C«4lal **■l T»w»< ka. ip; P M | Mont he ro IMiIMI ft. IM4 .. M W CVc.lrol of Urwp Itallaar. lot ra—l mort U I*4 M M C* of O. I*l k**( M * *4 IVrll.l of Oon—lo ItOllwar. I M *rrf larv—r*. IMA IS II r of <1 I*l M**f. —. IMA .... I • <l. M. « r.. IM at r* IMP .. IP MS Mouth Or.rfM on-l W HU. j i 4 r*. IMM .. .. IP «... l*ou<h Oro—ia J Him id* M Ha. Itp IM ttrc-an ft*, am*hip Co.. I*l S'* lit* IM ... rACTOTiT BMHIM Knirrprte* I4f«. Co , I*l I'A i l.ttt IM to. ) Mf*. Co.. IX r*. I*ol . IM Hlblry Ml* CIA. lx «'■ IMI . I— ... Hit AIN AMI* THOVIPIOMS. j (Ml*, o hllr. oo- ked *1 data, nilird. mrkrd .. 43 Corn, while, cackl'd .. .. M * Com. ml*, il. mrkrd M kl.-al, holtrd. per buahrl II I Flour, common 4.P Flour, fancy extra .. .. .. .. t.Ut Flour, to-rond i«tcnt .. 1.71 Flour, atandanl palrnt 4.2 S Flour, fancy pat'-Qt i.TI Wheat bran. 100-lb sack* k‘> Fine fn-d. IP-lb *ack» 1 00 Hay—nallv*. per loa .. ISalt Hay—Timothy, per ton 14 M Hay—choice, per ton I* 00 Hama —choice *u*ar cured .. Khali 1-1 Hmuked rib aide* 7 1-4 Dry aalt rib* .. 4 t-i Laird, pure leaf. In tierce* 7 lard, kettle, rendered In tlercea . 7.Mi •Sugar, granulated 3*6-3 NOT TO BB CAUGHT. Hi* lorgue clove to the roof of his mouth. ••j—j—that Is," he faltered, "you—” And then he suddenly caught nrr to hla bosom. •'You knew what I would say!" he cri"d. Frigidly she disengaged herself. "Another missing word fake," she muttered, pale but calm. POKTENTIOUS. All clay it was dark; the sickening vapor hung like a pall over the earth. The people wore wild with terror and fed to the temple. "What does It mean?" they cried frantically. The venerable priest of Apollo shook bln head. "It’s o Scotch mist,” he answered them, sadly, "and I never could make head nor tail of dialect. No." Was It that the grdawere displeased 7 THE YOUNG IDEA. Puck. Willie Saintly Aunt Su*aa doesn't go to our church and when I waa visit ing her I didn’t say my prayers. The Rev. Dr. Saintly - What differ ence does that make, me son? Don't you know that God Is everywhere? Willie I thought by the way you talk 'd that we had u monopoly cf Him. OPPOSED TO EXPANSION. . Lafayette Call. Speaker Reed is naturally opposed to further expansion. He believes he Is large enough and more of him would he uncomfortable. COULDN’T HAVE BEEN LATELY. Chicago Record. Gen. Weyler is said to have married beneath him. but that Is possible only through the fact that he was married long ago. GARFIELD’S MISTAKE. Otraha World-Herald. Young .James A. Garfield made the mis ake of starting bn a political cruise wilhQut first jd-ovidlng himself with coaling stations. RATHER PUDGY ]f imperialistic purpose Our efforts shall engage. Why, «ve’l! look like Mother Engnlnancl When we get to mother’s age. UNCLE SAM’S NAVY Portfolio No. 0 c«n h« curpd at The Herald office for IO cents end a Navel Coupon cut out of The Herald. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS AMOMI t.rHSR I*ool* THISUIS PICTURES OF Knaian Haaicy. Protected Croleer New Orteaaa. M‘ i>linr INirltan. Tutpedo B-at l »uyoi»k. Pecietary **f —A— Map of Koval Dixatmea. ahowia* arucrom of Ike Army and Kavy of the t’alted Htotoo- Plrture* of Camy Up- Navy Yard*. lart» MaP l" * l** a«4 many olher fix'd thing*. 9 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, entitles the holder to one copy ot Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio, at Tin Herald oflice, Aupusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-ccnt stamp for postage. 9 9 Back numbers of this Handsome se ries can stIU be obtained —' The Her ald ofhee. 2 BARGAINS House and Lot. Corner lot 50x200 with new 7-room dwelling sta bles, bam, &c. Good well water; everything in first class shape. This is a beau* tiful home in North Au gusta. Easy Terms. TRUCK FARH 5 miles from Broad street, splendid road, 28 acres of good land, good water, 3- room cottage. Cheap for cash. If you haven’t all to pay, can loan you balance. Leonard F. Mm Real Estate 8 Library Row. PURE PAINTS IN GREAT QUANTITY One Carload 09,000 pounds) ATLANIC WHITE LEAD. One earload Dry Mineral Paint. Best Eastern Linseed Oil. All the best Varnishes. Beat Heady Mixed Paints. We ran give you best goods In big gest quantity and at lowest prices. What more do you want? THE HOWARD 5 WILLET DRUG CO. Wholesale Paints. THE ONLY INFERENCE. Chicago Chronicle. Senator Thurston does not advocate the annexation Of the Philippines, which appears to indicate that the Un ion Pacific road can’t see any way of using those islands in Its business. IPHOINtP A»m AUGUSTA HERALD Because it Prints Exclusive and Copyrighted Spe cials Under an Arrangement With the New York Journal and Published Simulta neously in The Herald and the New York Journal. “The News While it is News” "The War News Ahead of Other Papers in Georgia and South Carolina.’' Best, Bristol Cheapest Paper Published Ten Cents a Week Forty-Fly Cent* a Month $1.25 For Three Months ForStx Months * Sg.oo » Year. It is impossible for HeraJd solicitors *to sea personally every one that wishes to the paper. Fill out the subscription coupon below tor the time you want the paper to run, and remit to the Herald. The Herald will be sent you immediately. K To The Augusta Herald : r / Augusta, Ga., 1898 Find enclosed $ for which pler*se send The Herald to the following ad dress for the time paid for. Name— * Street and Number Postoffice’ 1 State 10 CENTS A WEEK-10 CENTS A WEEK CALI. FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Best on The Market W. H. Lynch & Co., Yellow Pine Lumberl and Builders’ Hardware. 16th STREET. NEAR ELECTRIC RAILWAY POWER HOUSE j m~ nuiacn 74. • < awit-ta, oa. READ TNG Doors, Sash, Blinds, riculdings, Laths, Shingles, Wcod& Coal. ■ - 7 . TOM wWirs , ’ 4 wwm 1 CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER The Best on The Market.