The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 16, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TUMHIMw 2 NO WAR PRICES tttfv+r CNMI® I ** W®te*6ta • •• • *M9 . ** H9»fri«i» ** ** *' fOlTft » *_• • * ii #* *• iinm ii#t Lwk ft*f**C«Or Ct«NM#l 00«M^W 1 »#•»**»• f*w w» *»«r "♦» ti KHWf. j*** *■ V* rw 35 *0 4' • «"* «•» **“ *«***•••* wP* *U r> of Owimomtt w> Am*u**« LIfWIS J. SCHAUL, jlbwblK. Umtor w*» Halit PIANOS! **■' ’ ’ # ** Seven Different Makes. $149 UP. Southern Ag®nt® For THE EVERETT PIMO. Tha only Plano mada that it Ouarantaad for unllmitad tlma . . . . Call ud Sm or Writ* u. Tinas & Barton. W M BinRITT, ProMra*. Tit Broad* ay MAY BOX IN NEW YORK. Tha ru« right Cu t a* P»ft«4 on im Erl* County. jC*w (art, Aug I* —Jam*# J Cw t*4t |a aot at all h.f» ful of a broil »t'k IKC«r la Brta couoiy u»nu t'ua«*- 4lar, wta rvtl**rnis • 'iif !»•(I rt - John J lx.«del I |rr#*ld«lH of th# Of*#l r K*w York athlrit# rlab. Mdr.r nigh'. «a 4 raid Oartatt would ba p#rf*'ity i.ltllad l» neb« at OMMff laland. prmid fit a tnitlduig could ta ar*rng*d «« fa e<itiala lb* taklai of plcturaa Mow dell jail) a portion of Ibe club h»uac roof could he rwmotad without difficulty , owdrdt la t« bare an Interview with W. R. flray. president "f the roaualf which Is taking the ptetor##- Keaafdlxa the prowiblltty of the atop tag. A the bout at Coney Inland, the officiate nf the Orealer New ath letic dub nay that »lwn their taut* ara atupprd Uer* will be Bo more glove goateeta In New York dty. The* atdte LADIES’TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLER W ALKER THE HATTER. iKiisrcxx: hats that they have aa atrong political Influ ence behind them aa any other Horton club, and that but for that Influence a licence would n<d have heeen feeured. Ary pnip ««nl lo hold the hout In a Add used for other purposes I* ahturd, for ti » Horton la" 1 provide* that bouta can he held only in building* leased for a year by an Incorporated club, and de voted exclusively to athletic purposes. It t» probable tat the Hawthorne A C. officials will Immediately put on a minor bout to teat the law. Thla would compel Sheriff Kllgallott to ahow Ilia hand, and ts he mopped the eneounter. Corbett and McCoy could then effect « change of baac, or tight l he sheriff with Injunctions. Should Kllgallon fall to interfere with a hout arranged on ihc same conditions as that between Corbett and McCoy, there would bo no question aa to the big contest proceed ing on September 10. , Before purchasing a pistol or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Mew ls J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. It Might Be Worse. (Chicago Record.) “See here, policeman, that woman who gave me her baby to hold, hasu't come back." "Well, th' kid's asleep, ain't it?” London. Aur. 15— Afternoon papers without exception express regret at the 1 probab'e return of Ambassador Hay to the United States to succeed Ilay. and t. f ~0 he sees the way clear to decline c appointment to the state depart ment, as it would be « “pity to tnter ; tan ambassadorial career promis ing great results for the future of the two nations. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to s*,6o. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good witches from $1.26 to *50.00 at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. »tU M W Mmmmmm 19 # *rn H |)t|Yt f PUMAffiNfi *i M V*« * 9? * ww* WaUtAag (MMdM •» *t* ***** lat Nm»<« Inta* kuwww** *• **•# I if *#»«• pUffiffi ffid Ata* •**«# **4 IjiailtgaTit » •*■*% * *• #**#•**# head Mr MM athni «Mta M * danffta** *4 sykfil N1U11.11.. ad Stay** Lata*-**4 tta »i ■ug—f *6 **» »twta»s if • H*m •* *w» . * gs» Tta mmmm***J* * ta* •*• ■ lit* k.i'akw HUNS# 'la #U(Mwt •• NM Mvf MM. g94Mk4s®®9 , | Itw** ** a sMt t*mm ka* ♦«#» |k* rwt <Bw #w*i rn NfflfcMMj *••• *h*a .'fiNkgp-4 KM Mnn4 iul* • |M wWfllNg fill iMMfliPf wi'iii'H i!n» ***& I f %r f «« |HNI#f mpl t%M9 wi * i f T - w fl -||4 cm |||y «*fWMlii 4mw j flllp IMNIVII HM li ••• , V irfmg • «9IM» Mi I IMF ; Ml «l* «M M 4 IM 9mm4 rnm m l Hxl #•#%#■'% ts fFttll • MM4* let flaw ara mark,* Ml ItM NuM <Ma* aiwwrawis* outaM**l* the •Mt 4 TMa imui mt tha Wat tat* laid I'M* < fctNl **• i •WHwa4 Mr Nr Wayavw ad IMM rlty tf* a**4 ak# Mad wNtawMaHty lari aa. I «*rr|| kwM. and that tkata at** ! Wowad* OU bar rtaat atai wtl«M« pfwva 0t f|i iijß I TMara war# mflM aw ti* H’tt* •***'* Ikndp Setyaa* kruluaa art mark* that • g a g rvtdrwttly kr*W lalirtrf by hard th- j I Alb* ahd | wag tav# baa a placad tw | a toad Mart* Th* oAcafu of th* uartaty h«,.a't yrt mada pukMr all tha fart* ! r-nari-t-t with th* affair, tat **p*ri to lap thou# hafnrr Judge Har'. »l >« to- I day I Th* father of th* children w*a not j I rally tm* <4 hi* wtfl» # cwttduri tw ward* them M* had found out ottce or twH* of an at* of th* woman a art*, and hod aucceeded In putt tag a atop to them for a whttr : to-yoor filled gold watrhro la ladlea and gent* ataaa with Klata it* Wal tham movement from $1 M la #ll M. iluaraatcM with each watch at L*wl* J. K>haul*. BellaUt Pawnbroker *>n Jarkanh *tr**t SYDNEY BACK I RO*l JIANILA Among the Sight* w* the Spanlah 1 Pea# Built tor Detvuy and Mia Men. I Nan Prahriaro. Aug. Id.—The trmna port City of Nydney. which arrtvvJ from Manila lal* last night, la th* Aral of th* troopship* to return from the . Philippine* Th* officer* of th* iydney : tall some tntaraating *torle* of affair*, at Manila. i They way that on* of the eights of Cavil* la lb* large peu* erected by the Spaniard*, to which I hey had planned Ito put the officers and men of Poway's fleet, whom th*y expected to tak* prla [oners. The |>ens are divided Into com l>artm*nts and labelled. Horn* w*ra In tended for Ih* American officers and other* for th* men. while separate com* partmenta were prepared for th* Inaur genta. I The Sydney's officers aav the aallora nf the fleet at Manila Ihlnk Uewey la a veritable god and love him almost ua a relative for hla uniform Ulnilneaa to the men. »very Item of war new* he receive* I* at once signalled to the fleet. A Japanrae warahlp brought Informa tion of the destruction of Cervera'a fleet The Japanese sent a launch to the Olyntpla with the new*, and In tin Instant the victory flag fluttered at tbo masthead of the flagship and In a few minutes the news wa* flashed to the entire fleet, causing great enthusiasm. MOHRMAN’S corner FOR RENT OR LEASE. STORE 30X100. APPLY TO J. H. MOHRMAN. Chameleon Change* of Negro Babies. (The l-aacet) The evidence »t a French physician, founded on experience obtained at a Soudanese village exhibited In Pari#, was <0 the effect that the negro liahy comes into the world a pale pink color, the second day ie a lilac, ten days »f --terward It is the color of tanned leath er, and at lifteen days it Is chocolatc eulored. Th*' River Swamp Chill and Fever Cure is regarded h» almost a specific for oil forma of chills and malaria. If you live In a malarial district take a dose every day until fall. Price 60 cents and $1 n bottle. It Is sold by all druggists. L. A. Gardello, druggist, is the pro prietor and manufacturer. Mr. ,U H. Williams, formerly of this city hut now representing an Atlanta music house, Is in the city today. Mr. Williams is here for the purpose of furnishing the public schools with mu sic books. OASTOHTA. Bears the J* l,lß VM Have AiWBVS Bought tjyje -A.T7axrerr.#h srHTßHk.ix> THE CAPITAL r. OF CAROLINA : Fit ft Av UiMt Dm (ittiuß* — hIM iM»f %MI AftHft IfcPtllMli I H €* Awi 14 **&m I# ;M4 |NMF .44*<MH **an# mmh 4444* Ml |iw4»i#—4Vb Miijin iii jn*» 4M4 44* 4**<P* Ml #44»«iiKtMlM4 * ****' 4n mmmmrn* iMf 14* j ■*« ■ 14444441 m$ 4M4PI 44# mm *ft* 4N4 4N4ft 14441 Mi mmm*mm*m** 414## m m$ -rmifimirT t *it 4I4WH mt 14m 4m4Mh 9M4l It 41 «4MN ! ffm 49* mm*'* mm# m •*-mmms tmmmtm ,st4rfitr-4 W'PN4 44NK IMmbl*. W 49 j Unit 4>MI4 mm 9 1144 S f* i T* mm mmm mmm m*4mmmm 4 A Mmnipm#* >tnit If nMtnrif #4n9 19t 49< m 41 j f*» |tM4P>*i»i> ■ ¥ S 99#t4«Nt, C U |M J M •9tiMfc4lt H M H*m** *#■4 £ 4 ; **** [MMMI 1 j a m* *mtm A4i II 44*fftMNi mm*'** 4. |f4 •jjn £ . W [ I tl t|i»4rl4 A*4t*9 I*' 1 ' ' •**» Bfll'wf M CNil*«#• t» j €l4 4Mr4Mi mt t II KSIHftAk Motif* ! Itm#ti rnmm $ *1 Ml f*4 mtmmmtm ■ Nkmmmi * mmmm- <lf * 4 . MI 49 mmm H 4 49*f^# ) 04 444MMMM9»*4 S, 9 91944*9». 94*44- ] ||# lift Iff tuM 944 IIV4MM4 114 iipwttA ijii I" iWjjlt IK 4 f4»* j § f* 4l94iih4ML 4- ll I94NMRM MW9 T - t fHftf VV#. I C 4) J 4 I r 4r~ J r rwtr*M». VBNlm j« ! I Jt mm 4 £«4lfh Tv%vi|ft. | **4 4Vt4*M s - J 9*' I9'*m4MM. 19. M Tf«Mt« *«»4 J. II 9IMMM44 j VIM 9mm >Mi»><4ft? A H. i ,T%am Kmlft>4 MM Mt MrrMM* lOn fMf# #9 4W»wiitji l Tl»""'t W'41144.. ! AfIHMFf f)«NMr4MI •M WMi Hvbmi <H» -fMfnnt *M Win CV(I»M>99 AMlairM-l H * Urn** I*** »M W H WAltorr J tt |m of MM* H*4rr A J*M‘ ataga. ««*•* «•“«•» *M !*• *»» | T4m 4448P4t1*4 44 IMIIM* Ml mmm* * 4ff«44 mmi f«»M. * 1 test-»<!*» Neuator Mctaarla wired Obi Junea pyg, »*• bet* try gM# ge| fie war Nf*' l «*»**• i to Id iM a«#w«4 fc f'ar»l»a rcglmeat m . c «• m*t tate# re*npa n * It •» thought the war (JUNB*'>»**t wwi gyaat this row .-•etna. ** tp regtmewt will hardly be needed, tot at *ta name ttm* thl« atatu wl(| get th* cradtt a# fgralahing her men called f' *. M. fta. Th... np*. a will leave towior- I*ow ow a recruiting tone. oef.*re t’. I.avea he will pr .toibly he rwora in for by then .AM-half the t*#dm*«*» h a»f 1 b**n mustered l»t» aervtea. * | LaM night No R wa* a worn into the !aecogd regiment, with th# fallowing of- Drera. Cnplnliy—W W. Wannamaker Plrat Ueuteaaat—d. t- Mofauahna. Mecoad Ueutrnaßl—Julian OtU*r. Co. P wll In all probability tw sworn in tunfair A number of recruit* came In durln* yesterday and laal nlght-ahout Afiy •" all. Attention. Candidate#. Col. Willie Jon*#, chairman of th* stair democratic i*rty. asked that warning be given the candidate* for stale officer* I* regard to sending tick ets to the soldier* from South Carolina. At th# state democratic ronv*ml n held last May It wa* derided (o give the soldiers th# privilege of voting *• wa* done during the civil war. anl this matter will have to b# attended to very shortly. »» the election I* only • fort night off. C«l- J“«*n *“ ,<J ' h,> c '‘ n, "• dales would have to #.-nd ticket* to the first regiment at Panama Park. the heavy battery at Charleaton. and to the second regiment at Camp Lee- Thl* I* a matter of much Importance to the state house aspirant*, and Col. Jones said that If the** candidates wanted their tleket* there, they wp'uld have to have them sent to th# aoldlera. 1 The officer* of each company will ap point three managers to conduct the election of that company. I The third meeting of the Rlrhlan-1 'county campaign wilt he h‘*ld tomor row at Coon'* Creek, about ten mile* north Of Columbia, oubtl.-aa a number of Columbian# will attend. ft. B. P. ONE GIBRALTAR- That to What Our Coast is Going to Be. Wahingtoo. Aug. 15-Capt. Casper I*. Goodrich, of the St. Louie, has made » report to the navy department on the future defense of the American coast. Goodrich 1s a naval expert, ami was for a time president of the W;»r College. The suggestions made by him are based on the results of the war with Spain. In hie report Capt. Goodrich takes it for granted that the future policy of the navy department will be to build a large navy. He foresees the difficul ties which must be obviated to make this coast safe from naval raid and to present what he considers the ideal defense. He says: “The question evidently hinges upon the completeness of the enemy's in vestment. If he be present in such overwhelming force as to shut, in out main fleet, and, in addition, establish an adequate watch over our fortified harbors, we shall be powerless on the water, at least to oppose effectual re sistance to the blows contempiated. “Such ports must then look to the army for shore works that will kefip the enemy's lighter vessels off at harm less distances. As against landing par ties, the regular or state troops will suffice. It is simply a question of the #*> U «3R jW \ mSSs / \4* *• ** ;, *’ M * m . i [iiTf a„. | | * •* *** * 494- mmm mmmrn 419 4449 %#• # mm*"* ** mm* mm m» 4* 494 #44 14 m> mmm tm 41#* 444® li '9ft»i<ft- 4M4 99494®“*'* *rJ'|M* *■ ■ * * mi Wmmmm** j mmm, tmmmmmm mrn*mwmmm m** «* -■#* *K* Fl**t *999 **■* AN* 4.. * i M**9M9 if; MM®** < -** mm 4 4449 4* M 94 I, 9944* jp* 94*^ —J jluljt' Iftrt TTlf #ta« **f r *** ; «..*%*# «/ 4MM9M M944J4 4999MHVV ******* 499 994994 4_ I 4M 44*M 4 **"* Ml 9111 Mb » 49 14 419 M t Hri T itr* IM44*» m#m»9N m 4 Awg wAm-lk' rtpftffi AfthrulßMtaftk 4999 (feMM WtfMM'Mft 4| g 4 MM9I44MM (411919199 I MM* 49*94*1M< 49 MfM 9M •* I 4mM Alt |MM4*4 4444M* 49 499499449» MNM9 44991- 49 4HP! 94499HN4 T%# 9fM»F NMMBt ||N*9MF 149 94514414»4 lit 4#i«Mr4l44 <49 449*914^19 1 19414. “la *g*«rtw»*ta#» Ike mass* k* ti* egg y|ya test fwaatdwr*! tow la tta *ty* o# ti* vaaawla ttal ti* ensmy caa em ploy aw natdtaa daty Til# wilt ta d*- iwnltHt iff ti* thytk of ti* water aMfwaehrw If ti* MM ar* »t|waed. Ill* QNfMtaa. or If tta iattara ara deep and roomy, th* rrut**r* of ti* r#*my *M b# of target type If tie j «*i#r ta iot d -ry. if ti# taftmva ta narrow aa 4 limited ot tta to was tack from tta coast. tta era leers win ta of ti* *ax*ll>*r try* Oar admiral muat aatwt for kl* guard ablpa rral**r» of aot lews ynatf lias I lows Itkrly to ta seat la if lie rnrmy aaalgnmg each ta a rertala iMfirt or division of li# roast liar A ala* qua ana l* a aaf* refug* brbia I stout star* work* la kiag tki* ref ua* be aaay km* kla ship* by a d*ar*at la fore* " W® Have Mad® War And slauyhtcred (fl u nw Trunk* Trunk* made l>y expert Trunk-maker*. Mtdd at Maoufai lurrr*’ pries*. Trunk factory. Id Br-ad. Bell ' Ph->n« 2111. IN NEW SOITH WALES. fremier Rrddon flntarti HU Ufa Has Been threatened. Vancouver. B. C., Aug. ts. Tha airam-r Adkangt brings Australian ad vlrra up to July If. In Now South Wale* Minimi ruction U ftemler Keddim la la fear of hi* Ilfs. -He recently declared la th* lion** of Maprvsefltally** that tha threat had, been made that they* would be no gsere m the country until he was shot. f>n the night of Jidy II the Criterion Hotel at Urrmanatun. Tasmania, was dratroyed by lira and six Inmates were burned U> death In their bed*. Th* pro prietor of the hotel, Mr. Lynch, with hi* wife and family, barely escuped In their night clothes. The Sure La (irlppe Cura. There la no use Buffering from thla dreadful malady. If you wIB only get the right remedy You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, hav* no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold. In fact, ar# completely uaed up. Electric Bitters ta the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act di rectly on your liver, stomach and kid neys. tone up the whol# system and ntaka, you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cute or price refund -1 ed. For sale at Howard * Willet'a drug elore, only 60 cents per bottle. South Carolina Politics. > Rock Hill Herald, j- When any man goes into state poli tic# now the safe thing for him to do is ti arm himself With a rapid fire gun. some of the candidates now seek ing responsible positions seem to think that the chief qualification of an offi cial ought to be a capacity to quarrel, and It necessary to cuss and shoot. At Greenville Thursday such polite expressions as liar, damned liar, vil lain, serpent and scoundrel were utter ed with great vehemence, nud it really seemed there would be a free fight, with Railroad Commissioner W. H. Thomas and General J. Walter Gary, as the principals in the sluggtng match. UNION SUNDAY-SCHOOL BASKET PICNIC TO TYBEE, AUG. 18, 1898. On Thursday, Aug. ISth, the Central of Georgia railway company will rap an excursion from Aufcusta to Tybee for the above oocaston. Special train leaves Augusta 5 a. m., arrive Tybee 10:80 a. m. Returning, leave Tybee 4:45 p r m.. arrive 10:S(||ii. m.. 90th me ridian , time. Whole tickets $1.50; half tickstae-ii vents for rottud trip. Tickets onYsale by M. C. JoiivS.C. T. A.; W. A. (JNrtwSß. T- A. •* HE SPOILS > f 0030 STOUT IMi ( %h*h Mtfv Nml lfe*t (iM •! Aft i tm*m* t”9 Mi 4jjrf #99944 4944 f 9w# 4IMMMI Hi H *H <*4|44 w . nmj I* *SO M •rndYTiif®* ® 'ip, . * I .affl i#* ti «m 914 14® #fttf ** < * * * *mm* *iF #4 i4C49M944 44 mpm 4*9 499 49f» >MffwiH4N4 •»* Ml I Mm 9MMi mmm •#9 r*f*mf*tm Ml i k *-« |urmy- k*9* i * § 49991 i 9 4* <9490*4 14 * 4-* 4mM| 9H4 44 99® 49 | |am*ta* * «n T«M ** U*»d> , m 9%4*#1*4 9904 49 9§9* > ftft9 1449 49 ®ft9® 9*9*4l* i|((f j|f ft mgf -1 mi 44«t# Mt, |* ft iurf'fffr f fVW €®9 , iMWI 49 AMMM4 ] f%* 4Mft® Mt. 4ft W»414.t 4MI 1 tk 4 au|t® 4® 1# <9 9ft *4 14# ‘f4 14 tIM 9949 f m fka.fl 9*99# f9>f 4 9494 l'"94'>s9t p* <***! . »#4m9 949*4 MfldWf I «94f4 «4 94*914499 «9l«® 91 4 M 4919 mt W* I t*#4«r? 9l9r«h r Ic#r49u M r*9!4. t#«9 - I j 4f49nl VK9M9449 f»»9t*f^4Mif., THOIYIMT IT A NOUHf. %o Hr Rada Now* Ita Maw Wh* W aa Crossing th* ttaad. j Trvatr a. >l. J, Amr tf.— Ttaa®naa I 499 ran® I® Tff9U®4 t4rlf Bmtmfttop - f9Kkf«i»S 944 iwptmimi I4ai ®4 »*• mpf 1 4* ®4 fritn IJH9f<4f9lHHl9 9® 9fl9fl*H 1*99 bftF* 9ll‘ 4f I4r®9 fcl|fc9l)4lfl jib hold,him up On* man. ®a» mid. ! h*d grabbed at tta borar'a bridle wi»n Rue % *i sped ap and *#r*pad followed >hy aiowts from th# man Tantmdar * taming John Lrttlher and Nantel Al ' cat! brought to a Twato* hmapltk! j William Lesv*r. who had a rib fiwe -1 t*r*d aad wa* *uff*riag from Intrenal { lljiflfli Ih* men mid they w*rr ow th#!r army to |j trfirfvUli to 4*l 9® early 9tarl (or gathering mush moan* l<*v*e at ti-mpt-d to era** th* road, when the ahafl of a carriage that wa* h*!#* driven rapidly struck him hi th* aWe and knocked him uaeoaw-touw HJ* companion* shouted to ih* driver to •top. l'*t i*» attend"* wa* paid to their me*. Th* tint* and place fit in Rue’s story of th# attempt to hold him up, and Rue now admit* that he may hav* | hewn mistaken. All the m*n belong in Trcoicn. j Nr. J I. Terry, of Trimbl*. Tenn m '•peaking of Chamberlain s Colic, Choi- j era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It ■ha* almost become a necessity in thla ’ vie Wily." This Is the t*#*t remedy In 'the world for eollc. cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and la r#e (ogwlxed a* a necessity wherever Ita (great worth and merit heroine known <ts other" remedy 1* so prompt or effer- Igual. or so pleasant to take. Hold by ! Alexander Drug and Heed Co., C. R . Parr of Bell Tower Drug fltor*. SHIfUSED AN AXE. Lavina Evans Hade Asmuß on Ed William.«nn. Ed Williamson, n negro man. was a victim of the fury of Lavina Evans, a woman of hi* race, last night. Ed had a few worda with the woman and In retort she bit him on the bead with as axe. He was knocked unconscloua for a time, but recovered enough to appear in court thla morning and testify against Lavlnla. Other witnesses gave their versions, which were that Lavtni* had hit Ed without sufficient provocation for the assault. She was fined $1.50 and Ed waa fined M. , OASTOHIA. th , y-The Kind You How Always Bought A Baby Injured. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby Sibley will regret to hear of the accident which befell the;r little daughter Grace. Mrs. Sibley, with her baby, was visiting on Bath, and had taken her nurse with her. On Sun day afternoon, tn some way that has never been explained, the nurse let the little one fall and break her left collar bone. Mrs. Sibley returned to the city as soon as possible aad bad the injured bone set, and she Is today resting eas ily. Owing to the youth of the little one, who is only ten months old, it is thought that it will not be long before she wijl be again all right. Three of Them. The session was most brief this morning. Judge* - Baxter found three cases to dispose of. The cases were: Lucius William* $250: Will Wright, $2.60; Charles Cheeks, $3. OEBBY’S pCELSIOR A tTO l/HTA O A % aL l. * ' * 808 WHITE Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL Fancy Patent mOLUTEIT PURE W WTER WHEAT FLOUR I fu% r®9Ut« U»® *«pr®fn® tfi»#M»i 0< con»um®r® for FNHjr, Rdult«irat®<l with Com Flour. Coro St *rth. and other Foreiffn matter. On and after thhi Oete, Auffutt IO»h, 1808. I offer the Wholes®*® trede the above Brand* Flour Guaranteed Abeo'utely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the type. Aik for prices Flour. Me®', Grite, Bran end ship •tuff delivered your ate lion. J. M. BERRY, THE MERCHANT MILLER 994 Cm*wMmm Nf®i 4#s** ri im**®® 94 44®** Km® f® ®***®<4* ONE CENT A WORD. ■——urn ' " SITUATION WANTED WAjrTKtV-PnMfm* »H AM CTH»K OR i tm 4a tawserk M pel**l* Kalb Wbll* WuaawM. AiMrw* I>MR. «*** Hr I aid Au* $4 WANTED - A* PLACE AA NIGHT I watchman wta 4ri«* a milk wa*.# I Know City well. AUliwwa O. H . ear* H*raM. Au* 14 WANTMD--A POfIITIGN AM HOUMB KKKI'KH at »«c*. U*a 4« UIU*I any thin*. A44rv*s UA B»«#d*f*y. M. 4# Aa* 1# WANTRD flOilTtOk AM BUTLER. | ruarhmaa a* pact if deed Trt#*« a# tie* Walt *tr*#t. Wmtolawn A II WANTED BY A WHITE man. nMtltnff I* work. Addr*** W, | 174# Hick *tr**t. Au* 17 WANTED--PLACE A* GROCERY rlerk A4dr#*a Jo**ph Uacr#, !B, Broad #4r##t. Au* If HELP WANTED WANTED- A TOCNG LADY BOOK KEEPER; null ta i«iwiip#t»nt and trustworthy. A*r*e*bs* poattbm but plenty of work. State whether you tav# ■ny experience or not . Address J. 8., care Herald. * WANTED—A ROT for OFFICE work. Must he bright and Intelligent IS tn It years of age. Good pay to right one. Addrea* A. care Herald. A It FOR SALE CP.EAM—CREAM AT St JACKSON BT. FOR SALE—ONE FIRST CLASS motor. Good as new. 500 voltage. Speed 2600. Type W. M. No. SI. Ad dress Motor, care Herald. Sept l tcTrent FOR RENT—THAT LARGE AND DE SIRABLE store No. 744 Broad street. Under Maaonlc hall. Apply to W. C. Jones. 706 Broad street. Hop* 1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM dwelling house 1257 Greene, with modern Improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply 1256 Ellis. Septl ’ TO RENT-RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1221 Ellis, with all modern convenience*. Apply 1026 Broad street. Sept 1 FOB RENT—ONE OR TWO LARGE cool rooms furnished. Most central lo cation In the city. J. E. Deas, 918 1-2 Broad street.- 1 1'-, IK KENT—B-ROOM DWELLING. | 1806 Broad street. Rent reasonable. Apply to J. H. Feary. 819 Broad street. •Sept 1 FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with all the modern improvements on Greene and TVlfalr street. Apply J- H. Prontaut. 620 Broad street. Sept 9. ■TO RENT—THE ELEGANT THREE ! story store in the d'Antignac build ing running through from Broad to El lis Now occupied by L. F.Padgett. In quire of H. H. d'Antignac or Z, W. Carvvile. Sept 1 TO RENT—NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1105 Reynold street. Apply 1023 Broad street. Aug 17 FOR RENT—A SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. from October 1. Apply at 403 Broad street, Aug 19 auco«t id MISCELLANEOUS 'TO ft ARTIK* FRYING | IFF I Nut'to* AWE There la a stamp tag at rigk* ly rents p#r th at#*nd under Ik* ■venue Ml!. Tta Few* Iltfrrl pay# 1 holder pay N M## in* and aav* Ihia. |l T Heard. General Agrai. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING unly |4 a* p*r auMith at uabarmfa Busin#** r„Ue*e. M n ley. W#dne*4#y and Friday, at night Cora* or call at , n , r Groat demand lot ytenograpkera. Jun* IT If R««ARDKRM WANTED AT 73# TEL FAIR W*ri. Will futaiak room# and meal* off reaeoaabl* term*. Drpll TO RKNT-ftI'RND*HKD ROuM ON first floor. Suitable for gentlemaa. Apply #3S Reyn- Ida street. Au* 16 SAFE WANTED—ADDKKSH T, HER ALD office. Aug 17 Fall Fieli Seeds IN LARGE AMOUNTS. AU6USTA RYE Grown In four miles of city. Far bet ter than North Georgia or Tennessee Rye. Western and Virginia Rye must not be planted her# at all. Thla ry# ia free from oat# or other aeeds. Beau tifully cleaned. Title rya averaged about six feet in height. BARLEY—BeaI Seed, well cleaned. CRIMSON CLOVER— Large atock. LUCERNE— Cheap this year. NATIVE VETCH—Grown here. JOHNSON GRASS —Good atock. Finest Seed Purple Straw Wheat. This wheat la selected by the grower as being the best, after testing nearly twenty varieties. Il is smutted by machinery to pre vent smut. Blue stone Is not neces sary nor must it be used. Free of cochla Garden Seeds, Garden Seeds. All fall kinds, Coilards. Cabbages, Beets, Beans, Peas. Radish**. Mus tard. Turnips. Rape, Spinach, Oyster Plant. Ac.. &c. THE HOWARD & WILLET DROG CO. Senator Cnliom can stand an old dog fight or two in bis barn, says The Chi cago Record, but when it cornea to car rying a load of onions on his ship he weeps in his wrath. A Dreary Home. (Atchison Dally Globe.) An Atchison woman is not only a poor cook and housekeeper, but she does not laugh at her husband's Jokes.