The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUEBOAY 4 EHfMIO I *» | SI -»'»** •* #■*#* I M ..... M C*#*» s»L“*» Mt »*• I »*D t«»* H<MWU» te *|h*<*' M #*»•« ****** •** —«■ *» tH* Is*#**# . J »-• *— t» *•#»«• 4* * M ***** ****** * im «*»•<>*•<'• P|H&g^ ainw „4« IW «»*•*» f**** l ' I, (is* f«*b CMf * **•’** g^, ttr , „ , ,«,»* ftw4 V** W ***^,,~ TSTew**** »j£r-V «L’ * »** *• '** •nsuAi Mitici; * *i*. Mtr— -■ —«• Tb* *»**•* •** IM J »«•( m« * *•*••*'4 g|Sl<b I** #*»• *• '** ** * Herald Prize Letters From American Summer Resorts. • • • r^fiT-TT’-'™ I, It era «tttM fru«n *•> A"**#* inp fi tmm r R**®H Thee* W W*. must b. r^*4--r «M ft*# (llPlNt tiW **” rtM • Ul b* tubm.UM I* • **m pv»*M M 4 twipaM’al r«*»«nlL •>»* *»• «*• —**? * litnl, Th# t*«l '» ,n# . wilts*. as »«>• •• •* r " om * .. , _| Wf S( rnmpan* *•* * # r m l» *w pwWtewtlne. for IN porpo** °* idsanhw ll ni ry,. r<l|r >, nun ronlln' th*tr * * * u„„, tu n ,*a»<m»M* !*"«»•» Zl Conl<-st»«i* '*» «lH» •* * * laMrra a* they »'»■ trr ,h * I ,ll*. bat oil* vwwtsetewt '•an win onlr on- -t he prise* • . Th- " v * 2T*ViL to, gossip, **'* •"* *1" •* awarded tor th* ll* bnrt. mol t*'er»«ttng «nd w*l fa * rcwdatds lettsrs of *uma» , r fU aert New* Contest Closes Oct. I. for the rest letter «»•*» FOR THE SD BEST LETTER ... I* # FOK THE IP BEST LETTER ... •■# jP Or (CWrna hoatllitlM will not cea*e in Parto Bt<*o tor the reason that they Save never exleted. Cuba le about the aite of New York Kate, ita population la 1.W0.000, about one-hall of that of the United State* at the time of the revolution. It i» fer tile. though largely undeveloped. Ii haa 13.000.000 at ren of forevt. bealdee 7,000.000 acres of wild land, which has never been cultivated. Porto Rico ia much amaller. more fertile. t»nd baa a climate mote agreeable to northern ers. It Ia about one-half the «Ue of New Jeraey and one-twelfth the alae of New York. In proportion to area Ita population ia much denaer than that of thlc state, a- 1.000.000 people, live there. Ban Juan, its capita). I* Its largest city, with about thirty thousand popula tion. 14Isa Helen Gould Is one of the few daughters of millionaire* who have ■hown practical good sense, as well as proving that she has a heart for the needs and sorrows of her fellow be ing. Being the possessor of millions In ber own right-, it is hardly possible for Miss Gould to do privately what ah* does so generously and with bo much tact and rare good sense. In stead of ..squandering her millions to buy a foreign title, attached to a worn out roue, who would care nothing for her, and has a contempt in general for everything American except its money, she goes about like a ministering an gel helping the poor and needy, nod above all she comas to the relief of the soldiers who are fighting the battles of her country, the country she holds in honor above social prestige and foreign titles. She te an honor to American womanhood. This tribute to her is by The Philadelphia Tiu»es and is deserv ed. ..J/'.-j-I <W BWtfcmtH *M* ifnmf* * »**•** , ww-4**M* tbs g»*bbf*» IW**** <»* •I ftW #to«HK*’">'bSi tW* «* MM* <*MWI wMm* <*»»• *•* g**>*it <M *** tmm gs gitirrnf link M «*** *•* g-g-- gwM m SWISS"** tw *M«SM taw F«*M tM* MM «• MM ********* M ; lip s# !*•* | pMi IIS*! M* *MM » **• f**» , ,«» mb m ***** mmmmm ****** * j gM«f **•* »»■*»« ****** Tt» *<** f mm M* hw* ** iMfliSdWi* “ i ••4 IM* ll m WWSIdMI ****K» j •«M# •!« H»|l>fTi»nT <*t • HM* *•» M | SHI* feM MMMtf P*m *» •* ; iKiai. f%a MMW 4>*w« fn* IB* M«M i pgijn MS* IWsiaM fits *JSM •*■* « IMM tgptMS *** SIMM *'M>' % Mss*** IM M»**S**» M#« ** **i •••* ***** j tais-M* **s*l M sassss*'*** *M pass**’ i «•* IMS* *** *#*•• • M**sM StsMSM* 1 fMt ssaKtssi IB* MM'f •*'* j aa« «t *s« **i*fs»»si »**••• «•**•' , sails* iMMMwaI *M*sM* **i *MMIM s«M*s* F*MM* ; - *** ****** MM**- i Kg k M i*s ftlM. **• tBM j •iifi IMS*' IM #***•*lW t*K lM*« j M g Kginy iliwt* b*4*wst* M'SBl*- | •#i »tnr~T ••*! !■■*» * *• •*•*** , TM last** *'<•**• Ms* MS'MMB* ***** j IM p*K*as a*tf *»♦» »*•*!* MW* a*** | 4mm it I* tß* Bwtß *1 Isu l •* alias a j pstiaj at s*M Mm «B» mm*r »Bs* * j fsSWK I* B* Istsswa* «*t*s M •*•** a® . «. f-raaM lift awwff- mi W iP* MIS* IBM B wa* M#M* IM My M tM taah «*s lor**# «y« N. Mar ' _ gw |lal if k! I tottiHtrrti* j lir-firr n»'WP r+**m { l of ilmp inlfHii mh! ll w* j NK’tICMI CNf '•Nil f*N lIN CMHWI 1 I«i4 la all <tr*'tk>aa >* h*ard ika wa- j I plaint Of rmpl'alMa that iMeo la an | grm< a aiaalitad* nf aon*f aflnai that ■ I Mip hy availing <haiaaelv** <*f aoeartiy ; of quwdtoaah!* harrlt ran tbap aecare i aaythlad ihe Ike rat e of lalarw# j which roam r*«a»d«d aa coropeaaaiory • few yaw a ago Th* rhedraal la vrwtmeata la tka way if rallrvrod brodt plaid troly from I lo I 1# W eaat. < Meanwhile raataia have broad a lower 1 level, end there appear* to be a ffrad ! yp| aeuiefßent upoa a I per rent tPt*r (net beau la maaeetlrro with tha »»>ai »ul,*tant al uadertaklaga of awtdern 1 gay aatarprtae. All tble ateana «reat*r artlvHy la •mallar aa well aa lat(*r r..mtaunltim j and a dlveralflratkro la trade of all I lira ache* Thla lead* to product ioo oo 1 a larger *» al*. larreaaed product 100 can only ba aoalatned through the en largement of marketing facilltlea. The theory of protection ha* always con templated only the supply of neada for bocna coAftumfri toM- The advancing and indeed the prea ent duty of thoee repreaentlng the cotnmevctal spirit and energy of the country i* lo aecure new tna-kela. It la not enough that our mamtfactorie* *hatl run full tlma, but It ia to tie de sired that encouragement shall he af forded for the establishment of new cntarprl|a» in every direction. This Is of Intercut a* well to the banker a* the trader, for unleaa the existing ple thora of money can profitably find ita way into trade, tlie buaiueaa of the ban cannot be succeaa/iilly conducted. The existing period is likewise one in which all men tn:>p properly be remind ed of the fact that, opportunities ace present which may profitably be avail ed of. and that it la no aeaaon in which (o harbor the hurtful spirit of discon tent. rvsH AUGUSTA. The full season juat beginning hold* out the premia© of being one of the most active and progressive that bus iness circles have witnessed in a dec ade. In general trade and '» the financial centres money ia easy and the gold of the world is coming to this country coming to pay trade balances which are in our favor and. also coming to seek investments in American securi ties. The new market* that have been opened to American commerce liy the results of the war promise great things for every manufacturer and a Inrgely Increased foreign trade. In order to meet these demands, American factor ies must run cm full lime and more men must be employed. The demand for labor must be commensurate with the demands for the products of Am erican labor. All these things hold out a bright prospect for the future. It is a pros pect In which Augusta will have her full share of advantage. There is no reason why Augusta's rrJBBS JVXJOtJBTjBt fiJDHJLXsXJ ! m*M MMmM MB BM»l s i i*B BBM m I *M ****** ' <*'•* fku. gMI K**S iKji *Bs ***** ***** , «4mnMl |Nf pV IH *%* IlNfc't NMIIp ml iMmNwim !><%': BMiT#it : # «kMB*« Im fpi In Imc AmjivpMNi 4NIN Im ifli #n| mmmg m#n flm |MiN ##Rf ImMmN *lm* m imisiP'* AtNMPfl* MM MMM s «§*«*« **■+* M**mNF itl «M Im «*mpm«c v !%• «m«mk m* # fmimMNMM si* ** >1 m*m* sibM NmMNI Id HMMimm Wm t* *m*m«4n| |nn Nli>. ll iMMt Wld I# MM*! MMMNI IV il INI Ml I9N fMMINiWI tlNt ** Mmpmni mmNHMi 1 t **4 fmM #■•**#■ nmmmnl mill* § Mm## Mi MN fMiM Mm miMNIMMMNIM • f* IB*** WMI*.- MNi* •* IP* M'PNMIf MW MM MM M# MM#p VMM •MIMNIf M Mm Im NMMMM MM IMP"* fMMMt IM II Ml AMdPM»*M M* VMV *MMI MMf MMMMMMMIM NM Pl-w Ml M*MM f|l» Iflt M|t fWt f f wfMfff' M<*Pi M* im i nrl Til NM MWINi PVMNM vMMSfIM* mmiMf cMm M#n Mt dtoivt Mm» M«M pn j iMMimi 9MMC%NL tv* M !• : «M#VM MppMM'P MH’I MMvM *M* | i pmUMpMI Im IMMI VMINV MMM M Mt****M' : ml If mPmnp pt'MBNPMNi Mi fNvMMMN 1 a*4 ya»****sl*r M< *B**H*B *9 *•! I f|taMMM*M h M , Mrnmf Mt liNMif HiiWMM Mt* till iMl* impm Ip mi mmmm mmm *i f t mn iMofHii IMt tNIM Pf iMttvtiMg Si»IM , tl 4i4 fmrorM Imv ftpm i *f#4 IM IM AMCmNM Miff MMM 111 | mp 4 tM tM Wrti Mnn oit dti mmm •* pg«A*M«r MW mittiinr PwktUnl wstc* of reform «*y sweep over a community o®A obti* they moy temporarily ioooyH*N ih* purpose they eel 00l to *o. ooisuo the on who rompoee the reform move ment rowtlone to toko oo ortlve Inter est In clele ro»G*m th* politic!*** mo get thing* beck Into lb* old groove. Augusta he* had two experteocee with lb* reform movement in reeenl yenr* MaJ. I. H. Alexander wa* sleeted on tbe reform ticket and the city today ihows evidence* of the good work be inaugurated while mayor, but the re former* went to sleep and tbe next mayor w*nt In a* a representative of the old city ring. During the Inal mu nicipal election tbe candidate who held ont lb* banner of reform and retrench ment was again enceeaafut and went Into office with repreecntntlvr and pro gressive ettlrena from each ward. There t* another election of coun rllmcn tht* fall and tbe eltlxena should *r. to d that fir more representative citirrn* are elected. Auguata'a watch word should be forward. There must be no slipping back. It Is possible un der a proper system of primaries to elect business men to eounell from each ward of the city. Unless the peo ple take a proper Interest In this mati ter, however, the politicians wilt pack council with men who are looking after their own and their friends’ interests rather than that of the city. There must be no off years In future in Augusta’s city elections. MR Mil. LEDGE LOCKHART. The Herald ia glad to learn that its young friend. Mr. Mllledge Lockhart, la making his way nicely in New York. He has been quite successful there and is encouraged in his desire to further perfect himself In his chosen calling. We reprint today In full a special story by him in The Sunday New York Times. We are afraid our young friend has let his pen slip In so constructing a senteuce aa to permit the statement that ladies of Augusta mingle on Sun day afternoons at Camp Dyer with the wives and sisters of the negro im mune*. But it is a slip of the pen, pure and staple. We know Lockhart in this office. He is too noble, too eblvalric aud too grand a little gentleman to permit even the thought that he se riously says to the Eeast things that are apparently said in The Times' ar ticle. Particularly is his statement re ferred to “picturesquely inexact.'’ The government now realizes that it made a mistake when it did not con fine its call for troops to Pennsylvania, says The Pittsburg Post , WON'T LEAVE TEI AWHILE * ffslyhiH) h te« i • W«9 fts(Mt%»ri rw basts lbs* Ul f*t4V*l ****** a#,|b. • >fo boMßwtt**: doa't bbow aay riOHT OVER A ORAVE. V* Bat Caused OwMc a .Varatlo* VSa turday Im Atlanta. Atlißtt. cam,. A up. §•.—TM Mtftl ®f i a Hiflff or a M In (he vUla§o of iM . VuJtnt lll| ml OMIor WHIR VttlllT iiMßii a iidTiin i~i ml fiaaily rmuitH IA *A# AffMM of Jdliß KfNffllff*. AA Nl* t mttfir Hi IM mill. MAt«riAr BifHt a m»n |o (VM • lorgAißt BrtmKoi At fmlkt Mdfjiur- { trfi for (wtmMoß lo tntry the Mjr •*# An infAi»t Ia the rtty Mi: The aer ! »» Hr half m» Mttth »rtty to <k» »o. att4 the [IwMlAy IM «M| wae barleM f» »«t ! near Ti fmi»iry mi reel Thin morn In a a hoy aho ha*t r n IM Mr when (t I wae helfiic hmrieM tftliV a number of hta ! They »r urv*! ahovH an*! i»lt» and elerl ed for thn IN. Mevrral man HM them . an they In «»n efMr«*hlnir for the apnt where the My hnd been htirtetl CHie ; man ran foe the flMctr and found «• • ! trulmnn M<»lHo*eteorth, nho etart« <l at | mire for the place. The men and boye declared that they I would dig th* bo'ly up. and the women I VI I wed they should not, Hnlilngaworth j ordered the erowd to leave, and the or* I der was Ignored He finally stopped lbs ! work and begun ss» Investigation Elh ; ridge said that he was Ihe father of the i miarit. and eould produce • phyai. lan's i certificate showing that Ita death was j front natural caueee. Hollingsworth t'«k charge nf Eth- I ridge and decided to let Recorder Cal- I hoiin look Into |he facts Eithrldge saya that he will Intmduee the testimony of hts family phyalclan. and until the re corder disposes of the case the body will not be removed. captTjomn a. ueeT He Will Leave the Atlanta and West Point. Atlanta. Oa., Aug. t«.~Cant. John A. Gee will leave the Atlanta and West Point railroad op th* Brat of Septem ber. There ia much curiosity to know who Capt .Gee's successor will he. The officials of the r.wd are silent on this subject «nd It is Impossible to learn anything deßnlte. There wa* a rumor that Mr. Robert T. Pace, the purchas ing ngent of the road, would succeed Captain Gee. but it la emphatically de nied, and Mr Pace soys he likes his present position better. There Is nothing more than specula- Hon about the suggestion and this Is li able to be wide of the marie. One name suggested from «n outside source ss a possibility is that of Mr. \\ r . J. Taylor, who represents the freight department of the road at Montgomery. The trou ble about that rumor is that Mr. Taylor Is nut a passenger man. though an ac complished gentleman and one who se rures ft great deal of business for his rond. Capt. Gee is still out of the city, and it Is reported he is in Washington. FOR AN ARTESIAN WELL. The People of Sylvania are Figuring On One. Sylvania, Ga., Aug. 16.—The citizens of the town held an informal meeting to discuss the question of bonding the town to dig an artesian well. Every, citizen of the town present at the meet ing was in favor of having a well dug and all of them favored issuing bonds to pay for same, but the question of the legality of such action was raised, and a committee composed of the attorneys of the town were appointed to meet and find put ts the town can legally un der its charter issue bends for the pur pose. As soon as they report and if favorable an election will be called for the citizens of the tow ; n to vote on the question. Ml. C. WHALEY FROM SANTIAGO *.. *| 1# pM Mil ®M ™MM lt§* Ha MM »ii V Mm Ml Ma>ftn»*e Mmm Am* *«M§NM9 •m *M*«#mmm nNmumal. A MMfMA HI epHMMMHr a IM HmUMm AMi ifv H Aalbv *•■■ «B.| Inrra! afk*® vr km*ru an *t»*r*l Ia IMv nrrarAf «•( I aaM “aaf tjeaerei AjiertH’ la am am a pfitnl Im <ommirA appihm.ienta. A Number Made B> IH* Oo»»r**r V**- Brffiy. Atlanta. Ga . Au*. 14 —On*. Atkin- j p .nitr oK for th* mr*md an* third < a*Kid* rpfllnißßtf. They avm* Prtvat* I*>uta B. Wairro nf the «r*t 1 QaorAtA vaMhMMMtn Pit*« l,t«uifiuni Well#r iVrklai, of : (he Rgivk roiß|Mßy. awi.'nfi4 wfißit'Di, ta , hi* (ai*<etA of (Hat fompaajr. Mice Cap- | IaIM M#tla naNpH MrroM UeuUMiaAt Ho»arM Jartl ta ha . Ilrat ll*ui#ftaa! <4 the H wn# vompmmf. Ihrfvaßi Major Rlrhani W. fubha**. I of th«* mofHl OrorvtA* to ha act-u«M Ikutrsant of the Home << tin* f Mcr rapt ffirtllil There le eopertal Intrroat In the aft* point moot of Mr Uvh R WarreA. of MartMi ae rhaolaln of the third Oanr «la. Ho le a eoa of the (at# Dr. K. W j Werrea aa«i la a prominent r«»una Bap tlat mInUU-r Hr «iU»trd a* A private In the flrvt (Irorfflt roclmeßt and hae boon at Oil< kamauira for time. (lov. Atklneon «a« Ifiiproßerd by the j jrnunff praachar'A pluck and honored him by aMKitatißi him chaplain. Thl* l«p the third time that the governor he« | taken a private and made him char- j lain. ri- r - COL C. W Ml DNETT DEAD. Prominent Clayfnn County M*n Vk tim of Pnralysln. Hlveidale. On.. Aug. Ul.—Col A. W j H.idnett. one of the most prominent clt- ; izen* of this county, died last Thurs day night from the effect* of a *troke of paralysis. He had carried hta fam- | ily out to churoh and wa* stricken be- j fore he entered the building and died at ll o’clock. He was one of Clayton’* mo»t useful < men. was II year* old and ha* been a faithful memher of the Presbyterian church for a number of year*. He wa* once a prominent member of Clayton * bar, but has devoted most of hi* time of late year* to farming. HEADQUARTERS OPENED. Chairman (Jußlgnon Ready For Active Campaign Work. Atlanta. Ga.. Aug. I*.—Mr. F. O. duftignon opened campaign headquar ters at Room IM Kimball House, and Win announce the campaign committee . in a few days. Mr. dußignon’s daughter. Miss May \ duHignon. Is 111 with typhoid fever at | 1 the, residence of Mr. Arthur Maine* in j this city. She contracted the fever at Chiekamauga, and has been sick three weeks. She is better and her fever is about gone. Lieut. Ridgley On the Navy. Waynesboro True Citizen. Lt. Ridgely, son of Capt. Randolph | Ridgely, of this county, received the j surrender of the Leyte, captured off I Manila Bay. a Spanish gunboat of 152 ! tons, which adds another to Admiral \ Dewey's collection of Spanish war ves- j gels. Lt Ridgely is an officer of the • McCullough, of Dewey's fleet, which ! vessel was the first one to draw the j fire of the Spanish torts when Dewey’s j fleet sailed at night into Manila Bay. on that memorable morning first of May last. This was quite an honor to the young lieutenant who received the Spanish Governor of Luzon among those who surrendered on the Lewtei. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns —Pistols, Harrington & Richardson Brand new ! pistols, $2.50: Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, *2.00. American l double action pistol, SI.OO. Guitar. Man doiin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at j L. J. Schaul, Ratable Pawnbroker. J THIS IS IT (M<bM* *t t *M 1 *«MI ft dtp I aMm# por EARLY FALL ■ i ns ALL SHAOES $3.00 Just A'Mvsd. DORR’S Tailoring. Hats. Furnishings. MSk are that and use if in our soaa . ft’s the best you ever tasted. You’ll think so when you li try it 5 cents, fee cold. ■ II Our Chocolate is ( The talk of the town Parody T rket* IS for SO cent*— S S for »l t»- ( Bicycle Parties ( Will find etif p*»e* * delightful # •m to not. Hewer bods water j *nd Cikom Ui*a out* can t be / made. 1 A Delicious I Plate of Cream C Our* made of pure t'ream aad f ire>b Kruite. A eiMMMltf wtib 1 qs ia **Jc( (Teem Bode.* L j Alexasder Dmi&Seed Co. I ) TW BROAD BT. \ f AOGUBTA, GEORGIA. \ J gend n« your x DON’T RUN THE RISK of Using Bad Language, But Go To Simmons' Bicycle Shop 711 BROAD STREET, And Get Your Work Done WelL For the next fit) d»y« Bicycles Enameled 'for *2.00— High Grade 'Volk. Lowest prices in town on Repairing. Second hand Bicycles bought and sold on aasy payments. all work guaranteed The Paper That is Best For the Reader is Certainly Best For the Advertiser. the s BEST BUYERS N Are the Wage-Earners-the Working People of a Com munity : : s s : s s s THAT’S ONE REASON WHY THE WAGE-EARNERS BUY THE HERALD. ..IT’S THE BEST.’^ U . -- AUCVtT f« tototomlMl awa ft ni Sun QiDlfttffCm fm in (*n«r t*Bt urul o(#v#(ttivn of §h so« m» of China and Makfia> l oar* tic u arly * **r r>rit» o l to itfifif lit A m*t#r*#l tftttJict to t#k# o do*** night nmt mgrtiwif until frpit, and It wM k«#t* off OtDt# and F*»v»r. Prkhft 90 cool# Brid 91 bottkrih. Qf# that th# cul of #h #’» 11## tor It Ori rovofy hot IS# and don’t t#k# anything «,!«• rtatfriin# to bt ju»t at good. Bokf by #ll Oru#gl#t#- L. I. Gardeile. Druggist. m& HflAll Ms a MMM Woo" Mftr For Sale! Ml* f'MMHMd (M «M*Hf mMI U* MN| rn MM • iMHbPM rmnrnmm ****** J IraMflMM*, t***r&* KtomM ftr*»»t m*4 IM Mm Moo# M tMo VtfteM* M 4 MttatmrvtU#. frv«if la# **#» i Am • | mroot. MiM M MvNiNi of (Mp M*m* wiipifty il# 111 Cl 11 Will b# fivigi hf| |l| ; Il»*»bcv« 4m€rtt*4 ***** «• Georgia Railroad Bank. VV MMUSIV «»W PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St., AbrbsU. Gb. GtVES FREE ML TESTS for «n defects 4 tight, ffHnda Ik* pr«|M>r glft«M twJ W4JK» K % NT-- th*>M Uiuo cut into your frcm* while yo» wait FREE OF CHARGE, SPAIN 18 DEFEATED. Again have the boys who wear tha i blue whipped the Spaniard* and plant led the Star* and Stripes on Rirelgn soil, and again ha* F. G, Merlins de* I rented high prlre*. Look at thl»: 25*'. Xet ktle* 10c. 75c. and 51 Shirt* 50c. 50c. Suspender* 25c. SB.OO Trousers 55.00 A full lkie of celluloid collar* and I cuffs Just received. F. G. Mertins, 024 | Broadway. | Paine, Murphy & Co. COM MISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st=TeieiitioiielS&.3* Trivate L.atec Wire* Hired to New York Chicago and New Orleana. Order* executed over our wire* for I Cotton. Slock*. Bond*. Grain and Pro. I visions for cash or on margins. Local I securities bought snd sold. References j —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, j or Mercantile Agencies. INEffom In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alexanfler&Jolinsoii Agenla Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 1 705 Broad St