The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 16, 1898, Image 5

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TUCSOAV Atriulherin’s 500 Pairs l Julies’ Fine Oxfords 99Cents Not smgio pair of the** Os ford* f©*d tor teas than 22.00 Nearly all worth 12.80 to 13.00 3t:f; Ot ! » WINDOW, At Mu 1 her in’s POSSE'S FIGHT ON GAMBLERS SmII NrH War !•«• it U«rt Oimh. n<« n*s rmm tea a Parfmmty a AiiMt* a *•* w. t*» a* mm ha* ftHM <4 »h* (Wa« imvp vnM* »>'*■*• rr«*«r <4 Muon swwsty aad a m*** at 1 fctrior* <HtMM ra.e.l • *W»»M e* at Mavhmw • terotwr Ml*. >Sj mils* ftw* the piai* Satßfday ■«*' . II II or lark Tar gambHt* w htmdted *» »»*» Mr e*r* rsproung <b» dCkwil aad err* awtl «r«*d *.<h ptteota Ms rlfla* | TMr reariroiwHie «** •* «*»d «»vsct Mwrkad* eb;rh ag-rded arogrtteJul lor MhHm ftbei.B FiabST CBtStTOt *1 Ik* »*•« «*| Ui« r* and bw urdes to aarreadro Ml utM.iol by a to:ky of idroalj ■lot* Th* poOM returned ikr fit* «n 1* a bm ball I* satwed Mr fir* w a. r* j r»» of th* outlaw* were bitted me-j right thiro ator* »*» rotw«ai:> Mtwar'wi us \ irru arrr* iro.bfulb rrmin4*d Other. rro rot nimbi wowads bar ra* awss T*veaiy-fl»* c 4 thf g# ta kers thro »ur rendered Shot In the tl**4. Sheriff r taker *M shot la the haa>l Drpmr Colo rrrrtrtil a fl**h wanad * mu a ballot pbrrrd t treaty T.llmaa • hat Thr (*mt are Epkiai.ii M h. tkr tea tor and a desperado; Mot* Taylor Jr ho Dasher. Tom Btarkabaar an t Charter Harvard, ali colored. Thr w»ua-**l ileaiy Morgan. abot IB the test arm: Will Simpson. ahoi In thrro- Ktrtw. Lr-fia Rvaaa. l*ro atiot off and ahot In arm: Tom Corn*, shot in auro ral flare*; Ban Hill. »hot in th- teg The gang, is a notort a* one and ba bes*. operating at Bayboro for over a yrar Ht.e-riff Fisher made two previous ai lerons to break 'hero tin but failed. Thin lime b* want with thr intention' of taking * hrm dead or aliva. The Fo*«e. The pc Me *tt comp'Hed of J. K. Coliter, W. 8. Everett. L. M. Autry, Shepp Pittman. Pariah Bryant. BUI Al derman. Hunter Lasey. W. B. Conol tp, J- M. Cole, Butler Sharpe, Ben Sharpe and Tom Sharpe, all cool, brave men. The cans was led by Ephraim F.tch, a notorious outlaw and doaperatio, who has been feared by bcrh race* of tbia aectlon of country for tome time. Everything ia quiet and no further trouble ia expected. The peaceable colored people as well aa the whltna are glad such desperate character* are re moved from the vicinity, A coroner'a Jury haa pronounced the killing Justi fiable anti baa exonerated Sheriff Fish er. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot. and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bun ions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all drug gists and shoe store* for 25 cents. Trial package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olm sted, Le Roy. N. Y. OASTOTIIA. Besri the Jf TtlS Haw * lv<ayS 80U 2 ,1t rr Wm. Schweigert & Co., Jewelers. NOT A SERIOUS CASE AT ALL NallffS Momim* (IwrgH Apltet Mania IL I ooha M«t iJfca fan tag ao itiNMN* log Thao Anything liha ttepw.y dkeviff S W O (tea am as tha aam waatr arrt**4 hot* m th* : GimpM tram tht* aswasw He mm* •o tah* hark to fteraanah Mr A. A. Marsha) th* itfrwiatMlt* «f P Ate pta© a A fte. <a th* ahov* rflF Th* armat as Mr MatMiai «a th* of Inf a tete*rsm to Chtef Hood la«* aftro nra •** tted of la y#teer4nys H*r Mr Martha I it »aai*d oa a twatte* ■4 th* paar* mart watraat. la hut two rff th*ta hot the theta** are not very jaertwwa. and the a*aiteman will be able in ptor*. If wrM that h# la Bot M i lt ' Ooe warrant traa awnra >rol by A. *C Hindoo of Ataata before Judge Hassell of ttetaanah Th* prorocw- Hon rha.-gt* that aa Jua* tlth the de fen da nr need an fa I prat urea and de ceitful name* and that tjnrdoa Wood raf signed hi a name to a rooirart Ba ted Juar *. ataihar that (Jordon Wood tnff to * ronmodatr Mamhal. had ao plartd hia nignaiurr to ba held liable to pay la laaial!m-ni» aa du*. Wood niff alto g«t out a warrant reading ibat ! A. A. Marshal wan due biro *50.37 by tndu .ng him U> ca*h a draft for aa <1 I amount on II I* M lioonld of New 'Orteaan. the night draft being wona | lean Rindnn repreaentn D Ariplr'on A Co, ; in Atlanta and allege* that Marshal Is guilt? 'f reading In worthies# orde-n for tnofca wtth the note Iden of roltert-j ng bis rorotn inion*. The rommln-. elonn were paid when the flrnt Inwall-! irent wa» made by a subscriber for a; me I of bock*. Marshals is rhaignd with paying the flrnt Inntallmeot hlm r» If no aa to collect the totnairoions on the drhota. It is charged tha' Marshal would tell I subscribers that they need not ro-’t* jaD : payments, and would take the J (.ooks off their bonds. Marshal will cnplato all this, no doubt. lie has been living in Savannah for some ye»r*. having come there from Ralti rrore. He haa a wife and two chil dren. Bh<” iff O’Connor and Mr. Marshal ief at 2:40 this afternoon for Savannah. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cut*. Bruises, Bores. Fleers. Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 centa per bo*. FOR SALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. CABLE TO HAVANA. The First Dispatch Over the Line Just Opened. Washington, Aug. IR. Regular ca ble communications between Key West and Havana has been resumed on the basis that existed before the war. with the exception that a censorship of press dispatches will be exercised at the Florida end of the line. The cable will remain open for the use of the Spanish and United Stales governments and of private individuals during the period of armistice, or until it shall he found that the negotiations for pea e have failed. CUT HIS THROAT THE COURT % * idUtMiil irm rn Ad r*w#* tt UM 14*4* sdths MM ItaafMw • Item** A'M** •» At»k * th Mrna ft Stan* ahg *m tht thews* *f Inane** nw-.tgw mm ml «f fk Had ««• M—sadag hwniiaA th tha mam* mm «w l«M«»* laag. am «h fteeadme a**tw* *et Hh«**tas gtha ta imputM si fte* aa*. pe pan* Th* mm**** am *aaa m» a* a tharm ***** ha*' fh«t m h* th* dawgats* at Mam. Tha mm a*»* Hw aahM tea a itsauaa •aw* aai am«a a adanatM thud aa*«*M M ta SMrfMWt « t%» w** wMel asm a <m*4m ta th* «~am mm wh»* Mam «anM mm at th* gl*** A* th* ted ta** mmhM kM aid* h* «■»■«*■• it «g*wa* •gwa MiiHgt **d tm hi* thawM Th* h*T* aawd wa# a Mm *M and '»• hi* e- hnl h**a Maig ‘ aattl * •*• a* m a »aa*r Th* «M mad* taw-hM Mm th* matt* at th* »htma« *t rmim *• • m**> *«amd *a«** th* t«M ta*. th* Me* Anpwmted . Phttltga graafdM a«h the aM maa aad siteamtM •• tteaarm him. Mr* maf* «*tM tomH* whM* th* hM strwagmd and J-aM tha eatat MMMaH »* smwrwte I hero Malllfte twtb Mt ■nd he was haadcwfwd PhUltp* am* b»e»4 ag ItwTtWy *» i task ta Ik* ftemr A mil wa* aaat to <h* tlmd* haapw*T aad aa amhalaam was ealted. hm h»- f»r* » M*»»d ar«*# a gkyteriaa taoh - ha raw of Phltli** aad whea th* haspt tai mtkstm mm* he da*Hand ta atesa- A id waa hmagbt sat IteHlipn’ wound ta dmrowd * the rronrl mam later h* waa seat la hts kma* **• • was almost tensed wtth rag* when Ms tm'man Ochorn who waa mlted In. toah charge of him Htn shin was, covered with th* htead of MhlllUt*. At police heartqunfiers he mid Mhli: P* ws* a scoaadrel aad he waa only sorry he <1 d aot hilt him He dlagrared my family." he aa d. pa th* tear* ran down hi* rheek ' and ! did my h**t to kill him I w.ah I had raf hia bead rdf" Mr* Stair'. Mary. Ha n * daughter la Mrs Mary Srate. and aha rrokte* with her father. Ah* waa married when fourteen year* old, aad gew after her huw'wad left her fteafe left horn* nine yearn ago. and hit Wife was told by Scale's *l*»*r. it la •aid. that be waa dead The taw ate. supposes a roan dead who Inarm bin home and la not heard of la that time, so Mr*. Scale dw bled she waa Ire* to marry Phillip* the rlalroe. promised io make bar hi wife Phillip* H seemed, eras iwchlng In gain time for he »>on after secured an atlnraay. and had the rase transfer red to the court of Justice It was set for trial and am* railed up. waa arrea'rd aerernl week* ago and carried liefore Jttallre Blood-] worth. He waa brought to trial, but had the mar poatpc.ned Ba n !a a coofet’erate veteran and for year* waa ntgbt watchman at the freight d<-iw»t ct the Sealmard Air IJne railrtnd He loat hts ooaltlon and was given a vet eran's I Irena* to trade "I have been making a good living.” be aald, after he had rea-hed the prison, "ard the onl" thing anrbodv can it" agelnn me Is that I aomaiimes take a dram ” A Narrow Escape Thankful words written by Mrs Ade E Hart, of Groton. B. D. "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs; cough set In and finally termi nated In consumption. Four doctor* gave me up. saying I could live but a short time I gave myself up to my Sa vior, determined If I could not stny with my friends on earth, I would meet my alwent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King’s New for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took In all eight bottles. It has cured me, fujd thank God, I am saved and now a well an dhealthy woman. Trial bottles 10 cents at Howard A Willet's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed or price refunded. BLACKBURN’3 OOOD in E. What He Says About the Failure of ""v the Commercial. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 1«. The news of the failure of the Commercial was wired to The Augusta Herald yester day. Receiver Robert Black burn has re ceived an order from Judge Lumpkin Instructing all parties Interested to ap pear before him today to arrange for an ajuetment of the affairs of the con cern. Mr. B. M. Blackburn, who started the paper and has been Its ed tor from the beginning, when seen, said: "1 havn resigned my position as edi tor of the Commercial. This ban been brought about by conditions unavoid able. I have stiuggied as fr«v men have to build up a daily paper In Atlanta that was clean, fair and fearless. T start-.t the Commercial on a capital of 75 cents, and have given the people a lively dally paper for five years. ••just how I have succeeded in doing this is a problem to none more than myself Ido not mean to be egotistic when I say that I do not believe there is a business man in the country that can run a daily paper in Atlanta with out capital for three months. “The motive power back of the en- TH* AUOOBTA MBIULD. fas l«tl MWDER ro a-. , , . I*L_ » a. iurpetas ha* haws tar tadeawta ah *k» aetaw* sad earnMm* *f tkart* m tevtt fataatea w%» has* a*** trwnttat i* the •atatte* I pawl "M* naMta haa tees gam teaa* gate M«w s«4 ( hates** that rot taawt efts mat •aam*.at ath mm thm I a*** M*«i < tJJMN. teat* atwat • tried a ahteK aa ft 11 waste aumaaterot aad I has* ever h**a trad* a fa ft is* gmt* as th* mb. t h#»» *»** wfthetd the walwmaa <4 the ftatek a«4 atatte •• them tw this Aay. m the* ar* apt trowastaleat w*«h teyalir a» *ar twmtami «maa»*y “l Mrs tm waste, as hwhstgag. aad whits l gmtem* tw esmtiaa* ta lit* la Attaata I An a« haww tew ms tete* wilt tall These ta aa* tkiag »n*y I atff ate attempt aas*h*t tens aagws wlibawt rapt tel These la las mark anas la It aad I sa» antartkiag ha my family s-htle ! tm .tteswsostag la seres those who sod wash sad aka has* •Mad aa loyally by aw ihrowgk all Iks *tts*r* ilea that hare wnteate am "tea * t mr aa* tkr paper wa* stared ta the haste* as a rarest**, sad sSta It •srwrsd the swsfrart fas th# step prmi lt * I was Is hops* of omttaalag it I : had wee red atftaae** as sarh rtmltarts ta 'be past, aad roasted tm dotag It at ih ai mr Palling uteay oa my last era. I tetermtaed to rvatca “I i abate »p«at tar the secHte*. hat * ha bps is formrd aw that the Jwdge has j ordered the par.lee at latersat to ap I pear before him tomorrow and I aap- Ipoae the papr will be rioted down a* I aa* no way of running It** Pome time ng* a Httte bottle of rham hertain'e Cteltr. Ptodet* and Htarrh ww Remedy fell Into mr hand.. Juat at a tiro, when my two-year-aid buy wa. terrlNy alhlrted. 111. boerrl* Were be yond rtmiml. We had tried many rest edlea. tu no purpuee but the little bet 11* of Col»e. Cholera *nd tM.rrhoe Rem jedy ..v-edlly rwred him W llllam F. J-ne*. Oalcby. «Ja. For role by Alea ander l*r»g A heed Co., C. R. Parr, of Hell Tower Drug Hi are. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. I Th* Facts ■* They are Reported In Columbia. I B|mh'l«l to Th. Herald. Columbia, 8. C., Aug. It. lad •night about »;S0 o'clock new# was re | reived that a man had t*en run ovor ■by a train ncir the union depot. Upon i receipt of the report, 1 hastened to the ! scene, and loond the bod;* of a man jlylng near the track of lha Hparian l burg. Union and Columbia road. The head was completely severed from the body and was badly mangled. The brains were scatteted along the track for Borne distance and the acne pro wined wan indeed a ghastly one. The j head wn* eul In half fu.m above 'downward. From thia It teems that the wheel passed over the bark part of the head, as th* fare was not rut or mangled. There were no rontu slona or euls on the Ixwly. The lmdy won discovered by the passong'f about 9:25 o'clock. This ttaln was under charge of Conductor Frank Camp, who examined the body and found that It was cold and stiff. There Is no know ledge of how the man eame to hla death. That he was run over by a train Is beyond dispute, but there Is some conjecture that he might have been murdered and placed there In or der to conceal the fact. An Influent Is now bring held and at this writing no verdict has been rendered. The ponton who was killed was a while man from Catliale, anil by irnpers found on his person wa3 Identified as W. Rivers 8 tokos. To all appearan ces. he was about forty yearn of age. Mr. Stokes has a brother, Hopkins Stokes, living at 1824 Senate street. He was notified at 11:30 last night, and soon after went to the scene. As soon as the Inquest Is over with, Mr. Stokes will remove (he remains of his bro ther. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought thief oi the seminoles. Perry, Okla., Aug. 16. John H. Brown has bean elected chief and Nepka Horgo sub-chief of the Seminole Indians. He; is an estimable citizen, and holds a high place in the respect cf the five civilized tribes, figuring conspicuously in all treaty negotiations at Washington of the five tribes. The election was conduete daccording to the Indian custom. The Indians were all lined up gt the polls nod called out their choice of candidates as they were called. u.. l. -i. I i i MAOE DUPES OF MINISTERS TteisMl «<•* iMlgnJdnkgM MM M H*t* IhtM M # Tthf te rot •• * *** A*# Ik = Th* Mte* •ah r-fT- * l» tte hgthhmhh mam.' mg g|s a* stmasdamt m* *am ad dhw .w»t» stMtgttem as tgw tamaa s**twd a fttawl asa-et I* hm* hate mihste Mam kma* *mm m *ft* mm '•rotate* aad tm gh* mated <MMM kat fth «a> tea* aa* a* set ta* ra ami wttek rod m tew ttern *4 m> «teigmew ap. a*»a»d tw h» t asrowt »•»»* am taast ah* th’** thm d*d •roroa aad maas whw haws t* thm tM ttatd As Ml What »w* ap he tea M**t tha* t* aatekte kggHgga aad gsgatbtaaa m ftmeate twdat tlteßeW h*s« hwea aaatHMMft* M la tw a gadtnmi roheaaa ta dawrotet »a» pt»ate* lari)*'ri* adanameatim An t«a law the tkwnd tk»ie*aamat ftM. pewgd* has* hww man tag was aw th* Metra tt* f As** aad stes tewta* a* wfcftrt ttewaaa as g**a* tawswMtp ten* they •«•*• bmw entte. Hi Mswaroateh t am tettaddy Iwfuraied tkat the *lte mads datwrdav aM* ww* m mmpaas w-th Hates* at th* (load*meat CVah. aad saw saa teawts as* teat th* mtahdern wet* beta* *n*4 fte gatltl mi pwrp»w» ■ It la aw AawM the late* Haa as th* Owd defers aw* l people tw play Bar lb* heat thmai as white twtsa thruwgh pwlpti osattama aa the nils ad Htamklli alaaro Thwy teal M* that they Sat* hast IS* aegsw swa* •ad tlwy am aww sttalaing »ar tha •tele* A* tm Ih* team! edM* aa* da- Hssvwars ft«m th* gmtpN wilt base aa a sewwM cf this sHtt.. I am wrote what la doahl. aa the people will He gwi k to wee tkat hr hi *4 Ih* awrrearoat poli tic* play* • psommsat gross. Mrll't Halt Are*. "TV good aovermaarwl peepls fall la isaraHr that llrll'a Half Arse toar labed grrwtly wader several admiais i rat .«a* that thrtr peveew. traders roa trolled aad that aa adadaistratloa mas. Hf.a Harry f Imawodp, wa* the Asm la rtoa* the dissa. Throw place* do ao harm to the cmmualty aa a whole, trot are in a mess at* sere sear y ! •Vila. The kirsttoa of Heir* Half Arrr j tang the roam streets and under .plea | did police cowl rot If they were aot all : romßasd tn oae torailty the rhaace* - ar# thr) would hr arwtlered on the owl - I skirts of Hruanwlrk and hard to prop- 1 rrly police. K.rtf city haa them, aad Rrunswlrk la no worse than the real. In any event the play to make politl ral out of them through tkr various pulpits will 80l he rountnnstirrd by the good people of this community, and you will se that It will add votes to the administration aldr.'* Friend* of the ministers defend their tr.ion. and one of them says: "Tha visit to the alums was msdr In the In- > terete of the good morels of the com- ' inanity. These rvlls have been exist ing for acme time, end should be eon- i damned. Politic* did not play any part ’ In tbe visit, although members of the flood Government Club did accompany tbe ministers in their slumming etpa- ] dltion." W hat He Says. ' After union services at the Presby terian church, the Morning N -ws cor respondent repealed to Rev. Hollings worth, (he pastor, atatem.-uts which are current today that the were unwittingly used for local polfti cal ptirpes* In their slumming trip last night, als» that fr ends of (be ministers were denying these charges. He said in substance: "1 regret exceedingly that so much prominence baa been given the mutter, and do not wish to criHage In a news paper controversy on the subject. When 1 was approached with the prop osition to go through these places the names of the gentlemen who would ac company us were given. I recognized them as advocates of the Good Govern ment movement anil immediately in quired u» to the politieal aspect of the proposed tour. They assured me that the visit was not for political purposes, but was being arranged for the minis ters, eo that they rould visit these places and see for themselves the evils that existed in this community and afterwards make such use of the Infor mation gained as they desired. I agreed then to accompany them, realizing that It was an opportunity to witness sights which might In future be described In such manner as would lead to their abolishment. It. was my expressed in tention not to become engaged in po litical controversy or seek notoriety through the prpss. My mission Ilea in church work and doing good In a Christian manner. This I will do to the best of my ability, without any Inten tional favoritism to either of the local political factions. All the gentlemen who composed the party stated that the trip was made aolely for Ihe good of the community at large, and we will have to accept their word for it, as I believe them all honorable men.” RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dls case relieved In six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness to relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back. In male cr female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want cut. c relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. HALF PRICES ON BOYS’ SUITS g«te* . a prod team ta »aro as tesm mm mm and aawd aa ate M ted atero grow laws aka* Mbs fate Ik aw •*•» ikmA aroaM a**a** **■>»• dMp» throes «** thaswaa hroaromd «a 4 kte ■ Ihspr dana. afda. •«*** aww. as s*«waas pa*Mm raw g*a a.* ftmte aad mmmm mm* gwate TV* maa'tteiaadw ■* sailed ht «h* gtete* wh* haw* •«. fkteaw* tes row ta aa* iwaift. Tht *w*ro a** <4 *aw i*ai h* *• wdsmg aa is tea** a aa, __ •maa am fte amw taw tetea warn aa *•*•«* i»mw mm$i.75 •ap** team ftaats had ggss* Mask, hate aad tmrnm Mam aad flap* k#M g*ww a Tw m mmmr —aim awdatpis aw a«wi. « awatahat teak hat* a* add a .an* a* that. M y*a wash an aw mtrnmmt m*wmm J. 8. WHITE & CO., CloitiiDg OenarloieDt 1111 wwseroVMM teKMhr .wToaggl—•— 1,1 -sa At 11 HI A Rural Al« w tm Mil I waa 533 Th* Id at. but on* of our amm I-arm udl Chkikan*# S»ip* will baa. rownwl with ian array of barffftink, such •a any ilor* may ba proud of. Soma of tna flpacial vaiuak ara tha rttutti of our own affortk rarafuliy, planad for tha occasion many waaks aao. Othars. wa ara frank to ronfats, ara rathar accidontal, mdrilift attribulabia to our ability to taka Quick advantage of tha wnanpactad tumi tha markata taka at tlmaa. All in all It is a wondarful collaction of choloa Shows that will ba told at our naw flora this waak for V $1.99 Flftaan cliff ©rant stylat In Ladias* Low and Hlyh Shorn* and alght diffarant styles of Men's. Thasa ara genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Gouley while In the East. Agents for Han*n & Son. Stacy Adams A Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Broa OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIOH'S CRYSTAL PALACE a$ $ «*_ V f ', - * *■"> : ,I fTfPPjf « BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. COLUMBIAS ON TOP JUST RECEIVED ' 100 —> Columbia Bicycles MODEL 40 TO SELL AT $50.00 This special lot bought for cash and no more at this price. DEVENEY, HOOD & CO. GUARD AGAINST SMALL POX Tt \ri Destroys Bed Bugs, Roaches, Fleas and Other annoying Insects. PURIFY YOUR DRAINS PREMISES.’ CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM. W E. PLATT, Agent., 312 Jackson St., Augusta, Ga READ HERALD WANTABI AUGUST I* la bow nine tag fraa as str prto* beauties ars fish gam* and dices* ait Owe might a a wall attempt ta po.«< •u rainbow, a* la dsacrtbe all ibsts good qualities. Tbs way they are as tu rn* ta a caution to thoee who Ir'rad yurt bar* whea they can be bad fas "get lag some arm*tlß'».“ Belter pur chase wheel they raa bo bad for »ata law ptiesa aa ** ara oTeeing It-*. As for glassware, crockery, twinra Ac liras and language fall ua la tall as the wonders that wa tall Daa t fOr el that aur zero prices wUI keep you coal. Remember th* plsoa