The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 17, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY 6 COAL-COAL COAL Vt|W( f fa*-I All MIA&JIHlIli IMMIMRH th« menr cPAOEfa of Aimh»»« i*> K#f ia< * f JSBL lim 1 M 1 5SS f % “afy ICE COMPANY. STOCK RAISING IN THE SOUTH HH *4 fINM •*•#* fttfaM* l # *■ -tt#™* - Ipmi m##*# ## iw* jif # fnp‘ifT' pt j ti#p»p i* wwi . IfW< tt<if#«4 tt§ mm* r**#*fafa T *** SpHiMI iip •*#*# ****** m ] H#Hk **4 ***** f&mmm* 4MM##4tt*. fatfafattfafatt Ufa* # I P '***- fmipMNM #** h*«9*nmi ***• H * #i«m >ip Nfafttflftt Ml MVi siw»t !•,#*»* » fa* # **•*» •** •« ttPtl (Ml I* §0 #Mi Mm • ’tMMWF * * f *'*‘* P**#* *l* • l " rtte * < * il,wl Ip plmm tptMrf l ’ fa*# - ###® m «saw ffirPoi «*4 mm* §mm9**wm m-' IUMI Ml ffe* f*ttWfafal fafttfattfa. I* *#* MHlPflirit M«P Ml p'MtfWM* *♦ rfafpfi* i« it* iMMMrf *#♦ m*9mmmf* wmm mmmt fa - **? mm* m a UKUMi (pMMppmt **** #» • 4* If «9*»kiM| I Inf ittfaMNMHI fttflfa* 1 * lum faffafan# 1 r* 4mtfNMl iJMßfrtf IwnM 1 fa ||tr fill* *4| pf CfaKtlM# |MMi MMPM P* MMI •#*!# *W'tfa pap* ‘ •Hf flip • f«MIM p* ifcfa# *#•* #» •**- *# Wfcw *fa® *• ****■ IF B ** fbla ba* kraw p*ot«V <n*f «*»."' WWf «p it »*jr (V wheat tmrmi* «l the *•*« •bo kao Iwatad wb-a graving • pfw fttabl* taMNotry a«*t h*ra bran «•• path** m ikira iw» tr«— «f »•*» Ing »»d tt vili bn Font I trv* >■ *•«* I gar* ton.. , fin giuik boo Iff• i*l w Fw*n* **f grt«« uC «nn4 ap»« .«ll r adapt* • •<* artoab » •>«• Tb« laud te w*H rapplld (■Kb vntr »n todiap* r.*»bl* adjunct to Murk lha “dl la pradU'tl**. a || bind* ol atlfllloai graaraa *it>« Imiartan't*. while ikf ibo* of in ams •artloM the nbranra of nayihing lib* •llt«r, mkr an Manl rlttnai# and con dlitoP* lor tb<* wall toning of nil kind* el ntorb every monik In iton y*ve •)4ra stork ratal*! 4ora w* impoaar Uk h* Inrut tow on the contrary *«• rtrtom (ton rail, and put* II m aneb ran gtt! ,o (ha* better rrego ran ba grown •lattaarr H n»a» aram danlrntola »o crop tha noil formerly uaed a* a Block rnnga It doaa not requira era* much capital to engaga in atocb raiamg n a amnll way If f vary farmer «r*.»il<l begin by adding a row. n sheep nn*l n hog each pair (• bla flock, ha would find In n vnry lava yenra n marvaUoua growth of bla available asaett which had toacn acq<ip<-d with a lillto* labor ami at a amall outlay lo himaclf To put thla proportion in flgurua It looba na fol- Ingra: Estimate*! number of afnrkra'slng farm- la lha following fiat** would be: Virgin'a ..... ISIMtotO North Carolina .... . .IHO.OOP South Carolina . UH.nno Georgia Tanoeusp*. ino.ouo Alabama .. .. 18*1,000 .Miaalaaippt 147,000 Florida ~ 35,000 Kentucky Total 1.515.000 * Tbla would mean an In* ieu*c of live atot k of nearly 4.000.000 nulmala In a i>ingle year, which al a low estimate would be worth over *20.000,000. The increase of these anltnul* at a normal rate, would l>e very rapid, ami would a*>or reach tena and even hundred* of million* of dollar* per year, and would great!y add to the prosperity of millions of homes. Again, one may just as well rnlae good stock as poor. r ial* no more time or money, and »y* to have the lies?, so all sncces*- stock raiser* will he satisfied with | nothing else. I Dlverlfled farming calls for a higher order of Intelligence, and so It follows A hat It Is not only more profitable as a business venture* but a very active agent of a higher order of civilization. This e.-ans hotter living with nit that the word implies, and this is desired fcj* progressive- people everywhere. This subject. Is already commanding a great deal of attention In the south, and good results are being shown In many local ities. But there is room and opportunity for a great deal more to be done In this direction, nnd now i* the time to do 11. All who engage In stock raising will find It a paying investment. Some months ago we directed a communica tion to the young men of the south, calling their attention to the possibil ities which surround them. We hope they wilt become interested in this subject. Do you want further information on this subject of stock raising? If so. tvatch the columns of your papers, read ‘die agricultural aud stock raising Journals, obtain the literature issued toy your state boards of agriculture— and we are sure you will find your re ward for the time taken in investigat ing the question. Should you not be convinced that there is money in stock 1 #>4 |#n|%»!- v #%*! A pip* (p pi*'* A«nm CAN’T. HTROMt'S BOMANCII. H<a <t|WtH i:*gag*«*eat in Itw Ms 4#*# k kiflUflt Vtetort*. H C An*. II lMik*» Mti*e land Ac. .rdla* in the Muao lulM pf» «» ahe dn> 1.W4 no tbl» u MMHI .... . . |np of ilk# Ha walla* ftM. ft la Kami ibi s aha ■al<nda in rmctr It Kagtand where •|# cum nliKlltl. I< H atated. boo t y a gentleman «b<> baa It ll* met from Mr. Cl#*b«»r*. lb* la«b*r of .Ik* prior### <hal aka *lll V •« <*»• I’Aitnl ptat#* a# Ik# alft of |> Hr#<l#9 tHronc #••« of fnrtnrr Mayor k'tMW of M#» York, who baa lint ylattaii Hmolnln aa oa« of lb# of firm# hound for Manila oa the troop ahip f*#rtia during almo#t ovary day of bla day la lb* Haaraliaa rapltal Captain tUronc and Iha prior*## war# topathar. H* waa tha mod honorad *uaat at Ainu ion. bar Non*' Tha Raport la Cntrwa Knalirlxbt. N. J . Aug. It. Mr*. W. W. L. glrou. wlfa of fonnar Mayor; Hiring, of Naw York, waa graally aur-1 prlaed al the raportnd rngngajnanl of bar non, Cutntkm Hraitlay rttrong, and . fVlnrana Kalulanl. of Hawaii. "We wara utterly anrprlaad to aan the atory' , ibis morning." aha aald. "for my aon ' had n**ar mat l*vinraaa Kalulanl on-' til be stopped at Honolulu on lha way ■ to Manila. lie la on Oanrral OH a’ staff now. and no doubt he md the ■ l oung lady aevernl times, aa the enter-1 tatned the ataff offirera. He Is only 23 years old and 1 am convinced that* ‘tbece la no truth In the report of hia j hnvliig entere*! Into an engagement. I lles ! des that he I* not the kind of man to fall In love no suddenly. We shall be glad to have the report contradic ted.” dr. J f. Terry, of Trimble. Tenn., In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and dlaridmea Remedy, says: "It has almost become n necessity In this vicinity.” This Is the best remedy In the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and la rec ognised as a necessity wherever Its great worth and merit become known No other remedy la so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. ft. l'air of Hell Tower drug Store. * NEW PROFESSOR For University of Georgia to SucceeJ Prof. Sheffield. Athens, Aug, 1«. A new member of the university faculty ii* been cho sen by the prudential committee of the board of trustees. He is Prof Jas. M. Cantey. of Boykin, S. C., and he Biteroeds Prof, "O. H. Sheffield, who re signed the position of adjunct professor of engineering. Prof. Cantey will have charge of the military deportment of the institution, thus relieving Col. Snelling of that work, which has for several years served to overburden his department. Prof. Cantey is n gradu ate of the Citadel at Charlflcston, and is about 28. MR. BARREtFpHINIZY. Opens a Shoe Business in Classic City. Mr. Barrett Phtnlay. well known In Augusta, has gone Into the shoe busi ness In Athens. Mr. Phinlzy "as formery connected with tlie Athens Banner. Athens. On., Aug. 111.—Mr. Barrett Phinlzy opens hts new grocery store this morning, having purchased the en tire interest in the firm of R. I. Smith & Co. Mr. Phinlzy retains the superb stock of shoes carried by that Arm, and to them Is adding quitca large amount of new and carefully selected stock. THU JtXTOXJBT-A. ETHTR-A-IU COL. CANDLER'S FINE REGIMENT! Ytt lUiN (Mmgitt *HI km 1 It KraPlml fa J *#gNMMf l*4Nfiki« • • s,#ll# #####, (PfM*# HagtMMHfrft* Mi# mm UfMftfa tf* A«MI tNE Mm" ' *#i Hf im# jm «i*p im m ,i #NM | Mi | J| |||| jljPP| IMI »%.$ \ inp##m#| jpj’fif- (N# 4 M# Isa ' *k| (#■ *#** | M4H IMP# Hp#*pr-« !#*#• fp# ! *** *' **m I #*# #ni»m %mm*4 ##«•■• Mur#**##! 4 k|«|a» fans'll sygwv *i hi fa(t fa t '■ ,»k" ** ttt iM# ft?u rpfa-fa**** fam## M **•* m«** ? i# fa Mint mmltfaf, fa HMMM rM |wt worth* ffc# pmmmu* wlisrii, h# bi« rfrtitfal u«rtro»n( r-.Nm#» M U Hmim m»4 Major Mir. ttt W. IWM will Im * !itfafat#r«4 ttt fa#tt Vfiliill •®‘l ivdonel tMudMr will taka lb# o«h no of faforr Mfatiirdwy Satan'*• will ha a red latter day 'fur the soldiers gl Camp Norlhen no- I,.ss some twforaiw# wrrldent ownrs ito frwatrwf* lb* l*n« that are now maturing On tb#t dny Colon*! Can dler mparls lo turn bis regiment ov#r l« the Catted Slate# aothoritl*# with j 1.151 thoroughly equipped and well j i drilled men. ltut the crowning event of the day' ' will bo the prewtiiallon of two b«#uti-| fnl Sag# of the regiment by the noble jpglrlotlr women of Atlanta, The im liU##' Relief Aaanrlalloa will (urm#J , the Called State# color# and the Army ; j and Navy l*e#goe ylll donate the r»- i jg: mental flag. Oor. AI hi neon will pro bably make the prcaenlation i speech, and the flags w'll come down i under the chaperon age of • commit- I ten from each society. The flag*, with the regimental band, which was ! nrgaolued with a full rorpa today, j will make the Third Ge --gla com ! pleto In every detail and ready to go on very abort notice anywhern [war department might see projter to | send them. Uumors have been afloat for sev eral days and have found Iheiv way ) into aome papers, to the effect that > the regiment would be ordered away from Camp Northrn within a few, days. They did not emanate from - the officers, and If they are to move soon Colonel Candler has 'ecelved no Intimation of such a change. But if they should be needed for any •ntr poae or anywhere they will respond to tho call cheerfully and to a man. Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundee. Mo.,who travels for Mansur & Tibbetts. Imple ment Co., of St. tamia. gives traveling men and travelers In general aome good advice. "Being a knight of the grip,” he says, "I have for the past three years made it a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain's Colic,Chol era and diarrhoea Remedy, and have found numerous occasions to test Its merits, not only on myself, but on oth ers as well. I can truly say that I nev er In a stole Instance have known It to fall. X consider it one of the best remedies travelers can carry and could relate many instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. I hope every traveling man in the IT. S. will carry n Isrttle of this remedy In his grip." Far sale by Alexand Drug & Seed Co.. C. R. met. of Bell Tower drug Store. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Spoony lovers make quite a slir in public. It’s a queer woman that doesnC act queer at times. Mnny a brave man has lost his nerve In a dentist’s chair. Lucky Is the man who can borrow enough money to pay his debts. There is not much of a show for a longue tied pugilist in this country. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. the REST SALVE in the world tor ruts. Bruises, Sores, fleers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. lll »w GooD IUCK . %4i« % $ | * BAKING POWDER. 15THE BEST. Htffheft* of All In l HYift* imr PrwMf. 1(1 At I'Af A fti- j FOR RENT fltt ft# § f -r. -T-g .JJI-Jii 4 txfa*r Hfafifa* .* ## •* *• **: *■ MM |lrr«# *«*wt « •• [J 44# MlfY’fait off'•*♦4 • • •# *• #• •• :M fatiwt-. .. .. a. .. .... J'JJ 1 'faSS Hffafai •*!»** a. #• .• *• •• •••• fait Hr*m4 4l*#t •* •• w «T (lead a*reel » f<*l frnad street ..«*## *3l Head street „ Sleep tag (was* W ronvroteat be sill res The above list will he change, fr ow John. W. Dickey Rral I state Ag«#t. FOB S^A-IiPJ. 459 Gre«*ne street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. Will sell at an extremely low figure. Also house and lot 456 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate. M 2 Broad Street FOR SALE XMt-l have for sale very desirable build ing lot located in the centre of one of the handsomest blocks In the city. \\ ill sell same very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residenco lor yeur family. Hood titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, INO. 1337 GREENE STREET. TO RENTI From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. FOR RENT. The Store House, 312 Jackson street, now occupied by W. Edward Platt, embalmer and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist. as he Intends removing to the north east corner of Jackson and Telfair Sts. A nice dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. SALE OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta ant! Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of land’ on the Harrisonville Road, in blocks oftwo to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o’clock p. in. W. C. JONES, Secretary. •ffAl, fraf AtY For Real From Oci. 1 TO HEIST T. | ; c*J sos fafafaN fatly k *fa I fat I sikltifM Art*!? f» f»„ H MwlMefifl, WmpHmty '< jtirtne* RESORTS. THE REED HOUSE At HARLEM R«*dj For Ui« Accommodation of Summer UntttL Nre. M. A. Bsvd has lakes rharge of i the Nigel at Harlem and tha Mgfc a amts 1# j and sai-eeuM safommialattoo. will he a-oea I than waiaistßtg dariag tha awisf twws Pot Booms sad Rates apply la MRS. M. A- KKED, Harlem, Ga /A?A3T ojt\ Bom’ few worn#* discredit this as sert Inn, but those who have tried a Oaa Range rould not 6- Induced to adopt the old-fashioned method again. You see it Is so easy to rcgutole th* Oaa Range. If you want one v< getable to cook more slowly than another, you hove but to turn the thumb screw land you can reduce the heat to any de gree you desire. The same with your roast. If It Is doing too quickly, you don't need to throw open the oven door and run the risk of rhllling It. You enn regulate your range to suit your meat. Tic Gas Liill C». if Aipsta, 822 BROAD ST. she /Ot Whitely / j Exerciser. \lv^ A practical, simple and evident Heme Kxerciser, WS. * (A one specially udapted for jrJ ladies and children, but \ f\\ at the «anie time can be -CTT-TitL \ ' prolitably used by the \ strongest athlete. / . i \ 'a. PRICES: I It fejf 75c., SI.OO, fl.ja I | Til BICYCLES - CLRVF- I \ LANDS, S4O up; VIK- I I l INI IS, 135 up: GEN-1 \| DRONS, $lB up: TIIOM-1 LJ AS, SSO tip. t ail and see —y them. Every one guar- \J j an teed. I IJ Richards & shaver *^-^0 NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By t HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. kali ku*t< WAiksßtetJL-Mb CharlfaMion IW Carolina MMMMHHMI # fa*#*# #♦♦ #fa •##•■*## ffafafa : WTMtmm : *e RMifatti # •‘A## *mm * fa# 6faMMM#nilt«lfa*a»-* ** i #►"*♦** -i*** I # |Hfc j * UpfaNHWiMk i-: >*.«*«» ##*##► m rnmm [ fa MftnPfan-fit . #<*•*-«•*«■-; * mV# •••»••• | * PtfaafapafalvVjtf#**** *** s I # - * »««••• fa(flp|faiafafa m. a i. m nil • • 4Mfafa * (fatfafaMfafaPifa'T r- gl. igißn * * *’ ♦ * 1 * nimiiittiir #■#*§*# ._''*** fat fagafakfaifa ; ■* : « s.l \ #h**M#fa %m*BSsm im” 11 %ip #fa*a» ' ifajifafaf*•••*•*« lAt JHfaMMpl ••••*!•*••• |-MMPIMfa •*♦* *•* 1 *• §m§m ■}»** tMMMMk'k***• *■* •piniii Wis *rnmm ******* | * jft|iMfawwfa*******»»*t»**i $♦ fafayw—fa. « | fat fa#MHii • •*•*• •*•-**• ****** - #*#s# 1 • fi#ak««»M«»H *•*«-I******** ■ * l Mfafafafafa •. -1 Mw»- MMi * fafafafaMM# *o ******** . ** '■ *sfa ’• m i * fan S#taf • .•>» ....i- 1 • • ***•• ***• *M»«HMb. «... 1 Mkf#* I *fmaeWAs#-.,,..... I .. .... * JjS** \ Isa ***** !*•*•• * # • f * m**m | * (n«Mil».T»#.*^*«s| ..m >| ?JMM »IMa Pfaffai****... *#*■ tJMHfaI Ip# r. . t %Msm Ipb tt> <P- . **,,###.. - Mfa»pk **** I * P#d#fa**»* .♦—»♦** *»Jj#P I * #PfaPfalfa***• *• »* ****•■ §*****t» (l»P# I#s ilPPPa**♦***♦«*> j - - _ I I 4## (fa htfa ft* fat faiiffafa*fa It-faMP "• I MM# •«til* fa fat $ falfak-fa* 9 API tm fa# ffabfaA « bsa as l ist** P* ab I ##avw «• *, a. f. »»**.* ” b -*e# I a*gbMvsaahw* wwh »«•»*■*• Rab*»f Psv sw» t**ew.**ww to uah#w , HMNfa mIWm -on* fat#*. fafaitfaM W . J t Ilk Me Hew faa As*. *. M, fti*; lit Aslswaa A at. kkllWA tab* Mawaf<* a v*va*a Wa I BLUE HI DOF. RAILROAD. II IiKaTTIL Ufa# #'% *r ■ || - a - m* fa lost n»#t ae cum dfafafa [tfay t#Y. ; Hatfafa Wf t«t. I fat tfa fa as fa m 94# t| > ' & . A fa| I*# I tfafflffa lafafafafa- »** fa 1* Ur i fa# fa Ais*r*4>ti ,m I mil • *‘i f ,| «Mi t?*."*.. Dttm ... fait it 8 ijMKfaft JiMW.**#. Afatiitt •••*•* # ##=•• I II I is It O* rff Crwi | f I Mlt Ml I 9 I* t:## P Asa .m’* C*V*faP*# f $-1$ It a# # a# |:£mL* tfCXACA ..4R 2# »:IW n I; »R I a **| IS. Weatl Unto* »* •* l:W 1M... Walks its ...* » U! [aM I’M.l ,1 s*ts ArvtvaifM I’M. Null No* k«U Ma.l *. Rvgutat Utattna. P P*ag Ptatloa. AR regular trains from Anderson to Walhalla fan rlghl to track over |trains o 4 th# aam* rlaaa moving in Iy poatt# gtrretlaa. untaaa aihrrwis* *«• tfb*4 hv tram order#. Will alao atop at following stations ito take on or let *»ff passengers: I’hin pry's, Jane a and dandy Ppringa yin. IS massets with* Soutkti# rail way No. IS at Aadsraon Sua • and « eoemect with gouthof.x railway Nos 11 and 17 at *samra. J. K. ANDBRaOM. Superinitadcat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. thONTKf r AND 4)1 U Ks>T KOUIfc- TO 'IBB BANT AND NORTH. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUT* Tt> THE EABT AND NORTH. 2:Bapm| Lv..Augusta, Ga .Ar i 7:Bsam t *9pmf Lv Jltcs ~..Ar | 7 !»am ♦ :17j.m Lv....Denmark....Ar j 817 pm 4Atpn, Lv.. . .Orangb'g,... Ar ( B:4oam 8 Ogpml Lv..Sumter. B. C...Ar ; *.::Sptu Lv....Plorence..,.Ar | S:2S»m ]o:B3ptnl Lv...Fayetteville... Ar I I t4pm 3:2lam Ar.Petersburg.Vw.Lv j B:l2pm 4:ooaab Ar....Richmond....Lv ! 8.12 pm 7:4lam| Ar..Washington..Lv I 3:4«pm (:08am, Ar... Baltimore....Lv j 2:25pm 11:25am! Ar.. Philadelphia. Lv |12 :09pm 2:o3pm. Ar.... New Tufk....Lv I B:JCatn Pullman palace bnffet sleeping cars from Mat-on and Augusta to New York without change. It. A BRAND. Gen Agt., 723 Broad St.. Auguat*. Ga. T M. EMERSON. Traftl Manager. H. M. EMERSON. Gen. Paas. Agt. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST-: ERN RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March 8. 18DS. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 P m. ! Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 n m. Leave Cheater. C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1.18 p.m. | Leave Lenoly. Stage.. .. .. .. 2:W> p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. i Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. ! O. W. HARPER. c. E. HARPER. ! President, 1 ' P A. IT- - * - "*d «<lf You Want to Make Money, ‘ Move in the Company of Thosa Who Are flaking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTING CUT IN LIFE. advertisers who use the her-’ ald get results. .WHY NOT CF.T IN THEIR COMPANY.* oßuKit Aoi;k COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quautilv and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell 'Phone 21(54 Stronger 365 AUGUST IT M a i vo*k mmtmmjm S. C t G. MILWIT CO #i»fa failfafa####**# 9 44M# cfMN#fa-t~i fmm MWk %*+>■■ mmmm Twm jl-tiff ttt fIMI #ifafa|ifa fa* ♦# t *###l' ifai %faMM# fa# * !<#*'**# 14 4fam 4* A*#***# l*fa9fap cr fal##**# a# %* i *#*'*> *• fa* f *4b* •*# ttfaMUtt* fa# fa«#%**» mmrn fay ( #f|ktifa*i# % $ ttfafavw fa * luidfa * y. -Ml %-i- Mfafattft fat« faHMb -fa. *###»- *t fa -aw#* ** m A (PPM fa fa-fa fa< $ fa»IM H<*#*fa #l#NMk i 9 ##><•* fa#fa*#R# ( i . * .1 -1 . * * * *fa • -* A# Alfa##,., v « sSMtfal fa# A -faMMfatt fa m |U«fa faittlM fa#P Ml ill %ifa Pitfall fa u T%if¥fa#4> fa* #**t 9mm 9 m IT*## I jmkMtltM fa *fa ##Y fa ‘Jf#: f * #fafa fakfa fa -Pfafatt ttt ffafaibtffa fa i :«# I* N*fal A (#lm» ttt fa** A** fa fa #ffaiMi i # 4 t A* *««t k«wf .ijgmm fa* faifa*# j faf #•# t ifattl lpfai# If fa mmm *> t*#ittp * >*.#4*l A intiß:##. ! aiM——imawiiinniinm —rr g# I tig' : f fafaMi fattlßMtt#* Ott## F*#*• fa W## ktfa # fa*bfaM faJlWf**#? ** MPfatt i * P#«Mfa>*k fafa*. .. - ip#** * 3*iPl| %Mm faitttt tifaßii#. J tJfafp • I fafaffatt faf*t#» jlttttßP*• #« ! fa fafaf*#- fa- -fattK far*-** tk«Afa**» . at ’»»»**** | iMM# r, mgg 111 ITaoT ; ♦**•*•*• i loPMtt !*■##« pMttt *tNw li^pp i *r* tMAROp. ...... *• a * ‘Mtt isM#tttt i |«#f# (WrtNiUfafat**®# -•«a* a. I faafa#*#* • ) Aft*# 8 »w.a. . ?eP#ltt| T fafa irr rt « **» •*« # • fa 9t# v«m »«*»*>)—* •*# •*s# i**ttP*»t< #p Ml*** l * I*. «# Mitffak##■*«•' AfaUPP# • tttt *tt* nm* faPi P# Hp«# fa •*• mmtk, j. H «A HIP. f. fatJICIMI %mrnm Mnijfai T*#•* Mm—■ I*, fa PLi tt*>i. ‘ tfi fa *rf / s $•• r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. - r..».si its. Ibiaw.fg«s“swf tirtirn l't**>* |##*4H# •**<s t"**lßpN» fa t«fa ■ . \*. aB M>. ( LvPnu..y. : *Vi [^g;' 7s A, ■>. ' j «■*► «“# rr twimifAiiw J S* i; L*»»* “gt ~ te.p, u <ra r. tt| | iAi- Hd. Ar SrSna * ... ! * *_* **> ■ j ;g; ! *35 • frapb* SSB §Bl * Jrkastiw* • • ■ If:,*!, !t Jr (V,- -n, ds# V fv.„ «»amig- id; : •*«;• m. « „ ism I ; tap* ; i*. gp (irronslwivn —bP TftsrtjT • pm*' »»» Ar Ib-farwl ~-j * *’*' *** Ar V-TlliteiS i **P - K.:iin. .rsfL J »«*• H*P • Philadslphta .... B 2:« Sal * Sr* Torfc. { u **!' • hb. .. _ »*• *7' *•- “ n ". Uslly.t Hotly. Lr X— Vi-rk.Pit. If. ! « i»|, It l'«t ** ! faJSftji IW* * Ifammof* ....... * t#|> I,Y WtA'ifo, Ao Ry ’ to 43}r 11 14fa 17Kh*hmo#4 ... ' fafUfat ( fatol m I,*, [faatll)* | ft SO ft 4 Ulp L* Vorfotk -w • • *•..... »• - J »*pj ....... Ar Qr**m*h c»ro J fa 44 L* (IrwuKbiro i...j Ttt# T !fip ** (’hprioit* ... 9Pa 10 Pp • Ruck Hili 10 JUn It 0«p * Oj**i!*r ... ........ 110 **« 11 87p “ fa‘taa»bor<t. 11 (1# : !2»fa Ar Oon(a Fofa#*T# *f 12 fatan 13T » Ly C«jiumtnaL'n dep t. 1 I6p| 4«©» ** J«»hr.k.ronA 2 Py>? OWfa ** Tr—ton 3 üb}» “ Onuntfr-villfa i T 05*» ir. AogMta.. j 4 15j. 100 • Ly. A#hfvill* " *fl, 3 O&p j Lv. H}«rlfanoor| .... ; 11 40a‘ fa Mp tv r.»l*bif», UCAG.Ry 1 3 (»P r («» Ar. c harUsiofi ........ j fa 40p| II IWfa tV CoHiti. Fr APRy .. 11 » « 12 47 fa j** SiiYAannh i 44T p: RWfa J#d> • a trill* i 024 pi #l4 A | ni/tEPTNa cAn hkbvu i I dmiy pH*i»*cn«*r Rcrvicc ccn l Uirlda ami N#w Tor*. Nom. K and 2fa~Wfa«2iiaftoo *n<t Bontb weetena I Limited. RoUd Vefafatraicd train with diniug cftrv and flrirt ohuta ootelMß north of Charlotte, i Pniimaa dravring room *l#t ping ffar** between | T»mi>u. Jackfaonvtlkf, Wfai&bmAtott aixl hVw York- Pullman .Sleeping Cars between Charkotta ami Ku-hmond. Pnllmsn (Jrswiag r'vmi .lreplng ear. bo twestt (4re.»aab,tro and Norfolk. t'low* ennnao -li<m at Norfolk far OLD POINT tOMPOBT. arriving there tn lime for brenkfa-t Solid train, with Parlor cars, between i t'h.rl-.ton tnd Asheville. I Nos. 31 and m-V. S. Past Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet slceumg car. be i tween .laokaouvllle and New Vork and Pull man sleeping car. between Augusta and Chnr : lotte. Pullman sleeping car. between Jack sonville and Ootnmbta, en route daily between Jacksonville and Oincinnati, via Asheville. PEANKP.OASNON, J. M.CILP, Third V-P. ® Gan. Mgr. J.M.. W ashington. W A. TURK. 8- H. HABDXt i( K, <j. P. A.. Waakloeton, Q. P. A., Atlastw GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189 S. Pullman beiwrro Macon and New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and Bt. Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:osam| 3:2Cpm|lo;3opui Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm! »:20pin| 6:ooam Ar Macon ....!li:lsom| I « 46 “ m Ar Athens ~..!12:15pm| 7:3opm - Ar GalneavlUe|*3:46pm| Ar White pi’a|«l:oopml L'22'"' Ar Mill’s* le ,|10:10am| 4:3oam Ar.W’ash'ton ~|ld:l»arn| T:l°P m l Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mllledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 6:18 a. ta, 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 p. m . and 8:25 p. ra. A. G. JACKSON, G. P- A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.