The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 18, 1898, Image 7

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l CUE IF BUFF 11w*» m h*** » #N§> «n*rf * f*** * m 9m* . * rs #iii* ** ** t*** • rf * **•*•** *** *"* j tfcfce »|p ***** 41 m#*#*"* *f 904* %#*# : 4p4Ml- 4*41 f *4*l*4-. # *4» f ft |, 4 »<*» •** 11 9s9P9to j **n t* U**»f t>«44N ***** *** ** % »* 5 1*40*4*4 44* 4| *4* •*** *4 *** pmmtmi A* •# |MM* 4 b* BWI ♦**• *•** *••**' “* j ll« «**>* <iiO> >(**• *ff A l * #** *** j |*>*lHl <M MM *•€ #* #••##! ******* j •• lip (*#**» Kl 4* #**»» <►* *** : *i#»»*l,«4 MMMM iMtH • •»•! •** * *mt »»• ** ******** •f**' (•* ** •** M******* ; SW»* *♦ A •***>* «•** **• #•* •*• ♦*• • •• ** .^.r 1 , tjMW4 <mAM*A*«M| III* M« «•*<** •* I •*■* gUm *» *M mi Mil* *•** *•*, |IM» «mw**4 • *"**«**• »■*** j fN*» •«»■'. .»• (M*M» •*# h*l%M4 W •* | • nm* «*4 M* wmi** *mi %In re 4# kmkkh# mo*o*moo *** j 44tr# 1*414 14# Util# 4#*** • ****4 o'*' mf . 10*444411* 14* 4Nt ffi'4i4l **# j •»4 )»£**4 444 U«4*l «f4#*<* Hjwi 00 |mM 441 ill# 4**4 *4* 44*4 4* * - ***** I* th* S»f4i****J* ****** i >M t tktftl wwmf i*m tl* w** ' IK**t f f*ff #*#* 1404 >^*4#l* t 4 **4l4 ** j itV*! 1 * *4N| *** t4#i If I |404|4 , 4 “•" r * j |*f <|m | «h**Ml Ip- 4*444*4.. tom 9 T** i* iNgMiM «# f****’ *•• •* |k ‘ ft* trm wws9 t4#f# |Mit 944 4### flPf m 44tf* l»*«t -< v '*l f* *#“■ “•* r*»» “ I HU** ffet *■*»?* Iftr* * *#’»'* * IMNNI i* **f *l**'# ®* * r **W ‘*fp “▼ Wool 4 II **ff off I* III* ** *T**P I*l PrfWfv Liro#l w** Irt *«*t k**44* fc*r I *rt I*3***/’ ilf m!4 <v*ft4r«U*Hr Bn »h* U * aw *ll til# Mur. *fcl ric**l* *€*i l «*k« « ®M. Wi»si 4o )*u ihUkT Bbt toolicJ mitow^y roHlni ftbotit rm f%* *r*^ *»rr r«t V. '*Tou I##, 1 l#r *• 4ry m I could. *«>d now *t># l* brr dretihuioa »t tbc **»«* a»§. wn you cot B*Vl to fiplilß In* ipjWfi**' (Cat part of lb# bu#ln#i* #PO o# •* May 1 act abar# il? You *t#, 1 a/,' of b*r haz#l ryw. *#• * * ***** ‘ * bair, iTfaißr feature*. a«4 a col »r which caiot *iia went. woi«*n 1 * and infant!*# fraatoafl* of maaocr roinbinad to form *f*ie!**u*s m iivid uaiity. St" aaa clad ent rely in ‘vnsi . but wb©t appenred to U»*el a himplo littUt cotton frock *vas in reality a ec»etly alfiJr of delicate embroidery SU agreed to let Lionel share b#r i (lu , M i an<t mi while the un- j wondrous secret, ana ao, won* 1,10 u “ Irn ky F!o»»ie rubbfd brnei: unrcf»rs, e ,l on the gr«M, »nd Uontl’i IlsbiiiK rod lay forcott**n, tbeae two y< unK peoplr gavt tbfmi?lre» up 8 practice iu the faaclnalioi; art of flir tation. ••Hello:” cried a voice ao suddenly tbat they both start td violently. ”1 come to seek my friend Crosble, end lo: I find tbat he has discovered a friend in these wilds! How do you do. Mia- Burnside. I did not know that yotsand Lionel were acquaintances.” •'Neither were we until live minutes ago.” (Five minutes'.) -it was all Flossie's doing." explain ed Croabie. "I never even beard Mis;-. Burnside's name until you uieiHioned It. Perhaps you will Introduce ua eiucc Flossie omitted that formality." ”1 must go home,” cried the girl. Jumping to her feet, "or the 'august presence' will think her dmling Float*!? is lest. She's quite dry now, isn't sh?, Mr. Crosble?” • Miss Burnside, will ycu permit me to introduce my friend, Mr. Lionel Cro&bie, of the engineers; Miss Betty Burnside.” They both bowed ceremoniously, but while Betty’s eyes sparkled mischiev ously, Lionel's face wore a frown. He picked up his rod and basket, and asked if he might sec Miss Burnside home, whereupon Masterscn declared that he would go. too# Crosbie would never be able to find his way from Castle Burnside to Yarrows. Miss Betty said she would be charm ed to have their company, only one or them must carry Flossie to save her damp fur from getting soiled by the dust. Crosble proposed that, ao his fishing basket was empt--, the tiny dog might be conveyed in that. The idea delighted Betty, and so the party set j off. When they reached the castle Bet-; ty begged the young men to come in, j saying that she would like to introduce Mr. Crosble to her aunt, Larly Burn- j side, whom she irreverently nicknamed; the “august presence,” because her Christian name happened to be Augus ta! Masterson would not, however, ac cept the invitation and the young men b um# w iM twmm «*# KM* f|Mf tWI *W* ** 1 *,*• Mmm4 ••* ■ i“* »w< 4% <*** <•** • | ia» MM4 »»»■««« tv mm M* ’ 11,«4 SUM ®» MM* fwfl iM AaurtaMg, . IM MM* MMi •• H**M«M»l*‘* Mflt <Mkt . •» %"!*•*•* I - | ■ *' n " WWf £ * ■«# Ml 4MM «ta«* 11*4 ItM < f ** 9*# ( - ' PpM #<!*# **»# #« •*** M dw**t t I 1 0*4 044 Imb##* lit *** •'♦%•*•*»#. 44m 11 **♦'• iMMNfIy f** 9**'** |h**l lifM <M>tH»«at* Hrnmm 4M 901 **** m m*o I 00fhmm+rn «4NI %** **#*»> •** : j Ijjiwm «MW*W mmm 00 j iMI ilw BWt |iyr- * tfehHh 004 tomm* 9t* I 14**t 0t *N*4| *4*wii *rt* B( *® Bwl4*4k, * tfM-qrwt IgA.« ■tm#" rn* ''•£** 9m4 I t to* ******* MMlt • ! ' , 0 -m* Mg«» *4Ht fb'#f *1 J 1 *1 t**oo to** * - j ijifTiwl *O4 ftjf l oKitt mto* •«« to*' IwWlf f (««• ft«4l |* 4m 00 !»'»#»** WlMitNf * fib*# •# ttw# m 00 00 *9O 9mm, to* i It • t %t ■ W t w> 1 w** i **4of o*m 000*9 I*# 400" 9 m ** ww - \*te. mtok It •** ito*mg9* lb* \*mn gift 904 ton*** h* to* **tf] lam wIM *** f**f o*i*9**4 0 9 * mm . 4%’# tbat roams fM* • l l* , ll tb# ® wa•* to* t ttroffrakt* ***** 409, ' W*4 * W*#fl* It r ft o*4*9. *p m* \ 1 <tmo*4 In tot bait lb# ###**** * ] mw wtir h'* w : f tlj * "a fgg i »-* I ..n i iiotfciM #4*# BNtNT* • _ * tm \ n#crr Is wort*# tolll H#tl)t roroimlli «»f h#f fr< #h v tmi b*wrt. w bmi | jk. KaJI mm* firm *wtml#4 I«*<•*#! to!4 , , i* §!»*»» Km> aimilll hr n# mrottft* W nt MortOro How 90m* h# ihoucht. 10 bar# all 4oubl* *1 an *n4J Ito b*ve th# right to all b#r aratt*##. j an* to b# in th* proud |M»*H«an of b#rj Uo*m'. Y#*. all lorortltad# would b#{ k e giv# him##lf up to ÜB *lfl Ho <w«mP’f r*t Mrtbday' Ai iviNPk hffort* th# eventful occasion b#' 'ras th isn b** ibe footman. Jenklna, j ' into Sir Malcolm's library. His heart was beating lively, though h# felt no aa to the result of bia mission. Did n *t bo and Betty love one anoih- and was h» not her equal in family, ■ in ptigition, 1n everything? Hi* com mon M**se> lold h,n. that her uncle «ou!.1 not. In renr-n. refuse him the 1 hntid of h!» beiovad. The hsronet did not keep him waiting long- "Ah, how do. Croebie?” The greeting wns the as usual, but the the countenance waa discouraging. 1 Idonel waa surprised to find h.mself 1 stammering, stumbling over the speech 1 which he had smaginol would have fal i len glibly from hit Ups. Though his words were heaitatiog. It if true, Ills uiiaiiing was clear enough to hla Inter mix u tor. Sir Malcolm cleared his throat and the lines about bis hard It .uel mouth seemed to become more rt gtd. “l regret to have to toll you, Mr. | Crosbie. that this mailer can go no furtbev; my niece's affections are al -1 ready engaged.” Lionel started up, bis face crimson, f "lt is not true," he rrled, ‘'you must ! be mistaken; 1 must hear it from her | own lips before I can believe it, Bhe, who is truth itself, could not act such i a oat t!” I “Girls will be girls,"said Mr. Mal colm. and then added, with a sneer: "You must recollect that my niece Is j accustomed to admiration, and that she l« not In the habit of thinking that i every fool who pays her a few compli ments Is in love with her.” With dilfi- Iculty Lionel restrained himself from making a retort he would regre* la ter. “May I ask,” be said, “whether apart from your niece’s feelings you have any objection to me as a husband for her?” Sir Malcolm became crimson as he replied, "I will not permit you to pro pose to her. There are grave reasons why she cannot be your wife.” “I am entitled to know the reasons,” said Lio nel, “and if they exist anywhere but in your imagination I can overcome them.” He then proceeded to state the cir cumstances of his family, his means and social position, to none of which idid Sir Malcolm pay any attention, J and wound up by demanding the name j of his rival in Miss Burnside's affec- j I tions. “That I meat certainly will not tell j | you," cried Mr. Malcolm; “but marry! I her you shall not; L will never give my j consent! ” I He was purple with fury. “I tell you ! you shall not marry her. There are In surmountable objections to such a un ion.” “And I recognize none,” said the ■ lover. “If she cares for me I shall j marry her in spite of you. You seemj THB JLTTOXTBTA. HBIU.LD lew |MV« (AM (A* tMtt (■ M PM* (M*t i ; 0m *4*4l 990090*0 99 * 4*4* o*‘ * 99*4. 4* f* t*MB * * *** <4* 9 4p~ l Ifk# | ' 90/o*ooo.. **#*4# 'to** o*9 4a ] «** om*m mrn 4 4 **ooo4 9*sm *m! mm *9 99m o*4 *t *4* 9*m 94** tm*i j 1 9m I IkttT 00 n4m 99m toto* I %#*■# j ! ***** 99499 §o99mom * • b# a* ■* * t*# gpfcff 4*4 **4 *•# p*44*4- 114' *#' B 4; I*o 4# :#< #;| A#ii •-0 • ro«#g* 4 pw*Mky #?«.*«» IB •*»♦#'! «ro# *Nt ; m* ■' «.»' t-. ® I VMM* ! flip* *roa*#r I • * |mm| Im# k* * Im4 1 %MP aif 4 tl#C | #- i IM4 ll||* he* . : *omo j. i#> Bi 4 4#4*i*# 9m *i 09$ 90b \ Il«»'### '(f I •li - 1 a# I I IMF *6l * I* ram 4*l 9N4 a ***** art *mm T*p mmmtomm 00999 Mi*H |4***i i roa ll* irfi t** Imm** i frorra #4 I%P l***t*l*o* *4 ***ooo9*'* ,• *-'-.-nrt4 0m Ml •*•« 99*0 <4tk4 *!!**« i Mailt * ti#r4a*,- MNP* *# I*l4 pa* <4 , 11« in#* a*4 ****o*4o9 tmmm 94$ §P* j •tttirot nPiroinroiiiifi* «4 P*ft to* Ala* * CH ! hi* t«H*frio4a *M|* 9m *i*4t4i4* *# f |^ l |pg- 11*| m*w*4 o**m * p.«jf fit|«4 4(4 *<4 <B*#l* IO **t t*# rroafiktrt I* Pi* litutlm, H# <tl4 fn»t a*r h«t b*r rig hi* Kv#* b*r o*n u*. | U**.\ 404 a*t4 h# *aa 0*1? taking a mf#ii advAfitiie of h«r tetk#f*a rotift* That availing. o?tr lh*if ppm. t#>*- ! n#l gav# hi* fri#*4 a lamroary of hla ’ tntrrvl#* with th# tianmia, *n4 told j him ho* o*att#r*i iUi«4 b*4*##n B#tt? road t«#org* look ml pro!* rood | S-mharraaaoil. hut pitioil»#4 U**tl Ihrot, | ha arouUt thmk th* matter ov#r an 4 *#* ! j... rould b#* done to o#cur* Sir Mil- IcoMna <-t»o*#nt to their marring*. *o4 I 4M|th it Bfttf'f fortune. Th# ilroy# that i I follow(4 'ver# of unrolloyeti bappln#** j jto th# lov*ra. and to do tb#m Juaiica I th# aordtd fuojec t or tn# fortun# not mentioned b#i *« on th#ft». Th#y had morn iotereatlßg mibj#cta to dia cua*. The evening of the masked ball ar | rived. The hr:iitancy of the areae cx-, ceeded anything ever seen in the county. Betty loohed-exquialte as Ju-' lift, and of ootirae Lionel adopted the 1 costume of Romeo. All the gticdtj wue to remain Incognito lint 11 mld- i night, when at a given signal everyone, waa to unmask The host and ho»- j tew alone were exempt from the uni versal rule. Everyone had arrived and the mer-, rimoitt was at its height when a foot man came to Sir Malcolm and inform ed him that t> masked gentleman, who! would not give Ills name, awaited him in the library. Sir Malcolm, wbo only thought the interview was some Jcke, on the part of one of his guests, and who was quite entering Into the spirit erf the fete, wi-nt at onre to the library. The masked black domino who awaited him closed the door carefully and, pointing to a chair, seated himself op posite. “1 have eome lo you. Bir Malcolm,” said the inask In a mysterious voice, "un a matter that affects your position and even your title.”' Sir Malcolm felt a cold chill run through him, but he answered, bold ly: “My good sir, no trumped up tale can in any way affect title or my position, so that we need not continue the subject any further.” The mask bewod and handed Sir Malcolm an official looking envelope, and requested him to road what it en elosed. The letter was from a firm of New York lawyers, offering to prove, if it were made worth their while, that toe present baronet, Sir Malcolm Burnside, was not the rightful heir, as the son of the late brother, Sir Robert, was still living. The letter further stated that the real heir was In ignorance of his claims and that the lawyers, who had come into the possession of the facts accidentally, would take no fur ther stops unles a substantial amount were forthcoming to indemnify them for cost of case. As he finished reading th- document i toe hand that held the paper tremb | led. j “Who are you that brings this absurd tissue of lies?” he demanded. , “It matters nothing who I am, and I [may tell you that you are acting fool ishly If you disregard this warning, r am hfie to make a proposition to you— a bargain you may call it." The black domino here drew his chair close to Sir Malcolm. "Either you give your full consent to the marriage of your niece With Lionel (Continued on Page 6.) HU*;.; " **'# ; w jr Z* * n A\inHt## IWwi’wmlgt 4* t’.uui -(gtel.w 4*tit>y«to iin -t-irmUr —■*n-#'- < ■ tevtful | pg-v* Ml Nrvt (twiaiat twttht ' ] iywjrHwvtili* «*’» 1 ■! Kot NAMCHTIC. ' 25# I |j Wb rr. 3tT ) woo**oo***99m / ! nrwa.-uwiLoAAor Mtn* 1 ***2*^2^ ,1 xBW YOltK, I iuct u*vef wiAffM, I ' ——* {jERRY’S [XCELSIOR jyjILLS _A-TJOTJST-A , Q--A-- MM gjlpLv c" /■^ r ’l;* X I‘ 1 • * 808 WHITE - Second Patent. GOLD MEDAL— Fancy Patent. ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR. I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this Date, August I Oth, 1898, I offer the Wholesale trade the above Brands Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat, Goods of the Highest type. Ask for prices Flour, Meal, Grits, Bran and ship stuff delivered your station. J. M. BFRRYt THE MERCHANT MILLER and Carolina Tapers Report F.stimate on Above .Space per month. Going Without a Shirt I. C. Levy’s Son & Co.. TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS. AUGUSTA. .... GEORGIA NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HtADACHE t USE Land’s Headache Capsules M <uie Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. C ASTORIA foi 1 The Kind You Have Always Bough! ?"* “ ,8 A&- " r w ft JV Tlie \j You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA of the proper style in Ne gligees would be folly, when we are selling the most exquisite Madras, Pique for 75c., in checks, stripes and the prettiest patterns at such a low figure. Our stock of Men’s Furnishings is complete and high grade. An en tire new assortment re ceived this week. 7 Per Cl SSOOOOO 7 Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 1 per cent. For further Information sea their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan, Es., or Mr. P. li. Durum. THE HERALD’S STANDARD yyAR atlas WITH MARGINAL INDEX CONTAINING MAPS OF Cub#. Phillip# ne Island*, West Indies, 1 North A mar lea. Hawaii, South America, Europo, World, Asia. j Oceania, Africa, ! China, Spain. Portugal. and harbor charts op Havana, Cienfuegos. Santiago do Cuba, Mainila, San Juan. Cardenas and Matanzas. Santa Clara Bays The*® aurperb Map* sre beautifully printed in fiva colors on heavy paper, and bound in an attractive cover. RAND, McNALLY A CO., those peerless Mapmakers, prepared this Atlas especially for THEHERALDand our readers may secure It at a trifling coat. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW IT. Explanation Harginal Index Th? Ingenuity of ih* d«*vk* dev erve» #perl*l Mplanglion. for K 1» a naient M.tem of IMUtUKU reL- reoce. The indite* of web mp e £,r lipoa each map# border. The information lt«# in • ' h.«. wonderful pla-ea. rompbed b , expert,, and up .o da*e. are a miniaiure rounierpari of iba worlds phyalcal appehranea aa U e«- Uta at thi# moment. The map* ar e not merely P r ‘*' al*. aeogiaphira and gnz.-teer. com b ned. The ruled border on itoto. „f every map la divided Into eq nl-dWant *pa<e*. dexlgnated ' ,pon V_ -Id. |,y leu era. at the lop and bott ora by numera.*. U line, Jix led from .bebt' marginal p.dnta., email »q«.are* would b, * g Ilicir .iiterwciicr »o the margin of each page appear* a clBS * of all the prlaripai dlvtaioo*. rltie*. and towns ln»celbed npon that *pe_ r al map where they are claewfietl alphalK-tically and according to their commerclai miportancc and promlne nco ax centre, of population. You ought to Have this Atlas You Can Have it You will Have it If you wish to sea the Atla# before buy ing, call at The Herald. But you Must Hurry. The edition is a short one and will not last many days. Mail orders filled promptly- Price, 30cts Price, 30cts The Herald has exclusive control of the sale in Augusta. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING * COMPANY’S EXPORT BEER The Best on The Market. CALL FOR AUGUSTA BREWING COMPANY’S DRAUGHT BEER Tbo Best on The Market. ID BERM’S Iff!