The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 19, 1898, Image 1

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THE MOST PATRONIZED ARE THE BEST ADVERT ISED-IS YOUR AD IN THE HEHALD WHtHE PEOPLE WHO RtAU CAN Stt ITT THI AtOUSTA BAYIKOS BAM, m. s tot Nu ■htan.t 0 « Mtii.S. t sable* ►a*ops A •##***# *-■ . wt J-•*#•*• I’m m i-et—«». 1 MB 111 1 HI II Talking Vary Big For Under Dog In the Fight That It Just Ended. The Madrid Government Will Insist That the Capitu lation of Manila After the Si*nin# of the Protocol Shan't Work to Spain's Disadvantage. )•**§* *4 Au< » - *l%# •*•*#■»• Mie HNtat Itiit Ik* rtjiltaltttqi tlanita attat tlfiHli Ilka # negwtf tteaio tn»fitr«fi* 14a to iftMl. tH t»f #*#•!. in# • Ii rs *iitt*n! h#UU life# < e pit ala • fktft >4ftifi4 Iff the lmu i mall Art *:*f tile tersr®. ultole of tile i'i -n*'* heal If»Mhn»< „ Wnrtungtoa. O C-, Aug I*. M»J. .Oh Krat Ml bni umgsferred fm» tla fifth *r«y carp* to the ShWeiS. ,rl ordered lo report lo l «** for •* slgnxcm WANTS NO NIORE MEN Plenty of Troops AssigiH lo Saaiitgo. Cen. Ahafter Report* to the War De partment Thla noraiag. WattnifiM. D. C.. Aug. 10. Geo. Rhmlrr hat inftnircd (be war depart ment, after rootitllinc w, i b Genera! Lawton, (bat it la concluded (bat H l* not nectaaary to tend any more troop* to Santiago lor the preservaae* of potto and good orde-. Thla atatatneat la the undemanding (bat the preaeni military force will abort!) be re. rs treed by the arrival of the Fifth Infantry and the Twenty-Third Kansas volunteers. ASSUMES COMMAND. den W heeler In Charge Now at Montauk Point. New York. Aug. 19. —General Wheel .r today assumed command of Camp Wykoff. Montauk Point. The health ln *j or tor of the ramp boarded today toe trinaporl* Mobile and C mam hi, which arrived la»i night. The Mobile has on board detachments of the second Mas TO DRIVE THE INSURGENTS GUT OF THEIR POSITIONS That Will Be the Policy if They Cause the Least Trouble. It IS About Decided That the United States Will Keep the Entire Group of the Phiilipines and Will Not Brook Interference Prom Aguinaldo’s Men. SPECIAL TO THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Washington, Aug. 19.—Admiral Dew ey's terms for the surrender of the Philippines seem to have settled the question of whether all or a part of that group of islands shall be retained by this countnry. "Keep up the flag” is now the wateh erv of the intensely American oflieials of Washington. The question, "Daw ey has given the Philippines to Amer ica—who will dare to give them back to Spain," finds no answer here. Krom all over the country come evi dences of the desire of the people. Maj. McKinley’s mail is swelled every day with letters and petitions urging an nexation of the entire group. Chambers commerce, large business Interests, religious bodies, private citi zens. alt join in the protest against returning the Islands to the sovereignty of Spain. The war department is now turning its attention to the attitude of Aguinaldo, the insurgent chief. It is an open secret that Merritt has telegraph ed the war department that it will be necessary to drive the insurgents into the interior. The president haa decid ed that if necessary the insurgent army Till be driven out of the places they t»h crNt.a a wirs TIIH AUGUSTA HERALD. tPUMf %N. jMI ktl**!** » i'.Tlm* «M ||l# t«#fHJP* 1 I##r«flh 4 [ Him B • (l| Np S«rfH I# | 4*f*#H**'4l EasarsFS^ ( fc»i(4i»l, %** \mk. NOT AI.AR,Ii:U. The Vfltow f l. Net taw»iug Ap* ! Washington. Ant- » The war d»* I pert mewl authurttie* are wet alarmed about yellow freer among the Mw»f» 'ln the t wit'd fltetea, hot a elowr watch ;it bring kepi at ail pedate where there Ila the least danger The three mere at Key Wswt are the only ones reported la the south, and ao additional rases 'hare been reported ta the last three or I tone day*. At Montand there are ses t ral et eptrktus eaaee, hot If they are yellow In r It la ■ trry mild type, TRAINED NUWSIIS arrive. Fort McPherson Hopes to Get Rid o Spanish Prisoners AUißta. «•*.. Auf it • Hrvrn |niff**** vpftt by fit# |DVFfHB>pM f-» hrii« with tb# (UllTfits «t Fort ks. f*h#r*r tv •vrlviNt thin m*nt» tt»ir and thlrt#«*it tnnt# mill folios tonight Th« h *t>i ul irgtti hPft g n * to F#ftkißdliit. F!s. an?f will [rrtutit at («('# with l'« mm fr*»m thfft. ! rpon th- arrival of th lr*»lf» h#r# oil t • jnsit trip It wilt h# lotd#4 with t'SHiva iFsrFnta Bur at th*'* fort and ih#«# mm Mill N» takm t« aim? irnlhrm hoapliat I— mahm* room for aoWlrra h#r» tnor# amrtmialy Hi lt t* hof»#<t that th# building now oe rupiHl by th# Bf*ank*h nri*on**ri will tw available for h'«*pU»l rurf** arm by th# ft rat of th' roffitn* MaJ Taylor t#lrgr»pl»#d th# sur|f*«m g#n#rai to f#- move th# Hpantatda aa h# n#*d«4 th# [room th#y w#r# taking up Th# aurg#»»« gr n#ral !mm#dlati»!y wir#d f«»r th# I name# and rank of th f*rfaon*r». ao lit la th# gtn rmniaftt la how I arranging for th#lr removal. ROBBF.l) THE HAVOR. Sim Bell’s Residence at May nesboro Burglarized. Waynesboro. Ga.. Aug. 19. Mayor Sim Hell's residence was burglarized Thursday night and his gold watch and clothing taken. The wat.h is ! valued at $l5O. Ttd robber was quite hold In his wor/f. as he delilmrataly usee! a dark lantern in Mr. Bell’s bed room. and Mr. Bell was in bed watch ing the proceedings. out of j lied, he attempted to ran h the thief. ' when (he latter broke away and made | good his escape. No clue to the thief I was discovered. now occupy. The war department will i not tolerate, in the same Jurisdiction, jan army of a different nation which does not place itself under the orders of the American commander-in-chief. The leaders of public opinion now in Washington nearly all favor the taking of the entire group of islands. Senator Foraker, of Ohio, is of the opinion that the surrender of the Phil ippines by the Spaniards is so com plete and final as to leave the islands wholly in the possession \i the United States. Ex-Congressman McCreary, of Ken tucky, is outspoken In his ideas on ter ritorial acquisition. "I am nGt in favor of giving up any place over which the flag floats,” he said. We must hold ev erything that Dewey and bis gallau* men so bravely won. Where the Hag l goes up let it stay.” Senator Elkins and other strong an nexationists are expected to arrive In the city within a few days. It is their intention to urge upon Maj. McKinley the vital necessity of placing on the peace commission men who are heart ily In favor of annexation. TO MUSTER OUT THE MEN ArrlkkMt IttltM • falWr m lb firUArtl Twiif. NcdMwg m AM Obea (MM as tw lh« uMari "touting. vt *»aia«ios Awg IB —The member* I of lha <wbi«Wl. eseepi Bee ruga rtee Imp I sad I/mg. whw aiwwwl wf the city weew Iptomp* iltogibg |be while Mu* lrt»t foe the aumdoa T> tw t*-l tin* ttoqr an ttof* was very Mtito la disturb Ibe gale* rwwtia* ibera. Ar> bat*hup iratoad. Afrbblvbop Ireland wae war wf the j notable vMtoew He had a raalWfeSiC j with the president. He preserved hie usual reticence aa to his triseioa It it • ad' retnnd he it empn* ered l« make repreeew tat tone boh lag In the protee imn pf (be taterew*a of the rhurrh of Kom* la war aew tarritartal aereaataaie partkularl* Porto Niro Though he gig 1 ant a«rm Ihie gneetloa whew gwaa- j UiuweC H is eigwlhraat that hr siirayt eg an gsatal of It The MwsfrHag Owl. Mr. Can sun. of I‘tah. alto aaw the ,pr*stg*at today, and had a talk regard ing military plana. The president told him of his purpose to glahsag a par [Una of the volunteer army, aag es | plained that the troops to he mastered out will be determined on the basis largely on the ineliaalions of the or-' ganiaaitoaa, and condition of lheir .equipments. Washington. Aug. 1* The cabinet section today waa esreedtngly brief. The disbandamnt of the army and the naval review at New York were among the main points of discussion. As to the former. Secretary Alger aisled tha de tails are being si rtud out and consid erable dlfllculty I* being raperienccd In selecting the reguaenta to lie put on jibe mustering out Hat. but It la eg ' peeled the ihetter will be In shape for th- I**untie- la a few days of the nec essary orders. ; Contrary toeaportatlona the selection of the personnel of the peace rommla slon to meet In Paris waa not taken up. Tlvtre were no dispatches from the front laid before the cabinet. Acting ; Secretary of the Navy Allen attended (be cabinet m-eting. He captained plans for the naval rerlew. and It was 'decided that Alger. Bliss, Gage. Griqgs and Postmaster General Smith would 'represent the administration at the re vie«v. Secretary Day sent word that he will return to Washington tomor row. At 11 the secretary will accom pany M. fatnbon and M. TDlebaut, of the French embassy, lo the white horse, w here alt the principal figures of that notable ce-rrrencc. th- signing of Ihe proctocol, will he photographed together. The group will Include the president, Day, Gambon and Thtebaut. THIRD GEORGIA MUST GO. Associated Press Says They Will be JTustered Out. Washington, Aug. 19— Orders were today given for the return to their state rendezvous of tho following ! named regiments: FI rat Illinois cav alry and First Maine Infantry, now at (Tiickamauga. and Second New dork, j now at Fcrnandina. The First Illinois, ordered to Springfield; the First Maine, j to Augusta, Me., and the Second New j York to Trey. These regiments weie mustered Into service at the outbreak of the war, end tbelr return Is accept ed as conclusive evidence that they will be mustered out. The movement of these regiments will begin as soon as . the ndeessary transportation is pro- j vlded. | Another regiment ordered to return to the recruiting rendezvous Is hie the First Vermont infantry, now at Chickamauga. Similar orders will be j issued from day to day for the other j volunteer regiments selected for mus-1 tering out. No official Information in j this subject was obtainable at the war! department in advance of the Issue of orders. It is said, however, that the Third Georgia infantry, the Third Ala bama Infantry and the First Maryland infantry are among the number already selected for mustering out. TkOOPS ON THE HOVE. First Vermont Infantry Have Left Camp Thomas. Chicamauga, Aug. 19. The First Vermont infantry left today for Fort Ethan Allen. The route is over the Southern and Norfolk and Western. The First Illinois cavalry and the First Maine Infantry are now making to return to their state 'capitals, according to orders issued. They do nol expect to move before next week. General McKee’s Second division, first corps, will proceed to Knoxville and Lexington.early next week, accor ding to present orders. Within ten da->s the army here will be reduced one-half. , . AUH ATA, «* * JDLLYTARS ON PARADE Grand Naval Display at New York Tomor row Morning. Tie VfrtßrißM IfnlM »• kk • IknuaviraiiM la ila Hirktr. Rigid toafrwettowe Hnvr Itorw Uawrg. Tba Program H f ar as Given Out. National batwfe tw He Herd at Urawl'a Tomb Tb* Trip to Luba and Porto Kk«. Wweblngtow. Awg If.—Plnnl order* were ioday erst to Admiral Sampson relative lo lb» naval parade In New York Saturday. The ships will pro ced to anchorage at Tompklnsvllle. and there await the arrival of Mayor Van Wyrk and the delegation of cltl-j ■ens who are lo go on bosrd the flag ship, and deliver the address to Ad miral Sampson and the men of hta command Iw the Morning The ceremony wilt occur before 10 o'clock, ns ike orders rontemplnie starting tip North river at that hour. Anticipating pressure to gain sdmis aion to the flagship, during the review, the orders are that no one Is lo hr allowed on board except by express dl motion at the president. The salute at the tomb of Grant will he a national salute of twenty-one guns. Stays in Command. Admiral Sampson will probably rome to Washington In the early part of the next week, but no orders have bc.*n is sued concerning hi- movements. It is understood h- will continue In com mand of the Nrrt# Atlantic fleet while serving as a member of ths military commission at Havana. All Together Being thus fn command of the fleet, lie will tie enabled to select a flagship and proceed thereon to Havana, al though It Is more likely that the com mlaeioners will proceed together on a ivn rehip. probably the Dolphin. Hi that event the Dolphin vipuld be the admiral's flagship temporarily. Both flagships. If the rommlsaionera do not proreed In a body, Admiral Sampson and Ad miral Schley may take their respective flagships to Havana and San Juan pending the work of the commiasioo. FIGHTING IS OH IN SPAIN .Four Dead Carbineers Killed Near A lean ices. The Carlos flanifesfo Expected Any Moment Now. Madrid, Spain, Aug. 19.—Don Carloß' manifesto proclaiming his right to the throne Is expected soon. Although the ministers assert the pretender has l>ecn I unable to secure sufficient funds to car ry on the reolutlnn mid will be forced to postpone the uprising, until spring, tho Indications are that Don Carlo will not delay. The government Increases j dally the precautions to prevent an up rising. Closed the Clubs. The captain general of Aragon has closed all the Carllst clubs and associa tions. New hands are appearing dally In dlffernt parts of Spain. Through the impatience of fanatical republicans, the Carllst cause is being helped. Misery has given rise to much Irritation ag ainst the government. Skirmishes. Several skirmishes have occurred dur ing the week. A post of oarblners near gueca, Valencia, fought an armed band who were smuggling in arms. One cor pora! and one civilian were severely wounded. The Civil guard near Tarrago na captured four men who were car rying twele old gun». The C'astelon barn! has been largely Increased and continues in the field. Four: dead cni 'liners were found near A lea nlces. Province of Zamora. They had been shot while trying to prevent smugling in of arms from Portugal. Departing Prisoners. Washington, Asiig. 19. The war de partment has received the following information of the departure of Span ish prisoners: ‘‘Santiago, Aug. 19. Corbin, Washington: The Oabodonza sailed this morning with 2.148 men, 109 officers. 44 women, 45 children. Two others are loaddil. and will probably sail this afternoon. . SHAFTEB. WHO Wild BE NEXT POPE ? lm XIII Drill t» Mwaraurilv El pNfri The Qwraltow wt Psoiulw I'wdwc Muwslaa. ifVvpiright by New York Journal I Nome. Awg. II tfcwplis lbs Vatican'* aaarrllow I bat th* illness of the Fotw la only of a irawaiiory nature, th* fad remain* Hun hi* d*aih la moment •llly •xpertvd. and all Korns I* dlorwas- IWg hi* Sure-rent IB "Who will b* Ike net! pop**" Thi* I* Ihr gwretiow that run* from mouth lo mouth Then again. "Will ih* n*xi pop* be a* tda'taa or a forrigaerf* In th* Ka i rred Golleg* lb* naitv# and foreign cardinal* are about equal to number* fl can be easily understood tha! It would be almost impossible for lbs for- j sign cardinal* lo agree opon nee can-! rildnte. but If n considerable atimher of Italian* could be Induced lo *lde with (be largvei foreign fncllou. the randtdsir of ih* taller m ght he elerlel, HU Asudwf. However. It ie the general opinion ihat Ihe aocrreaor of t/to XIII. will hr an llnllaa. It Is considered that a pope of ihl* vmtlonnliiy ran revlndtralr bn trr than a stranger the rights of (he ■church a* oppoecd to the state. 11l ll mins never be forgotten that In the elrrtloa of the next pope and In' ; ruin) elcctlona lo come, the principal motive guiding the Sacred College will ilw th** Roman question. The Italian [!,literals, who always hoped for ronrlt ; Litton between Ih* rhnreb and Mate, |advocate the election of a foreign pope [ge a means to their end: bul those who , I new well the members of the Sacred I College assert that many of the foreign cardinals would be much more uncom i promising than any of the stanchest ilii'tin extremists. Rampolla'a Strength Grows. Rxciuding ihe possibility of a foreign > pope, the struggle will be confined to : Cardinal Rampolla. who will be the h'gheal ixpresmi u of a polilicnl pope, and to a non-political rellglouv candi date. As to the Inllev the most spo ken-of rnnd dates are Cardinals Angelo de'Pietrq, gad Gerolumo Maria Gotti. J Tie former la a son of a shepherd of ; Bttvcront. Rome, and Is already called it he Holy Man. He is Just seventy I years old and was educated for ihe priesthood by the biabop of his dio cese. When he was a simple pried visit ing a certain monastery, an old monk threw himself on hia knees and kissed! the buckle of Pietro's shoe.' The I young priest, much token aback, asked ihe reason for the demonstration. The ‘rtionl* raised his eyes heavenward and said. "Father, when you are pope. I oiill be near!, so I wish now to hiss your holy fool.” Omens for Both Cardinals. Cardinal Gottie Is sixty-four years of age. He was born in Genoa. He has the advantage of corresponding to a prediction of the prophet Malachia, who left a hook containing a motto for each -future pope, which they say has i never failed. For t-eo XIII it was "Lumen do caelo.” while for his succes sor It is "Ignis ardens.” In the coal of arms of Cardinal Gotti there is a hurn- Irg torch. Leo XIII. who has a special affection for him, has often called him "My suc cessor.” Cardinal Rampolla has been Papa) Secretary of Slale for ten years. He is generally considered by outsiders to ho the strongest candidate. Martinrl li. Papal Nuncio at Wasliingt' n, will be made a cardinal. WERE SECRETLY MARRIED. The Elopement of a Savannah Couple to Ridgeland. Savannah. Aug. 19. lt has jusl be come known to the friends of Miss May Black and Mr. C. E. Moore, both of this city, thdt they eloped and were married secreily al Itidgeland, S. C., on July 14„ odpr a month ago. Mr. H. G. Black. was with Neidlinger, Habun & Mell. Ihe father of the bride,! who is only 15 years of age, first learn-, cd of the marriage on August 4th, and be had the couple remarried at Rocky Ford, where they are at present visit ing relatives. Mr. tyloore, who Is about 19 years of age, is with his brother in the bicycle business of Higgins & Moore. He came here from Augusta. Mr. Black has never become reconciled to the marriage. THE CAMPAIGN ON. Col. Candler Spe ks at fllilledge ville. Atlanta, Ga„ 19. Col.' Allen Candler notified Chairman dußignon that be would be In Atlanta today. Col. Candler and Mr. dußignon are; both booked for Speeches at Milledge ■ vilje on Saturday. A great effort is! to be made to secure an old time dem- 1 majority in Baldwin county. : which slumped into the populist line! last time. HVK pent AM* A k I‘AM FRIDAY. AID Hk **NA Mil CBS ill ■ Bill Five Children Carried Away In the F’ood and Drowned. Remarkable Heroism of a Woman In tha Effort to Save Them-— A Great Deal of Damage Dona. A Number of Parsons in Dnngar Saved. put*t.iirg N.. Aug IS. A rkiotl buret up Mswtulll Run iktv motnln* rsured • ttttel wsv* to that MhMIU and sUttokgwred th* Uvvw of • doxett pet ■ jsou* Fir* children are missing and i nre Mitpoml la bar* b**u drowned (They nr* Iren* lorfius. H*gJ* Loft us. ii,n*tirv* Rbnwakusws*. Msrgnret j Hhsughnresy. Nelly Rusts Th* wn ! t*v in lb* mu began ta Hue Ihl* morn ' Ing and al > o'clock s gv«al volume ram* down. ll kct They Wvrt. The missing rhlldreo together w th nott.r older person* were standing on ih* poreb of a hrtek i*nrtnrnt hous* on Violet oU*p to Ih* rewr of Main , street near Wert Csruoo This porch overhang ihe run When s great wave twenty feel high r*n» down the porch was cstr e-l assay. They Went With It. The people wenl with It. Mrs. Imf ‘ lus made n heyotc effort lo ssve her THE FOREICJN INH-ICY. The National Conference In Session Today at Saratoga Saratoga, N. T., Aug H. —Th* na-, (tonal conference on the foreign policy j of the Unit'd Plate* o|wn>*<l today wim , an address by Henry Wade Roger*, of, Chicago, chairman of the committee on j arrangement*. Mr. Roger* *aid the conference cm called to consider some ’of the moat momentous question* In the history of the republic. I While i»»ace had arrived, he *ald. there were many s- rlou* problem* to b,- ‘considered. He refsrred to the close friendship between the Americans and the British, which would promptly lead i to International arbitration and final- 1 jly to universal peace. A reference lo the trip of the battle ship Oregon elicited, heoriy applause. Mr. Roger# said the principal pmWctn ] before the present ronferenowas mat of territorial expansion. The question of the Nicataeus ca nal was taken up. and Mr. Warner' Miller, of New York, briefly spoke of the pertsitent advocacy of the canal. THE PHILIPPINES. The Disposition of the Islands the Absorbing Topic. Madrid. Spain, Aug. 19.—The minis terial pres* uneasily calls the attention to the campaign the Americans arc pre paring for th annexation of the Phil ippines. The cSrtes meets In September in order to authorise the conclusion of peace, but separates before the peace commission meets in Paris. THE SCENE FROM THE OLYMPIA’S QUARTER DECK The Grand Sight Witnessed of the Taking of Manila by Our Forces. French Warships Kept at Proper Distance-The Hope That the President and Congress Will Go Slow and Fully Appreciate the Value of the Isiands. SPECIAL TELEGRAH TO THE HERALD. Manila. Aug. 14. - Via Hong Kong. , -The story of the capture of Manila | has already been told, kut the scene: from the quarterdeck of the Olympia,! from which I was permitted by tho kindness of Admiral Dewey to witness , it, was grand. There was no severe! fighting except al one point. Ihe > land firing seemed to be a mere for-1 maliiy to satisfy Spanish honor before; yielding. There were no casualties | aboard the ships and few were killed! an< » wounded in the forward line of j (lie troops. A Grand Sight. When the American flag was (raised by the army over Malate fort, a white flag was seen flying two mile® north on the walled city. The men aboard all the ships rushed to the aides and into the rigging and cheered, led by ■ the admiral. From the flagship it j was a grand sight to see thousands going at double quick along the beach, 1 often waist deep in the water. Both, Dewey and Merritt are greatly pleased j imim lOAN ADD PAVIBOB PANX. humsrn gp «<**»*« r#» **• f **» •* tout* lotft* I »•**#• wt am I *t « M t» < Wf. ***** *» rnuMhs , rhHdren. but tu no ptirpns* Naur >be mouth of ton tun n sand dredge t was moored sod when the meg tu It •St the wreck*** coming UoUto the strreun and ih* prop!# sttumliag foe ! life, ther rtnppol nil stas and went to i t be t**r t»e Th*v B os Rgved, The trrn and soman were cnrrlsd I out t »tt» the O tio river, bnt w» saved by the *»nd-digger# The woman had ! rsrtted 'he siStniret on of those who I saw the catavirnphs b* her effort*. She was almost overwhelTtd s number of !times, hut rath rim* if# fought off th* I debris and rain# lo ih* surface. Did riwch I'.image. Th* great body of water did much j damage. There was a heavy sad ■ oniinuou* downpour *f rata through out We'trrn IVnuayivanla ftom mid night until I this mornmg. and ron tlderab’e damasr was d»ne by wasb , miu and overflowing th* email streams. THEGERffIANS (lIUSTEXPIiAIN She Mty Have Broken the Law of Nations. A Demand May be Hade on liar After limey Reports. Washington. D. C.. Aug. IS.—The na i vy department has entered Dewey in 1 report at opn on -She removal of Au igusti from Manila an the Kaiscrin Au gusta. Both the slate and the navv (ft i srrni—iv the in- Idem/ front the Information now at hand, as a very .grave one. Before making an official da. i maud on Germany for nn < xplantation. ,*»n offlilal report la desired from Dew ey. At present the chances ate eery large- * ly in tavor of Germany being asked to explain the Incident If she does not take the Initiative hers If and clear her skirts of the Imputation that she ex ceeded not only the bound* of Interna tional courtesy, but was nrtually guilty of an Inftaction of the law of nations. At the (ierlach. New York, Au; 19. M. B. Baxley I of Augusta Is at the Gerlacb hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Burnett have j returned to the city. at the manner and the success of (he taking of Manila. Everything, from the Olympia getting under way to the raising of the American flag, was done perfectly. It was a magnificent sight, never to be forgotten. The Foreigners. The foreign warships remained away at proper distance. The Germans gave no sign of interfering. As the Olympia passed the British flagship Immortalite, (he lattet’s band occupied the quarterdeck playing ‘‘El Capitan.” Before the fight and after (he first no tice of altack, the British and (he Ja panese. ships joined ours at Cavite in a fraternal spirit. The Germans and French‘took a position apart. Now that Manila is taken, we are ready (o hear, that peace lias been made. The Philippines' future is a most important question. I hope the president and congress will so slow, and fully appre ciate. the value of the islands. The event means American control in the Pacific and begins a new era in our history. Juhn Barrett.