The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 20, 1898, Image 3

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fLATUHOAV 11l JIRIIRT PHI IQ. tlf |lr**U/*t urn •> lalßfAClNt'h Ik. »m In BMNbM «■<* * #wi kmnk **%••'#•*'* H —lp gj 11, t ~■■ * t «*Mtdh*« IfcMl* * pww-n* 'Tin*' in i.*#<i»*ltt CPn#' ixm n 4hMMR|p um* •mi* *mw ||||,>s t«* «NHNI Ml M#% fM **i •••• * tfTrm ftnijif XiM m&m *•* MM *M #NMf *• UlinMgl • • ft<« Y«*% *•* In MS pm* * •** tfcmCi.t ■•f’rMMl %m S I'M' *M •** M t •s«* *# Mi siM MMn Mn* khni mm tugs «4F i|» «m**l j> >#■ •»••••! MMNPP* r * MIX rtlinr * M fWM iwmMW*# Ml iMMWMf in i«# tii#n li mnvH Is iwn#*-Mi* mih 9 t*«» t M «M 4 *YHI iwil Ml*M Ml •Pi nf #•**• iMpMI MMMIMVM *••• INm* •.* tV« Ms Ml pm nliifiul is *M rstsi ** mi «M f»*f«t** •*• ««M* ** art tA— IMt* to *i»>tnß c* 'to b.*4 M llm flMFflt is It* Mi ifMPftP •• (M atp*-* ti** •*** Mti •**#»-* 1 • one sf tM MM tMfIMMI m ttil an tM bmki pnimlni *•• • TpMMa Vm i* It ha* ilmti to** • ■*"• *f tot** that * I**. —%#. rv—m tow* kto M«to h»— by ito Matting to *Hw to tfcw city —tt toto i>* toon 1* ad»a*t m* fit# immi *Hnrt to tlto tow* •.. iw * iwm l*ngt> to moats** MMI end— hi— HI WAtch n „ rv , known to Ito toortol ••**. bat whivh *w* not r'tihl* to nr '» cat ilww aha Aaebed a portirtilaf or ticlr en 4 alto i|*i»ft«* Mat aw ha* ■ tala la aeh th* dMtttttt «***M ••*»«• <h* groat (raahi* to FalfM 4—nß p la* to tom. W aw to which ib« he* ito Wt It I* sn.gkt pnaillj he iaitlM ill il,f i h*n«r4 The >awr<> |rm and (he elaborate «orh to (It **fH i |fWai 4'**4 tmiih* *«4 tolrcrvwNh* cm mm he wen la advantage to* tlto to laicc Tbss* th ae effe— to aool any where **c*pl a# h hacfcgroaad Tb» whale Mar* to one bias* to radiance gleaming fto— th* glittering gla— **4 Ih* fieri* ' hi* rrwMKMM ll tlto *rcr(aa* Hill. Fffert to S**cl*a*ae*'. By the act* »rr»*feato«t the «or* seem* to hove |» nto ih height, ieagtUi and brettoth. The ctoitag to to P*r rrui t with etobaftoe gwoilaret to twisted row *ll fMHo'ed a rani. clew.! heMthi -leading tiltrer. The rbhnJe- Itoi* we to sil**r >nd the ghttiee of opalraraot Unt*. The wall*, or ahot little can tie sees to theat nr* ed a trleery blue with * woeeo bor der to white dnltoe* and feat hem fcrr.a High up agaioat the walla, lining the *me oa both aidea. are elaborately carted show raaea to ma hogany with front* of plate glaaa. On th* right hand are displayed all the lovely p ere* of iterllng silver, the wonderful Colonial tea aeta and the great carved dishes and pint) era for which Srhwe'*ert's is so Juatly famed. , Icrnrortlately bark to this frent ea«e la a large full length mirror on th* ban* of which rows a matchless piece of bric-s-abrac. The nest rase Is devo- J ted to beautiful forks and t.poons and : all the namelosn table anlelea in silver, 1 pearl, mosaic and silver-gilt. Plated silver otetiric* the neat space. |£xqulsite Cut Glass. On the left of the wore, going in. or® two of these handsome rases dlvi- 1 tied by a large mirror. The first Is filled with clocks and rare specimens o( bric-a-brac, wh.le the second is a| dream in crystal. On five long shelves of 3)as.c reflected in a mirror lining the btek is the most superb col lection of cut glass ever seen in Geor giy. Warmth and cols.* arc lent to the toy crystals by the '-ccaslonal introduc tion of a piece of elaborately carved and highly polished brass. The mid-, tile of the floor space is occupied by the | lew show cases filled with smaller art:-! cles. the diamonds in fiont, the gold on the left and silver co the right. These glaes cases are arranged in horse shoe form so as to give the clerks alone access to the middle srta *O, while there is plenty of space for the shoppers outside. Modern Conven'ences. Just within the two great front win do>* are railcd-ln spaces for the watch makers and engravers. A space beyond these, on the right, is O 1 cupled by an elaborately carved clock In a bean Iful case, while that on the left has a large mirror and carded mahoga ny settee conveniently near the win dow for anyone waiting for a ear. In the rear of the store are Mr. Sch.velg ert's private office and the great safe where the valuables are stored a( night. The whole effect is brilliant, even dazzling, and the arrangement is con vergent In rhe extretre. The appre eirtors of both the useful and the beau tiful are congratulating Mr. Seb'velg rn l on all sides. Dr. J. I Terry, of Trimble. Tenn., In speaking or Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity in this vicinity." This is the best remedy In the world for eotie, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and is rec ognized as a necessity wherever its Kiaat worth and merit become known. other remedy is so prompt or effec tual. cr so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C, R. J»arr of Beil Tower Drug Store. A New Bath Tub. With bath tub enamel you can fresh en up your bath tub and make your harh a pleasure. Alexander Drug Co. skII it. No trouble to apply. socifir Elm ions. It to* pt*B| It (*« VM ltd lift* fsfwilut itotfthf. Bwa»»# a tot haga’cd* v«#a# Ik* tttl: . -'#«• IM# m ryUi n.i ‘t,Jf Ml | TVfcw mm*mm Hi* J-.dtin ■ jfc pXMP tuilMf fiiir-:l| (htiimHi f§|R'94|Mh«h tM •Nk #*'i* 9* tt*« (Til | XlNßill t 99* Mk% <>»tito im»* t«4ttfgNM| fywMl • Hf #|wr||i 11l HifXll IP IUM iHWJ^., Hf •'•’ftttomfft fillfli mi «l th lh*« fIPPS i ftl«*jfi#• Iff*. M>* Ht 41V r* J M«*« 9MV «V> Vmi *mm %t«if * ;Mt ft «**• Ml 99*pMXVllL M 0 twQWfWi* \m Mm K*<» 9Vffc, *«f litpMMl, *«V* «mi« I—»P *mm«| frVwM Mtv, Mi fr» | Ht« Mm W»l%^ iytiPfMil «t * m ti sW V4ii» -M> tM M tm ' Mr* M*l’Ni*t»i «f ■%| M)*« IHcatf *** IM 4 Itrv p%*n *• , t\<* family as Mt Aaa dtrlt tM hat# w* Mpaaiiu aa M«att W. j Mim MrlV as MU, «• . V o« a tVI t*> Mr fraMfllM. Mr ia• MHVr Ofram* iM Wirtii ***** lira W AlrwtM. aV* la* V»a *»a* t'a* at Al um. la »«a al lit fliaaa Urtar WMMa Vi, Mra. R*»IH I. Oaktaan *n4 rfe!l4rr»a , Via frtifarl la Ihr rftjr aa . irlalt la frliflrr* aiwf frlrii4a |ip Rartaa. UmlavtlV aod Urrrp a Cut# ti*. A RifrdM Departure. Th»> man) frtfiMts *»f Ms. m 4 Wm Si Butt in hear »NI tfcrjf j jwtll Ittvt il* etty it*# flr*t of Hr|»i*w-! jlwr # «r uti ihiwiw. Sir. fltitl j I*in/ railed on »«r ■*# bu»»flr*i. Dancr« Instead of Cards. 71i. (*r«>cnostl'silofi of fhr am tat ***a aon ot the winter of 'Si and ft In An* j grnata i r # that daore» will, even at |,rt- j va*e four*»a. largely iu|err»*<l<* the rar*l liartt.-* and receptions of other *ea»i»«ir. Visitors Complimented. Mr and Mrs. W. H. ffDwd ruler- | ! talned delightfully. lasi evening. at their beautiful home «>tt ihe Hill,ln h*»n- J nr of Mr*. ISmUo and Miss Halil* Black j |of Havsnnah, Th* guests were enter tained with dancing and music lo a late { hour, when delicious refreshments were served. An Augusta Musician. I Ml-a Ms Jcante Benson, who ha.i re < enily returned from New York, he* ' rtrfln'ie v decided to tour with the M"t jro|toi:fan Concert company this wlnt-r. | Hhe w ill return to New York ghoul * the middle of September and cotl"nu* I her murie study until January. wh'*n Ihe romfany will leave for the West. Miss 111 neen will he in Augusta again In the t. rly spring. Where Noali Kept Rees. [ Dr. James K. Hosmer, while recently j visiting Bostcn. had oci aslon to visit .the new 1 public library. As he wi>nl up .the steps he met Kdward Everett Hale. « ho asked the doctor's etrand, j “To consult the archives," was the reply. I "By the way. Hosmer.” said Doctor ! Hale, “do you know where Noah kept 'his bees'"' i "No." ans'vered Hosmer. 'in the or!: hive," said the venerable preacher, aa he passed out of earshot. Cost of a Crown. Few people arp aware that ibis year Is celet rated the diam >nd Juhile • of qn en Victoria's crown. When her MuJ o«ty ascended the throne. It was founi I I hat the crowns of her uncle,s. George IV and William IV, were much tco large for her. and accordingly one was ! made to fit her head exactly in IS3L (This Jewel Is valued at »1.700,:M)0. I: contains, In addition to a number of large specimen stones, over 1.00’.) bril liants and 1.000 rose diamonds. The queen has very rarely had occasion to wear her crown, Indeed, the only Euro pean sovereignty who habitually wears this symbol of power is the king of Sweden. The Nice Young Man. It Is quite useless for either man or woman to expect perfection. The man who will not marry until he gets this will necessarily remain unmarried. Me is a sour grape hanging by a twig of obstinacy erf a wall of great expecta tions. ond the only thing to he sail In his favor is that he has missed the op portonify of making some worn n mis erable. A young man once sai l to a friend 'I am not going to glv.* myself away when I marry. The fortunate girl who g. ts me must have three qualifica tions. ’ “What are these?" "She mu«t be handsome, rich and a fool." "Why all that?" "Well, she must be handsome and rich, or t>e I won’t have her. She mud be a fool or else she won't have me." Before purchasing a pistol Or gun, call on me. I can save you money. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker on Jackson street, established 1890. Cl ÜBS IID SOCUIUS. mmmrnmm imfttt tat If* ftgftiiM fw dr fun Natl** . «d*« ’Uto* < h*w*» Mto • ****** 9»Ma iMi Tlv IlirfMV* MhNla Mlia. tiha i9m : ti iralii M-.xNtt ITpV 9»ai<mMa9 ■ hb t a* ■ iparpipp •*••■»ippa ®*a : ’rap a#4 m—liiHy wwaMa ti M paml pama •*» IlNm# •%» pat a > ' » - -**— - » to.- to | tomto* M I ato i Pa*a m f*r *m | : mrypil rrmra*, ami Viva ***»ft«4 am h j •iw frill) i«fh« a haaXn<l at hriag M>m|i~~ , » ♦*_ Pig«gt*i Ito ittofttor • !*«*}• t kf* Vwdvvv Mwk vtwh Th* Vnton Mato* (Tah dltow* I : :#4 fa* th* eaMHOcr aw May SMh Th* tarairapi rfnmm*Ma#a ana all as palpi * j <•* at ib* hr*( JMwary OMtoihg stod : pf«M*vd*4aiihth<df *n**giea»«-*t» tad*. ] s P*wd*wMy to Huistw air* dag*. *tc ' Th* prrwat year t* ynxiw * ocat, ■acrMifat car. though all felt h**w . ly th* depart or* to th* vatavd and •*- ywN* prod*os Mr* K W Ototalwf ! Th* *t* *aa*rfta gtv*a to#** Jhaaary IM wIH b* h lktwrd by thrr-»*»n*» taOc | tahrr. Kavetahrr had ftri *mtar r** •p*ctiv*ly. Th* Chic.tar coacert I# Is * ■ ih* h*ad» to Mom Mar* Kmcv» sod ] Mr#, tm Plumb. Jr. th* prn*p»rt h*- . tag to* rrierttno* from oa* to th* cl***- < • leal iom peace Lah< aid# Ush, tt I# • maitrr to ualvrrval regret I that there all) he no acre concert» , gl«en by th* L*h*#ld* CTab this mum 1 11 has hern the intention to tbm* hsv tog the metier la rhara* to continue the** raorrrtr late Into tit* fat) twaaoß. bid th* attendance at the concert, was mi amalt that M was bought best to I discontinue th-tn The aosall aitend >aniw war probably due to th* fact that only club members are admitted, and that the aiemberahtp la eompoaed largely of man who rare for the ath letic cpport’inltiea to the Club rather than for Its aortal feature# The men I who have attended the concerts are utry much few#r than the young wo men. who would have enjoyed llatenlng lin lb* music from the cool vantage of | (he pavilion had the opportunity of do ing so been offered. iXfa*. The Civic t rogue. I Certain Indignant rltliens are trying to urge the Civic la-ague to Inatat upon Uhe city authorities enforcing the or dlname prohibiting the throwing of water and other articles from the win dows of residences to the pavement. Two ladlea walking recently on a resi dent street harely escaped having their | handsome gowns and hats ruined with 1 water and dead flowers turown on the! ! pavement from some vases in the up ! per window cf a large boarding-house. Evidently the person throwing out this trash had not Walked before doing so, | and had the ladlea been a atrp ahead j of where they were, their dainty toilets j would have been deluged. This Is only one of many complaints made dally, and the League will doubtless make every effort to put an end to the nui sance. The next meeting of the Civic League wi.l be held next Monday afternoon, Avgust the twenty-second, at six o'cloik. At thie meeting Mr. Berry Benson will make his report In regard *o placing a receptacle for loose papers at the postofflee corner. Young Hen's Christian Association The enlargement of the work of the Young .Men's Christian Association till It touches all the Interests of a young man's life gives abundant reason for the optnblir.bment of a free night school j in th' Avgusta Assoc!; tion, which will open Cc'ober 3rd. This school will be known as the Y. M. C. A, department nf the Augusta Free School, and the object of tho school is to give to the young men of the city who work during the day and have no time to devote to study a prac tical buriness end mechanical educa tion, The branches to be taught arc as include a thorough business course, with phorthand and typewrit ing among the ftrdles, architectural and mechanical drawing. The several departments will be In ] the hands of ablo and e mpetent In-! structors, and the outlook for a large rtlcndnoce is exceedingly bright; In fact, it now looks like* the school will be crowded from the start. This school >"111 fill a long-felt want. In this city, and will, no doubt, be the meanc of assltmg many of the young men of the city in not only securing better position, but. in enabling them to get much larger salaries. The di recto re of tli" Association will cv r ri every effort to make the school an ideal one, and It is safe to say that \ the expectations of all parties o: neern- , ed will be fully met. Any young man, over sixteen years! of rge, of good moral character, will be admitted to this school without any j cost. The opportunity ie before the | young men of the city and those who ■ need a better education cannot do bet- J AUtItJBTA HBKALD I tag i(has tab* %#>»*«aga to R ***** SUM Bo** I*Ogaa )h|ed % i «*. %» ‘ ■ i #Nfc4r' 4K ‘ -r Pp# Vi I 9* 1 * <f9 Mi gUPPu PW 'kV- #4Xi fit 4W«i Hump*# . tpM"'*—* M Va®)* PPf'f INrMlf* x ! ki—itf |p kkMptfP iVM M#f is»m ■§ j mVMVih *4 V VtoMMfllm ktpVMl' ■VI |M f|Mot ||l«|p Pump i Mi mmm* * 4 iMV WNMNM a «b : -*4HP V Ml MMAMNi aI ~ !Vf MM f#£s *«n| Mpk * *<# flffM* ##A •fa hii.aipt»« «Bh Hi* Batidfv to "Mt* j***f M o*-* nto* ntav Mh has to 1 "I ItoMaa to tytoNod <a*o* *«*• raportad tVTMPfMM llpftMflfcA tPMPIf IMP pf [ fpfX 4Pi AP4«MMMI iwp l-totoNitM-' ftitPliMm »*• »Pp<p ®*wii ip<v t'MpfptofVP *sf mviiPIMMMMII 4Pi MM' ; U.iP'iMi *«»• ffplMip# P4MI ll* pwMfP th* Hit Man** rastit dims* to IM i htwty and Mat* t#wgo* to it*wrw»* iho* thto with ph»awoirwal *•*•*#* oaf M* Jktoly pronto to th*tr *«*# They 'ha** mat grill r ■ Aaoouah* to Pmw», It ta th* parpen* to th* faatra* t# ' cniUif* iVW •rkmC twl ppfit *ll M Cto .TTUst actor famine, aotn ih» 'A fto'lPfP |ff» V Alto fpf* IVPI X#*l to Hl#haw-ad *oo*l* Mr* CaMw * toast valaahf* tamMaat ho* M*a th* IlsWel iwaati 1 rag* under th* ah’* •«**%■*#* «r«' to Mra W M tturwett to i aparta Thta I sogwe ha* done otort* i worth. tw»poadtnt titwrwMy whew aid I was awm orgeat and holdHM theta **!**• la readmes* to reader farther ' sstostaae* If are*'—ary I MolOrM*. with Ml— l.»ita fherce at 1 the head ha** alao resnonded to Ih" ■rail and 100 asorh >Stmre he said to the ! uwttrtag effoeta to oar worn** In behalf |to Ih* soldier boy* The Chiton—thi> Cfoh. Th* t'hiloa—(hir Club held Its last I mm tag to the wwaoa oa the aftrroona jnf June IM. the arewsdoa being partly I literary and partly aortal sad lavtird [■—is *a«lt:ng the attendance to a*ar- Ily double Ih* Mnb membership The I meet teas will be rvsoaied oa Ortober nftb. th* eittoy far a«st year being American literature, with a back ground of history Very dainty I ttl* programs la yellow and gold hare been distributed, and the rlub members, abroad as weli as at home, are already preparing for the year'# work, which promises to be most Interesting, center ing around auch writers a# Ralph Waldo Rcaeraon. Washington Irving. Sidney lumlcr. James Russell Israeli and others. One feature of the rlub work during the past year la a matter of special pride to the members, and that ts the aocress of the "trarellng li brary.” Inspired by the reports at th* elub convention at Rome, Oa. last fall, of good work done along this line by many Georgia rlub*. the ItillomatlCc collected and shipped Ita first boa of books so Tteraella. The following ex tract from a letter from Mr. Brad Mer ry. of <bat place, who kindly undertook the circulation of the books, and re turned them not long since. Indicate the good that may be accomplished In this way. "I ran truly say that this loan or good reeding matter to thia section has ' been a charity well bestowed, and tlm benefit# are lasting and of good char- > acter and met with a very hearty ap-. preeiatlon. These hooka have been' rend by almost every family In the neighborhood, and have contributed to, the enjoyment of over a hundred In-! dividual#. The good they have done In ' developing a thirst for good reading matter and a desire for Improvement is simply wonderful, and a matter of j astonishment. «s to some of (he peo-1 pie who aak for them, when we eonslri- j er their environment, and (he limited j means they have had tor getting a j knowledge of hook#.” The Phllomathlc, In rommon with ihe other women’s clubs, in this state,! fa looking forward with much pleasure! ♦o the next annual meeting of the j Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs, I which w ill he held nt Columbus, Oa.. ‘ next October. Enthusiasm, good fel lcwahinp anil bright Intelligence al ways mark these charming symposi ums, the delegates returning home en couraged and Inspired, full of new plans for elub progress and for the enlargement anil broadening of club In terests and sympathies. OASTOXIIA. Bear* th» K<nd You Hava Always Bcujifit MR. A. A. HARSHALL. , His Trial Did Not Come Off in Savan nah As Slated. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 20.—The case jO£ Mr. A. Marshall, who tvaa arrested In Augusta, and brought bark to Savannah on charges of swin dling preferred by Mr. A. C. Risdon, jthe Atlanta representative of D. Apple- Jton At Co., publishers, was not tried In jlhe city court today as expected. In •order to allow Mr. Marshal an oppor tunity to arrange for a settlment of the several cases on the docket against him the trial was continued until next !Friday. In the meantime Mr. Marshall 'expects to be able to get sufficient money from relatives 111 Baltimore to settle all the claims of hi* creditors. He Is now in correspondence with members of his family. Mr. Dub has not as yet taken out a warrant against Mr. Marshall, but still there are three other warrants—the one sworn out by Mr. Rlsdon ami one by Mr. llob Hull, who hold a worthless draft for SSO, and !1 he third warrant Is sworn to by Mr. j Gordon Woodruff, who Is $. r >0.27, for ! which he holds 0 draft given by Mr. Marshall upon which he has never been able to realize a Pent. I Send your prescriptions to Alexander Drug Store: they give the best service and purest drugi*: ® HI. II ?# Mil Util to Ittot U< 4ft*fh*t • hfrl l|a% tM fin* • Marti Naff and la hotoo* ltwM< fftotowto M# AfßßViiai W tV* ; -- •HVI vfl VNXhA >ww>i» cMtin *i» m*% fNi— »v»4» tP-v 9Mv* * . Mwii ami •4mabbH9'4 V 9-jf .tpspcdk' H*«y*##w| tpPVAf IdMhl pftl tv* I9VNI fR<M fßllMl <H > |VM| Alt' MmkM r«HMi Vx# 4 m% fVhfl mM *'-4r« fHiii<h44i V# mwm . H# j <M tvt mmm tm tm •*%#*'«! mmmtm \ *O4 44 Ml —a A* ha Hi *o* ill Malta t4——at AtMei Bryad to to* —ai» »vton«M»y. ah* nmvad beta 14M thaw day, says he *s4t Mr Beall ta rasap ta —d Mwffh M» aw* ***** pßkt—d aad oarpt >—d H> Mhh that Mr BMwtii I had srristo beta «*h A Meratd rw pv.w «sitto w Mr Matlr# twwtoeae* oa b»w«y tlreswe *tr**a thta morn toss, and wo* tatottwed t hat tt wtswOf he tot Hi—tate Mr httn to is— Mr M—li th* d—*ar ws* there wnh that yoong gvwftesoa* and lha’ the latter had a very h«b saver Tht* will M 4»*p ly rtsgrettnd Iw Mr ItswnH h—g to friend*, who wtfl aastowriy ***M news, to bis IMutvff. ll m oat baowa whab** Ih* fever is typhoid bat Mr Beall to a trr» tot omb j Me —vo— totaled the regiment he w*« with to Marqq and cag— on t« AwaoMa front thta*. i Me wss In a —flow# rondlthm when he grri**d her*: I It la sincerely hoped that thw pop* , [ ikir y—mg man will sunn recover Ms— i ips attack to fever rnntr—red whit* serving the govermnent to ibe Har—td Oraryta ft to (earned today that U. Ranck ra. to (V K. Catil Rerhl'* eomnany. Will shortly he ho—* aaaia on a fur !«*««»> . PLEASANT EVENT. l’rogrr»»i»c Angling Party Itown In Saadcravltlc. Special to Th# Herald. gandcrsvllle. O# . Aug Jto-One to Hi plruaant evenu of thr present social seneon was a progressive angling par ty tendered Thursday evening by Mis* Nora Hopktaa, complimentary to her guests. Mi».< s Mamie and Jennie Ram say. of Itublin. The occasion certainly j developed some remarkable anglers, j some progressing twruly-one out of twenty-four. Tltg priaes. a beautiful’ Amy and Navy Portfolio, was awarded j to Mr. John R. Veal and Mra E. K. West. The booby, an angling outßi. was bestowed upon Mr. Hy A. Iter-, ntann and Miss Jennie Ramsay. After the contest delicious refreshments were j served. Ttic Invited guests were: Mi.. Sadye Tarbotton. with Hr. E. I- Holmes; Miss Estelle Cohen, with Mr. Hy A. Hermann ; Mis# Florence Co ben. with Mr. E. H. Sullivan; Mis# Shelley Cooley, with Mr. D. Newman Wood; Miss Belle Brown, with Mr. R. U Smith; Mi— Mantle Ramsay, with Mr. Ixxie Ua&htnskl; Mira Jennie Ram say. with Mr. H. E. Cohen; Miss Anna Jones, with Col. Hugh Chandlers; Miss (iunsle Joyner, with Mr. John J. I4lV ett; Mrs. M P. Huntley, with Mr. Frank Smith; Miss Pauline Hermans, with Mr. Units Holt; Mrs. K. E. West, with Mr. B. H. Lovett. Stags, John R. Veal and T. A. Wicker. Ausrusta Trunk Factory Trunks repaired by expert Trunk-, makers. *43 Broad. B. 'Phone 21*1. J PI jJY fILL pi!sl C^ ASS G ROCERS * 4 “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour, Guaranteed.” m. \m ti to. flrt AntMd light Ihidhtn IK*i HftoflgHfiiJgß, ths» hw« Mart) «• nm Hoto’S—»•' mifciKtoOf• iNtkfH |#hK t%«- 4RmN4 f |H»I |#l44«ff' 4 fl**#®** | Xph* «itd| ihfrtKlK Id - tilllK # i !r*ik<b |g4t% Mi #hM|INM<II44 t«V|d t#»»t> > •<—aga»» jataad that tag | •**! sod Mi the gtottw aagaaiaatt—’ | O. t atted bM» arm* hy th* —i to icagt l—rtca caaMOoad Mt pnty iw*n liM #4»ii •<* S H» *!«n (tuft#* IAmH j -* »M InM 4IMNM )«• P*mmm h»* r'.g Kmhbui I >*»*w by I'osta item Mr a— ta th* a* l (As C •*• dlagttgatotd. th* tat*east that had always b**a taaatfswtvd hv th* m«mh**s w— lock tag Thta w»* Hot »tl*S— U boo bo*O th* ro— with j all mtnito jogaottatina* stav* th*' was beg*# However, th* ew—paay hod a eoptai* i who toah areal grid* ta hi* rammsait ; tapt- l<ath deter—toed that war at —» • war. hi* enmpsay •b*.*ld ho ihrvaitto !op ogota. ll* rallto a mrattag. That meet log as# held The o—o Hi th* <nmp*or *c»t to aaeh la All th* Vaahs - They did well Aoath*r a—*»tag wo« held ta*t night There step* foetc 100 men pee—at. a epirwdid showing coo , til** liltW* iilfiwi it)TQ ko# §4 fnHHa?t <®kiimm Th* rap** l * • delighted at the goad work. New life as* bring rased ttl : icd lata to* command All nhi»r> were, ; present earept Ideal. Sro.t who t* now j otth the Tenth Immaaev. Ill* vacancy : will he Relied at the neat regolar. monthly meeting. Non-commi—toned nfftcera wen , j elected last night. The list read*: First Sergesm C. I# Thorns# Second Sergeant A P Bnggs. Third Sergesnt O, W Palett. Fourth Sergeant - > Fifth Sergeant P. Thomas. First Corporal-- W. Faun. Second Corporal- W Ormk. Third Corporal- Jack Wright. Fourth Corporal- A tax Hiukina Aaoibrr drill mr-»iing will he held on next Frktav night and on the ffrst Fri day in September the regular monthly meeting of the command will he held. The Intereet shown In the keeping up of a military organ! tat lon by the rolor 'cd soldiers speaks well for them, ('apt. lark haa a One company and th* rompany has sn excellent captain. The irtmmsnd will soon receive bark their gtms from the state. The boys, on their i«art. will order from the well known uniform maker*. M. C. Lilly A Co. new j uni forma. Capt. lark says he wants 82 men In his company before he will be satlsfled. OF TWO EVILS. ETC. Batker —I can not make up my mind whether to go to war or to remain at hom. Mrs. llalker—Don't let the fact es cape you that should you go you will have to face Spanish bullets and per haps sudden death. Balker —Oh, yes; but If I do not go I will have to face Augusta biscuit and a lingering death. By the gods, 1 will go! If the lion and the lamh ever lie down together, the lamb will probably be missing when the lion gets up. AUCUET 90 mm up n hr til N* li«f%»« (jyauitat* Fm tIMM ftohi T*4m fh# Fvaeo ha iH—fsato and a bn ago sh a h —del twdap u* a»a I * «*h osto rsMP—ur aw aanwaamg «„.#*mo *O4 etwcOo to b-*i aog FNryntotoa a— 4 >an a **•—• toOoo *« ’» 1 uto. a*w **— the ay— !« set #4 Feme 4 M—phy A (O, t | WMRAT ' *o*o rOsan. I*o*4— Ms— ri, » S 4* M ft. «—*w* , ihmhm HM 41 Id w.|.n —Os* m to Id to Id t~i i ii Hint rmhhrßM » Id ta Id to M Pefde— to* „ „ * to S to •—.»(— .. M M M H IN Ito • »(•<#• . .. |ft Iff .op— * «t (l—ah— .... .... IH 4lf [Jsower* «od Fetowory *toto to I to 110-h aod April •• ~ . 1 II I to M April and Mar All >l*ll : May sod jso . ~ .. tttttll •It juts and Aug. .. .. .. t M It I* » tt Aon aod t***d .. .. .. All U • U iPep* ond net .. .. .. Itt ll to Ito tt jtlrt. aod N#v All to to Ato to !toov sih ttee. .. ~ .. Ito— IW tier sn! Je» ..... Ita — At'dWT* I’uTToR. Mktdllna to Auguslo todoy .. .. .. 4r. |H AhßEUto’ % IrIr) I* •• •• •• 8® Iter—pt* to A—<• today .. .. • tt at'#■* i.n Hand io Angweia t ..lay . tttt priRT k»‘tCifT» ini tayf ito Oalvratna .... » t«tt HI New Orleans .. .. *tt M— * Pavannab II HI n Jt , »* Sl—| _i_q. 5 to won— PhMadetphtn - ll » COR ll,iao f«r <■ rva hou—. hath poatnr. chin* (M— sod con seraaiory in ■d.liiewc— slan born sod carries* house on Uw premier* This d—lrebl* property l* braird at No. ltd Msfbury Miwt, beta# emir* y new sod stwcduiel* per fee ( cnndiucm. Kessonsbl* terms. This ts the hear offering of th* essaon. TO RENT hlorv No. SM ( ampbsil street, good light end ventilation. Dwelling No. Rto Ur—n* etrset, I raynu. P. F. Me AN ALLY, Real Estate. Library Building. Show Cases. Show Cases BSS WE SELL *» a "» ?!i'£sHOW ' CASES s <NBi SHOW . A '-,V SHOW CAHfch • ’ AhU KINUs • • CASES BHOW show CAats ßi* Stocks on lland ,:A *“ SHOW SHOW (AHEM CASES bhow T h"J Howard & Willet BHOW cases Drug Company, cases Show Cases. Show Cases