The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 20, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATURDAY 6 COAL- COAL-COAL VbfttH f*<UU f; WfAtt. MtALMft I* i J#lttco iTMt •B«T CRAOIS OF B» u e G»m Jtdlco *"*■"* C»9oiAiT*lß rßnifli TTimr AT ~,r ,ow, M —~ MHmm ***’»•• • • **»«■»!' •mf'f*' CITY ICE COMPANY. i * s ■' ■■ ** k * ' ..7 «V (i*^* r £ k, * By ELLA BUTLER EVANS* Till *VHO»T SMRT AOAIN. When ib. Woman'* R lit ton of Th. H*mNS I**l fall. It it* marked thti the artfH** in ih» P*jer rs « triii ifc* (nufll the < a Mina f«wr IflMI w«»*t fatmtnthiii, mi • brick* Ha f r*»lumn hjr an Inlenpily fHfff yoijtmj Atiftsta arumaa. Rvrry* iHint that rwi»#i from that f*ar<tr»l*r Uift<* 1 |M»n k«* a chirm all Iti own. ißd thin k|h-« '.«) ti tlf I ■ mr even at» »vc th* §vrngf «»f maintained un* *werv.n*U tijr th* young writer. l»ul It la a*fe to My that what made it no* IlfMblP wm the fart that the dealt with viR that of *horter wailttng aklrts for women. Thi. iht-m* 1 itruck a popular chord and everybody amr Interested. • Now the papora all o*« Ihr country •re advocating mom and more strongly walking skirl* with loss * * e -ping pm pMiatlrl They i* seems to Is* quits a wav* of .nlhuslaam In Ihla dire* thin, and It la hoped that aomrlhlng will ao»n ho don. to tnakr skirls thsl do lot drag, or oven touch th. ground, not only pormlaslWa. hut .v.n th. cor rect thing for all out door .x.rcl*. and »v.n on th. city *treel» in stormy wea ther. Muring th. Ailanla reunion, when, ns alt who att.ncl.d will moat reetlngly rrtncmlier, there war# two fearful down pours snd the entire elly was deluged, nn ohservaltt man said that for o'noe he found the half grown girls Infinitely more attractive In sppearanc" than elder sisters. The gehool girls were trim and neat, with dainty skirts vntourhed l>V the sticky mu;l for which the (late City Is so famed, whil* the most rharmttig toilets of the older Wo- j men were Irretrievably spoiled hy the Mark borders along the skirts' hem lift ed above bedraggled petticoats and un tfdy looking shoes against which the wet shirts had continually twitched. ; Ijteklng that exitulslte dslntlnos which ts the chief feminine charm, how could any woman be fascinating? In a very popular Journal, devoted. In vart. to fashions, there appeared re cently the following paragraph: "It did not seem very gallant to see Mm always walking the paths or the woods In front of the woman he had asked to accompany him, but, It not be ing her heldt to look out for slights, she assured herself he had some good reason and dismiss*<l the subject from , her mind after the llrst walk He was attentive In the mailer of aiding her up and down steep places, and he nlso expended time and strength In clear ing branches out of her path, so she was justified In overlooking his persis tent walking before. It chanced (hat, one day a girl went for a wood wulk with the couple, and as the guest the woman insisted upon the girl preceding her along the narrow trail. Then was revealed the riason o( the man's chron ic forwardness, Tor nothing more mad dennlng could be Imagined than the shifting skirt of the girl as she moved up and down over the Inccllvttles of the trail. Safety and comfort required a continual observance of the ground, covered as It was with exposed tree roots or tangled underbrush .or bits of broken rocks, ho that the person walk ing could not avoid seeing this per petual bobbing of drapery ns It trailed pver the ground. A question put to *lie man revealed that walking after a skirt through a narrow trail threw him a sort of frenzy of nervous Irrita tion. The season ot the moment offers importunity for any who care to ex periment to test the effect chronicled.” "That man did not hesitate to give <vay to his nervousness,” said one wo man. upon hearing the paragraph read, "yet he would, doubtless, with others of his sex, he glad to devote hours to the subject of women being only bun-i dies of nerves.” It was not the question of nervous ness that seemed important to the wri ter—it was that of long skirts. For out door exercise the skirt that bobs and drags over the ground Is, In the very <•# ft#*#*. IwMlk •Ik*#*# sp4 |S6* j «fH# r**Si**B #■*#*#* t#H •* ISSf tfctßT fHfii#** tmlM gStrfit 'UIR la* o****m T’Nii . I« mfaf ffc» 9* 9* *•**• *•#•## 4 &9t •«*■■■ 1 i§ nmrr ff**®**# spp>Nil*4 !• tik tfla* »f Hi#- SH#MMI I# jj**** 9*4 IMW IMaS I ffiii# «k'«<’flit m 4 ilMit i4v*t 9944 MIS i naA * f«*f *i •«« Ran a# |l#i wmiwsf w j **•#*#l* f.lftP f*«® . 9 |* »**• **ww». , thm # «|vit a is tr*m •»•# I Oft THI MH fill Ifs CORRHJT I N«*ft**v* |<* til# ar«t «M «i«l nf U4iif» 1® m*k* iMMtiiNI iMt \ lttm»« mint i kr-ft iniitlf woHliff. la t Iftftt ItlKrJr f<«r»rt I M4lff l*<Bßt lfi»4 ttt j Th* f»* art H#it vtiß* > 9t<'4 a fm aril* r4#« that will *«' V* th «BiM anti r«w»- j \ nwntly rarrt»4 around Th# h-uae* iilfc |p alaaya , Thl* may via th p<cli<*ta HIM *l*l paper* of 494994 li,i jijh ntfififf t>»»*#i and while thread, a< Ippora, l*utt«»«a. *t»<x> and court allitif live voluiitaera In Culm have found to f-rntert the aoldler a fare and nerh from the aim Thle ahould h# mad# of deep, with a narrow hem at the hot- Inin anil mda. Ihe rla.ttr whk*h lit* •round the *up In run through • flat hem at Ike top. A rhamnl* or l»la«k leather l-tlar llnel with »11 allk. and filled with thrlr foreign rnrrrapnndence paper and ■ n Indelible pencil. makes a welcome gift t<> tho * Idler A toilet r»f of lin en holding const*. hrunh. »ponge nap, nail die and toolh-hruah. la alan uae ful. Thera la a renalant call for w-*veß abdominal haSidagea. and thnae Unit nr iroeheted are heat. The moat welcome gift of all to th* #old|er. aaya a woman who know* ahnut thcae thing*. la a box of pitch eatables aa nre not In*luffed in the plentiful hut plain army fare. IN OAY NKV' YORK. The following contribution for the Isugnette la from the graceful pen of u foimer Augusta girl: Six—boom--*>ar, War-war—war, Extra—extra—ex-Ira, tra. You ate In the ‘'midst of alarm*”— you are 111 New 1 York. | The newsboy runs along heaide you, pushing the "extra” Into your faee: I you read the startling headline, and. If you are a stranger, you buy every j "extra" that’s issued: If you hove been I hole three or four months, "extras” | don’t bother you-you know that ”l» reported” Is at the bottom of the page, but you do wish the boy wouldn’t shove | trtom Into your ears and nose and mouth: you wish someone would Invent 1 a well, what would you call It? then It comes to you, art extra protector. You smile, as you picture the non-pa trlotlc chappies strdlllng down Rroad wny with their extra protectors on—a kind of hoop-skirt arrangement over ’their heads. i trie gets to be terribly tired of extras. ! And I. even though a woman, turn lawny from goods marked "an extra bargain” or ’’extra cheap.” and grow weak tit the sight of melons or peaches I marked "extra fine." i You ran always tell a stranger In I New York—they try to look at every one th- y meet and Into all the windows at the same time: it’s an awfully hard j thing to do: one goes about filled with | wonder and an Inexpressible fear: see ing so many things you never saw be- I fore, It makes you feel as though ov jcrythlng possible hail been accomplish ed, really nothing else to be done. Somehow you expect to hear Gabriel blow his trumpet at any moment. Of course, that is a stranger-ln-New York feeling: the trouble with people who aren’t strangers Is that they never )think of Gabriel and his trumpet. Sitting, with hundreds of others. In 'the old church of St. Mark, and, see ing the casket draped in the stars and stripes, borne down the aisle by men who knew what it meant to be heroes, 'one thought again of the little newsboy I out lb the street, of the pictures of T,n 'Quaslna. of Santiago, of the heat and the fever and the graves In a far-off land. And the sun. shining through Hie stained glass windows, east a red glow over all. seeming to tell of the blood that was shed. And from a heart that was aching went out the cry—War. war. war! Coming out of the church, we picked up a branch of evergreen that had dropped from the casket. Dozens of people asked for a "bit of It” as the souvenir of the first New York funeral TH«J ATTOTJBT^k [m| « Ini • y ihd m |||s •*| ) i| -11 m: •»■ *M Ln. « nr »f gfepr. ###*<**s! *4 tf.mtrtifSf -* -tit. fT%*A Ml t m-m mm ■"win** I|MNI f* * a * A* * *«m| • 4*9 \ 4 id* #■*#* *#• > **## £■■■ ’■ v *%■■ * d 9 111 * K-iMM, i \*»*»* i'» '*** h m* *T* I *Tm|l *•«*** %m* 9 4 V•#-*> » Ikgrffi- himt fAwf -f| ■: - a t>-f ■■■£ <t9l ' mhrm 9 mm «*# f#9 ►**’««»% SAP*] ,9m mm* t*m *nmi« »** riA «#4N»< I | mm%m *#tmm i 9» **wip | g g ajO *#V| |ni ||r 4r| | 9m> 90tv-9Jti r*f fliHi A* t*H IlliVf *9 999 I* 9*99 trim. Hii*i>i *9O *if f' r O9 til* 9(*JI *999 i l**n 1 lAdlnf* *o**» 9* H— -1 All, »ut |r<Hl Mu i*> r '*9%+9 yr>H mftli MfßtratM *n<t mull* 9 ** N»* »o hr '«• * lmm tltnr to th* f**m «* (Houvli th# r*kim M *»1 .. •«Mr*thrr «nd M 4 * H ** M Ats **lr th+lr * k.n4 of *HK*F*f ™r»* • I ww w ** ” «||* Whrvt nflrr * i on ||| # v*«f h *t klallH«tt*ll the rockets* red ghiro ■»«! '”>mM hurst lag la «tr," you feet that It t* ~u' y good thing to H*» •u‘* *° ** Nrw fIJUtA BOWK AHMMTI.' iNQ. "ritKK nuui. 1 (tend your addresa to H K Burklen A Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Or. King’s New Ub fills A .trial will convince you of their merlta. j These pills are easy In action and are particularly effective In the cure of 'conatlpatlon and Hick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to jthe stomach and bowels gr-tIyJ»YtRP. Irate the xystem. Regular .lac .eat. iper box. Hold by Howard * WUUt. | | druggist*. POINT! D PABAOKAPHS. In most eases there i* more fear than danger. Some xw«d raced girls rem nd one of powdered sugar. Fiction Is less strange than truth, because wo meet It oltener. Some things are worth waiting for. but It pays 1° *° afler others. Tho man whose only thought Is fur himself has but little use for brains. A man understands women when he understands that he doesn't understand them. A man may try to make a widow think he could not help loving her, but she knows different. It Is said that women are more for giving than men, but men equalize the matter by being much more forget ful. —Chicago Daily News. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved In six hours by “New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise oti account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In bladder, kidneys and back. In male cr female. Relieves retention r,f water almost Immediately. If you want quk c relief and cure, this Is the remedy. Sold by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta, Ga., 612 Broad street. The Rand-McNally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the size of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Each one has a marginal Index and a page is devoted to the Hags of all nations. This atlas is timely and useful. It Is not for sale at the stores. The Herald has arranged for a special edition. Readers may obtain a copy by calling at our office or sending "0 : cents. Fifteen years ago William Glenn, of Powhatan county, Va.. was a dark mulatto. His color has been gradual ly changing ever since, and now he is white with the exception of a few spots oji his face. GooD iacK BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BEST. High#** of A>l In L»«vcn- Inir Pr,»*f. KCAt. I BT ATI: FOR RENT I s|# fin Ait H»«w( • jmiwtrn •« • Bit ft# I s¥t tlrio# {Stf«*t, S 9*o*9* m «• |B HI I m tthmS HfPrt. | liurtlli „ # « «... I# 4B I *“•* fl. AVfMpt ff |mi fAA «i t . » IS SB M? Hn*4 Nf*M, k f**m* SI B* >fAR iiton I i -mi tr» IB SB i tu/m 'fmifm ff §1 Mky I ff §*mco*9 BB 9* ISB fi#>vrH(t> 49r<r( •• •• •• •* •• |S Tl 10 Ml |#4 ftrr**«l ww»» •• •• •• *• *• •* AS |A M ASf ftfoAif Alrr*! •• •• •• •• •• •* ifMrrulii* fJMITOA tfl movrllkHlt I Thr nhnif list will l*r rban«i4 tmm John. W. Dickey Real Haute Agent. FOB S-A-XjBT 459 Greene street, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. Will sell at an extremely low figure. Also house and lot 456 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK. Real Estate. M 2 Broad Street FOR SALE: |BH have for sale Tery desirable baild ius lot loaded in ihe centra of one of tbe handsomest blocks in the city. Will se! name eery cheep. Just the piece for n handsome residence lor your lemily. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 1337 UREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 212 Bth Street. FOR RENT. The Store House, 312 Jackson street. now occupied by W. Edward Platt, embalmer and undertak er, will be for rent from October Ist, os he intends removing to the north east corner of Jackson and Telfair Sis. A nice dwelling of four rooms and all conveniences over store. Apply on premises. SAI.K OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Companv will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of ixnd on the Hari:sdnville Road, m blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o'clock p. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. Ifr A|, |t»VAf|;. j TO RUNT. M *1*1« H tftMi. f * THE REED HOUSE At HANtIM I Rfiff fat iW *rlltni of f it* M A IN*# M* I*l*o ri*M#P 90 j I *o* mmrn m 90**9m mm ib* *#b s oo »m# BAm ##*««* * I #* <• •*»” *o**9* I 'iMHk ***lo9 •*»*•!*# «#o**o fm* 9bm*»* #o# lt**iO to | MRA M A. kKUI, <k jAML t i L> L* ** jssiiii ■ti ■ t «» * ** *'* WB. I». HI %IH. il/ilir¥r; flout* 9*9 OtiffMll tl»«* *•• LrriMn tut IM h*%* IH*# * jun H**9* rouKI 9*n M Indite*# to A#oy»t tb* i44H«l)ioA«4 mttb# »**in. Too It Ml oo «**y U» f .*inil* 1 r t)s* aa* Hu no* ts yoo wont <*f» \ •-***&* a«i# y«*o can rr#o« r tt»* b**t to Any 0*- j gri* vof itfAir* The Atm* oitfc yoor \r<mm- If tt I* p™ ooickty. r*m Um t «»**# t« »*fwn !l>* o%*n #* '»f and mn th* rl»k of (AAlHfi# »L Toa con j rtgithk y>ur rtnft to suit yoor meal, j Tie Gas Li(kt Co. of ioiisla. el IHO.D HT. rtie Whitely / j Exerciser. i A practical, simpiaand X efficient Home Exerciser, L-Sk IA nite.prcially adapted for IJp TA ladies and children, but \ AA at the .ante time can he XT>-BV \ ' profitably used by ibx //T*rr|X \ \ •trongext sthieta. / (j J® Vw PBIOKS: / Jl Id V 78c., Ri.oo, »t.aa | I ■yll JUrYTLES— CLKVR. I ! \ I-AND.s. 740 up; )IK- I 111 Hit*B, *35 np; t.KX-I L'KONS. *lfi up: THOM- j LJ AS. *AO UP. ' all sod see " l -r--T—< thera. Bvsry one guar- 1 1 I an teed- jUi-l Richards & Shav-’t JHE IjERALD MOLDS THE RECORD. ITS CIRCULATION iIORE TITAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT SOUTH CAROLINA and GEORGIA. Why-Why BECAUSE IT PRINTS THE BEST NEWS PAPER IN ITS FIELD. _ - “A Newspaper those days must grow on j Its merits as a Newspaper.” The Herald's Wonderful Advance and j Growth Proves the Correctness of the As jsertion. If you have a hair raising story to tell, always spring it on a baldheatle man. If you lend a roan grass seed he is sure to come around later and borrow your lawnmower. hPlfpPAu MUlltiblAH Charleston IW Carolina At* ##Ba A a* AIM! * 9 Ml*#* 99*9 t % 94*0*0 m pO#MA Aitfi 9*9* I t * *« , . ;«X4 | yP|PBB| * **#•* * BM«bap “ »•**** Imß WSfo99t4t »«! «** *t**t«| tMMBB' «h I ** JBvBMB * •** •' 99*9tm *♦*»»*** [ * 90*99*099*9* *»#»*«• If *9-999 # ***** I4* 4*9*9** ■ :+*« N*»»»»ii i % f t t *’**99 j lAt mmHli f 9 4NMP **•* #♦» ] : |t 499***** * > ■»••***■#*«!*♦**••** I B.J&BBM I At Aamßß .*.««. MMMitf iApB I * r#iirjStu.fCV-;;;;;;i******* 1 1—** imym I * fl'riM M in tA.H—i ] I * AfkM*tl4A*«*a«•••*••••. ?*•*• It MiA I *****"**••*'*•••••’ !»«♦* ««« i»MMB j t #Bfl t*etß BMP* 4><y> •••<• 0099 I 99* *o9*9* *• * •#• *9 9i» 9*9o* AA B A. L IKm «. t *9€* A* At A* AM J 9***o *A >. !♦ [ tfl I 4«* AAp* At *o****t’§ AHfc rfAAA*VA MA* A's 9** AAt tA#> ; 4VAAtiAA f**• **** tA A*A*iA •ANA. mM#Aa*« MAfc. *##IMA A J fkAltl <*i* r*A Ait. I H »l*2ritt Mlamb** AA tl* H AIM I t riAtr jjgiif *» 4*9999* Bt BLUE RIDQE RAILROAD. H C BLATTIK, Mac##* *r |*|| | (Amw Liiv* PM AH j? SB I S# T ...» D»ftm *.. 9 1:41 U:*J jc• ff |]( )J ~, I’**’ • llt h'tl % U 0 *9 It Ad 4R f fl 9 U It M t % I:SS 24j... ICNACA .. A I B'li! 1 I \ #*39f | A f*,. tSB .• • WAlUftlA LI AM CM | jLAAtt Arrlw PM CM, NoU St> • Wo li XaA I 0. Rtctilir f PM* Milton I All FAtiuMir tmliwi frAWi An<S*r»o» t* I Walhl!!t May* right to trmrti o**r I rain* *f tb« »»m* dan movtug »n «»»• poalte dtre.tlnn. unless otnerwtas xjwc | Will also atop •< follow lug ataMona to take .m or let «IT passenger*. Pbla eey’x. Jam-a Sandy Hprtngx No. 11 conneetx with Southern ratl way No. 13 at-Xnderaon. Nos. t and I contneit with Southern railway So*. 11 and IT nt Sesiwca. J. R. ANDERStIN. Superintrndent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tNOfiTIXr AND gCH KEPT ROL’lh TOIHR EAST AND NORTH. SHORTBST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE EAST AND NORTH. I 10pm! Lv..Augusta, Ga..Ar I i:Ki*tn 3 09pmj Lv.... Aiken Ar 1 Mhrn 4:l7pm| Lv Drnmark ...Ar j * 17pm 4:sopm: Lv Oraagb’g....Ar j s:4ftam 6 ngpm Lv..Sumter. 8. C...Ar ■ 4:29am t:23pm! Lv.. ..P'lorence,... Ar ! l:lf>am 10:33pm; Lv...Fayetteville...Ar I 1 ltpm Sttlain! Ar.Peter*burg,Va Lv 6.12 pm 4:00am! Ar Richmond —Lv i 9:l2pm 7:4lam Ar..Washington..Lv ! 3:4«pm »:03ami Ar....Baltimore....Lv 2:25pm 1135 am Ar.. Philadelphia..Lv |tt:oopn> 2:o3pm| Ar.... New York —Lv 9:3oam Pullman palace buffet Bleeping car* from Macon fend Augusta to New York without change R. A. BRAND, Gen. Agt., 723 Broad St.. August*. Ga. T. M EMERSON, Tram Manager, H. M EMERSON. Gen. Pa«*. Agt. CAROLINA AM) NORTHWEST ERN' RAILWAY. Schedule In Effect, March 6, 189$. Eastern Time Standard. Leave AugutPa, Southern Ky. 9:30 Arrive Chester, Southern Ry .. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoif, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage.. 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARDER, C. F. HARPER. P- A. ••If You Want to Make Money, Move ii the Company of Those Who Are Flaking Money." -'' _____ I SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HL3 SON STARTING OUT > IN LIFE. i-5 • J r :’! ADVERTISERS WHO USE THE HER-' ALD GET RESULTS. • WHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.! oKDKtt Yin:; COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guaranteed. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Belt ’Pbope 2X64 Stronger 365 1 AUGUST 20 a*it-M»At» <N9*»«trOt ft« S. t 16. FIIUKIT CO B#o *#-fl#*#** **• o*** ft *4*o o*o 4«9» if *++*+ *. ,1, U O9O If *♦* *in * *9*f* •* • 0 A| « gjp || MN*- |« j * • i>. ‘•■*9 *0 f 'fcfr A -'n % • # idkffff * > "it* i 9*994 %j* 4*m*oo* 9 99*** I* 400994 9* Bill ali|* M l 111 %14 K4MU4M ff a . _ i f __a _ff |_ 0 p i •-J * 000 V <MVB As 4 i*oo*m* * • *4* s 9904 I V 00m *+ 0 9 PNV *• 10**0000%. 4 1 i%* i* |%Vh** 4* IBmi Bi f;.f • V's, j B ) | V .v*s4«'f|i t f 'l** * *9**99 • W 9999 %Mh*m * 111 499 km IJMMh I rrn TltH U T lin . itM# Xlßbbb 4m*9 4*+*m*9** » - * **■*#*■ -*99 *t ff |ed»f ■■ 0* m 9**4 4**9 ■* hw* f t 4» 9*s ■ #**•* • «ti ti*# « *-* ** *• m&4 0* 9*4 tmm *a 99mm M M9IB, I.# nURM <«*« «n M litflk f. o.owi**.fc *•«•» 49* o*m***.im ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. %r r*-«rot turn* SrtW«C.I«U»»MIM*. 9m irrr f’l**# IW« ***** imm *** *m* rrntrnm sru MMWiiUMvU. IMM IMIf. Lv J*vUk». P GAP Ry. - *JP Ar 1 " ' «-P; «»»* 5;. 1 j*5 * 48J ii 2L r,^ r *- ** ..I «»p. i•» By. i IS?' 45S - r::”:::I **9, n»p tZfixZ'Si&ff*: .. I *5: *5 *22* . j~*7? * «u; t if* • 73. - I *Mp| 7 la* a* L n t || ’*'* m I 7 « **• Ar.wk.u. Ar l.rven-'-ro wmp a m 9 Ar i : t” r 7 r ,l.i H 11 Ml. t «5p IT «“»' *»» n«kk ! SSIitTSS * s?* vUrkT u «•* v-. n *. « ’ ' ’ Hatty. Hally. I*r Kw York. P# U H. 4 12 l-t»l •* H,. hi* j 6 66r» 850 4 * M*»» :morm ! V aor BBl* Lv Wa-h't«n. 80. Ry . M> 48 j* 11 19 • Lv^RicLtmud I*. lun* 12 01m Lv DwiriU* ft lift 1 * lftp hr KorfoUc . ... j • 35p -.a.... Ar (IrwaNhoro ft 45 a —. Lv «.rw4»usboro 7 ttft n 72p ** ClurloUf , ujj6a ! 10 9)p - Mo(*ii him j hi a>» n - Che»t«r Ift ftftn U 3T? ** WiowlwM. .1 U 41 » 12 Jft » Ar Col'bu MlAn*r* «t t!2 L.itti 187* Lv. OolumU* to *i*p t. ! 1 Up 4*D* M JohnMim*. ...j 8 ispj ft(M» “ Trenton aOftj ft 26 • •* Onuiitevili* ... fcifttp 7 t/7 * Ar Aofti»tii > * B■ * 1 Asf.evilJe Lv. tyiurtnnoarff U 4t)U: fl Isp Lv. Cftl , btft,&()k4tt».ft j... .1 8 00pi 7 00* Ar Chfirifaton .. .... 4 6 10pj II 00* Lr~ Col’hi. .~F <~AP. R r ' «». 12 47 a ** Suviamnh 4 <Ti*■ 60H* £l r JarkNonvitlr P» p! • ti* ftLiiFiiS cab >i;rvk k. Ex silent daily \nsnrng9r -arrice between florid* *nd N*w York. Non. 87 *nd lt*~W nAhiogton and Soutbwcetern Limited, toolid YintlMM trail with dining mr* ami nrat oliww «x»*ohc?7t *<»rth of (’harlott*. Pullman drftWinc room dpvptofeMi' between J*okHt>u\'»rte. H*v*niiAh, w aching ton keeping Cara between Charlotte end Kifhmont!. Pullman drawingroom sleeping f'ftrs ne tween (iiwivboro an«l Norfolk. C’losp «ion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT. arriN*intf therein time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor <’»rs, between Charleston and Asheville. Noa. 86 and -9—V. H. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drnwing worn buffet peeping mrs be* twe**n JiveHsonville and New \ork and Pull* man ear* oetweeu Augusta nnd Char lotte. Pullman weeping ears between J*ek aonvillo and Columbia, en route daily between jaeksonvilU* and Cineinnati. via Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, .7- M. CULP. Third VP, A-Gen. Mgr. T . M.. W»,hln*ton. y GJP. 1 A /Waahtmton. ” tfe P. A.. Atlaata. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189*. Pullman Sleeper, between Macon an* Netv York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St, Louis. Lv Augusta ..| 7:obain| 3:2opm|lo:3opia Ar Atlanta ...!12:36pm! »:20pmj b:ooara Ar Macon ~..|U:lsam| I * :4s “ m Ar Athens ....il2:lsprr*l 7, Jopm • Ar Cfaln«WVlllel*3:4spm| Ar Yvhite P!‘sl*l :00pm| I"-;■ •••» kr Milt’ge’le .;io:loam| I 4-30 am Ar Waeh’ton ..jl0:l:)am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevtlle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta s:l* a. tn, 7.45 a. m., 1:20 n. tn and *:!S p. ns. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. 1 JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A.