The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 22, 1898, Image 1

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HAVE YOJ ANYTHING YOU WAN! TO *AY 10 IMfe LAMGttIT HOBttlHLt NUMBfcH Uk AUUUbTA PEOPLfc7 IMtV HEAD THE HERALD* «* ***^ iAfWau i— ■ i%| *—ot MNWI —< *m+t*m*m Nm» I SOUTH END HOTEL TYOEE, BURNED TO THE 6ROUND Futl of CuMit at tha Tima. But Ail Got Out Safaly. Though Scantily Dressed. A Live Wire ami a Pine Cai»n« Owl the Work— Bohan * Nat Lose N About «20.000->CuatU Lobe Clothing and Jewelry—Will Bw Rebuilt- • ta TW M-vo-d ga ••*•** a*.,, Aag a *»•** In Ha*** T,*a wb«*w tm •«** im«N *r a«w«m #»■*** MM' gaodav. bar**l U» —mm t <•••—• *wd fa— «—twgw* —• «u A «*• Wtrm and a Mi— —«M« ltd *b* —t Two eaMggn are —m» taft Tba i—r—iw» m •»—• us INl—it •»«* Tt»i» a v— kr n Mm DR. BROOKS OR TO CUBA AMlfcrr Aixu4a Boy Killsis ia tW A rat. rw Is Appoint* J • funiiMi aag la At* allwad to O— y. IV Harry IMu. of Htutuk. h«> W«n imkAMml otff~r la llw t'atlad fun* aom aad *ill l»a»«* la a fra data far I'M. Tli«« alii M-arnr 1 wHb surprW by Ihr dortnr'a many frlrad* law la bis —4 Mw, fur n»— taww that ba «*rm VaoMilriy roa*l<t*Tv4 *u< h a thing as «*t fjrias bis aarvtraa la tb- g«»-vnm*nt |>r Hi»— parUMr. Dr Oroaln. rv r-lv-l aa army agW**B*al*Wt a coup** «f mnath* ago. and !bl» has doubtless taapir<-*1 IV Hroobr ultb a drairr 10 join hla frw-ad In his heaftaf aad cura tive miaatca In I'll ha. Dr Hroofc* *lll I—** far bla —* Held of labor in a few day# »-«« *i« wv pr.,haMy run up bare lo aev b*a family before so -1 >lng. THE MANILA CABEL. It uin Working Order A gala-TVs - isgei Received. Washington. Aug. 23. Tbe Manila call- U rr paired aad la operated by the alnaal corn* of ibe Vnllcd mates armr And Intlmatloa that ibe rable was ream working wa* a dispatch from jjrui CoL Thompson. who telegraphed t.en (lie*ley (hat he had repaired the cable altfc materials take* to Manila Mlih G n. Merritt* army. Two day* after It e message from Thompeon, a ta* eatgr mi received from the presi dent of the cable company announcing that the Manila line ws» again In work ing tnlei- A r.yna, r. rps has been sent with -v --ery eel act amt which ires ordered to r the front i <h a complete outfit so that i\hen tt" i my landed at any place It ceeld hegirf iperation* at once and very aeon pi an* the government nt Wa-fls- Ingioc in o n municatlon with the offi cers ia the field. EIGHTY SOLDIERS DROWN. A Portion Bridge Clives Way With Disastrous Results. Buda-Prat. Aug. ft.—Yesterday while a regiment war crossing a pontoon bridge ever the river Moron, near U ad. the bridge collapsed. Three hun dred men were immersed, and eighty were drown'd. TO PAY THE TROOPS. Wfuhtf sten. An?. 22. Paymaster Grnera! Stanton has ordered three pay masters with fluffs to go at one* to Mnr.:lti tc pay the troops there. They sail to San Francisco in day or two. THE STATE TAX LEVY IS Sl.oo PER THOUSAND MORE The Rate Was Announced at the State Capita! in Atlanta This Afternoon. The Increase to $6 21 From 5-21 Made Necessary By the Increase of Four Hundred Thousand Do 1 - lars in the State Schooj Fund. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 22.— The state tax levy was made today. The rate is 6.21 against 5.21 tor ItM ( fc-M a A bitli THE AUGUSTA HERALD. miM# Yt M* m • t— Mm. Me ► «gb< it# *f*f*»* thf— two ban r«w— Ibe DM (T—i us added a »*itaw aad i—'lag" l ' Ttaw —a aga (be a«« agdi.'iwß bk* bet ia «b# m—aa M« wa* rebaift- Tbe b— at *■ ba g— b* k a—da f.aer (bag *ee* fkabaa w— hast »t—wtiwg a Dae sea aaa Tbe bow— w— (bit as. g—a lb* >l«re a— an aged wUb eraat ctaibag aad Jaweiry. Merb gadivaa b— bta diaaiarad REVIEW BY MKIRIiEV Hf Amiiif it li<fffi (k SaiUap km). To On In Mnatauk INd— the Latter Pan a* (be b eeb. •pedal to Tbe Herald. Pi are, porta lUoo. Aug Xt —Oeaerel Miles decided today lo leave Porto fti> o aad reiara to «h t atted glalea. Two mem her* of bia slag will a.rumpa ajr hla*. Agaalarda W Ithdrawiag. The •rtMcoMWli for the cvacoatSoa of the Is la ad have reached eut h a stale of (ompirtion that there will be little left for the fatal ('omreiaetoa of the Hpamerdr and Aaierkaas to do The •tanlarda are withdrawing their forces from all tbe garrteua towns, and are roacent rating them at Hen Juaa. Iho >aptlal, preparatory to embarking for bpe la. Both Armlea Mold Outposts. Moth armies, however, maintain the cut(«<aia that they had eatabUahcd fust prior lo the ar.nounr-ement of the res eat tea of hostilities. The relations between General Miles and Captain General Marlas are grow ing more friendly. WITHOUT A LICENSE. Case on Docket Against Louis ftcCiow Concerning Hills. Mr. C. It. Rowland, the bill poster, has made a a.-*- against Routs UtGow, rharglng him wilh dlairOiutlng hills without a Ih-enae. Th.- rase will come up tomorrow before the recorder. CHARLES EDWARD PRATT. A Noted Bicyclist Passes Away In New York New Ycrk. Aug. 22,-The death In cunonoced of Charles Edward Pratt, tbe founder of the Bicyc’mg World, the first j ret lrientof the League of Am erlcan Wheelmen and a pioneer In cy cling. SIOSBEE PROMOTED. Advanced Three Numbers By the President Today. Washington, Augy. 22.—The Presi dent has promoted Capt. Sigsbee, now comamling the St. Paul, by advancing him three numberß on the list of cap tains in the navy for "extraordinar heroism.'- THE WOUNDED. Corbin Asks Merritt For a Full List. Washington. Aug. 22.—Gen. Corbin has cabled Ci-n. Merritt to send a list of tli' wounded at Manila. last year, an increase of *1 per t.iousand, which was made nec essary by an increase of $400,000 in the state school fund. Shot Him Out Of the Pulpit. Negro Fanatics Fire Upon Rev. Fletcher Through a Window. While Services Were in Progress. Horrible Crime Which Ha* Been Reported In the Ea*t a* Have Been Committed In Georgia—The Mlniele.- - e Wife - * Reason Tern porarily Unstrung By ths Fiendish Work—-Arrests Made and Rigid Prosecution to Follow. Now Y«rh Aag 22. The A—*aa MtaM—mry aaerwsaMM ba* f——«m>, dtapeerbaa ( ibat Hot i. Sj Ptvieb—. a OiugMgpHggal mhi—vr. a»d oa* es t*a mtw>H«an«a ha» ■*—» j abet ab.l# to orgaa— a rwogy*—*lMMi Chare* S 4 to r o*. wbMb * •*»— m »*— fro* b«* ho*— a. Magma o*. lie weal ia Mail** a —lt of oortwitpuagagtw .'owrevalag the or—a tstag of a r-b«rrb which ha* bora ear* THESE BRAVE MEN WANTED TO BE SOLDIERS AND NOT POLICEMEN There Will Be But Little Trouble in Arranging the Mustering Out of the Volunteer Troops. The Boys Were Willing and Eager to Fight Under Stars and Stripes, But They Are Not Anxious to Become Scavengers and Watch men in the NeAf Possessions——That Is the Way the First Georgia and the Alabama Boys Think of It. Xaf’iinßifa. Auk If.—Ttaa war d-- paitnu nt nas not yet made out the Mat lot regiment* to be nuittml out of ser jvtee, but .a In eonstant rorrespo idenee ivi.ii tlt. vn.ioua aeetlona of the roun tiy upon the subject. At brat It was thouKht the t in and ti remain In aertlre would prnv • em barrassing to the department. pi ao SPANISH ARMS. The Ordinance Itepartment OoitH 1 Want Those Taken at Manila. Washington, Aug. 22. —'The ordnat*f ! t ffiiera ere relieved that they will not ' have to fear the amall arms raptured Ut Manila, which. by the terms of vur ' render, i re to be returned to the Span ish soldier* when they evacuate the city. It la atated by officer* of expe rience that it would not be profitable I for tbc fn'ted State* to Been re ammu nition !iti[ plies for a different kind or i gi : n. where there were only a small ‘number, tuch as tha*e captured nt San ilago or v|i>h might have been cap tured at Manila. If flfty or one hun dred thousand stand of anno were ta lon then the United States might work profitably in the matter, supplying them with ammunition different from the rego’ar arms which have been adopted for troops and new In use. They believe the Introduction of arms into the army of different make nnd calibre would do mere harm than saol. STABBED IN STOHACH. Private of First Delaware Injured Saturday Night. Comp Monde, Middletown, Pa., Asg. 22.—The wat-'r at Camp Meade is pro nounced by Surgeon General Sternberg as originally pure. More wells will be sunk and th" supply will be sufficient for the entire Second army corps of 30,000 men. The movement of the sec ond division of the corps was begun to day from Thoroughfare Gap. Troops will be forwarded at the rate of sixty ear loads a day and by the close of the week It Ip expected the First and Sec ond divisions will be in camp. A pri vate of the First Delaware ivas stab bed in the stomach In a riot on Satur day night at Hlgbsplre. Another re ceived a severe stab in the groin and a third was struck across the face with the butt of a musket. STOPPING THE WORK. The Spaniards Halt Their Fortifica tions at Gibraltar. Gibraltar, Aug. 22.—Spanish engin-1 eers who have been working on the fortifications on the west side of the bay of Gibraltar have been ordered to Madrid; and the batteries recently soot there have been ordered to Mad rid. .. .. AUH M A. HA r**g aw hw —owtal a—a*ha Wbilo ia, , t— pwlpit b* *— *hw< ibrwagb a ala 4*w bta lw4y batag *t*dM w«b Wi: ! bwrktbal *a4 aaoaral a—all abed*. Ha wtfo With tbe —l Of wiboca. pa* | b-at Ms a baggy aad look bua *», wdiea b Mi* rv«4tima m aodnu* aliboagb It la raprai*d lhai bo will moot— O— of b * woawtiaata h— boow arrcMo*. Tbe other a ba* a bora la sted sag it ia believed they .*HII b earrewteg la a 'many troops desired to continue in the service. It is now believed that tlwre baa been a change of sentiment an t the uMrrri and men of the regiments see no possibility of further fighting and are willing *to go bark to tbclr voca it'on*. t Horae want to go to the now pnases j sions, tut others. It Is said, see no PYIHIANS GATHERING. Indianapolis Will Be Full of Them By Tomorrow. j 1 odianapclis, Aug. 22. The bien nial mecilng of the Supreme lx»dge of Knights of Pythias will begin tomor j row with ©very section of the world j where there is a grand lodge represen ted. The national encampment of the I uniformed rank formally opened this j afternoon, and nearly ten thousand 1 uniformed men axe in camp. The Sti i premo Temple of Ka!blame Sinter* opens Wednesday monring, and the at tcnc.ance will be greater than ever be fore. The Imperial Palace of Knights of Khoorassan began this morning, and will last four days. The Supieme I/dge of Pythian Knighthood wilt I open tomorrow. People flocked in j from all pads of the country, and this afiernoon all sixteen roads entering the city had numerous extra and spe cial trains. FOUR PERSONS KILLED IN THE RAILROAD WRECK The Big Smash-Up on the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Last Night. Sharon, Mass., Aug. 22. ln the cx- I citement and contusion attending the i clearing away of the wreckage caused i by lasi night’s collision on the New ! York. New Haven and Hartford, it was reporter’, that seven persons were kill i ( ,/t. Today it was learned definitely that the total number of killed was four, as follows: Franklin M. Waters, Somerville; Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick. Boston; Mrs. C. H. FYye, Revere; un identified "woman. thought to be Mrs. ! c. H. Bristol of Winthroo. Fifteen peo j pic were seriously injured. TREMENDOUS EXPLO SION NEAR CHATTANOOGA Two Hen Killed and Six Wounded Badly and Probably Fatally. Chattanooga. Aug. 22. A tremen dous explosion at the plant of the I Chat tan co ga PowUer company, Oolte wab station, 18 miles from the coy. killc-t two white men, Lucius B. Ka kin and Harlon Jfortchke, and woun ded seriously if not fatally six others. After the explosion ,be plant was de stroyed by fire. i abof* Mate Mr Tleirber** wife w— f*m4*eag ! lempnrartly iwaa— by Ibe mrename, j j bet baa regbtaeg bag nmmm Re* i Mr. Ptercbav aaawearea b»» perpo— re i p—aarwie ibe at wbateeer: I rwa* 1» biawelf Tbe ****wig- aaaalL l *—• are aw>4 la be r—nteg aglrlaW of a Mnbogiai rbwrrh, hat tb* oCßial* of I— aaaortaoaw* are careful la atgan Mc'badiaaa at aay rwapowa.MlMy fat the ;rrH—. gioty in policing Samiago and other raptured points where there Is noth ing to do. Home troops are aim tweuming weary of camp life. The First Alatiama, I* la understood, has been sclerted for mus tering out at its own request. The F.iwt Georgia has asked to be mustered owl. THE HAND OF DEATH Mid on Five Homes In he City Dur ing the Fast Few Hours After s lingering Illness caused by consumption. Mr. Dan Callulian passed quietly away yesterday at hi* home, No. 1236 Marks street. The funeral, which was largely attended by many sorrowing friends, occurred at 9 o'clock this morning from Bt. Pat rick’s church. Hr. David Maxwell. Mr. David Maxwell died last night at his home, corner of Center and Bay streets, after a week's Illness, of pneu monia. Mr. Maxwell was in the em ploy of the South Carolina end Georg ia’ railroad, holding the position of emotion master. The funeral, which will be conduced by the Masons, of which order he was a member, occurs at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Mrs. C T. Hucliet Mrs. C. T. Huchet. nft"r a two-weeks illness of malarial fever, died yesterday evening at her home, corner of Broad and Center streets. The remains were taken to Orangeburg for interment. Mrs. Margaret Mulligan. SVf'rs. Margaret Mulligan, age 74 years, died yesterday of paralysis. Mrs. Mulligan’s remains were shipped to Hampton for burial. Annie Hay Wllll-ms. Annie May Williams, (he 18-montha old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Williams, died yesterday afternoon. The funeral occurred at 5 o’clock this afternoon from St. Patrick’s church. THANKING HIM. Warm Letters From the President and Surgeon. New York, Aug. 22 - MaJ. McKinley has sent a lette to Charities Commis sioner John W. Keller, thanking him for the kind treatment of the soldiers left at Bellevue hospital to recuperate. The tetter stales that the treatment ac ccnied the sick and wounded has been the very best they could have had. Sur geon General Sternberg has also writ ten the commissioner, thanking him for the treatment of the wounded and s : ck. 4— Mr. T. A. Durkin left today on the Southern for Ptttston, Pa., in response to a telegram announcing the illness of his father. _ I ron naUAN a »t*« HtAllfU AlO M, rbg* PRETTY HOT SENSATION COMES OUT IN ATLANTA Cspt Bradley H*s Money Belonging to tho Machine Gun Ptstoon. The Men Say They Have A»k*d For the Money and the CapUm Hasn’t Given It lo Them-—Tbe Mat ter to Be Laid Before tbe Military Authorities at Washington. Spatial ta Tbe Heeabl Atlanta. o*. Aag. N—A big aawaa* •«w M Ai wata w*iWw»Y c»v»*a «wwi* fa HaWI Mb) cagf pfbdley. aa* ta| lath of Manny A, OaorgM anlMerr aa* raptaia at ibe Alla—a MactM— fka IHlmm*. —fa— t— oar betgaa Me la bow r bargeg wllb Illegally bw-4 , tag tv** latowgiag la ihM ™**w4 aad ibe war Ae—nawwi sill be aa**« *a UMUu bin ftowi ibe gectlce. I Tbe my at Aitaala allow* *h» 4a rbt— a— Ptaumw t» a—aibiy l* pa* INSURGENTS ” Alili RIGHT Tfcry Have ArrrjilH Ike A»erir«i Terav A gains Mo - * Men WIII (Hvs No flora nr a- *- I IDMDIC. j Hyrrltl t«* The Hctald Manila. Philippine Inand*. Ayr 22. A pnxla(nation issu-d by Oe—ral Mer rill aulmrnucai to Ihr rapituulailnn of Manila a aaurr* the Inhabitants that tb- Amcrtrana did not com* to wag* war on tb- p-opt-. hut to protect them IB tb- -Bfoym-nt of thetc property. *m ploymmt* and t*r»nnal and retlgtoua tights. Tbe munb ttial law* aver ting i private right* of p-rain* and property, regulating local Inalltutlob* and pun lahing erttne. will be continued In force an far as It Is compatible with military government. The*— law* will b— ad ministered by ocdlnary tribunal*. Of ficial* will be appulntod by America a. HI (he |mift of Manila, and all plaiim in the Phlllppißc* In lhe ai-iual t aaaaaal m •of Americana will be open during A mcrlcan occupation. Place* d ■ntli dto • worablp. arts, aeleneca. rduealion. and llbrarli-a, mfrßUinent* and archive*, will la* protected. miliary Commandant. General McTtrihur ha* been oppolßl vd military enmmandanl of the walled illy. Th-ae appointinent* have also he n mad*: provost Marshal. Gen. Greene. Director of Fiscal Affair*. Col. Smith. ■ of California. 1 Deputy Provost Marshal for North Pasig, Col. Ovcnahlnc of the Twenty- Third infantry, assisted hy Deputy Smith. Deputy Provost Marshal for Pasig. Lt. Col. Whittier. i Collector of Customs, Capt. Olass port. . I No official administrator of the local haw* has yet been appointed. Gen. I Anderson hss been sent to Cavite, hav ing been detached from his command His principal business will be to handle Agulnaldo. .... A Little Ugly ' The Insurgents arc u little ugly era I hundred of them have deserted and B.e trying to enter the city. Anulnaldo hold* the waterworks and ha« cut off the supply. The city Is In K reat need of water. Agulnaldo has i promised to open the works condltlon ijillj. He has made eight demands on I the Americans as follows: CULP TO LEAVE THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY That Is a Persistent Report That is He&rd in Atlanta This Afternoon. Going to the Louisville and Nashville as Assistant to President Smith-- Other Changes of Southern Officials Are Expected— Stirring Up Things in Railway Circles. Special to The Herald. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 22. It is reported here that J. M. Culp, traffic manager of the South ern railway, has resigned be cause of certain diffornces with other officials of that rtthd, and »«*• fgMR# l«Wf * I **«*<• (PtfHifMg IW*pWi*k ygS*/.Va| . tm «t* w ***%» IIIMV9S 104 k *M> n*% KMtgfg -*•* anawry fswi. Tbs snwifgwy ba* b—•* wnwgytag tb* bows*rat at tb* aa* ragwal a* aw a»wmr> fw* at ibara* It m rtt* tga* tbat tbadtry nlb»bd lbta waawtbtf uwuf b* bw* Mi bta gw»- savataW Kd* bvkiwatwg M lb* coga pawy low.aad baa braw taads fag «b*a atawvf, aa wwatbw* of iba rntßpaw? •at. 4ad M baa wot b*«w baflbeotbtwg. rowtp Uwt will a*w ba a»»d» ba .ba war wtadorM Itotdbf I* a* « barb* •mama Hi* 44* at tb* Mary is ya» t* hr b«»fg GEN. IWHiES TO RETURN Ilf Will Uart pgfit Rif* iM R*- lar* it tbs l aiiH MUfv Arrangement» Making far E.acaatbw by the Spantab. i ftpei lal to Tbe Merabi. I Waablngina. D. C., Aag. 22. -Tka Pieatd-nt baa •»«.- nied lo r-vt*w tba array of S»n:iais« al Moalauh Potat. General Rhafter will he at Moataub rotnt during the lattar past of ihla werb. and also Ibe whole army, with the eaceptloa of a corpa of Ibe men la tbe detention camp*, who -111 not be allowed lo come north unlll after tb* required period of prahatloo. HinPHREY JOHNSON. Who Was Sentenced to the Pa*. Ma lioa* for r New 1 rial Tlte motion for a new trial In tbe ■ aae of Humphrey Jobnain. charged with murder, who was sentenced to a twenty year* - term la IV |>enllrnllary some time alnce. will heard by Judge Calloway this afternoon. Tba rase wa* to have come off this morn ing, but owing lo the absence of Holirt i tor Davis was postponed until the gf jirrnoon hour. Johnson is rcpicseatad jby Mr. E. B. Baxter. "First. Thai the Filipinos withdrew only to certain limits. "Second. That they retain certain city convents. "Th That the American* rontrqt j only th. city. "Fourth. That General Merritt con sult with him regarding civil appoint ments. "Fifth. Thai the Americans return the Filipinos arms. "Seventh. That the American* be con tlned to the city. "Eighth. That the Filipinos hava the right tu enter the city armed.'* The Trouble Settled. General Merrlt sent n verbal reply yesterday to these demands, hut Ag ulnaldo was awry. Later yesterday eve ning he sal dthe trouble with Agulnaldii and his followers had been settled, that they had accepted the American terms. that hi will accept the posi tion of assistant to the presi dent of the Louisville and Nashville road, Milton H. Sindh. Other changes in the Southern's officials are expect ed.