The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 22, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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MONDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES § |<iw.‘ OaiI» ! iiI(' W«Uht« • • • • Wl'Ojr] wp# • « * ••JJp ****** Cdifl# _t ». , • • « »3ir ** •* !•»«$• »-»«b l >r>li « • • «***, |(Hnni <jf Caffßftft* • I W #®4BtV ** j fttut day* to iniy n#of fun 'ma 1 1 Af* H Vf yt,M 3fS to 60 p** «Hi cm ** f iKrfimm i **«»•< gUfffc at D>o»n<if*rt<i to Amu*'* LEWIS J. SCHAUL. jewel Sr. Umtof the Art»»mt«m Hot#t 540.00 FOR VICTORS - j|| ffc* Wtm kMMHi km m> '*** •to Tta«*U w.imm »•» t» *»«■** tOMIW. «M * *MW 'MMrt *• *k* iWffto -»* * ——••••• 140 Ttft s Irr B«n!ar S!00 Wtec!: Am t» tfttft top iP»t «• #•■#* 9** ft#** j Ir«M *• »"■— MM Ik* «* Victor Combination Tandem, New. at S 7». Foimer Price It SO. t*h*» r»n»T r cm •#. .. •• <• n«n • Ml I *»><■» Bed**. CRESCENTS N» Emm. •* • mm w am. •* ami * ami i* ImM •* 7 *.4 • M<4*» »•>' WHITE FLYERS lik'ti'ir' mM M* i an, Ttoias & Barton, W. n. BARRETT, n*fMm. TW npiin Oa I THE CAMPAIGN IS ON. CtMWman 4riWfiw» <H*N| ll Ml* Pm«Ml Attrnf t»«. Hon tfant# V. Oafvlu »• bark from Allans*. where h* ha* h*m m huMlm In rrojuni u**» with lb* tonkin# «•"■»• miMiiM. Mr. Cnlrtk talk* Int*e*#tt«ir4v «f tha ■Utr ramp*MTV which *»i nprnrM Aat mrirnr at Mlltadgavtlie Hr Mr* Mi «wßt#n-m I* In Atlanta In »iajf un'll Ihr •hitlnn. giving hi* rnttrr personal • itenU»n "» lb* campaign Olher than a clrrk and Mr. dullign<>n for thr prr*- i rat, there *rr no olhrr (trntlrmrri *1 . bcudquairer* for thr present Thr meet in# *t Mtltodgevllto Hatur rl*y «*• a marked *uwr»a The atten dance wa* Ihritr and thr onihualorm waa pronounced Mr duKl#n<.n» policy ta to throw fUtbllnir forrr Into popullat and doubtful rountlr*. letltn* thr a»to r»ur couutlra do their duty with little hrlp from thr *tate rommlttr*. It U del«rmtnrd to ptlr up a bl* vote for «M»nci Candler I hi* year. LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILLER WULKEE THE HATTER. KZ3STO3C HATS BALES OF NEW COTTON. The “Second New Bale" Item of Saturday Stated to Be rtDlcading. The arrival of the “aecoiHl now bale" from Auguml* territory strlrtty in mat ed by a cottan man to be quite mislead ing. 80 far ns new cotton la conrerned, Augusta has received between fifty and seventy-five bales. One firm alone is known to have received fifteen bale*. Other Arm* have received a large num ber of new bale*. The cotton reason I* opening up or closing up splendidly. The 1X97-98 rea son ends August 31 and the 1898-119 sea. sail opens September 1. Hava You a Son, Brother. Husband or Lover in the Army or Nn? vy? Mall him today a 25 cents package of Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. All who march, walk or stand need It. It cures aching, tired, sore, swollen, sweating feet, and makes hot, light or new shoes easy. Feet can’t blister, get sore or callous where Allen's Foot-Base Is used. 10.000 testimonials. All druggists and shoe stores sell It. Sample sent FItEE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. La Ho*'. N. Y. When a man has no faith in human! fy, humanity has no faith In him. Only steel lined and burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of interest. Va terbury alarm clocks. 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, mint |MII Of t » AH' IV r Mat m tonaari mi MM Mu'" a ****** <9p*4Mr§ ll #'•§ ifllt *|Mp g|®p£» ***** PP'lßflimiNWi Ink |p IP ll»»i#M#y .ngppi *9>* [ «_ _ - gfc_p mtm*** IPUP pi |n«*.' j p « ip «4#*« pwf mmm *• • I rrtlyn | nfm 1 *f «%» >jipp> «pfp • I PWOM Ppaf pPP#* (•y| l j|| pHMI IpK * MMplli l 4 IH» IHpaf fni Pi EPPP HpUPui tip IP# • | imppi Hip P%*4 fpp [•»AMd * ••*** Mm !.<**• 1 *»■ br : [ f'fpppvf# ip Pip Pi 0m pp tPP •vpPf'lPp PHU **ft% pIMPI P Pup P%PPP pPPPPIP •‘PfP prNpf ppP Pi* PNP !• PPfP PIP ! W* it prt P Klpptipp «p rflpp \ %ms * I •AflM| p| iup rip pf ftp** try ppi MMPP* f Pp fppp PPPH Pp pp- I “I swyqma* aw I hat* ** mi •* [ippi Pm *** "ApP | ppppopp fpp Pf* PppfPp fbPP friN ppc B*- pp pp *tll pp (Pp Pap Pi IP* [ uliw y , -fsa.,* was Id* *h*w*r with • atfh I "14 bfc* >1 Brat-rat*-" **Aa far a* yaw h*»* *»t<*w Iw Ih* b«nh that Nay hwaat had to weary about what her thr landlord la *o.o* to raia* tha raa* oa hi* fgapatff aa aa •• •at a» ah tha yrwßta. haa har* “No, I dra t ball*** lh*r* la aay iblag llha that 111 lb* dory “ ”H* haaa t bad twaaoa ki hothar ■bout what Cougaaa nay do to raw bum** ial or tw ra*ard to war ta*a*. haa has" "Mot yet He baoa't avaa m* to hr a *W|iiHt« elarh yal The* of .ourar ha dnatMt Itw | swahr slab** wood* ring wbrthar I soaarhody whom ha haa anafliM in a bu*la*oa way la total to * warn a him jby allewlaa hla wotrw to go to pro ! lr»r “I hare not road anything Ilka that, air " • Wolt. If you want to gat a clear Idea of all that probably huppanrd you i mu*l wot omit I hear details and think over tk m attaatlraly. Don't naglael In ram aa many opportunities a* you raa nor to clinch arary on* «f tbewi as ll comet along Don't ahlrk nay ra •poaaibUMltw when they nrrirr but nt the same time avoid geetlng your mind an firmly fixed on the future that you ran't enjoy being an ofirr boy while you have the rbani# "’ Smith A Wcaaoti pistols from H to |1 H. Several good bicycles for ml* very cheap. Good watches from tl 15 to tUN at Lewis J. Schaul. RrUaale Pawnbroker under tb* Arlington. FELL IN CANAL C. 6. Alston Had a Wat I vpcrlenc* l.ast Night. C. R. Alston had an unpleasant ex perience last night. He hsd taken a drop or two too much and. when Offl eer Hatcher told him to be quiet on the streets, he made remarks about the policeman that were violations of No. 11. I\dleeman Hatcher act out to catch Alston, the latter running towards the canal near Lombard lr<*t Work*. He ran 100 far. and fell In the shallow part of the water near the bank. He was rescued more wet than hurt. He told the recorder today that he mas just dfunk, and the recorder juat fined him IS.oe. Selling Out at “Lower Balk's.’* We had a big week dispensing bar gains at half price to our many euato mers—call Monday for atill better bar gains. Special drive this week to close out millinery; Fine Y'elllng at 10c and 19c. Fine Flowers at 10c and !6c. White Common Yard Hat at 5c gnd 10c. lli-es s Shape*, new goods, at 25c, Many very fine hats In this lot. 25c Ribbons for 16c. 15c Ribbons for 10c. 10c Itibbonbs for 6c. Half price for Ostrich Tips. SI.OO Velvet for 490. 400 Velvet for 19c. 12 l-2c Black, White. Navy Duck, 7 l-2r. Gold-eye Needles, 2r, Red Tabic Dam ask 12 1-Jc, Bleach Table Damask. 60c goods, 35c. Don't look for everything In the store In this ad, but come and look—prices are astonishing to all, but we must close at once. RECORDER’S HAPPENINGS. ■ll Incidents and Fines at Court This Morning. The recorder this morning levied the following fines: Lillie Bennett, $2.50. George Jackson. $2.60. Della Moore, $6.00. Will Little. $5.00. William Wilson. $2.50. George Van. $4.00. Nathan Collier, $2.50. William Johnson. $5.00. Arthur Miller. $5.09. Joha Thomas (Tenth Regiment) $2.50. TH» JLTJGTJBT-A. SBBALI) IKE CAPITAL OF CAROLINA IffMlff Pfifkffk ill It Itfti Vs% | PMmm Ip tip**# «• H* Plat# #M9 #*• 0p»«* m T*» IPMPIMI i H C **§ H ** \ | Hwf jUßfii. IMM PMi f [ f tmami ffMHH #■’ & Ml t-MPUPIPiPP MP* • I pfMMP piMPNNI MiMI WM ! <;ir ppitjfl Hi «'|<||J i—**** >'iiPi iff *** 1 mmm*** |M*tariff •> *M| 4# i* # > #• [ ***** Mi I*** ** mm** 1 ; j iMmpk Mpt* |nr» piiwnrfTi-l is Milfl MM: I *gp. ' miMto *fD i* *■*• *t n? * « *» PP 1 T~irtff ffii ><if % pa*4pF i|m #>*->■!**• *%c n>ftif. i A iMPip*** I *m*., mwrn tmmrnmrn' jNmmmp W*nt s M-r » ******* Urnmmmm, W t **■> I MMM Hut * MT || fl*PM*f*Mi 1 ' 's•»*-&**# \thm Ummmrnm, B Bmm l ***** ** i Hit# H-Hi ia**#4 I* J i | Mp** WlilaPMwMfj. I Cmm*m *4»*m M B*m I l*vfM. r*tm Urnmmrnm f M !!*»**•• I MM«i*ft Bmm* I Cmmm* I M H««4b m**rn.\ j Tin* Ummm >ppl S. M B**m IMfiiapr T M Ttfirnm Otm pg*»*yi> M PKPt. VP« ftp Him* M*|fkr M*t#* of tip* Jt*fttp4 P**ip3k*i ■ ihm utr 4 * |JP* lalf9*<ftf *|yp»,*i , | MM A H M*rrP*nt ’ f*M wiplpmi Mtt M fnm\ i(V E.. IPMPM r. UPTMMft 4UWMM.M'| Wlktli ip M'#*P-PE*WP I#* *p*^|p f r«**niH«r#> VPHc4 |P*«M4f»Pf N*f jff ifv Ai|M AftJwlMt CNNirfPl IW- i i mi. and tb* qnnrtaf mnpaf a ; nw«*. prm ideal M Kias** asmti t ikaaa pstlnsta tlk* A*r*>ad *•**«>*•>; ! would b* iwiaiaad to do gairtoiM duly, j j I pna **kjßg Idjial Tbamyaoa wh*** I b* dcMtod to If •*•« «»* j plMvf ’hat tfc*y fluid k* WlLlWcTo ft" j wh#****r want. Ta Aloy* to fongarr* Cr**k. M. <*«d Tto midbtn few* | quartenrawer’a depan meat wth vblck to move tha r*glm*«t to Coa , garaa Crurk. aaar tHxiooa. savan mile* ! Norn Columbia oa lb* f. 0, A P ‘ J way. Today Col Job** aad staE will ’ |go to ibta plat* aad luspmi tha, group )* aad *o aoon aa arra***m*» u i I raa be made the troop* will b* moved , This ta a mat h more doalrablr place for a camp than Columbia, for bealdav hat ng good driahiag wa'ar. fba bath ing facllltlea are good. Wa vhall n« the boy* vary much whan they !*•▼* UnL Col Thompaoo araa sworn In Haiurday at J o'clock In th* parlors of the Columbia hotel by Muvtarlng DHL, cer Capl K B ruller. H* Nrlll ha In command at Camp I-** until Col. Jon** Is sworn In. II HWVTM Ito. Ttt« Ooven»«*r Zrrenaded On Saturday nigh' th* First batta lion serenaded Oovernor Kllarbe and Senator MrUtotlH •» »*»• Governor'* Mansion Tht* waa done to aht*w throe gentlemen bow mueh U»e »d- Alera npprretatart th#»r untiring ef fort# in got ting up the Second regi ment. The battalion under command of Ll. CoL Thompson left Shandon about 8 o'clock hearted by the regimental band, which dlarouraert elegam muaii throughout the march. The parade waa through Gerval* atreet to Main, up to Richland, thence to the mansion, where a line waa formed opposite the aide entrance to the lawn. The band was stationed under an arc light juat In front of the mansion The Governor’s Welcome. Governor EBlertoe welcomed the bat talion and congratulated the Second regiment for having been so auccens ful in perfecting Ha organisation, lie expressed hi* regreta at not being able to give them a speech, on account pf the condition of his throat. He said, however, be had a troat in store for them. "1 have a* my guest the distinguish ed. eloquent Junior senator from this state, the Hon. Joseph L. MoLaurin, who I aju sure will say many pleasing things to you." Thn governor wa* greatly applauded, thus showing how much ho is admired by the boys in blue. Col. Thompson’s Speech. Col. Thompson, In a few well chosen words, introduced Senator MoLaurin. He spoke of the great good the sena tor had done for the Second regiment and of how willing he had always been to help it In any and every way possi ble. When asked to go with Col. Jones and himself to Washington, he had not hesitated for n moment. What the Senator Said. Just as Senator McLaurln began <o speak, the boys went wild applauding him. When quiet was restored, he began. "Officers and members of the Second regiment I appreciate the com pliment you have paid me. and wish to congratulate you and your noble of ficers on the prompt response you made on the call for volunteers. I do not wish to appropriate all the praise bestowed on me by Col. Thomp son." The senator then paid Colonels Jones and Thompson some well de- I • KfftnNri PIHTBSDpi DP* aw Wtarnwgt ihaUka*-*4 «ls V*WNWto ThvawMna If Urns ■f’fii—to mmm in -ft. if ***** li fN*NMPPf ! pi r- 4 n* «Wm ****** imp I ***** *"+ omm jpnpi mm B*m m *"**‘ mm miiiirti -nm «*f ***** I fmm Ms% inm« fiMiftJPM (#* ’ |y,, , *- dt f 4 %| Pi#"* nWI-NPi" I 8 tit-* 11 M# ipnp pwmm MM# 4t—t 9 rmii Hr* tMiJP B tIMMI*. fHm -1 pD mmktm* iV9M# to fitff IftiffPl I *>'9l# **■'*# P MiiPfcPif m MV *m #•*#•. I p*M PP*V Mirfi irm m* hmmmtm** 4tM I •#» lipi #!)#f is| |#p PNm*#. I»fril# #» mt p#d|HHi plflp MP# l*»M« #• f #M*M whea |W# bottles wf ladb ft lie" j F>tiin>i VfpvliMf I fppffttoßM# flp*l Ippl ! Mf Mf«t««AE | rrnmmmmmmdmm* ; tmmmikrkm* %m 9*m9* VM*i I #PPM. | pp ##**! 9#Mlf •PM "* Ihmiw I#r Lipiip r#MM| #f rm prplwMrtiiMr *#* mm m mmk ** pmt# p | pv*s4 P(lltif| i#rrftl IPP-. m$ ap t#*y | mmpm 9 * f#v«rpfcii MM# mmf IP I !#• i pliipt —f pripf t rata Wmlan CBgad. Is* (laftsrdny lb* pasaanga* trnla of tha CstvaMi aad 4)t**«tilla road wa* | MfvMftNNl ortf PiPtPOtlT Apriil ft grot OfNJfi** wf Hivipp i#«i (## (mil •)• difilMi t#fMMp# PP pffiPtMl iPPritliMly MN lit «rork io |§4 (|f of Mil djpiiM* l «|r P Ht MCMI to P II ip| M'fpPpf »M PpP PJM 9mm l#PVt. lopp »lif« hr g»p p rtor. ibP NiotiftC il pp If Btmm h»4 ppopp# ffMftff feK f Mum Ihr trim# PptHi two M#lfp #*wr*t til *r# rpipki’ffP Ip p cottop Mill. 4 %«< been Aiken. kf*d IT. and l.mher Ftt'llvaa, ag'd Id. Gn* of lb* bo*a acknowledged Ik* d**d and report'd lb* i.ther fellow. Aiken wa* arrastad at f tedrtogt wbll* ftolllvaa wna cap- T ared bayt-ad Faria mountato They war- given a praliminary heariag be for* a magic rale wbo commuted them |to jail to nwalt total at tha October frrn* (4 wfl. O tier Needed 0# Street Cars The conduct of tome of tha boy* at Camp Lae la disgraceful to say the least ts it. It la uo< an uncommon oe jri’rtener to tee some of th**m behaving in « moat ungentlrmanly way on the an eat eara, and this. 100. In the pre»- enca of ladle* Saturday afternoon one of th*ae rowdle# boarded the oar on West Gerval* afiree! He waa drunk. He bad n pint of whiskey In hla pock et and ati mart to delight In flourish log a piatol around hi* head. Not aat- Itfied wilh this h# tnuat need* give ut* j trranc* to an oecrotennl vile oath. Thera were two or three Indie* on the rnr. but they aoon left. Whether they had reached their destination or left th« rgr on account of thl* man f do not know. If aueh condom «s this la allowed to continue It will not be long before Indies will cea*« to patroniie the bnewden ears. It is Indeed bad that aueh n thing should happen, for the Innocent will have to suffer for the guilty This I* not intended for those gen tlemen nt the ramp, hut for those few rowdies who do not know how to be have. If "the cap fits wear It,” other wise dor.'t be offended nt this article. I shall not give the name of the man who so forgot himself. We sincerely trust that such disgraceful conduct will not again oeriir. Hotel Improvements. Hotel Jerome Is undergoing exten sive Improvements, which, when com pleted, will make ll one of the hand somest In the city. The entire building Is to he renova ted. It will be lighted up In the most modern way. Bnltts are to adjoin ev ery room and steam heaters will be put In. The office will be cm the cor ner. the store-room recently occupied by Mr. Swiggert s grocery. It will be fitted up In charming style, and will be convenient for the western breeses. The lobby will have a frontage of for ty-two feet and will extend backward fifty-two feet. A large sample room will be to the rear of it. Troops Moving North. The last troops from Tampa are moving north. Yesterday afternoon two sections passed through Columbia over tbe Southern road. The first came in about 4 o'clock and, after a half hour’s wait, moved out. There were about 200 men aboard, part of the Eighty-fourth cavalry. The second section came in at 8:30 o’clock and. left at S:SO. This was Bat tery H, Seventh artillery, 171 men. ai|l three officers. A number of ladjes met both trains with plenty of eatables for the boys. They Intended minitjjerlng to the sick, hut ns there were' bone along, they gave out the food tw all the men. This is indeed good wc.rlf these laiies are engaged in, and onejjmrdiy k 5Wt how LtOTD LYONS LITTLE BETTER Hi, L4Mor f -dftKt 6*<i * f *• itodtoft Abww* tb# fbto»a«» am* |M AiOip»»r t#p if ! PN ' i wf - < «Mh#MP #*> hpiMPP *mm pm«9«kA4m imp m#*m ****** *m #** ; i tf-‘t p%# p .fUftfiid* hpfp «r«« #9 M* t ki rn m*9 thrf t* Pit P !• PM ftlfppMP Mill rP fVtPa^Pfc* o99m “ , jr**pf pp **— •»***»! [pfMCP pm ol mnm*m w**p ”*• | mm 4 I* ftf «#p frtrt ptfPr#PM t*M I n f rphilip «pm Mpnippp t## m ’ ftf*r»dfpp PpMppp# ppp* l 1® Ppf*Pto*M» ** #tpi B* ■ Cppittp «pyp t#pt #♦ m ®Mf* I rf (bp » -y* If) '‘IftpHlrpPV Ibd pmd»» |fp* * * t * hlr yr; rpr m#ppp t *rff !|gy #f r * amp if «#♦ if Kin rrl P* M#r# #P plipP PP ftf*'4 ; p-ttiftt*. p«ri Bfj la P#f»tPl %«Af« pip pp I ip P*riprPly taftwHi* I • r , |# niift mir ry M«t# *mp ?f hi* f j lift p pVfsprUMMT P PWM* PMPI*! ft tit vs pffi )f~pfr" Po l «lr*,pSiM'P ta #* • ihe*? It* rl#t#ap »#ft I a pro pvpv ts »P! '#.*» pp 4 hr f rpfhritalptrp h»P ’to tajamaa »> gttoi m tba aaniimcai I; Use yobii vtatost him that when He I #tftfvrp htp frffpM ppP t ■ tn-tj-f- op thr n rrTfp of Atlaptp hr vi' JftjPUPPp #*f PQ**PYPP PP PMMP mlp»*i [ii, n rrylMNlv MtpHif ta m*W lAtving * $ <k or <«ff or throwing a stone at n.m. an* when la»t area C* vm a fit aub'ect for aeima koapltal. ao terribly he wa* bruited. Juat a night or taro hi sari h«* releaaa ba wa* mro- * ! „„ to tb* transom* and hi* throat [l.rr'bly brul wd and *wo|iea. of G-neg* Vandafbttt, Mr. Cnnkti.i aay* that ha la wlthmet evcfytlon th* |ruu( hard fat(ted creature* that ha Its* aver seen, bl* erery faatnra aaatn ing to hav* a rooted objection to ***■'• rial lag wish the other and bl* no** even was fully two dearer* out of Its natural poattton. Vandebllt rtaltna to to a relative. Hough distant, to tb* Vand"l>ilt noignataa A NARROW ESCAPE. ru. Hob he god Dr. Holltogshcad Nearly Huo Dow n By a Train. Mr. C. A. Ruble, of this city, and Mr. > flolllngahrad. of Mtlledgevlll*. who I* visiting Mr. nobbe. had a narrow es ca;ie from being run down by a train on the Augusta Southern road. The two gentlemen named were In a buggy on ihetr way to the county reformatory, and ware Just about to cross the track at what ta known aa aay * Crossing, about five mile* from the city, when a train coming from the Moriah camp meeting dashed suddenly Into view. The horse was so close to the track that It took frightal the train and dash ed to one side of the road, where » deep ditch Is. The buggy and occu pants were thrown Into the ditch the buggy being badly broken and the gen tlemen bruised up a bit. Another buggy was procured and they came back to the city. They had had a very narrow escape from being run down by the train and consider themselves fortunate to have escaped ns lightly as they did from the danger that overhung them. the boys appreciate this kind atten tion. When asked ts they had been treated well at other stations, one fel low said: "Wa w«e not treated at alt; this la the first town that bus treated us." Just before the train pulled out three lusty cheers were giveu for Columbia and her good la dle*. . „„ One battery of the Seventh artillery and two of the second will pass though this morning some time be tween 9 and 12 o’clock. Other Hatters. Mrs B. B. Wilferry passed through Columbia last night on her way to het home in Augusta, after spending a while In the mountains of North Car olina. Senator E. S. Archer and Rev. J. A. Sltgh were in town last night on their way to Aiken to attend the state cam paign. Mr. IT. F. Wilson, mayor of Sumter, passed, through Columbia last night on his way to Indianapolis, where the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias meets. Capt. I. M. Mouldln came down from Pickens last night. Mr. Eugene Roach spent yesterday In Charleston Mr. A. J. Eaves, of Bamberg, spent yesterday with bis brother, Maj. Eaves. CUT THIS OUT *T■ 1 ’ - Wniff yous /(dfirlliiflUßl ofi llldft fetonft, *tmp§* • mowfit fktCtoMMffy 10 p*w Iw ft* ****** VtffW* Hon* •* you want, aw* •ftfMkr m*jl W lafui n to TNC HJWALDi ”1 AIIVLKT islmhnt coupon. to tor M<a»f« *a**LO f*Ttatilt imtft Ilf# Adverti»»m«rvt BfiMtol |ft# time* in your "WANT" to tiitrn*, I for wNcri you win find ervctoMKl 9 cents SIGN HBRS —— I •toMtorw* aaato* (*• Flaw. 11 , Hto> towatof*. I’towJ |*«A toto • «*' *** *»•». Mto KOlC* ». . csWMtAY $ *o*l*. W '•# Mtoavwl '-W MSP ift*B fft MPPPft. ONE CENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED ITftKtmV'A VniftlGJl AM I*»ftTICM m #' f««e? App 18 pIM . Auui SI WASVTi»ft> , *~A niMmOM All IftIRTKR <»r ftlltllt. UM MpPWMdV •#•*!# City. Aut SS HELP WANTED W ANTED -to HITIC comt OR HOC** INffttßl Pi llfti OffPMO Mf*fl Attft SS FORSALB CKKAM—CREAM AT 14 JACEA'jN *T. FOR *ALE- ONE FHIffT CLAtol i mater. Good aa i*a»*. ••• *«l4a«a. Aprej ISM Typ* W M No » Ad 4r*as M?t<>r. car* lfarald. *a»t l TO RENT FOB RENT—THAT LARGE AND DE MIKABLIf atora No. 744 Broad ****** Vtutor llaaoalc ball Apply lo W. C. joß'-a. 7*5 Broad slraat. Bapt I FOR RENT-7-RGOM DWKLLING HGCBE 1267 Or«**a. with modern Improvemeata. R*n> reason*b*v Apply 1254 Kill*. Bep*l TO KENT—RStoIDBNCE 1224 AND 1231 Kill*, with all modern convenience*. Apply 1*26 Broad aireet. Sept I PGR RENT-ONE on TWO LARGE "ml room* furnished Most control lo cation In the city. J. E. l>e*«. »H l-I Broad atrvat. poll RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwelling*, with all Ih* modern Improvement* e>n Green, and Telfair street. Apply J. H. Proniaut. 626 Broad atreet. Sept 9. TO RENT-THE ELEGANT THREE etory store In the d'Antignat bulld 'lng running through from Broad to Ki ll* Now occupied by L. T. Padgett. In quire of H. H. d Anttgnac or Z. W. Carwlle. Sept 1 FOR RENT-STORE AND FIXTURES corner Calhoun and Cumming street*. Good stand. Apply on premise*. Sept I FOR RENT—7-ROOM DWKLLING house, 1257 Greene street. With mod ern Improvements. Bent $25 per month. Apply 1256 Ellis. Sept 9 Mon wed Sat FOR SALE—STOCK OF MILLINERY and nottona for sale cheap In good condition and good stand, and good reason for selling. Apply at once Box 100, Beaufort, S. C. Aug 30 MISCELLANEOUS BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL FAIR street. Will furnish room* and meals on reasonable terms. Septl WANTED A FEW GENTLEMEN boarders. Fare first class. Rates rea sonable. Apply to Mrs. H. 8. Royal. 409 Greene street. Aug 25 " * ROLL TOP DESK WANTED-SEC OND hand. Must be in good condi tion. Address, giving description and ’ength: P. O. Box 604. City. Aug 20 SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING only $5.00 per month at Osborne’s Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand Tor stenographers. June 17 ts WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD BY man and wife. Centrally located. Private family preferred. Address Boarder, care of Herald. ' Aug 22 AUGUST 22 A (toag «i J#l .« - to'rali Malar*' (fnaa*. > tortt» a failing fit* ar with antriaff H«w *h»«i4 I bay fig »fc* can hardly |To year window's height all tb* sum ■ Yrt era the Autumn mow coldly down 'Og r-•*!*■* Irnvra that ate shrunk and *Ohi from year window iron. Hr.f a IN nr. *. [And comfort them for their anjonrn ' Comfort them, com tort for heavy rain. Dew* that drown them and auna that whisper them that they climb ho more Having rema to thetr Hrovro'a doer: | (tourer, to#, that tha groaa la long , And the cuckoo trying tua farewell (Vhlaper low that th* graaa la tr**n And ator-p la never an hard to wla As neart a dealr* la. and whispering so, |gha.:« them down to th* grass brITW-- smlla and sea tier them «n* end .vll, .Daairtaa the ground and afraid to MIL - N« RA HOPPER, Li Tha Sketch. OAETOnXA. Woman Suffrage Affect* P roperty. j Attorney A. W. Well, of Denver, has | ventured a rash opinion about New i York financier#, which. If true, shows [that wanton have a big field for making i convert* to eommolf sens* right here at ; home. He assert* as a fact that It ta ■ almost Imi naalhle for Denver property iiwnrri to obtain loan* w. New York because woman suffrage haa bee.t ac corded In Colorado. | “Formerly," he say*, "financiers fear ed to !nv<s' In Colors 1> prope-tv be cause tl.e s'ete was afflicted with pop ulism. Nt w when a man goes east with a proposition to float, he does not bear 'so much about that as he did a year or two ago. and he doea not henr *o nrucii !said r.g-.'nst us on account of our silver i views. | “The great bugbear of their lives nog |>s roman suffrage, and actually one [finds that the moneyed men of New York dry are prejudiced fully as mm h agtlnat It as they were against the I Other 'lsms.* They sav n«w that they don't want to take any risk In a stain where the women vote and where they may have the responsibilities of rtiUo and governmental affairs raat upon their shoulders. Our difficulties, there fore appear to be perennial, but we Intend to stand by the women and con vince all doubter* that they can hold thetr own will on all occasions." Hurrah for Mr. Weill jgl® THE BUGGY WHIP Wa.* Used on Calvin Smith Last Night. Calvin Smith, a colored member, was the victim of a horsewhipping last night, in fact, he was not only struck i several times with the lash, but was hit by pieces of bricks and used badly by a quintette of women, who got in a bit of trouble wilh Calvin. The whole layout w r aa taken to police sta tion. Cases against all the parties were docketed. Ella Butler was fined $7.50; Ida Lou Walton *5; Ida Moore $7.50; Hattie Sims; $7.50; Selena Baston $5. Calvin was found to have been imposed on, so was dismissed. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9, just received at Herald Office.