The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 24, 1898, Image 3

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WKONfIDAV WANTED FOR MURDER IU») !#••**- MW If 1* Nk MW U« ***. tfe« P**a <m m t*fti « ft—» «•* J9**t |Nn»4MNI «*• IMP* %#-* #♦* *!## 9*t i «m inw% * flHMfll ## fj# Otta #• •## W9KI 99 Ml j flu* Unnni 4 t* IIP * P* 4NW9 PPi IMfIPW §0 Ijgpijf |p.ip>lil *%P# fflp# IMP ■ >##« jpprp ilp ifcwnMl •&** 09m Tripiitl % *§mmi *tttt tlPli P j (PPfMp P #999### * ### #* W#*®# •" j ppftPMNi 9MM9WPNI Ip ppli Ip® PP 4 I IV iMilprP jp»» iPf PfV* 9*9*. IIP |NP IMP* PP MP W |P IPP* ’ fMli tOt pj*ll*l IIP mOOtOm P* flppppp i# mam t# tip fpppppwpp *’* : iVI H'iW* It 1# ft s##"## IWMpI | P» tPNt*-* fck OOP #(BRPIP r #® ■•* s P* w»* In HP t >*Mpipy plpp **p f*pp4 j #§,* *■*«#•# PHf f'-# ft*4R#?Hfc*# Plfpl H* t V#**** «p «M pm w*i tfc* ' t * - r -y| 1 I p.ff 4krA *• }*• f4# A DRAFT UNPAID. Mr. M*. «lnr*Mt>l ' 4rmMr4 kt Nlrt I *•( Sight CM if? H wd rwttwl • i*l**ts»b ttrm Ch«*t rs IS Ik* llsttley. (Ml AGafita. >»*< n util r»Q 111 Ming in to mttaat M William fter*!afi**Bf, ••'Wwa' 1 -** . WlrtA! h— rs l‘»A«rlb Ky, T*i# rk# rff iiplcil Ahr grntlefiM'i 1 war okk sici mn**y ut4<t l*ht fti -1*1.09* IHfftllf Wl*r Vt« S**»t t-J ! 9hr liMlrni k'tel )6M high! 11l it* m(>4 Mr M inuttnUr Hr AM ml Ititi ihr to poller atallar I'm! r-nra'ned ■ llh Ma at Ik* Planter* lan nlrht Mr ftrmlngatsr itoipnl at Ik* M» H . Alston la Atlanta last weak aad when Ir wtßt to Irarr gar* tk# proprietor a If. aft la payment of ktc Mil. He to- j qiwr’.l that the draft hr held la At lanta oatll hr 1-f, Jltaa. The itraf ! aa arat to Minx and eu aot paid by the parti** draw oa. It war (ranted fcjr tk# Aragrn pro- | prirtor that Mr M*rnlr.g«tar had rotae on to Augusta and to the police were notified la detain him. Mr Mornlagitar araa area ky a r*- i porter at police headquarter* th'a! morning and said that he bad tinder- 1 aland that the bill at the Aragon rat twenty dollar* and that the Aragrn people bad now claimed that It wna 1 fifty. He rat-1 all would bs arrang'd; today. Mr. Mornlngatar **etn* to hr a ; rlrver gentleman and had no Intrntlon ; of beating the hotel out of any money, i •SOUTHERN CHIVALRY.” Father Or La riorinlere M ill Lecture Tomorrow Night. “Southern Chlrarly." That la the subject rs the lecture to! be delivered by Her. Father E. C. de la Mctnlera at the opera house tomorrow | night. The lecture will be an orator'ci! ; treat and no one should mis* hearing It. Camp 1094. £, C. V., under command of MaJ. Wither*, will attend and occupy 1 scats on the stage. The ticket* tc the lecture are fifty ! cents. Tin opera house is being dec- j orated today In the national colors and will present a beautiful appear ance tomorrow night. Father de la Monlere Is a lecturer of no mean parts. I having delighted audiences in many I Southern cFtiea. The lecture will begin promptly at 8:20 o'clock. Ton want to hear It. JERRY D’ NNY. The Veteran Ball Flayer to Celebrate Fiftieth Birthday. What Augusta bail fan does not re- j member Jerry Denny, the veteran 1 ball player, who held down third base for out local ter m years ago. when Au gur a first on-ered the Southern ‘ league? The Courier-Journal of Louisville i sa: s: Jerry Denny, the old ex-Louisviile wxirlcr, Is playing with the Water-' bur:-. Corn., team. He will scon cele brate his fiftieth birthday. Oua.SSTOTLT.fiL. B«ar« tho rs Tin Kind You Hats Always Bought E nr 7^557 Hephzibah’s First Bale. Sporial to The Herald. Hepbzlbah, Atig. 24. D. K. L. Miller was the first to get new cotton r.-any for the gin. He hauled to the Public Gin. corner Broadway and "..'ill street, yesterday morning, enough Bf*“<l ect on for two bales of the fleecy sta ple. “Dear me!” exclaimed Miss South site-, looking at the sleek, dappled boys that were hitched to tile hay wagon, “this country air and sunshine makes even the horses freckled, doesn't It?' —Chicago Tribune. lIN ASOCIAL WAY /Cv / NY ' / wk k<t &<* //‘Vf r H I* % * $ ¥s' ** i f jf* Wr A *-w« Aiml iv »ii IVmi.|mm4 imml lnfl% » »|rft M 1 «f VI # ) Kiit mi b ##ri frinftnl^n ‘ %yms l (A* mtor m*w*\*m4 whm* IV A« AttftMin Cowfliifififnl A nrir-fr I trf.-ft* from ;vumV« wffr.>t;4*#vt , *»*fsg. tv tioQof ’ rt f ferr rom'ti Mvmi* flvaVr. at I Mtem. mid Mlaw Bn fj» FHiw. ®f A«- i guata It was a tdlgklhd oecatdoa. At the n*iia! hour dalaty vvfreahaseata I wefw it r* *d. I Tk* lavltrd gtirtl* w*rr Mi** Jim ' Flachrr. Ml** Birdie Weatherly. Him Willie F F.rketl*. Mim Margie lluff. | Min* Lucy Maddox. MU* Rthel Snow. M.*» Kmy dww. Ml** Mamie DwakT. of Macoa: Mlaa Rva la Fitte, of Ati gnata. Mlaa Fanlae King. Mlaa Gleaale Headrick. M.aa Lliliaa Headrraoa. of itiafaeavllla; Mlaa Leila Berry. Mim la ma Glaae. Mlaa Mary Jobe. Mlaa Annie Jobe. Mlaa l/mlw Boutherland. Mi** I Kugt ala Bitting Miaa laea Keaaer, M’*a Ida Alley. Miss Mamie Kaaemeler, Miaa Kata tCdmondaoa, Ml*a Fannie Ah twaltrr. Mlaa Roa*l»td Bivlaga.. Miaa Tod Mci'amy. Mta* Kmily Manly, Mlaa May Smith, Mlaa foraleltr Beall, of Chattanooga; Mlaa Annabel Pkflta, of Macon; Mr. Carl Blvlaga. Mr. Fred C. Maddox Mr. J. C. Campbell, of Cleve land, Mr. Robert Irvin, of Savannah; Mr Mae Hardwick. Mr. Frank Pendera, Mr. John Denton. Mr Bevrly Barrett. Mr. Robert Manly. Mr. Marvin Perrv, Mr. Walter Bryant. Mr. John Flemla ier, Mr. Walter Mackey, Mr. Kmeraon Higgle. Mr. Gwio Goodwin, Mr. Kd Hodge. Mr. Walter Davit, Mr. Walter Kl< hardaon. Mr. Rt y Vance. Mr. Geo. Snow. Mr. Clayton Lemon. Mr Cheille Brown, Mr. Frank McCutcheon, Mr. Will Snow, Mr Henry Snow. Mr. Man ning Marshall, of Rome; Mr. Will Led better, of Rome; Mr. Earl Dasher, of Mrcm; Mr. Claude Murphy, of Macon: Mr. Clarence Barrett, Mr. Guy Bailey. Mr. Ike Braxelicn. Mr. Charlie Dasher, of Savannah: Mr. Fred Anderson, Mr. Beck Horne, Mr. Floyd Farrar. Mr. George Spencer, Mr. West Flemister, Mr. Sam Crouch. Mr. Albert Kasemler, Mr. John Bitting, Mr Edgar Bogle, Mr. Louis Juhan, Mr. Arthur Chapman. Mr. Dec McCutcheon." Hark Twain, Ambassador to the Court of St. James. It is common among English peo ple to assume that the author of “A Connecticut Yankee at Court of King Arthur” is somewhat cantankerously disposed towards England. Such, writes an intimate friend of Mark Twain. In the September Pall Mall Magazine, Is far from being the case, for although he laughs at many of the crusted anachronisms In cur Constitu tion, as one nurtured In an American alnfspherc needs must, Mftrk Twain at heart is a sincere admirer of the English and a profound lover of Eng land. If the Democrats ever come into office again they might do lurch worse than send S. L. Clemons to St. James. (Towns for an Augusta Girl. A young Georgia girl who will ap pear on the concert stage next winter, has had designed for her iwo charming evening toilets which are pre-eminent ly correct for the stage, inasmuch as they are of distinct shades with no mail ing contrasting shades introduced, j One of the gowns is a heavy, dead-: white silk, with a frilled shirt and a full bodice, the front of which is com posed entirely of lace frills. The other gown is a Mephisto ml Irish poplin, built on severely plain lines minus trimming of any kind. Children’s Party. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. O’Dowd compli mented theilr gusests, Miss Kathleen Doolan and Master Joseph Doolan, with a lawn party at their beautiful home- On the Hill, yesterday afternoon. HapaaMM* HaaMlMk Ixtffill JlfAwtl ft*"? 4|ik f «♦#-•'#-4Mfcf ts-*** s* vv tt#* mmm* I ll fc* V I ii# <1 ■# ?- %* tmt flak**’*, ft r war*. <*• win h**4 a ft* FVaak Klmkiwwtk ft twWvsu a t«6 c< a m*m M tL Ban ft** Ankar Ovak**vakl ka* i*t<*n*4 ! ft.xa a «t*u M fiMiny Pack Mr»’ 'UarAtnaN HHt ftatna n*l4lMt wltl ftr* fitein I'iiiWl aa4 ana. aka j katra ksaa *o*o4laa a*west w—s, la I ih* ctty. wifi t*a*» umtamm Bar a vta- Mra Ckarlaa laulti Barrow* and two rharaitaa tklMna erfitnl la tk* 'rity ftondav sad will *f*rad «*.a»* Hum at ike koa*e nf Dr I aaatag Hot row*. Mr H II Harris ifca vary raartanaa ! repr mental Ire ol The Aauwata Herald I sprat ae renal day* * -on* tka liar at tk* C * W C ta tka latemat of ka I taper Fait fax Ratarprtae M aa Noala Ault)van at Aacuata who baa bean vtalUaff her frtead Mr* G. •V, ftcftritltama. ka* rwaraed borne 1 mark to tka raffrrt of her many frraad* and admirers Charleston Pr»l. THE WEATHER. Ancuaia Ga . Wedneaday. Ana. S3lk. ItH. Office heated la failed Stale* (nrm 3M at building; telepboae No. ’orreaet for M boars, ending I p. m . : August 21. ,189*. foreeaat for Georgia and fSouth Carolina: Fair (anight and Thursday. cxe»pi ahower* on the coast; ! continued high temperature. laical force**! for Augusta and rlcln ' By: Fair lonlgbi and Thursday. THE RIVER. The rlrer at 8 a. m. was *.7 feet, a fall of I.S feet In the pest 24 hour*. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Occasional showers incurred In the past 24-hour* over the coast district*, I while no rain fell over the greater por- j Itioa of tti' cotton belt; there was a'so rala In the upper lake region, upper - Mississippi valley, Missouri and west ern Nebraska. Temperature* have fallen generally | j west of the Mississippi river, while jover the eastern half of the country Ir regular changes are noted. The cool eat weather this morning 1 (.".2 degree*) I* confined to the far Northwest. Except occasions! cloudiness along •he AtlantlrVosst clear weather pre vnllr over the South tliia morning. "hr pressure is highest over lower Florida and lowest In the St. Lawrence valley. CULP WILL NOT QUIT. * The Traffic Manager Denies That He Will Retire. Atlanta, Aug. 24. Mr. J. M. Culp, traffic manager of the Southern rail way company, denies that there is any truth In the report that he Is to retire from the Southern to become assistant to the president of the Louisville and Nashville railway. Mr. Culp declares that the report is false and that he is not only not contemplating resigning from tho Southern, but that ho has not even been ma/le an offer by the L. & N. Mr. Culo w*s seen In his office in j Washington by The Atlanta Journal correspondent in that city, and when asked if the reports which have gained wide circulation to the effect staled were true, Mr. Culp said: “I author ize you to make, an absolute denial of, the rumor. There is not a word of truth in it. I have no Idea of leaving the Southern, and no offer has been; made to rue to do bo." Every official of the Southern in Washington denies the Btory that Mr. Culp will quit the Southern. CA.i&TCrj£LTJ\.. Bear* tho <9 The Kind You Have Always bought T” SOMETHING TO FORGET. Chicago News. Senatoi Hanna says the administra tion’s war record will be the republi can party's campaign material in 1900. It is not believed, however, that a stump speaker will dwell more than three hours on the war record of Han na. J .... -t... TB3O AIJOUBTA HIBAL3? LEO AX* NOTICE 1 *'■" FtiiklW FT* pAaM9M*Hi VHhwt» *#* f'lw * •***« ■!«* i? .* ft? I W PHMI 4*4 4* ••"••I •a* <Nia*|.-0.«*4 <4 “k* **•*• •*#• I 1 *5 ‘ * A .. ■* * | #p4PK#m#> || O 0 ####»# p ; A ml I •w Mk-d# § «*» * ta* ftr- *#.-# at >-»: ffliftirt I s +sz:\ I t•## f fft* n #>iii.», “l fA ## 9%» *%■#»■"- j ■ 4m** Vl VP r< >if V %rt I I «dt tpipr fdp#pp t«i#* ftH>*«■### f at mm* | j | 9 m «ii* t%g*9tna*mm I [at ttam #*•*• tm tn- r»nt-- 1 #w %mt <P« j ? 4Mk fc.r attatt #mp4 a# tatt&am. tmatt i I »r akaffti 1 VSftFkMpPMft'ds #* 4klft#fl| fft* V*# j f •* c #V fPftft #»# > '*d. 1 o#*<ir f-> piwftsft 1 * matt wurpitir-rm. *»«• «A# %tA»A ••»#* Hi# aao*mmm*+ (Nf •• ' • % iit fWP #VHfN Ap I j *ttr- iiynj |g» y||p pi jf wpppnfuff. #f 9i# irnmmm t** IVM tat sf m so» «p««# «f f«#f fN# f 91# 19 ffp»<l»#f »«-#r*#if ftp ft# -■ #n~tifnf TNI* I j«*f am «pr# 9 at AffNt# * at ttm * % J taw at 440* ■*•»• 4» aawwd«d •» Ikol ; *w94 (w*ao»«H» ska" »*w4 aa f-dlawa 4a* jag. Tie* 1 ****** at tk* I*4a*a ta k* , i4*rl*d and** tk* <v*6ll»"w la***o4 la 6ft Vfiwtal «k*R W**tta W -N B*at daw at Jaawavy afta* tkot akaHtaa. Rvaaw vacadNty an aat -at 4 kv d*wlk. , laaggwaiww at ailwv raaaa* *k*lt ka IM By aavaMMWwwt* at tk* ******* •cut it* 6*at day «d Jaaaa*y at*** tka iim rat *4**lk<w k*4d i*4l afla* *ka an- IstwM at ikutt daya r*«*> tk* "«• nr* «wr«6*-y aval* at wtMrk O'rtK * s ~ , ~t T («, (ka on-*t*-r*d (*t«a •a*" ka »t<ytad * a*r t IW It funk** *wa«4*d ky tka jaatkartty aßawaatd. Tla*i i«-•*' *p* I lag avtM tt *d artfcla 4 at tka Cowait* Uattoa at tkt* Bat*. 4a- amended aa that tk* aaiw* akatW *»w4 a# B»lt»»*. ta-wtts i ■ Tint* akati k* • awttrttay g*aa*al Bw Mrti jwdklal rtrratt wkoa* •tk' t*rta ' ir«>«-pl ta 611 a vacaaryt akati ka Bmv ■ Mr* Tka w I' »i*-o at preaant and •atwewwat tar«mt*nt* ataa'l k* *t*n*d by III* ataclar* «f tk- *W» atat* qual tlted ta vota far m*»nh*ra nf fk# tleae ml AaaetnWy, at tk* gan*mi RIHWI k*td neat pr*--r*tlng the general -l*rtt-n . thetr reatwrttv* term* Every vacancy ■ Mt-nr-l ky death raatgnatinn or nth >er cause- akati he filled ky apt*»tatmert inf tke ttaverwnr until IHr first day of 'January after tk* *ra*T*l eteettan hyld nest after tka rsplrallon at thirty day* fr«m thr Bmr each vacancy ocrur*. at • kkb eleetlan a *ucre»*«»r for the unr*- plred term shall be elected, provided, that tt* auecaaaora far all Incumbrat* aim, term* expire ..n or twfor# tka firs* day of January. 1*»». ahall h* alrt ted ky tk* Oenrrnl Assembly nt Ita nan jalon for I*M. for the full term of four year*." Sac. 4. Be It further enacted ky *u -1 tkortty aforesaid. That wbsr.ever the above propoaed aieervtmenl* to the Constitution *hnlt be Sfrwd to by tno thlrda of the member* eler list to rack of the two houaea of the General Aa eemhly. the Oovemor shall, and he la hereby authorised nnd Instructed to cause aatd sroendment* to t>e published In at least two newspapers in each con gressional district In this Stale for the period of two month* next preceding the time for holding the next general' ((action. I Her. *. Be It further en*r(ed hy the, I authority aforesaid,That the above pro- ; 'pored amendments shall he substltub-d for rallftcatloß or rejection of the e|er-| I tors of this State at the next general election to be h»ld after publication, aa provided for |n the foutth acctWo of 'this Act, In the several district* of the. Slate at which election every per»ti| • hall be qualified to vote who Is enu-i tied to vole for members of the Gene ral Assembly. All perrons voting at said election in favor of adopting the 'proposed amendments, or either of i,hem; to the Constitution of this Slate, ; shall havn written or printed ..n their | I ballots the words: "For rulltlcatlon of the amendment of paragraph 2 of set ' tlon 3. article S of the Constitution (Tor election of Judges of Superior Courts hy tt*' penplel. "For ratification 'of armndmentgtf paragraph 3 of section I 3 of article 6 of the Constitution" (for 1 election of Judges of Superior Courts 'bv the people), “For ratification of 'amendment of paragraph 1 of section U 'of article 6 of the Constitution" (for 1 election of Solicitor* General by the people). And all person* opposed to adoption of said amendments, nr either of them, shall have written or printed | nn their imllots the words: “Against the ratification "of parngraph 2 of sec tion 3 of article 6 of the Constitution (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people). “ \galnst ratifi cation of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3 of article 6 of the Constl jtutlon" (against election of Judges of . Superior Coufcs hy the people) "Ag nin-t ratification of amendment of par agraph 1 of (flection 11 of article (I of '(he Constitution" (against the election of Solicitors General hy the people). j sec. 6. Be 11 further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor be. and he is, hereby author ized and directed to provide for the 1 submission of the foregoing proposed amendment* to the Conatitutlcn of this State to a vote of the people ns requir ed hy the Constitution of this Siat-- in paragraph 1 of section 1 of at tide 13, Olid by this Act; and if either be rat ified, the Governor shall, when h ■ as certains such ratification from the Sec retary of State, to whom the returns shall be referred in the same manner ns In case of elections for members of ] the General Assembly, to count and 'ascertain the result, issue Ills proclomo jion, for one insertion, in one of the daily papers of this State, announcing Midi result an.l declaring the amed- Pient or amendments ratified. See. 7. Be it further enacted hy the authority That all laws and parts of laws' in conflict with lb: Act be. and the same are, hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1597. Now, therefore, I, Wiliiarh Y. Atkin son. Oovern-G of said State, do issue this my declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Excellent Opportunities To Beautify Your Homes With Useful and Handsome Articles! V. read THE FOLLOWINO > i ... TIE Rice &OH (Ml MU... ;ill . , IIIIIITT . — * r _ rr ««••* fco<# n#|y>tifiK u# mmajm, 9a t* # Wl mm ««a r<nrTmi| «n t» * tw .Mix *d w*vkaa«»w r«>M» it. tk* b*«k* *•• t«k* tm ikq* * at a tufa 9l I* «t m i rrfiul slits ~t Nit a# TMb# at lA# at *##9 N9M#9 if t#l #<MH ft# inp g Tpifttu i# y-rurt # '*** •« »#ii*ftiN4 f#M9 M# mmw ami tmatmtatmtata ■ Tl- #y««*4**’9 #f »«#**# fHH« «AM## ##4 tMMI m -jmiftii lli#y aa tm 99991” maa » --- • * J *w>** »* *•**% tr.-rta W* ***#*%••*• a ***** tt lk**h Sk tw •* fi** ***W «• •***? mr***a k*" had* l # w**» ifi, isltßlaolaolao2o so 26 25 2s 26 26 25 25 28.25 S i rt CREDIT CERTIFICATE | When you purchwe SlO. $1?. 920. or ?2* worth of rr a* u metchandtx for c»vh. on suirt.idcr ol ism Y-erfi- 2 °1 |l** £ ficate, you wUI receive free, choice of «ny of ihe •J ** 11 irtkick named hereon. 2 c i*2t? PICE A O CONNOFt SHOE CO.. g _ -,j ( 4 Uddlhj sky* **d M*< l*»nw '•* r*4o*. *tk ft*wT»ml UJ o yzl •’ A*t«oM o* “» ns ►S 1 1 l*»a»d ...m ****** —* Oi •* - t ' Ow*hM|M4 "~* m V 1 ' Odll'a fill*** IM will .. It* y*rch«»* fimall Barithfi Tka'* *'*k W fiwrrka*# Ia ? J with I» rurrh— ** Q ol ftityyr- W»l*< Cftwß fill M I# *•«!»•* t do* fitlwar »9*«' *■«*» V n firn.ll Bto*.*. n«rk with . » poh h.*w «k*f. Mull#* half* with- ft punka** Large Br*»n*a <1«. h with .. J 1 purch.s# la'M R<»»h»fi ’"ka" »«* » in d Lrl* Un>* with ft pur k— Chamkav He, t. »Oj r,or in 5 0 100 100 100 100 100 ISO 100 200 200 i 1 I J 1 i 1 an.l cnatty article* ’MI are <» ma given away **y !h# WC* Bve.ybodv h- n. M» their present. In their home. and *“*' **"««' A no.N Non HHOK COMPANY «-arly *»# by h u ,m« her* We narranl voell ha*. • *m>. you THE RICE & O'CONNOR SHOE CO. LEADING SHOE AND HAT DEALERS. 854 BROAD STREET cJ^focc STORES 722 BROAD STREET STORES (Ymatlluiloa «• *•**•* ** ratlficstbcv or rejection to the l**»l vo l, r* »f the fitatc •' **"• general elcc ti..n to ka t* id Wedaaad mr, October ». im " aa Y ATKINSON. Governor. By the Governor: F. K. Callaway, rrlval# fcWcivf ry- ÜBWKY Pittsburg T*n>es. When Dewey coMt back to the Uni ted State* he should be given as a part of his welcome the «roateat breakfast that was ever pH up In locle Sam* dominions. RBFERRINO TO THE DEPARTED Chicago Record. The late Sultan Abdul All* may lie now referred to a* the Sultan Abdul Axitn'L |([PT j)Y fIU. FIBS! gLASS QROCEBS “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour, Guaranteed.” THE PRESIDENT’S PLANS. He la Arranging «o Take a Well turned Vacation Waahlngtona. Aug. 24. President McKinley la endeavoring to arrange public buaineaa *o that be ran leave Washington some day next week for a well-earned but long-delayed vacation. Hia plana are not yet made, and he has not decided Just when or where he will go. He may take a trip up the great lakes with Senator Hanna and Secre tary Alger, he may go to lavke Hopat cong with Vice President Hobart and Attorney General Griggs, or he may accept one of the many other numerous Invitations that have been extend'd. The only matter yet definitely decided la that within a short time, as soon, In fact, as Gen. Shatter and the Santiago AOCUCT 94 army htvr *ll landed »t Camp Wikof, the President wltl go lo Montauk Point and see ih<*n>. ll* may not order • ra rl*« of the iroopa. a* thla l» • matter that be apd the secretary of war bar* not determined yet, but at any rate the Pt widen) will personally visit the victorious but suffering soldiers and tender hla sympathies and congrslu latiußs. Mr McKinley will not forget the sailors, either. He Is as anxious to so* them as tbr soldiers, and will, eith er In going or returning from Montauk, go aboard the ships at Tompklnsrllle and commend ihe Jackies for their glo rloua achievement*. A*.out October 1 the President will visit the Trans- MlKSlsalppt Kxpositlon at Omaha. Courtship Is life's poetry and mar riage is the prose.