The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 24, 1898, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY THE IUGUSTI HENUO ft ♦ *»*•.. «*«•*—**— * m s&S SSntjsz „«*• » * ■ 2sr »ui..i #4l <»«W»*^ , ‘ J ***I** 1 ** ** MU—M, *f>—' •* HI RAI D W** l p,i •—•<• —«i»*t ••*»••■* •**- IM •»*■ * •*• ** y«j WttJL r**& f*»B «e«AU> la übM- *« »—• *"»*•* •*» S *n*2flT—M* A* •»• «*■"• U 4 m , MO • **••• ,h *** .. _ I* Mac— ** •*» »»• *•*«“* "tTcMMftMk-AI IN# |a Mb* T«t ll * w " Fb#*~ ->»««.’« _"~±Z T**Z**9* •**““*• u» «n*« *• *“• Herald Prize Letters From Imerican Summer Resorts. a . . T*. H~*>* .fcw a kern wfirteß fn— fA|| 9mm lU#f ftWßUft* art aaasi k* p*Mt»k#4 1111 **J* a aaai •• Nw» •** • r,#f '■* IWIHt •». «»«•«* "** "*•*•_*? rta# win *- *»hrvtt«l tc * *•**- . >•<>•« aad i«w>*«iai orntnir , aril** *•» ,b * * <fk> >•*> *• "** Volrt. *» »« 41 •• *** ncm **• * Bluin', mux ***wmp*nv r * r " dent In M nmW***** ****** fu# IM |Wt»»M «4 *A*»Ufic* IW . . . Ct»io*’»»<» "•***' r “*" n# b iHIMf I* * r*#*"*# k*|lN Cminimu nt wrtU •» •* n * letter* •• th*r »•»•» f° f ’•*• Miaa, bat oih* ...nteatant '■*“ win «aly «*« «f ik* a . . Tbm HmM waat* >•** ******* * If ftmlpy Kttfft. Mtn •rise* *lll b# awarded »"» «»'• U«t. mwi in«#r*#«lng »" J n ”*‘ nalaMt Uttar* of Xuinmrr B*- Wtt Nawa. Contest Closes Oct. I. jroß THE BVT LCTTBIt. W* *• yon THE lt> BEST WETTER ... tl •• fOR THE ID BERT Utl iKR -.. *•* A SPLENDID ATLAS. The Herald ha* aacurvd a law cople* of the magnificent War Alia* IwoeU by Rand. McNally A Co. the great m—maker* Thl* Atla* I* a map of the world, and If you want to keep potted on Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippine* you ought to hate It. The regular price of thl* Atla*. w hkh la printed in five color*, con. tain* map* of Cub*, Wert Indie*, Hawaii, liurope, Art*, Africa, Spain. Philippine*, North America, South America, the World, Oceanlca. China, Portugal and harbor charts of Mavaaa, Santiago. San J“* n . Malania*. Clen fuego*. Manila. Cardenaa and Santa Clara Hay a. la 50 canta. To herald reader* jo cent*. Thl* Atlas I* 14x31 incite* and con tains 18 page*. You are sure of get ting your money’s worth when you get the HERALD'S STANDARD ATLAS. AUGUSTA HEEDS A SANITARIUM. The city hospital ha* played an im portant function in the life of Augusta and under Ua preaent efficient manage ment Augusta’a hospital ha* become famous throughout the entire South. It 1* no unusual thing for patients from distant state* to be In the hospital un der the care of Augusta physician*. Augusta la forging ahead in the med ical world as she Is In the business nod commercial world. The city needs more Institutions of a public character; we need a private sanitarium to augment the work of the city hospital. There Is a Held here for such a work. Every winter brings more visitors to the city In the search •at rest anti health, and a well appoint ed private sanitarium would find. - Us capacity taxed to supply the demands made upon It by Northern invalids. Aside trom the local needs, which »re steadily growing, such an Institu tion would find a broad aud constantly increasing field of usefulness before it. Such institutions are becoming nec essary to every large city and the field open in Augusta Is au exceptionally in citing one. , u.iv !•** __ In yw * gs t*« taa "•* ■-»#•*■* *•#* j aw* gaggi tay h**t Ha* M***"* R** l E4W •> W • h—BBB •• tEhsf*# i«m qua*.— aha— »•* M* B*— *<*• m nm> a n»fW| »•*••••« ••• ' M— m a kiwaai a* *—•••*» •** 1 mm hf *•**>■ ••R'* •** •*’ #*»*—•••••* | n« —■- 1 m »——» «*■»<»•— h • aaa—M —*■■» » MMkPRE'** I ** *•* ; *h* ****** n * fri "** f «—■»*.# Ml • •*<• ***** *'*t (*** ! IM aMmi MM>a* Mt* I rnnt Mb*** •*» *4** *•**” j *ihm M» • ***** RR **• I ibrn Mti thaat i*m«*••»•••*•• *• I Mmini UPIMWiP. *** j pa— M ft** Ml •** •** I *9*** * f**m%**>i t** *** *** Ml Ml* gRMaM. OR C**f* *** “TM* May tww *** *h— 9*** ••• 1 ****** at h— pytaaa —M h**d tiaaaa th* * rtgii II aaaMiy «h m*M * **•*• , »*i IM **f M*gM ,k * •*•** I ******* . ** ** ****** k* laa—M **** •» »•••«« "R* ,b * j M« ***** If p**MM* i* ***•* —* 1 • ■* **»*—— h# »Mma*M * laeaaaaa TM* pH*» R **• ****&■ ' imb aM of laha aaf as tha pHwti as taho* #f» lawaa tksa they ha*a ha— 1 ! a a |r***Uea saM pat aw* eata as j 'Matt— ta tha hiytawi «a ba*a aa*f ; aaaara A apt*** a* a*tra«a*aa*a ***** jta hat* ***** •* *• aMartrtatea- I tiaa at aw* #a»a*aaMa*. Rata. ****** J aaM a»ai*MM*. •**»♦ etwrh*M M tha kwiMea will an— ha**MM latal j I iraklr ta »a*y «f *•* p—tM*. aapartal I I iy 1 boa* who a** aasagad la IlfllaM lb* aatl. ala. aft** aO. ba»* b hear wall alMht ail tba barMaa* of gov an* »a*t I la IMS. fhtioa broaabi l«S eanl* a ! poatMi aatl tha atat* rala of taxation > wa * b eoia oa tb* hnndrad dollar*: j *«■, rMin I* wertb about half of j I *rfeat 11 wa* worib the* and lha rat# I of taxation la *1 Sl* raata- two and I a ball tlaw araatar Tbaa II took la** ' ikaa 100 and a half pmiad# of eottoa *to pay tba atat* ta* oa a hundred dot { lan worib of property’ sow 41 require* twain pound* aad a half. Ira time* a* an eh aa Mttaaa yaar* ago aad yat j tt raqulra* *• aiurk 101 l ; | and *we*t to produra a pound of cot j ion today aa It did tbaa. Then ataaty-iaa pound# of rottoe j paid the irlhuta lavled by tha atale I aad county, in tuoal e**a*. 0* tba amall j farmer whoar farm waa worth IS.IW J Now II laka* more than a bala. If 1 thia ronataot Im-raaa# la lha rala of ■ taxation eouilnuea for a saw raora j year* It wilt, lo many paoptr. breoma Intolerahla. It I# no anaarrr to thl# argument to aay that the rate of taxa- I tloa la higher In other alate* than In ! (Saorgta- Aa well try to ronaol# the ; j alrk man with tha aaaurance that aome ! body alar la alckrr that ha la In thaae : day* of hard time* and low price* tax- I * tloa la too high In moat of the **»•». I especially In tha blood-atalned and bat tla-blaated utatea of the South. Now. I am charging no man or party with diahoneaty nor malfeaaane*. I do not | halieve there ha* bean a dollar stolen or wilfully misapplied by any atata offl rlalof any party since tha exodus of the carpet-bagger; but I repeat that a spirit of extravagance has grown up gradu ; ally In alt of our governments, federal, state, county and municipal, no matter whether administered by Democrats, Republicans or Popullrts, and that the good of the people demands that It be Cheeked and a more rigid economy In- ] atitoted. 1 am not endeavoring to gull you with the promise that I will lower the rate of taxation If I am elected gov ernor. Such a promise would be an ln | suit to your Intelligence, for you all know that It Is the legislature of your statr. and not the governor, who enacts ; the taxing laws. But I want to Impress upon you the Importance of electing to the legislature only men who are pledged to the moat rigid economy;* and when you have done this you can depend on me to cooperate with them in every effort in the direction of econ omy and lower taxation. Every mem ber who proposes or advocates « meas. ure for the relief of the people, be he Democrat, Republican or Populist, shall have my hearty cooperation and support.” GOOD TIMES TEMPERED WITH | PUBLIC ECONOMY. Every breeze that blows In the rhan : nels of trade brings tidings of prosper j tty and good times. It Is high time that our people, the Southern peop e, ! were experiencing their share of good ! times, for during recent years, the 1 South, In common with the rest of the I country, has found It hard indeed to I *■«<■* *«** mm # mum 99m to «*#*# in inf ipMNf** pM**f«9 i mi <f* itj f fin 1- f \ fin lin (puinin #• •in f limn am t* 99 W 94 nm in itonNl If Kn >*%>l* m$ m l t%E j f-if ntpMMMf tin n#i mm&m 099$ m fim* # 9090*$ i 11< im Mjf' f nfMAAMf INI nPfnw Viw^w bin (pf»f f # >:***mm*m* w** - ■ i nff9 nwPB in mm mm n ™ . 1 13,0 10M1# msi fmffi f tin mmm mm f#f pnmnmni ; 1 m in* man n* *mms ml ***** 4mnm \%* ptt***i «f mmmM n <im *wn mmnft n mm**#*mm msmrn IM it mm *4 mm mmmm tit mm* ; fpMNiniE mm nwftMimn ntnmninn nmif \ 10m in mmmm It Ansm*# ini* 1 * 4m mt npi *m* mm* mßm *m fin mm**4 i «in if*, m mmmmmrnmt *ml m*m ; niiM'M M*>n nt Wmm \m» 4m fin tm**f*o mm 4 fflNftn*i*f f*fM Hfurtm |*» m n**m in imt* If It fi* t <im mi m •***? mm* n tm# m nri* imnntn itn mm mMI mmi m*mm x mmmm ' 1 9* ci# 1 m*i*n. H l* nH ti* mm* fin* n* I «iffl4 in tin mmm tins im n*n**ni | |imftnr»i nf «m *tnt* infum’ ii*, • invfnnmt fi* tmhtMi* tnsmimi LAMM MAT I* TVS uni. Atlaata aad Cwlaaibl*. a**abbo*i*t rMHa ta Aaawata *— aaaktag alahiw *!• afagarattoaa hw tba aregw* A»t*t**A tiaa as lab* Day ibi# y*ar rwnaaauiy tb* —M* •* Aaaarta. kr. a wav ad Aagarta# panalaalty to tbaa* twa (tttaa will bav* tb* cqrpswiaa Hy of Jaararylag tWibw ta fota la tb* ral*bratbma Hal wby raaf Ang«#t» ba** a lab* Day calabrauoß oi It# ewa V* a eow pD as y**r* tb# aailivr baa bam Ml# raaaad by lb* labor organlaa'toaa of tba city, bat a* yot no at*pa bar* b**a tabaa to gloc* tb# r*l#hralloa la obap* Ti* ana mni* a Hlf ni*t It Is *• aiocb a* tb# aaaount of capi tal invested la tla ladaalrlaa R»f IM p> quit* tloa August* a ill compare fa vorably wltb aay city la tba country both la lb# amount of rapttal invest*<t la manufacturing eatcrprl*##, and la tb# number and quality of labor em ployed la it* limit*. What I* tb# matter with a labor day ctlebnttloa? A proper crlahraUoe of Ihe day will b# welcomed by every mrrchaat in tb* eily. It will mean new life and dig nity to the laboring man; tt wilt b# a civic holiday that will b# enjoyed by our owa clil**na aa well as thousand* of the people In the neighboring ter ritory who will taka advantage of the occasion to vtnlt Augusta, The annual celebration of Labor Day In Augusta should be made aa much of by our rltiiena aa tha Merry Maker* week, as Jefferson Day and any other civic entertainment for which Augusta la fatqpua. WHAT (NE LITTLE AD. DID The Savannah Press la onr of the Ijeafafternoon paper* In the state. It la to Savannah wtiat The Herald la to Augusta. The afternoon paper goes Into the homes. It goes out with the day’s news and with the day's sds at a time when the news and the advertisementa can be revql and appreciated. The afternoon newspaper as a news medium and as sn advertising medium is steadily winning Its way to the front. We know that this won’t be the last time that the Press readers will find results from their nds In Savannah's afternoon paper. It’ the usual thing In Augusta and the people have long Btnoe realized that the afternoon paper Is the great want medium—the shortest xroad between buyer and seller. In speaking of the value of advertis ing the Press says: “SMALL, PROFITABLE BUSINESS for sale, with license, apd store for rent, in good locality, cheap. 223 Con gress street, west. “The above advertisement appeared yesterday afternoon In an inconspicu ous portion of the Savannah Press. It was inserted along with other popular column notices. There was no effort at display and no particular attention was directed to the modest little no tice. The people found It, however, as they do all things in the Press, end this morning the advertiser had more than twenty callers in response to It. He had no trouble In finding a good purchaser for the property he had on hand. “The experience of this advertiser shows how widely the Savannah Press Is read. Here was a notice that called direct'y for the expenditure of onsh. it was not one that would command ihe rrav- A TTOTTF T A r, HI I Ain HERAIiD PRIZE LETTERS w --HMMM f»*g? ■ SUSMEH RESORTS. |I9 r*f * Im, |tl far tla sn tti 911 n lit Sic ®pgM ta AM 1. »—»«**«•■ Imp 11 ♦•hr t titff** It# ♦*#**# ONMNP ♦ MMM*bgbt”k* m * **rVW B 4Ht 9i* gM»rTI 9m*l itrtf —♦* I* #* 004 naMt q> ffitPb t~* * ♦**! t* ll** W*ii. ** I '»■♦• —|ir> t mm ftk*i ** 0* ‘ l«iW 9mm mmmm Ti* l • mmm rnm*mmtm ♦tt* IM. Mt Ti*P*l*Mß 19* *''*** t* Mibgwi tli# ntti *9t«Mrfkl9M WHB I avwt II *»•* Tb* *»*< a—l * •Ma . | a -q.1,1 tf|M ig» 'TT-, = vfraa-"fl I gn»* my b— hi lb* ear*b *a4 aHm ■i, j , 0 btm artab Tb* cm*b waa „. j. neatlv *w#■ tb* feet l**g Myk i,a,vine a, la# I,# t wa* lainbMur Iblba ta lb* bwabew such? my #y* It •WB a wheel I Icntxl agal* sag 41*- IM eveeb and lumped aat «f Iba hwtlT •tat raa a<v«* ta tb* evaab «* aa* if I svaald aa* *4 a b*4» a*r«b*v* •*«* deal# I ran up— b*ri es M 4 # Mcdhlaa I felt rrtl v-4 1 a*M M 4 4—c*4 aa muTb laat atgbi be gwt -arm a*4 M taking a hath Then I beard aometvniy ja«t Ulow me faring Nundar school e -rrle I pe*p*4 thtmngh the tvtahe# j aad there wa# Mt IB water a Witt# ve rt knee deep with nnly a shirt «vn “My lewd. «d. what are you d«m*?" said f. Blump’ down IB lha water went Mid until I could aee nothing hat hi# eye* “What yoa wanlT* »ara Mid. aa he raise* hi* rn<mth out of the water. “Oh, netnlng." aay* I. “Mo*** Nvya and girl# nr* romlng right here In a few seconds to artn thl* hole “ “Please tell them that It la better to seln above Ihe ford." pleadet Mid. After watching him a while. I told him I wa* Joking Then he explained why he waa In the creek He »*!d a# he waa eroaalng the Ing hla laundry felj in and washed down the crecli and , he Whnt In after It. He succeeded In recovering moat of ' It. I hat the next creek he rmaaes b* will hold on to hla laundry. The* Cohldiam boys crvuMicd hata with Wrlghtahoro laat Friday evening. It waa n nnc-ald.-d affair The p.-ore waa 10 to # In favor of Cotihtiam. Mr. little j mode 30 centa on the game. Mr Jut* | Boyd told him he would give him 5 j centa every time he got to first haae. and he went there alx ttmea. to my i certain knowledge. After the game w-aa over rohliham played the Croaa Road - * team. The score wa# It to 1 In favor of Cobbham. robbhxm la going to play J Briar Creek In Thomson next Friday ; evening. attention of any other cloaa than those having money, yet theta were more j than twenty persons who were ready to Investigate It. The notice was only i four lines long. There Is more than a hint to business men in the reault of the Insertion of this little notice. The people of Savannah watch the Press columns for advertisements as well as for news. The live business man will appreciate thia fact fully when he con- ! alders the work done by this notice. It Is sometimes necessary for a atore to be elosed and a clerk who Is a good employe has to rest and sleep. Not so with ®n advertisement. It Is always before the people when In n good me dium and It works without ceasing. It neither stops to cat nor sleep.” What He Did Think. “Do you think that Ambassador Tiny will succeed Secretary Day?” said the Horse Editor to the Snake Editor. “I don’t know about that, but I’ll tell voo what T do think.” “What?” “That this country Is now enjoying its Hay-Day."—Pittsburg Chronicle- Telegraph. Sentimental. Little Willie—Pa, what is that saying about its being “better to have loved and lost”— Mr. Hcnnypeck—lt Is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.—Judge. POSSIBLE, PROFITABLE PURCHASERS READ HERALD ADS EVERY DAY. THIS IS IT hwMMkaai *% fllaMa •» | PmGT I J j| i MMM NM4 - j LaM*» m POR EARLY FALL ■ 1 IIS ALL SHADES $3.00 Jut! A r Hv»<l. DORRS Tailor inf, Hato, Fumbhinr I Bath Tub Enamel ) Will make your Rath Tab like # naw and at but llitl* net, r>*» C Get the Best. ( DMrtttfA* jrcnr P»*- Vr J mxipttomm fi‘i*d »!»«• ym» *r* J f c *fi Orton t iff ftttiM Im Imm \ J f Mm mvli |*utt E / Waxed Fioora. / r Tl>« Nit m*d« »n*l 9 rud» (or w ] pohtbmg cab b« bid of ut. C 3 Sure Cold Cure. / \ o~* "Cold Pill*" unit MIL * J Uwd and kiiiiwn here for year*. I t % If you *e*t a Tru*a it la to J j / your inierol to a*# at bafura C S g.iiirg a new on*. ? ileiander Drm&SeedCi. s J TMt lt"KOAl) MT. ( pTiT.p.h.h.p. h.h.r H. H. P. -Th '- JIH. H. P. oUICKEbT. || H. H. P. _ Th# _ H. H. P. H. H. P. BnafOr All : H. H. P. H. H. P. Liter . h. h. p. Medicines H. H. P. H. U. P.For H. H. P. the Liyar H. H. P. S ° c * D,e ' H. H. P. H - H - p * WilMDruV Hl H ' p * H. H. P. I Cofflpaif |h. h. P. H.H.P. H. H. P. H. H P' The Whltely / j Exerciser. A practical, eimpla and rfticient Home Exerciser, VSS. • ( N j onespeciallf adapted for jKi ladies and children, but \ f\\ at the same time can t>e XYpTi. \ \ 1 profitably used by the 1 ; strongest athlete. / |i 1 jHM \\|L i PRICES: / jl ' Tl\ Ly ! 75c., fI.OO, f 1.60. / j <Y« BICYCLES - CLEVE- / , \ LANDS, S4O up; VIK - I \ . INtiS. $36 up ; GEN*- / \ URONS, $lB up: THOM-1 M AS. SSO ut). Call and see them. Every one guar- \1 / antced. S' J | ( Richards & shaver 1 * jJtL i -. I UNCLE SAM’S NAVY Portfolio No. 9 can be Mt cured et The Herald office for 10 centa end • Navel Coupon cut out of The Hereld. NUMBER NINE CONTAINS A MONO uTHKR tXDfi TUVA PICTURES OF To#a*4* Hat DapaaL ttKituiy at *'*«» Map of Naval Dtri.r r*. #ht,w tag gugnM of lha Arm* *r4 Navy of tha Uau*4 *ta*«a- Plctar** “f Camp Lit*. Navy Yard. Large Map of CM I* and ataay a-har ,o»4 thing*. ■■ -- i 0 9 This coupon, when ac companied with 10 cents, i entitles the holder to one 1 copy ot Uncle Sam s Navy Portfolio, at Thh Herald otfice, Augusta, Ga. Mail orders must include 2-ccnt , stamp lor postage. i 9 9 | 1 Bark numbnra of this Handaom* ao rtas ran still b« obtained .1 Hit Har aid offir*. ? PORTNER’S / ( HOFBRAU and ( / VIENNA CABINET l / BRANDS OF f | Export \ | Beers j ? ARE THE BEST < S ASK rOR THEM. t U Polar Ite furls MacliieryO FOR SALE Praps, Tails, Pipes, to, Cheap ImM Iron forks NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Uade Only By HOWARD * WILLETT DRUG CO. Rubber Tired Wheels. We have taken the agency for the Rubber Tire Wheel Co., and cannow furnish Rubber Tires of best quality, at the lowest discounts allowed by the fac tory. We would be pleased to assist all who would enjoy this relief from jolts and jars, setting of tires, irritated nerves and shop bills. Day & Tannahill. AUGUST 24 •w**®** t iiw sun Qffl 1 Stiff c« For Iho eortoin cor • *nd provost.** of on form* of Chino ond Mrhrtft. I oor* iKiMrty roeommond »« pooftlo Hiring In * motor**! dMiricl IO lotto o dooo nifhl ond momlnt until j froot, ond it win koo* off i Chill* ond Favor. Prtoo 1 00 eonto ond • I hottloo. k«m* that tho cut of on ol >i«otor ♦ on ovory bottlo ond don’t toko anything oioo cloimtnf to ho juot o* tood. Sold by ol* Druovtoto. 1. L Gardellt. Druggist. •ti HuAb iff* f mmm Ummm^rnmmrn, file Aepsta Gerald Largest. Brigltett aid Ae Bill Xritltjer FiHufcd ll ! Tin Sfdiii -4 V tkle<'.«a m NEraj rHE KEWS or THE WORLD WHILE IT IS NEWS. 12 TO ll HoI Rs AHEAD OF OTHER GEORIiIA AND SOUTH l AROLISA r * PAfERS. 4 • «-l TRIM. IILL coma !W RANK. »u*u*i». **•* A PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lk St.. Augusta, Go fIJVIS m TESTS Oil d*lecti <* light, *nmi» «l»o profhor lll*oooo aad W Alt* lAIfTK Uimh Len»e> cut into your firm* while yoa wait. FREE OF CHARGE, l.adica Not la It. 40c Fine Summer rnd«r*hlrt#, ihe. 40c. Fin# Summer Drawer#, 30c. i $1.06 Fine Dr*»» Shirt#, *oc. j 50c. Fin# Scarf#. »c g j ; J I *sc. Suspender#, now 10c. 10c. Club Tt##, 6#. Our targe line of Fall Woolen# has | arrived and our summer good# have got to go at sacrifice price*. Call early and get a good selection. F. Q. Mer tlns. Tailor, opposite Planter# Hotel, ; Augusta, Qa. i Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st=Teleplionel^w\n 3: Jtivst* Leased Wir»a ritect to New York Chicago and New Orlvans. Order* executed over aur wire* far Cotton. Stock#, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought #nd #old. Reference# —Netionel Exchange Bank of August*, 1 or Mercantile Agencleo. loeTtolm In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney > and record fees. No delay in getting the money. ileiaMeryoboson Agents Scottish Ameritan Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St