The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 24, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL 4*t» 999M9L WUlJli* •* H«d Aah Jftfttro TNi MtoT OftAOK® Of Xuit Cm w Jftfttco UOAI.B AMhrA.H. ft*f. •*«! Nw» V >**« jmrt “an ICE COMPANY. THE MARKETS 4>H—o*< l)**i »»«*•• ■ '*» ®o' Mt n.* » ww»n * «„*,•** ft* •* j ■I pMA* ***** *• ** « r***» tmmi *•**<•* m « ■■ *• •* *' j Mhl’ff* bfft* Ft t’OßTflt 6*7(«'*4»t , *'*R, I K.O #■**«•«, s»•* *•*■■*« dErr.fwT j H. ppft *■»#'! *4 M •*** ffcttir **< *•♦*** .. •• ** •*.*•»• ••, flM*—» *m* to**to * ■ ** ** m ' pmmmMa it c . »-*—i ** ***• * , 1 ftIMHIMPt*. liffT»W *« t • liM *. *'«**►» *•*•*•** * Imkkm «*fe>i -• > *«>»*•• N*. «'♦*»•***• * *• **-* - ** s * gm.d imup t**M*6 ■*' * *<** A*il j PafeS*** . », »♦ •• ****** ** j Km. . - *V ’"| »%»• **•« fvfea »•*♦»•« «* *• ** ** mmm *,..**•**■•• •• j% *♦ “ * j tM*b* ..... ...» •• * *** ** UV»; KTfWK EARMi" **«•»« ***«- 1 W"— M» *»»*’ •** 4r*tt •***•#* * •• •* ’ |»rt»**(k ,a*a**»«l •** **'*• ** avwiug* **tj§ •***“'• »<*■• *• ***** •* 2~. IlMM.** •**»•#• ■»•*• »•••* *« w I M*i. * •*•**. •wmmm •* **' WW . .. M *« •* • • “ *• * ** V* M»i-* owro** ■***• *** T* >*»»* >*■*«»« .. . -• --•* z M« Ml 4 lfe*4s ftrtl 6MIOO Mat**. it iw**» flu# »•»**• *• Vmi|>W Attß •«**.«» taw N* **•» »** j •i » »«• *•>(» >«•* •* * F* f J*-' I •l .•», Umm» Imv. <•*•». # •• ■ 6** | is to. Mil iwW* A* to •* | »ST tMXTfg. (7n»«n toMrili.** <*•« »*-»*<***' QttottxiH* M 4HrtlM ** *• •• J Otoattmiil* MAH toirila* « » '** OiMtlMto. Mi I K .. * * tN.tte .. ~ * J 1 * ('i' W H H H.. .. .... • »-* Juba |* Kina MM .. I J, tm P Kt*»* » KC • •• • * *'* SPOOL SILK. OMMIII fto fit to oto***!. P** Alt M CPrti.fiii to jrtto. I« totowl. P* r DI.Mi'HINOI. Jltofottoo*.*..* fcrtn*4* .. ** .... to t* T* Rllrr Oils (Mill Mill .. .. .« • 5 Ttrt*l * *■* WIOCIAH. Print of Hi* Hmmt. to InctiM .. .. • 14 Pru.i of tbo ton. 74 Inr b« .. .. • <4 Cabot. 74 larkaa * «• * •'* Cabot. **«•*• w Slpln* *»«•*. *• **• Prtdr of Itw WaM .« .. •• •• .. M* I*l Jtu, r Kail 74 It R ahirlloK ~ .. I t-3 j m ., f Kina 4-1 A A abofilnp .. 4*4 Lonadal* *4.. * 3 |f.. p sine, to Inch itoorrla .. .. 4 M Jno P Kina, to Inch K C n» Ulan ) * *•* 1 jo.. P. King, to torh Ks Klan.l .. .. .. .. I I** I Jm. P. Kins 14 In. b Suparlor .. * 1-4 PRINT*. uhlrtlns*. 44*44. 1 1-4 i lUrrlnirk ahlrtlnir*. 44 *44 1 3-4 | CttM lor Ooah 4rr*a alptoa 40*46 .. 1 1-3 i Waohtogton Oil* (fnncp) 4 Alton'* (laiM'S l •• •• * I*l Simpaun'o *-* porraloa Coatoa Spool rollon, par doa 41 American Indigo bluoa, 44*44 *• ■• 3 s-3 Plater Oil* (Mill 41*44 .. .. .. 4 1-4 American Indigo bluo*. «4a*4 . .. 4 I*4 International black* 44*44 4 1- Allen'* cardinal* 41*44 .. •• .. 4 1-2 A!!«*.'* Ijßlona* 44*44 ~ 4 1-2 India blue *““ India blue 4 1-2 Ktlr.glant * 44*44 4 1-2 i flamer’* ladlant* 44*44 ~ .. .. .. 4 1-3 Klarthn Wnrbtogton f>4*to 2 3-4 Hope to*4:s 2 1-2 t’hater ook*. M»ao .. *• .. .. 2 1-4 TICKS. , Hampahti* •• 4 1-2 j Am. *keig A C A .. 10 1-2 j Ami aUcac A 1® AmoKkena C •• * 3 '4 PI,AID HOMESFUNP. « city Mill* * I** Pour yard, good 33 inch .. .* .* .. 4 1-4 l_odl *hlrlln** 34x.'.fi 3 1-4 |.roll drena alyle; - . F.6x«o .'. 3 1-4 ft. Clair drear atyle* 4 Ocean colld* 2 3-4 Matt!* v firm Ira .. .. 3 3-4 kll'ccllaneou.i brand*, tight weight 12 K-=«lo Irnetta 6 yard* plain % .. 3 1-4 Thorndike B 5 3 "‘ Hercules • I*4 1 ® Pelham. 33 bill Ito box IS p. o. 1 30 ball* to box 1« K. O. P.. 20 ball* to lb 17 1-2 Muwogce 3 I*2 2* inch l 1-2 yd. plaids, beat make -4 Simpson silk Unsafe foulard* 64x 64 4 3-4 Pacific mourning* 64x64 6 China silk* 64x64 4 1-4 Mld.Ueford 4 Slater 04x64 3 3-1 Concord, 04x60 3 1-4 Romo 56x60 3 I*4 Edward* 3 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KEARSEY'S. Heavy Columbia, heuvy Kearsey R 1-4 Kincaid and others 0 1-4 I.IME, CpMENT AND FLASTE.i. Lime V s,) Rr.sendale cement $l -4"> Portland cement *2.73 to 3.25 l,oulsville cetnent In paper sacks . J 1.25 Plaster Ur Uhl* 41-75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 43.00 painted biicSets. per do* 41.10 JHBB cedar pails, per do* .. .. 11.75 S H B B cetlar pails, per do* .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest U-75 Rope, mantlla, per Pound 9c Rope, Sisal, per pound ■ •• 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc .ii*p.#:Al |(to**4gk iai~t gaa 4feg , „ ftbatot to Igfearvefe. .atytr -r 1 A-a „ ft to ItoM. i« itagtog b»«to jm* tm, . to to tflggr Mato* ******* , I, m i s.# toM* (err- , **j t*m m*# 'tm ****** 90 to flairiir M toto msmi. pa* gag ** ** si fa it .*1 m gtara j* 9 1% **** ** ** 4 6'4 m*4 t*m*m sm* &>,***** ****** 114 M«to fe*4 pae tow *»,*, », 4> *6 l,* *** * jm* Ml ~ ~ ~ ~ (to 'Tiara .****** j*** tm mm , to fbato to Ato**4 in. guwtotr far 040****** toato f-i *tll atow 44 34, 4 to. 4 4.t0 *. 4AM ,rrafj *i 4M*wba aaA . fu,u.v [eg hf Job* IT •Kg gabeg .toaaii ♦ • taw •■•tit narattM i* .. M ... IU satannab la, till .. 11 ... < ..lunihM !'*. I*** ...p |« ... I'nlwmlw* 4 1-2 *. 1417 .. .. Ml ... it*. <>a 4 I f* 1*24 .. a. .« .. MR M»c„n fa tot# .. „.. •• 44$ ... "Columbia r* r* to tharkata* I’a, toto •• .. ** •• to ... "-ilraged. RAILROAD ROND*. <»T..r«ta R. R. 0 Hhg C*. »*. ii* ••• tlenrgla R. R. * Rkg Co nin ii* CliarMt#. Columbia 0 Au gusta. lot 6*#, I to* .... .. I*7 ... Charlotte. Columbia A Au guata. Id r*. 161* 117 Augusta flo. R. It,, 6’a. 1624,, ... to C. H R Ranking Co. Collat eral Trust 4‘a, 1627 *7 6* Southern Hallway *’*. Ito 4 62 Central of Ueorgla Railway, let coasol moet. Ta 164* .... to *1 C. of <l. I»i pref la 4# to Central of Ueorgla Railway. 24 pref locome*. I*ls 12 14 C. of O. l»t pref • 164* —•• * a. * A f., l«t rn. *■*. 1445 .. 16* 167 South tlcorgto and Florida. 2d T’a. I**» .162 Houth Ueorgla and Florida. 2d 7’a, law >•* Ocean fieamahlp Co., tat 4‘s 2d 7’a. 1*» 104 FACTORT BON DA. Knterprla* Mfg. Co., lat *'a. 1903 1»2 ... Alhley Mfg. Co., lat •'*. 1902 . 100 ... Hlbley Mfg. Co., l*t *'*. 1903 . 100 I tig. R. K A B. CoHtcsk.. .. 193 ... Aoulh Western K It. Mtock .. 97 Augusta A Havannah Block .. 97 ... GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. flats, while, sacked 39 Gala, white, *n< bed 34 Corn, while, sacked 54 Corn, mixed, sacked ~ .. 62 Meal, bolted, per bushel 50 Flour, common 3.59 Flour, fancy extra 3.75 Flour, second patent 4.00 Fluur, standard patent 4.25 Flour, fancy patent 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks 80 Fine feed, 100-lb sacks 90 Hay—native, per ton I'-' OO Hay- Timothy, per ton 13.00 11„y.-choice, tier ton 14.00 Hams—choice sugar cured .. .. lOallH Smoked rib sides * Dry salt rib* * Lard, lutre leaf, |n tierces 7 Imrd, kettle, rendered in tierces. 6 1-4 Sugar, granulated 6 6 ** ,», PST ALIKE. - | "Do you se that big cannon there’" „ a j„ jenks. RHllcatlng the IS-inch sun liivlrurUn.v from the turret In the pic ture of the hottlfstUp. "Iu ono respect that's Just tike my pockets are every night.’' • Why, t’car." Mrs. Jenks asked, htw can Hiat he?” "til rifled." said Mr. Jenks. The Rand-Mi Nally new Standard War Atlas Is the best publication of the I kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the slxe of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy paper. Each one has a marginal Index and a page is devoted to the flags of all nations. This atlas Is timely and useful. It Is not for Sale at the stores. The Herald has arranged for a special edition. Renders may obtain a copy by calling at our office or sending 30 cents. A THOROUGH SPORT. The Deacon- Young man. don’t you j Vnoiv that there's a rainy day coming? Spendthrift —Mebbe there is, but I've got that says ihe weather man won't! icall ihe turn. Come, now. If vau’ve (got any nerve show your money. castohia. Bear. th. B* Ybi Hw AlftW Bought “■.r THE -A.TTO-TXBT.A. FTHTR -A. LID MAMUa Man pMydbi ht, 1 7 b#** 6* 7 ewwßto tiAMktotog *6** Mbb'* toto* 7 ,#A Jdpywto ttoMp 9 7 7k* ff A [ ?%• Hm9 i*%23 itNtiilpnwi tit *•# *#+ f#•! «»• m Mm IHiMPMI « piii •» <<nft # <#>•'#* •******••* I *m>*m+* I «It ito •*«*s flat itoMMilft#” A *’+*<&** Al [ itof pwA WQO •Atouff itoto t«toto fpiA _ _ tltoto UNA iMf* (nf ; «•* mmm i* *§*%**s tAAHi iMI J*tf |A PPA NHiHN9WM| ii INNM'I'AgSto HPH AMPMA* II nto*itn»iA'iA# ItoP* *m*W* I yitt-j lAa mt&mm t*m*m [ Igigg* I## m Ntoltoto* * I# flMtoHiMlto toriwa |«> ff t I# MNiApHINI Ml H n Pwanp4MMi MtotoNtoar** mmm • iamm II mig - m tPA f%ttiMto%ii> to mnmm I MmS f l . an# |w«to Mi I'Ntolato famum ««WI fftoMm Tmmhi Mi Mm* If ImmM. Mm mum )n MPAi 'INI Ms 4hl* i'* it •#••►***'♦»•#* i |7Hi>'>4 Im mmmM mmm pmrmm mm n . - i. .sea. ||to| J |,< i iIIMIS <.»?• •f*rvff4 !• ihf »r»if ran volt Tln** . , a | JIM , || togMfto nLA frill Ito> | itSlovN to YiA# Pirtr ClifHi, • ifTtoto* _ : ftt#*it mh o fcwiVto IM tl# mtWtf* \ , bui mho xkm rnrnmmmrmtMm mt* ; iatto) raamot yiM# tor Ilai Tt»® | nfit rntmn mime* tom «rlll tm NI4 ftwrt i m*m ii t(A «m( of raw i gto tgui Trrwg to roPdort an •Hw’ !«* *flM» iftoMM CUhiR OWWWWO! If' < onttac to tN ri—l Hot iot. ilwioM tm dtaaolved upon tha iwm*tinß of the l*tan4 by ill* »w*mment. and a n*w alert bm mu*< tm held to otoct oßicwr* «tbo or til frtoioi • MM nAMUatiou Them to no dtagutning the hart that there tola to* of trouble ahead for the Cuba a (Toeerrmeni. I h«meat;y thtok I them will be many rial* before tran quility to restored The Cuban Oor tr n men' pnur (*ed to pay the wild let* but at them to no fund from which to i gay them « to suggested now that the nrw ronglUuUou make no provision for paying them In any event It looks a* though the government of the Cuban Republic la to *r« more stormy time* President Masao hope* to move the seat of government to hanlt ago and afterward* to Havana. He la confident that the Colled State* | Government will as soon n* prnrCra ate iutu .he Island over to the Cubans for self-government.” Mr A. C. TVolfe, of Dundee. Mo..who; travels for Mansur A Tibbetts, Impln-. ment Co., of At. Louts, gives traveling men and traveler* in general some good j advice, "flubot a knight of ihe grip," j hr saya, "I have for the past three I year* made It a rule to keep myself supplied with Chamberlain'* Collc.Cbol- j eta and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have, found numerous oecasb ns to test Its j merits, not only on myself, but on oth- ; er* a* well. 1 can truly *ay that I nev- 1 er In a stole Instance have known It j to fall. I consider It one of the best j remedies travelers can carry and could j relate many Instances where I have used the remedy on sceptics, much to their surprise and relief. I hope every | s traveling man In the IT, S. will carry 1 a bottle of this remedy In his grip.” For sale by Alexand Drug A Seed Co., c. R. Parr, of Belt Tower Drug Store. IN DEFENSE OF SIOSBEE. The Maine Commander’s Brother Denies Hereu’o Charges. Chicago, Aug. 3 —L. P. Slgsbee, of Chicago, a brother ot Capt. Slgsbee, of the wrecked battleship Maine, says: "It is unfortunate that Capt. Mereu left the United States so quickly after making the statements that he did. Otherwise hts nose would have been twisted from his face. When Capt. Me reu says my brother had tears in his eyes other than for the loss ol' Ills men, he lies. When he says the officers of the Maine were ashore drinking cham pagne on the night In question, he lies again. . • If my brother had tears m his eyes at all It was for the loss of his brave crew, and t believe the whole nation wept at the same time.” Dr. J I- Terry, of Trimble, Tenn., In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: "It has almost become a necessity in this vicinity." This Is the best remedy in the world for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea, and is rec ognised as a necessity wherever its great worth and merit become known. No other remedy is so prompt or effec tual, or so pleasant to take. Sold by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Store. | CHICAGO GIRI-S ARE ALL RIGHT. ! N. Y. Press. With a Chicago girl as the first lady cf India and one as the leading lady of the Philippines, thn Windy City seems to he getting Its share in the modem expansion movement other wise knowo ns Imperialism. GooD lUCK BAKING POWDER* 15 THE BEST. Hitfhtoto* Of AM In iMVIR* 'Vito PciTAwf. 10-AI RVTATfI. FOR BENT I Hi M**m4 >t f I rt, 't f itiicbair », ** s |Sf H I tm f £-* wto'4 frt p(to»“# A tmmmm # , #,.# Ml Ml I m W mm* »irw« 1 mmm »• 9 M i t'4 fuf ; - toiftogrf 4 fmmm ** »• •# i v * Ml 1 rn Mt*m4 toV»v»6Hi. 1 %M*mm .« h *. H • MM *7f. t$ t o>* » Ml . . . . - Ml 2 sryjgr ;;::»t j 4MuMM- MtoPtoMto #•**«** t si a « *v c ". * * CIS Hrm • «f ftotot .. BM..4MH •I? flr*toi4 MlftoMl. .* - - » * Cl 3 * * M « to MI, ' ' w r T? ’* . ISi Ml w to «*• jr *s #. 71. M IU r«*flVr<llPMt tolJtltoto i I Th"* net will N pNimM from] John. W. Dickey Rrto I-state Ag*gt. FOIR S 459 Gremne »treet, a mo dern brick residence with mansard roof. All conve niences and in good repair. VVii! sell at an extreniwijf. low figure. Also house and lot 456 Telfair street. Will sell at price of lot. Apply to CLARENCE E. CLARK. Real Estate. BSJ Broad Streak FOR SALE bars for sal* very desirable build ing lot located In th* cantr* of on* of tb* handsomest block* in th* city. Mill *ell •am* very cheap. Just the place for a handsoui* residence lor your family. Uood titles. CALL ON MR?. JERRY O’HARA, NO. ijJ7 GREENE STREET. TO RENT! From Oct. Ist, handsome House of eight rooms, all modern conveniences. No. 1251 Ellis Street. Also Cottage House of 6 rooms No. 1329 Ellis St. APPLY E. J. HICKEY 2 1 2 Bth Street. SALE OF SUBURBAN LAND BY THE ACRE The Augusta and Summerville Land Company will sell, at public sale, 70 acres of laud'on the Harnsonville Road, in blocks of two to seven acres, on Tuesday, August 23d, at 5 o'clock p. m. W. C. JONES, Secretary. TO BEHT. From October Ist, 'IS9B, the premises at present occupied by the lrish-Atner- I lean Dime Savings at 817 Broad street. Centrally loeaied and well udap ited for most any klqd of business. Apply to P. M. Mblherin. Secretary unci Treasurer, 817 Broad St. to# At- |7* t All' pOR £ALE [ ift j* iH MmUSS 'WtoTi Mpnm# mhmppm mmm mmt4 §#l9 l wg* r * - ♦ TO RENT MNMI IN) 9n 9 MAFfMtoM MMMM |9W*I MMI »MtitffY9*iiMi _ _ iMNiMiNi iNto 191 mnprmmm 9MMI mmmmmK P. P. Me AN ALLY, Mas I Ccflltto. Library lulidinf. For Heoi From Oci. 1 m Worn • mmmm rm •« »** I W * rmmmm I Ml* 9%i —mm 9 ftowtoMlM »» ■.-* tmia- * 21* CaiiipMl fll«*9*tofti I* >m| •• *,ID Hj *fli CmrnprmH .. .. - .. *. .. .. B>* Only IkMto Urn Wt mm •« «mrw. jrmm vernal T**mr MPf*fw4*fty f**»t*4 ill ywM will 1® ffN y fill Mi ttf trio fkh’Hi. mm. , LKwNAIil* 9. \ WHIMBKT. T)m IfemUat Asmt. I ! Swam few worn** 4I*CI edit this aa- JserUon, but tbooe wbo have tried a Mia* Range could t»<>t be Induced to 'adopt the old fashlom-d math-id again, i You see tt la to easy to regtafe'e the j Gas Range. If you want one verfWabfe to rook more st >«ly than another, you have but to (uivt the thumb screw ami you can reduce the heat to any de gree you dralre. The same with your roast. If It t* doing too quickly, you don't need to throw open the oven door and run the risk of chdllng It. You tan regulate your range to suit your meat. The Gai Unlit Co. of iopsta, 422 RROAD ST. Pills, Pills. Pills. Pills Pills The Best Pills pins Pill To Take phis Pills 1 — IS Pills Pills! Dr G ‘ lfi6r ’ S FillS ' Pills 26 Cent*. Pills £V~l)on't forget that Pills Pills Tic Howard &Wi‘ let Pills Drog Company Pills Pills Make Th*m I ! Pills, Pills, Pills, Pills BUSINESS FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Henry W. Balk’s deci sion to enter the floral business, we of fer for sale in bulk all the stock of , merchandise contained in the store , now occupied by us together with counters, shelving and showcases. Un til the stock is sold in bulk we offer great Inducements to the general buy ing public to come and get bargains. Spot cash buys cheap. BALK’S DRY GOODS CO. "Lower Balk's.” 604 Broad St. 7 Per Ct SSOOOOO 7 Per Ci FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further Information see their attorney at laiv, P. J. Sullivan, IBs., or Mr. P. G. Burum. Uncle Sam’s Navy, Port folio No. 9. just received at Herald Office. lutit tocNtt* Charleston I M Carolina •I* %«## # ♦*••**♦ *• •mm*** 1 t tto is 4* ip Ml MNnH AhNI TMi MM* f I® 1 mtotil * m to. f S fmM * * *** I A# MMMM/MKmmmmm* w** &*.i— \ * to -tototomA, 17" - ’ . . | MHpMI i | ««w **4 • ■MNM ** *9toM to M4w>toto) ■MlllMNtototo »«4 ~ Ai||pß) 7 L ww ] * 6»* » * PMNji < * *m * " 7 * *••• ! 1 PT^iipM^pN./«• *« —totoNai *• I * **#♦•*'; I Is 9 H 4 . MtoMJNN NgJ^2sJsß|j I it* MMf&Mm »*t • *« 00* * * «•••*•• I "* ■NMMMD *o*o *ooo*ooo ■ i t iPMMfc#*'**-* - *■* j I£# Mmmi 0000— 00**00 f oooo*o *• ! A •Mmm | * fmhmtotMH ,«> *' •MptotoMM »..* i Mpi l f TTilBsaCS •*«*♦♦» * intoitoi-tt-l j 1 - tjm*+m*.*;*;*„*.*. tmm W.n Iroyii . a MQN9f IflMl •■MmCmIU 00 • •••• 66*4 •«! IJApN M# MM . fin- m - 4^9 m \ ' * M9HHMN«»«tototo* •««•«* M Mmi Mt Ammmmm*.***** . t*»** 00* > >¥* 1 4** m rrnrn n*m immm mmmi mm mm wmhem mt • mmmMM I*9 Nt mm fmrn f Irtoto llpUkM M* * 9 W] | 9*H «• tills A. L Mi f JO f* *9fl •mm •• * l ***s*£ i Pms mv '• to mtmmmm m 9MHM m Pmn* m mm* mitmm m . I 1 d K*. f **« hi Ajt 1 Immm Mm BLUE RIDQE RAILROAD. (Ta** <y#«# k Ctofe Oa«* It t**7 g *»l»4 Gy Gy - KaiHt W» try. H« IS X<4 X Ha lt No t i AM I’JI M*ftl'» tA*vo PM AlO to to |«# g.„ jtmfer.fia .# 3 toll ** «7 rgf f' 1 41 ! ! «jl t** llf l? .*» f*#r *M I ; | f MMIfl O TV f IAM ii Ii I 42 !.*#!• A 4 *m » «W| f| Ml II P If * V&SACA o. • • »!I » j * ||j J l )4 9, • iif m. WtoMti r»h»» .f) : i n* lsi fit Y*atfc«tt* .«| tv\ am TM | ,L*«™ ArtUfTW PM. MmM N« « Wa ll IMI Ai* rffuUr trstPM from An«Ur»oß to trbtnto of the mmm* Mmm mixing ipoottr dir** t»op. unlfM of her alto# Oprc* ifl«4 bv trail ‘)rd»fa. Will ||M ftnp ot Nlosrtae •tftttnnO to ini# «oi of |tot irfT ftfvf*• I’hin* |a#y'to, Jmw m i.»d Handy Mo. 12 rooorrta ullb Avtbtrg rati way No 12 at Ablmwa K«mi I and I c4Bn*ct ortth Boulbm railway N*** U -nd 2? at N^ora. ► j.K aMDEESON, Suprrimrßffnt. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. tbOkTMI AND 4JVI4 K7>T BOCTk. 1W IHK KABT AND NORTH 6HPRTWT AVD QUICRKST UCUTB TO TUK EAST AND NORTH. t:9pmi Lv. Aufttiti, Gt..Ar LlSiw 3:09pm 1 Lv Atkcn Ar I l l’tom «:17pn» Lv..*.. Denmark....Ar 4:l7ptn 4:sopmf Lv.. ..Orangb’g.... Ar I f tbam 4:o4pm| Lv..Btimter, A, C... Ar { 4'29am 7:25pm; Lv.. ..Florence.. ..Ar I 3:25am S6:33pmj Lv...Fayetteville ..Ar I I 14pm 2.21 am, Ar. Petersburg.Vu.Lv , ».12pm 4:Coam' Ar....ltichm ind ...Lv ! 4:l2pm 7:<lam| Ar..Washington..Lv i 2:44pm 9:o3am| Ar Bsltlmorc. ...Lv : 2:25pm ll:24smi Ar.. Philadelphia. .Lv 12:P»pm 2:o3pm; Ar.... New Yot k—Lv \ 9:3oam Pullman palace buffet sleepkig cars from Macon nnd Augusta to New York wttheut .-’•ante R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 723 Broad St.. Aaguntn, Oa. T. M. EMKRPON, Traffi Mawager. 11. M EMERSON. Gen. Paa*. Agt. CAROLINA AM) NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. Schedule tn Effect, March 6. I?9S. Eastern Time Standard. lAave Augusta. Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. At rive Chester, Southern Ily .. 7:IS a m. Leave Chester. C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. A N. W. Ry 1:14 |>.m. Leave I.tnqlr. Stage 2 90 P-nt. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:uo Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F HARPER, pr,.yttl nt. G r. : ••If You Want to Make Money, 1 Move In the Company of Thosa Who Art tlaking Money.” SOUND ADVICE FROM A SUC* CESSFUL FATHER TO HIS SON STARTINdGUT IN LIFE. ADVKRTISEHS WHO USE THK HBR-' ALD LET KESUI.TB. iWHY NOT GET IN THEIR COMPANY.* —oROKK torn COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quau tit v and Quality (inn ran iced. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Beil ’Phone 2164 strovrger 3tis AUGUST 24 )g||,6itjl> ItolMltoto S. t I 6. MIIWIT CO t#fl ■aifFnr i * f AMwgtoN iHM. sMwb ■■ t-T's to viiNbiMNb ftitf* Mmm Imnlnn . j, g < ipiwe* li*NMMM> 4)9 * tot om*m Utotof jfffit * 4n* t*«« 9 A* t o*m ft.tobb'tok j|# ft *>»toii»to Dto:totoypi * I |v#ft*|M mmmmm tmmmm. $ « to|" <§* Mtotoftp I ♦ *Tpto«to6,tov j.i» ifttoib Ito # ♦ ftffNfiM) i t btoytoF to ft 1) ft* l "#' * mm 90*0999 tff (f tok# 4» v; :. Hb 4 jF 4to|«to ft# fiftftfr t~’ft * ~&X)ott9 1 to # 4 ****** a mmm *1 to *.4/** * mmm toUili to**f»W»or>totWWL ttrnm StoHHB (PMMMtolt y I (ft to '***9m^& WSTCTtoSiM>«*# ffipto f toft A• *%4ft 4ft I lift'll • M to Ml* ft# t IU I Ito INtotoMtoM !f , IL) -1 -TTg. . if T • toftft) X o*%'J9 **o9*9 A* <»'4»t* 41 txm It t* l **mm A itoMi toft Ibtogl- IBM .1 4NMto 4* to>D*ft) t toMRi toft to** 1 #«fttoJ •»fto Aft to«ton«totob- t*Am ffyiiy 9 *#tof4 INMitoM# fTiSri •**"«*• TWftft*' iws I toftft** f *mmmm 1} I J mm *&l m . t*** | toftlfl# ..ii «e a . | iSmWmim •»••*•••* *1 toftbm u aim IfttTft* . » 4 7*4Wft7 to. tftbPMto ,jif* ** ii '"•tovftbato 00/000* ®*• toWfe ' •mm ■ * M ”' f '•BMMfft • I I IstoftWßkMl VMI toftMft %inb «ft—toM*ft tbftto «*«b Xiitoftfi 9*9 JiilwKrto I ft 1 Ax*mm * Mftt «to» *m* fmm* *r*m mu 9*99** * ttf to4M HmmmA* ' i. 11. AtollUto. I. to WMtK#* 9aft*'WftM«m I mo* l*to» ftMMft. f. tn aiftitft. **m toft to*4#*-<•*%. 164 r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 1 ■’SR’* r«**'fti fbnft f*l*i»Wfti*4 0000 a 0 Tm*o - *N» laftN m»* *bb*ft i*»ftft^ft. HfttotobbwrtHNia iiiailjr. iftiliv. Ar SSSSS " ‘ «<*g «•«> t, SS.SbS3a L»|* "“ft AT nrertw.barc.fte i if” 91* Ar ifeertna ..I «*>»» 1 **» £T*.w.«-a.*fe By. . . j ! »;! iSS - J biero*. •*?»! '**6 Ar CVdw»H*l’» fef’b •*:£, {™* C;,..ife.gfei«7 {Jg; ■* iipwer ...... . f jjf * iftS Aft nwiribfift - * • JJf Ar &rt***otar<’' ixr ** >q^ Lv. liNNWitoww ».•**••• ,5“ ******* tor t M m ■ *••• * ttoaulto 37iT-hMO ■" ;****; *2*6 Ar V.dtmvten *«* » *J* ~ Hslt.m.Lh. R. R. *! fS2 " i±\ "i.L ljtott® J{2 *2* f *• ¥ rk I. Op 0 St* ... _ . Sit. 33 N«- 9to H.u11,1,cn4. W|j Lv Ks . York Pn X*K* 4 3b p "ITUuI *• l*hUftd«*tyU:» ft A&t* §*>• * Btoititaotoft. #I0|» CBi Lt Waah'toa. Mo. Rf - ..... K> 4i»|> 11 Ua Lv R.chro »ml . . i.ltoit 12 Wm Lft. Uuinil® • j :• SDa ft i&p Ift .Norfolk . . .... UAp ~,..* Ar (inwtoero * to* ... . Lft Urfraibftro 7 OS® 7 Yip " Aftflftffft y »a v 10 ift if - Rorlc HtU . I 10 A)» 11 «•? * Cbftvfeft 10 &&• 11 47 p * tßniU)ro 11 414» IS Mi Ar Or>n>;n BtavdT •* 112 4Ban. 147® Lft. 4>>lumbiiiL*B-tl«»pT. 1 lip 4 Ufi» *v J'ThmtoM. ; Stop • to)to ** 'i . enron | BU> p *& * * Oruitftvtllr .. ' B:*|i < » Ar tonyrinta . ! 4 15j» _b 00 4) Lv. AiibftvnUa ? Al» 3 0&p Lft- Suariaaourf li 90*** Lr- Colfea. ac ao iy I »«p 7«» Ar. Ckarl»«to:t 6 40p[ 11 00» Lv C By U»» 1217. ” aavannah «47p 50Ja Ar .liwkwavllle It Jsp 9 tea , •unu’im « An >tttffix Ewrllent daily ta«*n»er between s I ' aud New York. No.. 3: and *- W »«:uneton and South west era Limited. S<.l|,l VoetlbuTed train with dtnin* car* and Gr»t ola.. .vwrhe* north of «■herlotte. Pullman dmwtng room »)eopin*owr> brtweea ’ Tnmpa, JacksoavUle, savannah. V. aahlngton end New York. . , Pullman Sleeping Care lwtween ( harlotte 1 and Ki> hmond. . _ . Pullman drawins-room seeping ear* ne tween Greensboro»"d t3o«(rimum. in n nt Norfolk fur OLD POINT COMFORT, : arr’.'ung there tn time fur breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between Charleston md Asheville. No«. S, nnd »-l'. S. Fa.t Mail. Throogh Puitman drav. ia* room buffet sb-> idng tween Jaekaouvill* and New York nrd Puil lua-u aleeuiag ciir* between Augusta and Char lotte. Pullman* var a be: ween .Isek •oovilte and Columbia, en route dally between Jacksonville r-nd Cincinnati, via AshovUle. FRANKS GANNON, ' Mft IJ> Third V P A (ten. Mgr T. M., IVanhington. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDY It K. (t. P. A.. Waakingtoa. G. P. A., Atlautfe GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1896. Pullman Sleepers between Macon an! New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusta and St- Louie. : Lv Augusta ..{ 7:obam| 3:2opm|lo:3optd j Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spmj B:2opm| 6:ooam Ar Macon ....|ll:15«m| I 4:4sura Ar Athena ....;12:l5pm| 7;Jopmj Ar Gaine*vllle|*3:4spm| I 'Ar White Pi *|*1 :00pm| I Ar Mlirgafle .10:10am| I 4:3oan> Ar Wash'ton ~|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at MlllcdgevlUe at S:10 p. m. Trnlna arrive at Augusta 6:14 a. m* 7:45 a. m., 1:20 r. m . and 3:25 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A,