The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1898, Image 1

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TttK » a t«tP« “■•“"‘...irr aaftttoa t-*~ Mt a&xss »««».—»*» »v*at tw*aaaia INSURRECTION HAS BROKEN OUT. American Missionaries and Their Converts Flaa For Their Uvea. Unlaaa It la Speedily Suppreafod It Will Ac auma Formidable Proportiona. There May Vet Be an Opportunity For French Inter ference* - - Vigorous Measures Bam* Used to Pro tect Nativa Christiana. ■pvt*. M TSt Hm-4 n«*« Raw*. *«a • * mtMm* •* M'ttltl »M t«M k-t MM M *la <a» jMtttar ft IN) IU»M Mm 4 TV kwmr%t»9 a*4 aputt fwa*a»ta fctrt tcwtfc ft;af* Ml ml* t*mtarr, TV rtatit lit 4m* «V> »mM >*• »M«rM flteM ■ tm MMI praatnr at **♦•—■» Ml .***•» f* MM ttltrfc. TRAGEDY IN COLUMBIA Robert PkhirfaM Was KilM It); Mm Ritvts. They W«n Both Is U« WNN llw Ml In ThS litlftM C Um‘u*. It C.. Aug JS. Last tifti at i: It u t tuck Mna* ItMIH tool and kill*4 Robert Richardson o» W ashing.uu str**?, soar Main 1* r.Haiti> after »h* shotting Ketw* gave hlDWlf up to lb« dflctil. H* any* he a«4 Rubaidson mn* ta low* ailt lb* umr momaa act tt u»nu an It tk*y to* very jealous of aark oth er. They had a qnarrt! >aal Honda? aad Hi hsrdson. ao Rora rtaim* tbreutened hta life. Lnst Bight iktj B> anti alter mar warm word* Hoar** fired soar »hot* at R.chardson ■ ecs of whirh bit bln la the left breaat tod ranged down'raid and In rraid pridiabljr pent traling the upper right border of the heart. I tenth en sued fifteen to nutes after the (boot ing An Inquest wtllbe held thia morning R raves la n peareable negro, who work* at T. C, Dmt A Co,'s butcher at all. Riehardson, alao a negro. *»as a waiter !< \ some family In the moun tains and did not bear such a good rrp- Mtauon. A Sudden Death. Yetierda!' morning between 6:30 and 7 o'clock. Jane Jackson, a nemo wo man of 111 repute was found dead In her bd at her house oa Gale street. The case was reported to Policeman Hammond, who notified Coroner Green. The coroner held an inquest at 11 o'clock and evidence was brought out to show that the woman bad been drunk far three months. It was also learned that she used morphine pret ty freely. Yes'erday afternoon she bought fve conus worth, but none of it had been used. The jury returned the following verdict: Jane Jackson came to her death from continuous drlnlctn;. While the inquest was being held, a number of women who had ga.hertd around, could be heard, one after art other. to say. "1 ain't goto’ to drink nry more. You see it done kill Jane." Mechanics vs. Soldiers There. wa3 a lively game of baseball - rt the fair grounds yesterday afler ■ norn between a town team—the Me i hanlcs anti a picked team from Cam Ceo. Only seven innings were played, as dark set in after the sev enth. The playe.» were at a disad vantage on account cf tall grass just outside of the diamond. A number of tirri* the ball was lost, letting in all men on bases. The line un was as follows: Mechanics—McPherson, es; S'vygert. c; Wlngard. rs: Waites, R.. 2b; Gsuon, If; Waites. W., lb; Dodson and Craig. 3b; McDougall. ss: Tarver, p. Soldiers , —Pauling, cf; Fletcher, c; Moore, rs; Crouch. 2b; Spark. If; Falrey, lb; ■Leach, 3b; Passailaigue, ss; DeCamps, P The score by innings is as follows: 1234 5 6 7 Mechanics 1 31 305 I—l 4 Sold less 0 1 0 1 0 3 OA 5 A large cromd was in attendance. The regimental band furnished elegant music. This is the first of a series of t games. County Campaign. The last meeting of Richland county campaign was held last night at the court, house. The senatorial candi da'.ea were the first speakers. They IF IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE PAH I OF THE I IMt, WHY WOT! IT PAY TO ADVERTISE ALL IMS I IMS / I** i part a a eras %«*t ait it I thM iM m# it •*» t>—t I lat tM*f»»a» •»« pmNit* » at ay r*rwto*» *«• Rw»m to wStra Mlt «• Meta trt r-wuM •»!* lat rtr»* rtM'i a SSeeM H aa* a* tttpfiiii tatrt «MI nawltai'f for r»*a*a latw Ntttaf TV tower* art U.I»« llplMtl Mptttftt M pMMtn M> mt f'antnttt t»4 art ta »*« r tftwwea ia Mat-Kwa tv**. wStrfc m ♦try att Muttra** i are ON J. Q Marshall and Mr. John p Tk nans i Jr. To aay the if talk ’ •'•rai wtmHl h# fMtftmc ft ian ■ flliW Tlw «*#*<* <tna« s iv» BilKf Bid evtrrffeuifll Nm 1 4£lKMißutv Hvily. Tlir rtNif! fans > warn i»<flirt| m til %m*r* »h« fc*pt wn § M nltwwt eont.nnous fcwwl. Tk* RWngs of Ik* rsnd.ds r. pfittf M)iiai)f dlfidid iid ho will Hi —«* till knot ill fttxMSf (feat Bitt Tn* 1 »**»*• ii|ht THE PYTHIAN LODGE. It Is Mill l.systM os Ik* Vsmllss of Irregularities. Indianapolis Ind Aug ». Th< elertlou of officers of lb* supreme lodge of Knights cf Pytlun* did n >i • ski pine.* this morning. It was ob jected to per use the Inveviigntteos if* now going on. tin* delegate saying It <vns not tbe proper thing to rim men who nr* under investigation Them were Murray tlsiv In the. lodge room this morning and *eveml appropria tions which usually went through with a whirl at former meetings were either referred or voted down and there was a strong determination on the part of 1 these opposed tc the present supreme cflier rs to stick close to Pythian laws in everything. This morning a resolu tion was Introduced iha: rut tbe ex penses of the tn-*tlng of the supreme lodge In hclf and will make (his ses sion (he ch« «p -st ever held with so many representatives present. There was a resolution introducing reports from officers as to supplies furnished and declaring in future such purchases j must b<* made hy competitive bids An l inquiry was also made as to the pres- I ent condition of the claim held by the 1 supreme lodge against th’ City Nation al bank cf Fort Worth. Texaa. TROOPS rtUSIERED OUT. No Georgia Bodies Are rtentloned In the Order. Washington, Aug. 25.—Ordera Issued today muster out the following: The Fourth Pennsylvania Infantry; Bixth Illinois Infantry; Second Wis consin Infantry; three Louisa na light batteries: two Rhode Island light b,„t terics; two lc>va light batteries; two i Oregon light batteries; the First Wia- i eensin light battery; two troops of, Kentucky cavalry; Light Battery A of the Miaronrl light artillery; the Twen- j ty aoven'h light battery cf Indiana ar- i tillrry and light batteries A, B nnd C of Pennsylvania light batteries. Where j the troepa will be muatsred cut la not specifically designated. They Include ell that nrrr, of the service from the states named. A SERIOUS COLLISION. Twelve People Here or less Injured in Michigan. Port Huron. Mich.. Aug. 25.—Twelve persona, all from this state, were more or leas seriously Injured in a collision on the Flint and Peru Marquette rail road here. One of the trains carried two hundred excursionists,, and wh n the traina came together a frightful panic e-naued. Passengers in the over turned cars were screaming and smug gling to extricate themselves. In the excitement many women v re trampled under foot and innumetable slight In juries were inflicted. Cuba “Foreign” to Spain, Havana, Aug. 25. The Spanish co lonial authorities, while they have d - elded that merchandise from Santiago and other porta occiinterl by the Amer ican force? is to bo considered foreign and thus subject to custom house du ties, have taken under special consid eration the future of agricultural pro ducts and manufacturing industries at such points with a view to suggesting to the Madrid government, a modus Vi vendi with the American government itgarding the tame. THE AUGUSTA HERALD. Sensational Investigation. 4 Gen. Miles’Return Means Trouble For the War Department i Why Was He Euchred Out of Leading the Army of Invasion? Messages Were Undelivered and the President's Personal Orders Were Ignored By Secretary Alger. Starts! The HnsM. » Washington. Rt C_ Aug SR -- Tk* r«. of Major tlmnil MikH W • v" 4-tsc "on nw ikm* un Itvftl ©d ©§ tfe# sis clrptfl• , cftinfiftMMi ! alftiAlt tt**lt ffuA IH# twrftif)* j mm of Un* *tf Guffii Miltt two j |iAOp f> tf4 jo win f ■•4ii lokitl ll# ! h«* I In* vHUi 4 'itdffit j u»» ttoiiOßi iod tnitmmmt] mjr r rfNT WNH -A * Oiß . Jlr-mNigr* tI«MH ' tirvo prot so film whi' ll N Offer ft* r*u#4 »»<t mmtmrnm «***• «*** aitnillf bf (N finoiftni b««r i«fO (OoiitrflMiodfd bf ordtf of tfet •ffW' Tln* prriMNit troobl* bftvffi r>wnr» il Mslf* ii)4 (be vor 4f|MirißkNii a moo em lli<» rotdiiioo of afliiro at T»n»m I erhfi) Gtoertl Hhtflrr wm tryinit ,r » Iff' lilt onr” off to Sonimsfi II woo ibffl midfnlood bf tin* fffti4ii)i #o4 I thf oor deport m«*nt (hoc OfNrol Shof j (m i rdomtiod wan to iOfMf but 44N men to 4 tbiuf wort to form • hoso for « itnntunU'Ation w t h tb« Iftrorfem or* ms CJrooml Mt)N hiss wo objortlovi | t"% tietimil Hhafltr c Itodtng Mirh A c tntDAAd, but the* sttry gi*e*w first to ten thousand, then to f fleen thousand, finally t« twenty thousand, with Gene ral Shatter still In command. It was i always understood officially that Gen- j | eraDMilea was to le*d tbe grand army of invasion Into Tuba lint affahs got into such a mess at Tampa that General Miles was sew there hy (ha pres dent to straighten them out and' get General Shaffer's army aboard ttiw tranupo-fs. General Miles found aN fairs In such a condition that be »cle-< gi Bpbcd the president that he deemed* It Inadvisable for the expedition ta star' under the msnKgement which had permitted such confusion at Tktn- A BIG FIRE IN COLUMBIA Wing’s Planing Mill Was Toially Destroyed. The Mill Was One of the Old Land marks of the City. I Special to The Herald, i Columbia, S. C., Aug. 25. —At four o'clock this morning fire broke out in Wing's planing mill, to the rear of the ! Columbia Female college. It was a I frame building and was totally ilea troyed in an hour. The rear wing of I the college Industrial hull caught, but -as put cut with slight damage. A fc ■ small outbuildings on both prop erties were destroyed. Value of the mill, 310.000; insurance, $6,500. The mill was owned by John Feast or, and was an old landmark. LEAVING CAHP THOMAS. The Second Biigade Has Now Gone to Knoxville. Ohickamauga, Aug. 25,—The first Il linois cavalry left early today for Fort Sheridan. Chicago. The 158th Indiana, the first West Virginia and the sixth Ohio leave late this evening for Knox ville, where they remain until further orders. These regiments compose the second brigade, second division, third army corps. Preparations are progress ing today for the wort of mustering out the second. Tbe Nebraska light artil lery Is now here. The number of sbk at ramp Thomas Is being rapidly decreased by many of the sick mi n being sen! to their homes. The hospital (rains, provided with ev-, ery comfort, leave daily for various slate camps. Off For Santiago New Yotk. Aug. 25.—The United Rtat'S transport Vlgliancia passed Sandy Hook, bound out. this morning, j It has the twenty-third regiment of I colored infantry of Topeka. Kansas, on; board, hound for Santiago. i 4UMIV4 04. j pa. H* asked the president's permia •icn to take command of the army of lnvaak>n himself. On Ik* receipt of this dispatch i)te president himself wrote a messagp to i General Miles authorising htm to taJmi 'command nnd proceed lo Santiago,i The message was sent to the war de partment for transmission. li n*if*c reached General Mile*. Genet*! Shaft nr and his army started for rig*" : tiago. and the camphign was isgan,; POPETHANKS PRESIDENT For His Declaration Concerning the Catholic Religion. It Is Said Archbishop Ireland May be Made a Cardinal. Special lo The Herald. Rome, Aug. 25. Cardinal R'’tnpol la, papal secretary of stale, has teler [ graphed to Archbishop Ireland to call I on President McKinley and thank him j for his declaration concerning the Ca tholic religion in< tile tciritories cap tured hy the United States. The i pope probaMy make Archbishop t Ireland a cardinal; as ihe United States i have only one cardinal. The Vatican ; thinks morn arc advisable. Ordered From Porto Rico. Washington, D. C., Aug. 25. —Orders were Issued to General Miles to send home from Porto Itlco all Ihe troops not actually needed for service there. No point has br"n designated for dls ■ embarkation In the United States, hut | the examination of several Is In prog j re«s. It Is expected that some of Ihe ; troops will be sent home 'tom Porto ; lileo tomorrow. The first arrivals will be stationed at New York. All For Huntsville. Washington, D. 0., Aug. 25.—The fol lowing was posted ai the war depart ment this morning: "Washington, Aug. 24.—T0 General fVpping'r, Huntsville: You will order the retrieval of all your corps now at ! Fernand.inti to Huntsville at once. Tills ! movement should be expedited in every way possible. ■‘Hy older of the Secretary of War. "CORBlN.,Adjutant Gen-ral." New York Futures New York, Augs 25.—Futures opened [qniet. Aug. 6.43; Sept. 5.50: Oet. 5.56; Nov. 5.58; Dee.', 5.61: Jan. 5.65: Feb. 5.68; March 5.72;; April 5.75 May 5.78; Jiuie 5.81. MAJOR OFWKRAL MILKS. and carrted on. In absolute disregard of the orders of General Miles. Among these orders were directions that none of Shatter'* troops should occupy any ;bouse* at any landing place, and (hat I Cuban refugees should not be permit i led Inside the American line*. Oen , Milm' coming home now frightens ,certain officials of (he war department, for (hey know (hat hs» return means an investigation and an investigation I for them means failure. SMITH (DAY BE TRIED. President of the T. P. A. May Re Asked to Resign. What flessrs. Jones Gardner and James T. Hay Say. Unless present plans miscarry an ef fort will he made at the meeting of the Travelers' Protective Association to be held at the Kimball house Saturday ev ening to have a resolution passed rec ommending that the board of dltuctors eslt forsths resignation of Mr. E. 17. Smith, the president of the state divi sion. There seems to he a great difference of opinion as to whether or not Mr. Smith Is president and whether any resignation from htm Is necessary to vacate his position. Mr. Smith, at the time of his elec tion, was a resident of Georgia, but has since accepted a position with Hand, McNally & Co., at Chicago, and now lives there. There seems to be no special provi sions in the bylaws for such a case, but it is generally accepted that a man cannot be president of the Georgia di vision and live tn Illinois. On this point there may he a scrap, as there is bad blood between Mr. Smith and his friends and other factions in the asso ciation. There have been two little unpleas ant happenings between Mr. Smith and his brother drummers which have been kept very quiet anti were kept out of public print. The Journal of yesterday reviews (he whole matter. Th" first difficulty re plied In a suit for Sls. brought hy Mr. Smith against the post of which he is a member. Trouble Over sls. Messrs. Smith and P. C. Cashman wets appointed delegates to a national convention at Terre Haute, the latter al the special request of his post here. Mr. J. E. Maddox rose in meeting and moved that Inasmuch as Cashman 'was to go at the urgent request es his post and was going solely at their request j that his expenses be paid hy the post, j This was unanimously agreed to and MVP M* t *»* 4 %*4» tm U PAT US M ON THE EVE OF A 6REAT BATTLE The Anglo- Egyptian Expedition, Numbering 20,000 Men. on Parade. ~ They Will Move on Omdurman and Probably Give Battle Tomorrow. The Review Was One of the Most Magnificent Ever Been, the Line Being Nearly Two and a Half Miles Long—The Soldiers Will Carry No Baggage Except Blankets. Spertol It TV M»rsM tt-td*? iumi c«we u m<im fi t* OMMMOMMI. At* » A put** «M M M ttMtrtef of i*• «W««* N»* «* Mw At#*TUwsmmi •*•»* to tItoTMIM M»iM »St lto»»W*tt TSt M*Sl tw a tUMtlf f—l MM t>* fchitna htort atwlMr* IM** t>'t uM IS* lit* wtt mrt rat*» long Tfc# ftrtl!l+rF €•»•! mm ««*•• i th* dr»*«•(» w*» nth>«*4 ss* fur th* i 1 1 rip Th# two »»*n uttit. nepr#**•(!•* j 1 th* (bnfgts division I After th* rasnsilos Mr rimllh pre- 1 s*nt#4 ■ Mil I* hi* pea* f«r Ilk mi in* | ' Hi* stair 41 vloin* had <>nlr puW htm | IS, and ns Ih* p. *( had furnl#h*d , |<* .unman ssd th*y should pay him 'b# . d(ff*f*t»** b*(»em w hat th* stale nl* 1 lowest him snd *he t Cashman ret -*t ved j ; The post refused to do this, saying Ihry j 1 had not agreed to and he did not go 1 .at their request Mr, riitilih (ranef-ire-4 | (he rtaim to hta wife add she brought j .tut. Th* (*>•( wishing to avoid a wan ! dal. settled the claim, but much fe*l* 1 I tog waa rtgrtiArtol. and there has j i»een mu* h rmpoaltlon to Mr. Hmlth lever sine*, there N in* some who hare made no seerrd of their Intention lo; I "down him." i Notw Ithtrtandlng this. Mr. Smith Is 1 I recognised a* a msn Of aldUty snd j was *el*< ted president cf the division, | I though h* had a narrow es<-ape. so, this enemies ssf. snd esm* near trelng' thrown out. This was Mr Smith* 10- 1 jeal trouble, but hi* nest Involved the slate snd to him Is much mere serious, j riniv ****** »*■ Called Mr. Smith a Traitor Laat year, a* prenldent of the Ueor- , gia division. Mr Smith was again a| delegate to the national convention, j There were two candidates for presl- J dent of Ihe national association: Joseph VViillotstein, of Klrhnu.nd, and C. R Imtnn. the present president. The Geor gia division Instructed its delegates to j \ot* for Walierstetn and sent them to the convention. About whal hapio-ned I at the convention there ar* conflicting j I tale*, but It Is a matter of record that 1 Mr. Hmlth voted for Duffin instead of) Walierstetn, a* directed, and ih*t he | (Smith) was elected vie* president. Mr. George Zimmer was hi* fellow repre-1 aentatlve from the atate and they re-, turned at out*. There has been some lively correspondoOee lietween them , since, - Shortly after the national convention , the Augusta post passed a resolution j (ailing Smlih atm >r and h few other) pet names, nnd at ■ * g him for his ics- j Ignatlon ns president of the division. This was sent to Mr. Smith, w ho refus- | ed to resign, and explained to Ihe post that It had no tight to ask for his res ignation. as It was a matter for the lwotrd of directors to ronslder. There upon the Augusta pest withdrew Its re quest for the gentleman’s resignation. Augusta Director Interviewed. This is the state headquarters of the T. P. A. Today a Herald repoi ter railed on Mr. J. Jones Gardiner and Mr. James T. May, both of tbe state board. They read theJournalartlcleforthe first time. They both acknowledged that they had received letters from prominent T. P. A.'s in different posts In the stale, making serious charges against Mr. Smith and wanting to know if thero was no way to get him out of the po sition of state president. These letters were of o private character. In each case Messrs. May and Gardiner wrote the parties that nothing could be done, in thpir opinion, unless each post in the state rendered (heir grievances in proper form before the state, board. If that were dene, then the board would act accordingly. "Our Atlanta friends are wrong about one thing: they say the dele gates went to Omaha instructed. That Is a mistake; they went unlnstrueted, hut Ihe majority of them went there to I reelect Joe Wallerstein.” Transports Arrive Washington, Aug. 25. -The war de partment Has received the following: Manila, Aug. 25. —Adjutant General, Washington. Rio de Janeiro and Pennsylvania arrived. Al! well. No casualties excepting Private Wanks, < ! First South Dakota, died between San j Francisco and Honolulu. Merritt. fir Reaney All Smiles. Yemassee, S. C., Aug. 25. W. E. ; Rcandy. of Yemassee, is al. smiles to iriity. There arrived at his home last ' uiglit a beautiful twelve pound girl. IIJ«fYM loan *m> ravinoi URL • ■.•■ MM *m **MMI f a**att l*M • »*tete ‘ - •*** «♦»*•#• « CW| fata «*»*mi •a* (•tfaia -a.., m# toMMwa '•Pto* IM cttoirt at (St IMt TV* Sm ith totnto* ewa mi i*t tofi at* M K, t tat Mi Mm rlgSI TV **»MU. ' m toiti mm «• utwfarwa* me few TV iMSrtft Will aarS lit*/ toMf nttMt of MUM* all to lit tort ».S < irtt telr is.if btotStit Tm ■«*•»• • • till t» Mtoto to J*VI Rata* TM <M» har* to ttatM ten Wltot loot If a Saif milt Wltft THE KAISER FIGHTS FIRE " lie Divfb \#flih*r Hiidwf »( His Vrrkatilltf. Succeeded In Putting Out th* I tames * lu th* Castle. Sperlal lo Tl»* lleralff. Berlin Aug » Kaiser Wilhelm sur prised the 1 IMS'n* of Cssael this aftsr no*. Ilfs majmily and th# imptrwl family ar* spending th* #umm*r months ther# Wllhvl-n assumed p-r --sonsl eummand ,*f a local Hr* deport ment at a Ar* In Wilhelmahoche Cast!#. Wllhelmsbot hi Castle ta a favorlt* 'imperial resort It was - reeled by th* i .dd emperor. tSirty In th* aftertax n jlt w-ss noticed that one of the larg* ' • htnuieys of th* structure waa emitting igreat tongues of game, and Immediate ly the esstl* watch gave the statin, on account of the extreme heat and dryness of tbe material the Are sptaad with great rapidity, and the Hr# de partment had all It could do to combat the fiamea. Kaiaer Wilhelm Mr a rime watched 'the work of the laddlea with pailene*. ' l*ut aeon appeared dlssarisflsd with the 'slow sty in which th# fire was hand led Hl* majesty, forgetting all court j decorum, roabed among the men. and. plarlng the eaptaln'a helmet upon hit bead, led the firemen Inio the building He aeemrd a* much at home a* If h* 1 were commanding military manoeuv res. The kaiser and his men soon had ! the fir# under control, limiting ihe dam age to the castle and furniture to a few thousand dollars. SPANISH PUBLIC DISGUSTED. They Think Santiago Was Too F.aslly Surrendered. Madrid. Si)*ln. Aug. 25.—Tbe news paper* say gjle g ix-ral public display considerable disgust at the hasty sur render of Santiago slnee hearlns the stories with regard to the adequate de fensive conditions prevailing there, told by repatriated soldiers, who arrived on yestfrday al Corunna. There have lieen six deaths among the returned soldiers slnee their arrival. A special commis sion Is now meeting to decide upon the question of quarantine. The military authorities have bagun th" distribution of arrears of pay to the repatriated sol diers. . Pardon For rienocal. New York. Aug. 25. A. G.' Meno cal. civil engineer in the navy, who was courlmiu Haled some months ago anil sentenced to suspension from duty on furlough pay for three years, for neglect of duty in connection with the cons! ruction of the Brooklyn dry dock, has been pardoned by Ihe president. This restores him lo his former status in the navy. Mr. Menocal retires from active service on the first of Septem ber. Poisoned By Ice Cream. Middletown, N. Y., Aug. 25.—Ice cream prepared with lemon extract purchased from a traveling salesman caused tile dealh of three persons and a score of others are sick. Mrs. Her man Mlchaelis, of New York; Mrs. William Seder, of Mount Vernon, and Mr, Rolieit Jones, of Greenfield, are dead. All are summer guests at Arthur J.,lies’ cottages at Greenfield. The lee cream was eaten at Sundays dinner. Schley Has Recovered Westport, Conn., Aug. 25.—Rear Ad miral Schley started for New York this morning, apparently completely recovered frofla Is Indisposition. Up on reacHifig>New YoTk he will pro ceed to »h?,fl«g«hlp Brooklyn, where he will spend the day".