The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES ‘^•% <r ass®*rT *2 3 r. :: MjJgSh *■**’. :.*-: B«t«meotCifd>»»ll UU •*«-*» I iNvfWi f#w 00?« ‘O *>«y •NV# you s?n to ftop** c*"» on •« (•**»•*< t ßPt*i of DwmonU* m LEWIS J. SCHAUL. UmUr »*• ArOnfWl Me*#* „ 540.00 FOR VICTORS ft* •#* >*»» * m# *'•*> inrtwa •mi n* i«nu •«»•*■»»* «*..-■>■- M wag ilwim o» »• -»-» * **<» These in Bttilir SIOO Viet!: •Mb**** •• «#*» «* •• *•♦» Hr.-*-* to atoto #■* O* *• Vfctov Co«nb*n*t*on T*n<km. New, *1 575, Foimcr Price St so. Y«l#w MMw OM *•■ •• ws.w, Mai • aad Ltok*#' •*#***- CRESCENTS *0 Haa***.,.#*.••«Oft V* till % M*M »*» litd I ••* fMi a Mode*. •* r WHITE FLYERS U4M*r «rs M« > •». Tbomas & Bartoo, w. H BARRRTT Bara!*•». Tl» Broadway. ABfftto'a. <»*• THE COAST UNE Mill Shortly BulM Fra* D**wrark to Mart Ma. It to raamrvd that th* Attooth Ooaal Uaa will aooa bag!* IS* eon ; ■traction * * Hn. Crow Denmark to j Mart*,* a atatioo 00 ik» Cfcarlaaton and Waatern Carolina road. Tlito will givr Iha Ooaal Una »«Irani* to Angus t» over lu own tracks aa It recently purchased lha Uharleatord aad Waal era Carullna railroad The new Itae will hardly word to the inter cal of Charleston ? The Atlantic Coart Una for year* LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. HILLERWALKEB THE HATTER. zKinsroix: hats ha* been using the South Carolina and Georgia railroad track* from Denmark lo Augusta and while the relation* of the road* hare been friendly the At lantic Coast Una liaa been wanting to get Into Augusta over it* own trunks. —Charleston Post. TRIED TO KILL MIS BROTHER. But He Fatally Cut Himself In* stead. Odum, 01*., Aug. New* has Just reached here of w.f' rtou* accident that occurred atO. ft Keddlab'e lumber camp about nine 111 1 It’S f tom here. Wil liam Lee and mime other* were on a drunken spree and Lee and his brother beesme Involved In a dispute over the whisky, and William Lee made an at tempt to cut his brother, whereupon he accidentally struck himself In the breast with the knife Just tjelow the right collar bone, severing an artery, from which he died In a very few hours. There were no eye-witnesses to the tragedy except hls brother, but the dead man told several witnesses that he did the rutting himself before hls death, thereby exonerating hls brother. Hoth were young men and had only been In this rnunty about two weeks, having romp from Screven county. The Herald's new Standard War At las is a very timely publication, which seems to be well planned lo answer the questions which people are asking about countries In different parts of the world. The maps are In sufficient detail to be entirely Intelligible, and the. low price at which the atlas la pun ched, 30 cents, will make Ignorance Unpardonable. Haaltalng the value of such an atlas The Augusta Herald ar ranged with the publishers for a special edition. As this new atlas la not for gale-at any of the store#, opr readers should hasten to send for a copy be fore silM 1# UIWIMIHIMCMimiIURII | ayaatal In Tha MaanM Grw*w*»*Mk Aah §* ** 088 IrtSWS I Hart waa a traaat to #•# Ohms Mm t *•* , tit. Mai Mataat **na *»•* ts*» Ma aa mmm tut wMh W# at* #** ha ■atoasn* «*# toaaig rnaaa ••*!■*< gamma th* itoa rating ****** at wr gate naftt at Tha Fan* that nwwh at* Mwt Rainw aad hat ffgnfftoto. Mtn F?OO4H* | Mr Mto * Alt**** W*"f m 4m» 4??* Hi <!#???•*•? | tliir snmHli Mr »T>iHwi «• 0? «• 0 tMrt j !in o*o* •? Mm II M HOOOTO4O-. 4* j , I*oo Villlk Mr* T«r» CIMMi 4RO fHr*4rm 4?? 44 j Mm 11*44041 * Mm JNmmt I 4*?, #R*O 4 0d00044t tIMI Ml Mnt 1 •)#*aoltt#f >»4 Mo4*|o>‘4m?, 4t 044 j ViSt? Mr 9*lh> VtiM' t«»? ipMitH M *»• iallHMi NoM 4*4 iim» «f Om#4#«» #| [ liiim* Mlm ItrfW M»r*«* j 1 mil #w-l. 4* 4*4 Imp? m**i4* M m C*r ] I t«i> H#«*M 4*4 Mlm Mar? Wit)** Mm | wH* 4 p*r«? M* la*» «i* Mon<§4? Tlnwr iiiiifMl rmim-, ill 4*tlffct*4 art(4 iMr *4t m Mm 4 M IMphM *4* 444 for «m*» t I4*r bfrq in f**ht# 4mt 4. I*4* Hi?, Riaaaaa Rprinc* tm Taaadaf Wa how* lha rtiie* ntay baaattt ktr Mr Urtinat- a fmawr re*lda*t of ChtoawA who haa baaa with aa far |W»] yaart and who sud arronai of lha as ft Id lot at a fa aorta alalatl lafl hare am Tnaaday tost, haa baaa ooligvd to, rrtnain whh hat Ma ha* dl*!***d of hit Infer**! hare to Mr ItcKtoala ofj A »«■»<* Mr. I Qal«Jey. who left fi yin* with oar aalaeaaad warehaul. Mr 1 K Nor»ell aome day* i|n ha* made h>a home**! th* ladtaaa I’atoa Sol diar* Home Mr NoraHl ha* Iman fortunate enoash to aecttr# lha aarvl* re. of Mr John la hia p|*44 Mim Anal* HuR of A«««*■* to rta lin* friend* at tha Menfhmald Hoaaa. Th# fanernl ot Mr Jam** Hoffman j fnrtnarly of thin county, took nt th* Raptlal Orov# rhurrh at « o’clorh Ttieaday afternoon. Mr. Ch*t>man waa op on • *i*R l« ttunnyalde thto waeh. I on* Peter M caiiiuc miaanthropl cali ha aaya th* Uord mad* tke world flrat, than H# raaiad s InU# while; than Ma made man. and He reatmt a i rtl# more; -then He tuck no mode woman an’ He ain’t ranted non* aance." Unci# Petar aaya all our worn I.rouble* are female one* "Dam Mia- Fortune, whnt'a dat sociable ah* can't gib yo ar cnll—wUloot bringing along 4 lot ob bar kinfolks; den dais Mia- Underatnndln' what futrb** lie* to town In d* debbll’a wheelbarrow—and IF* mlty aetdom you can even under stand a Mias, without tonciudiug wua; and dal Mto-Tkke mlty apt to meek a mu**.’’ He to wiae. however, In one thing. He aaya he ain’t proud and fool lab enough to call being meotloned "casusKatlcally a time or two In der paper newspaper notoriety. Dat'a all folly.’’ he aaaerta. Our soldier who haa Just left tta told an interesting story of how our Kngllsh correspondent got to see the battle nt Santiago. Both himself and the hYnnch consul had heard a faint tumor to the effect that the Spanish fleet would try to allp out next morn ing; both doubted, but wanted some itxcuse to be on hand; neither mold find sny, but at last the Englishman went to the consul amt complained that he wanted to go away. "They don't treat me right,” he said. “They do me,” returned the Frenchman, "and I am going to stay, but l ran send you otit a message to Sampson and see about getting you off.” He did and the Englishman carried It himself, sod thus i«nw the greetest sea fight of modern time® front (he flagship Itself. As s reporter, he would make a big success. Speaking of the marksman ship of the Spaniards, he tells of a wtnd. during the late spell of weather, that blew several big barns tip and out to sea. The gunne-s nt Morro rsstle took them'for n flock of large birds, and trained their guns on them, but failed to bring down n single one. That's the way they tell It In camp. Raiding th* Moonshiners. AVnycross, Oa,, Aug. S3.—Deputy Marshal John I\ Cason, of this place, is making It unpleasant for moonshin ers tn this section. He arrested four last week and one yesterday The one nrrested yesterday was Walter Bladen, a young white man from Watertown. He was given n hearing yesterday af ternoon before Commissioner Spotts wood and committed. Bladen gave bond. He was or reeled at the Instiga tion of J. H. Purvis, the old white man who was hound over Saturday for ttflc lt distilling. Some more arrests are ex pected eeon v THW A. HBBALD THE CIT) OH THE CONBAREE ttoMfl » JMvmMI lUgJM*•* t|*««M*i Ilk Ow *> raagtoaaaassa* fa* Ml* atygaww to Mk* 44*4? r** y I 4*« *4 4w>* MN** Hi ”40i ■ f4# *?* •4*o-4 •*? 144*0 *444 <w»iio4 smm M|o*44*oolo j Al iTwtrfitat Mt*#<** HMN* ji it H INIMp? fPHH'MMI 4«t **» 14ki« *«m| 4? • * #4mHI 4*l 4 :; *4i Ml |f ioK4*44i4> 0* fW 44404 4NW4M* l*i II 4f*4*i4iN9 44* f4M4 «*4**o 000#4 Cm 4 M ?M?J4*44* 4*4? IIN iWl> lIT *M 'Pfi 444 M*4 [ill# m#«4 4h M4N? .1*91*4 W?*444? 44 I |l'»i W?*4 I*IN4 T 4? o** I *N**lt 4*l MM944494* 44#|44^ i riff f* 4 Miff?'*? •*• 0*4?4 14 ■ I •* #4? »f ?*144 T 44 *i4o? «•*•»? i»4« 4*4 4?f> 441 4* t«*4 ?«4 I 4N ' 091400 M*H* 1404? §41(401* 4000* 4ipr» 14i 00004* I* CM 4- *4" fc »*o MonM4l* - Wsatw UMI Mrtatww »M I C? 4» CNN H -'-Att* i* flf? IJN? I fm im* 4Nr44?*04 4*«hi4 ImNikC i ft? r% m 4 fccwftttl «**VO« M 4 •?* 4*44 I *4m *• ,?i««v4 iV<p (urttb, «* •!*(> 440 f 4? L* # ? wm*9 ri#4. 1 I Tm«l*r<lti #4l C444|04fl Ora««4 *oC*f?4. Y»«0*« r4m Mmft# Un*4 , » r*rrit *1 0 Niff fr«»m Hi R?Mmo? p . r«?ar4 14 14? **•* ?C *4# ( «»*•?** *ftf K* 0 r*4p 0H? (3*l, Joif* (41. «ti 4 Mr Rot»in?44? ?fon?** L #t *r *4 01 urn** 4? C*L JO4*OI 004 4)i I 4m? I .J •waster Mrl<*urta cam* dnwa yaalar day Ins* Idatasi, wheca ha ha# bean ot. a vlat* H» waai #*l to w* tha Irat hat talion drill, and waa »*• mm *» plaaaad with H. aaytag It waa th# baa»- drdte-t body of volnataar* ha had yet area Senator Real ,a»t n.yht with Col Jona# Ha -111 laav# fir hto home lal Ragarttav lto tbia Wr-rthtoff. Tha State Pair. President T. J. Cnnnlnghrm of Cheater, and Mccrrtary Thomas W i Holloway, of th* Petr Aaanctot'.on. ware la th* city yaararday ta th* in taraat <>f th* Rut* Pair, which will b* , bald November 14 and l» Inrtnalva. On* thing which engaged «he#e gen tlemen a attention waa that of repair ing the building*, which. U la aatd. | ware pretty badly damaged by the aol* < dler* who ancamped tbera when they ' first cam* to Columbia. It will take a j good sum of moaev to repair those j damage* A premium Bat will be out In a few j days and anyone sanding to Col. Ho'kt-J way. Pomarls. can aocure a Hat A i large crowd la expected at the Pair tbl* year. Th# war being oyer, everyone will wtah to gather at aome place and talk over our gr»at Victoria*. A flood Man. The voter* of the county ahould not allow their Intereat In the county can didate* rm the 30th to absorb them to the extent of making them overlook aome of the Important office* to be till ed on the atate ticket. Besides the race for the governorship, there Is the office of sttorney general to be Ailed, and a man from thto circuit—n good man for the position—to a candidate. The Hon. Q. Duncan Be'llnger Is a member of the bar of a county in this circuit, to the solicitor for Beautfort county as much as for the other counties, and to, therefore, a home man. And other things being equal, a home man shmflrt b# supported. But. In addition to this' fart. Mr. Bellinger has had years of ex perience. which are essential to tho high office to which he aspires, has been a deserving and capable public officer who deserves promotion, and will AH the office wllh ability and dig nity. The State nerds men of Integ rity like Mr. Bellinger, and Beaufort county should give him the largest pro portion of her total vote, of any coun ty. Every man who votes should vote for Bellinger.—Beaufort Oazette. Richland Campaign. The last meeting of the Richland county campaign will be held In the court bouß© tonight at 8:1)0 o’clock. The mealing to held at night for the benefit of Working men who do uot find It convenient, to leave their work. Let everybody come out and “whoop ’em up.” Scholarships for Young Ladles. The Cumberland Female college of McMinnsville, Tenn., has given thto state four scholarships, to be filled by appointment by (he state superintend ent of education. The scholarships give free tuition in the literary depart ment ot the college for ten scholaß'ic months, beginning the tenth of this month. Any young tody ot the state who wants such a Scholarship should make application to the state superi tedent of education as early as possi ble. it seems as If the First South Caro lina regiment does u/St wish to remain cv4yL. ? 4N4*| 44* 4N# •**»•*• ti.itt 4?0l *9*4 400*4 ■*> . 00M0M? *N MOM4HOCNO? (* *4* **4 4**'*o4 * ** (#4>4ki (kt Mgf ■cdVi. J f * * hm MW* tNM#HOp* mMm #* Wm •000 " **4o*o* 0 •»mmopm» • » «r#i (p* MMk !•*••• • “ “--‘•’W* pftwwwH 4 «HN •m'lmMl*# mw*«KMd «?• «*OOi4?N *4# • •o*4 400*1? #44mpm' 4 # * • «•> '<«• MonMilMrT-it t*f 0*«0i0 •• «• «4mol vNi I * *■ afM C* 4mSSr»«O • m»* «** -* N. »Kmo N 0 — WtoOM , »•_ ■» . ' (4*o>*4 IN •?•# *NNI. T 4» > y A VNHf of H?#«t? H? O. 1 T4<m**». o*# of 94r«( Two of 14? thorn iOMi •« , 44V? ?00f 00*». T4#f 0#? Soo# Vooeo. *•• k at vkirk to tour fart fcign. right KM loag and final tan and a half tort ■ •id* TW* top to formed by a aolid gtaaa wbirW agtrnda tw* eattr* 1 enougk fur a 3U ponad man to «a * 1 un wit bowl breaking It. Tb* front of tbe ran* to tonnad by two actum* of glaaa. Urge eliding d«or* open tntd lb* bneb. Each raa* to turn.abed nitb tno adjtatable ptwaa naan meivea » arranged tbat the entire rontenta of tb* raaa ar# abown up to great ndran tag*. One rear cxmtatn* tollrt arttala*. wbtla tn tbe other deligbifut perfumery to taeiefully arranged. Thane nr* aatd to be tbe Anaat raae* In tta* Mate It to nell worth tour tint* to drop in nad *** them. A meeting wna held nt the Cvluiiblt hotel laat night by the eotton oil men of tbl* Mat* tor tbe pupror# of boylg anpplte* for tbla fall. A number of the.* milts tanve region gin* In ronnre 'rton and tberfor* a lot of bagging and *(!#• wer# purr baaed laat sight. Personal .Mention. ' Mr Henry Buck, of Marlon. «*** Hi town Inal night ob Ul* *»y home after lapandlng n plea**«t. ttma nt Glenn Htprlng*. Mr. C, ft. McCullough, of Darling ton, was In Columbia laat nhtht. at tending the cotton oil men # meeting. Mr A. C. I’help*. of Sumter, to In Columbia on business. Sheriff M. M. Buford, of Newberry, la registered at the Jerome. • Mr. Perry Moaea, of Sumter, was in the city yesterday. THI: THIRD CJEORUIA. Its Fate Haa Not Yet Been Definitely Decided. Washington. Aug. 25.—Gen. Corbin, when scon about the report that the Third Georgia would he mustered out, said (hat the list to not official hut merely « guess, taking as Its baae the of tlto department that ihe regiments under the secono rail are Jo be the Arat mustered o»\t. It Is diffi cult to get the exae!’ etatus of the reg- ■ Iments, as the ItoPto being hourly changed In conformity with the wishes of politicians. Representative Livingston Insists that Secretary Alger has promised to retain the Third, but thto fact doea not seem th have taken ho d of the retain ing official mind. Gen. Corbin has the matter of musterlngout entirely within hto own management. He to very friendly dtoposed to the Third and Sen ator Baron's Interview had considera ble weight with him. It would not be safe to predict the fate of the Third on what Secretary Alger might have said, but there arc many and varied Influences being brough to hear on Hie department to have the Third retained, and while it Is more than likely that combined they will have the desired effert. still at thto time it to not certain either way by any means. Rome’s First Ba'e. Rome, On.. Aug. 35.—Rome received her first bale of nett 1 cotton this after noon. It was raised' by J. H. CAlnp, cf Etowah district, uind was purchased by the Howell Cot tom company, for 5 1-4 cents. It was ctossool as low middling. Died at Seventy-seven. Columbus. Ga„ Aug. 25. W- N. Howard, an aged and respected citizen, of Harris county, He was 77 years frf age and a jyember of the TMe thodist church. . IHE GOVERNOR | , WILL SPEAK ! ll# i4l 4iKif444 11 \ ? *0 «m? 0 |ooi4 ?%»< #0? c4# 4*o*4mo?* *4roo *mM**l 4MM*k 14? * 4*0004. ! #??o?oMoc4it «4 «40 •*•!# t# **4 'fe MIMT f t MM'F’V'fMlMr 001 14# frt'Mttn , * . . #. .m 10# <K) )§| ?#v T 091? . , •<\flK (# tfw Other Me at tag* ritSrTs i ,a»eavHto U*t* of apeakwa ar* being | arranged f.w both p!*e-*. •«* •* •• I pe< t»‘l that demurrary will be fully *■»- *a#Mß*d IB *be ut«-ranc ™ 9 I rvmgreaamrn Adamaon and Tale will be am mg the apeakera. rt,,| All**. D randier »*• detained at n„m, Wedneaday by the tltneTO of hto | •on. Victor, and waa. for iht* reaeon. uaa Me to All hi* engagement to ap*ah at Lineolntnn. I H* and Oenaral Evan* will •peak at iCuthbert on Saturday, ffi-tdamher *. and • rnurtng crowd of demoernta will be j aeaembled to bear them What Doe* If Tran? A good deal of rurtoatty ha» been ■roused by thto paragraph in thr morn ing paper: „ *‘T»lO of of(?o4it)on to Join Uttl# for the »m «ker«hlp I* taking dadnite shape now.” It there I* anyone running against Mr Little It to not generally hnotvn to the politician*. Hon. A. O. Blalock re cently told a prominent gentleman that he would not be In the race. The announcement above quoted worn* to he made with an air of au thority and aome people are wondering whether the Conatituthm ta grooming a candidate. There was some talk of Mr. John M \ Stolon aa a possibility, hut not much 1 has been heard about that of tote. Possibly there Is a dark horse some where. Vaucluse Happenings. Special to The Herald. Vaucluse, 8. C., Aug. 25.—Rev. and John Rhoden, of Newberry. S. C., ar* down on o visit to the family of Mr. John Murphy this week. 1 The sweet little Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Walton died on last Tuesday afternoon, tiring sick for only a short while. The funeral was preach ed by the Rev. N. G, Ballinger nf the, Methodist church, after which the re- ! mains wrre laid to rot*t in the cemetery. 1 Mrs. Minnie Kennedy ha* been eleet- j ed teacher of the Bridge Creek school , for the next term. Miss Kennedy taught this school last j session and gave the patrons such good > service that they could not afford to do | without her. Rev. Thou. E. Heago will also have eharge nf the Vanelus* school next term. Miss 1-.lritis Coursey will be first assistant In the sehoo! for the next term. Rev. Mr. Seago has been princi pal of the Vaucluse school for the past three years and our people are glad to have him teach for them another term. We are pleased to note that young John Relgler. who was cut very badly by a negro woman out at Croft’s some time ago. Is some better nt this writ ing, and the chances for his recovery are very bright. Mr. Teter Parker has recently bought a new- desk for his store. We learn that our friend. Dr. M .M. Leeroy will lead one our pretty young ladles to Hymen’s altar in the near fu ture. • Smith & Wesson pistols from *5 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1.35 in $50.00 at Lewis J. Sehaul. Reliable Pawnbroker, undef the Arlington. For Chronic Grumblers. “No mule can kick and draw a load ; at the same, time.”—Bam s Horn,. j CUT THIS OUT Wril# yous AUv •fiiMffttfti O# (Hit blifik, 00£lo#§ •ttmunl I# t**v tof M "»W*V Horn ti you Mint, in( #WH#f ibiH Of Mini it to THS MI4ALO. advehtisembnt coupon to TttE ADMRtA nftAtOi PIMW Inwn I'm* MlV«niMm«ltt vtf'Hdn Mow tiiMi lr* your "WANT" column*, for whidi you wiH find todoitd 0 ctnu t I mm.— UtIUWII MI 111 »T I III —a—a—— SIGN HERB- f 4ttoMoNool t«HM H04W004 lt0» t k A ■ n#*#k i«*M*** %mm»a 4a#». Mi— Kfttc.4 y *•#. 44 *O-» 1 ! «•# 4MO «400 14 < 0000 ONE GENT A WORD. SITUATION WANTED A * |*n<*TKl<>t* TtM'MG MAN | ft#***t*» •>«■«»•» f>n |ii* br#t of lff«* ] j a? ruuvijfci oito* ! CRAY 6**V •# fNiftrr. | A Hr*#o 144 Tfl4)f *l?i*l.4 nils® M#fs* j WANTKD -A IHX-MTfyX A? * j K ?CRf*?*W *OT 00|#0fTl0w “• "N* rrfrr" . #»r#. A4drm T RH. In cmr* TH# | A ttf % * HELP WANTED — ( to attend to! I bora**. Apply *l* Tvlfatr #tr*#t. » I j FOR SALE CREAM—t’ItBAM AT M JAf*9oN IT. 'for" 9 A LB-ON K FI RAT CLAM j i motor Good aa new. &a* \oltag* 1 Kneed !S» Type W M No. tl. Ad-, I drew Motor, rare Herald Meet t j,vi t ( AALE-HORAR AND BIXkIT. j will sell I heap. Buggy good »* «**» i and hurt# In splendid order. Addrea* Horae, rare Herald. Aug 25 $r mintosh atrfkt for a ale _|t,Sod. Rent* for *ls » P*r momh. j Apply at once. Clarenca E. Clark. Ml Broad. 1 1 TORENT FOR RKNT-THAT LARGE AND DR KIHABLK itor# No. 744 Broad »trect. Under Maaonlo b*tl. Apply to W. C. Jones. 705 Broad street. Aept 1 FOR RKNT— 7-BOOM DWKLLINO HOUBE 1267 Greene, with modern ; Improvement*. Rent reaaonabla. Apply j 125« Rills. ffepG j iTO RENT-RESIDENCE 1224 AND 1231 j Ellt*. with all modem conveniences. Apply 102* Broad street. Aept 1 FOR RENT—ONK OR TWO LARGE cool rooms furnished. Moat central lo cation in the city. J. E. Deaa, 918 1-2 Broad street. FOR RENT—SEVERAL NICE COM FORTABLE dwellings, with all the ( modem improvements on Greene and | Telfair street- Apply J- H. Prontaut. «2« Broad street, Sept 9. 'to RENT—THE ELEGANT THRKE- I story atore In the d'Antignnc build-1 Flng rimning through from Bro«d to El ills Now occupied by L. F Padgett. In- Iquire of H. H. d Antlgnac or Z.’W. j Carwlla. tb-Pt 1 FOR RENT -STORE AND FIXTURES j j corner Calhoun and Cummlng streets. Good stand. Apply on premises. Sept I FOR SALE—STOCK OF MILLINERY and notions for saje cheap In good condition and good stand, and good reason for selling. Apply at once Box 100, Beaufort, S. C. Aug 30 MISCELLANEOUS BOARDERS WANTED AT 739 TEL FAIR street. Will furnish rooms and I meals on reasonable terms. Septl WANTED A FEW GENTLEMEN boarders. Fare first class. Rates rea sonable. Apply to Mrs. H. S. Royal, 400 Greene street. Aug 25 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING only *5.00 per month at Osborne’s Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or call at once. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts WANTED —FRANK. SUPPER WITH me 7.30 this evening. Ellis Restaur ant. Billie. [Aug.2s. aas * AUGUST 26 LOST AND FOUND I U?T-49Tyfi'H fYM JUICY tlftOWfl, ?l(4 »44(» rmmt Kta4*r »UI 0? :i*M4 Hi t? r#««*o nt («* W Hurt#. 11m ir THK UTTt*»: Hf>Y WHO iJSTT « MN' 0t 140 *h p o# W. i 4u| an special Notices: Notice. JnrßiNa my amrnvie from thr tit? Dr W H Douffti'? OiU tali# W .H WOOSYI. M. D. flic WOO 7 Per Cl j FORKIGN CAPITALIST* WILL [LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLAR* I«• pratty In Augusta Oa T-rmi 1 I per rent For farther In form* tin mm | their attorney at tow. P. J. Uulllrai , 91* , at Mr. P. G Hurum. New# From St. George. J Special to Tbe Herald. | M. George’s. S. C., Aug. 2S —*er vtcr* at the Methodtot church on *un ld»y were apectolty Interesting Rev. A. t' Walker preached • very elegant and j feebn* acmon. j Rev. George Walker and wife of Aa i gusts are visiting their brother, Rrr. j A. C. Walker. • Mr. C. A Dukes, the effi>-lenl tele, graph operator of Orangeburg, visited ! bla parents on Sunday j The mcmtwr* of the literary depart ment of the Epworth league wer# very ! highly entertained at the residence of Mr. K. H. Coney *. Miss Lilly Zen ley. one of Charleston's • harming young todies, la th«- gueal of Mlsa Carrie Gavin. Mis# Eunice Howell, one of our moat fashionable milliners, has bought Ap pling A Co.'a old stand and will put In quite a large stock of goods thto sea son* Mrs. Aaron Rice of Bamberg spent I several week* In town while Mr. Rtco j went north on bu*ine*a. Quite an interesting game of ball waa played here Friday evening between Hliy Hill and St. Georg"’*. Score* atoed 8 to g In favor of St. George’*. Heph/lbah New*. Sperlal tn The Herald Hephalbah, Ga., Aug, 2*.—Camp meeting service* at Mount Moriah cloa ed this morning. The m o-tlng waa a ' good one. The sermon* were of extraor- I rtlfiary power and made good Impres sions on the large audience* that thronged the stand at each service. The minister* present were: The presld ! ing elder, Rev. J. H, Mnshhurne. Rev. F. D. Cantrell, Rev. M. L. Wooten and other*. There were several aocesslona to the church Mrs. J. R Frygr and Misses Marge and Eleanor Fryer returned la*t even | ing from Louisville. Mrs. Emma Horne left this morning for her home In South Carolina. Miss C. L. McCook, who has been visiting the Misses Farmer, will leave i tomorrow morning for Wayneaboro. From this place she goes to Milton anil ; thence to Oliver, when she will feturn to the village and spend a few day*. There will be a long service in Bro thersvllle Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening. We may expect a mu sical treat on that occasion. THEFI£ST GEORGIA. The Regiment Enthusiastically Wel comed to Knoxville. Knoxville, Tenn., Ang. 25.—The First Georgia regiment reached here Tues day night and is now In camp. The regiment was enthusiastically wel comsd and It is regarded as one of tba crack regiments in camp here. The boys are in good health and they are delighted with their change of camping place from (JMckamanga. Kncxville Is alive with soldiers to day and the coming of the troops haa enlivened the city. a*i.«. i