The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY WAS SEEKING DEATH IN CANAL tit J. f t.iwt (DmwiMN «• fU»i |UtM • l>r*«t lIMMi lb »** ff»» ■—*"* •• m» . »*«" W**- (A* NH» lb Wtoffto • I Ma J I* fdffMff# #%**# m #4l <•>■'■ <•# 1 «M«f INI *4* #NmMN ft#<Mft. •44ft#4ft > 4l m - #tr*irf #4 ft 4 nmnnwi W* *** #pr* lip •»##»#*, •*» •*#' t» Ik-41 •#### I*aw4l *r Hi 1 flMNfcpft MNNI N* or.0 r . ».g ig 4t %# # a .#»—.9 It* ••# •■* * #!*#• • |mN •#*! *4 NN*M'’ lINM IN ft#4 IMA ifcff AN INN# * _ ANN# ll* p. # * imr—g g, m*#H# tr* •* *4# 111 talrli <#* gpdUfp' •* #* MR# Imp lilt Ml «n» mil l -mm Ms >« >##** T#IN Mr =#*» «** |b# #-## t*#4 IN lIN 9tNHNN»f *#* tfc# *•## •#• «*•*** MiN 111 «Imp #**##444 tl •*• «*l» NN mt ifc# Mirr M M##t» NTIMi 4 # #gr* •MM 4„.» »«l b .«» TP*. tlili I ||p> TNit IN ft « »*4» • **#•« til Nl'M ***, •rsijyss^sEiTSl . rf| tabiiOwl AMI Ouw Mil «Mbb fb.tarra at law. a•* a e* a*> htarsrtog a*a» Mali* « «"ra. ■'* (J, * a traf'fWßU'ta*. !**•*•* • Maa aa4 he* baabaaA M all n*bs aim nak Mk kka am <• kawd- . •M _ a i Tka t*to'ty M* W9* • " **** *«’» mIAM wta *»*ff mi* «*■*•«' "F» twara ■-1 ra ta 1 ng Mark kla lb' a ""tall * j tod that M bad 4r*ifc a nw daal »? j c . « w >rr.i«t Ha to*«**-' bard la *»» allowed in g«> fee* tat «br J»dg* dart' ; «**4 a<> ia aiaal ibai a may mt 2"r* M j» | would ge» <ba Itwaar owl mt kla, . tm a!> 4 ataka him a aaa •aaa. Tba atf» ataKd ataali affw'ed aba Ika wn’rn i~t an fa a'Narad, aad a* * I a** fa If bo* ak> aad ika lltl» "baa «rr«td lira daria* ihoae i*a daya 1M,., Or aaa waa rarriad aaa* - fr«* rwr* kla " fa a"* * Hllla nartiaca In kla ban** aad r'.aac Im l« •»'» sall aa km aondbr# T**a J»df» aad aan **f krara atara mark lorlm' M *ba >l - araoa. Wk H«v© Made War And alaaahlarad aHaaa «a Tranka Tionka mada r*jr ripatt Trunk-makara WMd at Afanufarturara - prk-aa. Trank Factory. MJ Broad. Ball 'Hwa* MM. , THE WEATHER. Ausnata. Oa . Tknradajr kn«tta» 15. I#M Ofß<*> tacalad In I'airad Statra Govrrntarnt building; taiapkowa No. 1572. Foraraat for 8« houra. anding « p. b».. Atutuat V< la9*> Washington foraraal for Gaorgla and Arm tit Carolina Threatening araatbar tonight, thumlar ahowara Friday. l/ral foraiwat for Augusta Ka'r to night and Friday. THK RIVER Tha rlrar at 8 a. m waa 7 9 faat. a fall of O.A fart In tha pant 24 houra. WEATHER CONDITIONS Rrattarad abonrrra prevailed over a large portion of the cotton bell In the past 24 houra. the heavieat rain* fall ing In tha north central and north western pottions; ahowara also cc-ur red quite generally over tha upper At !»ntlr atatas and lower lake r-'gion. Temperaturaa are high thla morning over the entire Atlantic statea, while cooler weathrr la noted over the lakes and upper Mlasitaippi valley. There ia a large area cf the North watt now In (he flftiea. WITH A HATCHET. Laura Lvan* Inflicted Wounds on Her husband. Albert Lends, colored, was the victim of an assaiifl by hla wit", [.aura, early this morning, who went for him with a hatchet, with which she Inflicted a bad gash on his head and rlgt arm. Considering the nature of the wounds and the advanced age of Lewis he stood the injury well and managed to come to court this morning. The wife, a young woman, had had words of a heated nature, and. picking up a hatchet, that was near, hit her aged husband. Both were arrested shortly after the occurrence and brought to court. Lewis presented a gory appearance, his coat sleeve Iwlng saturated with blood and the wound on his head was a bad one. From the evidence It seems that Lewis had made no resistance and his wife had been to blame. The Judge would, no doubt, have sent her to Jail, but she bad a very young baby, and so, with a promise that the pair would live to gether In harmony hereafter, he dis missed them. t OASTOHIA. B«»r« to* Kind You Hate Always Bought rr tonight at opera house. Father de la Horiniere Will Deliver His Lecture. Father de la Moriniere will tonight deliver his excellent address on •'Southern Chivalry” at the opera house. The members of Camp 1094 will at-, tend the lecture in a body and occupy seats on the stage. The opera house has been beautifully decorated in na tional colors for the occasion. The lec ture will begin at 8:30 o’clock. Only steel lined and burglar proof rafes used. Honey loaned on anything of value at a low rat* of interest Wa terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis i J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. | # #nfc urtMiif mm urn fWlMMlxa Is«S| cm| Jails* M MfMHMfAta '* fwdkta: i 4M4i#4 * wk* 94' * *§- * HUMPH# k*4 -«i 4k mmd t##Hi #9 iMM# t * * ? t» ##• U m |^ 4 NNgpwt iMMINMHNNfII ||c f•• i #»l#i * #H|| Mm Iff Mi l mmm m # M# (MNmNIMMI ItMll %m f%# «§MNI \ \ |Mg| «#M #» ### aillf ttlHTfkl » * % •«*#»! ###►» ## §’*##f • i Nmm# VMvNtli nitNunn,, *f|«t ##4 ifkNutt* t «# # N#ii« NK A«mm • *hmm* ht **mm*rn" 9m |>iUk fkftM ii in, |##t mm 4m- l wnnnHv I fliktrmr tjN» JUNWr# tjm t Tm* mimii r».»»ifiN ~ t tiM# Eg#M Mt#tM fthFf • fmmt j P4mm 94 **++ #« • i#ftr# mTW ' gh#m 9mmru4 Vh** m*+ wwf l#M* few -IF4tk. IftMPMi «• g ll< kk ) %»« I Ntt nM |l *4 tm # 4 r» i ffcfn Mt•#* t** m VMitf* *#l9l. NATIONAL I »• AIH »:. Cbbatoawd Kosiow Ptaved a Clara Gewte I Nsttonsl league gutw* results y*ta"r <toy net* ** ftatows At Cbktua» R H P h.— n , teeaiasami I 2 Hstterle* ciHgltb s*d ftanabw Kl i* todaus and IWvaen t'taauts oTwy aad Mrfktnsid Time 1:1*. At Ihttstuirg— PtHsbutg ... •!•••#*•— I * 2 Mr-mblyn ... 1142 I* 1 • *—• f • I naileries RblSe* B*d Ibraertasn : Trsgee snd -Iris- I * nifUre*. Lynch and Andrew* Time I 45. AI Lnulsvllle— . PhLsd.dpbta 1I•2 *- « 7 2 ! ttsit-ne*: Cunningham snd Kit i tredgr Donsbue and M- FsHnrd. em pire* gw*rt*ood snd Warner. Tim* I 1 4*. ! At Cleveland— . Cleveland 2al a s a—4 1* t New Y-»rfc Ml** *-> * * | Batter lee: Wlleon snd Criger; Pev |mour and Warner, t'mplre*: Connelly 'and Hunt. | At 81 IsHll* 8t Louis .1 7128 29 * s—l 41* 1 Washing*o* »tIMIM*-‘ 1 n * Batteries T*y|or nnd Kln*'ow; Wry -blag. Donovan *"d MrOulre. Impltr: I Emslie. Time Ltd. HOWELL COBB HAD FEVER. Me W tit Sail Aoon for His Home In Athens. Athens. Aug. 25.—Judge Howell CovJ has received a letter, dale.l August 10. from his son. Private Howell Cobh, of the mounted cavalry In service al San tiago. About August 3rd Private Cobb was taken 111 snd rti sent to the hospital. He was told that be had a rasr of mountain fever and that the rhanres were unfavorable unless he took the best rare of himself. He decided to lie very careful and al the same time refused to become despondent, although st times he thought hi* time had come. On August »th he was discharged from thq hospital, and the surgeon Informed him as he left that he had j iiarf a severe attack of genuine yel low fever, and that he would get well Ilf he would be very careful, otherwise he might die. | Private Cobb will sail in a few days for America and will visit Athens as Isoon as he can get n furlough. He ' will go to Montauk Point on arriving and will be there several weeks In all j probability. | General Shatter Is still in Santiago. He will not leave until every man n his army has either been sent to the hospital or Rent aboard the transports, bound foi America. AS THE QUESTS OF FRANCE. Every Courtesy Will be Extended the Peace Commissioners. Washlngt'-n, Aug. 22—Tn view of the early meeting at Paris of the Spanish American Peace Commisslon -1 ers arrangements are already under way for the entertainment of this dis tinguished body. It Is understood that the commission will be the guests of the French government and while no formal invitation has yet tieen extend ed there Is reason to believe one will come In due time. a.nd that the Com missioners will receive every courtesy and attention which the French gov ernment ran bestow. The meeting of the commission will be held at the French Foreign office. ,in the sumptuous and historic Sal -n * des Ambassadors. It was there that jthe famous congress of Paris met in 1856. The salon Is probably th- most elegant official «l artment in all Lu ! rope, being bung vdth Gobelin tapes tries and decorated with lavish :r.:s --1 roes and works of art. Near the salon are private chamber*, suitable for committee rooms and for the meetings of the Commissioners of the respec tive Governments. The several commissioners will choose ; their own private quarters, although Secretary Day may be th" gue-t of, the United States Embassy. The Pies'-; dent hopes to be able to announce the ; names of the commissioners on the i j part of the United States this week. | HOTEL BON AIR IMPROVEMENTS Tit ftMt# HIN IlktH Ik It £l* MftM »k 4 KtfMklkM, lirntg-r Imwft W *R kiwi • **»»*♦»• Iksllkl AMI Ita 9. UntilHWN #«l4MP##' £ Nk| wpj##lMlNN ] iIMn «ni fwi*i '*• «#«. t**m m NMptfiry *■%««s *mm j a# NMN*# #1 MNi iMNt $4 • »#<*•#• Ml ivh# wmm* «f *#• * 90 ***** j M# f ##4l HI f%» Nf lIM NMfl# ##4 mm* - | ; f'mpt tmmmti ♦#* ***m mh# • full mi ? ffttftr #%4 4»## *#t $m l(N> m|4lH> j I (hmnßu# MH9 #44*l IHNN •iH 1n*441f■ ft##" I •<411*4 Ml t# | §ti| ||r# HPfMf'IIMt <NI IM I * t lit ,ft#m fMMiipr# 94 tIM m4"i mm 9m\ Mi 14 ii# p4i#n»«4p#t *4 ii# 4#lit HM4, •- ti# MPPIi t#4 cf HM ptwmem* f ' i * g pa 4 8 b I* l> W WMWffwrtM »k»i • pfivM* taNMi. tm tka gMw us 4tu : tm pkttiMh. *4* . *wk b» M »M dr Tbi» wifi fut « Kmc twM nti •• f><q<Mw > Hi p mt* wtitat mm »**•> |rf Iko kntrl mt »it '»»* M" 4mirw4 <" gj v» g AAAAA4 W(fbi«»> lb" plSIT.if; t 4 Ik" pwWt" nw"A N»8I S""»r*A Ik " VAA M do"r Tk" 4i AiAg roam »k*s ossfleu *t w* T t h# atmi 2S p"4 cwai aa tent" Mai" AAd Wklkt «kA (AIWA" («aW Aacdly k* wgrrsrwd mpmm lk" a»* t"A i«a «tl. "aaM* tk" «"rvto" Is ta «»• IWANIM "A 4 pmtmtr* I* tk" ktlrkaA I "at a It la Ur Aim fOMA. AA4 tk" M‘ I hr;* aAd pastry took* ar* » Mv* tm- TM lAptneSMAll "pak"»i us wilt ' Aim add to <k" rapa ty of tk" kw*l IA tk" way of goes ». qoll" a MAtar „f «inaptAg aad bAik room* ar* to go a; tAd wkaA It U trtn*m'**94 tbmt fr"qur**l!> ia pAtd seasons lk" •anil* fealty morn rlarb has brw» «UI|H to turn away w«nM-b" gorwa for lw*k of apor". tkta will bot» lib* of beaded r» guirvOWAiA As hw and *efrtgrr«i!ng plant whh a rapaHiy of fiva tooa of * r doily Is atm to b* lastallad ia a separata touiM -I*l The laundry Is to be enlarged tea. sod everything Is to be temple - ed and Latahed In tb" vlelntly of November 11st- Ro wb*n Manager Trussell aitlvaa pr drably about the Dret of fie-e.ober. h« will find a h<» el whleb. in all of tin appointments, made with an eye to tbs omfort and pleasure »f tta select pa tron*. randy for the season of '9B. The water facilities for Ibe hotel have etao been amplified, a six-inch main from the Summerville main hav ing her* run col I rely around the building. In the yard there will lie ten hydrant openings .with a pressure of ninety pound*. When it is stated that this Is about twice the pressure In the city It will be geen that there will he ample water at the hotel for all pur poses. HAY NEEDS A REST. Will Not Enter Soon on Hi* New Duties. New York. Aug 24.—A London cable dispatch to The Tribune says: Col. Hay’s transfer to the state de- 1 panmelit has bran widely discussed by i the English press .Regret over his de parture Is relieved by a feeling of sat - j Isfartion that the time has at last come . when an ambassador who commands confidence and Is generally liked In Bn- j gland does not disqualify himself for j high office at home. Mr. Hay's (runs- J latlon to Washlngb-n Is accepted ns practical proof that American good feeling is not a transient emotion In spired by motives of self Interest amt : conveniences In war time. Tributes of j respect and appreciation In the English | press to the character and public serv ices nf the retiring ambassador have been neither formal nor perfunctory. He says himself, with characteristic modesty, that he has done all that he hoped to do In London, and regrets that he could not have remained another year to finish his work. His success, ar- I cording to the concurrent testimony of thr English press, the diplomatic corps and social London, has been complete and unequivocal, blit while he has been exceptionally efficient and popular here, lie has always disclosed the Btrong fiber of American character. Col. Hay has set so high a standard andaproved so conclusively that the American ambas sador Is not necessarily petted and spoiled by English di. tomary and eon j detuned to sacrifice Ills popularity and I usi fulness la his own country, that there Is gieat Interest here In the ap pointment of his successor. One thing which Is considered indts pensable Is that the new ambassador should not be without diplomatic expe rience but he familiar with the usage conventions of European capitals. AH the best Informed writers for the j press refer to Col. Hay’s diplomatic 1 training as one of the secrets of his success and lay stress on the fact that \ the United States, in entering upon a new career of expansion, should be re- I presented here by an ambassador who has practical knowledge of the business I cf diplomacy, and is capable of meet ing European diplomatists on their own ground. Col. Hay will leave Liverpool on Sept. 15 by the Teutonic. His health has suf- P red from overwork, and he requires a few weeks' rest before entering the (Pale department. Mis. Hay will be In Boris a few weeks before sailing for I America. THE RACE AND THE FINISH. I, W as Dewey who set the pace and , it was Dewey who put the brilliant fin ish to it. EASILY. Dewey opened the war and closed it, j antis he is easily its chief hero. THK AUGUSTA HIBALD i All ARi* Ml IHI Uttft* > "SSSK amt tkpap* m uiwii I h m mum aegl I m# 4 #<# #■ ■#♦♦ ## i<j#p **mmm ! A.I, MO. ak, Ata mm " Tm AsNPMtaa tta"* t"Cs«<l»* •«< m*d I | a rnrnmmm ii'kPnts' a "**»• . I I t-ui I*wa t•*»»>• in Mamg tk* tßf»wt* j : sue sspamted *O4 i s|»e* 4 M> PMoaed Ha *4 tm Fod (a I ; mt tweot oueb 4ur Tm Thooa# [ Tm cmoMU trawsem* mm im*o «f t«arf the saaopi"-** and no* »«#*» I m* )**• I" H" warm trnm afwsma. I non «t i»* pm peseta waesuis "*• | MNMf NfMßMM*'** #MN mt#*# | Ti# T*M4*r «l##t4# Ammm#*#’# |#%#m J III# rfwHvjMHi# - 4t# HM ••###4 ## MIW . Ti# r*4#MwilMfc *4 I#Mb# Mt *# A#* ' PM#t# Mt## M*4 ###•# t«* H# lN4t#fl4tMl ■ me If ##• #••« 9m i#f • 4m* wm#*#. ##4 . #»i # MifM'NlMs 4f#MM4 •• ti* Wet 1 * #94 ii MM # __ W» iMf Ml N ti# ti*r4 iMf# i»|r# M#Hl fcr#>t anM TVs Wm M I fM«M4#t#4 HRt • til# fNNBIMI ##<ll## Vfetk# I •ItcmMHMI #Mftc44* 4 f r * 4#f# #4** N I Wr#i Kn 4 M I##* PHI M K## ##4 t#ttrf 4f# t*4<Ml I'iM !„n yif-n#4 #c#r ti# ii*«##t#4F#t fit ti# #tf##t frg#w|n##f, Ti# f##v#i#f« «f tm mm #l - ti# Mar* #4l CitveV* J •< ti# i(»»»# t«nigit, , Mr Marry inoes «4 the *e.-«od n#if. rts teglta- Aile l—A«-d f«r ai b<une in * tvm day* Me has been unwett The tlalA" eoldtet* "bo I-asss-1 tbnrtsgh yesterday l<«4i"d aa If they had been dnHig *«m* bard tampaign ( work. The lorn I military ha* not been shown much attention since Ibe Mlspalto , Amrrlrsn wsr It "111 revive wh-n the i nntdler* gel back. AuRUNta Trunk Factory Trunks repaired by esprrl Trunk j makers *42 Broad. H. rts me 2181. prooressive stilliore. A Great Deal ta 'RuMding Now Going on There. ißpertal t* The Herald. There has been a steady lucre**.* in j the amount of building done lor the last three year*, snd Just n*>" there I* 1 more building being d"*ie snd of * more : substantial nature than the moet san guine ever expeeb-d. Him* Prof. Y. K. lisrgeron leaned the Stlllmore college. • snd advertised that achool would open some lime ihe Brat ofwrxl month there has been a great demand coming from the best country people for house*. Ihe parties wishing to locate here for the benefit of the school. | J. A. Woodward * Co. has lei the ■ contract for * :tox99 feet storehouse tn | |, e completed In three week* niul locat ed near when* the Brewton A Primes. It I* thought, will he the place joslsh Bird I* anxiously awaiting ihe location of the Brew-ton and Hr learn de pot here to build and remove hi* lot* mercantile bualnesa tram Dekle lo thla ) place. | iHir merchants snd the public ar. n-t is little disappointed by the authorltl--* ~f the Brewton and Prleoria railroad ! not building a depot here. They con- I trD d that It Is hard to have the advan tages of « near and convenient railroad i lOd no depot faellltlei. g A . Bdenfleld hat* the materia! rm the* ground for building, the carpenter* I are pushing the wolk on M. H. Mox ■ey'a house. J. 8. Newmans has the material out for a dwelling and others ' are conferring w ith the local contrac tor*. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sSrr.. RF.vTjTd. KNOX BANKRUPT. One of the Most Notorious of Kansans Owes $500,000. Topeka. Hub.. Aug. 24. Rev. J. D- Knox, the famous ex-milllonaire ban ker of Topeka, has gone into the bankruptcy court, asking re bel fretn his debts. His debts aggregate over *500,000. His assets, within reach oZ creditors, do not ex ceed 950. Th« asse s lepresem his equity in a couple of town lots on ih outskirts of Topeka. Knox’s finan cial and religious career in Kansas, his failure and subsequent trial and able defense before, various Methodist conferences on charge! of defalcation form one of the most remarkable eni scdcs in Ihe history of this remarka ble state. He is at present 70 years old. Death df Hrs. W. F. Kitchen. News has been received in the city announcing the death of Mrs. William K. Kitchen, which occurred on Satur day last at Stanford, Conn'., wh re she lias been spending some time in a san iitarluu) in hopes of benefiting her fail ing health, Mrs. Kitchen will be re membered by the older residents of the city as the wife of Mr. W. K. Kitchen, Who was the proprietor of a large drug store here during the 'so’s. Mrs. Kitch en *vas the mcWer of Mrs. F. H. Miller end an auut of Edward A. Hill. Before purchasing a pistol "or gun, call on me. I t-M save you mohey. Lew is J. Schaul, Pawnbroker oh Jackson i 6lreet, established 1590. ....... i ANOTHER ONE TIRED CF LIFE " ' Vt% ii, A, pul##. «t l#i Ontfc UthMi MW WA* Itaaswseeetd M AA tth**- saw i*#4Bwu I e*4 AHeiPnoA f M#t# l«* 9m Ml 44 j I #f»Wt#4ii|» H| #l In ###<4# 41 Ai 1 I «*H# MMPIt Wa«i«M tip «4NN litNP 44## #* Ht*## ppptfiM## j#t# 914941 **•! «#4 lint !s##% «m# #H| r#t#i mw##h# | lit t<r pptff Mt#* #it#<Hf# #4 9M #i4 ## t 9# *• Mfm W A iiwi • #4t 1 i mi# *•##*#*!# # M##»4-<MI |mpn<# IHI \W**t |(#4 |j##l if #f Hftr # #tMMP- ft •*>!«#% Mf# I insbosus -sas too Ad HI mu raaMK A" raMtasbum f*sdP tfce sdNeua of aa wwu j «'*<## #f i«ai4##*t«# ti. t‘4*4N»#*t tP## ! l#M4<t# i HHiHriTl iM ip • «p*t<N mt f I PHlttM# 999994 fpf<###4 ti# H#i<t>HHHl# ’<4# t ifpi»Hi Ml ti# 4#'#4Bp 49-ha , 4##. Mt# Opluhw' Ip Ip# 9 r#wi»tt«i I > fnm ti# HNmHHi *4 ti** pm*mm t#ft## | ##p*pt 4## # * Chhpp <4 li# A«f. Ti# fPH# tint l##H Hp t# ti# t#fc*Pf (4 li# l## s '- *#*••#. H# ••# «o*#f o#fi#4 . ky a repurtee. arw It •**•* 'be- Mrs. j debar nr AAd me mat be. Mrs AO. Itadgett bad a dispute Mrs (kb*** 1 ###•4 • ha# r 4 #« icm## ## *lt «•#### J of Mrnsd a<*4 Fran* sti«*4* Tb" I*■ ' dm* bad a d spui* stauit a «wrraiA' I iimuki Maytag ia tb* bourn* Tb* boarder was i egue*t*d to brave by Mm : Padgett dar tag Mr a. OMwwne s abseme j aad "ben Mr* doborae rvuarteed an] argument ursa rained The Indies bad a difficulty amt Mi*. Fsdgwt was hit with aa umbrella by Mr* OMws* The case was tali** before a »*«-* irata by Mr* Fadgnft. didn't Waal FuMbtlv. Mrs Os'orne wm mortified at the Idea of the publicity that would attead ibe trial aad so dorided to setlle tb" 'natter by itrtnklag laudanum She say* nbe only tnd a leavpoonfnl but an rmnlv ounce bottle nf the drug waa found near her Mt* Osborne be* a hnsband and one child. The affair 1* a non unfortunate one. A PANTS FACTORY. One to he Added to Griffin's Enter prises. Griffin. Aug. 25, -Joseph I! Dreary has Just returned from Kltvrton. where he made s short trip to inves ttsate the prsrtlral working* of a pant* factory located st that place. He h*s bad a proj-o t of this kind in hla mind for some time past, and h<s decided now to go ahead at one* and I* taking fit - first steps this week to get It under headway. ID- has mi: le arrangern-nt* with the Griffin mills and will for the present ms' e only upon eonlract. taking th- Jeans and cottoßade goods from Ihe factor!"* and making them Into pants, the products to belong to nnd lie disposed of by the mills. This I* called 'Vconverting’’— changing the raw- material Into a fin ished product. Mr. Drewey will star! v.-ltli fifteen machines, employing men snd women operatives s- be cs - . to be*l advantage, and will locate th -m on the third floor of the Drewry build ing. This Is one of Ihe smaller enter prises that help so largely to build up a big city, and we Wish all success to It and all similar enterprises. OASTOHIA. Bo.™ th. Kind YO'J Han Alw, Bought ‘KT" |{EPT JY fILL f!RSJ QLASS (JROCERS ♦ VJ “Bring it in, Porter. That Brand Flour is ex actly what we want. We are tired using corn flour and corn starch mixtures. Berry’s Grand Duke is Pure Wheat Flour, Guaranteed.’^ IN A SOCIAL WAY Paw Apd Ik bare Beg.*. HM Ml""** WillWMi Mrkey kkwywar okra ’ beta eetarbsd to tb"tr bom* ua Mo*f Wit* elteet. after a piwamat vital he | rvtatH** aa Fatta IMeod p*ar Fbft j h >ral. bad tb* pine sure whit* oa tb* . island mt gottka aa b»mrd the tkiataow. . lib* I'blind Maim gAbtmat tbal Roetgo j i Magl«y wa* kilbta upon They rnw tb* ) spot where ibe brave North t eroUeien ! Iltdl. tm Mrtlor* potbttag M out to it*» i i beveral bullet bo'e* la tb* abke of the j tenant w*r* shown them. The Winslow will noon go Nosik ktt reftatrg Ti# MM### 9*Hff ear m bits vital lag ’ tb* aargl mm tun »rt* the reetpteat* at meay siteatioii* by the ear el offl rrrt mt tb" Winslow. Nantucket and 1 other* Met ton Ht oa the Inland. Among tbw oa tm Wtaniow I* RaMga Miller. , who ba* visited AugnMa. rin. Haggle 1 uteri*!"*. lari evealag. Mrs Kr an* lleggie. HI - irrtalned ai elgkt-banded curb re Tb" j tiraultful home In llrovetown was l ! tastefully decorated for the nrrasioa. nnd lb. dr I-cbm* refreshtiwata were served In an egr»p«toaally tarillag j manner. Mm Iteglge was assisted H» terriv ng by k-r stater. Mrs. Howlaad. I’m rot were Mr and Mr* fllewsrt ■ li'.ntry. Mr and Mr*. Taswell T*lly. j Mr. and Mm F I. Heard. Mr*, and Mias Flail. Mr. and Mr* tk’. A. Latl -1 n»cr. Mr and Mrs. flu* Tobin. Mr. snd Mr*. If H Rlelncr. Mr and Mr*, tloold Barrett. Mis* ti ff.trd. Mis* Meg glr. M-lis Phintav. Mi«s Stovall. Mt«s Trb’b, Mr Hill. Mr. 8 -. Mr. Jse.b I’blalfy. Mr. rb»rlle Hill, Mr Ferdi nand*> and Mr. Aahury Hull. A I nlqur Belt Mis* liOttista Trammerbntiser. thr daughter of Sergt. Trommelhaitser. of t Its entire force, ha* re. -lved a unique rod lov*ly rrctf>mbranre from a aol dler friend of her* al the front. The article is a bell made of a Florida rat -Irsa.ike skin It I* a beautiful and -ireful gift. The snake was killed by b"r soldier frl»nd. while at Camp Tam pa. and he had the skin converted -nto th- licit that was sent Mira Trommer j liauaer. German at Lakeside. Mis* ,|r**le Wal. will tomorrow ev ening compliment the guerts at i house pnfty with a g- rman at the I4skr»ide Club home. The affair prom ! is-yi to he one of the most held at this popular dancing resort. Mira Annie Dew Is In Savannah vis iting relatives. Miss Sara Lama", who has beep the gt.rst of Misses Margie and Annie Rent), has returned to her home lu Beech Island. AUGUST 99 M>* r»**i Hwif km -««*ea*4 tmmm ii*i*<*«lßh IH **d Mr* II A Ibiw* Mil twt** Jam bta »*• t«et Me* I M- we tffetbs* H • >•«*« rat Ullcsu *b New T-tak M'« Uat**e- b"H» we t* *«b *4 - «a N«-< m Hesstaw ««4*<ta kb* l.wtk «M Mbw i rata kara f*> jtutbed f»«*s nsttiswa* libel Me M»s*»t IMta *4 A*»«"«»a baa rsfsHwd bwa» *f«** a »*tat to Me II IA ptata Mia* Is"**** Nina Fueraß I* vtaHMff M Wtstmt Mr Juka FmvwlL m> Pf I tag. A P li"-S Mt llacry beta who l»f* key* era# tb* g»»rwd tiswcata tsgtawbi. la *m p»f(Hl b«*se Ibl* week. Mt** Nura meeta* aa "ceumpitake# • lUHbi lavwrM*. la aa aa hk*M tub to |yto»4* la B"*sawafe. Mrs Rmms Hatlla Is off mm a vara • lob A* will vital Oraaitaetlle, Aik -a aad taker potato twfora r«t«raiag. Mi*"** Mai sad r»"bette ttaugbty have bran »*«»dl*g a tow day* aa *b« lllU-lap. lk* of Mrs ||»aM . tW|il»T, Mrs Jratm Joha wbo ba* brag 'peadiag ibe past tat wrebs In Naek* vilto. Ten wiib frtosds aad retailva% I baa returned to Augusta MO AN MO HR SENT TO CUBA. If to He Castot Take Part la the tamptat". Washing) at. Any 22 W’iiiwm J-a nin«* Bryan will M take part la th" polfffC"! < ani|>*lga this ye"' unless hta regiment. Ihe Third Nebraska V .lua leers. to <go*Wy d mt of Ik" srrvtc* l-efore 'NdtoMf. There te *-4 m*rh likelihood, how* • ver. that thla "111 occur. The Third Nebraska Is a part of the Severn * 1 Array Uorpe, under Major Gen Fits* hush Lee. and It Is understood that ' all the troop" of that corps "111 be *** signed to garrison duly la Cuba. The* are now at Jacksonville, hut will I ear" ' for IlsVSh* shout the middle of Orta* her. ' , , , DIED AT AGE OF ijo. A Cltlzcd of Omaha Claimed to h That <Nd Omaha. Aug. 22.—On# hundred <»< thirty years I* the age rtalmad hf Washington, a colored man w-h* died t-day of old age at hla remdencsk it 422* F.mntet Streel. Washington ht* been * resident, of i imahs for many year*. There la no question that he wa* far advanced Iff years, for hi* whitened head and beard tv as proof of that, although he had few of the infirmities of age. H* claimed to have seen and known Geo, Washington In the day* of slavery and It I* said hy some that he was on* »t Washington's stave*. Ills wife died IB February. I*9o, In this city, at the ag" of 104 years. JYatchless Indeed. •’A matchless night I” exclaimed thfc maid, Quoth he In a tone nf deep regret, • I've Just discovered that: I’ve not E’en one to light my cigarette." —Boston Courier. The man <vho falls to lay up some thing for a rainy day always hue to de pend on hla friends for an timbrolla.