The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, August 25, 1898, Image 5

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TMUftftOAV l-lkc the spanlnrds We Are Caught \ Hcmim too mint *Mmmor tham tn on boo*, o tut »v«« ot th»* u*o 4oif wo hovo o Comoro oloek «*» ***** A» ii#o§ lad otytot to inOtHoo*, Oooti*. ley*'. M*«M o«4 ChU4ron‘» Low Bho*%, Wo oro 3ji Per Cent Off on tho ontleo lot. Wo odvortioo only fact*. If you wont low Shooo of ony 4o %crtpt>on com* to w Wo will oovo you monoy. Wm. Mulherin's Sons & Co., 846 Broad strect. SAYS CHIEF WAS NOT SEEN TV (lorOUM Tm lairnto*' r*lkt *• llimmoJ Amu. <vn*>M »v** •«»* nw m to. AOi tW n or. AmfitM I* W* OMMl«rt— (%mt Rcfftfi of «*• t*WWW H*" |p, ( , mgm #•*• ttf Or H-1 • M»a* ■mM u 4 tb* Viun *‘*o fi». •Sr-* 0* •»» tfi'KO Mi IWWM. '•>' mi, «r ikr *rt+v koM Mw Mfit trig of It TM* HmM of T»'»4l> T» |V*t ho* ihn Ml. *'M Ml " gar 4 m iv Mao** "At Ik# p. Tut lUUM M liiflH 1 hat Uw irouM* 4MMANIN D«a tei Heat oa ftatulAar a ww*h •**■ ■TkM Ovlr myi In w» •* a« tb# outlaw Mona# wkN ik# roong »*• «#i# t»r» ught ta »*d :b*r*»om ko*w aotbtsg of tb* affair g#ri**at Hh*r pard »aa «h* d*tk ni-*r aad **>• Mr Homm-rd aad the l"«l| me* w-v* iraa'.'d nwnmiul; and whew they l*ft •*#«I«l pevtocliy oattaffad ° 'Th* rovpoab aliarturt Is th# rwll raad ticket# had b#*a <orw off in *«•»• •ay and wkn Ikrf got tm tk» cara la Ikr ritjr tkr| rwfuaod lo pay far# Tb* mtduriar demanded ikr euupowa or Ikr har. bat aatebrr aaa produced, aa kr had ta kill *im»tblng to am»#i to lb* inapteMor When ikr atory •*# told at Ikr no Ur* station Mr Paaanll argur an man«n wnl with and aaid , hr nphed thr artloa of th- conductor. 1 bat a* the ? •••in* ■!• n war# tirni rt aad aaaa'rd to a*t off cm th* n**t train hr aald hr would aot puah the raaa. *No Information wat obtafaabt* lo j day regarding th# aulta. Ko papers hat* b**« Bird yvt and It It not known who reprtaeat# lh* Angustrn* ' Try AUcn’r Foot-Las*. A powd»r to b* shaken Into thr #ho*a ] At tht» uni'ti your f*r| frrl awolteti. I Brrv our and hot, and art tlr*d raally. j If you hava smarting frrt or tight shoes try Allrn'B T< ot-Ea#e It fool# th* frrt and mak>'« walking -asy Carta swollen and sweating fr*t. blister# and callous spot* Itcttavoa corn* and bun ion# or all pain and glv-a rrat and comfort. Try It today Sold by alt tfrug fflat# and »ho* alore# for 2* < #«ila. Trial parkagr I'KKK. Artrtr*#* Allen B. Olm atid, l-e Ho}, .V Y CORPORAL TO LIEUTENANT. Remarkable Daring Show n by a Col ored Soldier. Mr Chcrley Wiliou. of thla city, while on an Atltntlr Cocat Uge train j a day cr so ago «»# I-leut. WIMs Winn, who has lately been at Santiago and who ««a going North. The lieutenant i» a colored man, and bcara the riictinct'.on of Uavlng. by hi# courage nt Santiago, during the charge ! of th* American troop*. been raised 1 from a corporal In rank* to a lieuten ant. This ia a high honor, indeed. The lieutenant raid that Gen. Joaaph Whee ler waa Just adored by the soldlera. who aay they never ae.'ore witnessed such daring as that delayed by the little cavelry officer. He was asked how Oen. Shatter waa looked on. but he gave a knowing look as much as to aay that Shafts was not ao popular a* be might be and said he would rather not discuss that general. Mr. WllEon says he never heard cine man praise another quite to the extent that the lieutenant, showered eulogies upon Gen. Joseph Wheeler. Wm. Schweigert & Co., •Jewelers. READY TO SETTLE UP fttinl Pirifc WW «*4tor lit Gffftri wat f4t.OOO.IKM. Th# C-mpwwy b N#w PvopaGrtg • Waohlafftw. Awg St, ■ Th* Cewtrnl {*»<-«•* Ea'iway ntepwi 1* p#wpwr*ag i,. mMs'i 1* th* ewtamkMMl. enteattt mef AII'H :vtf Oe« rsl Grig*# #*d Armary Gag# aad A-c rat ary Mta* a l«t ;<aIUM for tkt t 'ußdtag at th* tvyrraamai <wbt Iff i rnrteac# with th* t*rm# nf lh* preytakm Mi th* g*a , *ral deffrlimry hill iPkethllg th* • rmlteloa t« aat. Th* law aad ffaral •1 -r* of lh* rompaay ar* aow at werk «m th* pfapoteiiow, aad a# aona ra M la r> mpi*t«>l K wilt b* »>i!>mlit*d to th* Atbwaay G«m*fat and hla *ol leagwaa la vt*W of AUatWT G*«'r»l Grtgga' ataimtai that h* waa at work eg th* eotnplaial to b* ffiad by lb* pnrruwM lor 'b* lorcrlot** oT th* mofigcg*. aad that *• me* •• It •*• fcralab*d b* wn*iM begin procaadinp#. ,It will b* lalrrratlug to not# which ■gets Ha work la Drat th* railroad com par jr or the government The pro*ldea la th* taw appolatlng the commltt** aad drffalag Ita duttea aay th* offk-iala named ahall bav* full pca«r to aettl* th# ladabtedneoa lo lh* out of lh* iaau* of bond* In aid of th* coaafrortloa of th# i(‘*olral Paelffc aad Wealrra Pacific rail read* upon aach term* and la au<b mar.nrr aa may h* agreed upon 'by | ;b*m or a majority of tb*m. aad thr . 1 wnrrs of gold railroad, aubjart to lb* approval of lh* Pr*ald*nt. provided | that the rata of Interest lo b* paid »br’l not b* Itaa than A per cant, and | that the data of Anal paym-nt b* not ; extended beyond a period of ten year*, lend that lh* settlement be mad* with in on* year from th* data of lh# pas#- tag* of thr art —July 7. IkM Th* [ ropealt ton of (ha company will b* based upon these term*, and the au thority for the** statement* aay* thr gov*rti«n*nt will reielr* th# full ' amount of Its claim, now about t*H,- imM.OOO. II Is understood that at thf confer ence *h* other day between Attorney General Griggs, and the representa tive* of the Kngl'ah atoekboldera. Menses. Harriett and Morehead. no proposition wsa waived from lh# lal ler looking lo the purchase of th# rosd. They arrmed to be more deeply Inter ested In squaring up with President Huntington for his alleged bad man agement end unfair treatment. They •vere told lbat the government could no! take eognlxanee of the difference* among stockholder* regarding Ibe management of the property, and that If they had any grounds for complaint tbrir recourue w»# to the courts, which were open always to aggrieved parties. Some time ago a little bottle of Cham berlain’* Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy fell Into my hand*. Just at a time whan my two-year-old boy was terribly afflicted Hl# bowel# were be yond control. We had tried many rem ; edle*. to no purpose, but the little bot tle of Colic, Cholera »nd Dlarrhoe Rem edy speedily cured him.—William F. Jones, Ogleahy, Oa. For rale by Alex and“r Drug & Seed Co., C. R. Parr, of Bell Tower Drug Store. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistols, Harrington * Richardson Brand new pistols, *2.50; Harrington & Richardson second hand pistols, *2.00. American double action plstoj, *I.OO. Guitar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L. J. Sehaul, Reliable Pawnbroker. ASSAULTED « LADY TW K«4 (im Jtoffi lb ißwffilt til r«HM 4# li* IlftM * <M * NNf* *U H r; f%*mm - j ft****#. • m&tom •*** ***** 9**m 1%4t 1 lUffflff rw## i b 4«f « +mms **** «* '** m*—* *+* j I 4 I## #t It* IM4 *#4 j ummrn I#4Nhp I# #%i priMiimit #»iMANI j I tti# ta*#* #| t%m ff lff ptotMM# ||mk*4 mm* Hi—l «fe*i ( <—4 >lB —i& i#— i#lh mb I M—H tltt t# #— IS # #—Ntt«»f *4 «!# bMWsrss.'s .swff ww4 ffwdiwff tba* itelt 4*o ■ * -i#aw fad i* tba uatN Mwaw wwa cwff #4 ««■» . Djg u immte Ml* Iff* tNf ***** Hi! ib* tea# a*4 t mia* *» ffrtwb H* www girt MM flaurtlw* atiaad **4 ••* a#sa» , •b# rkHWB awM«te •HIM mb** lb* ; rattaaw ffwM Work ll* waa rtawd *g |xg tb* ai4#w atk a*4 JWM ga MjM M « *MMk lb* 4»wffbta* *f fkrtivwwsgg I I* j Hraaaff awff a IWlaßaw wf INdirtl Ob'*" iiwagrff ba* agff gyabbwff baa tg biai atwra Tb* t«wgff HUH a#wrtt fr*gbl-| awwff to 4watk arrgawtoff Ml «w»#ra»| hmwi rag Ig baa rawrwa aad Hr *a# 1 gatart off 4N*wg tb* ****** fffWg* «*•* ’ Mstrww-i to l*U P*»IJr*WMH* IHrwaa* of j •bad fcrt tgbwg l#la«w *wd lb* ••«** j •bo »** at bwwia HUM ffnawaff **d, o#Wt ig awareg of tbo antoiee M* «V*W ! I, mi iggt b# WowM are ba rragowm j to* tor Imuran* Ilf* ts b# aaw k g, la tb* HgwMtigMi fmgraa b*4 »•* ten Dora tar gtrrt toward lb* city sad awl m> rdtod wltb b»a aMawtt «»* tba Ms be k*orb*d • IHtl* k# f Mn aad kart b.m aarmwatr Tbm b# at tarkad a youth a bom Iff yaar* of aat* ] and. tMtng • *>■•' Ul #«r»agth b* uaffd tb* uwaff man twwgbly. taaungg Ki* dlolbgg Thla l**l row or<-a*red oppmit* «l* alar* «f Axtaa C. Mtaalaaatt. No, In Itarw atmi. Mr. Miaaihianeii «<w to tb# poulh'n aaalatataw aad km# hg«H the Mrtdtar bait arvtw* tb* at ray, j i imm an showed fight and ffafkiuOa arc# mat for Hy tfcts llwte a m<rt> bad gatberp aad It was gnlowd sroond that Dan 'Mi had not only struck tb* bop and a youth, but bad MHulod a lady no th* sir**t. It was evident that tb* soldier was la be dealt wltb la a rough man u#v. There war* lboon prwaenl who • sated him strung up on n telephone pel* and others suggested giving him a cowhiding. Otfirwrs Cbo*ow'«d. Irtßford and Harris arrived oa the scone just aa Duncan was being stoned and puvhed about. He was trying lo recap* but he could not do ao. The police attempted to make Ibe mob disperse, but railed, sod an order waa sent to Ibe pol’re hatra' k* for the reserve. Tbl* raused the lender* of ihe mob lo move off. and tb* order for the reserve ora* fc yoked Duncan was hurried up to the poffe# ba.racks and locked up. When the nrreat was first made Jt waa not known to the olfii era that can had aaaaulted the lady. Duniwn aald that he belonged to t|te fifth Infantry and that bia home w*» In fit I^mla. "If I mistreated the lady.” he srtd. "I do not tecolleci It. I was ertuty drunk all the afternoon and did not know what I <vas doing." Duncan Is a powerfully built roan, weighing two hundred pound* and measuring over six feel In height 20-y#ar filled gold walehea In ladle# 1 and gent*’ *■*** with Klgln or Wal tham movement from 17.0 t) to SI2.KC. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Ht haul's. Uellatde Pawnbroker on Jackson street. TO PORTO RICO. Will Augusta Send a Delegation There ? Wilt Augusta send a delegation to Porto Rico? The charleston Post on the subject has the following: "Augusta wants to figure In the ef fort being made to establish » tine of steamers between Charleston and Por to Rico. •‘Augusta Is a Georgia town, first eousln to Havannsh through connection ■vlth the Central road, but uejrerthe- | less wants to make Charleston her | port In trade relations with Cuba and | Porto Rico. "In a talk with a well known Angus- , tan today he said the business men of Augusta were ready and willing to bn a patron of the steamship company. He said the board of trade of Augusta would probably send a delegation of business men to Porto Rico with the Charleston representatives.” Dr. J. I Terry, of Trimble, Tenn., In ■speaking of Chamberlain s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, says: “It 'has olmui»* become a necessity ill this ! *th|g Is the best remedy in , H- colic, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and Is rer- IjMpeocssity wherever Its •*j merit become known. # Ir so prompt or effec * jHunt to take. Sold hy fond Seed Co., C. It. 1 p a ,, ivFer Drug Store. There is nothing a manly man ad- j mires more than a girlish girl or a wo- ; manly woman. I- I TI9IT AUGUSTA HWRALD. Ts -amN* POWCIH wm # M tiifu nub k mis ANtiii Mdffrr It* Mr* a Im*i mbtea flag bteM •Mm "Jimd IWlrt" taaaaeaa g (I, Ana fit. ** A pmteff i mr#ni i—i mm i ti t— #t ! mmrnm l Hut m Wt— wmm 2 «—I #t It# «#• 9** start NH Ik* ' thigh bp aw w*hanww gaa • «• | pnttrtw. dbwta* th* i*m«* *•»’ wf Ma* ( waak tortbing wa* kaaar* f tkt* affaw aa- HI t«*«wHa wber lb* I* h*V of lb* Harp . mafia kawwa th* lar«a to tb* aathsart* • <*• It airtamp* t»oo> tb* taw*a afiar*. ttou taro# mwag with* aw* wba »***, i inial Mnaowma to b>m wn* au m I dawa #a th* aMa «f tb* euad that be ! ba4 ta tiatNrt. aad aa b* #*ig»w*rb*d ( <«b* mar* what* they wav* Wtltwg b* ] baaed na# of them remark, Tb**w ■ cwmrw a aM»w Mtg; ladb abnna ——J i .art as b ta ** ft* brewaa* »*r» t mark afvwtd tart J «*u tawed tag h.« arap Wbew h* !. an#r opwwtta |l # maat It* aiavdod to | rwa. aw l tat b* did aa b# waa abat. Ik* hall taking #ff«*i ta tb* upper par* of hla thigh rauaiag a »*r» painful hut > not altogether aaa lour *<aHd Th<# atorp Of th* ta>y l* discredited by sum ! who bell*** that Uhile baadllng a pta itai h* arrldeaially abot h . mar if and tfctw made up tb* ««rp of being start 1 bp thr#* tn*n la order «o **rap* pun- j I iahmeni from kt« father nri.inr in six HOCM. . 1 f Dtstremtag Kfdaep and lltadder Dt#- lewae relieve* tn eta boors by "New ;Great booth Ameviewn Kidney Core * I It Is a grant aarpris# <«i ar. «o«t of Ita rioetmr promptnea# m rellei Ing pslti [in Madder, kidney, and hack. In male |er femala. Relieve* retention of water lelmoei immediately. If you want t.ut relief and eure. thla is the remedy. Hold bp t. A ti«r.lell*. druggist. Augusta, Ga., HI Rrmtd street. TO THE WI N I INDIES. .Nome of the Savannah Sports Think of Lmlgrallng I bavannah, Ga . Aug. M.—lt la report ed that some .rt Ihe members <rt Hs vatutah'a sporting fraternity will wan der In Culm amt Porto Rico as soun as affairs are sufficiently straightened out 111 those Island# to mak# rmlgi atlon worth an »a|iertment One or two at them are slated for Havana, while other# think ban Juan a mot* likely place, and may take a steamer In that direction aa stain a# the tin;* I* propitious. They look for a boom In huslneaa nffalra In lh..#e point# and think that the sporting line will preliably pay well. Other# #ay that Porto Rico ia already stocked with thane who handle the i*atelnaiid#. while rtlh er« ar** of the opinion that there will | be g.Hid opciiitiK# In place#. These, however, are not the only peo ple who will emigrate to these new American countrte-—AiHMNIcSn. they Will both la- rapidly Anirrlcanlxcd. A number of young men. with and with out sma'l capital, and with good busi ness minds, are talking »f making ttie experiment, believing that lucre will lie plenty of room for those with cner-I gy and pu#h to liulld up trad#. The chance* are that there will he a sort of flocking to Cuba and Porto Rico from many points or the country. The move ment, however, will hardly take place until affair# In both Island# nro some what more settled. FREE PILL*. Send your address io H. B. Ruekhn g, Co., ChlcaßO, anil get a free sample ! Imx of Dr. King’s N-w Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy In artlon anil are particularly effective In the cure of | Constipation and Hick Headache. For j (Mularla and Liver troubles they have I been proved invaluable. They are | 'guaranteed to be perfectly free from j every deleterious substance and to he purely vegetable. They do not tvoaken by their action. , hut hy giving tone to jthe stomach and bowels greatly Invigo 'rate the system. Regular size 25 cents p.-r box. Sold by Howard & Wlllet. . druggists. THE MASCO I KILLED. What Will the University Pall Team Do Now ? Athens. On.. Aug. 25.—The University baseball team will have to get another ’ mascot, it will have to secure another boy to carry the bats and hring the water. For "Bear." the celebrity of the campus. Is dead. “B e ar” went to Atlanta on the ex-: curslon Monday and Just before reach- ; iing the (late City losl his life. Just this side of Atlqpla, he f”ll from the car trucks upon which he was I stealing a ride, and In the twinkling 1 of an eye the big wheels of the car had rolled over his body, completely severing fine portion from another. Death was instantaneous, and the ! darkey never knew what caused his death. j i I The body of "Bear” was brought hack to Athens tor ttitermenf. Some people are naturally nervous, I j while others dre troubled with prickly j heat. j I HUE AFTER MIH HANNA (||l (krkaarfyl* tVNMbf IlMl Hff Nftfiip lit m. A IMpaw IfflMffi ha* lh* Nam** MMMb Hag ban fMten k#rt ffk •# Tb* »mo*w * |g p (t# fi- rA if Ills «** *» fftotate- ** * | k«bb#lt#i Mas L *sf* •#• * H « p#"- %t itiftl — 4m— S It# ft I —i’## pis## ~ ih«*« <ii» mbmwm ft— • #—l p 4 #i • tfto —« Mt— I ***s*+ I |— #t ##t —WI Aft « ## : ftft * I fa* ,414 #f lls* i—f—l' ip fM##—l. Hi! I ' it»- 4—l wm* #t lIMM ***** ft—lst sfj iw* m*!'*w*oW ■, stir ii-td—ii 2 tiftf'Aftk, **■ '* ftto I | «*#f *»—«##»—ll iiftft i i < t i# Mrtr* flM* wmtmm ftM—hi -ft» <— *•* , —Mi tftMA—Mto liis #f h—— fur v—ftit# fts mmww 'pm #—•— —i* ««f •«» ts*—* m —lit ***** *ft* inff#Uft —MI imwmtwi ft—Ml #1 *l im—ifi j »*t| 44 «|prdV» ftllM# Wf ts»—*— !ft» trill tft# ttf* tlft—lt —4 ila# ******* *f ft*##—•• m —ki mrnftm 1 —MI —ft!—M# ftr* «*#» M 2 •!* tm* 4144 444 ***** ffts i#M wf m+w* •*** hm mm liflwt ft— ttw WftMMl *i o « r*4 N M—*# wm mm* 4 wt * M #4 Idl—ftII141« *• trr—#4— ifM* 1 —llf f ti* MlAlrftoft 4 ft** **4 * ill pulruit Art#irt It 4* ftil'll T #u——t. ! denting H* power ftom th* <«•*»*» as *ft# IKtVd'f «MN| tv rifiil ‘ nr ftitort »V ftwiMll## ** i ’«V H*mr*m** • r—k#l *ft* 4»UMI4 df ill 144 —l—ll# ’ft* 41 diflirt *t#*t m—• I# ill lift— to »■ , y * ' m : ' - • .. • ff*»Wn pf *44 4—i*i4 ft—4 ift# 1*48*4 mm*w mmm* tifc* —ii«— «n—i ift# f|filing* if Ot# M—# tl»« ! fltffloa of Hirr— A ll—m —« * lor RI M Mfh AHI IT CUR*'. TMIS* fV, W. H. Vafirai Cured at Deal we »• by flew, fi ard. Tb* Heraid r*c*l**d * vlall this , it 'in tig Dorn Mr H fi' VmlHmh. i.eatres to give bta meed ot pruta* to 1 th* wnudrrful cwnative power* of lira. R. |*. Word. Augusta a r.atrvoj ant aad magnet ir healer Mr Volkrna state* that b* baa been 1 .leaf very drwf. fig about two year*. ' during which time b* vainly sought re lief from many phyatciana. nose do ing him any good lleuriog of Mr*. Ward and of a»ote of her remarkable I <urea, be derided lo leal her ability i with hla own mar Accordingly, about iwo weeks ag>\ he called upon and engaged treatment of her. Blue* (then be baa received three treatments, and can now bear aa well aa any one. Mrs Ward's treatment, aa dear ti had by Mr. Volkrna. constat* In her placing her hands over hla two ear* and by hy ao doing establishing an electric current. “Wheo Ibis waa done." aald Me. Vol-1 Uena, "I fell a* If I was thoroughly ‘ ..barged with electricity, wy very brain agatred to expand and surge of sound* passed through my poor ear* that had heard almost nothing for the paw two years. Thla treatment waa repealed twice, making In oil three treatment*, and now I tan hear perfectly. The '.inly thing I regret ta that 1 am not able to remunerate. Mra. Ward aa I would Ilk* for the great bleaaiug ahe Itaa heslntwed on me." Mr. Volkens Is a Carolinian, and has only llvrd here a »!r>rt lime. Hy profession he la a car builder. He In very much Interes ted In roagnetlc'hypmillrm, and I*, he states, a student of Prof. Anderson's ‘ National Inalltum of oecull power*. Mr«. Ward. It I* underatood. will short ly give, at her residence. No. 629 Kill* street, demonalration* of her ability as a mind render and hypnotist, to which she will bn glad to hnve anyone nter ested In the occult attend. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, tllcers. Bull Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Sklri Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to I give perfect satisfaction nr money re minded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR I SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. HORNETS CAUSE A LAWSUIT. They Also Came Near Causing Sev eral Deaths Louisville, K.v., Aug. 25. Hornets have not only stopped work on a new church, hut are llltely to cause a law suit between the members of the church ami Contractor (leorge Lynch. Lynch contracted to tujlld the spire, hut lri tearing down (he old one a nest of hor nets was found. The little Inserts rout ed the workmen, several of whom had narrow escapes from death by falling to the ground when stung. Bulphur end fire were tried, hut after the steeple had been set on fire once and the flames barely extinguished this plan Uvas abandoned. Lynch wants to finish | the work, but says he cannot tackle ; the hornets. The church people are getting very impatient, and threaten to sue him. The Rand-McNally new Standard War Atlas is the best publication of the kind we have ever seen. The colored maps are double the size of any others published, and clearly printed on heavy I aper. Each one has a marginal index and a page Is devoted to the flags of all nations. This alias Is timely nnd useful. It Is not for Sale at the stores. J The Herald has arranged for a special | edition. Readers may obtain a copy by calling at our office or sending 30 ! certs. AUTUMN LEAVES V» a WILL AUOfi HU MKOMHMO FrtMTY (hdt trww* SurpnhdKi «m droppine Ov#r our Cudhirw Dai>4Mmtni. Tho Mnh wO t*o nchor for lho hav**. You «v>N bo nchor for tho monoy novo* by our SUMMtiR SALE V OP. Men’s and Boys’ Suits flfjj “ftt 4|, b#. iftwi lift ft® W—4—4 —l —lft Wt 4—44 ft |#OdVWNh4., ft* ftft , M m4H rthtifiif 4ft f — il—i wr*f* ftli ##4 ftftft.ftft Miift# if wo—i# ftH—4 ftftl— _ ... m**w ||| r f 4# 4 4te< t fftot I #*! ##Hf •» hWWO Of— #—ii- tir * itv— tittr iww »I— ift—> iftli wo#* ft# ftw ftl* ft®l **- #44 fw—o ftMt o4**o. #>ww ftt —■ A4I mrr fnarff ww—Vtoft #w——o —4 tl#—9 ###W» IMM •—o ftft® 4ft ft** #* 414 414.4 ft V# ft* «ft. M n. rt All Wolf #*— ft—fW’ CftMft ftftM— wolf 4—4- I** 44 m J. B. WRITE & CO.. C!oilii&£ Depamnent. ■[ till Ntfik’ AWfifi—- 11 : . W trail. AM x VWiN hah MfoAti hfifiiirf, » 11 Tho labt, but ono of our toml-onnuol ChhUonyo < Sfilcs Will bo crownod with an array of » u c h , j aa any htoro may bo proud of. Somo o 1 tho Spoc «iI valutew am the rosult* of our own efforts carofully ptnn«d for tho occasion many woo kb aeo. Oth*r*. wo . are frank to <;onfo»?«. oro rothor acckfontal. moroly attributabio to our ability to toko quick advontoyoof tho *n*»xi>octod turns tho markot; toko in all it ia a wonderful collection of choice Shoo* that! will be sold at our new fftoro thi* week for v $1.99 s j Fifteen different style* In Ladios’ Low ond High Shook and eight different stylo* of Men'*. These ore Ronuine bargains purchased by our Mr. i Gouley while In the East. ' Agents for Hanan &, Son. Stacy Adams A Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH'S CRYSTAL PALACE tomm y/ BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809BroadStreet. _____ .. * —* 71 “ ~ . *,i~he«t «ttl*f«ptlon ana a saving of moMr, Just If you want twothin,..the highest W( _ furnlih rl(fcrß with bicycle., »"*■«. 11. your .... Chan, 0 .0 ji “ x i ihum ni ,thine on the market to compare with the Keiael *" m.OO. second hand ncvelande, Kambter. Crescent*. S.-rns, Victors, »*«£_«.^om condition, and we let them go at any oiq pnu 111 ■* a^AvriAttn thine were Riven to ud by people who wanted to ride the (STANDARD WHEEL or THE WORLD, und only sold in Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD &.CO. Bicycle Department. —g— : THE PHILIPPINE INSURGENTS They State the Terms on Which 1 hey Will Lay Down Their Arms. Manila, Aug. 25. At a conference yesterday between insurgents and Americans, the former declared em phatically that they were willing to co-operate with the Americans and surrender their arms promp ly if as sured the islands would remain either an American or British colony, oi un der the protectorate of the United States or Great Britain. Otherwise, tho insurgent leaders asserted that they dare not disarm, but posi tively refuse. They threaten fresh re 'fsHlon within a month if the Ameri cans withdraw. auouat as Is aow fuentag. Haoi of aur pta basalt** am flak gam* aad dtaaa* aato Oa* might aa wan ot«*mpt lo pomrt th* rainbow, a* to Saoertb* aU tbrtn good guaJlltno. Tb* war Itoy am saff ian ta • mutton to thooo who Irtoaff yurcboM whoa they two bo bad to* -gating *omo oomotlmo “ Beltoe pur rhaa* wheo tbay can bo hod for such low prtcao *• wo am oflaring thorn. Ao for glaaowore, crockoey, lampg tec., tlm# and language fail ua lo toU of tho woodam that w* soli Dou’t foe ot that our aam price# wIU kaop row cool. Ramamber th# plaoo ATHENS NEWS NOTES. Many interesting Items From the Classic City. Athens, Oa., Aug. 25. Rev. M. H. Dillard, pastor of Oconee Street church, continues in feeble health. Af ter preaching for nine minutes Sunday he was forced to close Ihe services. Mr. Skalowski, the pawnbroker, was fined yesterday S2OO on the charge of conducting business without a license. The burglars are again getting in their work. Three residences have been entered into during the last two nights. Judge Jos. R. Lyle, has deci ded to make,the race for alderman from the Second ward.